IndexRundeck: P1SoM40Created: Sat Apr 27 03:30:18 EDT 2024

List of All Variables

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
a : real*8
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

a : used from ocfunc
Subroutine: alphagsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f
Initial Value = >agsp
a : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: check1. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
real array
a : real*8
Subroutine: checkflux. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

a : real*8
Subroutine: checkfluxo. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

a : real*8
Subroutine: compute. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

a : real*8
Subroutine: compute2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

a : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_r. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

a : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

a : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Subroutine: diffuse_moms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

a : real*8, intent(out), dimension(0:KM/2)
Subroutine: fft. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f
fourier coeffs. (cos)
a : real*8, intent(out), dimension(0:KM/2)
Subroutine: fft2. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f

a : real*8, intent(in), dimension(0:KM/2)
Subroutine: ffti. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f
fourier coeffs. (cos)
a : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

a : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

a : real*8, dimension(*)
Subroutine: hntr8. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

a : real*8, dimension(htype%ima, htype%bpack%jband_strt:htype%bpack%jband_stop)
Subroutine: hntr8_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

a : real*8, dimension(:, :, htype%bpack%jband_strt:)
Subroutine: hntr8_band_lij. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

a : real*8, dimension(*)
Subroutine: hntr8p. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

a : real*8, dimension(htype%ima, htype%bpack%jband_strt:htype%bpack%jband_stop)
Subroutine: hntr8p_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

a : real*8
Subroutine: locatex. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

a : complex*16, dimension(12)
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

a : real*8, dimension(IM)
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

a : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

a : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

a : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

a : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

a : real*8, intent(out), dimension(0:KM/2)
Subroutine: offt. Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

a : real*8, dimension(0:KM/2)
Subroutine: offte. Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

a : real*8, intent(in), dimension(0:KM/2)
Subroutine: offti. Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

a : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: ovdiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

a : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: ovdiffs. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

a : real*8, dimension(nlt)
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

a : real*8, dimension(nvec)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

a : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

a : real*8
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

a : real*8
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

a : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: swap. Module: ZENITH_MOD. File: Zenith.F90

a : real*8
Subroutine: threeptquadinterpolation. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

a : real*8
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

a0 : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

a0 : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

a0 : real*8
Subroutine: init. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

a01 : real*8
Subroutine: tfrez. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
Initial Value = -.0575d0
a01 : real*8
Subroutine: tfrezs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f
Initial Value = -.0575d0
a02 : real*8
Subroutine: tfrez. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
Initial Value = -2.154996d-4
a02 : real*8
Subroutine: tfrezs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f
Initial Value = -2.154996D-4
a03 : real*8
Subroutine: tfrez. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
Initial Value = 1.710523d-3
a03 : real*8
Subroutine: tfrezs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f
Initial Value = 1.710523D-3
a0_agg_cold : real(realk), parameter
Subroutine: set_cloud_field. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90
Initial Value = 7.5094588E-04_RealK
a0_agg_warm : real(realk), parameter
Subroutine: set_cloud_field. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90
Initial Value = 1.3505403E-04_RealK
a1 : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

a1 : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

a1 : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

a1 : real*8
Subroutine: init. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

a1 : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

a1 : real*8
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

a1bya2 : real*8
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

a2 : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

a2 : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

a2 : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

a2 : real*8
Subroutine: init. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

a2 : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

a2 : real*8
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

a3 : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

a3 : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

a3 : real*8
Subroutine: init. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

a3 : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

a6jday : real*8, dimension(:, :, :, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = > null()
a6jday : real*8, pointer, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Subroutine: updateaerosol. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

a6jday : real*8, pointer, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f
optical depth for 6 aerosol types
a6streams : type(timestream), dimension(6)
Global variable . Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f
interface for reading and time-interpolating AERO files
aa : real*8
Subroutine: ccoeff0. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

aa : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_r. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

aa : real*8
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

aa : real*8
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

aa : real*8
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aa : real*8
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

aa : real*8, dimension(hntrp_a2o%ima, hntrp_a2o%bpack%j_strt_halo:hntrp_a2o%bpack%j_stop_halo), intent(in)
Subroutine: int_ag2og_2da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aa : real*8, dimension(nt, hntrp_a2o%ima, hntrp_a2o%bpack%j_strt_halo:hntrp_a2o%bpack%j_stop_halo), intent(in)
Subroutine: int_ag2og_3da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aa : real*8, dimension(hntrp_o2a%imb, hntrp_o2a%j1b_halo:hntrp_o2a%jnb_halo), intent(out)
Subroutine: int_og2ag_2da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aa : real*8, dimension(nt, hntrp_o2a%imb, hntrp_o2a%j1b_halo:hntrp_o2a%jnb_halo), intent(out)
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aa : real*8, dimension(hntrp_o2a%imb, hntrp_o2a%j1b_halo:hntrp_o2a%jnb_halo, an), intent(out)
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3db_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aa : real*8
Subroutine: level2. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

aa : complex*16, dimension(11)
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aa1 : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

aa1 : real*8
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

aa2 : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

aa2 : real*8
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

aa2d : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: int_ag2og_3da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aa2d : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aa3 : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

aa3 : real*8
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

aa4 : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

aa4 : real*8
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

aa5 : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

aa5 : real*8
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

aa6 : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

aa6 : real*8
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

aa9 : real*8
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

aa_band : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: int_ag2og_2da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aa_band : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: int_ag2og_3da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aaa : real*8
Subroutine: form. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

aaa : real*8
Subroutine: plast. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

aadvq : used from tracer_adv
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

aadvq0 : used from tracer_adv
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

aalbveg : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f
vegetation albedo, eventually should be moved to a
aalbveg : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aalbveg0 : real*8
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

abc : real*8
Subroutine: setbak. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

abcd : real*8
Subroutine: setbak. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

abeta : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

abetab : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

abetad : used from sle001
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

abetad : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

abetap : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

abetat : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

abetav : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

abint : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

abint : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

abstractcalendar : used from abstractcalendar_mod
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

abstractorbit : used from abstractorbit_mod
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

abstractorbit : used from abstractorbit_mod
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f

abstractorbit : used from abstractorbit_mod
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

abstractorbit : used from abstractorbit_mod
Subroutine: initializemodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

ac : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

ac1lmin : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
minimum ice thickness for lake ice (kg/m^2)
Initial Value = 0.1
ac2lmin : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
minimum ice thickness for lake ice (kg/m^2)
Initial Value = 0.1
ac2oim : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
min. ice mass 2nd layer (kg/m^2) (if > 0)
Initial Value = Z2OIM*RHOI
ac2oim : used from seaice
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ac2oim : used from seaice
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ac2oim : used from seaice
Subroutine: set_noice_defaults. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ac2oim : used from seaice
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

acc : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_aj. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
value of the diagnostic to be accumulated
acc : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_ajl. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
increment of the diagnostic being accumulated
acc : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_ajl2. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
increment of the diagnostic being accumulated
acc : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_areg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
value of the diagnostic to be accumulated
acc : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_asjl. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
increment of the diagnostic being accumulated
acc : integer, dimension(nlev, ncol)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

acc_period : character*12, character(len=:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

acc_period : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

acc_period : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

acc_period : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

acc_period : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

acc_period : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

acc_period : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

acc_period : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

acc_period : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

acc_period : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

acc_period : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

acc_period : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

acc_period : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

acc_period : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

acc_period : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

acc_period : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

acc_period : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

acc_period : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

acccldw : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

acclwcrf : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

accpda : real*8
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f
total accumulation per year for Antarctica (kg/yr)
accpda : used from landice
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

accpda : used from landice
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

accpdg : real*8
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f
total accumulation per year for Greenland (kg/yr)
accpdg : used from landice
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

accpdg : used from landice
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

accsubdd : used from subdaily
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

accswcrf : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

accumulationperiod : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

ace1 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ace1i : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
ice mass first layer (kg/m^2)
Initial Value = Z1I*RHOI
ace1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ace1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ace1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

ace1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: calc_apress. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ace1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ace1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: conserv_lmsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ace1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: conserv_omsi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ace1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ace1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ace1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ace1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ace1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ace1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ace1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ace1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ace1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ace1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: seaice_to_atmgrid. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ace1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: set_noice_defaults. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ace1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ace1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ace1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ace1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

ace1li : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f
first layer land ice mass (kg/m^2)
Initial Value = Z1E*RHOI
ace1li : used from landice
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ace1li : used from landice
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ace1li : used from landice
Subroutine: conserv_mli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ace1li : used from landice
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ace1li : used from landice
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ace1li : used from landice
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ace1li : used from landice
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ace1li : used from landice
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ace1li : used from landice
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

ace2 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ace2av : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ace2li : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f
second layer land ice mass (kg/m^2)
Initial Value = Z2LI*RHOI
ace2li : used from landice
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ace2li : used from landice
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ace2li : used from landice
Subroutine: conserv_mli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ace2li : used from landice
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ace2li : used from landice
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ace2li : used from landice
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ace2li : used from landice
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ace2li : used from landice
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ace2li : used from landice
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

ace_l : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

acef1 : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

acef2 : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

acefi : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
ice mass formed in ocean for ice covered fraction (kg/m^2)
acefi : real*8
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

acefi : real*8
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

acefi : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

acefo : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
ice mass formed in ocean for open water fraction (kg/m^2)
acefo : real*8
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

acefo : real*8
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

acefo : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

acel : real*8
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

achl : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :), save
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
arrays for the reading in chlorophyll
aclab : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

acm : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

acna : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

acnc : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

acolx : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

acor : real*8, public
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

acor : used from geom
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

acor : real*8
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

acor : used from geom
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

acor2 : real*8, public
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

acor2 : used from geom
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

acoru : real*8
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

acosi : real*8, dimension(hntrp_a2o%ima)
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

adate : type(accumulationperiod), intent(out)
Subroutine: aperiod. Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
date string: MONyyr1(-yyr2)
adate : character(len=16)
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

adate : character
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

adate : character*14, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

adate : character*14, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

adate : character*14, intent(in)
Subroutine: reset_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

adate_sv : character*14, private
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

add_sol : real*8
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f
is [S00WM2(now)-1/2(S00WM2min+S00WM2max)]/
addhalo : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: countindomain. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

addhalo : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: getoffset. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

addhalo : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: getoffsets. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

addice : used from seaice
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

addtimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: initializedefaulttimers. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

aden : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aden : complex*16
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aden : real*8, dimension(jm+3, lm+lm_req+1)
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

adenom : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

adiurn : real*8, dimension(ndiuvar, ndiupt, hr_in_day), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
diurnal diagnostics (24 hour cycles at selected points)
adiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = >adiurn_loc
adiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

adiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

adiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

adiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = >adiurn_loc
adiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f
Initial Value = >adiurn_loc
adiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f
Initial Value = >adiurn_loc
adiurn_dust : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
flag to switch on/off intra daily diagnostics for dust
Initial Value = 0
adiurn_dust : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

adiurn_dust : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

adiurn_loc : real*8, dimension(ndiuvar, ndiupt, hr_in_day), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

adiurn_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

adjust_zslope_using_flux : logical
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

adm : used from dynamics
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = >SPA
admu : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

admv : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

adn : real*8, real*8
Subroutine: vntrp1. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

adt : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
rho*alpha*DT (kg/m^3)
adum : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

advanc : used from socpbl
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

advecv : used from moments
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

advnc : used from sle001
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

adxyp : real*8, public, dimension(im, jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

adxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: keyij2. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aeirrig : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aepb : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aepc : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aepp : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aer_component : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: getdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

aer_component : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_aer. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

aer_component : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

aer_component : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

aer_frac_sulph : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: getdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

aer_frac_sulph : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

aer_frac_sulph : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

aer_mass_div_dens : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: getdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

aer_mass_div_dens : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

aer_mass_div_dens : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

aer_rad_forc : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
= 1 for calculation of aerosol radiative forcing
Initial Value = 0
aer_rad_forc : used from rad_com
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aer_rad_forc : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

aer_rad_forc : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

aer_radius_eff_dry : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: getdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

aer_radius_eff_dry : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_aer. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

aer_radius_eff_dry : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

aer_radius_eff_dry : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

aer_scaling_diag : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

aer_scaling_lw : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: getdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

aer_scaling_lw : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

aer_scaling_lw : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

aer_scaling_sw : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: getdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

aer_scaling_sw : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

aer_scaling_sw : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

aerarr : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

aermas : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

aermix : real*8, dimension(13)
Global variable . Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f
Initial Value = (/ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.5, 2.5, 1.9, 1.0, 1.0, 2.5, 1.9, 2.5, 1.9/)
aermix : used from aerparam_mod
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

aernames : character(len=3), dimension(6), parameter
Global variable . Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f
Initial Value = (/ 'SUL', 'SSA', 'NIT', 'OCA', 'BCA', 'BCB' /)
aero_yr : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
obs.year of troposph.Aerosols (if 0: use current yr)
Initial Value = 1951
aero_yr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

aertyp : character*8, dimension(4)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

aeruns : used from sle001
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aeruns : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aerunu : used from sle001
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aerunu : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aesqcb : real*8, dimension(lx, 6, itrmax)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
saves aerosol scattering asymmetry factor
aesqcb : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

aesqex : real*8, dimension(lx, 6, itrmax)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
saves extinction aerosol optical thickness
aesqex : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

aesqsc : real*8, dimension(lx, 6, itrmax)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
saves scattering aerosol optical thickness
aesqsc : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

aevap : used from sle001
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aevap : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aevapb : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aevapbs : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aevapd : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aevapvs : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aevapw : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aexpz : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

aexpz_sum : real*8
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

aezx : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

aezy : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

af : real*8
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

af : real*8
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

af0dt : used from sle001
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

af1dt : used from sle001
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

afact : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

afc : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

aflmlt : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aflux_topo_adjustments : logical
Global variable . Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
whether to adjust uphill air mass fluxes
Initial Value = .true.
aflx_st : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

aflx_st : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

aflx_st : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

afocean : real*8, dimension(hntrp_a2o%ima, hntrp_a2o%bpack%j_strt_halo:hntrp_a2o%bpack%j_stop_halo), intent(in)
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

afocean : real*8, dimension(hntrp_o2a%imb, hntrp_o2a%j1b_halo:hntrp_o2a%jnb_halo), intent(in)
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

after_atm_phase1 : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f
flags to pass to
Initial Value = 0
after_atm_phase1 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

after_atm_phase1 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

after_atm_phase1 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ag : real*8
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ag0 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

agc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
latitude-height General Circulation diagnostics
agc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: alloc_gc_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

agc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >agc_ioptr
agc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f
Initial Value = >agc_loc
agc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

agc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

agc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag_scatter. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

agc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f
Initial Value = >agc_loc
agc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f
Initial Value = >agc_out
agc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

agc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = >agc_out
agc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >agc_ioptr
agc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = >agc_loc
agc_in : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f
Initial Value = >agc
agc_ioptr : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), public, pointer
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

agc_loc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

agc_loc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: alloc_gc_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

agc_loc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

agc_loc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag_scatter. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

agc_out : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

agc_out : used from gc_com
Subroutine: alloc_gc_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

agesn : real*8, dimension(3)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
1-3 age of snow (over soil,oice,land ice) (days)
agesn : real*8, dimension(3)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

agesn : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

agexpf : real*8, dimension(3, 2)
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
exponent in snowage calculation depends on hemi/surf type
Initial Value = RESHAPE( (/ 0.2d0, 0.2d0, 0.2d0, 0.2d0, 0.2d0, 0.2d0 /), (/3,2/) )
agexpf : real*8, dimension(3, 2)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

agexpf_out : real*8, intent(out), dimension(3, 2)
Subroutine: get_albedo_data. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

aglob : real*8
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aglob : real*8
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

agoldh : real*8, dimension(11, 5)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = reshape( (/ .005, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .020, .010, .010, .005, .0, .010, .0, .0, .005, .0, .0, .0, .0, .020, .005, .0, .010, .010, .0, .0, .015, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .020, .010, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .010, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .005/ ),(/11,5/) )
agpp : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

agsidv : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
K-band dependent Thermal radiation for other types
agsidv : used from surf_albedo
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

agsp : real*8, dimension(-2:40, 0:40, 0:39)
Global variable . Module: OCFUNC. File: OCNFUNTAB.f
thermal expansion coefficient (kg/m**3/C)
agsp : used from ocfunc
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ah : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

ah1 : real(r8), dimension(N_Az)
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f
: used to compute components of velocity in azimuthal directions
ah1 : used from unrdrag_com
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ah2 : real(r8), dimension(N_Az)
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f
: used to compute components of velocity in azimuthal directions
ah2 : used from unrdrag_com
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ahem : real*8
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ahem : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aheml : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ahmzoi : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

ai0 :
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f
Cmponents of GM mixing coeff = F(isopycnal slopes)
ai1 :
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f
Cmponents of GM mixing coeff = F(isopycnal slopes)
ai2 :
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f
Cmponents of GM mixing coeff = F(isopycnal slopes)
ai3 :
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f
Cmponents of GM mixing coeff = F(isopycnal slopes)
ai_0 : integer
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ai_0 : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ai_0h : integer
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ai_0h : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ai_0h : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ai_1 : integer
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ai_1 : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ai_1h : integer
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ai_1h : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ai_1h : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

aiearth : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

aiearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aiearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aiearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

aiearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aiearth : real*8
Subroutine: old_gic_2_modele. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aiearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

aij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
latitude/longitude diagnostics
aij : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
a pointer to modelE diag accumulation arrays
aij : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = >aij_loc
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f
Initial Value = > aij_loc
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = > AIJ_loc
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: compute_mass_flux_diags. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = > AIJ_loc
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
Initial Value = >aij_loc
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = >aij_loc
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = >aij_loc
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = >AIJ_LOC
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: dealloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >aij_loc
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = >aij_loc
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = >aij_loc
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = >aij_loc
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_scatter. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = >aij_loc
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f
Initial Value = >aij_loc
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aij : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = >aij_loc
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = >aij_loc
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = >aij_loc
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >aij_loc
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = >aij_loc
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = >aij_loc
aij : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = >AIJ_LOC
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = >aij_loc
aij : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f
Initial Value = >aij_loc
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f
Initial Value = >aij_loc
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f
Initial Value = >aij_loc
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f
Initial Value = >aij_loc
aij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag_post_precip_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f
Initial Value = >aij_loc
aij_loc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

aij_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

aij_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aij_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_scatter. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aij_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

aijk : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
lat/lon constant pressure diagnostics
aijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

aijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aijk. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f
Initial Value = > aijk_loc
aijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: dealloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

aijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >aijk_loc
aijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_scatter. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f
Initial Value = >aijk_loc
aijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >aijk_loc
aijk_loc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

aijk_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

aijk_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aijk_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_scatter. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aijl : real*8, dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
3D accumulations for longitude/latitude/level diagnostics
aijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

aijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = >aijl_loc
aijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: dealloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

aijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >aijl_loc
aijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = >aijl_loc
aijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >aijl_loc
aijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = >aijl_loc
aijl1 : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, jm, lm)
Subroutine: scale_ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aijl2 : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, jm, lm)
Subroutine: scale_ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aijl_loc : real*8, dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

aijl_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

aijmm : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

aijmm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

aijmm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

aijmm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

aijmm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

aijmm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

aim : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

aim : integer
Subroutine: int_ag2og_2da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aim : integer
Subroutine: int_ag2og_3da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aim : integer
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aim : integer
Subroutine: int_og2ag_2da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aim : integer
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aim : integer
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3db_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aim : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

aim : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ain : type(atmsrf_xchng_vars), pointer
Subroutine: loadbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

ain : type(atmsrf_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: setbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

ain : real*8, dimension(0:KM), real*8, intent(in), dimension(0:KM)
Subroutine: vntrp1. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

aintercep : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ainv : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f
Calculated Isopycnal thickness diffusion (m^2/s)
ainv_glob : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

aipp : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

airm : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
the layer's pressure depth (mb)
airm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_precip_phase. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
air mass
airm0 : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
scaling factor for computing rain evaporation
Initial Value = 100.d0
airm0 : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
air mass used to compute convective cloud cover
Initial Value = 100.d0
airmr : real*8
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

airmx :
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
*AREA convective mass flux (kg/s)
airrig : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

airx : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
*AREA convective mass flux (kg/s)
airxl : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
is convective mass flux (mb)
aisccp : real*8, public, dimension(ntau, npres, nisccp)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
accumlated array of ISCCP histogram
aisccp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
Initial Value = >aisccp_loc
aisccp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

aisccp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aisccp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

aisccp_loc : real*8, public, dimension(ntau, npres, nisccp)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

aisccp_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

aix0 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

aix0st : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

aix1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

aix1st : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

aix2 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

aix2st : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

aix3 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

aix3st : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

aiy0 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

aiy0st : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

aiy1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

aiy1st : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

aiy2 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

aiy2st : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

aiy3 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

aiy3st : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

aj : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
zonal budget diagnostics for each surface type
aj : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

aj : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >aj_ioptr
aj : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aj : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_scatter. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aj : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = >aj_out
aj : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

aj : used from diag_com
Subroutine: inc_aj. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >aj_loc
aj : used from diag_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >aj_ioptr
aj : used from diag_com
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = >aj_loc
aj_0 : integer
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

aj_0 : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

aj_0 : integer
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aj_0 : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

aj_0h : integer
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

aj_0h : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

aj_0h : integer
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aj_0h : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

aj_0h : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

aj_0s : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

aj_1 : integer
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

aj_1 : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

aj_1 : integer
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aj_1 : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

aj_1h : integer
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

aj_1h : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

aj_1h : integer
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aj_1h : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

aj_1h : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

aj_1s : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

aj_alb_inds : integer, dimension(8)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

aj_ioptr : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), public, pointer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

aj_loc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

aj_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

aj_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aj_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_scatter. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aj_out : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

aj_out : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

aj_out : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ajl : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
latitude/height diagnostics
ajl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ajl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ajl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ajl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_scatter. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ajl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ajl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ajl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: inc_ajl. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >ajl_loc
ajl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: inc_ajl2. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >ajl_loc
ajl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ajl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ajl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = >ajl_loc
ajl_loc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ajl_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ajl_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ajl_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_scatter. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ajm : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ajm : integer
Subroutine: int_ag2og_2da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

ajm : integer
Subroutine: int_ag2og_3da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

ajm : integer
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

ajm : integer
Subroutine: int_og2ag_2da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

ajm : integer
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

ajm : integer
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3db_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

ajm : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

akap : real*8
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

akhfac : used from oceanres
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

akhmin : used from oceanres
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

akvc : real*8, dimension(0:LMO+1)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

akvc : real*8, dimension(0:lmo+1)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

akvc3d : real*8, dimension(0:lmo, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

akvg : real*8, dimension(0:LMO+1)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

akvg : real*8, dimension(0:lmo+1)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

akvg3d : real*8, dimension(0:lmo, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

akvm : real*8, dimension(0:LMO+1)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

akvm : real*8, dimension(0:lmo+1)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

akvs : real*8, dimension(0:LMO+1)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

akvs : real*8, dimension(0:lmo+1)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

akvs3d : real*8, dimension(0:lmo, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

alai : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

alam : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

alamdh : real*8
Subroutine: icelake_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

alamdh : real*8
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

alamds : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
salinity/temp coefficient for conductivity (J/(m*s)/psu)
Initial Value = 0.09d0
alamdt : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
temp coefficient for conductivity (J/(m*s)/degC^2)
Initial Value = -0.011d0
alami : used from seaice
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

alami : used from seaice
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

alami : used from seaice
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

alami0 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
lambda coefficient for ice/snow J/(m*degC*sec)
Initial Value = 2.11d0
alami0 : used from seaice
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

alami0 : used from seaice
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

alams : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
lambda coefficient for ice/snow J/(m*degC*sec)
Initial Value = 0.35d0
alat1 : real*8
Subroutine: boxav. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

alat2 : real*8
Subroutine: boxav. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

alatj : real*8
Subroutine: boxav. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

alb : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :), target
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
alb : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

alb : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

alb_rad_band : real(realk), intent(out), dimension(sp%basic%n_band)
Subroutine: get_surf_alb. Module: NONE. File: planet_alb.F90

alb_rad_band : real(realk), intent(out), dimension(n_rad_band)
Subroutine: upd_surf_alb. Module: NONE. File: planet_alb.F90

albdif : real*8, dimension(3, 2)
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
difference in albedo as function of snowage
Initial Value = RESHAPE( (/ 0.35d0, 0.35d0, 0.35d0, 0.35d0, 0.35d0, 0.35d0/), (/3,2/) )
albdif : real*8, dimension(3, 2)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

albdif_out : real*8, intent(out), dimension(3, 2)
Subroutine: get_albedo_data. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

albedocld : real*8, dimension(npoints, ncol)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

albedodata : real*8, dimension(n_bands, n_covertypes, i0:i1, j0:j1)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

albedodata : real*8, dimension(n_bands, n_covertypes, i0:i1, j0:j1)
Subroutine: update_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

albnir : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

albnir : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

albsn_yr : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
year of blk carb depos used for snow alb. reduction
Initial Value = 1951
albsn_yr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

albsn_yr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

albvis : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

albvis : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

albvnd : real*8, parameter, dimension(NV, 4, 6)
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
veg alb by veg type, season and band
Initial Value = RESHAPE( (/ .500,.067,.089,.089,.078,.100,.067,.061,.089,.000,.200,.089, .500,.062,.100,.100,.073,.055,.067,.061,.100,.000,.200,.100, .500,.085,.091,.139,.085,.058,.083,.061,.091,.000,.200,.091, .500,.080,.090,.111,.064,.055,.061,.061,.090,.000,.200,.090, .500,.200,.267,.267,.233,.300,.200,.183,.267,.000,.200,.267, .500,.206,.350,.300,.241,.218,.200,.183,.350,.000,.200,.350, .500,.297,.364,.417,.297,.288,.250,.183,.364,.000,.200,.364, .500,.255,.315,.333,.204,.218,.183,.183,.315,.000,.200,.315, .500,.200,.267,.267,.233,.300,.200,.183,.267,.000,.200,.267, .500,.206,.350,.300,.241,.218,.200,.183,.350,.000,.200,.350, .500,.297,.364,.417,.297,.288,.250,.183,.364,.000,.200,.364, .500,.255,.315,.333,.204,.218,.183,.183,.315,.000,.200,.315, .500,.080,.107,.107,.093,.120,.080,.073,.107,.000,.200,.107, .500,.082,.140,.120,.096,.083,.080,.073,.140,.000,.200,.140, .500,.119,.145,.167,.119,.115,.100,.073,.145,.000,.200,.145, .500,.102,.126,.132,.081,.087,.073,.073,.126,.000,.200,.126, .500,.100,.133,.133,.116,.150,.100,.091,.133,.000,.200,.133, .500,.103,.175,.150,.120,.109,.100,.091,.175,.000,.200,.175, .500,.148,.182,.208,.148,.144,.125,.091,.182,.000,.200,.182, .500,.127,.157,.166,.102,.109,.091,.091,.157,.000,.200,.157, .500,.020,.027,.027,.023,.030,.020,.018,.027,.000,.200,.027, .500,.021,.035,.030,.024,.022,.020,.018,.035,.000,.200,.035, .500,.030,.036,.042,.030,.029,.025,.018,.036,.000,.200,.036, .500,.026,.032,.033,.020,.022,.018,.018,.032,.000,.200,.032 /),(/NV,4,6/) )
albvnh : real*8, dimension(NV, 6, 2)
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
hemispherically varying vegetation albedo
albvnh : used from surf_albedo
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aleafmass : real*8
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

alhg : used from sle001
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

alhg : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

alialb : real*8, parameter, dimension(7)
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
land ice albedo
Initial Value = (/.60d0,.55d0,.50d0,.30d0,.10d0,.05d0, .35d0/)
alij_tmp : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

alim : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

alim : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

all : logical, optional, intent(in)
Subroutine: globalsum_j. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

all : logical, optional, intent(in)
Subroutine: globalsum_jk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

all_vil : real*8, dimension(size_arr)
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

allglobaloffsets : integer, allocatable, dimension(:)
Subroutine: sparsecommunicator. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

alloc_icestate_type : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

alloc_icestate_type : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: alloc_seaice_com. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

alloc_odiff : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

alloc_pbl_args : used from socpbl
Global variable . Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

alloc_pbl_args : used from pbl_drv
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

alloc_pbl_args : used from pbl_drv
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

alloc_pbl_args : used from pbl_drv
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

alloc_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

alloc_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

alloc_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: alloc_ofluxes. Module: NONE. File: OFLUXES.f

alloc_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: alloc_seaice_com. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

allocate_aer : used from def_aer
Subroutine: set_aer. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

allocate_aer_prsc : used from def_aer
Subroutine: set_aer. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

allocate_atm : used from def_atm
Subroutine: set_atm. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

allocate_bound : used from def_bound
Subroutine: set_bound_lw. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

allocate_bound : used from def_bound
Subroutine: set_bound_sw. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

allocate_cld : used from def_cld
Subroutine: set_cld. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

allocate_cld_prsc : used from def_cld
Subroutine: set_cld. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

allocate_control : used from def_control
Subroutine: set_control_lw. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

allocate_control : used from def_control
Subroutine: set_control_sw. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

allocate_out : used from def_out
Subroutine: run_planet_rad. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

almp6 : real*8, dimension(6)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

aln2 : real(r8), parameter
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f
: ln(2.0)
Initial Value = 0.69314718055994529_r8
aln2 : used from unrdrag_com
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

alp2 : real(r8)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

alph : real*8
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

alpha : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
implicity for heat diffusion in sea ice (1=fully implicit)
Initial Value = 1.0
alpha : real*8
Subroutine: de_solver_main. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

alpha : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: getl1. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 0.2d0
alpha :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
alpha : used from seaice
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

alpha1 : real*8
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

alpha1 : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
dummy variables
alpha2 : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
dummy variables
alphadt : real*8, dimension(km)
Subroutine: ddmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

alphadt : real*8, dimension(km)
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
alpha * DT across interfaces (kg/m^3)
alphadt : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

alphadt : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

alphagsp : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

alphagsp : real*8
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

alphas : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
dummy variables
alphau :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
alsf6 : real*8, dimension(6)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

altstyle_coldstart : logical
Subroutine: read_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f
Initial Value = .false.
am :
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
(L) = MFIX(L) + MVAR*MFRAC(L) (kg/m^2)
am : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

am : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

am : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

am : real*8, dimension(IM)
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

am : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: conserv_am. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

am : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

am : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

am : real*8, dimension(IM)
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

am : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

am : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

am : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

am : real*8
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

am : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

am : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: xstep. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

am1 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

am1 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

am1_hpa : real*8
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

am1_hpa : real*8
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

am2 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

am2 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

am2 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: ZENITH_MOD. File: Zenith.F90

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_gc_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn_com. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: collect_scalars. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_orbit. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: dealloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diag_scatter. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diurn_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ent_read_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ent_read_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ent_write_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ent_write_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: gc_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: ijl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_atmdyn. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_model. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_sdrag. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_wspdf_mod. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: initializemodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: jl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: makeearthorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: makeorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: makeplanetorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: print_diags. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_PRT.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: reportprofile. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: reset_adiag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: reset_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: sjl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: wave_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

am_i_root : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

am_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

am_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

am_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

amass : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
ice mass (kg/m^2)
amass : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

amass : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

amass : used from icedyn
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

amean : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

amim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

amim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

amim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

aml : real*8, dimension(lmax)
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

aml : real*8
Subroutine: checkflux. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

aml : real*8
Subroutine: checkfluxo. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

aml : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

aml : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

aml00 : real*8, dimension(lm+lm_req)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
press (mb), mid-pressure (mb),
aml00 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

aml00 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

amn : character*4, intent(out)
Subroutine: getdte. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

amo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

amon : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon : character*4
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
(0:12) (3-4 letter) names for current,all months
Initial Value = 'none'
amon : character(len=len_month_abbreviation)
Subroutine: checkpointmodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

amon : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_cal. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

amon : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

amon : used from model_com
Subroutine: def_acc_meta. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

amon : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

amon : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon : character(len=len_month_abbreviation)
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

amon : used from model_com
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon : used from model_com
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon : used from model_com
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

amon : character(len=len_month_abbreviation)
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

amon : used from model_com
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon : used from model_com
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon : used from model_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon : used from model_com
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

amon0 : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon0 : character*4
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
(3-4 letter) name of first month of the current acc-period
Initial Value = 'none'
amon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: def_acc_meta. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

amon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

amon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

amon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

amon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: reset_mdiag. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

amon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

amonth : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

amonth : character*4, dimension(0:12)
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
(0:12) (3-4 letter) names for current,all months
Initial Value = (/'IC ', 'JAN ','FEB ','MAR ','APR ','MAY ','JUNE', 'JULY','AUG ','SEP ','OCT ','NOV ','DEC '/)
amonth : used from model_com
Subroutine: aperiod. Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

amonth : used from model_com
Subroutine: getdte. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

amonth : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

amp : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: calc_amp. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ampltd : real*8, dimension(jm, kgz+1, 4)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ampmin : real*8, dimension(6)
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
mininimal melt pond albedo
Initial Value = (/ .10d0, .05d0, .05d0, .050d0, .05d0, .03d0/)
amr : real*8
Subroutine: checkflux. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

amr : real*8
Subroutine: checkfluxo. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

amrhq : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

amrht : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

amsi : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:)
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

amtt : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

amu : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f
= Visbeck scheme scaling parameter (1)
Initial Value = 0.13d0
amuu : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

amuv : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

amvq : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

amvt : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

amvv : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

amw : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

amw : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

an : real*8
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

an : real*8
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

an : real*8
Subroutine: apply_limiter. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

an : real*8, dimension(0:imh)
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

an : real*8
Subroutine: dcdnc_est. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

an : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

an : real*8, dimension(0:imh)
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

an : real*8, dimension(0:imh)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

an : real*8
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

an : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3db_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

an : real*8, dimension(0:imh)
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

an : real*8
Subroutine: limitq. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

an : real*8
Subroutine: limitq_lin. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

an : real*8, dimension(0:IMz2)
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

an : real*8, dimension(0:IMz2)
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

an0 : real*8
Subroutine: dcdnc_est. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

an2 : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

an2 : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
brunt-vassala frequency
an2 : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
g_alpha*dtdz, brunt-vasala frequency
an2 : real*8
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

an2 : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

an2 : real*8
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Brunt-Vaisala frequency, grav/T*dTdz
an2 : real*8
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

an2 : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
an2 : real*8
Subroutine: level2. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

an2zan1 : real*8
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

anbcm2 : real*8, dimension(190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

anew : real*8
Subroutine: fft2. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f
dummy variable
anfoam : real*8
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
for ocean albedo calc
Initial Value = .1514d0
anfoam : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

anfoam_out : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_albedo_data. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

ang_mom : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
is the sum of angular momentun at layers LS1 to LM
ang_sdrag : integer
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
if =1: angular momentum lost by SDRAG is added in below PTOP
Initial Value = 1
ang_sdrag : used from dynamics
Subroutine: init_sdrag. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

ang_sdrag : used from dynamics
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ang_uv : integer
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= 1 to conserve ang mom in UVfilter
Initial Value = 1
ang_uv : used from dynamics
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

angle : real*8
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

angstr : real*8, dimension(190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

anhzoi : real*8
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
hemisph.Ice Albedo half-max depth (m) (orig.version)
Initial Value = .1d0
anm1 : real*8
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

anm1 : real*8
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

anm1 : real*8
Subroutine: apply_limiter. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

anm1 : real*8
Subroutine: limitq. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

anm1 : real*8
Subroutine: limitq_lin. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

anom : complex*16
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ans : real*8
Subroutine: get_wspdf. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

anscat : real*8
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
for ocean albedo calc
Initial Value = 0d0
anscat : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

anscat_out : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_albedo_data. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

anscum : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

anssdd : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

anstr : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

anum : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

anum : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

anum : real*8, dimension(jm+3, lm+lm_req+1)
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ao3 : real*8, dimension(460)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

aocean : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
K-band dependent Thermal radiation characteristics for ocn
aocean : used from surf_albedo
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

aoceane :
Subroutine: conserv_oce. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
zonal ocean potential enthalpy per band area (J/m^2)
aogeoz : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

aogeoz_sv : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

aoialb : real*8, parameter, dimension(7)
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
seaice albedo (original version)
Initial Value = (/.55d0,.50d0,.45d0,.25d0,.10d0,.05d0, .30d0/)
aoimax : real*8, dimension(6)
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
range for seaice albedo
Initial Value = (/ .62d0, .42d0, .30d0, .120d0, .05d0, .03d0/)
aoimin : real*8, dimension(6)
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
range for seaice albedo
Initial Value = (/ .05d0, .05d0, .05d0, .050d0, .05d0, .03d0/)
aomass :
Subroutine: conserv_oms. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
zonal ocean mass per whole latitude band area (kg/m^2)
aoremap_type : used from hntrp_mod
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
Initial Value = >hntrp_type
aout : type(atmsrf_xchng_vars), pointer
Subroutine: loadbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

aout : type(atmsrf_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: setbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

aout : real*8, dimension(LMA), real*8, intent(out), dimension(LMA)
Subroutine: vntrp1. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ape : real*8, dimension(imh+1, nspher)
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

aperiod : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

apress : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
total atmos + sea ice pressure (at base of sea ice) (Pa)
aptmp : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

aq :
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
time change rate of specific humidity (s**-1)
ar : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

arai :
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f
Scaling for Redi diffusion terms to GM diffusion term (1)
arauto : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

area : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
ice area (frac)
area : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

area : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

area : real*8
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

area_of_zone : real*8, dimension(:), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

area_of_zone : real*8, dimension(jm_budg), intent(in)
Subroutine: set_owtbudg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

area_part : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

area_part : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

areag : used from constant
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

areag : used from constant
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

areag : used from constant
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

areag : used from geom
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

areag : used from geom
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

areag : used from geom
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

areag : used from geom
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

areag : used from geom
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

areag : used from geom
Subroutine: gettotalenergy. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

areag : used from constant
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

areff : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: getmie. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

areff : real*8
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

areg : real*8, dimension(nreg, kaj), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
regional budget diagnostics
areg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >areg_ioptr
areg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = >areg_out
areg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

areg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: inc_areg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >areg_loc
areg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >areg_ioptr
areg_ioptr : real*8, dimension(:, :), public, pointer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

areg_loc : real*8, dimension(nreg, kaj), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

areg_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

areg_out : real*8, dimension(nreg, kaj), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

areg_out : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

arg : real*8
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

arg : character(len=max_len_arg)
Subroutine: read_options. Module: NONE. File: MODELE_DRV.f

arho : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

arhox : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

arhoy : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

arhoz : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

ariv : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f
Calculated Redi diffusion (m^2/s)
arqx : real*8, dimension(jm, lm_req)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

