Creating a rundeck

Each modelE run is completely described by a configuration file which we call a "rundeck".

A rundeck can be created by copying an existing rundeck to a file with a different name and then modifying it. One can also create a typical rundeck for a particular configuration from one of the provided templates (files modelE/templates/*.R). To create a rundeck from a template just execute

    make rundeck RUN=<RunID> RUNSRC=<Template>
where <RunID> is the name of the new rundeck and <Template> is the name of a template (both without .R).

When rundeck is created a copy of it is saved for permanent storage in "decks repository" under ModelE_Support. This is done so that one could always find the rundeck used for a particular production simulation even long time after this simulation was done. As a result the system will not allow you to create a rundeck with the name which is already present in the repository. If you don't need this stored rundeck and want to overwrite it with a new one just specify OVERWRITE=YES on command line, i.e.

    make rundeck RUN=<RunID> RUNSRC=<Template> OVERWRITE=YES

See next chapter for a detailed description of modelE rundeck.