GISS ModelE User Guide

This document provides basic instructions on how to use GISS ModelE GCM, including getting the model code, configuring the model, running model simulations and obtaining information from model diagnostics. For more detailed description of the model you may refer to Model Description document.

Table of contents

  1. Getting the code and configuring the model
    1. System requirements
    2. Getting the code form GISS repository
    3. Configuring modelE on your machine
  2. Quick start
    1. Creating a rundeck
    2. Downloading necessary input files
    3. Compiling the model and setting up a directory for model run
    4. Running the model
    5. Looking at model output
  3. ModelE rundeck
    1. General rundeck structure
    2. Major rundeck parameters
    3. Input files
    4. Date and time
    5. Choosing proper ISTART
  4. Setting up a particular modelE simulation
    1. Setting up a Q-flux model with a single ocean layer
    2. Setting up a Q-flux model with diffusion into a deep ocean
    3. Setting up a paleoclimate simulation
    4. Using IRANDI to create an ensemble of runs
    5. Altering the topography file consistently
    6. Altering the land mask
    7. Altering trace gas amounts
  5. Running the model
    1. Starting, stopping and restarting the model run
    2. Tuning model energy balance??
    3. Controlling numerical instabilities with rundeck parameters
  6. Getting information from the diagnostics
    1. Looking at the output
    2. Changing what is included in the printout
    3. Producing daily/monthly or seasonal diagnostics
    4. Controlling the format of the binary output (i.e. GISS/netcdf/hdf etc.)
    5. Calculating a model score
  7. Modifying modelE code
    1. ModelE coding standards
    2. Adding information for automatic documentation
    3. Introducing a new rundeck parameter
    4. Adding new diagnostics
    5. Reading an external file
    6. Adding a new variable to the restart file
  8. Testing and debugging your changes to the code
    1. Testing modeE reproducibility
    2. Running the model with "traps"
    3. Running the model in debugger
  9. Tracers
    1. Tracer Preprocessor Options
    2. Tracer Rundeck Parameters
  10. Getting help?
  11. Appendix
    1. Installing NetCDF library in your computer