arqx : real*8, dimension(jm, lm_req)
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

arqx : real*8, dimension(jm, lm_req)
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

arr : real*8, dimension(nlat), intent(in)
Subroutine: boxav. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

arr : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: gather_ij. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: gather_ijx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:, :, :, :)
Subroutine: gather_ijxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: gather_pts. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: gather_ptsx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:, :, :, :)
Subroutine: gather_ptsxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: scatter_ij. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: scatter_ijx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(:, :, :, :)
Subroutine: scatter_ijxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: scatter_pts. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: scatter_ptsx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(:, :, :, :)
Subroutine: scatter_ptsxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: zonalmean_ij2ij. Module: ZONALMEAN_MOD. File: ATM_UTILS.f

arr12 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

arr_glob : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: gather_ij. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr_glob : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: gather_ijx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr_glob : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(:, :, :, :)
Subroutine: gather_ijxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr_glob : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: scatter_ij. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr_glob : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: scatter_ijx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr_glob : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:, :, :, :)
Subroutine: scatter_ijxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr_n : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

arr_n : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

arr_n : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

arr_pts : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(:)
Subroutine: gather_pts. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr_pts : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: gather_ptsx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr_pts : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: gather_ptsxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr_pts : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:)
Subroutine: scatter_pts. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr_pts : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: scatter_ptsx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr_pts : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: scatter_ptsxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arr_s : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

arr_s : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

arr_s : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

arr_zonal : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: zonalmean_ij2ij. Module: ZONALMEAN_MOD. File: ATM_UTILS.f

array : real*8, dimension(ent_io_maxbuf, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: copy_array_to_ent_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

array : real*8, intent(out), dimension(ent_io_maxbuf, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: copy_ent_state_to_array. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

arrdum : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: def_rsf_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

arrdum : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: def_rsf_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

arrdum : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: new_io_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

arrdum : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: new_io_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

arrrank : integer
Subroutine: gather_ij. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arrrank : integer
Subroutine: gather_ijx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arrrank : integer
Subroutine: gather_ijxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arrrank : integer
Subroutine: gather_pts. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arrrank : integer
Subroutine: gather_ptsx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arrrank : integer
Subroutine: gather_ptsxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arrrank : integer
Subroutine: scatter_ij. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arrrank : integer
Subroutine: scatter_ijx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arrrank : integer
Subroutine: scatter_ijxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arrrank : integer
Subroutine: scatter_pts. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arrrank : integer
Subroutine: scatter_ptsx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

arrrank : integer
Subroutine: scatter_ptsxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

aruns : used from sle001
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

aruns : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

arunu : used from sle001
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

arunu : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

as : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

as : real*8, dimension(lmo, nmst)
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

as0 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

as2 : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

as2 : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
shear number squared
as2 : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
as2 : real*8
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

as2 : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

as2 : real*8
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
shear squared, (dudz)**2+(dvdz)**2
as2 : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
as2 : real*8
Subroutine: level2. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

asdu : real*8, dimension(IM, GRID%J_STRT_SKP:GRID%J_STOP_HALO, LM-1)
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

asflx : type(atmsrf_xchng_vars), dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f
an array for looping over atmocns,atmices,atmglas,atmlnds
asflx : used from fluxes
Subroutine: alloc_pbl_com. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

asflx : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

asflx : used from fluxes
Subroutine: loadbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

asflx : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

asflx4 : type(atmsrf_xchng_vars), dimension(4)
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f
an array for looping over atmocn,atmice,atmgla,atmlnd
asflx4 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: atm_exports_phasesrf. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

asflx4 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: atm_phase1_exports. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

asflx4 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

asflx4 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

asflx4 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

asflx4 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

asflx4 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

asflx4 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ashg : used from sle001
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ashg : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ashzoi : real*8
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
hemisph.Ice Albedo half-max depth (m) (orig.version)
Initial Value = .1d0
asi : real*8
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

asini : real*8, dimension(hntrp_a2o%ima)
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

asjl : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
latitude/height supplementary diagnostics (merge with AJL?)
asjl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

asjl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

asjl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

asjl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_scatter. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

asjl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

asjl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

asjl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: inc_asjl. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >asjl_loc
asjl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

asjl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

asjl_loc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

asjl_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

asjl_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

asjl_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_scatter. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

asnage : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

asnalb : real*8, parameter, dimension(7)
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
snow albedo for old snow
Initial Value = (/.60d0,.55d0,.55d0,.30d0,.10d0,.05d0, .35d0/)
asndry : real*8, dimension(6)
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
wet,dry snow albedo over sea ice
Initial Value = (/ .90d0, .85d0, .65d0, .450d0, .10d0, .10d0/)
asnwet : real*8, dimension(6)
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
wet,dry snow albedo over sea ice
Initial Value = (/ .85d0, .75d0, .50d0, .175d0, .03d0, .01d0/)
asoilcpoolsum : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

asoilresp : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

astronomical_unit : used from constant
Global variable . Module: NONE. File:

asum : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: boxav. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

asum : real*8
Subroutine: boxav1. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

asum : real*8
Subroutine: boxav2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

asum : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

asum : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

asum : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

asum : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: keyjke. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

asum : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: keyjkn. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

asum : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: keyjkt. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

asum : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: keyvsums. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

asum : real*8, dimension(im), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
vertical mean/sum
asum : real*8, real*8
Subroutine: vntrp1. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

asum1 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

asum2 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

asum3 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

asx0 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

asx1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

asx2 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

asx3 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

asy0 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

asy1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

asy2 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

asy3 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

at : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

at : real*8, dimension(npoints, nlev)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

ataulx : real*8, dimension(LX, 6)
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

atdust : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ath :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
change in potential temperature
atimer : type(timer_type), pointer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

atimer : type(timer_type), pointer
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

atke : real*8
Subroutine: lkmix. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

atm :
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f
{ocn,ice,gla,lnd} pointers to the index of atm{ocn,ice,gla,lnd}s
atm : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

atm : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: ag2og_precip. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

atm : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

atm : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: og2ig_uvsurf. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

atm_exports_phase1 : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
contains the fields declared below
Initial Value = >null()
atm_exports_phasesrf : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
contains the atmospheric fields declared below
Initial Value = >null()
atmax : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

atmden : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

atmgla : type(atmgla_xchng_vars), pointer
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

atmgla : used from fluxes
Subroutine: conserv_mli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

atmgla : used from fluxes
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

atmgla : used from fluxes
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

atmgla : used from fluxes
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

atmgla : type(atmgla_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

atmgla : used from fluxes
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

atmgla : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

atmgla : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

atmgla : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

atmgla : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

atmgla : type(atmgla_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

atmgla : used from fluxes
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

atmgla : used from fluxes
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

atmgla : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

atmgla : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

atmgla : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

atmgla : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

atmgla : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag_post_precip_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

atmgla_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

atmgla_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

atmgla_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

atmglas : type(atmgla_xchng_vars), allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

atmglas : used from fluxes
Subroutine: alloc_pbl_com. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

atmglas : used from fluxes
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

atmglas : used from fluxes
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

atmglas : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

atmglas : used from fluxes
Subroutine: loadbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

atmglas : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

atmglat_k : real*8
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

atmglat_k : real*8
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

atmice : type(atmice_xchng_vars), pointer
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

atmice : type(atmice_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

atmice : type(atmice_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: advsi_diag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

atmice : type(atmice_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

atmice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

atmice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

atmice : type(atmice_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: calc_apress. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice : type(atmice_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice : type(atmice_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: daily_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice : type(atmice_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

atmice : type(atmice_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

atmice : type(atmice_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

atmice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

atmice : type(atmice_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

atmice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

atmice : type(atmice_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

atmice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

atmice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

atmice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

atmice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

atmice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: input_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCN_DRV.f

atmice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

atmice : type(atmice_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: new_io_agrice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

atmice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: ocean_driver. Module: NONE. File: OCN_DRV.f

atmice : type(atmice_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

atmice : type(atmice_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice : type(atmice_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: reset_gtemp_noice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice : type(atmice_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: seaice_to_atmgrid. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice : type(atmice_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

atmice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

atmice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

atmice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: vflx_ocean. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

atmice_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

atmice_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

atmice_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: advsi_diag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

atmice_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: calc_apress. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: daily_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

atmice_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

atmice_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

atmice_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: reset_gtemp_noice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: seaice_to_atmgrid. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmice_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmices : type(atmice_xchng_vars), dimension(1)
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

atmices : used from fluxes
Subroutine: alloc_pbl_com. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

atmices : used from fluxes
Subroutine: loadbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

atmin : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

atmlnd : type(atmlnd_xchng_vars), pointer
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

atmlnd : used from fluxes
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

atmlnd : used from fluxes
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

atmlnd : used from fluxes
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

atmlnd : used from fluxes
Subroutine: def_rsf_earth. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

atmlnd : used from fluxes
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

atmlnd : used from fluxes
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

atmlnd : used from fluxes
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

atmlnd : used from fluxes
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

atmlnd : used from fluxes
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

atmlnd : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

atmlnd : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

atmlnd : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

atmlnd : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

atmlnd : used from fluxes
Subroutine: new_io_earth. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

atmlnd : used from fluxes
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

atmlnd : used from fluxes
Subroutine: reset_gh_to_defaults. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

atmlnd : used from fluxes
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

atmlnd : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

atmlnd : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

atmlnd : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

atmlnd : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

atmlnd : used from fluxes
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

atmlnd_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

atmlnds : type(atmlnd_xchng_vars), dimension(1)
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

atmlnds : used from fluxes
Subroutine: alloc_pbl_com. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

atmlnds : used from fluxes
Subroutine: loadbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

atmocn : type(atmocn_xchng_vars), pointer
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

atmocn : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: advsi_diag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

atmocn : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

atmocn : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: alloc_ofluxes. Module: NONE. File: OFLUXES.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

atmocn : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: conserv_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

atmocn : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: daily_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

atmocn : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: daily_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: dailyupdates. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

atmocn : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: diagco. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

atmocn : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

atmocn : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

atmocn : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmocn : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: input_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCN_DRV.f

atmocn : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: ocean_driver. Module: NONE. File: OCN_DRV.f

atmocn : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

atmocn : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

atmocn : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmocn : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: reset_gtemp_noice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

atmocn : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

atmocn : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

atmocn : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: advsi_diag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: ag2og_precip. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: alloc_ofluxes. Module: NONE. File: OFLUXES.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: conserv_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: daily_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: daily_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: diagco. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: og2ig_uvsurf. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: reset_gtemp_noice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

atmocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

atmocns : type(atmocn_xchng_vars), dimension(1)
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

atmocns : used from fluxes
Subroutine: alloc_pbl_com. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

atmocns : used from fluxes
Subroutine: loadbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

atmp : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

atmp2 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

atmsrf : type(atmsrf_xchng_vars)
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f
contains atm-surf interaction quantities averaged over
atmsrf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

atmsrf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: atm_exports_phasesrf. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

atmsrf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: atm_phase1_exports. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

atmsrf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

atmsrf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: checkpbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

atmsrf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

atmsrf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

atmsrf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: get_atm_layer1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

atmsrf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

atmsrf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

atmsrf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

atmsrf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

atmsrf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

atmsrf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

atmsrf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

atmsrf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: read_pbl_tsurf_from_nmcfile. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

atmsrf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

atmsrf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

atmsrf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

atmsrf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

atmsrf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

atmsrf_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

atmsrf_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_pbl_vars. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

atpe : real*8, dimension(ktpe, nhemi), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
pot. enthalpy spectral diagnostics
atpe : used from gc_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

atpe : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

atpe : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

atpe : used from gc_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

atrg : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

attrop : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

au : real*8, dimension(hntrp_a2o%ima, hntrp_a2o%bpack%j_strt_halo:hntrp_a2o%bpack%j_stop_halo), intent(in)
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

au : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

au : real*8, dimension(nx1, grid_icdyn%j_strt_halo:grid_icdyn%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

au3d : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

aunp : real*8
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aup : real*8, real*8
Subroutine: vntrp1. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ausi :
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
sea ice velocities (B-grid) having atmos. domain bounds,
ausi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

autmp : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

autoconv_multiplier : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
autoconversion rate multiplier
Initial Value = 1.d0
auxgas : character*1, parameter, dimension(4)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/'0','L','X','X'/)
auxvar_string : character(len=80)
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

av : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

av : real*8, dimension(hntrp_a2o%ima, hntrp_a2o%bpack%j_strt_halo:hntrp_a2o%bpack%j_stop_halo), intent(in)
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

av : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

av : real*8, dimension(2:nx1-1, grid_icdyn%j_strt_halo:grid_icdyn%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

av3d : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ave : real*8
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aved : real*8
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

aven : real*8
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

avfoam : real*8
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
for ocean albedo calc
Initial Value = .2197d0
avfoam : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

avfoam_out : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_albedo_data. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

avg : type(atmsrf_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: avg_patches_pbl_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

avg : type(atmsrf_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

avg : type(atmgla_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports_gla. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

avg : type(atmsrf_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfstate_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

avg : character(len=9)
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

avg_patches_pbl_exports : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

avg_patches_srfflx_exports : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

avg_patches_srfflx_exports_gla : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

avg_patches_srfstate_exports : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

avg_patches_srfstate_exports : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

avgpole : logical, intent(in), optional
Subroutine: int_og2ag_2da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

avgpole_ : logical
Subroutine: int_og2ag_2da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

avh2s : real*8, dimension(33)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

avnp : real*8
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

avog : used from constant
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

avog : used from constant
Subroutine: set_atm. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

avog : used from constant
Subroutine: set_gas_mix_ratio. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

avscat : real*8
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
for ocean albedo calc
Initial Value = .0156d0
avscat : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

avscat_out : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_albedo_data. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

avscum : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

avsi :
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
sea ice velocities (B-grid) having atmos. domain bounds,
avsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

avtmp : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aw : real*8, dimension(nlt), protected
Global variable . Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

aw_out : real*8, dimension(size_arr), intent(out)
Subroutine: get_aw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

aw_out : real*8, dimension(size_arr)
Subroutine: kw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

aw_out : real*8, dimension(nlt)
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

aw_pf97 : real*8, dimension(158)
Subroutine: get_aw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f
Initial Value = (/0.0325, 0.0204, 0.0156, 0.0114, 0.01137, 0.01044, 0.00941, 0.00917, 0.00851, 0.00829, 0.00813, 0.00775, 0.00663, 0.00579, 0.0053, 0.00503, 0.00473, 0.00452, 0.00444, 0.00442, 0.00454, 0.00474, 0.00478, 0.00482, 0.00495, 0.00504, 0.0053, 0.0058, 0.00635, 0.00696, 0.00751, 0.0083, 0.00922, 0.00969, 0.00962, 0.00957, 0.00979, 0.01005, 0.01011, 0.0102, 0.0106, 0.0109, 0.0114, 0.0121, 0.0127, 0.0131, 0.0136, 0.0144, 0.015, 0.0162, 0.0173, 0.0191, 0.0204, 0.0228, 0.0256, 0.028, 0.0325, 0.0372, 0.0396, 0.0399, 0.0409, 0.0416, 0.0417, 0.0428, 0.0434, 0.0447, 0.0452, 0.0466, 0.0474, 0.0489, 0.0511, 0.0537, 0.0565, 0.0593, 0.0596, 0.0606, 0.0619, 0.064, 0.0642, 0.0672, 0.0695, 0.0733, 0.0772, 0.0836, 0.0896, 0.0989, 0.11, 0.122, 0.1351, 0.1516, 0.1672, 0.1925, 0.2224, 0.247, 0.2577, 0.2629, 0.2644, 0.2665, 0.2678, 0.2707, 0.2755, 0.281, 0.2834, 0.2904, 0.2916, 0.2995, 0.3012, 0.3077, 0.3108, 0.322, 0.325, 0.335, 0.34, 0.358, 0.371, 0.393, 0.41, 0.424, 0.429, 0.436, 0.439, 0.448, 0.448, 0.461, 0.465, 0.478, 0.486, 0.502, 0.516, 0.538, 0.559, 0.592, 0.624, 0.663, 0.704, 0.756, 0.827, 0.914, 1.007, 1.119, 1.231, 1.356, 1.489, 1.678, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0/)
aweight : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

aweight : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: ag2og_precip. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

aweight : real*8, dimension(hntrp_a2o%ima, hntrp_a2o%bpack%j_strt_halo:hntrp_a2o%bpack%j_stop_halo), intent(in)
Subroutine: int_ag2og_2da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aweight : real*8, dimension(hntrp_a2o%ima, hntrp_a2o%bpack%j_strt_halo:hntrp_a2o%bpack%j_stop_halo), intent(in)
Subroutine: int_ag2og_3da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aweight : real*8, dimension(hntrp_a2o%ima, hntrp_a2o%bpack%j_strt_halo:hntrp_a2o%bpack%j_stop_halo), intent(in)
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aweight_band : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: int_ag2og_2da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

aweight_band : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: int_ag2og_3da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

awno3 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

awocx : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

awsea : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

awso4 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

awt1 : real*8
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

awt2 : real*8
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ax : real*8, dimension(ntau-1, npres, nisccp)
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ax : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ax : real*8, dimension(im, lm), intent(in)
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ax : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ax : real*8, dimension(jm, lmax)
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ax : real*8, dimension(lmo, nmst), intent(in)
Subroutine: stable. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
= two dimensional input array
axyp : real*8, public, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: accumulate_excess_c. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: calc_amp. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: diag_isccp_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: gettotalenergy. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: horzdist_2pts. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: inc_areg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: set_budg_area. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: set_wtbudg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

axyp : used from geom
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

azx : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

azy : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

b : used from ocfunc
Subroutine: betagsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f
Initial Value = >bgsp
b : real*8
Subroutine: compute. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

b : real*8
Subroutine: compute2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

b : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

b : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_r. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

b : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

b : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Subroutine: diffuse_moms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

b : real*8, intent(out), dimension(0:KM/2)
Subroutine: fft. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f
fourier coeffs. (sin)
b : real*8, intent(out), dimension(0:KM/2)
Subroutine: fft2. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f

b : real*8, intent(in), dimension(0:KM/2)
Subroutine: ffti. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f
fourier coeffs. (sin)
b : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

b : real*8
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

b : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

b : real*8, dimension(*)
Subroutine: hntr8. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

b : real*8, dimension(htype%imb, htype%j1b_halo:htype%jnb_halo)
Subroutine: hntr8_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

b : real*8, dimension(:, :, htype%j1b_halo:)
Subroutine: hntr8_band_lij. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

b : real*8, dimension(*)
Subroutine: hntr8p. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

b : real*8, dimension(htype%imb, htype%j1b_halo:htype%jnb_halo)
Subroutine: hntr8p_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

b : real*8
Subroutine: locatex. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

b : real(r8), intent(in), dimension(nc)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

b : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

b : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

b : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

b : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

b : real*8, intent(out), dimension(0:KM/2)
Subroutine: offt. Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

b : real*8, dimension(0:KM/2)
Subroutine: offte. Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

b : real*8, intent(in), dimension(0:KM/2)
Subroutine: offti. Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

b : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: ovdiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

b : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: ovdiffs. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

b : real*8
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

b : real*8, dimension(nvec)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

b : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

b : real*8
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

b : real*8
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

b : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: swap. Module: ZENITH_MOD. File: Zenith.F90

b : real*8
Subroutine: threeptquadinterpolation. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

b : real*8
Subroutine: ti. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

b : real*8
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

b : real(r8), dimension(N_C, N_Az, N_kh)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

b0 : real*8
Subroutine: init. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

b0 : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

b0_agg_cold : real(realk), parameter
Subroutine: set_cloud_field. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90
Initial Value = 5.0830326E-07_RealK
b0_agg_warm : real(realk), parameter
Subroutine: set_cloud_field. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90
Initial Value = 2.6517429E-05_RealK
b1 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

b1 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

b1 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

b1 : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

b1 : real*8
Subroutine: init. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

b1 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

b1 : complex*16, dimension(62)
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

b123 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

b123 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

b2 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

b2 : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

b2 : real*8
Subroutine: init. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

b2 : complex*16, dimension(62)
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

b3 : real*8
Subroutine: init. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

backspace_parallel : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

band_pack : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

band_pack : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

band_pack : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

band_pack : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ig2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

band_pack : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

band_pack : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: og2ig_uvsurf. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

band_pack_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

band_pack_type : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

band_pack_type : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

band_pack_type : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

band_string : character(len=8)
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

bandf : logical
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
true if Bergero-Findeisen proc. occurs
bare_soil_wetness : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
bare_soil_wetness (1)
base_file_name : character(len=:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

basetime : used from basetime_mod
Subroutine: calc_zenith_angle. Module: ZENITH_MOD. File: Zenith.F90

basin : character*16, dimension(nbas)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
names of ocean basins for diag output
Initial Value = (/"Atlantic","Pacific ","Indian ","Global "/)
basins : character(len=3), parameter, dimension(3)
Subroutine: obasin. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = (/'atl','pac','ind'/)
bb : real*8
Subroutine: ccoeff0. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

bb : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_r. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

bb : real*8
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

bb : real*8
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

bb : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

bb : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

bb : real*8
Subroutine: level2. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

bb : real*8, dimension(nlt)
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

bbt : real*8, dimension(nlt)
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

bbw_out : real*8, dimension(size_arr), intent(out)
Subroutine: bbw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

bbw_out : real*8, dimension(size_arr)
Subroutine: kw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

bbw_out : real*8, dimension(nlt)
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

bbyg : used from constant
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

bbygv : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

bc : real*8
Subroutine: setbak. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

bcdepstream : type(timestream), public
Global variable . Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f
interface for reading and time-interpolating BC_dep file
bcdepstream : used from aerparam_mod
Subroutine: updbcd. Module: NONE. File: READ_AERO.f

bce : real*8, parameter, dimension(5, 45)
Subroutine: ctrend. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = RESHAPE( (/ 50.0, 2.280581713, 0.4449132979, 0.1599090248, 2.885536671, 51.0, 2.443193913, 0.4855868816, 0.1884280443, 3.117194653, 52.0, 2.473641872, 0.5115299225, 0.2027695477, 3.187930107, 53.0, 2.481340885, 0.5448409319, 0.2149295360, 3.241089582, 54.0, 2.505670071, 0.5780177116, 0.2343477309, 3.317960978, 55.0, 2.698692560, 0.6238067150, 0.2733324766, 3.595800638, 56.0, 2.855226278, 0.6531309485, 0.3043369055, 3.812692404, 57.0, 2.975781679, 0.6821750998, 0.3207367063, 3.978575468, 58.0, 3.341105223, 0.7035279870, 0.3370627165, 4.381746292, 59.0, 3.638528824, 0.7075053453, 0.3695519567, 4.715488434, 60.0, 3.770926714, 0.7416650057, 0.3832504749, 4.896034241, 61.0, 3.392980337, 0.7805693150, 0.4217525721, 4.595387459, 62.0, 3.288835049, 0.8179932237, 0.4603823125, 4.567360401, 63.0, 3.359177589, 0.8604368567, 0.5090782642, 4.728550911, 64.0, 3.432664871, 0.8952696323, 0.5388473868, 4.866865158, 65.0, 3.529418945, 0.8819132447, 0.5785927773, 4.989773750, 66.0, 3.577459812, 0.8817394972, 0.6323299408, 5.091631413, 67.0, 3.418204546, 0.8635972142, 0.6592246890, 4.941041946, 68.0, 3.452457905, 0.8943673372, 0.7338049412, 5.080585003, 69.0, 3.626069546, 0.9298774004, 0.7889106274, 5.344810009, 70.0, 3.264039755, 0.9229136109, 0.8880128860, 5.074741840, 71.0, 3.437611580, 0.9374827743, 0.9531223178, 5.328329086, 72.0, 3.473345757, 0.7836616039, 1.0180075170, 5.274850368, 73.0, 3.495583296, 0.8056778908, 1.1174367670, 5.418928623, 74.0, 3.506143808, 0.8251076341, 1.0828053950, 5.413989067, 75.0, 3.906814098, 0.8527192473, 1.0454736950, 5.804963112, 76.0, 4.005736828, 0.8900613785, 1.1400985720, 6.035901546, 77.0, 4.236912251, 0.9103702307, 1.2190728190, 6.366260529, 78.0, 4.459666252, 0.9303293228, 1.2408012150, 6.630728722, 79.0, 4.697422504, 0.9856286645, 1.3019220830, 6.984815121, 80.0, 4.796229839, 0.9959300756, 1.2336660620, 7.026207924, 81.0, 4.789204121, 1.0459070210, 1.1664049630, 7.001126766, 82.0, 4.872739315, 1.0975246430, 1.1601715090, 7.130136490, 83.0, 4.983223438, 1.1424025300, 1.1732926370, 7.298912525, 84.0, 5.265352249, 1.2178678510, 1.2251536850, 7.708741188, 85.0, 5.763637543, 1.2965050940, 1.2428865430, 8.303324699, 86.0, 5.924767494, 1.3386499880, 1.2930148840, 8.556744576, 87.0, 6.155550480, 1.3738890890, 1.3162037130, 8.845513344, 88.0, 6.379704475, 1.3670797350, 1.3813229800, 9.127896309, 89.0, 6.594299316, 1.4169263840, 1.4029121400, 9.414231300, 90.0, 6.566919804, 1.4685817960, 1.4224120380, 9.458042145, 91.0, 6.661097050, 1.2067918780, 1.4163945910, 9.284657478, 92.0, 7.737902641, 1.3509917260, 1.4471185210, 10.53625107, 93.0, 7.393332005, 1.2448183300, 1.4543261530, 10.09271908, 94.0, 7.515841007, 1.2333894970, 1.4780857560, 10.22745800 /), (/5,45/) )
bchl : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :), save
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
arrays for the reading in chlorophyll
bcolx : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

bd : real*8, parameter, dimension(21)
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = (/1D0, 2D0, 6D0, 30D0, 42D0, 30D0, 66D0, 2730D0, 6D0 ,510D0, 798D0, 330D0, 138D0, 2730D0, 6D0, 870D0, 14322D0 ,510D0, 6D0, 1919190D0, 6D0/)
bdragfac : real*8
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bdragfac : real*8
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

bdragx : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = 1d0
bdragx : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = 1d0
bdragx : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: stbdra. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f
Initial Value = 1
bds : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
rho*beta*DS (kg/m^3)
bds : type(simple_bounds_type)
Subroutine: set_simple_bounds_type. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

bea : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

beam : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

beam1 : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

beap : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

beap1 : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

beasum : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

beavn : real*8, dimension(6)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

begin : real*8
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

begin : real*8
Subroutine: diag5f. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

begin : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

begin : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

begin : real*8
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

begin : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: timeout. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

below_cloud : logical
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
is the current level below cloud?
besf : real*8
Subroutine: sgsw. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

besseli0 : used from specialfunctions_mod
Subroutine: sgsw. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

beta : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

beta : real*8
Subroutine: getzhq. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

beta : real*8
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variabls
beta :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
beta : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 5d-1
beta : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 5d-1
betads : real*8, dimension(km)
Subroutine: ddmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

betads : real*8, dimension(km)
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
beta * DS across interfaces (kg/m^3)
betads : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

betads : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

betagsp : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

betagsp : real*8
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

betau :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
betw : real*8
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

betw : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

bf : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

bf : real*8
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

bf : real*8
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

bf : real(r8), intent(in), dimension(2:lm)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

bfac : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: lkmix. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
freshwater density function approximation
Initial Value = (MAXRHO-RHO0)
bfsfc : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
surface buoyancy forcing (m^2/s^3)
bfsfc : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
surface buoyancy forcing (m^2/s^3)
bfsfc : real*8
Subroutine: swfrac. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

bfsfc : real*8
Subroutine: wscale. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

bg : real*8
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

bgf : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

bgfemd : real*8, dimension(33)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

bgfemd : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

bgfemt : real*8, dimension(33)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

bgfemt : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

bgflux : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

bgfrac : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

bgoldh : real*8, dimension(11, 5)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = reshape( (/ 20.0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, 1.00, 4.00, 1.00, 4.00, 1.00, 4.00, .0, .0, 1.00, .0, .0, .0, .0, 0.00, 2.00, .0, 4.00, 2.00, .0, .0, 0.00, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, 2.00, 0.00, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, 0.00/ ),(/11,5/) )
bgrid : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

bgrid : real*8
Subroutine: fgrid2. Module: NONE. File: PBL.f

bgrid : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
determines how strongly non-linear the
bgrid : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
log-linear gridding parameter
bgrid : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

bgsp : real*8, dimension(-2:40, 0:40, 0:39)
Global variable . Module: OCFUNC. File: OCNFUNTAB.f
saline expansion coefficient (kg/m**3/PSU)
bgsp : used from ocfunc
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

big : real*8
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

big : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f
Initial Value = 1.E20
bldep : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: PBLCOM. File: PBL_COM.f
boundary layer depth (m)
bldep : used from pblcom
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

bli : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

blim : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

blim : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

blim : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

blim1 : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

blinir : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

blip : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

blip1 : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

blisum : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

blivis : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

blivn : real*8, dimension(6)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

blmc : real*8, dimension(km, mdiff)
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
boundary layer mixing coefficients
bloc : integer
Subroutine: gather. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

bloc : integer
Subroutine: scatter. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

bm : real(r8), parameter, dimension(N_Kh)
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f
: amplitude for the spectrum (m^2/s^2) ~ u'w'
Initial Value = (/0.01_r8/)
bm : real*8, dimension(IM, grid%J_STRT_HALO:grid%J_STOP_HALO, LM)
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

bm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bm : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

bm : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

bm : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

bm2 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

bm2 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

bmax : real*8
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variabls
bmean : real*8
Subroutine: hntr8p_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

bmjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

bmjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

bmjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

bn : real*8, dimension(0:imh)
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

bn : real*8, dimension(0:imh)
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

bn : real*8, dimension(0:imh)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

bn : real*8, dimension(0:imh)
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

bn : real*8, dimension(0:IMz2)
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bn : real*8, dimension(0:IMz2)
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

bn : real*8, parameter, dimension(21)
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = (/1D0, -1D0, 1D0, -1D0, 1D0, -1D0, 5D0, -691D0, 7D0, -3617D0, 43867D0, -174611D0, 854513D0, -236364091D0, 8553103D0, -23749461029D0, 8615841276005D0, -7709321041217D0, 2577687858367D0, -2631527155305348D4, 2929993913841559D0 /)
bnorm : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

bo : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
surface turbulent buoy. forcing (m^2/s^3)
bo : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
surface turbulent buoy. forcing (m^2/s^3)
bo : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

bo : real*8, save
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

boc : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

bocm : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

bocm1 : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

bocnir : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

bocp : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

bocp1 : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

bocsum : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

bocvis : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

bocvn : real*8, dimension(6)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

bocvn : real*8, dimension(6), intent(out)
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

boi : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

boim : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

boim1 : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

boip : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

boip1 : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

boisum : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

boivn : real*8, dimension(6)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

bosol : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
radiative buoyancy forcing (m^2/s^3)
bosol : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
radiative buoyancy forcing (m^2/s^3)
bosol : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

bosol : real*8, save
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

box_cloudy : logical, dimension(npoints, ncol)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

boxarea : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fractional area of each sub-grid scale box
Initial Value = 1d0/ncol
boxpos : real*8, dimension(npoints, ncol)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

boxptop : real*8, dimension(ncol)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

boxptop : real*8, dimension(npoints, ncol)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

boxtau : real*8, dimension(ncol)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

boxtau : real*8, dimension(npoints, ncol)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

bp550 : real*8
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

brcld : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
for cal. BYBR
Initial Value = .2d0
brcld : used from clouds
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

brine_frac : real*8
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

broadcast : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

broadcast : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: bcast_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

broadcast : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

broadcast : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

broadcast : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ent_read_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

broadcast : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

broadcast : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

broadcast : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

broadcast : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_wspdf_mod. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

broadcast : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

broadcast : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

broadcast : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

broadcast : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: scatter_odiags. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

broadcast : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: set_budg_area. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

bsnvn : real*8, dimension(6)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

bsum : real(r8)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

bsum1 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

bsum2 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

bsum3 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

bt : real(r8), dimension(JM, INT_DAYS_PER_YEAR)
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f
: sum of |momentum flux| for all +/-c (kg/m/s^2)
bt : used from unrdrag_com
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

bt_nmax : real(r8)
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

bt_smax : real(r8)
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

bt_tmax : real(r8)
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

btau : real*8
Subroutine: setgts. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

btcmin : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

btempw : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Brightness temperature in the window region (K)
btempw : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

btmpw : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

bu : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bu : real*8, dimension(nx1, grid_icdyn%j_strt_halo:grid_icdyn%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

bu3d : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

budg : real*8, dimension(jm+3, kaj)
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

budg : real*8, dimension(jm+3, kaj), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_j. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

budget :
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
grid quantities (defined locally on each proc.)
buf : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: declare_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

buf : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: dump_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

buf : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: ent_read_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

buf : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: ent_write_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

buf : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

buf_glob : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: ent_read_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

buf_glob : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: ent_write_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

buffer : real*8, pointer, dimension(:)
Subroutine: ent_read_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

buffer : real*8, pointer, dimension(:)
Subroutine: ent_write_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

buffer : character(len=16)
Subroutine: year_to_string. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

buffer_exchange : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f
Initial Value = >halo_update_mask
bufs : character*132
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

bufs : character*132
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

bufsize : integer
Subroutine: ent_read_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

bufsize : integer
Subroutine: ent_write_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

buoy :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

bv : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

bv : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bv : real*8, dimension(2:nx1-1, grid_icdyn%j_strt_halo:grid_icdyn%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

bv0 : real*8
Global variable . Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

bv0byf30 : real*8
Global variable . Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

bv2 : real*8, dimension(0:lmo+1)
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
Brunt Vaisala frequency squared (1/s**2)
bv3d : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bvbyf : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

bvdc :
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= background vertical diffusion constant
bvf : real(r8), dimension(2:lm), intent(in)
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

bvf_sq : real(r8), dimension(lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

bvf_sqe : real(r8)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

bvfe : real(r8), dimension(2:lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

bvfrq2 : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

bvh2o : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

bvnsur : real*8, dimension(6)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

bvsq : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

bvsq : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

bvsqcon : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= value of N^2 where the convection coefs first become max
Initial Value = -1d-7
bvvc :
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= background vertical viscosity constant
bw : real*8, dimension(nlt), protected
Global variable . Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

bw_sb81 : real*8, dimension(61)
Subroutine: bbw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f
Initial Value = (/0.151, 0.119, 0.0995, 0.082, 0.0685, 0.0575, 0.0485, 0.0415, 0.0353, 0.0305, 0.0262, 0.0229, 0.02, 0.0175, 0.0153, 0.0134, 0.012, 0.0106, 0.0094, 0.0084, 0.0076, 0.0068, 0.0061, 0.0055, 0.0049, 0.0045, 0.0041, 0.0037, 0.0034, 0.0031, 0.0029, 0.0026, 0.0024, 0.0022, 0.0021, 0.0019, 0.0018, 0.0017, 0.0016, 0.0015, 0.0014, 0.0013, 0.0012, 0.0011, 0.001, 0.001, 0.0008, 0.0008, 0.0007, 0.0007, 0.0007, 0.0007, 0.0006, 0.0006, 0.0006, 0.0005, 0.0005, 0.0005, 0.0004, 0.0004, 0.0004/)
bx : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

bxa : real*8, dimension(7)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

bxa : real*8, dimension(7)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

bxno3 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

bxocx : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

bxsea : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

bxso4 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

bxx : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

bxx : used from gm_com
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

bxz : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

by12 : used from constant
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

by12 : used from constant
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

by12 : used from constant
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

by16 : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = 1./16.
by3 : used from constant
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f

by3 : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

by3 : used from constant
Subroutine: alloc_pbl_com. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

by3 : used from constant
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

by3 : used from constant
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

by3 : used from constant
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

by3 : used from constant
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

by3 : used from constant
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

by3 : used from constant
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

by3 : used from constant
Subroutine: e_les. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

by3 : used from constant
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

by3 : used from constant
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

by3 : used from constant
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

by3 : used from constant
Subroutine: integrate_sgswind. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

by3 : used from constant
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

by3 : used from constant
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

by3 : used from constant
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

by3 : used from constant
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

by3 : used from constant
Subroutine: sig. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

by4ton : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = 1./(4.**NSHAP)
by4ton : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = 1./(4.**nshap)
by4ton : real*8
Subroutine: shap1d. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

by4tonu : used from oceanres
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

by4tonv : used from oceanres
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

by6 : used from constant
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

by6 : used from constant
Subroutine: anvil_optical_thickness. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

by6 : used from constant
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

by6 : used from constant
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

by6 : used from constant
Subroutine: mc_precip_phase. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

by6 : used from constant
Subroutine: precip_mp. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

by6 : used from constant
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

by6 : used from constant
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

by6arr : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

by_dp_sum : real(r8)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

by_rho1 : real*8
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

byaidt : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

byam : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
byam1 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

byaml00 : real*8, dimension(lm+lm_req)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f

byaml00 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

byaml00 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

byaml00 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

byaxyp : real*8, public, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

byaxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

byaxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

byaxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: compute_wsave. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

byaxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

byaxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_am. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

byaxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

byaxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

byaxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_lke. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

byaxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_lkm. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

byaxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

byaxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

byaxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

byaxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: get_atm_layer1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

byaxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

byaxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

byaxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

byaxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

byaxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

byaxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

byaxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

byaxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

bybeta : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

bybeta : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 1d0/BETA
bybeta : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 1d0/BETA
bybetafac : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

bybr : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
factor for converting cloud particle radius to effect. radius
bybr : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: anvil_optical_thickness. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
factor for converting cloud particle radius to effective radius
bybr : used from clouds
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

bycsu : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

bycsu : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

bydapo : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

byden : real*8
Global variable . Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

byden : real*8
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

bydh : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

bydh : used from gm_com
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

bydh12 : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

bydh1s : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

bydj : real*8
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

bydjuv : real*8
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

bydp : real*8
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

bydp : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

bydp2 : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

bydpk : real*8
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

bydpk : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

bydpreq : real*8, dimension(lm_req)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

bydsig :
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
mid point, depth, 1/depth of sigma levels (1)
bydsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

bydsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

bydsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

bydsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

bydsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

bydts : real*8
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
reciprocal of timestep in ice dynamics code
bydts : real*8
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

bydts : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

bydts : used from icedyn
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

bydts : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bydts : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

bydts : real*8, save
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

bydtsrc : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

bydtsrc : used from clouds
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

bydtsrc : used from clouds
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

bydtssi : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
decay constant for sea ice salinity (1/s)
Initial Value = 1./(dtssi*SECONDS_PER_DAY)
bydx : real*8
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

bydx2 : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

bydx2 : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

bydxdy : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

bydxdy : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

bydxp : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
distance between points on primary grid
bydxp : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

