Major rundeck parameters

A number of parameters are critical in setting up a simulation via the rundeck. These include:

Definition of the year(s) to be simulated

In order to select which year to simulate, the variable master_yr must be defined in the rundeck. The model will not run without it. This variable can equal to a) the numerical year of simulation, e.g. master_yr=1850 where the year in question will be repeated for every simulation year, or b) master_yr=0 where the model will perform a transient simulation, starting from the year defined by the variable YEARI in the rundeck and ending at the year defined by YEARE. The year currently being simulated in the model code can be accessed via the variable JYEAR.

One can run a simulation with mixed year configurations. When this is the case, master_yr defines the basic configuration, and several other variables declare the deviations from the master_yr setting. Similar with the master_yr case, they can either take the numeric value of a specific year that will be repeated every year, or the value zero, meaning a transient simulation. These are:

In addition to the year definition, three parameters have also day-of-year definitions. These are the solar constant (s0_day), greenhouse gases (ghg_day) and stratospheric volcanic aerosols (volc_day). These can be explicitly defined from the rundeck, or not. When not defined, they take their default value defined in the model's code (182 - the middle of the year) or zero when their corresponding _yr value is zero.

Please be aware that this process is NOT smart enough to alter the input files provided by the used via the rundeck. One should take additional care in providing to the model the appropriate input files for the desired simulation (e.g. SST, sea ice, emissions, etc.) via the rundeck.

Consider the following example case:

Here the model will perform a transient simulation from the year YEARI to the year YEARE by using constant aerosol and O3 precursor emissions from the year 1850, and non-interannually varying orbital parameters from the year 2000. Note that stratospheric volcanic aerosols will be transient, since volc_yr is not defined, thus it defaults to volc_yr=master_yr=0.