bydxp : real*8, save, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

bydxp : used from gm_com
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

bydxp : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bydxp : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bydxp : used from geom
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

bydxr : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

bydxr : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

bydxv : real*8, save, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

bydxv : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bydxv : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bydxyp : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
area of grid box (+inverse) (m^2)
bydxyp : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

bydxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

bydxyp : used from icedyn
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

bydxyp : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

bydxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

bydxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

bydxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

bydxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

bydxyp : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

bydxypj : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bydxypj : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bydxypjm : real*8, save
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

bydxypjm : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bydxypo : real*8, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

bydxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bydxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bydxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

bydxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bydxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

bydxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

bydxyv : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
area of grid box around velocity point (recip.)(m^2)
bydxyv : real*8, save, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

bydxyv : used from geom
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

bydxyv : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bydxyv : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bydy : real*8
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

bydy2 : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

bydy2 : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

bydyp : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
distance between points on primary grid
bydyp : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

bydyp : real*8, save, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

bydyp : used from geom
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

bydyp : used from gm_com
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

bydyp : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bydyp : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bydyp : used from geom
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

bydyr : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

bydyr : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

bydyv : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

bydyv : real*8, save, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

bydyv : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bydyv : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bydz : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

bydz2 : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

bydz2 : real*8, dimension(lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: ovdiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

bydz2 : real*8, dimension(lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: ovdiffs. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

bydz2 : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

bydzerho : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

bydzerho : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: de_solver_main. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
(j) 1/(dze(j)*rho(j))
bydzoe : real*8, dimension(0:lmo)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

bydzoe : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bydzoe : used from ocean
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

bydzrhoe : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

bydzrhoe : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: de_solver_edge. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
(j) 1/(dz(j-1)*rhoe(j))
bydzs : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 1.d0/4.7914d0
bydzv : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

byfc_sq : real(r8), parameter
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
: inverse Froude number squared
Initial Value = 0.5_r8
byfcor : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

byfim : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

byfoa : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

byfsq : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

bygam : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

bygrav : used from constant
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

bygrav : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: calc_vert_amp. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: compute_wsave. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: gc_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: ijl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: jl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: sjl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

bygrav : used from constant
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

byhbl : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
1/boundary layer depth (1/m)
byhbl : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
1/boundary layer depth (1/m)
byhwide : real*8, dimension(0:lmo+1)
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
1/layer thicknesses (1/m)
byhwide : real*8, dimension(0:km+1)
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
1/layer thicknesses (1/m)
byhwide : real*8, dimension(0:LMO+1)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

byhwide : real*8, save, dimension(0:LMO+1)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

byia12 : real*8
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

byiacc : real*8
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

byiacc : real*8
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

byiada : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

byic : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
Initial Value = 1./2.13d0
byic : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Initial Value = 1./2.13d0
byidac : real*8
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

byim : used from geom
Global variable . Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

byim : used from geom
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

byim : real*8, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
real values related to number of long. grid boxes
Initial Value = 1./FIM
byim : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
Initial Value = 1./FIM
byim : real*8
Global variable . Module: QUSCOM. File: QUS_DRV.f

byim : used from geom
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

byim : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

byim : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

byim : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

byim : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

byim : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

byim : used from geom
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

byim : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

byim : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

byim : used from geom
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

byim : real*8
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

byim : real*8
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

byim : used from diag_com
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

byim : used from geom
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

byim : used from geom
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

byk : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: deltasst. Module: NONE. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 1.677d0
bykapa : used from constant
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

bykapap1 : used from constant
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

bykapap2 : used from constant
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

bykm : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
Initial Value = 1d0/KM
bykm2 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
Initial Value = 1d0/(2*KM)
bykmh : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
Initial Value = 2d0/KM
byksub :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
number, 1/number of subsidence iterations
bylhm : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

bylhm : used from constant
Subroutine: fi. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

bylhm : used from constant
Subroutine: mi. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

bylhm : used from constant
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

bylhm : used from constant
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

bym : real*8
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

byma : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
= 1/MA (m^2/kg)
byma : real*8
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

byma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

byma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

byma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

byma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

byma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

byma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

byma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

byma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

byma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

byma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

bymma : real*8
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

bymml : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

bymml : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

bymml0 : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

bymmlt : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

bymnew : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

bymnew : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

bymnew : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

bymnew : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

bymnew : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

bymnew : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

bymnew : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz2_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

bymnew : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

bymnew : real*8
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

bymnew : real*8
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

bymnew : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

bymnew : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

bymnew : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

bymnew : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

bymnew : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

bymnew : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

bymrat : used from constant
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

bymrat : used from constant
Subroutine: jl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

bymu : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bymv : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

byn : real*8
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

byn : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

byn3d : real*8
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

byncyc : real*8
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

bynisurf : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

bynisurf : real*8
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

byno : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = 1./nocean
bynstep : real*8
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

bynstep : real*8
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

byoarea : real*8
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

byoarea : real*8
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

byoarea : real*8
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

bypb2 : real(r8)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

bypblm :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
bypks : real*8, dimension(lm_req)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

bypsfmpt : real(r8), parameter
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = 1.0_r8/PSFMPT
byrad2 : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
Initial Value = 1./(RADIUS*RADIUS)
byrcos : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

byrgas : real(r8), parameter
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = 1.0_r8/rgas
byrho : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

byrho : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

byrho : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

byrho2 : real*8
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

byrhoi : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

byrhoi : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
Initial Value = 1D0/RHOI
byrhows : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

byrhoz : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

byrls : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
reciprocal of snow density*lambda
Initial Value = 1./(RHOS*ALAMS)
byrls : used from seaice
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

byrls : used from seaice
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

byrt2 : used from constant
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

byrt3 : used from constant
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

byrt3 : used from constant
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

bysdsg : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

bysha : used from constant
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

bysha : used from constant
Subroutine: anvil_optical_thickness. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

bysha : used from constant
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

bysha : used from constant
Subroutine: get_dq_cond. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

bysha : used from constant
Subroutine: get_dq_evap. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

bysha : used from constant
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

bysha : used from constant
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

bysha : used from constant
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

bysha : used from constant
Subroutine: mc_precip_phase. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

bysha : used from constant
Subroutine: moist_adiabat_tq. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

bysha : used from constant
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

bysha : used from constant
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

byshc : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

byshi : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

byshi : used from constant
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

byshi : used from constant
Subroutine: ti. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

bysig2 : real*8
Subroutine: integrate_sgswind. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

bysig2 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sgsw. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

byslim : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f
Initial Value = 1./SLIM
bysn : real*8, save, dimension(IMH)
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

byteady : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

bywc : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
Initial Value = 1./2.56d0
bywc : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Initial Value = 1./2.56d0
bywm : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

bywm : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

byws : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

byws : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

byxsi : real*8, parameter, dimension(lmi)
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
recipricol of XSI
Initial Value = (/ 1./XSI(1), 1./XSI(2), 1./XSI(3), 1./XSI(4) /)
byy : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

byy : used from gm_com
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

byz : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

byz_cm3 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f
Initial Value = 1.d-6 / Za720
byz_gcm3 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f
Initial Value = 1.d-3 * byz_cm3
byzet : real*8
Global variable . Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

byzeta : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
reciprocal of solar rad. extinction depth for lake (1/m)
Initial Value = 1./0.35d0
byzeta : used from lakes
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

byzs : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 1.d0/10.d0
bzx : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

bzy : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

bzz : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

bzz : used from gm_com
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

c : real*8, dimension(0:KM)
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
cos/sin evaluated on grid points
c : real*8
Global variable . Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

c : real(r8), dimension(N_C, N_Kh)
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f
: horizontal phase speed grid
c : real*8
Subroutine: compute. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

c : real*8
Subroutine: compute2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

c : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_r. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

c : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

c : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Subroutine: diffuse_moms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

c : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

c : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

c : used from unrdrag_com
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

c : real*8, dimension(1800)
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

c : real(r8), intent(in), dimension(nc)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

c : real*8, dimension(0:lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

c : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

c : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

c : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

c : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: ovdiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

c : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: ovdiffs. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

c : real*8
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

c : real*8
Subroutine: setbak. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

c : used from ocfunc
Subroutine: shcgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f
Initial Value = >cgs
c : real*8, dimension(nvec)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

c : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

c : real*8
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

c : real*8
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

c : real*8
Subroutine: threeptquadinterpolation. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

c : real*8
Subroutine: ti. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

c : real*8
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

c0 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 0.0
c1 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 1.0
c1 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

c1 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

c1 : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

c10 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 10.
c100 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 100.
c1000 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 1000.
c10000 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 10000.
c1440 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 1440.0
c16 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 16.0
c1p5 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 1.5
c2 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 2.0
c2 : real*8
Global variable . Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

c2 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

c2 : character(len=2)
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

c2 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

c2 : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

c2 : character(len=2)
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

c2 : character*2
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

c20n : real*8
Global variable . Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

c21 : real*8, dimension(0:18)
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
intermediate sums for FFT
c21n : real*8
Global variable . Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

c22 : real*8, dimension(0:18)
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
intermediate sums for FFT
c24 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 24.0
c240 : real*8, dimension(24)
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
intermediate sums for FFT
c241 : real*8, dimension(24)
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
intermediate sums for FFT
c24q0 : real*8
Global variable . Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

c24q1 : real*8
Global variable . Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

c3 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 3.
c3 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

c3 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

c3 : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

c35 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 35.
c360 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 360.0
c4 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 4.0
c4 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

c4 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

c4 : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

c41 : real*8, dimension(0:9)
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
intermediate sums for FFT
c42 : real*8, dimension(0:9)
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
intermediate sums for FFT
c43 : real*8, dimension(0:9)
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
intermediate sums for FFT
c44 : real*8, dimension(0:9)
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
intermediate sums for FFT
c4qn : real*8
Global variable . Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

c5 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 5.0
c5 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

c5 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

c60 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 60.0
c8 : real*8, dimension(8, 0:4)
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
intermediate sums for FFT
c8 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 8.0
c8qn : real*8
Global variable . Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

c_actual : real(r8), dimension(N_C)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

c_inf : real(r8), parameter, dimension(N_Kh)
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = -3.0_r8 * Cw
c_inf : used from unrdrag_com
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

c_light : used from constant
Global variable . Module: NONE. File:

c_sdrag : real*8
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
. SDRAG=C_SDRAG (const.) above PTOP
Initial Value = 2.5d-5
c_sup : real(r8), parameter, dimension(N_Kh)
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = 3.0_r8 * Cw
ca : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

calc_wspdf : integer
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
if calc_wspdf==1, calculate mean surface
Initial Value = 0
calc_wspdf : used from socpbl
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

calc_zenith_angle : used from zenith_mod
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

calc_zenith_angle : used from zenith_mod
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

calc_zenith_angle : used from zenith_mod
Subroutine: run_radonly. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

caldate : character(len=19)
Subroutine: write_caldate. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

calendar : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

calendar : used from model_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

calendar : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

calendar : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

calendar : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

calendar : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

calendar : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

calendar : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

calendar : used from model_com
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

calendar : used from model_com
Subroutine: getdte. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

calendar : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

calendar : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

calendar : used from model_com
Subroutine: initializemodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

calendar : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

calendar : used from model_com
Subroutine: startnewday. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

calendar : used from model_com
Subroutine: sundial. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

calendardaysperyear : real*8
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

calendarsecondsperday : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

calendarsecondsperday : real*8
Subroutine: daily_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

call_diag : logical, parameter
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
logical variable whether dout is called
Initial Value = .false.
can_ht_cap : real*8
Subroutine: get_canopy_temperaure. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

canopy_height : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

cantemp : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_canopy_temperaure. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

casea : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
= 1 in case A; =0 in case B
casea : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
= 1 in case A; =0 in case B
cbar : character(len=38), parameter, dimension(5), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
"color bars" for ij-maps
cbf :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
enhancing factor for precip conversion
cbfc0 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variabls
cblank : character*16, parameter
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = ' '
cblank : character*16, parameter
Subroutine: pout_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
Initial Value = ' '
cblank : character*16, parameter
Subroutine: pout_isccp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
Initial Value = ' '
cblank : character*16, parameter
Subroutine: pout_jl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
Initial Value = ' '
cc : real*8
Subroutine: ccoeff0. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

cc : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

cc : real*8
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

cc : real*8
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

cc : real*8, dimension(npoints, nlev)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

cc : real*8
Subroutine: level2. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

cc_cdncx : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor relating cld cvr change and CDNC change
Initial Value = .0000d0
cc_cdncx : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cc_cdncx : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cca : real*8, dimension(npoints, nlev)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

cchar : character*1, dimension(6)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

cchar_realtops : character*1, dimension(6)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

cchl : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :), save
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
arrays for the reading in chlorophyll
ccm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
convective mass and cumulus updraft speed
ccm :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
convective plume mass (mb)
ccmmin : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
ccmul : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
multiplier for convective cloud cover
Initial Value = 2.
ccmul : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud cover multipliers
ccmul1 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
multiplier for deep anvil cloud cover
Initial Value = 5.
ccmul2 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
multiplier for shallow anvil cloud cover
Initial Value = 3.
ccmul2 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud cover multipliers
ccoeff0 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

cd_lin : logical
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

cday : character(len=2)
Subroutine: write_caldate. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

cdenom : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

cdenom : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

cdh : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

cdh : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

cdhdrt :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cdheat :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
heating due to condensation
cdhm :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cdhsum :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cdl_consrv : type(cdl_type), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
consolidated metadata for CONSRV output fields in
cdl_consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_dd : type(cdl_type), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
consolidated metadata for ADIURN output fields in CDL notation
cdl_dd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_dd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_dum : type(cdl_type)
Subroutine: gc_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

cdl_dum : type(cdl_type)
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

cdl_gc : type(cdl_type), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
consolidated metadata for AGC output fields in CDL notation
cdl_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_hd : type(cdl_type), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_hd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_hd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_heights : type(cdl_type), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_heights : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

cdl_icij : type(cdl_type)
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
consolidated metadata for ICIJ output fields in CDL notation
cdl_icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: def_meta_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

cdl_icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

cdl_icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: write_meta_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

cdl_ij : type(cdl_type), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
consolidated metadata for AIJ output fields in CDL notation
cdl_ij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_ij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_ij_latlon : type(cdl_type), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_ij_latlon : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_ij_latlon : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_ij_latlon_template : type(cdl_type), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_ij_template : type(cdl_type), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_ij_template : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

cdl_ijhc : type(cdl_type)
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f
consolidated metadata for ijhc output fields in cdl notation
cdl_ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: def_meta_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

cdl_ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

cdl_ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: write_meta_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

cdl_ijhc_latlon : type(cdl_type)
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f

cdl_ijhc_latlon : used from landice_com
Subroutine: def_meta_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

cdl_ijhc_latlon : used from landice_com
Subroutine: write_meta_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

cdl_ijk : type(cdl_type), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
consolidated metadata for AIJK output fields in CDL notation
cdl_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

cdl_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_ijl : type(cdl_type), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
consolidated metadata for AIJL output fields in CDL notation
cdl_ijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_ijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_ijl_latlon : type(cdl_type), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_ijl_latlon : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_ijl_latlon : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_ijl_latlon_template : type(cdl_type), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_ijl_template : type(cdl_type), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_ijmm : type(cdl_type), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_ijmm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_ijmm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_j : type(cdl_type), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
consolidated metadata for AJ output fields in CDL notation
cdl_j : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_j : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_jl : type(cdl_type), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
consolidated metadata for AJL output fields in CDL notation
cdl_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_jl_template : type(cdl_type), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_latbudg : type(cdl_type), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_odepths : type(cdl_type)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

cdl_oij : type(cdl_type)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
consolidated metadata for OIJ output fields in CDL notation
cdl_oijl : type(cdl_type)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
consolidated metadata for OIJL output fields in CDL notation
cdl_oijmm : type(cdl_type)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

cdl_ojl : type(cdl_type)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
consolidated metadata for OJL output fields in CDL notation
cdl_olats : type(cdl_type)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

cdl_olnst : type(cdl_type)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
consolidated metadata for OLNST output fields in CDL notation
cdl_olons : type(cdl_type)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

cdl_otj : type(cdl_type)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
consolidated metadata for OTJ output fields in CDL notation
cdl_reg : type(cdl_type), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_reg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_reg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cdl_type : used from cdl_mod
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f

cdm : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

cdm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

cdm : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

cdn : real*8
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

cdnc : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: dcdnc_est. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

cdnc0 : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: dcdnc_est. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

cdncl : real*8, dimension(LM)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
= vcdnc interpolated to current vertical resolution
cdncl : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cdncl : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cdq : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

cdq : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

cdterm : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

cdterm : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

cdusk : real*8
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

cdxz : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

cdyz : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

cekman : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= coefficient for ekman depth = 0.7
Initial Value = 0.7d0
cell_buf : real*8, pointer, dimension(:)
Subroutine: copy_ent_state_to_array. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

cell_c : real*8
Subroutine: accumulate_excess_c. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

cell_c_old : real*8, pointer, dimension(:, :), save
Subroutine: accumulate_excess_c. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = > null()
cept : real*8
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

cexz : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

ceyz : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

cezx : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

cezy : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

cfc11x : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor for CFC11 with respect to value in "GHG" file
Initial Value = 1.
cfc11x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cfc11x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cfc11x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cfc12x : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor for CFC12 with respect to value in "GHG" file
Initial Value = 1.
cfc12x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cfc12x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cfc12x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cfrac : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Total cloud fraction as seen be radiation
cfrac : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

cfrac : used from rad_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

cfrac : character(len=5)
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

cfrac : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cfrac_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

cg : real*8
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= non-dimensional coefficient for counter-gradient term
cgoldh : real*8, dimension(11, 5)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = reshape( (/ 3.00, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, 1.00, 3.00, 2.00, 3.00, 1.00, 2.00, .0, .0, 1.00, .0, .0, .0, .0, 1.00, 3.00, .0, 1.00, 1.00, .0, .0, 1.00, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, 1.00, 1.00, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, 1.00, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, .0, 1.00/ ),(/11,5/) )
cgs : real*8, dimension(-2:40, 0:40)
Global variable . Module: OCFUNC. File: OCNFUNTAB.f
specific heat capacity of sea water (J/kg*C)
cgs : used from ocfunc
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ch : real*8, dimension(KM/2-1)
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
cos/sin evaluated on half points
ch : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= Stanton number (dimensionless surface heat flux)
ch : real*8, dimension(6)
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f
Initial Value = (/0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0, 3.0, 10.0/)
ch : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= Stanton number
ch : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: getchq. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ch : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

ch : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
dimensionless heat flux at surface (stanton number)
ch : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ch : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= Stanton number (dimensionless surface heat flux)
ch : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sig. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
local heat exchange coefficient
ch : real*8
Subroutine: simil. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ch : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ch : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ch : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

ch : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
dimensionless heat flux at surface (stanton number)
ch : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
dimensionless heat flux at surface (stanton number)
ch :
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
dimensionless heat flux at surface (stanton number)
ch :
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
dimensionless heat flux at surface (stanton number)
ch4_ppm : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = -1d+0
ch4_ppm : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ch4x : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor for CH4 with respect to value in "GHG" file
Initial Value = 1.
ch4x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ch4x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ch4x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ch4x_radoverchem : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor for chemistry
Initial Value = 1.d0
ch4x_radoverchem : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ch4x_radoverchem : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

chaer : character*32, parameter, dimension(4)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/ 'Tropospheric Climatology Aerosol', 'Tropospheric Desert Dust Aerosol', 'Stratospheric (Volcanic) Aerosol', 'Total Column Atmospheric Aerosol'/)
char_amount_snow : real(realk), parameter
Global variable . Module: PLANET_ALB. File: planet_alb.F90
Initial Value = 10.0_RealK
check : real*8
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

check_netcdf : logical, dimension(14)
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
.TRUE. if NetCDF check should be performed on file
Initial Value = (/ .FALSE. , .TRUE. , .FALSE. , .FALSE. , .FALSE. , .FALSE. , .FALSE. , .FALSE. , .FALSE. , .FALSE. , .FALSE. , .FALSE. , .FALSE. , .FALSE. /)
checke : used from soil_drv
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

checksum : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

checksum : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

checksum : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

checksum : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

checksum : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

checksum : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

chem_in : real*8, dimension(2, LX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
column variable for importing ozone(1) and methane(2)
chem_in : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

chem_out : real*8, dimension(LX, 5)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
column variable for exporting radiation code quantities
Initial Value = 0d0
chem_out : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

chem_tracer_save : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
3D O3, CH4 saved elsewhere for use in radiation
chem_tracer_save : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

chem_tracer_save : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cheml : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

chemlm1 : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

chgs : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
Stanton number (dimensionless surface heat flux)
chl : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
Chlorophyll concentration data (mgr/m**3)
chl : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

chl_defined : logical
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

chl_from_seawifs : used from runtimecontrols_mod
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

chl_in : real*8
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

chlin : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

chlut : real*8, dimension(6)
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f
Initial Value = (/0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0, 3.0, 10.0/)
chlut_size : integer, parameter
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f
Initial Value = 6
chng_sc : real*8
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

chng_sc : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
scale for changes
chr : character(len=5)
Subroutine: write_caldate. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

ci : complex*16
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ci_ij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

ci_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

ci_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

ci_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: new_io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

ci_ij_glob : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
work array for parallel_io
ci_ini : real*8, dimension(i0:i1, j0:j1)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

ciaavg : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
cross-isobar angle
cierr : character
Subroutine: init_wspdf_mod. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

cint : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f
Internal foliage CO2 concentration (mol/m3)
cint :
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f
Internal foliage CO2 concentration (mol/m3)
cint : used from ent_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

cint : used from ent_com
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

cint : used from ent_com
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

cint : used from ent_com
Subroutine: new_io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

cint_glob : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f
work array for parallel_io
circname : character(len=7), dimension(ncirc), parameter
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = (/ 'Overtrn', 'GM flx ', 'Hor gyr'/)
circstr : character(len=3), dimension(ncirc), parameter
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = (/ 'moc','gmf','gyr' /)
cjcd : real*8
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

cjcd : real*8
Subroutine: daily_cosz. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

cjcd_sdusk : real*8
Subroutine: daily_cosz. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

ck :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
ratio of cloud top jumps in moist static energy and total water
ck : real*8
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ck1 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variabls
ck1 : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
a tunning const.
Initial Value = 1.
ck2 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variabls
ckij :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variabls
ckm :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
CTEI threshold in MacVean and Mason theory
ckr :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
CTEI threshold in Randall theory
clat : character*16, parameter
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = 'LONGITUDE'
clat : character(len=16)
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = 'LATITUDE'
cld_plow : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
Pressure boundaries for
cld_plow : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

cld_pmid : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
Pressure boundaries for
cld_pmid : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

cld_scaling : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cldcv : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

clddepij : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
deep convective cloud cover
cldeps : real*8, dimension(LX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
cloud heterogeneity; is computed using KCLDEP,EPSCON
cldinfo : real*8, dimension(LM, 3, grid%I_STRT_HALO:grid%I_STOP_HALO, grid%J_STRT_HALO:grid%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cldm :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
subsidence due to convection (mb)
cldmc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
moist convective cloud cover area (percent)
cldmc : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

cldmc : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

cldmc : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

cldmc : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cldmcl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
convective cloud cover
cldmcl : real*8, optional, intent(in), dimension(lmax)
Subroutine: get_cld_overlap. Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

cldmin : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
min MC/LSC region
Initial Value = .10d0
cldref :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cldsal : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Fractional stratiform cloud area used to derive in-cloud MMR
cldsal : used from clouds
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

cldsav : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
previous cloud cover area (percent)
cldsav : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

cldsav : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

cldsav : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cldsav1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
previous cloud cover area (percent)
cldsav1 : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

cldsav1 : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

cldsavl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
saved large-scale cloud cover
cldslwij : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
shallow convective cloud cover
cldss : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
super-saturated cloud cover area (percent)
cldss : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

cldss : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

cldss : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

cldss : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cldssl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
large-scale cloud cover
cldssl : real*8, intent(in), dimension(lmax)
Subroutine: get_cld_overlap. Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

cldsv1 : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

cldtot : real*8, optional, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_cld_overlap. Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

cldx : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1.
cldx : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cldx : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

clean_str : character*40
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

cleara :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction of clear region
clearmc : real*8
Subroutine: get_cld_overlap. Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

clearss : real*8
Subroutine: get_cld_overlap. Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

clearss_part : real*8
Subroutine: get_cld_overlap. Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

clev : character*3, dimension(LM)
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

clim_interact_chem : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
=1 for radiatively active chem tracers
Initial Value = 0
clim_interact_chem : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

clim_interact_chem : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

clock : type(modelclock), intent(in)
Subroutine: calc_zenith_angle. Module: ZENITH_MOD. File: Zenith.F90

clock : type(modelclock)
Subroutine: isbeginningaccumperiod. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

close_subdd : used from subdaily
Subroutine: finalize_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

closeunit : used from filemanager
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

closeunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: alloc_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

closeunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: check_upper_limit. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

closeunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

closeunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

closeunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: init. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

closeunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

closeunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

closeunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

closeunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

closeunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

closeunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

closeunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

cloud_aer_o3_rad_forc : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 0
cloud_aer_o3_rad_forc : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cloud_aer_o3_rad_forc : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cloud_rad_forc : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
= 1 for calculation of cloud + aerosol + O3
Initial Value = 0
cloud_rad_forc : used from rad_com
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

cloud_rad_forc : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cloud_rad_forc : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

clt1 : real*8
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

clt2 : real*8
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

cm : real*8, dimension(LM)
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

cm : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= drag coefficient (dimensionless surface momentum flux)
cm : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= drag coefficient for momentum
cm : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: getcm. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

cm : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

cm : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
dimensionless momentum flux at surface (drag coeff.)
cm :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
conversion rate for large cloud water content
cm : real*8, dimension(0:lm)
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
air mass of subsidence
cm : real(r8)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

cm : real*8, dimension(0:lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

cm : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

cm : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

cm : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

cm : real*8
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

cm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

cm : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= drag coefficient (dimensionless surface momentum flux)
cm : real*8
Subroutine: simil. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

cm : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

cm : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

cm : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

cm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
dimensionless momentum flux at surface (drag coeff.)
cm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
dimensionless momentum flux at surface (drag coeff.)
cm : real*8, dimension(nl)
Subroutine: zstep. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

cm0 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
limiting autoconversion rate for large cloud water content
cm0 : real*8, dimension(nl)
Subroutine: zstep. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

cm00 : real*8
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
upper limit for autoconversion rate
cm1 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
limiting autoconversion rate for large cloud water content
cm2 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

cm2 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

cmano2 : real*8, parameter, dimension(42)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/ 8.66E-06,5.15E-06,2.85E-06,1.50E-06,9.89E-07,6.91E-07,7.17E-07, 8.96E-07,3.67E-06,4.85E-06,5.82E-06,6.72E-06,7.77E-06,8.63E-06, 8.77E-06,8.14E-06,6.91E-06,5.45E-06,4.00E-06,2.67E-06,1.60E-06, 8.36E-07,3.81E-07,1.58E-07,6.35E-08,2.57E-08,1.03E-08,4.18E-09, 1.66E-09,6.57E-10,2.58E-10,1.02E-10,4.11E-11,1.71E-11,7.73E-12, 9.07E-12,4.63E-12,2.66E-12,1.73E-12,1.28E-12,1.02E-12,1.00E-30/)
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

cmax : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
limits on drag coeffs.
Initial Value = smax*smax
cmax : real*8
Subroutine: timeout. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f
max.count before 0-reset
cmax : real*8
Subroutine: timer. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f
max.count before 0-reset
cmc : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cmgs : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
drag coefficient (dimensionless surface momentum flux)
cmin : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
limits on drag coeffs.
Initial Value = smin*smin
cmneg :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

cmo : character(len=2)
Subroutine: write_caldate. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

cmonob : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= coefficient for Monin-Obukhov depth = 1.0
Initial Value = 1d0
cmonth : type(calendarmonth)
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

cmonth : type(calendarmonth)
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

cmonth : type(calendarmonth)
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cmonth : type(calendarmonth)
Subroutine: getdte. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

cmonth : type(calendarmonth)
Subroutine: initializemodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

cmonth : type(calendarmonth)
Subroutine: isbeginningaccumperiod. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

cmonth : type(calendarmonth)
Subroutine: startnewday. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

cmprs : real*8
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

cmprs : real*8
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

cmup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

cmup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

cmup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

cmup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

cmx : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

cn : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

cn : real*8
Subroutine: precip_mp. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

cn0 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
intercepts of Marshall-Palmer particle size dist.
cn0 : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
intercepts of Marshall-Palmer particle size dist.
Initial Value = 8.d6
cn0g : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
intercepts of Marshall-Palmer particle size dist.
cn0g : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
intercepts of Marshall-Palmer particle size dist.
Initial Value = 8.d6
cn0i : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
intercepts of Marshall-Palmer particle size dist.
cn0i : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
intercepts of Marshall-Palmer particle size dist.
Initial Value = 8.d6
cnc_ij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f
canopy conductance
cnc_ij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f
canopy conductance
cnc_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

cnc_ij : used from ent_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

cnc_ij : used from ent_com
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

cnc_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

cnc_ij : used from ent_com
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

cnc_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: new_io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

cnc_ij : used from ent_com
Subroutine: new_io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

cnc_ij_glob : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
work array for parallel_io
cnc_ij_glob : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f
work array for parallel_io
cnc_ini : real*8, dimension(i0:i1, j0:j1)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

cnslat : real*8, dimension(jm+3, kcon)
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

cnslat : real*8, dimension(jm+3, kmax), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_jc. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

cnvmmrl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
convective cloud condensate mass mixing ratio
cnvmmrl : used from clouds
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

co2_ppm : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = -1d+0
co2_ppm : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

co2ppm : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Current CO2 level as seen by radiation
Initial Value = 280.
co2ppm : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

co2ppm : used from rad_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

co2x : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor for CO2 with respect to value in "GHG" file
Initial Value = 1.
co2x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

co2x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

co2x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

co2x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

coeec : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
coefficient for computing cloud evaporation
Initial Value = 1000.
coef : real(r8), intent(in)
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

coefm : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
coefficient for ratio of cloud water amount and WCONST
Initial Value = 10.
coeft : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
coefficient used in computing PRATM
Initial Value = 2.5
coesig : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
coefficient for equ. 23 of Del Genio et al. (1996)
Initial Value = 1d-3
coetau : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
multiplier for convective cloud optical thickness
Initial Value = .08d0
col : integer
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

coldrestart : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

coldrestart : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

coldrestart : logical
Subroutine: modele_maindriver. Module: NONE. File: MODELE_DRV.f
Initial Value = .false.
coldrestart : logical, intent(inout)
Subroutine: read_options. Module: NONE. File: MODELE_DRV.f

column : type(reportcolumn_type)
Subroutine: reportprofile. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

comm : integer, intent(in), optional
Subroutine: sparsecommunicator. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

comm_ : integer
Subroutine: sparsecommunicator. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

comp_wave : complex*16, dimension(max12hr_sequ)
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
complex form of WAVE. Correct arg. to subr. MEM
compute : real*8, external
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

compute2 : real*8, external
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

compute2 : real*8, external
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics : used from atmdyn
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

conam : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f

Initial Value = 1.257d0
conas : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f

Initial Value = -28.86d0
conc1 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f

Initial Value = 5d0
conc1 : used from kppe
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

conc2 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f

Initial Value = 16d0
conc3 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f

Initial Value = 16d0
concm : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f

Initial Value = 8.380d0
concs : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f

Initial Value = 98.96d0
concv : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= ratio of interior buoyancy frequency to
Initial Value = 1.8d0
cond : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_dq_evap. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
amount of condensate
cond : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_precip_phase. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
save LHX temporarily, condensate
cond :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
condensate mass density (kg/m^3)
condgp : real*8
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
precipitating part of convective condensate
condgp :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
condensate mass density (kg/m^3)
condip : real*8
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
precipitating part of convective condensate
condip :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
condensate mass density (kg/m^3)
condmmr :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
condensate mass mixing ratio for planet radiation scheme (kg/kg)
condmu :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
convective condensate in Kg/m^3
condp : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
precipitating part of convective condensate
condp :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
condensate mass density (kg/m^3)
condp1 : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
precipitating and detrained parts of convective condensate
condp1 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
condensate mass density (kg/m^3)
condpt : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
temporary variable to save CONDP
condpt :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
temporary variables to save CONDP
condv :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
condensate mass density (kg/m^3)
conpt : character, dimension(NPTS)
Subroutine: declare_oceanr_consrv. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

conpt : character, dimension(NPTS)
Subroutine: declare_seaice_consrv. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

conpt : character, dimension(NPTS)
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

conpt : character, dimension(npts)
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

conpt : character, dimension(NPTS)
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

conpt : character*10, intent(in), dimension(npts)
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
names for points where conservation diags are saved
conpt0 : character*10, dimension(npts), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
default titles for each point where conserv diags. are done
conpt0 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: declare_oceanr_consrv. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

conpt0 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: declare_seaice_consrv. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

conpt0 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

conpt0 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

conpt0 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

conpt0 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

conpt0 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

conpt_us : character*10
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
CONPT with blanks replaced by underscores
conserv :
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

conserv_oam : real*8, external
Subroutine: diagco. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

conserv_oce : real*8, external
Subroutine: diagco. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

conserv_oke : real*8, external
Subroutine: diagco. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

conserv_oms : real*8, external
Subroutine: diagco. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

conserv_osl : real*8, external
Subroutine: diagco. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

consfn :
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
external routine that calculates total conserved quantity
consfn :
Subroutine: conserv_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
external routine that calculates total conserved quantity
consrv : real*8, dimension(jm_budg, kcon), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
conservation diagnostics
consrv : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = >consrv_loc
consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = >consrv_loc
consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

consrv_loc : real*8, dimension(jm_budg, kcon), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

consrv_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

consrv_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

consrv_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

consrv_sv : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: collect_scalars. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

const : real(r8), real(r8)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

const : real(r8)
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

constflx : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: tr_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
the constant component of the surface tracer flux
contce :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
scaling factor for entrainment strength
contce1 : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

contce2 : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

control_lw : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

control_sw : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

conv : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
(kg/s) = mass fluxes
conv : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN_DYN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
mass flux convergence
conv : used from dynamics
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

conv : used from dynamics
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

conv : used from dynamics
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

conv : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

conv : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

conv : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

conv : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

conv : real*8, dimension(npoints, nlev)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

conv : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oadvm. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

conv : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

conv : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: wrapadjustfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

convadj_j : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: wrapadjustfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

convfac : real*8
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

convij : real*8
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

convpos_j : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: wrapadjustfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

convs : real*8
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

convs : real*8
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

coord3 : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f
the coordinate axes corresponding to the third dimensions.
copy_array_to_ent_state : used from ent_com
Subroutine: new_io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

copy_ent_state_to_array : used from ent_com
Subroutine: new_io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

copypole : logical, intent(in), optional
Subroutine: int_ag2og_2da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

copypole : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: int_og2ag_2da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

copypole : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3db_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

copypole_ : logical
Subroutine: int_ag2og_2da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

cor : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
coriolis term for ice dynamic equation
cor : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

cor : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

cori : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

coriol : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
coriolis parameter (1/s)
coriol : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
2.*omega*sin(latitude), the coriolis factor
coriol : real*8
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

coriol : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
Coriolis parameter (used in turbulent flux calc) (1/s)
coriol : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

coriol : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
the Coriolis parameter
coriol : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
Coriolis parameter (1/s)
coriol : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

coriol : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

coriol : real*8
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

coriol : real*8
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

coriol : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
the Coriolis parameter
coriol : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
the Coriolis parameter
corofj : real*8
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

cos_limit : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
Initial Value = 0.15d0
cos_limit : used from dynamics
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

cos_limit : used from dynamics
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

cos_limit : used from dynamics
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

cos_zen_angle : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

cos_zenith : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cosbar : real*8, dimension(190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

coscut : real*8
Subroutine: far_from_pole. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

coscut : real*8
Subroutine: isotropslp. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

coscut : real*8
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

cosd : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
orbit related variables computed once a day
cosd : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f
sin,cos of solar declination angle
cosd : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_orbit. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cosd_in : real*8
Subroutine: daily_cosz. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

cosi : real*8, dimension(:), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
sin(lon),cos(lon) for vector regrids
cosi : used from geom
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f
Initial Value = >cosiv
cosi : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f
Initial Value = >COSIC
cosi : used from geom
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = >cosiv
cosi : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >COSIC
cosi : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >COSIC
cosi : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >COSIC
cosi : used from ocean
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >COSIC
cosi : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >COSIC
cosi : used from ocean
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >COSIC
cosic : real*8, dimension(IM)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

cosic : used from ocean
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

cosic : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

cosic : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

cosic : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

cosic : used from ocean
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

cosip : real*8, public, dimension(im)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
longitud. sin,cos for wind,pressure grid
cosip : used from geom
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

cosip : used from geom
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

cosip : used from geom
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

cosiu : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

cosiu : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

cosiu : used from icedyn
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

cosiv : real*8, public, dimension(im)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
longitud. sin,cos for wind,pressure grid
cosiv : used from geom
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

cosiv : used from geom
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

cosj : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f
sines and cosines for zenith angle calculation
cosj : real*8, dimension(JM)
Subroutine: far_from_pole. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

coslat2d : real*8, public, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

coslat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

coslat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: horzdist_2pts. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

coslatv : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
sin(latv), cos(latv)
cosm : real*8, dimension(JM)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

cosm : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

cosp : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
cos of latitude at primary, secondary latitudes
cosp : used from geom
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

cosp : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f
Initial Value = >COSPO
cosp : used from geom
Subroutine: isotropslp. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

cosp1 : real*8
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

cosp1 : real*8
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

cospo : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

cospo : real*8, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

cospo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

cosq : real*8, dimension(JM)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

cosq : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

cosu : real*8, public, dimension(im)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

cosu : real*8, dimension(IM)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

cosu : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

cosu : used from ocean
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

cosu : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

cosu : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

cosu : used from ocean
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

cosu : used from ocean
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

cosu : used from ocean
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

cosv : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
cos of latitude at primary, secondary latitudes
cosv : used from geom
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

cosv : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

cosv : used from geom
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

cosv : used from geom
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

cosv : used from geom
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

cosv : used from geom
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

cosv : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f
Initial Value = >COSVO
cosv : used from geom
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

cosv : used from geom
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

cosvo : real*8, dimension(0:jm)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

cosvo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

coswat : real*8
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
sin and cos of ice-ocean turning angle
coswat : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

cosz : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
cosine of zenith angle (1)
cosz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: calc_zenith_angle. Module: ZENITH_MOD. File: Zenith.F90
- array of zenith angles weighted by time
cosz : real*8, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: coszs. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

cosz : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

cosz : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

cosz : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cosz1 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
Mean Solar Zenith angle for curr. physics(not rad) time step
cosz1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Mean Solar Zenith angle for curr. physics(not rad) time step
cosz1 : used from rad_com
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

cosz1 : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

cosz1 : used from rad_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

cosz1 : used from rad_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1_exports. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

cosz1 : used from rad_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

cosz1 :
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f
Mean Solar Zenith angle for curr. physics(not rad) time step
cosz1 : used from rad_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

cosz1 : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cosz1 : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cosz1 : used from rad_com
Subroutine: run_radonly. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cosz1 : used from rad_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

cosz2 : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cosz_const : real*8, optional
Subroutine: cosz_init. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

cosz_const : real*8
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cosz_day : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Mean Solar Zenith angle for current day
cosz_day : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

cosz_day : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: daily_cosz. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

cosz_day : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_orbit. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cosz_init : used from rad_cosz0
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cosz_tmp : real*8
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cosza : real*8, optional, intent(inout), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: calc_zenith_angle. Module: ZENITH_MOD. File: Zenith.F90
- weighted by incident light
cosza : real*8, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: coszs. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

cosza : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo), optional
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

cosza : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

coszs : used from rad_cosz0
Subroutine: calc_zenith_angle. Module: ZENITH_MOD. File: Zenith.F90

coszs : used from rad_cosz0
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

coszt : used from rad_cosz0
Subroutine: calc_zenith_angle. Module: ZENITH_MOD. File: Zenith.F90

coszt : used from rad_cosz0
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

count_loops : integer
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

counter : integer
Subroutine: accumulate_excess_c. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = 0
counter : integer, save
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = 0
counter : integer, save
Subroutine: ent_write_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f
Initial Value = 0
courmax : real*8
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

courmax : real*8
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

courmax : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

courmax : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

courmax : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

courmax : real*8
Subroutine: xstep. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

cover_sand : used from ent_mod
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

cphin : real*8
Subroutine: cosz_init. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

cphis : real*8
Subroutine: cosz_init. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

cpooldata : real*8, dimension(n_covertypes, n_bpools, i0:i1, j0:j1)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

cpout : character
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

cpout : character
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

cpres : character*16, parameter
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = 'PRESSURE (MB)'
cpres : character(len=16)
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = 'PRESSURE (MB)'
cpress : character*8, dimension(LM)
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

cpress : character*11, dimension(LM)
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

cq : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= Dalton number (dimensionless surface moisture flux)
cq : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= Dalton number
cq : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

cq : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
dimensionless moisture flux at surface (dalton number)
cq : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

cq : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= Dalton number (dimensionless surface moisture flux)
cq : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
dimensionless moisture flux at surface (dalton number)
cq : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
dimensionless moisture flux at surface (dalton number)
cq : real*8
Subroutine: simil. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

cq : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

cq : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

cq : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

cq :
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
dimensionless moisture flux at surface (dalton number)
cq :
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
dimensionless moisture flux at surface (dalton number)
cqgs : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
Dalton number (dimensionless surface moisture flux)
cr1 : real*8
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

cr2 : real*8
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

cr_kpd : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

craddata : real*8, dimension(n_covertypes, i0:i1, j0:j1)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

crfl : real(r8), dimension(iz0:LM+1)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

crhrf : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

cropdata : real*8, dimension(grid%I_STRT_HALO:grid%I_STOP_HALO, grid%J_STRT_HALO:grid%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: get_cropdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

cropdata_h : real*8, dimension(grid%I_STRT_HALO:grid%I_STOP_HALO, grid%J_STRT_HALO:grid%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

cropdata_h : real*8, dimension(grid%I_STRT_HALO:grid%I_STOP_HALO, grid%J_STRT_HALO:grid%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: update_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

crops_yr : integer
Global variable . Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f
Initial Value = 0
crops_yr : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
obs.year of crops (if 0: time var, -1: default)
Initial Value = -1
cropstream : type(timestream)
Global variable . Module: CROPDATA_MOD. File: VEG_DRV.f
interface for reading and time-interpolating the crop file
csc : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
dummy variables
csdragl : used from dynamics
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

csizel : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud particle radius (micron)
csizmc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
mc,ss effective cloud droplet radius (microns)
csizmc : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

csizmc : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

csizmc : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

csizss : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
mc,ss effective cloud droplet radius (microns)
csizss : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

csizss : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

csizss : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

csj : real*8, dimension(jm, kcmx)
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

csl : real*8, dimension(IM)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

cslmn : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

cslpu : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

css : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cst : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

cst : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

cstar : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= proportionality coefficient for nonlocal transport
Initial Value = 10d0
cstr : character(len=lcstr)
Subroutine: new_io_param. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

csu : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

csu : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

csum : complex*16
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

csum1 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

csum2 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

csum3 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

csz2 : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ctp : real*8, dimension(1)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ctp : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ctr_cp : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 3
ctr_cp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: get_zstr. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

ctr_cp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ctr_cp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ctr_ml : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ctr_ml : used from diag_com
Subroutine: get_zstr. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

ctr_ml : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ctr_ml : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ctt : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

cu : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

cu : real*8, dimension(nx1, grid_icdyn%j_strt_halo:grid_icdyn%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

cu3d : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

cubicroot : used from cubicequation_mod
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

cuspwe : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: compute. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = 0.5
cuspwe : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: spline. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

cuspwe : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

cuspwe : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

cuspwe : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: threeptquadinterpolation. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

cuspwm : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: compute. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = 0.5
cuspwm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: spline. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

cuspwm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

cuspwm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

cuspwm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: threeptquadinterpolation. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

cuspwt : real*8
Subroutine: compute. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

cuspwt : real*8
Subroutine: compute2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

cuspwt : real*8
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

cuspwt : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

cuspwt : real*8
Subroutine: threeptquadinterpolation. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

cv : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

cv : real*8, dimension(2:nx1-1, grid_icdyn%j_strt_halo:grid_icdyn%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

cv3d : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

cw : real(r8), parameter, dimension(N_Kh)
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f
: half-width for the spectrum in C (m/s)
Initial Value = (/10.0_r8/)
cwarn : character(*), intent(in)
Subroutine: check_upper_limit. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
File name for warning message (in)
cwe : real*8
Subroutine: setgts. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

cwm : real*8
Subroutine: setgts. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

cwti : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: ctrend. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

cwtj : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: ctrend. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

cx : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

cx : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

cx : character*16, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

cx : character*16, parameter
Subroutine: pout_isccp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
Initial Value = 'OPTICAL DEPTH '
cx : character*16, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_jl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

cx : character*16, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_wp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
x,y coordinate names
cxz : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

cy : character*16, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

cy : character*16, parameter
Subroutine: pout_isccp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
Initial Value = 'PRESSURE '
cy : character*16, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_jl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

cy : character*16, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_wp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
x,y coordinate names
cyclic : logical
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

cyclic : logical
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

cyclic : logical
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

cyr : character(len=4)
Subroutine: write_caldate. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

cyz : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

czx : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

czy : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

d : real*8
Subroutine: compute. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

d : real*8
Subroutine: compute2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

d : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

d : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

d : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

d : real*8
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

d : real*8, dimension(nvec)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

d : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

d : real*8
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

d : real*8
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

d1 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

d1 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

d1_3 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

d2 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

d2 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

d2_3 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

d3 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

d3 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

d3_3 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

d4 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

d4 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

d4_3 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

d5 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

d5 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

d5_3 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

d_wsn : real*8
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

daily_cosz : used from rad_cosz0
Subroutine: daily_orbit. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

daily_earth : used from soil_drv
Subroutine: daily_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

daily_earth : used from soil_drv
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

dalbsn : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dalbsn : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

dalbsn : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dalbsnx : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
global coeff for snow alb change by black carbon depos
Initial Value = 0.
dalbsnx : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dalbsnx : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dalbsnx : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dalpha : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dam : real*8
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

damb : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

damsum : real*8
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dash : character*4, parameter
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = ('----')
dash : character*4, parameter
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = '----'
dash : character*4
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dash : character*4
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dash : character(len=4)
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = '----'
dat1 : real*8, dimension(mdiff)
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
derivative of shape function at sigma=1
data : real*4, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

data : real*4, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: write_data. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

data_arr : real*8, dimension(size_arr), intent(in)
Subroutine: bbw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

data_arr : real*8, dimension(y_size, x_size), intent(in)
Subroutine: bilin. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

data_arr : real*8, dimension(size_arr), intent(in)
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

data_arr : real*8, dimension(size_arr), intent(in)
Subroutine: find_max. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

data_arr : real*8, dimension(size_arr), intent(in)
Subroutine: find_min. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

data_arr : real*8, dimension(size_arr), intent(in)
Subroutine: get_aw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

data_arr : real*8, dimension(size_arr), intent(in)
Subroutine: kw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

data_array : real*8, dimension(dim), intent(in)
Subroutine: get_virtual_index. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

datar8 : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

date : integer
Subroutine: checkpointmodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

date : integer
Subroutine: daily_cal. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

date : integer
Subroutine: def_acc_meta. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

date : integer
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

date : integer
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

date : integer
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

date : integer
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

date : integer
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

date : integer
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

date : integer
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

date : integer
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

date : integer
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

date : integer
Subroutine: diagkn. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

date : integer
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

date : integer
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

date : integer
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

date : integer
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

date : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

date : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

date : integer
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

date : integer
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

date : integer
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

date : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

datee : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
end of model run
Initial Value = 1
datee : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

datee :
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
end of model run
datei : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
start of model run
Initial Value = 1
datei : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

datei :
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
start of model run
datei : used from model_com
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

datei : used from model_com
Subroutine: sundial. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

datmcb : real*8
Subroutine: hntr80. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

datmis : real*8
Subroutine: hntr8. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

datmis : real*8
Subroutine: hntr80. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

datmis : real*8
Subroutine: hntr8p. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

datmis : real*8
Subroutine: hntr8p_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

datmis : real*8
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

dawn : real*8
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

day : integer
Subroutine: daily_cal. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

day : integer
Subroutine: get_cropdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

day : integer
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

day : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

day : integer
Subroutine: isbeginningaccumperiod. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

day : integer
Subroutine: updbcd. Module: NONE. File: READ_AERO.f

day_of_month : integer
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

day_of_month : integer
Subroutine: startnewday. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

day_of_year : integer
Subroutine: startnewday. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

dayofyear : integer
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

dayofyear : integer
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dayofyear : integer
Subroutine: daily_orbit. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dayofyear : integer
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dayofyear : integer
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dayofyear : integer
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dayofyear : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

dayofyear : integer
Subroutine: init_veg. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dayofyear : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

days : real*8
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

days : real*8
Subroutine: def_acc_meta. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

days : real*8
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

days : real*8
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

days : real*8
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

days : real*8
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

days : real*8
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

days_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

days_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

days_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

days_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

daysperyear : integer
Subroutine: makeplanetorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

db : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
-grav/rho*d(rho) (m/s^2)
db : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dbhdata : real*8, dimension(n_covertypes, i0:i1, j0:j1)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

dbl : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= boundary layer height (m)
dbl : real*8
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

dbl : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

dbl : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

dbl : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: e_les. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dbl : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: find_pbl_top. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
the height (in meters) of the pbl, at main layer
dbl : real*8
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

dbl : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
PBL height (m)
dbl : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dbl : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dbl : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
the height of the PBL (real*8, in meters)
dbl : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= boundary layer height (m)
dbl : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sig. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
boundary layer height (m)
dbl_max : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: find_pbl_top. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
Initial Value = 5000.
dbl_max_stable : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
Initial Value = dbls0+slope0*500.
dbl_max_stable : used from pbl_drv
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

dblavg : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
boundary layer height (m)
dblext : real*8, dimension(lx+1, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dblgcb : real*8, dimension(lx+1, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dbln : real*8, dimension(30)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dbloc : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
local delta buoyancy across interfaces (m/s^2)
dbloc : real*8, dimension(km)
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
local delta buoyancy across interfaces (m/s^2)
dbloc : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dbloc : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dblpi0 : real*8, dimension(lx+1, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dbls : real*8
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

dbls : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= stable boundary layer height (m)
dbls : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dbls0 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
Initial Value = 10.d0
dbls0 : used from pbl_drv
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

dblsct : real*8, dimension(lx+1, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dbsfc : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dbsfc : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dbydzh : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dbysd : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

dc : real(r8), parameter, dimension(N_Kh)
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f
: spectral resolution (m/s)
Initial Value = (C_sup - C_inf)
dc : used from unrdrag_com
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dc : real(r8), intent(in)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dc : real*8
Subroutine: precip_mp. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dc1 : real(r8), real(r8)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dc2 : real(r8), real(r8)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dc3 : real(r8), dimension(iz0:LM+1)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dc_end : real(r8), real(r8)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dcc_cdncl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dcdnc : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: dcdnc_est. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

dcdnc : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dcdnc_est : used from aerparam_mod
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dcg : real*8
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
critical cloud particle sizes for onset of precip
dcg :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
critical cloud particle sizes for onset of precip
dci : real*8
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
critical cloud particle sizes for onset of precip
dci :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
critical cloud particle sizes for onset of precip
dcl : integer
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
max level of planetary boundary layer
dclev : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: PBLCOM. File: PBL_COM.f
dclev : used from pblcom
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

dclev : used from pblcom
Subroutine: checkpbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

dclev : used from pblcom
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

dclev : used from pblcom
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

dcolx : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dctei : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
height diagnostics of dry and latent heating by MC
dcw : real*8
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
critical cloud particle sizes for onset of precip
dcw :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
critical cloud particle sizes for onset of precip
dcz1 : real(r8), intent(in)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dcz2 : real(r8), intent(in)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ddcw : real*8
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
ddjday : real*8, dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ddm :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
downdraft mass (mb)
ddm1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
downdraft mass flux / rho at lowest level (m/s)
ddm1 : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

ddmflx :
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
accumulated downdraft mass flux (mb)
ddml : integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
lowest level of downdraft
ddml : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

ddml_eq_1 : logical
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ddml_eq_1 : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ddml_eq_1 : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ddms : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
downdraft mass flux at level 1 (kg/s/m**2)
ddms : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ddms : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
downdraft mass flux in kg/(m^2 s), (i,j)
ddms : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f
downdraft mass flux in kg/(m^2 s), (i,j)
ddraft :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
downdraft mass (mb)
ddrold :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
ddrup :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
ddry : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ddx_ci : real*8, public, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

ddx_cj : real*8, public, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

ddy_ci : real*8, public, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

ddy_ci : used from geom
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ddy_cj : real*8, public, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

ddy_cj : used from geom
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

de0 : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

de4ti : real*8
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

de4ti : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dealloc_pbl_args : used from socpbl
Global variable . Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

dealloc_pbl_args : used from pbl_drv
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dealloc_pbl_args : used from pbl_drv
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

dealloc_pbl_args : used from pbl_drv
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

deallocate_aer : used from def_aer
Subroutine: deallocate_planet_rad. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

deallocate_aer_prsc : used from def_aer
Subroutine: deallocate_planet_rad. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

deallocate_atm : used from def_atm
Subroutine: deallocate_planet_rad. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

deallocate_bound : used from def_bound
Subroutine: deallocate_planet_rad. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

deallocate_cld : used from def_cld
Subroutine: deallocate_planet_rad. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

deallocate_cld_prsc : used from def_cld
Subroutine: deallocate_planet_rad. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

deallocate_control : used from def_control
Subroutine: deallocate_planet_rad. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

deallocate_out : used from def_out
Subroutine: deallocate_planet_rad. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

deallocate_planet_rad : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: rcompx. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

debug : logical
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

debug : logical
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
debug : used from seaice
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

debug : used from seaice
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

debug : used from seaice
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

debug : used from seaice
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

debug : logical
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

debug : logical
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

debug : used from seaice
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

debug : logical
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

debug_out : logical
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

declinationangle : real*8
Subroutine: daily_orbit. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

def : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

def : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

defr : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

defr : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: declare_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_meta_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_meta_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_meta_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_meta_rvracc. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_agrice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_bldat. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_earth. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_landice. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_longacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_subdd. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

defvar : used from pario
Subroutine: write_meta_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

defvar_cdl : used from cdl_mod
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

defvar_cdl : used from cdl_mod
Subroutine: def_meta_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

defvar_cdl : used from cdl_mod
Subroutine: def_meta_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

defvar_cdl : used from cdl_mod
Subroutine: def_meta_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

deg : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: lat_to_j. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

deg : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: lon_to_i. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

deglat : real*8, dimension(nlat), intent(in)
Subroutine: boxav. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

deglat : real*8, dimension(nlat), intent(in)
Subroutine: boxav1. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

deglat : real*8, dimension(nlat), intent(in)
Subroutine: boxav2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

degree : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 1./radian
deidti : used from seaice
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

deidti : used from seaice
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

del : real*8
Subroutine: ccoeff0. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

del : real*8
Subroutine: deltasst. Module: NONE. File: PBL.f
micro-layer thickness (m)
delalb : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

delf : real*8
Subroutine: reset_surf_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

delfit : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = 1.D-06
delhat : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

delhat : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

delp : real*8, dimension(lm), parameter, private
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
nominal pressure thicknesses of layers (mb)
Initial Value = plbot(1:lm)
delt : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

delt : real*8
Subroutine: plast. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

delt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sig. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
difference between surface and ground T (ts-tg) (K)
delt1 : real*8
Subroutine: plast. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

delta : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = 1.D-07
delta : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = 1.D-07
delta : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
fraction hbl lies beteen zgrid neighbors
delta :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction of plume that stays in the layer
delta : real*8
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

delta_o3_now : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f
the difference in O3 between solar max and solar min,
delta_o3stream : type(timestream)
Global variable . Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

deltae : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

deltaenergy : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: addenergyasdiffuseheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

deltake : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: addenergyaslocalheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

deltam : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

deltap : real*8
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

deltas : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

deltasr : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

deltasst : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

deltau :
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= delta ustar in table
deltau : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

deltaz : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= delta zehat in table
Initial Value = (zmax-zmin)
deltx : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

deltx : used from constant
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

deltx : used from constant
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

deltx : used from constant
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

deltx : used from constant
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

deltx : used from constant
Subroutine: get_tv. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

deltx : used from constant
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

deltx : used from constant
Subroutine: mass_flux. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

deltx : used from constant
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

deltx : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

deltx : used from constant
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

deltx : used from constant
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

delx2 : real*8
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

delxr : real*8
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

delxy : real*8
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

dely2 : real*8
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

delyr : real*8
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

dem : real*8, dimension(npoints, ncol)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dem_c : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

dem_c : real*8, dimension(npoints, nlev)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dem_s : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

dem_s : real*8, dimension(npoints, nlev)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dem_wv : real*8, dimension(npoints, nlev)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

den : real*8
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

den : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

denaer : real*8, dimension(8)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/1.760, 2.165, 1.725, 1.500, 1.300, 1.300, 2.000,2.000/)
denom : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

denom : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

denom_dd : integer, dimension(ndiuvar), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

denom_dd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

denom_dd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

denom_dd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

denom_dd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

denom_gc : integer, dimension(kagcx), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
index of AGC element to use as weight
denom_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

denom_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

denom_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

denom_icij : integer, dimension(kicij)
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
denominators for ICIJ diagnostics
denom_icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: def_meta_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

denom_icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

denom_icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: write_meta_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

denom_ij : integer, dimension(kaij), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
index of AIJ element to use as time/area weight
denom_ij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

denom_ij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

denom_ijhc : integer, dimension(kijhc)
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f
idacc-numbers,weights for ijhc diagnostics
denom_ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: def_meta_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

denom_ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

denom_ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: write_meta_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

denom_ijk : integer, dimension(kaijk), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

denom_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

denom_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

denom_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

denom_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

denom_ijl : integer, dimension(kaijl), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
idacc-numbers,weights for AIJL diagnostics
denom_ijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

denom_ijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

denom_ijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

denom_ijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

denom_jl : integer, dimension(kajl), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
index of AJL element to use as weight
denom_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

denom_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

denom_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

denom_oijl : integer, dimension(koijl)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
denominators for OIJL diagnostics
denom_ojl : integer, dimension(kojl)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
denominators for OJL diagnostics
dens : real*8, parameter, dimension(5)
Subroutine: dcdnc_est. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f
Initial Value = (/1769d0, 1700d0, 1.d3, 1.d3, 1.d3/)
dens : real*8, dimension(33, 6)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

deoi : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

deoi : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

deoo : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

deoo : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dep : real*8
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

depobc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :), public
Global variable . Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f
prescribed black carbon deposition (curr,1990)
depobc : used from aerparam_mod
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

depobc : used from aerparam_mod
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

depobc : used from aerparam_mod
Subroutine: updbcd. Module: NONE. File: READ_AERO.f

depobc_1990 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :), public
Global variable . Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f
prescribed black carbon deposition (curr,1990)
depobc_1990 : used from aerparam_mod
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

depobc_1990 : used from aerparam_mod
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

depobc_1990 : used from aerparam_mod
Subroutine: updbcd. Module: NONE. File: READ_AERO.f

depth : real*8
Subroutine: alloc_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

depth : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dest : type(atmsrf_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_pbl_vars. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

det : real*8
Subroutine: ti. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

devdtg : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

devdtg : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

dew : real*8
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

dewi : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

dews : real*8
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

df : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: fgrid2. Module: NONE. File: PBL.f

df : real*8
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

df0dtg : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

df0dtg : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

df1dtg : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

df1dtg : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

df3dm : real*8
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

dfdtg : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

dfdtg : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

dfdti : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

dflat : real*8
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

dflb : real*8, dimension(LX+1, 33)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dflon : real*8
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

dflx : real*8, dimension(5)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dfp :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
an iterative increment
dfrac : real*8
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dfrac : real*8
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dfsl : real*8, dimension(33)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dfsrdz : used from sw2ocean
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f

dfsrdz : real*8, dimension(lsrpd)
Global variable . Module: SW2OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

dfsrdz : used from kppe
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dfsrdzb : used from sw2ocean
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f

dfsrdzb : real*8, dimension(lsrpd)
Global variable . Module: SW2OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

dfsrdzb : used from kppe
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dfx :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
iteration increment
dg : real*8
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dgb : real*8
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dgdqm :
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
dgdsm :
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
dglat : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dgm : real*8
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

dgml : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f
energy associated with DMWLDF (J)
dgml : used from fluxes
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

dgml : used from fluxes
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dgtemp : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dgxlim : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = 1D-06
dgza : real*8, dimension(LM)
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dgzu : real*8, dimension(LM)
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dh : used from ocean_dyn
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

dh : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN_DYN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
height of each ocean layer
dh : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

dh : real*8
Subroutine: getchq. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dh : real*4
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dh : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: icelake_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
distance from center of bottom ice layer to base of ice (m)
dh : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
distance from center of bottom ice layer to base of ice (m)
dh : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dh : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dh : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dh : real*8
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dh : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dh : real*8, dimension(lmo, 2)
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

dh : real*8
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dh0 : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

dh12 : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

dh1s : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

dh2 : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

dh2o : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
zonal H2O-prod.rate in kg/m^2/ppm_CH4/second in layer L
dh2o : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

dh2o : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dh2o : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm, 12)
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dh2o : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dh3d : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >dh
dhimp : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
implicit mass,salt and heat fluxes required
dhimp : real*8
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dhml : real*8
Subroutine: lkmix. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

dhorz : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
horizontal distance to downstream box (m)
dhorz : used from lakes
Subroutine: alloc_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

dhsi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
energy flux of sea ice 1) open water and 2) under ice (J/m^2)
dhsi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dhsi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

dhsi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dhsi : real*8, dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

dht : real*8
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dht_lake : real*8
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dht_soil : real*8
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dhtemp : real*8, dimension(2, lm)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

di : integer
Subroutine: get_dir. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

di : real*8
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dia : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: de_solver_edge. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

dia : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: de_solver_main. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

dia : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dia : real*8
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

dia : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dia : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: q_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dia : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dia : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: t_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dia : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: tr_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dia : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dia : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dib : real*8
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

diffdd : real*8
Subroutine: ddmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

difm0 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= viscosity max due to shear instability = vvcric
Initial Value = vvcric * r10000
difmcon : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= viscosity due to convective instability = vvclim
Initial Value = vvclim * r10000
difmiw : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= viscosity background due to internal waves = fkpm
Initial Value = fkpm * r10000
difnir : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
diffuse nir incident solar at surface
difnir : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

difnir : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

difnir_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

difs : real*8, dimension(0:km+1)
Subroutine: ddmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

difs : real*8
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

difs : real*8, dimension(0:km+1)
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
vertical scalar diffusivity (m^2/s)
difs : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: lndice. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

difs : real*8
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

difs : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: precli. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

difs0 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= diffusivity .. = vdcric
Initial Value = vdcric * r10000
difscon : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= diffusivity .. = vdclim
Initial Value = vdclim * r10000
difsh : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

difsh : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

difsiw : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= diffusivity .. = fkph
Initial Value = fkph * r10000
difsp : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dift : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
dummy variables
dift : real*8, dimension(0:km+1)
Subroutine: ddmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dift : real*8, dimension(0:km+1)
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
vertical temperature diffusivity (m^2/s)
difth : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

diftop : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
diffusion scale for topographic mixing
Initial Value = 0d0
diftp : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

diftp : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dim : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_virtual_index. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

dim3info_index : integer, dimension(:), allocatable
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f
for a group using an already-defined third dimension,
dim3name : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(:), allocatable
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f
the names of the third dimensions for grouped output
dim3units : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(:), allocatable
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f
units of coordinate axes of the third dimensions (if existing)
dim_char_cnv_ice : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dim_char_cnv_ice_l : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dim_char_cnv_water : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dim_char_cnv_water_l : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dim_char_st_ice : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dim_char_st_ice_l : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dim_char_st_water : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dim_char_st_water_l : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dimen : type(strdim)
Global variable . Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

dimension : real*8, real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

dimid : integer
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Dimension and variable ID for reading NetCDF files
dimrad_sv : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
dimension sum of input fields saved for radia_only runs
Initial Value = IM*JM*(7*LM+3*LM_REQ+24)
dimstr : character(len=64)
Subroutine: def_rsf_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

dimstr : character(len=29)
Subroutine: def_rsf_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

dimstr : character(len=32)
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

dint : real*8
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dint : real*8
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dir : integer, dimension(nmom)
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
direction switch (equals one of xdir ydir or zdir)
dir : integer, dimension(nmom)
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
direction switch (equals one of xdir ydir or zdir)
dir_solar_spec : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dir_spectral : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

direct_vis_rad : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dirnir : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
direct nir incident solar at surface
dirnir : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

dirnir : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dirnir_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

dirvis : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Direct beam solar incident at surface (W/m^2)
dirvis : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

dirvis : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

discr : real*8
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

dist : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
distance along strait (m)
dist : used from straits
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dist : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

dist : used from straits
Subroutine: stbdra. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

dist : used from straits
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dist : used from straits
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dist_grid : used from dist_grid_mod
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: OCEANR_DIM. File: OCEANR_DIM.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_atmgla_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_atmice_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_atmlnd_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_atmocn_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_pbl_vars. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_xchng_bundles. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_diag_loc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_ent_com. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_gc_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_ghy_com. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn_com. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_iceocn_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_icestate_type. Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_kpp_com. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_odiff. Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_pbl_com. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_seaice_com. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_smomtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_tracer_adv. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: avg_patches_pbl_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports_gla. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfstate_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: declare_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: dump_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: get_alloc_bounds. Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: get_bounds. Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_qus. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

dist_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: set_simple_bounds_type. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

distpg : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
distance between centre points of adjoining ocean boxes (m)
distpg : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

distpg : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

distpg : used from straits
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

div1d : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

dj : integer
Subroutine: get_dir. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

dj : real*8
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dkapa : real(r8), parameter
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = 1.0_r8 - kapa
dke : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
change in KE due to dissipation (SURF/DC/MC) (m^2/s^2)
dke : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

dke : used from atm_com
Subroutine: dissip. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

dkeb : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dkm1 : real*8, dimension(mdiff)
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
boundary layer difs at kbl-1 level
dkmp5 : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dks0 : real*8, parameter, dimension(16)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/ .010, .030, .040, .040, .040, .002, .004, .013, .002, .003, .003, .072, .200, .480, .050, .011/)
dl : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dlake : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
depth of lake (m)
dlake : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: LAKES_COM. File: LAKES_COM.f
depth of lake (m)
dlake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

dlake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

dlake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dlake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

dlake : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dlat : used from geom
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dlat : real*8, public
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
grid spacing in latitude (rad,deg,minutes)
dlat : real*8
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
grid spacing in latitude (rad,deg,minutes)
dlat : real*8
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
latitudinal spacing in radians
dlat : used from geom
Subroutine: cosz_init. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

dlat : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

dlat : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dlat : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

dlat46 : real*8, parameter, dimension(46)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
latitudes of box centers (degrees)
Initial Value = (/ -90.,-86.,-82.,-78.,-74.,-70.,-66.,-62.,-58.,-54.,-50.,-46., -42.,-38.,-34.,-30.,-26.,-22.,-18.,-14.,-10., -6., -2., 2., 6., 10., 14., 18., 22., 26., 30., 34., 38., 42., 46., 50., 54., 58., 62., 66., 70., 74., 78., 82., 86., 90./)
dlat_budg : real*8
Subroutine: set_wtbudg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

dlat_dg : real*8, public
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
grid spacing in latitude (rad,deg,minutes)
dlat_dg : real*8
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
grid spacing in latitude (rad,deg,minutes)
dlata : real*8
Subroutine: hntr80. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

dlata : real*8
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

dlatb : real*8
Subroutine: hntr80. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

dlatb : real*8
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

dlatm : real*8, real*8
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
latitudinal gridsize in minutes, for certain regrid routines
dlatm : real*8, public
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
grid spacing in latitude (rad,deg,minutes)
dlatm : real*8
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
grid spacing in latitude (rad,deg,minutes)
dlatm : real*8
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
latitudinal spacing in minutes
dlatm : used from geom
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

dlatm : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

dlatm : used from icedyn
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dlens : integer, dimension(7)
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

dlens : integer, dimension(7)
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

dlens : integer, dimension(7)
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

dlflux : real*8
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dln : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dlnp01 : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

dlnp12 : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

dlnp23 : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

dlon : used from geom
Global variable . Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f

dlon : real*8, public, parameter
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
grid spacing in longitude (deg)
Initial Value = TWOPI*BYIM
dlon : real*8
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
grid spacing in longitude (deg)
dlon : real*8
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
longitudinal spacing in radians
dlon : used from geom
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dlon : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

dlon : used from geom
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dlon : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

dlon : used from ocean
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dlon_dg : real*8
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

dlon_dg : real*8
Subroutine: lon_to_i. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

dlon_dg : real*8
Subroutine: lonlat_to_ij. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

dls : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dlwdt : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dlwdt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dlwdt : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

dlwdt : real*8
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

dlwdt : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

dm : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f
empirical factor relating ice thickness and ice fraction for kocean=0
dm : real*8, dimension(nx)
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
mass flux (kg)
dm : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
mass flux (kg)
dm : real*8, dimension(stride, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, nlev)
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
mass flux (kg)
dm : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: alloc_seaice_com. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

dm : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dm : real*8, intent(in), real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: fluxfraction. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: getchq. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dm : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: getcm. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dm : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dm : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dm : real*8, intent(in), real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: massfraction. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dm :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
change in air mass
dm : real*8, intent(in), real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: neighborbyflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dm : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dm : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dm : real*8
Subroutine: simil. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dm : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dm0 : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dm2 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

dm2 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

dm2 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

dm2 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

dm2 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

dm2 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

dm2 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz2_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

dm2 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

dm2 : real*8
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

dm2 : real*8
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

dm2 : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

dmdsi : real*8
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

dmdtb : real*8
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

dmf : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dmf : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dmfr : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dmfr : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dmhsi : real*8
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dmimp : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
implicit mass,salt and heat fluxes required
dmimp : real*8
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dml : real*8
Subroutine: lkmix. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

dmlice : real*8
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
masking depth for snow on land ice
Initial Value = 10.
dmm : real*8
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

dmmix :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dmoi : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dmoi : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dmoice : real*8
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
masking depth for snow on sea ice (orig.version)
Initial Value = 10.
dmoo : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dmoo : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dmr :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
change in air mass
dmse :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
difference in moist static energy
dmse1 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
difference in moist static energy
dmsi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
mass flux of sea ice 1) open water and 2) under ice (kg/m^2)
dmsi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dmsi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

dmsi : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

dmsi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dmsi : real*8, dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

dmt : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

dmu : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
ice-ocean stress
dmu : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

dmu : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dmua : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
momentum flux from atmosphere (kg/m s)
dmua : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dmua_ij : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

dmui : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
momentum flux from sea ice to ocean (kg/m s)
dmui : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dmuinp : real*8
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dmv : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
ice-ocean stress
dmv : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

dmv : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dmva : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
momentum flux from atmosphere (kg/m s)
dmva : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dmva_ij : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

dmvi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
momentum flux from sea ice to ocean (kg/m s)
dmvi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dmvn : real*8, dimension(IM)
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dmvnm : real*8
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dmvs : real*8, dimension(IM)
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dmvsm : real*8
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dmwldf : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f
water deficit over land surface (kg/m^2)
dmwldf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dmwldf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

dmwldf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dmwldf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dn : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dn : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dnrx : real*8, dimension(190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dns1 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dns2 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dns3 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dns4 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dns5 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dns6 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

do_blu00 : integer
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
=1 if boundary layer U00 is treated differently
Initial Value = 0
do_frost_hardiness : integer
Global variable . Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

do_glmelt : logical
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f
Initial Value = .false.
do_gwdrag : logical
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
when true, prints Gravity Wave diagnostics
Initial Value = .False.
do_gwdrag : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

do_gwdrag : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

do_gwdrag : used from dynamics
Subroutine: gc_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

do_gwdrag : used from dynamics
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

do_gwdrag : used from dynamics
Subroutine: jl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

do_ic_fixups : integer
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

do_ic_fixups : integer
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = 0
do_ic_fixups : integer
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

do_ic_fixups : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
: set = 1 if surface IC are to be checked/corrected
Initial Value = 0
do_ic_fixups : integer
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

do_ic_fixups : integer
Subroutine: input_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCN_DRV.f

do_init : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

do_io_acc : logical
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

do_io_longacc : logical
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

do_io_prog : logical
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

do_msu : logical
Global variable . Module: MSU_WTS_MOD. File: DIAG.f

do_patchdynamics : integer
Global variable . Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

do_phenology_activegrowth : integer
Global variable . Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

do_polefix : integer
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= 1 to correct u,v tendencies near poles
Initial Value = 1
do_polefix : used from dynamics
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

do_polefix : used from dynamics
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

do_polefix : used from dynamics
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

do_polefix : used from dynamics
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

do_soilresp : integer
Global variable . Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

do_structuralgrowth : integer
Global variable . Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

do_z_extra : logical
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

dod_cdncl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

domain : character(len=*), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_icestate_type. Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f

domain : character(len=8)
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

domain : character(len=8)
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

domain : character(len=8)
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

domain : character(len=8)
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

domain : character(len=8)
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

domain : character(len=8)
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

domelt : logical
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

done : logical
Subroutine: zstep. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

donotread : integer
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dopit : logical
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dopoint : logical
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dopoint : logical
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dopoint : logical
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dopoint : logical
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dopoint : logical
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dothis : logical
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

dothis : logical
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

down_lat_911_loc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

down_lat_loc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

down_lon_911_loc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

down_lon_loc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

dp : real*8
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

dp : real*8
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

dp : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dp : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dp : real*8
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dp : real*8
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dp : real*8
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dp : real*8
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dp : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dp : real*8
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

dp : real(r8), dimension(lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dp : real*8
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

dp4 : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dparm : real*8, dimension(ndparm_max), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

dparm_name : character(len=20), dimension(ndparm_max), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

dpdn : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dpdt :
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
time change rate of pressure (mb/s)
dpdx : real*8
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdx : real*8
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdx_by_rho : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
(pressure gradients)/density at L=1
dpdx_by_rho : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

dpdx_by_rho : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

dpdx_by_rho : used from atm_com
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

dpdx_by_rho : used from atm_com
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

dpdx_by_rho_0 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
surface (pressure gradients)/density
dpdx_by_rho_0 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

dpdx_by_rho_0 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

dpdx_by_rho_0 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

dpdx_by_rho_0 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

dpdxr : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdxr : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

dpdxr : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdxr : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

dpdxr : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdxr : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdxr : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdxr0 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdxr0 : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

dpdxr0 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdxr0 : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

dpdxr0 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdxr0 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdxr0 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdy : real*8
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdy : real*8
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdy_by_rho : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
(pressure gradients)/density at L=1
dpdy_by_rho : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

dpdy_by_rho : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

dpdy_by_rho : used from atm_com
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

dpdy_by_rho : used from atm_com
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

dpdy_by_rho_0 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
surface (pressure gradients)/density
dpdy_by_rho_0 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

dpdy_by_rho_0 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

dpdy_by_rho_0 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

dpdy_by_rho_0 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

dpdyr : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdyr : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

dpdyr : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdyr : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

dpdyr : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdyr : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdyr : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdyr0 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdyr0 : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

dpdyr0 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdyr0 : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

dpdyr0 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdyr0 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpdyr0 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpe : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dpe : real*8
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

dpf : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dpg : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dpglob : real*8, dimension(lm, 2)
Global variable . Module: WORKJK. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dph : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dphase :
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
dphem : real*8, dimension(2, lm, 2)
Global variable . Module: WORKJK. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dphidt : real*8
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

dphidtz : real*8
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

dphimdt : real*8
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

dphimdtz : real*8
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

dphjk : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dpi : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dpjk : real*8, dimension(jm, lm, 2)
Global variable . Module: WORKJK. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dpjk : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dpk : real*8
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

dpk : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dpkp : real*8
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

dpkpp : real*8
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

dpl : real*8, dimension(lx)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dpm : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dpr : real*8
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

dpress : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dpsih : real*8
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpsih : real*8
Subroutine: find_dpsih. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpsih : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: getchq. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpsih : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpsih : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: simil. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpsim : real*8
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpsim : real*8
Subroutine: find_dpsim. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpsim : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: getcm. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpsim : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpsim : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: simil. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpsim : real*8
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpsiq : real*8
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpsiq : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpsiq : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: simil. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dpsqi : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dpti : real*8
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dpti : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dpup : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dpuv : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dpwt : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

dpx : real*8, dimension(lmxmax)
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

dpx0 : real*8
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

dpx1 : real*8
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

dpy : integer
Subroutine: initializemodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

dpy0 : real*8
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

dpy1 : real*8
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

dq : real*8
Subroutine: get_dq_cond. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dq : real*8
Subroutine: get_dq_evap. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dq :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
condensed water vapor
dq : real*8
Subroutine: moist_adiabat_tq. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

dq :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dq1 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

dq1x : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

dq1x : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

dqcond :
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
dqdz : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

dqdz : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
z-derivative of q at edge grid ze
dqdz : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
dqdz : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dqdz : real*8
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dqdzs : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dqevp :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
amount of condensate that evaporates in downdrafts
dqgdtg : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

dqgdtg : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

dqm :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Vertical profiles of T/Q and changes
dqmdeep : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dqmom :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dqmomr :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dqmr :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Vertical profiles of T/Q and changes
dqmshlw : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dqmtotal : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dqsatdt : real*8
Subroutine: get_dq_cond. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dqsatdt : real*8
Subroutine: get_dq_evap. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dqsatdt : real*8
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dqsatdt : real*8
Subroutine: mass_flux. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dqsatdt : real*8
Subroutine: moist_adiabat_tq. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

dqsatdt : real*8
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dqsatdt : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

dqsatdt : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

dqsdt :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
derivative of saturation vapor pressure w.r.t. temperature
dqsum : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_dq_cond. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
amount of water change (+ve is condensation)
dqsum : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_dq_evap. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
amount of water change (+ve is evaporation)
dqsum :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
dqsum :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dqup :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
dr : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

drag : real(r8)
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

drag_x : real(r8), dimension(lm), intent(out)
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

drag_x : real(r8), dimension(lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

drag_y : real(r8), dimension(lm), intent(out)
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

drag_y : real(r8), dimension(lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

draga : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
symmetric/anti-symmetric drag terms
draga : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

drags : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
symmetric/anti-symmetric drag terms
drags : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

drat : real*8, allocatable, save, dimension(:)
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

drat : real*8
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

drat : real*8
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

drbrat : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

drdocx : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

drdsea : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

drdso4 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

drhdt :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
time change of relative humidity
drho : real*8
Subroutine: lkmix. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

drot : real*8
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

drsi : real*8
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

drsi : real*8
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

drsi : real*8
Subroutine: simelt. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
change in RSI fraction
drwocx : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

drwsea : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

drwso4 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

drxno3 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

drym2g : real*8, dimension(8)
Global variable . Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f
Initial Value = (/4.667, 0.866, 4.448, 5.017, 9.000, 9.000, 1.000,1.000/)
drym2g : used from aerparam_mod
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ds0 : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dsbdsb : real*8
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
differential of Sb with respect to initial Sb0
dse :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
moist static energy jump at cloud top
dsec :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
critical DSE for CTEI to operate
dsfdif :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dsfmax : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= maximum diffusivity in case of salt fingering (m2/s)
Initial Value = 0.001d0
dsfrac : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

dsglob : real*8, dimension(lm, 2)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dshdtg : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

dshdtg : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

dshem : real*8, dimension(2, lm, 2)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dsig :
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
mid point, depth, 1/depth of sigma levels (1)
dsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

dsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: calc_amp. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

dsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: calc_vert_amp. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

dsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

dsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

dsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

dsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

dsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

dsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dsimp : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
implicit mass,salt and heat fluxes required
dsimp : real*8
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dsjk : real*8, dimension(jm, lm, 2)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dskin : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
skin-bulk SST difference
dskin :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= skin-bulk SST difference (C)
dslat : real*8
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

dslean : real*8, dimension(190)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dslon : real*8
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

dsm :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Vertical profiles of T/Q and changes
dsmom :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dsmomr :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dsmr :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Vertical profiles of T/Q and changes
dsndml : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
Initial Value = 0.
dsndrn : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
rate of conversion of snow to ice as a function of rain
Initial Value = 0.
dsndtg : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

dsndtg : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

dsnow : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dsnow : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
mass of snow changed to seaice (kg/m^2)
dsnow : real*8
Subroutine: solar_ice_frac. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

dsnow1 : real*8
Subroutine: solar_ice_frac. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

dsoi : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dsoi : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dsoo : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dsoo : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dsp : real*8
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dsp : real*8
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dssi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
salt flux in sea ice 1) open water and 2) under ice (kg/m^2)
dssi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dssi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

dssi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dssi : real*8, dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

dstar : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dsum1 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dsum2 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dsum3 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dsv : real*8
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dsv : real*8
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dsx0sq : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

dsx1sq : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

dsx2sq : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

dsx3sq : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

dsy0sq : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

dsy1sq : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

dsy2sq : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

dsy3sq : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

dt : real*8
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= (atmospheric) dynamics time step (s)
Initial Value = 450
dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

dt : used from dynamics
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dt : used from dynamics
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: compute_mass_flux_diags. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dt : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dt : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dt : real*8
Subroutine: diffuse_moms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

dt : used from dynamics
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dt : used from dynamics
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dt : real*8
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dt : used from dynamics
Subroutine: gc_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
timestep for GLMELT call
dt : used from sle001
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dt : used from dynamics
Subroutine: isotropslp. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dt : used from dynamics
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dt : real*8
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvm. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvt2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: ovdiffs. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: simelt. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
time step (s)
dt : real*8
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
source time step (s)
dt : real*8
Subroutine: tcheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dt1 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dt1 : real*8
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

dt1 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
current time step
dt1 : real*8
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = 0.
dt1 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dt1 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dt1 : real*8
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dt1 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
time step (s)
dt12 : real*8
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

dt12 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dt2 : real*8
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

dt2 : real*8
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dt2 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dt2 : real*8
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dt2 : real*8
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dt2 : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

dt2 : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

dt24 : real*8
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

dt4 : real*8
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

dt4 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

dt4 : real*8
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

dt4 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dt4 : real*8
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dt4dx : real*8
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

dt4dy : real*8
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

dt6 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dt8 : real*8
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

dt_dummy : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

dt_odiff : real*8
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dt_xufilter : real*8
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
dU is multiplied by dt/DT_XUfilter in E-W, value of 0 switches off filter
Initial Value = 0
dt_xufilter : used from dynamics
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dt_xvfilter : real*8
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
dV is multiplied by dt/DT_XVfilter in E-W
Initial Value = 0
dt_xvfilter : used from dynamics
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dt_yufilter : real*8
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
dU is multiplied by dt/DT_YUfilter in N-S
Initial Value = 0
dt_yufilter : used from dynamics
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dt_yvfilter : real*8
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
dV is multiplied by dt/DT_YVfilter in N-S
Initial Value = 0
dt_yvfilter : used from dynamics
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dtau : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dtau_c : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

dtau_c : real*8, dimension(npoints, nlev)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dtau_s : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

dtau_s : real*8, dimension(npoints, nlev)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dtaulx : real*8, dimension(LX+1, nsized)
Subroutine: getdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dtaulx : real*8, dimension(LX+1, nsized)
Subroutine: setdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dtaulx : real*8, dimension(LX+1, nsized)
Subroutine: upddst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dtbydz : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dtbydz : real*8, dimension(lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: ovdiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dtbydz : real*8, dimension(lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: ovdiffs. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dtbydz : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dtbydz2 : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dtbydz2 : real*8
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dtdiff : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dtdp : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: tfrez. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
Initial Value = -7.5d-8
dtdt_gcm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
ttop tendency from processes other than turbulence (K/s)
dtdt_gcm : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
temp. tendency from processes other than turbulence (K/s)
dtdt_gcm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
ttop tendency from processes other than turbulence
dtdum : real*8
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dtdz : real*8
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

dtdz : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

dtdz : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
vertical potential temperature gradients
dtdz : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
z-derivative of t at edge grid ze
dtdz : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
dtdz : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dtdz : real*8
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

dtdz : real*8
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dtdz : real*8
Subroutine: tfix. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dtdzg : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
vertical potential temperature gradients
dtdzs : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
vertical potential temperature gradients
dtdzs : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dtemp : real*8
Subroutine: simelt. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
temperature diff. used in lateral melt calculation.
dtfile : character*40, save
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = ''
dtfs : real*8
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dtg : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

dtg : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

dth : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dth1 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

dthdp : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dtheta : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dtime : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
time step
dtime : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
time step
dtime : real*8
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

dtime : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: de_solver_edge. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
time step
dtime : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: de_solver_main. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
time step
dtime : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
time step
dtime : real*8
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

dtime : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dtime : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dtime : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
time step
dtime : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
time step
dtime : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: tr_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
time step
dtime : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
time step
dtk : real*8
Subroutine: lkmix. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

dtlat : real*8
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

dtlf : real*8
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dtlf : real*8
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dtlon : real*8
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

dtmin1 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
min DT to stop downdraft drop
Initial Value = 1.d0
dto : real*8
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
timestep for ocean dynamics (s)
Initial Value = 450.
dto : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dto : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dto : used from ocean
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dtofs : real*8
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

dtofs : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dtofs : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dtolf : real*8
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

dtolf : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dtolf : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dtolf : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dtp4 : real*8, dimension(lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: ovdiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dtp4 : real*8, dimension(lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: ovdiffs. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dtp4 : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dtp4g : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dtp4s : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dtp4uv : real*8, dimension(LMO, IM+2)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dtrdtg : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

dtrdtg : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

dtrufg : real*8, dimension(4)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
not used (W/m2)
dtrufg : real*8, dimension(4)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

dts : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

dts : real*8
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

dts : used from model_com
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
Initial Value = >dtsrc
dts : used from ocean
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

dts : used from model_com
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
Initial Value = >dtsrc
dts : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dts : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

dts : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dts : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dts : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dts : used from ocean
Subroutine: ocoast. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dts : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dts : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dts : used from ocean
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

dts : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

dts : used from ocean
Subroutine: stbdra. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

dts : used from ocean
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dts : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

dts : used from ocean
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dtsrc : real*8
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
source time step (s) = 1 ITU
Initial Value = 3600.
dtsrc : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: checkost. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: compute_wsave. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diurn_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: gc_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dtsrc : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: icelake_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
source time step (s)
dtsrc : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
source time step (s)
dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: ijl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_atmdyn. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: jl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

dtsrc : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: lkmix. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
source time step (s)
dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: sundial. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

dtsrc : used from model_com
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

dtsrce : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
source time step (s)
dtsrcused : type(timeinterval)
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

dtsrcused : type(timeinterval)
Subroutine: sundial. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dtsrczy : real*8
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

dtsrczy : real*8
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

dtssi : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
decay time scale for sea ice salinity (days)
Initial Value = 30.d0
dtsurf : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dtsurf : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dtsurf : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_lsm. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dtsurf : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

dtsurf : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

dtsurf : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

dtu : real*8
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dtu : real*8
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dtv : real*8
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dtv : real*8
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dtv1 : real*8
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dtxdy : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

du : real*8, dimension(k, lm, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: avg_replicated_duv_to_vgrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

du : real*8
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

du1 : real*8
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dua : real*8
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dudp : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

duds : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

duds : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dudx : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dudx : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, 2)
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dudy : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, 2)
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dudz : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dudz : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

dudz : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
vertical wind gradients
dudz : real*8
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dudz : real*8
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dudz : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
dudz : real*8
Subroutine: level2. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dudz : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dudz : real*8
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dudzg : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
vertical wind gradients
dudzs : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
vertical wind gradients
dudzs : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dum : real*8
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dum : real*8, dimension(kmax, lm)
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
changes of UM,VM
dum : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dum : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dumarr : real*8, dimension(1, 1)
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

dumarr : real*8, dimension(1, 1)
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

dummy :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy1 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

dummy2 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

dummy_hrs : real*8, dimension(hr_in_month)
Subroutine: diurn_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

dummy_int : integer
Subroutine: init_model. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

dummyn : real*8, dimension(IM)
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dummys : real*8, dimension(IM)
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dumnp : real*8
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dumnp : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dumsp : real*8
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dunp : real*8, dimension(im, lm)
Subroutine: avg_replicated_duv_to_vgrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

during_srfflx : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f
flags to pass to
Initial Value = 1
during_srfflx : used from fluxes
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

during_srfflx : used from fluxes
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

during_srfflx : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

dusk : real*8
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

dusk : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: daily_cosz. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

dusp : real*8, dimension(im, lm)
Subroutine: avg_replicated_duv_to_vgrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dustab : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
: specifies relative mixture of particles with Sinyuk 2003
Initial Value = 0.5
dut : used from dynamics
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

dut : used from dynamics
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

dut : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dut : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dut : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
current momentum changes (kg*m/s)
dut : used from dynamics
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dut : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dut : used from dynamics
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dut : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
change in momentum (kg*m/s)
duti : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

duti : real*8
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dutil : real*8
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dutk : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dux : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dv : real*8, dimension(k, lm, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: avg_replicated_duv_to_vgrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dv1 : real*8
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dv2 : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
vel. diff. squared btw layers (m/s)^2
dva : real*8
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dvbardz : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f
specific volume vertical difference (ref to lower point pressure)
dvbardz : used from gm_com
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

dvdx : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, 2)
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dvdy : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, 2)
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dvdz : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dvdz : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

dvdz : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
vertical wind gradients
dvdz : real*8
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dvdz : real*8
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dvdz : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
dvdz : real*8
Subroutine: level2. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dvdzdn : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dvdzdn : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dvdzg : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
vertical wind gradients
dvdzs : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
vertical wind gradients
dvdzup : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dvdzup : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dvm : real*8, dimension(kmax, lm)
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
changes of UM,VM
dvm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dvm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dvmnp : real*8
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dvmnp : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dvmsp : real*8
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dvnp : real*8, dimension(im, lm)
Subroutine: avg_replicated_duv_to_vgrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dvsp : real*8, dimension(im, lm)
Subroutine: avg_replicated_duv_to_vgrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dvsq : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
(velocity shear re sfc)^2 (m/s)^2
dvsq : real*8, dimension(km)
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
(velocity shear re sfc)^2 (m/s)^2
dvsq : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dvsq : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dvt : used from dynamics
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

dvt : used from dynamics
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

dvt : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dvt : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dvt : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
current momentum changes (kg*m/s)
dvt : used from dynamics
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dvt : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dvt : used from dynamics
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dvt : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
change in momentum (kg*m/s)
dvti : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dvtk : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dw : real*8
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dw : real*8
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dw_lake : real*8
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dw_soil : real*8
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dwater : real*8
Subroutine: precli. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

dwatn : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
non-linear water drag term
dwatn : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

dwatn : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dwcu : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
increment for WCU and WCU at freezing level
dwdt :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
time change rates of cloud water
dwdt1 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
time change rates of cloud water
dwet : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dwn : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dwno3 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dwocx : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dwr : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dwsea : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dwso4 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dx : real*8
Subroutine: ao3abs. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dx : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dx : real*8, dimension(nmax)
Subroutine: get_dx_intervals. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

dx : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dx : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

dxaerd : real*8, dimension(LX, 4, 4, LX+4)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dxaeru : real*8, dimension(LX, 4, 4, LX+4)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dxcosv : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dxdn13 : real*8, dimension(nlcf, nwvcf, nrcf)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dxdn2 : real*8, dimension(nlcf, nwvcf, nucf, nrcf)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dxdn3 : real*8, dimension(nlcf, nwvcf, nucf, nrcf)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dxdn6 : real*8, dimension(nlcf, nwvcf, nucf, nrcf)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dxdn7 : real*8, dimension(nlcf, nwvcf, nucf, nrcf)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dxdn8 : real*8, dimension(nlcf, nwvcf, nucf, nrcf)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dxdn9 : real*8, dimension(nlcf, nwvcf, nucf, nrcf)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dxi :
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
dxi : real*8
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
(ztop - zbottom)/(n-1)
dxidz : real*8
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dxidzh : real*8
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dxlatv : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

dxp : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
distance between points on primary grid
dxp : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

dxp : used from icedyn
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dxp : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

dxp : used from geom
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dxp : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dxp : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f
Initial Value = >DXPO
dxp : used from geom
Subroutine: isotropslp. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dxp : used from ocean
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >DXPO
dxp1 : real*8
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

dxp1 : real*8
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

dxpgf : real*8, dimension(0:JM)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

dxpgf : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

dxpgf : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dxpo : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

dxpo : real*8, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

dxpo : used from ocean
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

dxpo : used from ocean
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dxpo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dxpo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dxpo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dxt : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
x-direction distances on tracer and velocity grid
dxt : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

dxu : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
x-direction distances on tracer and velocity grid
dxu : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

dxu : used from icedyn
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

dxup13 : real*8, dimension(nlcf, nwvcf, nrcf)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dxup2 : real*8, dimension(nlcf, nwvcf, nucf, nrcf)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dxup3 : real*8, dimension(nlcf, nwvcf, nucf, nrcf)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dxup6 : real*8, dimension(nlcf, nwvcf, nucf, nrcf)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dxup7 : real*8, dimension(nlcf, nwvcf, nucf, nrcf)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dxup8 : real*8, dimension(nlcf, nwvcf, nucf, nrcf)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dxup9 : real*8, dimension(nlcf, nwvcf, nucf, nrcf)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

dxv : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
distance between velocity points (secondary grid)
dxv : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

dxv : used from geom
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

dxv : used from icedyn
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dxv : used from geom
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dxv : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

dxv : used from geom
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dxv : used from geom
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dxv : used from geom
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dxv : used from geom
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dxv : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f
Initial Value = >DXVO
dxv : used from geom
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dxv : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >DXVO
dxv : used from ocean
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >DXVO
dxv : used from geom
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dxvo : real*8, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

dxvo : used from ocean
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

dxvo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dxvo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dxvo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dxvo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

dxyn : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
half box areas to the North,South of primary grid point
dxyn : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

dxyn : used from geom
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dxyn : used from geom
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

dxyn : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

dxyn : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dxyn : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dxyn : used from geom
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dxyn : used from geom
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dxyn : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dxyn : used from geom
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dxyn : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f
Initial Value = >DXYNO
dxyn : used from geom
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dxyn : used from geom
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dxyno : real*8, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

dxyno : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dxyno : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dxyp : used from geom
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dxyp : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
area of grid box (+inverse) (m^2)
dxyp : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

dxyp : used from icedyn
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dxyp : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

dxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dxyp : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f
Initial Value = >DXYPO
dxyp : used from ocean
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >DXYPO
dxyp : used from ocean
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >DXYPO
dxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dxyp : used from geom
Subroutine: scale_ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dxyp_budg : real*8, dimension(jm_budg), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
area array of budget grid
dxyp_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

dxyp_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dxyp_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dxyp_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

dxyp_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

dxyp_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_budg_area. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

dxyp_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_wtbudg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

dxyp_budg_loc : real*8, dimension(jm_budg), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

dxyp_budg_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_budg_area. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

dxypij : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

dxypj : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

dxypj : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dxypj : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dxypo : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

dxypo : real*8, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

dxypo : used from gm_com
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

dxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

dxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dxypo : used from gm_com
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

dxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

dxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

dxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: set_owtbudg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

dxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

dxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

dxypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

dxys : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
half box areas to the North,South of primary grid point
dxys : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

dxys : used from geom
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dxys : used from geom
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

dxys : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

dxys : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dxys : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dxys : used from geom
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dxys : used from geom
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dxys : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dxys : used from geom
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dxys : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f
Initial Value = >DXYSO
dxys : used from geom
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dxys : used from geom
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dxyso : real*8, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

dxyso : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dxyso : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dxyv : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
area of grid box around velocity point (recip.)(m^2)
dxyv : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

dxyv : used from geom
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

dxyv : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

dxyv : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dxyv : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dxyv : used from geom
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dxyv : used from geom
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dxyv : used from geom
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dxyv : used from geom
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dxyv : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dxyv : used from geom
Subroutine: initmoments. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

dxyv : used from geom
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

dxyv : used from geom
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dxyvo : real*8, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

dxyvo : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

dxyvo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dxyvo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dxyvo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dxyvo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dxz : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

dy : real*8
Subroutine: get_wspdf. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

dy : real*8
Subroutine: gtrend. Module: NONE. File: RADIATION.f

dynam : used from atmdyn
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

dynsice : type(iceocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dynsice : type(iceocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dyp : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
distance between points on primary grid
dyp : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

dyp : used from icedyn
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dyp : used from geom
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dyp : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

dyp : used from geom
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dyp : used from geom
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dyp : used from geom
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

dyp : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f
Initial Value = >DYPO
dyp : used from ocean
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >DYPO
dyp : used from ocean
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >DYPO
dypgf : real*8, dimension(JM)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

dypgf : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

dypgf : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dypo : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

dypo : real*8, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

dypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

dypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dypo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

dyt : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
y-direction distances on tracer and velocity grid
dyt : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

dyu : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
y-direction distances on tracer and velocity grid
dyu : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

dyu : used from icedyn
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

dyv : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
distance between velocity points (secondary grid)
dyv : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

dyv : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

dyv : used from geom
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

dyv : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

dyv : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f
Initial Value = >DYVO
dyv : used from geom
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

dyvo : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

dyvo : real*8, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

dyvo : used from ocean
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dyvo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dyvo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dyvo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dyz : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

dz : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
dz evaluated at z(i)
dz : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

dz : real*8, dimension(ngm)
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dz : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: diffuse_moms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

dz : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
(j) z(j+1)-z(j)
dz : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
(j) zhat(j)-zhat(j-1)
dz : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:)
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dz : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:)
Subroutine: fix_water_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dz : real*8, dimension(lm, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo), intent(out)
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
main grid spacing
dz :
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
(j) zhat(j)-zhat(j-1)
dz : real*4, dimension(0:lma)
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

dz : real*8
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dz : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
dz : real*8, dimension(ngm)
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dz : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dz : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
(j) zhat(j)-zhat(j-1)
dz : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
(j) zhat(j)-zhat(j-1)
dz : real*8, dimension(ngm)
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(:)
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dz : real*8
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dz : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
(j) zhat(j)-zhat(j-1)
dz : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
(j) zhat(j)-zhat(j-1)
dz : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:)
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dz : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: tr_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
(j) zhat(j)-zhat(j-1)
dz : real*8, dimension(ngm)
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dz : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
(j) zhat(j)-zhat(j-1)
dz : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
(j) zhat(j)-zhat(j-1)
dz3d : real*8, dimension(lmo, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dz_3d : real*8, dimension(lm, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

dz_ij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

dz_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dz_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dz_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dz_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dz_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dz_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dz_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

dz_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dzby12 : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

dzdh : real*8
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

dzdh1 : real*8
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

dze : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

dze :
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
(j) ze(j+1)-ze(j)
dze : real*8, dimension(lm, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo), intent(out)
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
edge grid spacing
dze : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: zze. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
(l) ze(l+1) - ze(l)
dze_3d : real*8, dimension(lm, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

dzgdp : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN_DYN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

dzgdp : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

dzgdp : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dzgdp : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dzgdp : real*8
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dzh : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
dz evaluated at zhat(i)
dzh : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
(j) z(j+1)-z(j)
dzh : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
(j) z(j+1)-z(j)
dzh : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
(j) z(j+1)-z(j)
dzh : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: getl1. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dzh : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(out)
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
dzh : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dzh : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: level2. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
(j) z(j+1)-z(j)
dzh : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dzh : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
(j) z(j+1)-z(j)
dzh : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
(j) z(j+1)-z(j)
dzh : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

dzh : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
(j) z(j+1)-z(j)
dzh : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
(j) z(j+1)-z(j)
dzh : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: tr_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
(j) z(j+1)-z(j)
dzh : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
(j) z(j+1)-z(j)
dzh : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
(j) z(j+1)-z(j)
dzo : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

dzo : used from oceanres
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

dzo : used from ocean
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

dzo : used from oceanres
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dzo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

dzo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dzo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

dzo : real*8, dimension(0:lmo+1)
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

dzo_orig : used from ocean
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f
Initial Value = >DZO
dzoe : real*8, dimension(0:lmo)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

dzoe : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

dzsn : real*8, dimension(3)
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dzsn : real*8, intent(out), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dzsn : real*8, intent(out), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dzsn_ij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

dzsn_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

dzsn_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

dzsn_ij_glob : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

dzsumx : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

dzsumy : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

dzv : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

dzvlm1 : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

e : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(inout)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
local turbulent kinetic energy
e : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

e : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
turbulent kinetic energy
e : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(inout)
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

e : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

e : real*8, dimension(n), intent(inout)
Subroutine: e_les. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

e : real*8, intent(out), dimension(0:KM/2)
Subroutine: ffte. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f
spectral energy
e : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: find_pbl_top. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
turbulent kinetic energy
e : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
e : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of turbulent kinetic energy
e : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: getl1. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

e : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
ocean turbulent kinetic energy (m/s)**2
e : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(out)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

e : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
turbulent kinetic energy
e : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(out)
Subroutine: level2. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of turbulent kinetic energy
e : real*8, intent(out), dimension(0:KM/2)
Subroutine: offte. Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

e : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

e : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f
Initial Value = (/0.99800,0.83300,0.77800, 0.70000,0.64358,0.66259,0.67692,0.68657, 0.68880,0.67649,0.64927,0.61500,0.62600, 0.64700,0.67200,0.69700,0.60000,0.50000, 0.30000,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0./)
e0 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
net energy flux at surface (J/m^2)
e0 : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

e0 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

e0 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

e1 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer, real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
net energy flux at layer 1
e1 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

e1 : real*8, dimension(2, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

e11 : real*8, dimension(nx1, grid_icdyn%j_strt_halo:grid_icdyn%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: plast. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

e12 : real*8, dimension(nx1, grid_icdyn%j_strt_halo:grid_icdyn%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: plast. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

e1n : real*8
Subroutine: lkmix. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

e1p : real*8
Subroutine: find_pbl_top. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

e20lat : real*8, dimension(20)
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

e22 : real*8, dimension(nx1, grid_icdyn%j_strt_halo:grid_icdyn%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: plast. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

e24lat : real*8, save, dimension(25)
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

e2i : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

e2n : real*8
Subroutine: lkmix. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

e2o : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

e_3d : used from pblcom
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
Initial Value = >egcm
eabl : real*8, pointer, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
boundary layer profile for turbulent KE (calc. on sec. grid)
eaccpda : real*8
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f
total energy flux per year for Antarctica (kg/yr)
eaccpda : used from landice
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

eaccpda : used from landice
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

eaccpdg : real*8
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f
total energy flux per year for Greenland (kg/yr)
eaccpdg : used from landice
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

eaccpdg : used from landice
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

earth : used from soil_drv
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

earth_days_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

earth_days_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

earth_days_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

earth_days_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

earth_days_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

earth_days_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: init_veg. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

earth_days_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

earth_ice : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f
fraction of frozen water in the layer
earth_ice : real*8, intent(in), dimension(0:, :)
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

earth_sat : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f
saturation of each soil layer (1 - completely saturated)
earth_sat : real*8, intent(in), dimension(0:, :)
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

earth_tp : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f
temperature of layer (C)
earth_tp : real*8, intent(in), dimension(0:, :)
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ec :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud evaporation rate
eccen : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
value of eccentricity for yield curve ellipse
Initial Value = 2.0
eccen : real*8
Subroutine: makeearthorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

eccentricity : real*8
Subroutine: makeplanetorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

echl0 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :), save
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
arrays for the reading in chlorophyll
echl1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :), save
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
arrays for the reading in chlorophyll
ecltra :
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
scales,enables full cloud scattering correction
ecm2 : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: plast. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
Initial Value = 1.0/(ECCEN**2)
ecosqz : real*8
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

ecosz : real*8
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

ecrate :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud droplet evaporation rate
edg_cp : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 4
edg_cp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: get_zstr. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

edg_cp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

edg_ml : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 2
edg_ml : used from diag_com
Subroutine: get_zstr. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

edg_ml : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

edg_ml : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

edgmax : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = 1.5
ediff : real*8
Subroutine: addenergyasdiffuseheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ediff : real*8
Subroutine: addenergyaslocalheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ediff : real*8
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

edifs : real*8
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

edifs : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: lndice. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

edifs : real*8
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

edifs : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: precli. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

edraft :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
mass of air entrained into downdrafts (mb)
edstra : real*8
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
adjustment factors for
Initial Value = 1.0
edstra : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

edstra_out : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_albedo_data. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

edwnimp : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f
downward implicit energy amount accumulator (J)
edwnimp : used from landice_com
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

edwnimp : used from landice_com
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

edwnimp : used from landice_com
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

edwnimp : used from landice_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

edwnimp : used from landice_com
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

edwnimp : used from landice_com
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

edwnimp : used from landice_com
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

edwnimp : used from landice_com
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

edwnimp_nh : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

edwnimp_nh : real*8
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

edwnimp_sh : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

edwnimp_sh : real*8
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ef : real*8
Subroutine: init_solar. Module: SW2OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

eflow : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

eflow_gl : real*8
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
global integral of eflowo
Initial Value = 0.
eflowo : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
mass, energy from rivers into ocean (kg/m^2, J/m^2)
eflowo : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

efz : real*8
Subroutine: init_solar. Module: SW2OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

eg : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

egcm : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: PBLCOM. File: PBL_COM.f
3-d turbulent kinetic energy in the whole atmosphere
egcm : used from pblcom
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

egcm_init_max : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: PBLCOM. File: PBL_COM.f
Initial Value = 0.5d0
egin : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

egmelt : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
mass,energy from glacial melt into ocean (kg/m^2, J/m^2)
ehist : real*8, dimension(nehist, hist_days+1)
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ei : used from seaice
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ei : used from seaice
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

ei : used from seaice
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ei : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ei : used from seaice
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ei : used from seaice
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ei : used from seaice
Subroutine: set_noice_defaults. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ei : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: ti. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
internal energy of sea ice (J/kg)
ei0 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

eic : real*8
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

eicb :
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f
impicit iceberg energy (J/m^2)
eicbimp : real*8, dimension(2)
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f
( ) + Sum[EDWNIMP(over hemisphere)] = instantaneous
eicbimp : used from landice
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

eicbimp : used from landice
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

eicbimp : used from landice
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

eice : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f
total land ice energy (J/m^2)
eice : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: conserv_lhsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
total lake snow and ice energy (J/m^2)
eice : real*8, dimension(si_ocn%i_0h:si_ocn%i_1h, si_ocn%j_0h:si_ocn%j_1h)
Subroutine: conserv_ohsi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f
total ocean snow and ice energy (J/m^2)
eiceij : real*8, dimension(NHC)
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

eictra : real*8
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
adjustment factors for
Initial Value = 1.0
eictra : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

eictra_out : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_albedo_data. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

ej : real*8
Subroutine: e_les. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ejmlat : real*8, dimension(47)
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ejmlat : real*8, save, dimension(47)
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

eke_by2 : real(r8)
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f
: It is a tunable parameter from Eq.(3.1b) in McFarlane (JAS, 1987).
Initial Value = 5.5E-6_r8
el : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

el4qi : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

elake : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
mass and energy /m^2 for lake model layers
elake : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(2)
Subroutine: lkmix. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
mass and energy in lake layers (kg,J /m^2)
elake : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(2)
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
mass and energy in lake layers (kg,J /m^2)
elapsedtimeinseconds : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: reportprofile. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

elevhp : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f
: surface elevation, per height class (m)
elevhp : used from landice_com
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

elevhp : used from landice_com
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

elevhp : used from landice_com
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

elhx : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
relevant latent heat for qg calc
elhx : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

elhx : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

elhx : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

elhx :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= latent heat for saturation humidity (J/kg)
elhx : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

elhx : real*8
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

elhx : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

elhx : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

ell : real*8
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

elofim : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

emax : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
maximum value of otke (m/s)^2
Initial Value = 1000.
emax : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
limit on turbulent kinetic energy
Initial Value = 1.d5
emax : used from socpbl
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

emcld : real*8, dimension(npoints, ncol)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

emelti : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
mass,energy,salt from simelt into ocn (kg/m^2,J/m^2)
emelti : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

emelti : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

emelti : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

emin : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
minimum value of otke (m/s)^2
Initial Value = 1d-6
emin : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 1d-6
emin : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
min energy deficit required before ice forms (J/m^2)
Initial Value = -1d-10
emsfc_lw : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
longwave emissivity of surface at 10.5 microns
Initial Value = 0.99d0
end_of_day : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: daily_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

end_of_day : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

end_of_day : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: daily_cal. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

end_of_day : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

end_of_day : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

end_of_day : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: daily_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

end_of_day : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: daily_orbit. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

end_of_day : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

end_of_day : logical
Subroutine: daily_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

end_of_day : logical
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

end_of_day_flag : logical
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
- hack to pass "end of day" flag to Ent
energy : real*8, dimension(nehist, hist_days), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
energy diagnostics
energy : used from gc_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

energy : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

energy : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag4a. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

energy : used from gc_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

enrg : real*8
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

enrg1 : real*8
Subroutine: lndice. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

enrgf1 : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

enrgf2 : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

enrgfi : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
energy of ice formed in ocean for ice covered frac (J/m^2)
enrgfi : real*8
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

enrgfi : real*8
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

enrgfi : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

enrgfo : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
energy of ice formed in ocean for open water frac (J/m^2)
enrgfo : real*8
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

enrgfo : real*8
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

enrgfo : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

enrgi : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

enrgi2 : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

enrgmax : real*8
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

enrgmax : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: simelt. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
max energy available for melting ice (J/m^2)
enrgo : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

enrgo2 : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

enrgp : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
total energy of precip
enrgp : real*8
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

enrgp : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
total energy of precip (C),(J/m^2)
enrgp : real*8
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

enrgp : real*8
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

enrgp : real*8
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

enrgp : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: precli. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

enrgused : real*8
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

enrgused : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: simelt. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
energy used to melt ice (J/m^2)
ent :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

ent_array : real*8, dimension(ent_io_maxbuf, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: def_rsf_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

ent_array : real*8, dimension(ent_io_maxbuf, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: new_io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

ent_get_exports : used from ent_mod
Subroutine: accumulate_excess_c. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ent_get_exports : used from ent_mod
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ent_get_exports : used from ent_mod
Subroutine: get_canopy_temperaure. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ent_get_exports : used from ent_mod
Subroutine: get_fb_fv. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ent_get_exports : used from ent_mod
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

ent_get_exports : used from ent_mod
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ent_get_exports : used from ent_mod
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ent_header : character*80, parameter
Global variable . Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f
Initial Value = "ENT01"
ent_io_maxbuf : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f
Initial Value = 575
ent_io_maxbuf : used from ent_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

ent_io_maxbuf : used from ent_com
Subroutine: new_io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

ent_io_plain_array : integer
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f
Initial Value = 1
ent_io_plain_array : integer
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f
controls format of Ent record in rsf file
Initial Value = 1
ent_read_state : used from ent_com
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

ent_read_state_plain : used from ent_com
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

ent_write_state : used from ent_com
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

ent_write_state_plain : used from ent_com
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

entcells : type(entcelltype_public), allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f
structures which keep the internal state of each Ent cell
entcells : used from ent_com
Subroutine: accumulate_excess_c. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

entcells : used from ent_com
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

entcells : used from ent_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

entcells : used from ent_com
Subroutine: get_canopy_temperaure. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

entcells : used from ent_com
Subroutine: get_fb_fv. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

entcells : used from ent_com
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

entcells : used from ent_com
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

entcells : used from ent_com
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

entcells : used from ent_com
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

entcells : used from ent_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

entcells : used from ent_com
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

entcells : type(entcelltype_public), intent(inout), dimension(I0:I1, J0:J1)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

entcells : type(entcelltype_public), intent(inout), dimension(I0:I1, J0:J1)
Subroutine: update_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

entcon : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
fractional rate of entrainment (km**-1)
Initial Value = .2d0
entrainment_cont1 : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
constant for entrainment rate, plume 1
Initial Value = .3d0
entrainment_cont2 : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
constant for entrainment rate, plume 2
Initial Value = .6d0
eoc : real*8
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

eoctra : real*8
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
adjustment factors for
Initial Value = 1.0
eoctra : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

eoctra_out : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_albedo_data. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

epbl : real*8, dimension(npbl-1)
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

epbl : real*8, dimension(npbl-1)
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

epcol : real*8, dimension(72, 46)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ephig : real*8, dimension(72, 46)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

epk : real*8
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

epl : real*8
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

eplmhc : real*4, dimension(72, 46, 12, 4)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

eplow : real*8, dimension(72, 46)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

eplume :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
mass of entrained air (mb)
epmid : real*8, dimension(72, 46)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

eprcp : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
sensible heat of precip
eprec : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
energy of preciptiation (J/m^2)
eprec : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f
energy of preciptiation (J/m^2)
eprec : used from fluxes
Subroutine: atm_phase1_exports. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

eprec : used from fluxes
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

eprec :
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f
energy of preciptiation (J/m^2)
eprec : used from fluxes
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

eprec : used from fluxes
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

eprec : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

eprec : used from fluxes
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

eprec : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

eprec : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

eps : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f
Initial Value = TINY(1.D0)
eps : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = 1.d-12
eps : real*8
Subroutine: e_les. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

eps : real(r8), intent(in)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

eps : real*8
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = 1.d-12
eps : real(r8)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
: intermittency factor
eps : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

epsbyn2 : real*8
Global variable . Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

epscon :
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
cldeps=EPSCON if KCLDEP=1
epscon : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

epsilon : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= nondimensional extent of the surface layer = 0.1
Initial Value = 0.1d0
epsilon : used from kppe
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

epsl : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= epsln in "pconst.h" (set in "kmixinit") = 1.0e-20
Initial Value = epsln
epsl : used from kppe
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

epsln : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 1.0e-20
epsln : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 1d-20
epsln : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 1d-20
epslon : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = 1.
epstag : character*80
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

epstd_byn2 : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

eq : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

er :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
evaporation of precip
er1 : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

er1 : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

er2 : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

er2 : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

erat1 : real*8
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

erat2 : real*8
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

eratd : real*8
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

ermax : real*8
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

erp : integer, parameter
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
exponential power for computing ER
Initial Value = 2
err_loc : integer, dimension(3)
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

err_loc : integer, intent(out), dimension(3)
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

err_loc : integer, intent(out), dimension(3)
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

err_loc : integer, dimension(3)
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

errmax : real*8
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

errmax : real*8
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

errmax : real*8
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

errmax : real*8
Subroutine: checkost. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

error_water : real*8
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

erun : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

erun : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
runoff fluxes down of mass,heat,salt (J or kg/m^2)
erun0 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

erun0 : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
energy in runoff from ice (J/m^2)
erun0 : real*8
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

erun0 : real*8
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

erun2 : real*8
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

erun2 : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: precli. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

erun4 : real*8
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

erune : real*8
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

eruni : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

eruni : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

eruno : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
energy of runoff (J/m^2)
eruno : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

eruno : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

erunosi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
energy of run off from sea/lake ice after surface (J/m^2)
erunosi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

erunosi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

erunosi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

erunpsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
energy of run off from sea/lake ice after precip (J/m^2)
erunpsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

erunpsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

es : real*8
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

es : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

esave : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

esave : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

esave : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

esave1 : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

eseps : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

esnow1 : real*8
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

esnow2 : real*8
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

esntra : real*8
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
adjustment factors for
Initial Value = 1.0
esntra : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

esntra_out : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_albedo_data. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

est : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

esum1 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

esum2 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

esum3 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

eta : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
eta : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

eta : real*8
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

etadn :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
initial downdraft mass / updraft mass
etal : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fractional entrainment rate
etal1 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fractional entrainment rate
etamean : real*8
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

etau : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

evap : real*8
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

evap : real*8
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

evap : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

evap : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: lndice. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

evap : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
evaporation/dew on the top ice surface (kg/m^2)
evap : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

evap : real*8
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

evap : real*8
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

evap : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

evap_limits : used from sle001
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

evap_max : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
maximal evaporation from unsaturated soil
evap_max :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
maximal evaporation from unsaturated soil
evap_max_ij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

evap_max_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

evap_sv : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

evap_sv : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

evaplim : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

evapo : real*8
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

evapo : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

evapor : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
evaporation (kg/m^2)
evapor : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

evapor : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

evgtra : real*8
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
adjustment factors for
Initial Value = 1.0
evgtra : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

evgtra_out : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_albedo_data. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

evhdt : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

evhdt : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

evhdt : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

evhdt : real*8
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

evhdt : real*8
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

evhdt : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

evhdt0 : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

evhdt0 : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

evhdt_sv : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

evhdt_sv : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

evheat : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

evheat : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

evpsum :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
ewater : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ex : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

excess_c : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f
extra land carbon accumulated due to structural
excess_c : used from ent_com
Subroutine: accumulate_excess_c. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

excess_c : used from ent_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

excess_c : used from ent_com
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

excess_c : used from ent_com
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

excess_c : used from ent_com
Subroutine: new_io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

excess_c_glob : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

exists : logical
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

exists : logical
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

expsne : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

expsnl : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

expsno : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

expst :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
exponential term in determining the fraction in CTEI
expterm : real*8
Subroutine: init. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

expz : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

expzb : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

expzt : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

extra_slope_limitations : logical
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

exx : real*8
Subroutine: sgsw. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

exy : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
tidal power input
exya : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
internal tidal energy (w/m^2)
exya :
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
internal tidal energy (w/m^2)
exz : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

eyz : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

ezx : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

ezy : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

f : real*8, dimension(nx)
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
tracer flux (diagnostic output) (kg or J)
f : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
tracer flux (diagnostic output) (kg or J)
f : real*8, dimension(stride, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, nlev)
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
tracer flux (diagnostic output) (kg or J)
f : real*8
Subroutine: bilin. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

f : logical
Subroutine: declare_oceanr_consrv. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = .FALSE.
f : logical
Subroutine: declare_seaice_consrv. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = .FALSE.
f : real*8, intent(in), dimension(KM)
Subroutine: docalc. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f
input grid point array
f : real*8, intent(in), dimension(NX)
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f : real*8, intent(in), dimension(KM)
Subroutine: fft. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f
input gridpoint array
f : real*8, intent(in), dimension(KM)
Subroutine: fft2. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f

f : real*8, intent(in), dimension(KM)
Subroutine: ffte. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f
input gridpoint array
f : real*8, intent(out), dimension(KM)
Subroutine: ffti. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f
output gridpoint array
f : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: fgrid2. Module: NONE. File: PBL.f

f : real*8, intent(in), dimension(NX)
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f : real*8, dimension(0:40)
Subroutine: gfrezs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

f : real*8
Subroutine: hntr8_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

f : real*8
Subroutine: hntr8_band_lij. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

f : logical
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = .FALSE.
f : logical
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = .FALSE.
f : logical
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = .FALSE.
f : logical
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f
Initial Value = .FALSE.
f :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

f : real*8, intent(in), dimension(KM)
Subroutine: offt. Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

f : real*8, intent(in), dimension(KM)
Subroutine: offte. Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

f : real*8, intent(out), dimension(KM)
Subroutine: offti. Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

f : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

f : real*8, intent(in), dimension(NXF)
Subroutine: spline. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f : real*8, intent(in), dimension(NVEC, NXF)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f : real*8, intent(in), dimension(NXF)
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f0 : real*8, dimension(kspeca)
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

f0 : real*8
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

f0 : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

f0 : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

f0dt : real*8
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

f0dt : real*8
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

f0dt : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

f0dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: lndice. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

f0dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
heat flux on the ice top surface (J/m^2)
f0dt : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

f0dt : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

f1 : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

f1 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: compute. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f1 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: compute2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f1 : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f1 : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

f1 : real*8, dimension(nvec)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f1 : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f1 : real*8
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f1 : real*8
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f1 : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

f1 : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

f1dt : real*8
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

f1dt : real*8
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

f1dt : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

f1dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: lndice. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

f1dt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
heat flux between the 1st and 2nd ice layers (J/m^2)
f1dt : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

f1dt : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

f2 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: compute. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f2 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: compute2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f2 : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f2 : real*8, dimension(nvec)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f2 : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f2 : real*8
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f2 : real*8
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f2 : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

f2 : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

f2 : real*8, dimension(nvec), intent(in)
Subroutine: threeptquadinterpolation. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f21 : real*8
Subroutine: compute. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f21 : real*8
Subroutine: compute2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f21 : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f21 : real*8, dimension(nvec)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f21 : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f21 : real*8
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f21 : real*8
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f21 : real*8, dimension(nvec), intent(in)
Subroutine: threeptquadinterpolation. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f3 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: compute. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f3 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: compute2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f3 : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f3 : real*8, dimension(nvec)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f3 : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f3 : real*8
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f3 : real*8
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f30 : real*8
Global variable . Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

f32 : real*8
Subroutine: compute. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f32 : real*8
Subroutine: compute2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f32 : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f32 : real*8, dimension(nvec)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f32 : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f32 : real*8
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f32 : real*8
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f32 : real*8, dimension(nvec), intent(in)
Subroutine: threeptquadinterpolation. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f3221 : real*8
Subroutine: compute. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f3221 : real*8
Subroutine: compute2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f3221 : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f3221 : real*8, dimension(nvec)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f3221 : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f3221 : real*8
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f3221 : real*8
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f4 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: compute. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f4 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: compute2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f4 : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f4 : real*8, dimension(nvec)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f4 : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f4 : real*8
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f4 : real*8
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f43 : real*8
Subroutine: compute. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f43 : real*8
Subroutine: compute2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f43 : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f43 : real*8, dimension(nvec)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f43 : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f43 : real*8
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f43 : real*8
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f4332 : real*8
Subroutine: compute. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f4332 : real*8
Subroutine: compute2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f4332 : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f4332 : real*8, dimension(nvec)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f4332 : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f4332 : real*8
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f4332 : real*8
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

f_act : real*8, parameter, dimension(5)
Subroutine: dcdnc_est. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f
Initial Value = (/ 1.0d0, 1.0d0, 0.8d0, 0.6d0, .8d0/)
f_entr : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

f_i : real*8, dimension(IM)
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

f_j : real*8, dimension(IM, grid%J_STRT_HALO:grid%J_STOP_HALO, LM)
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

f_l : real*8, dimension(LM)
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

fa : real*8, dimension(0:imh)
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

fac : real*8
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

fac : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fac : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

fac : real*8
Subroutine: init. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

fac : real*8
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fac : real*8
Subroutine: isotropslp. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

fac : real*8
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

fac : real*8
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

fac : real*8
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fac : real*8
Subroutine: shap1. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

fac : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: strmij. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
= global scaling factor
fac : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
= global scaling factor
fac1 : real*8
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fac_cq_tr :
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= ratio of cq for water isotopes = f(Sc_tr)
fac_legnd : real*8, dimension(25), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
= 1/(range_of_1_colorbox)
Initial Value = (/ 1d0/5, 1d0/10, 2.d0, 10.d0, 1d0/2, 1d0/50, 1d0/100, 1d0/20, 1.d0, 10.d0, 1d0/3, 1d0/10, 1d0/20, 1d0/50, 1d0/100, 1d0/150, 1d0/200, 10.d0, 1d0/5, 1d0/10, 1d0/20, 1.d0, 1d0/4, 1d0/5, 1d0 /)
fac_rough_scpr : real*8
Subroutine: getzhq. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

fac_smooth_scpr : real*8
Subroutine: getzhq. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

facby4 : real*8
Subroutine: shap1. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

facj : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

facst : real*8
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

facst : real*8
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

facst : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: strmij. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
= global scaling factor for straits
facst : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: strmij_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

facst : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
= global scaling factor for straits
facst : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: strmjl_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

facth : real*8
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

facth : real*8
Subroutine: t_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

facth0 : real*8
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

factor : real*8
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

factor : real*8
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

factor : real*8
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

factor : real*8
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

factor : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

factq : real*8
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

factq : real*8
Subroutine: q_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

factq0 : real*8
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

facttr : real*8
Subroutine: tr_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

factx : real*8
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

factx : real*8
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

factx : real*8
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

facty : real*8
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

facty : real*8
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

facty : real*8
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

fasi : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

fatpe : real*8, dimension(ktpe, nhemi)
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

faw : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

fb : real*8
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fb : real*8
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fb : real*8
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fb : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fb : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fb : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fb : real*8
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fb : real*8, dimension(0:imh)
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

fb : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fb : real*8
Subroutine: get_canopy_temperaure. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fb : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_fb_fv. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fb : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fb : real*8
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fb : real*8
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fb : real*8
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fb : real*8
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fb : real*8
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fbv : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fbyden : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

fbymass1 : real*8
Subroutine: dcdnc_est. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

fc : real*8
Subroutine: deltasst. Module: NONE. File: PBL.f
fraction of solar absorbed in micro-layer
fc : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
Coriolis parameter=2*omega*sin(lat) (1/s)
fc_sq : real(r8), parameter
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = 1.0_r8/byFc_sq
fcdh :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fcdh1 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fcld : real*8
Subroutine: anvil_optical_thickness. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud cover and dummy variables
fcld :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud fraction
fcld :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fcldsr : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
scales opt.depth of clouds - not used (yet)
Initial Value = 1.
fcldtr : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
scales opt.depth of clouds - not used (yet)
Initial Value = 1.
fcloud : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud fraction
fcloud :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fclw :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction of condensate in plume that remains as CLW
fco2 : real*8, dimension(100)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fcon : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
function of Rig
fcond : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_dq_cond. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fractional amount of vapour that condenses
fcond :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
QF dummy variables
fcor : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
latitudinally varying coriolis parameter
fcor : used from geom
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

fcor : used from geom
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

fcor : used from geom
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

fcor : used from geom
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fctype :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction of total convective mass for each convective cloud type
fcuva : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
fourier coefficients for velocities
fcuva : used from atmdyn
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

fcuva : used from atmdyn
Subroutine: diag5f. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

fcuvb : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
fourier coefficients for velocities
fcuvb : used from atmdyn
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

fcuvb : used from atmdyn
Subroutine: diag5f. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

fd : real*8, dimension(IM, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

fd : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

fdata : real*8, dimension(80)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fddet : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
remainder of downdraft
Initial Value = .25d0
fddl :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fddp :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fddrt :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction of precipitating condensate avaliable for re-evaporation
fdn : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

fdn : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fdn : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fdn : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz2_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fdn : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fdn0 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

fdn0 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fdn0 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fdxtpg : real*8, dimension(3, 49, 17, 21)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fdzice : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

fe : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fe : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fe0 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fe_pass : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fearth : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fearth : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo), intent(in)
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: get_canopy_temperaure. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

fearth0 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

fearth0 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

fearth0 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fearth_old : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fearth_old : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

feim : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

feim : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

feim0 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

femtpg : real*8, dimension(3, 49, 17, 21)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fentr :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
entrained mass / convective mass
fentra :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
entrained mass / layer mass
fevap : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_precip_phase. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction for evaporation, precip phase at L+1
fevap :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction of layer mass available for precip evaporation
fevp : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_dq_evap. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fractional amount of condensate that evaporates
fex_pass : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fexx_pass : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

ff : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix_init. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

ff : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ff : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ff : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: spline. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ff : real*8, intent(out), dimension(NVEC)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ff : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ff : real*8, intent(out), dimension(NVEC)
Subroutine: threeptquadinterpolation. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ffcusp : real*8
Subroutine: compute. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ffcusp : real*8
Subroutine: compute2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ffcusp : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ffcusp : real*8, dimension(nvec)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ffcusp : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ffcusp : real*8
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ffcusp : real*8
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ffcusp : real*8
Subroutine: threeptquadinterpolation. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ffkg : real*8, dimension(4, 3)
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

fflinr : real*8
Subroutine: compute. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

fflinr : real*8
Subroutine: compute2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

fflinr : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

fflinr : real*8, dimension(nvec)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

fflinr : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

fflinr : real*8
Subroutine: threeptquadinterpolation. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ffvec : real*8, dimension(1)
Subroutine: spline. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

fg : real*8
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction for graupel and ice
fg :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fractions of glaciated mass in graupel and ice
fglob : real*8, dimension(kcon)
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fglob : real*8
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fglob : real*8
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fglob : real*8
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fglob : real*8
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fglob : real*8
Subroutine: keydj. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fglob : real*8
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fgoldh : real*8, dimension(5)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
scales background aerosols for Glb Ocn Land Desert Haze
Initial Value = (/ 1d0, .68d0, .32d0, 1.d-20, 1.d-20 /)
fh0 : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

fh1 : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

fh2 : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

fhc : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

fhc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f

fhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

fhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

fhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: conserv_mli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

fhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

fhem : real*8, dimension(2, kcon)
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fhem : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fhem : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fhi : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

fho : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

fhoc : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fhoc : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
basal fluxes down of mass,heat,salt (J or kg/m^2)
fhour : real*8, dimension(hr_in_day+1, ndiuvar)
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fhour : real*8, dimension(hr_in_month, ndiuvar)
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fhour : real*8, dimension(hr_in_day+1, ndiuvar), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_diurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

fhour : real*8, dimension(hr_in_period, ndiuvar), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_hdiurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

fhsi : real*8, dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: relayer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fhsi : real*8, dimension(LMI-1)
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fhsi1 : real*8
Subroutine: relayer_12. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fhsi2 : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fhsi2 : real*8
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fhsi3 : real*8
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fhsi3 : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fhsi3 : real*8
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fhsi4 : real*8
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fhsi4 : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fhsi_io : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
basal ice-ocean fluxes (kg or J/m^2)
fhsi_io : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fhsi_io : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fhsi_io : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fi : real*8
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction for graupel and ice
fi : real*8
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

fi : real*8
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

fi :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fractions of glaciated mass in graupel and ice
fi : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fi : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

fice : used from sle001
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fice : real*8
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fice : real*8
Subroutine: get_canopy_temperaure. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fice : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fice : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: heat_to_temperature. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fice : real*8
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fice : real*8
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fice : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fice : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: temperature_to_heat. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fice_can : real*8
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ficeb : real*8
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ficeb : real*8
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ficev : real*8
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ficev : real*8
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f
unit number of read
fid : integer
Subroutine: declare_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: def_acc_all. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_acc_meta. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_meta_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_meta_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_meta_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_meta_rvracc. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_agrice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_atmvars. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_bldat. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_earth. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_landice. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_longacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_prog. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f
file id
fid : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: def_rsf_subdd. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: dump_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: find_later_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: get_soil_c_total. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
unit number for roughness length input file
fid : integer
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_agrice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: new_io_atmvars. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_bldat. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_earth. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_landice. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_longacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_param. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: new_io_subdd. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: new_io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: obasin. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: read_agrice_ic. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: read_landice_ic. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: read_landsurf_ic. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: read_ocean_topo. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: read_pbl_tsurf_from_nmcfile. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: read_rad_ic. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: read_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: write_acc_meta. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: write_caldate. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

fid : integer
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
unit number of read/write
fid : integer
Subroutine: write_meta_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: write_meta_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: write_meta_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
file id
fid : integer
Subroutine: write_meta_rvracc. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f
unit number of read/write
fidt : real*8
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fidt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

file_aer_opt_prop_lw : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

file_aer_opt_prop_sw : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

file_exists : used from filemanager
Subroutine: alloc_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

file_exists : used from filemanager
Subroutine: get_cropdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

file_exists : used from filemanager
Subroutine: get_soil_c_total. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

file_exists : used from filemanager
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

file_exists : used from filemanager
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

file_exists : used from filemanager
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

file_exists : used from filemanager
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

file_exists : used from filemanager
Subroutine: read_agrice_ic. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

file_exists : used from filemanager
Subroutine: read_landice_ic. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

file_exists : used from filemanager
Subroutine: read_landsurf_ic. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

file_exists : used from filemanager
Subroutine: read_rad_ic. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

file_exists : used from filemanager
Subroutine: read_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

file_exists : used from filemanager
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

file_exists : used from filemanager
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

file_is_netcdf : logical, dimension(14)
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = .FALSE.
file_is_netcdf : logical, intent(in), dimension(14)
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

file_solar_spec : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

file_spectral_lw : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

file_spectral_sw : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

filename : character*(*), intent(in)
Subroutine: open_diurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
output file name
filename : character*(*), intent(in)
Subroutine: open_hdiurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
output file name
filename : character*(*), intent(in)
Subroutine: open_ij. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
output file name
filename : character*(*), intent(in)
Subroutine: open_ijk. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
output file name
filename : character*(*), intent(in)
Subroutine: open_ijl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
output file name
filename : character*(*), intent(in)
Subroutine: open_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
output file name
filename : character*(*), intent(in)
Subroutine: open_isccp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
output file name
filename : character*(*), intent(in)
Subroutine: open_j. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
output file name
filename : character*(*), intent(in)
Subroutine: open_jc. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
output file name
filename : character*(*), intent(in)
Subroutine: open_jl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
output file name
filename : character*(*), intent(in)
Subroutine: open_wp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
output file name
filenm : character(len=80)
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

filenm : character(len=80)
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

filenm : character(len=80)
Subroutine: run_radonly. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

filter : used from atmdyn
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

fim : used from geom
Global variable . Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

fim : used from geom
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

fim : real*8, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
real values related to number of long. grid boxes
Initial Value = IM
fim : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
Initial Value = IM
fim : used from geom
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

fim : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fim : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

fim : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

fim : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fim : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fim : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

fim : used from geom
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

fim : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fim : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fim : real*8
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

fim : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fim : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_wtbudg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

fimi : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

finaltotalenergy : real*8
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

finaltotalenergy : real*8
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

findunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: read_solar_spectrum. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

fitmax : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fitmax : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
set to 1/ITMAX
Initial Value = 1d0/ITMAX
fj : real*8
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

fj : real*8
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

fj : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fjeq : real*8, public, parameter
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
equatorial value of J
Initial Value = .5*(1+JM)
fjeq : real*8
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
location of equator in grid units
fjeq : real*8
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

fjeq : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

fjeq : used from geom
Subroutine: hemisphere. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

fjeq : real*8
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fjeq : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

fjeq_budg : real*8
Subroutine: set_wtbudg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

fjeqa : real*8
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

fjeqb : real*8
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

fkey : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fkph : used from oceanres
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= vertical diffusion coefficient (cm**2/sec) (taken from OCEANRES)
fkpm : used from oceanres
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= vertical viscosity coefficient (cm**2/sec) (taken from OCEANRES)
fl : real*8
Subroutine: checkflux. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

fl : real*8
Subroutine: checkfluxo. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fl : real*8, dimension(lmo), intent(out)
Subroutine: ovdiffs. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

flag : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f
= 1 for B1 ( peak flux at c0 = 0 )
Initial Value = 0
flag : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: accumulate_excess_c. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

flag : integer
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

flag : integer
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

flag : integer
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
=0 if abs(rr)<=1; =1 if abs(rr)>1
flag_dsws :
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f
true if snow on ice is wet (ie. rain or surface melt)
flag_dsws : logical, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

flag_dsws : logical, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

flag_dsws : logical, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

flagij : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

flags : logical*4
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
true if snow is wet
flags : logical*4
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

flags : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

flake : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: LAKES_COM. File: LAKES_COM.f
variable lake fraction (1)
flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: conserv_lhsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: conserv_lke. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: conserv_lkm. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: conserv_lmsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

flake : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo), intent(in)
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

flake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

flake0 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

flake0 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

flake0 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

flake_glob : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

flake_old : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

flaked : real*8
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

flakeu : real*8
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

flam : real*8
Subroutine: precip_mp. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

flamg : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Marshall-Palmer lambda for water, graupel and ice
flamg :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Marshall-Palmer lambda for water, graupel and ice
flami : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Marshall-Palmer lambda for water, graupel and ice
flami :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Marshall-Palmer lambda for water, graupel and ice
flamw : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Marshall-Palmer lambda for water, graupel and ice
flamw :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Marshall-Palmer lambda for water, graupel and ice
fland : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

fland : used from fluxes
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

fland : used from fluxes
Subroutine: conserv_lke. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fland : used from fluxes
Subroutine: conserv_lkm. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fland : used from fluxes
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fland : used from fluxes
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fland : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fland : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

fland : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fland : used from fluxes
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fland : used from fluxes
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fland : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

fland : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

flat : real*8, dimension(jm, 2)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
latitude values on primary and secondary ocean grids
flat : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

flat : real*8
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

flat : real*8
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

flat : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

flat : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

flat : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: keyjkj. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

flat : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: keyjls. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

flat : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: keynrl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

flat : real*8, dimension(jm+3)
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

flatj : real*8
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fldum : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

flead : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
minimum lead fraction for ice (%)
flead : real*8
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fleadlk : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
lead fraction for lakes
Initial Value = 0.
fleadlk : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
lead fraction for lakes (%)
Initial Value = 0.
fleadlk : used from seaice
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fleadmx : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
maximum thickness for lead fraction (m)
Initial Value = 5.
fleadoc : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
lead fraction for ocean ice (%)
Initial Value = 0.06d0
fleadoc : used from seaice
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fleadoc : used from seaice
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fleft :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction of plume after removing downdraft mass
flfac : real*8
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

flg : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

flg : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

flg3d : real*8, dimension(0:lmo, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

flice : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: conserv_mli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag_post_precip_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

flice : used from fluxes
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

flice_glob : real*8, dimension(IM, JM)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

flon : real*8, dimension(im, 2)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
longitude values on primary and secondary ocean grids
flon : real*8
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

flong : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
downwelling longwave, shortwave radiation at surface
flong :
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f
downwelling longwave, shortwave radiation at surface
flow : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

flowo : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
mass, energy from rivers into ocean (kg/m^2, J/m^2)
flowo : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fls : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

fls : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

fls3d : real*8, dimension(0:lmo, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

flux : real*8
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

flux : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: checkflux. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

flux : real*8
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

flux : real(r8), dimension(2:LM+1)
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

flux : real*8
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

flux_bot : real*8
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

flux_bot : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: de_solver_main. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
flux from the bottom
flux_max : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
maximal flux from the unsaturated soil
flux_negative : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: QUSDEF. File: QUSDEF.f
Initial Value = -1
flux_negative : used from qusdef
Subroutine: checkflux. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

flux_negative : used from qusdef
Subroutine: fluxfraction. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

flux_negative : used from qusdef
Subroutine: neighborbyflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

flux_nonnegative : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: QUSDEF. File: QUSDEF.f
Initial Value = +1
flux_nonnegative : used from qusdef
Subroutine: checkflux. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

flux_rfl : real(r8)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

flux_temp : real(r8)
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

flux_top : real*8
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

flux_top : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: de_solver_main. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
flux at the top
flux_x : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

flux_x : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(inout)
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

flux_x : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

flux_x : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(inout)
Subroutine: wrapadjustfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

flux_y : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

flux_y : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(inout)
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

flux_y : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

flux_y : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(inout)
Subroutine: wrapadjustfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

flux_z : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

flux_z : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(inout)
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

flux_z : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

flux_z : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(inout)
Subroutine: wrapadjustfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

fluxab : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

fluxlim : real*8
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fluxtop : real*8, dimension(npoints, ncol)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

fluxtop_clrsky : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

fluxtopinit : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

fluxu : real*8
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

fluxu_n_s : real*8
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

fluxu_se_nw : real*8
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

fluxu_sw_ne : real*8
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

fluxv : real*8
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

fluxv_n_s : real*8
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

fluxv_se_nw : real*8
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

fluxv_sw_ne : real*8
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

fm : real*8, dimension(IM)
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fm : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fm : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fm : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fm : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fm : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fm : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fm : real*8, dimension(0:lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fm : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fm : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fm : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fm : real*8
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fm0 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fm0 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fm0 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fm1 : real*8
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

fm2 : real*8
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

fm_ctr : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fm_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fm_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fm_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fm_im0 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fm_pass : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fm_pass : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fm_pass : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fmair : real*8
Subroutine: ctmix. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
mass of air mixed
fmass :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
mass of mixing in CTEI
fmc1 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction of grdibox occupied by moist convection + subsidence
fmim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fmim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fmim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fmim10 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fmix : real*8
Subroutine: ctmix. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
fraction of lower box mixed up
fmix :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction of mixing in CTEI
fmjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fmjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fmjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fmjm10 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fmoc : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fmoc : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
basal fluxes down of mass,heat,salt (J or kg/m^2)
fmom : real*8, dimension(nmom, nx)
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
tracer moment flux (diagnostic output) (kg or J)
fmom : real*8, dimension(nmom, stride, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, nlev)
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
tracer moment flux (diagnostic output) (kg or J)
fmom :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

fmom_i : real*8, dimension(NMOM, IM)
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

fmom_j : real*8, dimension(NMOM, IM, grid%J_STRT_HALO:grid%J_STOP_HALO, LM)
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

fmom_l : real*8, dimension(NMOM, LM)
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

fmomdn : real*8, dimension(nmom, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

fmomdn : real*8, dimension(nmom, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fmomdn : real*8, dimension(nmom, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fmomdn : real*8, dimension(nmom)
Subroutine: aadvqz2_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fmomdn : real*8, dimension(nmom)
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fmome : real*8, dimension(nmom)
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fmome : real*8, dimension(nmom)
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fmomeim : real*8, dimension(nmom)
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fmomeim : real*8, dimension(nmom)
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fmomn : real*8, dimension(nmom)
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fmomn : real*8, dimension(nmom)
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fmoms : real*8, dimension(nmom, im)
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fmoms : real*8, dimension(nmom, im)
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fmomup : real*8, dimension(nmom)
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fmomup : real*8, dimension(nmom)
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fmomup : real*8, dimension(nmom)
Subroutine: aadvqz2_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fmomup : real*8, dimension(nmom)
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fmomw : real*8, dimension(nmom)
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fmomw : real*8, dimension(nmom)
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fmp : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
fraction of melt pond area (1)
fmp : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

fmp : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fmp0 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
less entraining convective mass (mb)
fmp2 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fmp_com : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fmsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

fmsi : real*8, dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: relayer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fmsi : real*8, dimension(LMI-1)
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fmsi1 : real*8
Subroutine: relayer_12. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fmsi2 : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fmsi2 : real*8
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fmsi2 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: relayer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fmsi2 : real*8
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fmsi2 : real*8
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fmsi3 : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fmsi3 : real*8
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fmsi4 : real*8
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fmsi4 : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fmsi_io : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
basal ice-ocean fluxes (kg or J/m^2)
fmsi_io : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fmsi_io : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fmsi_io : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fmsj : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

fmt : character(len=6)
Subroutine: year_to_string. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

fmt903 : character*200
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fmt906 : character(len=30), parameter
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f
Initial Value = '(A16,3F7.2,2X,24F4.1)'
fmt907 : character(len=30), parameter
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f
Initial Value = '(A16,3F7.2,2X,24I4)'
fmt909 : character(len=30), parameter
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f
Initial Value = '(A16,1X,23I5)'
fmt910 : character(len=30), parameter
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f
Initial Value = '(A16,1X,23F5.1)'
fmt911 : character(len=30), parameter
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f
Initial Value = '(A16,3F7.3,2X,24F4.1)'
fmt912 : character(len=30), parameter
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f
Initial Value = '(A16,3F7.3,2X,24I4)'
fmt918 : character*200
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fmt_j : character(len=30), dimension(kaj), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Format strings for zonal J diagnostics
fmt_j : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fmt_reg : character(len=30), dimension(kaj), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

fmt_reg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fmtnone : character(len=30), parameter
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f
Initial Value = 'not computed'
fmtstr : character(len=80)
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fmup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fmup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fmup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fmup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fmup0 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fmup_ctr : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fn : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fn : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fn : real*8
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

fn : real*8
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

fn : real*8
Subroutine: apply_limiter. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fn : real*8
Subroutine: limitq. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

fn : real*8
Subroutine: limitq_lin. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fn0 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fn_pass : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fname : character(14)
Subroutine: get_wspdf. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
Initial Value = 'WARNING_in_PBL'
fname : character(len=*)
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f
name of file to be read or written
fnh : real*8
Subroutine: keydj. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fnh : real*8
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fnhglm : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f
= fraction of NH GMELT water; Sum[FNHGLM(:,:)] = 1
fnhglm : used from landice_com
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

fnhglm : used from landice_com
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

fnhglm : used from landice_com
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

fnhglm : used from landice_com
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

fnhglm : used from landice_com
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

fnm : real*8
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fnm1 : real*8
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

fnm1 : real*8
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

fnm1 : real*8
Subroutine: apply_limiter. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fnm1 : real*8
Subroutine: limitq. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

fnm1 : real*8
Subroutine: limitq_lin. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fnsum : real*8, dimension(kspeca)
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fny_pass : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fnyy_pass : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

focean : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer, real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
ocean fraction
focean : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

focean : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
land/ocean mask on ice dynamic grid
focean : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: accumulate_excess_c. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

focean : used from ocean
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

focean : used from ocean
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

focean : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

focean : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

focean : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

focean : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

focean : used from ocean
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

focean : used from ocean
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

focean : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

focean : used from ocean
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

focean : used from ocean
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

focean : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: init_veg. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

focean : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

focean : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

focean : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

focean : used from ocean
Subroutine: obasin. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

focean : used from ocean
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

focean : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

focean : used from ocean
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

focean : used from ocean
Subroutine: read_ocean_topo. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

focean : used from ocean
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

focean : used from fluxes
Subroutine: vflx_ocean. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

focean : used from ocean
Subroutine: write_meta_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

focean_glob : real*8, dimension(IM, JM)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fodt : real*8
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fodt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

fonoff : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
if =1 fully turns on SW long-path H2O absorption correction
Initial Value = 1.
force_init_ent : integer
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f
Initial Value = 0
force_init_ent : integer
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
Initial Value = 0
force_init_ent : integer
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f
Initial Value = 0
forcex : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
external force
forcex : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

forcey : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
external force
forcey : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

form : used from icedyn
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

form_clouds : logical
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
true if clouds are formed
fourier :
Subroutine: fft2. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f
coefficients (sin)
fpe : real*8, dimension(13)
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fpe : real*8, dimension(*)
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fpeu : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

fpev : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

fphi : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

fplume :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction of mixing in CTEI
fplume :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
convective plume mass / layer mass
fpmax :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
max fraction of mixing in CTEI
fpower : real*8, dimension(43+1, nwav_dag+1)
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fprcp :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction of evaporated precipitation
fpxco2 : real*8, dimension(LX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fpxozo : real*8, dimension(LX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fq_isccp : real*8, dimension(ntau, npres)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

fq_isccp : real*8, dimension(npoints, 7, 7)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

fqcond :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction of water vapor that condenses in plume
fqcondv :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction of condensate that is lofted
fqevap : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

fqevap : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

fqevp :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction of water vapor that evaporates in downdraft
fqtow :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction of water vapour that goes to CLW
fqu : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo), intent(inout)
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

fqu : real*8, intent(out), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

fqv : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo), intent(inout)
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

fqv : real*8, intent(out), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

fr : real*8
Subroutine: checkflux. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

fr : real*8
Subroutine: checkfluxo. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fr : real*8
Subroutine: limitq. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

fr : real*8
Subroutine: limitq_lin. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fr1 : real*8
Subroutine: limitq. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

fr1 : real*8
Subroutine: limitq_lin. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fr_cover : real*8, dimension(12)
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fr_cover0 : real*8, dimension(n_covertypes)
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fr_sat : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
fraction of saturated soil
fr_sat :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
fraction of saturated soil
fr_sat : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
fraction of the saturated soil
fr_sat_ij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

fr_sat_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fr_snow : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fr_snow : real*8
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fr_snow : real*8, intent(out), dimension(:)
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fr_snow : real*8, intent(out), dimension(:)
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fr_snow_ij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

fr_snow_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fr_snow_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fr_snow_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fr_snow_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fr_snow_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fr_snow_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fr_snow_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fr_snow_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fr_snow_ij_glob : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

fr_snow_rad : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

fr_sq : real(r8)
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

fr_sq_min : real(r8)
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

frac : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

frac : real*8, real*8
Subroutine: fluxfraction. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

frac : real*8
Subroutine: gtrend. Module: NONE. File: RADIATION.f

frac1 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

frac1 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

frac1 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

frac1 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

frac1 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

frac1 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

frac1 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz2_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

frac1 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

frac1 : real*8
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

frac1 : real*8
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

frac1 : real*8
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

frac_area_cnv : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

frac_area_cnv_l : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

frac_area_st : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

frac_area_st_l : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

frac_cld_ice : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

frac_cld_water : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

frac_cnv_ice : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

frac_cnv_ice_l : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

frac_cnv_water : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

frac_cnv_water : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

frac_cnv_water : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

frac_cnv_water_l : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

frac_inc : real*8
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

frac_land : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_planet_alb_param. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

frac_land_ice : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_planet_alb_param. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

frac_land_snow_tbl : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_planet_alb_param. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

frac_out : real*8, dimension(npoints, ncol, nlev)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

frac_sea : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_planet_alb_param. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

frac_sea_ice : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_planet_alb_param. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

frac_st_ice : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

frac_st_ice : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

frac_st_ice : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

frac_st_ice_l : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

frac_st_ice_l : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_cloud_field. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

frac_st_water : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

frac_st_water : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

frac_st_water : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

frac_st_water_l : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

frac_st_water_l : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_cloud_field. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

frac_veg_tbl : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_planet_alb_param. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fracl : real*4
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fracm : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fracm : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fracm : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fracm : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fracm : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fracm : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fracm : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz2_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fracm : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fracm : real*8
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

fracm : real*8
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fracm : real*8
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

fracm : real*8, real*8
Subroutine: massfraction. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fracnames : character(len=6), dimension(ntimemax)
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

fracnir :
Subroutine: solar_ice_frac. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
fraction of absorbed solar in vis and nir
fracnir1 : real*8
Subroutine: solar_ice_frac. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fracsl : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fract_snow : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: snow_cover. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
snow cover fraction (0-1)
fraction : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: find_pbl_top. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
Initial Value = 0.1d0
fracvis : real*8
Subroutine: solar_ice_frac. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
fraction of absorbed solar in vis and nir
frat : real*8
Subroutine: ctmix. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
fraction of upper box mixed down
frat :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction of mixing in CTEI
frat1 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
frat2 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
frati : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

frato : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

frayle : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
scales Rayleigh parameter
Initial Value = 1.
frezi : real*8
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

frfoam : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

fri : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fri : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
function of Rig
frl : real*8
Subroutine: limitq. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

frl : real*8
Subroutine: limitq_lin. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

frl1 : real*8
Subroutine: limitq. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

frl1 : real*8
Subroutine: limitq_lin. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

frlean : real*8, dimension(190)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

from : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fromto : character(len=100)
Subroutine: def_acc_meta. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

frr : real*8
Subroutine: limitq. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

frr : real*8
Subroutine: limitq_lin. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

frr1 : real*8
Subroutine: limitq. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

frr1 : real*8
Subroutine: limitq_lin. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

frsat : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

frsi : real*8
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

frsulf : real*8, dimension(8)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.330, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.00/)
frsulf : real*8, dimension(8)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

frtop : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

fs : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fs : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fs0 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fs8opx : real*8, dimension(8)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.00/)
fs8opx : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fs8opx : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fsaaer : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1.
fsbaer : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1.
fsdaer : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1.
fsevp :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction of energy lost to evaporate
fsf : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Solar Forcing over each type (W/m^2)
fsf : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

fsf : used from rad_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1_exports. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

fsf : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fsf : used from rad_com
Subroutine: reset_surf_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fsf : used from rad_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

fsf_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

fsh : real*8
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

fshglm : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f
= fraction of SH GMELT water; Sum[FSHGLM(:,:)] = 1
fshglm : used from landice_com
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

fshglm : used from landice_com
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

fshglm : used from landice_com
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

fshglm : used from landice_com
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

fshglm : used from landice_com
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

fshort : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
downwelling longwave, shortwave radiation at surface
fshort :
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f
downwelling longwave, shortwave radiation at surface
fsign : real*8
Subroutine: limitq. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

fsign : real*8
Subroutine: limitq_lin. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fslean : real*8, dimension(190)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fslip : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
Initial Value = 0.
fslip : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fslip : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fsn : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
latent heat of melt (J/m^3)
Initial Value = lhm * rhow
fsn : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
latent heat of melt (J/m^3)
Initial Value = lhm * rhow
fsnage : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

fsnow : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fsoc : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fsoc : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
basal fluxes down of mass,heat,salt (J or kg/m^2)
fsolar : real*8, dimension(190)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fsr : used from sw2ocean
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f

fsr : real*8, dimension(lsrpd)
Global variable . Module: SW2OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

fsr : used from kppe
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

fsr : used from sw2ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

fsr : used from sw2ocean
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fsr1 : real*8, dimension(17)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fsr2 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

fsr2 : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

fsr2 : real*8, dimension(17)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fsrdif : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
diffuse visible incident solar at surface
fsrdif : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

fsrdif : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fsrdif_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

fsrdir : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Solar incident at surface, direct fraction (1)
fsrdir : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

fsrdir : used from rad_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fsrdir : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fsrdir_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

fsri : real*8, dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
fraction of solar radiation that goes through the bottom
fsri : real*8, dimension(lmax), intent(out)
Subroutine: solar_ice_frac. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
fraction of solar energy reaching bottom of layer
fsri : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

fsri : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

fsrnfg : real*8, dimension(4)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
surface type fractions of SW,LW fluxes (W/m2)
fsrnfg : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fsrnir1 : real*8, dimension(lmax)
Subroutine: solar_ice_frac. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fsrvis : real*8, dimension(lmax)
Subroutine: solar_ice_frac. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fsrz : used from sw2ocean
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f

fsrz : real*8, dimension(lsrpd)
Global variable . Module: SW2OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

fsrz : used from sw2ocean
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fss : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
grid fraction for large-scale clouds
fss : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
initialized to 1.
fss : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
fraction of the grid box for large-scale cloud
fss : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

fss : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fssi : real*8, dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: relayer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fssi : real*8, dimension(LMI-1)
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fssi1 : real*8
Subroutine: relayer_12. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fssi2 : real*8
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fssi2 : real*8
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fssi3 : real*8
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fssi3 : real*8
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fssi4 : real*8
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

fssi_io : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
basal ice-ocean fluxes (kg or J/m^2)
fssi_io : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fssi_io : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fssi_io : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fssl :
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
grid fraction for large-scale clouds
fsss : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
fraction of ocean salinity found in new-formed ice
Initial Value = 8d0/35d0
fsss : used from seaice
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fsss : used from seaice
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fssum :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction of energy lost to evaporate
fstaer : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1.
fstaer : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fstasc : real*8, dimension(itrmax)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
scales optional aerosols (solar,thermal component)
Initial Value = 1.d0
fstasc : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fstasc : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fstopx : real*8, dimension(ITRMAX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
switches on/off aerosol for diagnostics (solar,thermal component)
fstopx : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fsum : real*8
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fsum1 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fsum2 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fsum3 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fsvaer : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1.
fsxaer :
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
scales solar,thermal opt.depth for var. aerosols:
fsxtau : real*8
Subroutine: getdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fsxtau : real*8
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fsxtau : real*8
Subroutine: setdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fsxtau : real*8, save
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fsxtau : real*8
Subroutine: upddst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ft8opx : real*8, dimension(8)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.300, 1.00/)
ft8opx : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ft8opx : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ftaaer : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1.
ftasc :
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
scales optional aerosols (solar,thermal component)
ftauc : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
factor to control cloud optical depth in radiation calc.
ftauc : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ftbaer : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1.
ftdaer : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1.
ftevap : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ftevap : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

fthek : real*8, parameter, dimension(190)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/ .007,.900,.007,.007,.030,.070,.230,.630,1.25,2.71,10.7, 22.9,57.5,64.9,66.7,59.3,63.0,72.3,70.4,104.,130.,185.,232.,204., 222.,315.,482.,584.,514.,603.,689.,764.,830.,975.,1059.,1081., 1074.,1069.,1093.,1083.,1068.,1132.,1181.,1157.,1120.,1098.,1098., 1189.,1429.,1644.,1751.,1774.,1747.,1693.,1639.,1663.,1810.,1922., 2006.,2057.,2066.,2048.,2033.,2044.,2074.,1976.,1950.,1960.,1942., 1920.,1882.,1833.,1833.,1852.,1842.,1818.,1783.,1754.,1725.,1720., 1695.,1705.,1712.,1719.,1715.,1712.,1700.,1682.,1666.,1647.,1635., 1602.,1570.,1544.,1511.,1486.,1456.,1427.,1402.,1389.,1344.,1314., 1290.,1260.,1235.,1211.,1185.,1159.,1134.,1109.,1085.,1060.,1036., 1013.,990.,968.,947.,926.,908.,891.,880.,869.,858.,847.,837.,820., 803.,785.,767.,748.,668.,593.,535.,485.,438.,397.,358.,337.,312., 288.,267.,245.,223.,202.,180.,159.,142.,126.,114.,103., 90., 79., 69.0,62.0,55.0,48.0,43.0,39.0,35.0,31.0,26.0,22.6,19.2,16.6,14.6, 13.5,12.3,11.1,10.3, 9.5,8.70,7.80,7.10,6.50,5.92,5.35,4.86,4.47, 4.11,3.79,1.82,0.99,.585,.367,.241,.165,.117,.0851,.0634,.0481/)
ftop : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
function of topography
ftrufg : real*8, dimension(4)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
surface type fractions of SW,LW fluxes (W/m2)
ftrufg : real*8, dimension(4)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

fttaer : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1.
fttaer : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fttasc : real*8, dimension(itrmax)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1.d0
fttasc : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fttasc : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fttopx : real*8, dimension(ITRMAX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
switches on/off aerosol for diagnostics (solar,thermal component)
fttopx : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ftvaer : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1.
ftxaer :
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
scales solar,thermal opt.depth for var. aerosols:
ftxtau : real*8
Subroutine: getdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ftxtau : real*8
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ftxtau : real*8
Subroutine: setdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ftxtau : real*8, save
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ftxtau : real*8
Subroutine: upddst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ftype : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
fractions of each surface type
ftype : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
fraction of the gridcell occupied by this patch
ftype : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ftype : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: avg_patches_pbl_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ftype : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ftype : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports_gla. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ftype : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfstate_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ftype : used from diag_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ftype : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ftype : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ftype : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ftype : used from diag_com
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ftype : character*8, parameter, dimension(5)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
ftype_now : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: reset_surf_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
original and current fracs of the 'new' type
ftype_orig : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: reset_surf_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
original and current fracs of the 'new' type
fulgas : real*8, dimension(13)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
scales the various atmospheric constituents:
Initial Value = (/ 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 0./)
fulgas : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fulgas : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

fulgas : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

funi :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
the probablity for ice cloud to form
funil :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
FUNI over land, ocean
funio :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
FUNI over land, ocean
funio_denominator : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
funio denominator
Initial Value = 22.d0
fup : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fup : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fup : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz2_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fup : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fup0 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fup0 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fup_pass : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fup_pass : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fupz_pass : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fupz_pass : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fupzz_pass : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fupzz_pass : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fuse_groups : logical
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f
whether to output groups of related
Initial Value = .false.
fuvko3 : real*8, parameter, dimension(226)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/ 8.3, 8.3, 8.1, 8.3, 8.6, 9.0, 9.7, 10.8, 11.7, 13.0, 14.3, 16.0, 18.0, 20.6, 23.0, 26.1, 29.3, 32.6, 36.9, 40.8, 46.9, 51.4, 56.7, 63.4, 69.1, 76.6, 84.0, 91.4, 99.9,110.0,118.0, 126.0,136.0,145.0,154.0,164.0,175.0,186.0,192.0,201.0,210.0,212.0, 221.0,230.0,239.0,248.0,250.0,259.0,264.0,264.0,273.0,277.0,275.0, 283.0,283.0,290.0,283.0,297.0,290.0,300.0,290.0,302.0,295.0,283.0, 293.0,290.0,286.0,297.0,281.0,280.0,271.0,275.0,254.0,264.0,250.0, 248.0,242.0,228.0,230.0,216.0,213.0,211.0,199.0,188.0,188.0,178.0, 169.0,153.0,155.0,148.0,136.0,127.0,117.0,108.0, 97.0, 88.7, 81.3, 78.7, 67.9, 61.4, 54.3, 49.6, 43.1, 38.9, 34.6, 30.2, 27.5, 23.9, 21.0, 18.6, 16.2, 14.2, 12.3, 10.7, 9.5, 8.880,7.520,6.960,6.160,5.810,5.910,4.310,4.430,4.130, 4.310,4.020,3.330,3.390,3.060,3.100,2.830,2.400,2.490,2.330,2.320, 2.120,2.200,1.436,1.595,1.074,1.138,1.068,1.262,0.818,0.948,0.860, 1.001,0.543,0.763,0.665,0.781,0.382,0.406,0.373,0.608,0.484,0.601, 0.209,0.276,0.259,0.470,0.319,0.354,0.131,0.223,0.185,0.339,0.080, 0.093,0.079,0.184,0.139,0.214,0.053,0.074,0.068,0.152,0.038,0.070, .0540000,.1030000,.0240000,.0382500,.0292500,.0550000,.0135000, .0155250,.0127500,.0188250,.0167250,.0262500,.0115500,.0140250, .0099750,.0115500,.0081000,.0104250,.0050100,.0057000,.0046650, .0073425,.0051825,.0055275,.0040575,.0077700,.0048900,.0054600, .0015375,.0017775,.0013275,.0014100,.0011550,.0023325,.0018825, .0019650,.0009600,.0013650,.0011925,.0013200,.0008925,.0009825, .0001350,.0006300,.0004500,.0006225,0.0/)
fux : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fuy : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fv : real*8
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fv : real*8
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fv : real*8
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fv : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fv : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fv : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fv : real*8
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fv : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fv : real*8
Subroutine: get_canopy_temperaure. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fv : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_fb_fv. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fv : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fv : real*8
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fv : real*8
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fv : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

fv : real*8
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fv : real*8
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fv : real*8
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

fvp : real*8
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

fvx : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fvy : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fw : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fw : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fw0 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

fwarea_nh : real*8
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f
area in each hemisphere for glmelt
fwarea_nh : used from landice
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

fwarea_nh : used from landice
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

fwarea_sh : real*8
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f
area in each hemisphere for glmelt
fwarea_sh : used from landice
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

fwarea_sh : used from landice
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

fwater : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
water fraction of gridbox
fwater :
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f
water fraction of gridbox
fwater : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fwater : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fwater : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fwater : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fwater : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fwater : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fwb : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fwsim : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
fresh water sea ice mass (kg/m^2) (used for qflux model)
fwsim : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fwsim : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

fwt : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

fx : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
tracer moment flux (diagnostic output) (kg or J)
fx : real*8, dimension(IM)
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fx : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fx : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fx : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fx : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fx : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fx : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fx : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fx : real*8, dimension(0:lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fx : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fx : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fx : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fx_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fx_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fx_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fx_pass : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fxim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fxjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxl : real*8, intent(in), dimension(NXB-1)
Subroutine: repart. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

fxl : real*8, intent(in), dimension(nxb-1)
Subroutine: repartint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

fxl : real*8, intent(in), dimension(NXB-1)
Subroutine: reterp. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

fxsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

fxup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fxup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxx :
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f
fraction of gridbox of type xx (land,ocean,...)
fxx : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

fxx : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

fxx : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxx : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxx : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxx : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxx : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxx : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxx_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxx_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxx_pass : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxxim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxxim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxxjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxxjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxxup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxxup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxy : real*8, dimension(nx1, grid_icdyn%j_strt_halo:grid_icdyn%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

fxy1 : real*8, dimension(nx1, grid_icdyn%j_strt_halo:grid_icdyn%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

fxy1a : real*8, dimension(nx1, grid_icdyn%j_strt_halo:grid_icdyn%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

fxy_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxy_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxya : real*8, dimension(nx1, grid_icdyn%j_strt_halo:grid_icdyn%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

fxyim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxyim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxyjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxyjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxyup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxyup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fxz : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

fxz : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

fy : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
tracer moment flux (diagnostic output) (kg or J)
fy : real*8, dimension(IM)
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fy : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fy : real*8, dimension(0:lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fy_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fy_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fy_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fy_pass : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fyim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fyjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fysi : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

fyup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fyup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyy : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

fyy : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

fyy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyy_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyy_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyy_pass : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyyim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyyim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyyjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyyjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyyup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyyup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyz : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

fyz : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

fyz : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyz : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyz : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyz : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyz : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyz : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyz_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyz_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyzim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyzim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyzjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyzjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyzup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fyzup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fz : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
tracer moment flux (diagnostic output) (kg or J)
fz : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

fz : real*8, dimension(IM)
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fz : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fz : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fz : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fz : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fz : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fz : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fz : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fz : real*8, dimension(0:lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

fz : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fz : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fz : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fz1 : real*8
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

fz2 : real*8
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

fz500 : real*8, dimension(km, km)
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
diffusion scale as function of height above topography
fz_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fz_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fz_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fz_pass : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzfrac : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

fzfrac : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

fzfrac : real*8
Subroutine: wscale. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

fzim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fzim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fzjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

fzup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzx : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

fzx : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

fzx : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzx : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzx : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzx : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzx : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzx : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzx_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzx_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzxim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzxim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzxjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzxjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzxup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzxup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzy : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

fzy : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

fzz : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

fzz : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

fzz : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzz : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzz : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzz : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzz : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzz : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzz_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzz_im : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzz_pass : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzzim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzzim1 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzzjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzzjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzzup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

fzzup : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

g : real*8
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

g : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: alphagsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

g : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: betagsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

g : real*8, intent(in), dimension(NY)
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

g : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

g : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: hetgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

g : real*8
Subroutine: hntr8_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

g : real*8
Subroutine: hntr8_band_lij. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

g : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

g : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sgpgxg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

g : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: shcgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

g : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

g : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: temgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

g : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: temgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

g : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: volgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

g : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: volgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

g0 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

g01 : real*8
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

g02 : real*8
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

g0l : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

g0m : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
pot. enthalpy of ocean (+moments) (J)
g0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

g0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

g0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

g0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oce. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

g0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

g0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

g0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

g0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

g0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

g0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

g0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

g0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

g0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

g0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

g0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

g0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

g0m0 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

g0m1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: KPP_COM. File: OCNKPP.f

g0m1 : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

g0m1 : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

g0me : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

g0me : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

g0me : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

g0me : used from straits
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

g0ml : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

g0ml : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

g0ml : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(LSRPD)
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

g0ml : real*8, dimension(lmo, 2)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

g0ml0 : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

g0ml0 : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

g0mst : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
pot. enthalpy of water in strait (+ moments) (J)
g0mst : used from straits
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

g0mst : used from straits
Subroutine: conserv_oce. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

g0mst : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

g0mst : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

g0mst : used from straits
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

g1 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

g1 : real*8
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

g13ab : real*8
Subroutine: limitq. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

g13ab : real*8
Subroutine: limitq_lin. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

g2 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

g3 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

g3d : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

g3d : used from gm_com
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

g4 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

g5 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

g5 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

g6 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

g633nr : real*8, dimension(890, 31)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

g7 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

g8 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

g880m0 : real*8, dimension(890)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

g880m1 : real*8, dimension(890)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

g_alpha : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

g_alpha : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
g_mole_s : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
molecular diffusion terms for heat/salt
Initial Value = 2255d0
g_mole_t : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
molecular diffusion terms for heat/salt
Initial Value = 65.9d0
g_s : real*8
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
turbulent exchange velocities (m/s)
g_sq : real(r8), parameter
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = grav * grav
g_t : real*8
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
turbulent exchange velocities (m/s)
g_turb : real*8
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
turbulent diffusion term
gairx : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
atmosphere-ice stress (B grid)
gairx : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

gairx : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

gairy : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
atmosphere-ice stress (B grid)
gairy : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

gairy : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

gama :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
gamahs : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 8.d0/sigma
gamahu : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 11.6d0
gamams : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 5.3d0
gamamu : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 19.0d0
gamc : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

gamd : used from constant
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

gamd : used from constant
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

gamm : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

gamma : real*8
Subroutine: limitq. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

gamma : real*8
Subroutine: limitq_lin. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gamx : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

garr : real*8, intent(in), dimension(grd_dum%jm_world)
Subroutine: globalsum_j. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

garr : real*8, intent(in), dimension( : , :)
Subroutine: globalsum_jk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

gas_names : character(len=6), dimension(13)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

gas_names : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

gasc : used from constant
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

gasc : used from constant
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

gasnames : character(len=6), dimension(13)
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

gat1 : real*8, dimension(mdiff)
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
shape function at sigma=1
gatherpts : used from sparsecommunicator_mod
Subroutine: gather_straits_pairs. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

gband : integer, dimension(7)
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f
Initial Value = (/ 1, 18, 19, 23, 26, 30, 32 /)
gbyairm0 : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Initial Value = GRAV/AIRM0
gbyr : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
Initial Value = GRAV/RGAS
gbyrb : used from constant
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

gbyrsq : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

gd1 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gd2 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gdata : real*8, dimension(80)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

gdb : character*6
Subroutine: dump_call_stack. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
Initial Value = 'gdb '
gdeep : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f
keeps average (2:n) values of temperature, water and ice
gdeep : used from ghy_com
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

gdeep : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

gdeep : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

gdn : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN_DYN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
specific pot enthropy upper,lower part of layer (J/kg)
gdn : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

gdn : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

gdn : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gdn : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gdn : real*8
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

gdn : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

geom_atm : used from geom
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

geomicdyn : used from icedyn
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

get_albedo_data : used from surf_albedo
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

get_alloc_bounds : used from diag_zonal
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

get_alloc_bounds : used from diag_zonal
Subroutine: alloc_gc_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

get_by_index : used from timestream_mod
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

get_cld_overlap : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

get_cld_overlap : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

get_dimlen : used from pario
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

get_dimlens : used from pario
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

get_dimlens : used from pario
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

get_dimlens : used from pario
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

get_dir : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

get_natts : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_param. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

get_param : used from dictionary_mod
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

get_param : used from dictionary_mod
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

get_param : used from dictionary_mod
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

get_param : used from dictionary_mod
Subroutine: geom_1pt. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

get_param : used from dictionary_mod
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

get_param : used from dictionary_mod
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

get_param : used from dictionary_mod
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

get_param : used from dictionary_mod
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

get_planet_radout : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: rcompx. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

get_soil_properties : used from sle001
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

get_soil_properties : used from sle001
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

get_soil_properties : used from sle001
Subroutine: fix_water_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

get_soil_properties : used from sle001
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

get_soil_properties : used from sle001
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

get_subdd : used from subdaily
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

getaer_flag : integer, optional
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

getbak_flag : integer, optional
Subroutine: setbak. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: accumulate_excess_c. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: addenergyasdiffuseheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: addenergyaslocalheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

getdomainbounds : used from gm_com
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_pbl_vars. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_diag_loc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_ent_com. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_ghy_com. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn_com. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_icestate_type. Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_kpp_com. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_odiff. Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_pbl_com. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_tracer_adv. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: calc_amp. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: calc_pijl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: checkpbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: compute_mass_flux_diags. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: compute_wsave. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

getdomainbounds : used from gm_com
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: conserv_am. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_lhsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_lke. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_lkm. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_lmsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_mli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_ms. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: conserv_oce. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: conserv_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: conserv_oke. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: conserv_oms. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: conserv_osl. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_wm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: copy_array_to_ent_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: copy_ent_state_to_array. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: declare_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: def_rsf_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: def_rsf_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diag5f. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diaga0. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: dump_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ent_read_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ent_read_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ent_write_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ent_write_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: form. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: get_atm_layer1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: gettotalenergy. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: icdyn_masks. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_oceanr_grid. Module: OCEANR_DIM. File: OCEANR_DIM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_qus. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: isotropslp. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: loadbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: matop. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: new_io_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: new_io_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvt2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ocoast. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: og2ag_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: perturb_temps. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: plast. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: read_landsurf_ic. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: reset_gh_to_defaults. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: set_budg_area. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: set_j_budg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: set_oj_budg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: set_owtbudg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: set_simple_bounds_type. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: set_wtbudg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: shap1d. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: snow_cover. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: surface_diag_post_precip_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: updbcd. Module: NONE. File: READ_AERO.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: vflx_ocean. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

getdomainbounds : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: write_data. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

getgas_flag : integer, optional
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

getmpicommunicator : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

geto2a_flag : integer, optional
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

getsur : used from surf_albedo
Subroutine: rcompx. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

gettotalenergy : real*8
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

gettotalenergy : real*8
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

getvol_flag : integer, intent(in), optional
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

gf0 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gf00 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gfoi : real*8
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gfoo : real*8
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gfrezs : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gfrezs : real*8
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gg : real*8
Subroutine: alphagsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

gg : real*8
Subroutine: betagsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

gg : real*8
Subroutine: hetgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

gg : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: sgpgxg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gg : real*8
Subroutine: shcgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

gg : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gg : real*8
Subroutine: temgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

gg : real*8
Subroutine: temgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

gg : real*8
Subroutine: volgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

gg : real*8
Subroutine: volgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

ggsn : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ggsno : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Asymmetry parameter for snow
ggvdf : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

gh : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

gh : real*8
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

gh : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

gh : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

gh : real*8
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

gh : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

gha : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(out)
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
normalized temperature gradient, tau**2*an2
ghat : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ghat : real*8, dimension(lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: ovdiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ghat : real*8, dimension(lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: ovdiffs. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ghat : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ghatc : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ghatdum : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ghatg : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ghatm : real*8, dimension(LMO, IM+2)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ghats : real*8, dimension(km)
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
nonlocal transport (s/m^2)
ghats : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ghg : character*6, parameter, dimension(12)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/' H2O',' CO2',' O3',' O2',' NO2',' N2O' ,' CH4','CCL3P1','CCL2P2',' N2',' CFC-Y',' CFC-Z'/)
ghg_day : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f of well-mixed GHgases (if 0: time var)
Initial Value = 182
ghg_day : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ghg_yr : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f of well-mixed GHgases (if 0: time var)
Initial Value = 1951
ghg_yr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ghg_yr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ghg_yr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: ghghst. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ghg_yr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ghg_yr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ghgam : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
GHG-mixing ratios in ppm,ppm,ppm,ppb,ppb,ppb
ghgam : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ghgam : used from radpar
Subroutine: ghghst. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ghgam : used from radpar
Subroutine: gtrend. Module: NONE. File: RADIATION.f

ghgyr1 : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
first and last year of GHG history
ghgyr1 : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ghgyr1 : used from radpar
Subroutine: ghghst. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ghgyr1 : used from radpar
Subroutine: gtrend. Module: NONE. File: RADIATION.f

ghgyr2 : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
first and last year of GHG history
ghgyr2 : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ghgyr2 : used from radpar
Subroutine: ghghst. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ghgyr2 : used from radpar
Subroutine: gtrend. Module: NONE. File: RADIATION.f

ghmax : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ghmax : used from socpbl
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

ghmin : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ghmin : used from socpbl
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

ght : real*8, dimension(kgz), parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
~mean geopotential heights at PMB level (extends to strat)
Initial Value = (/0.,1500.,3000.,5600.,9500.,16400.,24000.,30000., 40000.,50000.,61000.,67000.,72000./)
ght : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ght : real*8, dimension(km), parameter
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f
Initial Value = (/500.,2600.,5100.,8500.,15400.,30000./)
ght : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ghy_data_missing : logical
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ghy_default_data : integer
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
if == 1 reset all GHY data to defaults
Initial Value = 0
gi : real*8
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gi : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gi : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gi : real*8
Subroutine: sgpgxg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gijl : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo, 3), intent(inout)
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

gijl : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo, 3), intent(inout)
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f
Tracer flux
gijl : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo, 3), intent(inout)
Subroutine: wrapadjustfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

gin : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gj : real*8
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

glake : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
lake heat content (J/m2)
glake : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: LAKES_COM. File: LAKES_COM.f
like GML but per unit area of lake (J/m2)
glake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

glake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

glake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

glake : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

glmelt_fac_nh : real*8
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f
is a factor to multiply glacial melt by in NH
Initial Value = 1.d0
glmelt_fac_nh : used from landice
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

glmelt_fac_nh : used from landice
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

glmelt_fac_sh : real*8
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f
is a factor to multiply glacial melt by in SH
Initial Value = 1.d0
glmelt_fac_sh : used from landice
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

glmelt_fac_sh : used from landice
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

glmelt_on : integer
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f
determines whether glacial melt is used for oceans
Initial Value = 1
glmelt_on : used from landice
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

glmelt_on : used from landice
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

globalarray : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(*)
Subroutine: gather. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

globalarray : real*8, intent(in), dimension(*)
Subroutine: scatter. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

globalbuffer : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:)
Subroutine: gather. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

globalbuffer : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:)
Subroutine: scatter. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

globalmax : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

globalmax : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

globalmax : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

globalmax : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

globalmin : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

globaloffsets : integer, allocatable, dimension(:)
Subroutine: sparsecommunicator. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: gettotalenergy. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

globalsum : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

globlb : integer, dimension(2)
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

globub : integer, dimension(2)
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

gm : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

gm : real*8
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

gm : real*8
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

gm : real*8
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

gm : real*8
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

gm : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

gm : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

gm : real*8
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

gm : real*8
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

gm : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

gm : real*8
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

gm : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gm : real*8
Subroutine: level2. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

gm : real*8
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

gm : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

gm_at_rimax : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

gm_relax : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f
Glacial Melt relaxation parameter (1/year)
Initial Value = 0.1d0
gma : real*8, dimension(mt, nt)
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
2d table for gm=(tau*shear)^2
gma : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(out)
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
normalized velocity gradient, tau**2*as2
gmd : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

gmean : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

gmean_part : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

gmelt : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
mass,energy from glacial melt into ocean (kg/m^2, J/m^2)
gmin : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: plast. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
Initial Value = 1d-20
gml : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: LAKES_COM. File: LAKES_COM.f
total enthalpy of lake (J)
gml : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

gml : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: conserv_lke. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

gml : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

gml : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

gml : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

gml : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

gml : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

gml : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

gml_glob : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

gmmax : real*8
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

gmmax : real*8
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

gmmax0 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

gmoi : real*8
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gmoo : real*8
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

go1 : real*8
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

go1 : real*8
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

goi : real*8
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

goo : real*8
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gos : real*8
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

gos : real*8
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

gpff : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gr : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

grav : used from constant
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

grav : used from constant
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f

grav : used from constant
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

grav : used from constant
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

grav : used from constant
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

grav : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

grav : used from constant
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: anvil_optical_thickness. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: calc_apress. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: diurn_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: getztop. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

grav :
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
acceleration of gravity m/s^2
grav : used from constant
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: jl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: mc_precip_phase. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: set_atm. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: sig. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: sjl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

grav : used from constant
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

grd_dum : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_atmgla_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

grd_dum : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_atmice_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

grd_dum : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_atmlnd_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

grd_dum : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_atmocn_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

grd_dum : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_xchng_bundles. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

grd_dum : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

grd_dum : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f
Initial Value = >GRID
grd_dum : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_iceocn_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

grd_dum : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_icestate_type. Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f

grd_dum : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: alloc_ofluxes. Module: NONE. File: OFLUXES.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grd_dum : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: globalsum_j. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

grd_dum : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: globalsum_jk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

grd_dum : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: init_qus. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

grd_dum : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: set_simple_bounds_type. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

grh : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

grh633 : real*8, dimension(190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Global variable . Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

grid : type(dist_grid), pointer, type(dist_grid), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
a pointer to the grid object whose domain bounds were
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

grid : used from oceanr_dim
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid :
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f
a pointer to the grid object whose domain bounds were
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: accumulate_excess_c. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: addenergyasdiffuseheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: addenergyaslocalheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

grid : used from gm_com
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

grid : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f
Initial Value = >sigrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_pbl_vars. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

grid : type(dist_grid)
Subroutine: alloc_diag_loc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_drv_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_drv_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCN_DRV.f

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_ent_com. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_gc_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_ghy_com. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_kpp_com. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

grid : type(dist_grid)
Subroutine: alloc_odiff. Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_pbl_com. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_seaice_com. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_smomtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_tracer_adv. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

grid : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f
Initial Value = >sigrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

grid : type(dist_grid)
Subroutine: avg_patches_pbl_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

grid : type(dist_grid)
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

grid : type(dist_grid)
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports_gla. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

grid : type(dist_grid)
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfstate_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: avg_replicated_duv_to_vgrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: bcast_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: calc_amp. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: calc_derived_aijk. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: calc_kea_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: calc_pijl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: checkpbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: collect_scalars. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: compute_mass_flux_diags. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: compute_wsave. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

grid : used from gm_com
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_am. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_lhsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_lke. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_lkm. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_lmsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_mli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_ms. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_wm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: copy_array_to_ent_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: copy_ent_state_to_array. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: cosz_init. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_cosz. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

grid : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f
Initial Value = >sigrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: declare_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_acc_meta. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_meta_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

grid : used from icedyn
Subroutine: def_meta_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
Initial Value = >grid_icdyn
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: def_meta_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_meta_rvracc. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_rsf_agrice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_rsf_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_rsf_bldat. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_rsf_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_rsf_earth. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_rsf_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_rsf_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

grid : used from icedyn
Subroutine: def_rsf_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
Initial Value = >grid_icdyn
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_rsf_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_rsf_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_rsf_landice. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_rsf_longacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: def_rsf_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: def_rsf_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_rsf_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_rsf_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

grid : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f
Initial Value = >sigrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_rsf_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_rsf_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_rsf_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_rsf_subdd. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_rsf_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: def_rsf_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diag5f. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diag_isccp_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: diag_ocean_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diag_scatter. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diaga0. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: dump_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: ent_read_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: ent_read_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: ent_write_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: ent_write_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: find_later_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: gather_diagnostics. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: gather_odiags. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: gather_straits_pairs. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: gather_zonal_diags. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: get_alloc_bounds. Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: get_atm_layer1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

grid : type(dist_grid), intent(in)
Subroutine: get_bounds. Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: get_cropdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: get_dir. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: get_ivjv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: get_nuv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: get_soil_c_total. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

grid : used from icedyn
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
Initial Value = >grid_icdyn
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: gettotalenergy. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_atmdyn. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f
Initial Value = >sigrid
grid : type(dist_grid)
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_wspdf_mod. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: io_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: isotropslp. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: loadbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: matop. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: new_io_agrice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: new_io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: new_io_bldat. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: new_io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: new_io_earth. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: new_io_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: new_io_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

grid : used from icedyn
Subroutine: new_io_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
Initial Value = >grid_icdyn
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: new_io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: new_io_landice. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: new_io_longacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: new_io_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: new_io_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: new_io_param. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: new_io_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: new_io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

grid : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: new_io_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f
Initial Value = >sigrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: new_io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: new_io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: new_io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: new_io_subdd. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: new_io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: new_io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oabfilx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oadvm. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oadvt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oadvt2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >oGRID
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: obasin. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: ocoast. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: perturb_temps. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: read_agrice_ic. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: read_landice_ic. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: read_landsurf_ic. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: read_ocean_topo. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: read_pbl_tsurf_from_nmcfile. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: read_rad_ic. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

grid : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f
Initial Value = >sigrid
grid : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: read_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f
Initial Value = >sigrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: regrid_to_primary_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: replicate_uv_to_agrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: reset_adiag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: reset_gh_to_defaults. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: run_radonly. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: scatter_odiags. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: scatter_straits_pairs. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: scatter_zonal_diags. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: set_budg_area. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: set_j_budg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: set_wtbudg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: shap1d. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: snow_cover. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: surface_diag_post_precip_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: tq_zmom_init. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: update_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: updbcd. Module: NONE. File: READ_AERO.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: vflx_ocean. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

grid : used from icedyn
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f
Initial Value = >grid_ICDYN
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: write_caldate. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: write_data. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: write_meta_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

grid : used from icedyn
Subroutine: write_meta_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
Initial Value = >grid_icdyn
grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: write_meta_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >ogrid
grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: write_meta_rvracc. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: zonalmean_ij2ij. Module: ZONALMEAN_MOD. File: ATM_UTILS.f

grid_a : type(dist_grid)
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

grid_atm : type(dist_grid)
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn_com. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

grid_b : type(dist_grid)
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

grid_icdyn : type(dist_grid), target
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

grid_icdyn : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

grid_icdyn : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn_com. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

grid_icdyn : used from icedyn
Subroutine: def_rsf_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

grid_icdyn : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

grid_icdyn : used from icedyn
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

grid_icdyn : used from icedyn
Subroutine: new_io_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

grid_nxy : type(dist_grid)
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

grid_nxy : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

grid_nxy : used from icedyn
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ground_e : used from soil_drv
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

gs : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gsave3d : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gsavel : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f
indiv layers temp,water,ice (for diag exporting)
gsavel : used from ghy_com
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

gsavel : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

gsq : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

gstride : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: gather. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

gstride : integer
Subroutine: gather_ij. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

gstride : integer
Subroutine: gather_ijx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

gstride : integer
Subroutine: gather_ijxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

gstride : integer
Subroutine: gather_pts. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

gstride : integer
Subroutine: gather_ptsx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

gstride : integer
Subroutine: gather_ptsxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

gstride : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: scatter. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

gstride : integer
Subroutine: scatter_ij. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

gstride : integer
Subroutine: scatter_ijx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

gstride : integer
Subroutine: scatter_ijxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

gstride : integer
Subroutine: scatter_pts. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

gstride : integer
Subroutine: scatter_ptsx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

gstride : integer
Subroutine: scatter_ptsxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

gsum : real*8
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

gsum : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: globalsum_j. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

gsum : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: globalsum_jk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

gsum : real*8
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

gsum : real*8
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

gsum : real*8
Subroutine: keyjkt. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

gsum : real*8
Subroutine: keyvsums. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

gsum : real*8
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gsum : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
total sum/mean
gt : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gtau : real*8, dimension(51, 11, 143)
Global variable . Module: GTAU_STATE_MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gtau : real*8, dimension(51, 11, 143)
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
temporary array to read data and pass it to RAD_UTILS
gtau_in : real*8, intent(in), dimension(51, 11, 143)
Subroutine: set_sgpgxg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gtemp : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
temperature of surface (C)
gtemp : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

gtemp : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

gtemp : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

gtemp : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

gtemp : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

gtemp2 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
"ground" temperature of "second" layer (C)
gtemp2 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

gtemp2 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

gtemp2 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

gtempr : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
radiative ground temperature over surface type (K)
gtempr : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

gtempr : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

gtempr : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

gtempr : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

gtempr : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

gtemps : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
skin temperature over surface type (C)
gterm : real*8
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gup : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN_DYN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
specific pot enthropy upper,lower part of layer (J/kg)
gup : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

gup : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

gup : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gup : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gup : real*8
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

gup : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

gusti : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

gusti : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

gusti : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

gusti : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

gusti : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

gusti : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

gustiwind : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
wind gustiness (m/s)
gvalue : real*8, parameter, dimension(14)
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = (/.0,.25,.45,.50,.55, .60,.65,.70,.75,.80,.85,.90,.95,1./)
gvh2s : real*8, dimension(6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

gw : real(r8), dimension(lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

gw1 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gw2 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gwatx : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
ocean velocities (B grid) (m/s)
gwatx : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

gwatx : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

gwaty : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
ocean velocities (B grid) (m/s)
gwaty : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

gwaty : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

gwf_x : real(r8), dimension(lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

gwf_y : real(r8), dimension(lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

gwfrc : real(r8), intent(out), dimension(LM)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

gwt : real*8
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

gx : real*8
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gxa : real*8
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gxb : real*8
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gxm1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: KPP_COM. File: OCNKPP.f

gxm1 : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gxm1 : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gxme : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

gxme : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

gxme : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

gxml : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gxmo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
pot. enthalpy of ocean (+moments) (J)
gxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

gxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

gxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ocoast. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gxmo0 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

gxmst : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
pot. enthalpy of water in strait (+ moments) (J)
gxmst : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

gxmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

gxmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stbdra. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

gxmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gxsea : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gxxml : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gxxmo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

gxxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

gxxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gxxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

gxxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gxyml : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gxymo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

gxymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

gxymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gxymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

gxymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gyl : real*8, intent(out), dimension(NYB-1)
Subroutine: repart. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gyl : real*8, intent(out), dimension(nyb-1)
Subroutine: repartint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gyl : real*8, intent(out), dimension(NYB-1)
Subroutine: reterp. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

gym1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: KPP_COM. File: OCNKPP.f

gym1 : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gym1 : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gyme : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

gyme : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

gyme : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

gyml : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gymo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
pot. enthalpy of ocean (+moments) (J)
gymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

gymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

gymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ocoast. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gymo0 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

gyyml : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gyymo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

gyymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

gyymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gyymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

gyymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gyzmo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

gyzmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

gyzmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gyzmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

gz : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
geopotential height (for Clouds and Diagnostics)
gz : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

gz : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

gz : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:, :)
Subroutine: compute_mass_flux_diags. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

gz : used from atm_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

gz : used from atm_com
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

gz : used from atm_com
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

gz1 : real*8
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

gz2 : real*8
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

gzd : real*8
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

gzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >GZMO
gzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >GZMO
gzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >GZMO
gzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f
Initial Value = >GZMO
gzme : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

gzme : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

gzme : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

gzme : used from straits
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

gzml : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gzml : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gzml : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(LSRPD)
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gzml : real*8, dimension(lmo, 2)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gzmo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
pot. enthalpy of ocean (+moments) (J)
gzmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

gzmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gzmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gzmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gzmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

gzmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gzmst : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
pot. enthalpy of water in strait (+ moments) (J)
gzmst : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

gzmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

gzmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gzsnow : real*8, parameter, dimension(7, 3, 2)
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
asymmetry parameter for snow over three types
Initial Value = RESHAPE( (/ 0.95d0, 0.94d0, 0.905d0, 0.896d0, 0.894d0, 0.89d0, 0.91d0, 0.95d0, 0.94d0, 0.905d0, 0.896d0, 0.894d0, 0.89d0, 0.91d0, 0.95d0, 0.94d0, 0.905d0, 0.896d0, 0.894d0, 0.89d0, 0.91d0, 0.95d0, 0.94d0, 0.905d0, 0.896d0, 0.894d0, 0.89d0, 0.91d0, 0.95d0, 0.94d0, 0.905d0, 0.896d0, 0.894d0, 0.89d0, 0.91d0, 0.95d0, 0.94d0, 0.905d0, 0.896d0, 0.894d0, 0.89d0, 0.91d0 /), (/7,3,2/) )
gzxmo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

gzxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

gzxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gzxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

gzzml : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

gzzmo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

gzzmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

gzzmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

gzzmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

gzzmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

h : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f
Initial Value = 6800d0
h : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f
Initial Value = 6800d0
h : used from ocfunc
Subroutine: hetgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f
Initial Value = >hgsp
h : real*8
Subroutine: locatex. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

h : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

h1 : real*8
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

h1 : real*8
Subroutine: lkmix. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

h2 : real*8
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

h2 : real*8
Subroutine: lkmix. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

h2o : real*8, dimension(100)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

h2o : real*4, dimension(jma, 0:lma)
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

h2o_mmr_to_cm_at_stp : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Conversion factor for conversion from mass
Initial Value = ppmv_to_cm_at_stp* 1.0D+6*mair/18.0153D0
h2o_ppm : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
,... Abundances in PPM for H2O, CO2, CH4
Initial Value = -1d+0
h2o_ppm : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

h2obych4 : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
if not 0: add CH4 produced H2O into layers 1->LM
Initial Value = 1.
h2obych4 : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

h2obych4 : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

h2ocf8 : real*8, dimension(33, 8, 5)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

h2ocn8 : real*8, dimension(33, 8, 14)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

h2ostratx : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
strat_water_vapor, cloud, Ozone scaling factor
Initial Value = 1.
h2ostratx : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

h2ostratx : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

h_4sq : real, intent(in)
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

h_4sq : real
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

h_planck : used from constant
Global variable . Module: NONE. File:

halfday : type(timeinterval)
Subroutine: daily_orbit. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: compute_mass_flux_diags. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: conserv_oke. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: form. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: icdyn_masks. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: obasin. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: plast. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: read_ocean_topo. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: regrid_to_primary_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

halo_update : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

halo_update_block : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: avg_replicated_duv_to_vgrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

halo_update_block : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

halo_update_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

halo_update_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

halo_update_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

halo_update_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

halo_update_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

halo_update_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

halo_update_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

halo_update_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

halo_update_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

halo_update_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

halo_update_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: matop. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

halo_update_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

halo_update_column : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

halo_updatej : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

halo_width : integer, parameter
Subroutine: getoffset. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90
Initial Value = 1
hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: avg_replicated_duv_to_vgrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: cosz_init. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: form. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: get_dir. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ig2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: int_og2ag_2da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3db_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: new_io_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: og2ig_uvsurf. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: plast. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: regrid_to_primary_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: replicate_uv_to_agrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: set_owtbudg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

hasnorthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: write_data. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: avg_replicated_duv_to_vgrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: cosz_init. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: form. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: get_dir. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ig2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: int_og2ag_2da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3db_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: new_io_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: og2ig_uvsurf. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: plast. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: regrid_to_primary_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: replicate_uv_to_agrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: set_owtbudg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

hassouthpole : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: write_data. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

hatmo : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

hatmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

hatmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

hatmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: read_ocean_topo. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

have_crops_file : logical
Global variable . Module: CROPDATA_MOD. File: VEG_DRV.f

have_north_pole : logical
Global variable . Module: OCEANR_DIM. File: OCEANR_DIM.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: alloc_icestate_type. Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: calc_apress. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_lhsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_lke. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_lkm. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_lmsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_mli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_ms. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_oce. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_oke. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_oms. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_osl. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_wm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: oadvt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: oadvt2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_north_pole : integer::j_0, j_0s, j_1s;logical
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_north_pole : integer::j_0, j_1, j_0s, j_1s;logical
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_north_pole : integer::j_0, j_1, j_0s, j_1s;logical
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: set_simple_bounds_type. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

have_north_pole : logical
Subroutine: wrapadjustfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

have_o3_file : logical
Global variable . Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f
whether an O3file was specified in the rundeck
have_pole : logical
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

have_south_pole : logical
Global variable . Module: OCEANR_DIM. File: OCEANR_DIM.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: alloc_icestate_type. Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: calc_apress. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_lhsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_lke. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_lkm. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_lmsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_mli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_ms. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_oce. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_oke. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_oms. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_osl. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_wm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: set_simple_bounds_type. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

have_south_pole : logical
Subroutine: wrapadjustfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

havelatitude : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

havelatitude : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

havelatitude : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

havelatitude : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

hb : real(r8), intent(in), dimension(2:lm)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

hb : real(r8), dimension(2:lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

hbf : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= fraction of bounadry layer depth to
Initial Value = 1d0
hbl : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
boundary layer depth (m)
hbl : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
pbl depth (m)
hbl : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
boundary layer depth (m)
hbl : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

hbl : real*8
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

hbl : real*8
Subroutine: wscale. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

hblp : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

hblp : real*8
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

hc : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hc1 : real*8
Subroutine: lndice. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

hc1 : real*8
Subroutine: precli. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

hc1li : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f
heat capacity of first layer land ice (J/m^2)
Initial Value = ACE1LI*SHI
hc1li : used from landice
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

hc2li : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f
heat capacity of second layer land ice (J/m^2)
Initial Value = ACE2LI*SHI
hc2li : used from landice
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

hc_t_lapse_rate : real*8
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f
Initial Value = .008
hc_t_lapse_rate : used from landice_com
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

hc_t_lapse_rate : used from landice_com
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

hc_t_lapse_rate : used from landice_com
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

hcg1 : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

hcg1 : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

hcg2 : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

hcg2 : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

hchang :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
latent heats for changing phase
hck : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = 1.43879D0
hcmprs : real*8
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hcmprs : real*8
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hcndmc : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
heating due to moist convection
hcndss : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
heating due to large-scale condensation
hdata : real*8, dimension(n_covertypes, i0:i1, j0:j1)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

hdep :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
layer depth (m) (note change of unit km-->m)
hdep :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

hdiurn : real*8, allocatable, public, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
hourly diagnostics (hourly value at selected points)
hdiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = >hdiurn_loc
hdiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

hdiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
Initial Value = >hdiurn_loc
hdiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

hdiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hdiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

hdiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = >hdiurn_loc
hdiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f
Initial Value = >hdiurn_loc
hdiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f
Initial Value = >hdiurn_loc
hdiurn_loc : real*8, allocatable, public, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

hdiurn_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

hdiurn_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

he_sq : real(r8)
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

header : character*80
Subroutine: ent_read_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

header : character*80
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f
Character string label for individual records
header : character*80
Subroutine: io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
Character string label for individual records
header : character*80
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f
Character string label for individual records
header : character*80
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f
Character string label for individual records
header : character*80
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
Character string label for individual records
header : character*80
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
Character string label for individual records
header : character*80
Subroutine: io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f
Character string label for individual records
header : character*80
Subroutine: io_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f
Character string label for individual records
header : character*80
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
character string label for individual records
header : character*80
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f
character string label for individual records
header_f : character*80
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f
Character string label for records (forcing runs)
heat1 : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: mc_precip_phase. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
heating for phase change
heat1 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
heating needed for phase change
heat_capacity : real*8
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

heatg : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f
ground heat (J/m^2)
heff : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
ice thickness (mean over box) (m)
heff : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

heff : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

heffm : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
ice mass mask (1/0)
heffm : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

heffm : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

hefold : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
e-folding length for computing HDEP
Initial Value = 500.
height :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
class (or 1)
hemfac : real*8
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

hemfac : real*8
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

hemi : integer
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

hemi : real*8
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

hemi : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

hemi : integer
Subroutine: isotropslp. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

hemi : integer
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

hemi : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= 1 for northern hemisphere, -1 for southern hemisphere
hemi : real*8
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

hemi : real*8
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

hemi : real*8
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

hemi : integer, dimension(I0:I1, J0:J1)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

hemi : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

hemi : integer, dimension(I0:I1, J0:J1)
Subroutine: update_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

hemis : character*4, parameter, dimension(2)
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = (/' SH ',' NH '/)
hemis_consrv : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
hemispheric/global averages of CONSRV
hemis_consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

hemis_consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

hemis_consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

hemis_consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

hemis_gc : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
hemispheric/global averages of AGC
hemis_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: alloc_gc_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

hemis_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

hemis_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

hemis_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

hemis_ij : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
hemispheric/global averages of AIJ
hemis_ij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

hemis_ij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

hemis_ij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

hemis_ij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

hemis_j : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
hemispheric/global averages of AJ
hemis_j : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

hemis_j : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

hemis_j : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

hemis_j : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

hemis_jl : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
hemispheric/global averages of AJL
hemis_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

hemis_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

hemis_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

hemis_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

hflux : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

hflux : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: icelake_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
mass and heat fluxes at base of ice
hflux : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
mass, salt and heat fluxes at base of ice
hflux : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

hflux : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
mass, salt and heat flux arising from
hflux : real*8
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

hfqu : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

hgsp : real*8, dimension(-2:40, 0:40, 0:39)
Global variable . Module: OCFUNC. File: OCNFUNTAB.f
specific enthalpy of seawater (J/kg)
hgsp : used from ocfunc
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

hi : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

hicb : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

hice : real*8, dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hice : real*8, intent(out), dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: get_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hice : real*8, dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hice : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: relayer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hice : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: relayer_12. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hice : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hice : real*8, intent(in), dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: set_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hice : real*8, dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hice : real*8, dimension(lmax)
Subroutine: solar_ice_frac. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hice : real*8, dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hice12 : real*8
Subroutine: solar_ice_frac. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

high : integer
Subroutine: bilin. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

high : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: interpolate. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

high_i : integer
Subroutine: bilin. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

high_j : integer
Subroutine: bilin. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

hij : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

hist_days : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of energy history columns,rows (max)
Initial Value = 100
hist_days : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hj : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

hl : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

hl0 : used from sle001
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

hlake : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: LAKES_COM. File: LAKES_COM.f
lake sill depth (m)
hlake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

hlake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

hlake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

hlake : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: lkmix. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
sill depth for lake (m)
hlake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

hlake_min : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
minimum sill depth for lake (m)
Initial Value = 1.
hlake_min : used from lakes
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

hlatkm : real*8, parameter, dimension(5)
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/15.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0, 35.0/)
hlattf : real*8, dimension(4)
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

hlb : real*8, dimension(lx+1)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
height (km) at bottom of layer - currently NOT Used
hlb0 : real*8, dimension(LX+1)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

hlk : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

hlk1 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

hlk1 : real*8
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

hlk1 : real*8
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

hlk2 : real*8
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

hlkic : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

hlm : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

hlt : real*8
Subroutine: lkmix. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

hmelti : real*8
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hmelti : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hmlt : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

hmlt : real*8
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

hn : real*8
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hntrp_a2o : used from ocean
Subroutine: int_ag2og_2da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f
Initial Value = > remap_a2o
hntrp_a2o : used from ocean
Subroutine: int_ag2og_3da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f
Initial Value = > remap_a2o
hntrp_a2o : used from ocean
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f
Initial Value = > remap_a2o
hntrp_i2o_u : type(hntrp_type)
Global variable . Module: IGOG_REGRID_INFO. File: OCN_Interp.f

hntrp_i2o_uv_need_init : logical
Global variable . Module: IGOG_REGRID_INFO. File: OCN_Interp.f
Initial Value = .true.
hntrp_i2o_v : type(hntrp_type)
Global variable . Module: IGOG_REGRID_INFO. File: OCN_Interp.f

hntrp_o2a : used from ocean
Subroutine: int_og2ag_2da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f
Initial Value = > remap_o2a
hntrp_o2a : used from ocean
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f
Initial Value = > remap_o2a
hntrp_o2a : used from ocean
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3db_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f
Initial Value = > remap_o2a
hntrp_o2i_u : type(hntrp_type)
Global variable . Module: IGOG_REGRID_INFO. File: OCN_Interp.f

hntrp_o2i_uv_need_init : logical
Global variable . Module: IGOG_REGRID_INFO. File: OCN_Interp.f
Initial Value = .true.
hntrp_o2i_v : type(hntrp_type)
Global variable . Module: IGOG_REGRID_INFO. File: OCN_Interp.f

hntrp_type : used from hntrp_mod
Global variable . Module: IGOG_REGRID_INFO. File: OCN_Interp.f

hocean : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

hocean : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

hocean : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

hocean : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

hocean : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

hocean : used from ocean
Subroutine: read_ocean_topo. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

hoceane : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

hoceane : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

hoceane : used from straits
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

horzdist_2pts : real*8
Subroutine: horzdist_2pts. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

horzdist_2pts : real*8
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

hour : integer
Subroutine: checkpointmodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

hour : integer
Subroutine: daily_cal. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

hour : integer
Subroutine: def_acc_meta. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

hour : integer
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hour : integer
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hour : integer
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

hour : integer
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hour : integer
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hour : integer
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hour : integer
Subroutine: diagkn. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hour : integer
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

hour : integer
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hour : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

hour : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

hour : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

houre : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
end of model run
Initial Value = 0
houre : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

houre :
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
end of model run
houri : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
start of model run
Initial Value = 0
houri : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

houri :
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
start of model run
houri : used from model_com
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

houri : used from model_com
Subroutine: sundial. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

hours_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hours_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hours_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hours_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: getdte. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

hpbl :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
layer depth (m) (note change of unit km-->m)
hpbl :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
PBL height (m) and air mass in PBL (mb)
hpcon : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = 34.16319d0
hpcon : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 34.16319d0
hphase :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
latent heats for changing phase
hr_in_day : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
hours in day
Initial Value = 24
hr_in_day : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

hr_in_day : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hr_in_day : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hr_in_day : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_diurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

hr_in_day : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_diurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

hr_in_day : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

hr_in_month : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
max hours in month
hr_in_month : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

hr_in_month : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hr_in_month : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_hdiurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

hr_in_month : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

hr_in_period : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_hdiurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

hr_kpd : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

hrmax : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
maximum distance an air parcel rises from surface
Initial Value = 1000.d0
hs : real*8
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hscale : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = 7.8d0
hsi :
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f
enthalpy of each ice layer (J/m^2)
hsi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

hsi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

hsi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

hsi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

hsi : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: fi. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hsi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

hsi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

hsi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

hsi : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: mi. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hsi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

hsi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

hsi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

hsi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

hsicnv : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
heat and fresh water sea ice mass convergence
hsil : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
enthalpy of ice layers (J/m^2)
hsil : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

hsil : real*8, intent(in), dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: get_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hsil : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

hsil : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

hsil : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
enthalpy of ice layers (J/m^2)
hsil : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

hsil : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
enthalpy of ice layers (J/m^2)
hsil : real*8, intent(out), dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: set_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hsil : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: simelt. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
ice enthalpy (J/m^2)
hsil : real*8, dimension(lmi), intent(inout)
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
energy and salt profiles in ice (J, kg)/m^2
hsil : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
enthalpy of ice layers (J/m^2)
hsil : real*8, dimension(lmi), intent(in)
Subroutine: tice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hsist : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
Enthalpy of ice within strait (J)
hsist : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

hsn : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

hsn : real*8, dimension(3)
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

hsn : real*8, intent(out), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

hsn : real*8, intent(out), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

hsn_ij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

hsn_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

hsn_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

hsn_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

hsn_ij_glob : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

hsnflood : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

hsnflood : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

hsnflood : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

hsnow : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hsnow : real*8, intent(out), dimension(2)
Subroutine: get_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hsnow : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hsnow : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(2)
Subroutine: relayer_12. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hsnow : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hsnow : real*8, intent(in), dimension(2)
Subroutine: set_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hsnow : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hsnow : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

hsnwic : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

hsnwic : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
mass, energy and salt flux to ocean (<0)
hsrf : real*8
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

hstr : character(len=16)
Subroutine: ijl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

hsum : real*8, optional, intent(out), dimension(2)
Subroutine: globalsum_j. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hsum : real*8, optional, intent(out)
Subroutine: globalsum_jk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hsum : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hsum : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: keyjke. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hsum : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: keyvsums. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hsumj : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ht : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(0:, :)
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ht : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ht : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: heat_to_temperature. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ht : real*8, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: old_gic_2_modele. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ht : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ht : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: temperature_to_heat. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ht : real*8, intent(out), dimension(0:, :)
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ht_cap : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: heat_to_temperature. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ht_cap : real*8, dimension(0:ngm)
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ht_cap : real*8, dimension(ngm)
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ht_cap : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: temperature_to_heat. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ht_cap_can : real*8
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ht_glob : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

ht_ij : real*8, allocatable, target, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

ht_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ht_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ht_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ht_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ht_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: get_canopy_temperaure. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ht_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ht_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ht_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ht_per_m3 : real*8
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

htflat : real*8, dimension(49, 4)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

htirrig : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

htkm : real*8, parameter, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = (/1d-9, 1d0, 2d0, 3d0, 4d0, 5d0, 6d0, 7d0, 8d0, 9d0,10d0,11d0 ,12d0,13d0,14d0,15d0,16d0,17d0,18d0,19d0,20d0,21d0,22d0,23d0 ,24d0,25d0,30d0,35d0,40d0,45d0,50d0,70d0,99.9d0/)
htlim : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

htprof : real*8, dimension(LX+1)
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

htrd : real*8, dimension(im, km)
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

htrd_loc : real*8, dimension(im, km)
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

htype : type(hntrp_type)
Subroutine: hntr8_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

htype : type(hntrp_type)
Subroutine: hntr8_band_lij. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

htype : type(hntrp_type)
Subroutine: hntr8p_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

htype : type(hntrp_type)
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

hundredthekapa : real*8
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

hup : real*8, save
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

husi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

hvsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

hwid_max : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f
maximum half-width of MBF stencil
Initial Value = 15
hwide : real*8, dimension(0:km+1)
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
layer thicknesses (m)
hwide : real*8, dimension(0:LMO+1)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

hwide : real*8, save, dimension(0:LMO+1)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

hwt : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hwtj : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

hxpb : real*8
Subroutine: setbak. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

hxpt : real*8
Subroutine: setbak. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

hycgr : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

i : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

i :
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
-index (longitude) of each grid cell
i :
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
[12]yz[muvc]: start/end i-indices for each basin
i : integer
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

i : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

i : integer
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

i : integer
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

i : integer
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

i : integer
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

i : integer
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

i : integer
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

i : integer
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: accsubdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

i : integer
Subroutine: accumulate_excess_c. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: addenergyaslocalheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i : integer
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
i : integer
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

i : integer
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f
loop variables
i : integer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

i : integer
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i : integer
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

i : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

i : integer
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

i : integer
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

i : integer
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: avg_patches_pbl_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

i : integer
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

i : integer
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports_gla. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

i : integer
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfstate_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

i : integer
Subroutine: avg_replicated_duv_to_vgrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

i : integer
Subroutine: bbw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

i : integer
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

i : integer
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f
loop variables
i : integer
Subroutine: calc_apress. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i : integer
Subroutine: calc_derived_aijk. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

i : integer
Subroutine: calc_kea_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

i : integer
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i : integer
Subroutine: check1. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop and dummy variables
i : integer
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i : integer
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
loop variables
i : integer
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f
loop variables
i : integer
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i : integer
Subroutine: compute_mass_flux_diags. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: compute_wsave. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i : integer
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
loop variables
i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_am. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lhsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lke. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lkm. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lmsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_mli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ms. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_oce. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ohsi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_oke. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_oms. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_omsi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_osl. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ossi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_wm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: copy_array_to_ent_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: copy_ent_state_to_array. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

i : integer
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i : integer
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i : integer
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

i : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: dcdnc_est. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

i : integer
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

i : integer
Subroutine: diag4a. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

i : integer
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

i : integer
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

i : integer
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

i : integer
Subroutine: diag_isccp_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i : integer
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i : integer
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i : integer
Subroutine: diaga0. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

i : integer
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

i : integer
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

i : integer
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

i : integer
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

i : integer
Subroutine: diffuse_moms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
/j horizontal location at which the output is written
i : integer
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

i : integer
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

i : integer
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variables
i : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: ent_read_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: ent_read_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: ent_write_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: ent_write_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variables
i : integer
Subroutine: find_max. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

i : integer
Subroutine: find_min. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

i : integer
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: fix_water_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variables
i : integer
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: form. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: gather. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

i : integer
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
loop variables
i : integer
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

i : integer*4
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: get_atm_layer1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: get_aw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

i : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_canopy_temperaure. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

i : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_dir. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_fb_fv. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

i : integer
Subroutine: get_i1i2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

i : integer
Subroutine: get_tv. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

i : integer
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: getdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

i : integer
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
loop variable
i : integer
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
i : integer
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
array dimension
i : integer
Subroutine: gettotalenergy. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: gmkdif. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
i : integer
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i : integer
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

i : integer
Subroutine: hntr8p_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

i : integer
Subroutine: icdyn_masks. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

i : integer
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

i : integer
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

i : integer
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

i : integer
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

i : integer
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

i : integer
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

i : integer
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

i : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_aj. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
are atm grid point values for the accumulation
i : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_ajl. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
atm gridpoint indices for the accumulation
i : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_ajl2. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
atm gridpoint indices for the accumulation
i : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_areg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
are atm grid point values for the accumulation
i : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_asjl. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
atm gridpoint indices for the accumulation
i : integer
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

i : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i : integer
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
loop variables
i : integer
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
loop variable
i : integer
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

i : integer
Subroutine: init_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

i : integer
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: init_wspdf_mod. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
i : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

i : integer
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: int_ag2og_3da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

i : integer
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

i : integer
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

i : integer
Subroutine: integrate_sgswind. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

i : integer
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: keyij2. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

i : integer
Subroutine: kmixinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

i : integer
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

i : integer
Subroutine: kw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

i : integer
Subroutine: level2. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
i : integer
Subroutine: loadbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
loop variable
i : integer
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

i : integer
Subroutine: matop. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

i : integer
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

i : integer, integer
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: oabfilx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvm. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: oadvt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: oadvt2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i : integer
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i : integer
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i : integer
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i : integer
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i : integer
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: obasin. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

i : integer*4
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer*4
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

i : integer*4
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i : integer
Subroutine: ocoast. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

i : integer*4
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i : integer*4
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i : integer
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer*4
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer*4
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

i : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

i : integer
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

i : integer*4
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer*4
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i : integer*4
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer*4
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i : integer
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
i : integer*4
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
grid point
i : integer
Subroutine: perturb_temps. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

i : integer
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variab.
i : integer
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i : integer
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

i : integer
Subroutine: plast. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i : integer
Subroutine: pout_diurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

i : integer
Subroutine: pout_hdiurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

i : integer
Subroutine: pout_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

i : integer
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i : integer
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i : integer
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
i : integer
Subroutine: q_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
i : integer
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variables
i : integer
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

i : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

i : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: read_landice_ic. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: read_landsurf_ic. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

i : integer
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i : integer
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: repartint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

i : integer
Subroutine: replicate_uv_to_agrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: reportprofile. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

i : integer
Subroutine: reset_gh_to_defaults. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: reset_gtemp_noice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: reset_surf_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i : integer
Subroutine: run_radonly. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: scatter. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

i : integer
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: seaice_to_atmgrid. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: set_budg_area. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: set_j_budg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
are atm grid point values for the accumulation
i : integer
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: set_noice_defaults. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: set_oj_budg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
are atm grid point values for the accumulation
i : integer
Subroutine: set_owtbudg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: set_wtbudg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: setbak. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

i : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: setbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: setdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

i : integer
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

i : integer
Subroutine: setghg. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

i : integer
Subroutine: setgts. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

i : integer
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

i : integer
Subroutine: setqva. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

i : integer
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

i : integer
Subroutine: shap1. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: shap1d. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variables
i : integer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

i : integer
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

i : integer*4
Subroutine: strmij. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

i : integer
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

i : integer
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

i : integer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

i : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

i : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

i : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

i : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

i : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

i : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag_post_precip_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

i : integer
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

i : integer
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
i : integer
Subroutine: t_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
i : integer
Subroutine: tcheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop and dummy variables
i : integer
Subroutine: tfix. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
i : integer
Subroutine: tq_zmom_init. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: tr_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
i : integer
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop and dummy variables
i : integer
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: update_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

i : integer
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

i : integer
Subroutine: upddst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

i : integer
Subroutine: updghg. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

i : integer
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

i : integer
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

i : integer
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i : integer
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
i : integer
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
i : integer*4
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: vflx_ocean. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i : integer
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

i : integer
Subroutine: wrapadjustfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

i : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

i : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

i : integer
Subroutine: xstep. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

i0 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

i0 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

i0 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: update_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

i1 : integer
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

i1 : integer
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

i1 : integer, dimension(nmax)
Subroutine: get_i1i2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i1 : integer
Subroutine: horzdist_2pts. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i1 : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i1 : integer
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

i1 : integer
Subroutine: matop. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

i1 : integer
Subroutine: nij_after_i1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i1 : integer*4
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i1 : integer
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i1 : integer*4
Subroutine: otj_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

i1 : integer
Subroutine: perturb_temps. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

i1 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
coordinate index associated with first long. (for wrap-around)
i1 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

i1 : integer
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

i1 : integer
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

i1 : integer*4
Subroutine: strmij_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

i1 : integer*4
Subroutine: strmjl_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

i1 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: update_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

i1bas : integer, dimension(nbyzmax)
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

i1fil : integer, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f
the nth value of i1fil,i2fil is the left/right longitude index
i1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

i1yz : integer, intent(in), dimension(nbyzmax, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i1yzc : integer, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

i1yzc : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

i1yzc : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i1yzc : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i1yzm : integer, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

i1yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

i1yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

i1yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

i1yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i1yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i1yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i1yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i1yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i1yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i1yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i1yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i1yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i1yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i1yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i1yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

i1yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i1yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i1yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i1yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i1yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i1yzu : integer, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

i1yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

i1yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

i1yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

i1yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

i1yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i1yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i1yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i1yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i1yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i1yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i1yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i1yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i1yzv : integer, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

i1yzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

i1yzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

i1yzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

i1yzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i1yzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i1yzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i1yzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i1yzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i1yzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i1yzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i1yzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2 : integer, dimension(nmax)
Subroutine: get_i1i2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i2 : integer
Subroutine: horzdist_2pts. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i2 : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i2 : integer
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

i2 : integer
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2 : integer*4
Subroutine: otj_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

i2 : integer
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

i2 : integer
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

i2 : integer*4
Subroutine: strmij_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

i2 : integer*4
Subroutine: strmjl_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

i2bas : integer, dimension(nbyzmax)
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2fil : integer, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f
the nth value of i1fil,i2fil is the left/right longitude index
i2yz : integer, intent(in), dimension(nbyzmax, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2yzc : integer, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

i2yzc : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

i2yzc : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i2yzc : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2yzm : integer, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

i2yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

i2yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

i2yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

i2yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i2yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i2yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i2yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i2yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i2yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i2yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i2yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

i2yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2yzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i2yzu : integer, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

i2yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

i2yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

i2yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

i2yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i2yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i2yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i2yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2yzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2yzv : integer, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

i2yzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

i2yzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

i2yzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

i2yzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i2yzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2yzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i2yzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i2yzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2yzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2yzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i2yzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

i3 : integer
Subroutine: diffuse_moms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

i35 : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

i5toc4 : character(len=4)
Subroutine: aperiod. Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

i70 : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

i_0 : integer
Global variable . Module: OCEANR_DIM. File: OCEANR_DIM.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: accsubdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: accumulate_excess_c. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: addenergyasdiffuseheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: addenergyaslocalheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ent_com. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icestate_type. Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: calc_amp. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: calc_apress. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: checkpbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: compute_wsave. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_am. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lhsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lke. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lkm. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lmsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_mli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ms. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ohsi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_omsi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ossi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_wm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: copy_array_to_ent_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: copy_ent_state_to_array. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: diag_isccp_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: diaga0. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: get_atm_layer1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: gettotalenergy. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: loadbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: read_landsurf_ic. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: reset_gh_to_defaults. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: reset_gtemp_noice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: seaice_to_atmgrid. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: set_budg_area. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: set_j_budg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: set_noice_defaults. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: set_simple_bounds_type. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: set_wtbudg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag_post_precip_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: tq_zmom_init. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_0 : integer
Subroutine: vflx_ocean. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_0h : integer
Global variable . Module: OCEANR_DIM. File: OCEANR_DIM.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmgla_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmice_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmlnd_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmocn_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_pbl_vars. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_xchng_bundles. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_diag_loc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ent_com. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ghy_com. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn_com. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_iceocn_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icestate_type. Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ofluxes. Module: NONE. File: OFLUXES.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_pbl_com. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_smomtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: declare_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: dump_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: ent_read_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: ent_write_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: init_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: new_io_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: new_io_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: set_j_budg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: set_simple_bounds_type. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

i_0h : integer
Subroutine: updbcd. Module: NONE. File: READ_AERO.f

i_0h_mic : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn_com. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

i_0stg : integer
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

i_0thread : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

i_1 : integer
Global variable . Module: OCEANR_DIM. File: OCEANR_DIM.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: accsubdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: accumulate_excess_c. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: addenergyasdiffuseheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: addenergyaslocalheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ent_com. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icestate_type. Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: calc_amp. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: calc_apress. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: checkpbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: compute_wsave. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_am. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lhsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lke. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lkm. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lmsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_mli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ms. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ohsi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_omsi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ossi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_wm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: copy_array_to_ent_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: copy_ent_state_to_array. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: diag_isccp_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: diaga0. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: get_atm_layer1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: gettotalenergy. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: loadbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: read_landsurf_ic. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: reset_gh_to_defaults. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: reset_gtemp_noice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: seaice_to_atmgrid. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: set_budg_area. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: set_j_budg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: set_noice_defaults. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: set_simple_bounds_type. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: set_wtbudg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag_post_precip_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: tq_zmom_init. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_1 : integer
Subroutine: vflx_ocean. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_1h : integer
Global variable . Module: OCEANR_DIM. File: OCEANR_DIM.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmgla_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmice_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmlnd_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmocn_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_pbl_vars. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_xchng_bundles. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_diag_loc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ent_com. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ghy_com. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn_com. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_iceocn_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icestate_type. Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ofluxes. Module: NONE. File: OFLUXES.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_pbl_com. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_smomtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: declare_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: dump_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: ent_read_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: ent_write_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: init_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: new_io_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: new_io_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: set_j_budg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: set_simple_bounds_type. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

i_1h : integer
Subroutine: updbcd. Module: NONE. File: READ_AERO.f

i_1h_mic : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn_com. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

i_1stg : integer
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

i_1thread : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

i_2stream_lw : integer
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = ip_elsasser
i_2stream_sw : integer
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = ip_pifm80
i_aer_planet : integer, parameter, dimension(8)
Global variable . Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90
Initial Value =
i_aer_planet : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: getdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

i_aer_planet : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

i_aer_planet : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

i_aer_tracer : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

i_angular_integration_lw : integer
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = ip_two_stream
i_angular_integration_sw : integer
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = ip_two_stream
i_checkfobs_y : integer, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

i_checkfobs_z : integer, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

i_cloud_ice_size_scheme : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

i_cloud_ice_size_scheme : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

i_cloud_representation_lw : integer
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = ip_cloud_csiw
i_cloud_representation_sw : integer
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = ip_cloud_csiw
i_cnv_ice_lw : integer
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = 8
i_cnv_ice_sw : integer
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = 8
i_cnv_water_lw : integer
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = 5
i_cnv_water_sw : integer
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = 5
i_debug : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

i_debug : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

i_earth : used from snow_model
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

i_gas_overlap_lw : integer
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = ip_overlap_k_eqv_scl
i_gas_overlap_sw : integer
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = ip_overlap_k_eqv_scl
i_inhom_lw : integer
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = ip_cairns
i_inhom_sw : integer
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = ip_cairns
i_overlap_lw : integer
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = ip_max_rand
i_overlap_sw : integer
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = ip_max_rand
i_pack_n : integer, dimension(im, lm)
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

i_pack_s : integer, dimension(im, lm)
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

i_scatter_method_lw : integer
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = ip_scatter_full
i_scatter_method_sw : integer
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = ip_scatter_full
i_sea_ice_alb : integer
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = ip_sea_ice_alb_Hansen
i_sea_ice_alb : used from lw_control
Subroutine: set_bound_lw. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

i_st_ice_lw : integer
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = 8
i_st_ice_sw : integer
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = 8
i_st_water_lw : integer
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = 5
i_st_water_sw : integer
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = 5
i_unpack_n : integer, dimension(im, lm)
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

i_unpack_s : integer, dimension(im, lm)
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

ia : integer
Subroutine: hntr8_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

ia : integer
Subroutine: hntr8_band_lij. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

ia : integer
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

ia_12hr : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 9
ia_12hr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_12hr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ia_12hr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_12hr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_12hr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_12hr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ia_12hr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ia_con : integer, dimension(kcon), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
IDACC numbers for conservation diagnostics
ia_con : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ia_con : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_con : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ia_con : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ia_con : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ia_con : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ia_cpl : used from mdiag_com
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ia_cpl : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
idacc-index currently associated with DTsrc, placed
Initial Value = 1
ia_cpl : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ia_d4a : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 5
ia_d4a : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_d5d : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 7
ia_d5d : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ia_d5d : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_d5d : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ia_d5f : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 6
ia_d5f : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag5f. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ia_d5f : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_d5s : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 8
ia_d5s : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ia_d5s : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_d5s : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ia_dga : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 4
ia_dga : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ia_dga : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_dga : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ia_dga : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ia_dga : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ia_dga : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_dga : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_dga : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ia_dga : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_filt : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 10
ia_filt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ia_filt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ia_filt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_filt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ia_gc : integer, dimension(kagcx), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
idacc-numbers,gridtypes for GC diagnostics
ia_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ia_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ia_icij : integer, dimension(kicij)
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
IDACC numbers for ICIJ diagnostics
ia_icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: def_meta_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ia_icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ia_icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: write_meta_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ia_ij : integer, dimension(kaij), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
IDACC indexes for lat/lon IJ diagnostics
ia_ij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ia_ij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ia_ij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ia_ijhc : integer, dimension(kijhc)
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f
idacc-numbers,weights for ijhc diagnostics
ia_ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: def_meta_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ia_ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ia_ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: new_io_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ia_ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: write_meta_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ia_ijk : integer, dimension(kaijk), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ia_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ia_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ia_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ia_ijl : integer, dimension(kaijl), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
idacc-numbers,weights for AIJL diagnostics
ia_ijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ia_ijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_ijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_ijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ia_il : integer, dimension(kailx)
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_inst : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 12
ia_inst : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ia_inst : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_inst : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_inst : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_inst : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_inst : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ia_inst : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ia_j : integer, dimension(kaj), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
IDACC indexes for zonal J diagnostics
ia_j : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ia_j : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_j : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ia_jl : integer, dimension(kajl), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
idacc-numbers,gridtypes for JL diagnostics
ia_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ia_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ia_oij : integer, dimension(koij)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
IDACC numbers for OIJ diagnostics
ia_oijl : integer, dimension(koijl)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
IDACC numbers for OIJL diagnostics
ia_oijl : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ia_ojl : integer, dimension(kojl)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
IDACC numbers for OJL diagnostics
ia_olnst : integer, dimension(kolnst)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
IDACC numbers for OLNST diagnostics
ia_otj : integer, dimension(kotj)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
IDACC numbers for OTJ diagnostics
ia_rad : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 2
ia_rad : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_rad : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ia_rad : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ia_rad_frc : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 11
ia_rad_frc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ia_sjl : integer, dimension(kasjl), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
idacc-numbers for SJL diagnostics
ia_sjl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_src : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = ia_cpl
ia_src : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ia_src : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ia_src : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_src : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ia_src : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ia_src : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ia_src : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
Initial Value = >ia_cpl
ia_src : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >ia_cpl
ia_srf : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 3
ia_srf : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ia_srf : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

iacc : integer
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iaction : integer
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

iaction : integer
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f
flag for reading or writing rsf file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: io_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_agrice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_bldat. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_earth. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_landice. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_longacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_param. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: new_io_subdd. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iaction : integer
Subroutine: new_io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f
flag for reading or writing to file
iamax : integer
Subroutine: hntr8_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

iamax : integer
Subroutine: hntr8_band_lij. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

iamin : integer
Subroutine: hntr8_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

iamin : integer
Subroutine: hntr8_band_lij. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

iarev : integer
Subroutine: hntr8_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

iarev : integer
Subroutine: hntr8_band_lij. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

iaz : integer
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

iaz : integer
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ib : integer
Subroutine: hntr8_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

ib : integer
Subroutine: hntr8_band_lij. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

ib : integer
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

ib : integer
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ib_hyb : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 4
ib_nnp : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 5
ib_npp : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 3
ib_ntr : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 6
ib_of_legnd : integer
Subroutine: ib_of_legnd. Module: BDIJ. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ib_pct : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 2
ib_pos : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ib_xxx :
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
indices for color bars
ibar : integer
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ibar : integer
Subroutine: mark. Module: BDIJ. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ibas : integer
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

ibcdec : integer
Subroutine: ctrend. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ibox : integer
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

ibp1 : integer
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

ibv : integer
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ibv : integer
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ibv : integer
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ibv : integer
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ibv : integer
Subroutine: fix_water_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ibv : integer
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ibv : integer
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ibv : integer
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ibv : integer
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ibv : integer
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ibv : integer
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ic : integer
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f
Initial Value = 0
ic : integer
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ic : integer
Subroutine: init. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

ic : integer
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
integer for cloud types
ic : integer
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ic0 : integer
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

icase : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: integrate_sgswind. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

icase : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: sgsw. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

icdyn_masks : used from icedyn
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ice : type(iceocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ice : type(iceocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: ag2og_precip. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ice : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: conserv_lmsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
total lake snow and ice mass (kg/m^2)
ice : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: conserv_mli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f
total land ice snow and ice mass (kg/m^2)
ice : real*8, dimension(si_ocn%i_0h:si_ocn%i_1h, si_ocn%j_0h:si_ocn%j_1h)
Subroutine: conserv_omsi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f
total ocean snow and ice mass (kg/m^2)
ice : type(iceocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: ig2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ice : type(iceocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: og2ag_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ice : type(iceocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: og2ig_uvsurf. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ice012 : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
pick ice droplet type: 0 liquid, 1 ice non-spher, 2 ice Mie
Initial Value = 1
ice_halo : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
Initial Value = >HALO_UPDATE
ice_halo : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
Initial Value = >HALO_UPDATE
icecld : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

icefr : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

icefrac : real*8
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

icelak : type(iceocn_xchng_vars)
Global variable . Module: LAKES_COM. File: LAKES_COM.f
derived-type strucure containing variables
icelak : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

icelak : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

icelak : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

icelak : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

icelak : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

icelak : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

icelake_fluxes : used from seaice
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

iceocean_fluxes : used from seaice
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

iceocn : type(iceocn_xchng_vars)
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f
derived-type strucure containing variables
iceocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: alloc_seaice_com. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

iceocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

iceocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: calc_apress. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

iceocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

iceocn : type(iceocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

iceocn : type(iceocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

iceocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

iceocn : type(iceocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

iceocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

iceocn : type(iceocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

iceocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: new_io_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

iceocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: ocean_driver. Module: NONE. File: OCN_DRV.f

iceocn : type(iceocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

iceocn : type(iceocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

iceocn : type(iceocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

iceocn : type(iceocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: set_noice_defaults. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

iceocn : type(iceocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

iceocn : type(iceocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

iceocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

iceocn_xchng_vars : used from seaice_com
Global variable . Module: LAKES_COM. File: LAKES_COM.f

iceocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

iceocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f

iceocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

iceocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: ag2og_precip. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

iceocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

iceocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

iceocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

iceocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: ig2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

iceocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

iceocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

iceocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

iceocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: og2ag_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

iceocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: og2ig_uvsurf. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

iceocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

iceocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

iceocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: set_noice_defaults. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

iceocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

iceocn_xchng_vars : used from exchange_types
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

icestate : used from seaice_com
Global variable . Module: LAKES_COM. File: LAKES_COM.f

icestate : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

icestate : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

icestate : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

icestate : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

icestate : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

icestate : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: set_noice_defaults. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

icestate : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

icestate : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

icf : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
water,ice cloud fraction (conv+strat)
icij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
lat-lon ice dynamic diagnostics (on ice dyn. grid)
icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn_com. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: new_io_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ickerr : integer
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

ickerr : integer
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

ickerr : integer
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

ickerr : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ickerr : integer
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ickerr : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

icmmr : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
liquid,ice water mass mixing ratio (conv+strat)
icon : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
index for the quantity concerned
icon : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: conserv_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
index for the quantity concerned
icon : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
index for the conserved quantity
icon_am : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

icon_am : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_am : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_ewm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

icon_ewm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_ewm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_hicb : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

icon_hicb : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_hicb : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

icon_hli : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

icon_hli : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_hli : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

icon_htg : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

icon_htg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_htg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

icon_ke : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

icon_ke : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_ke : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_lhsi : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

icon_lhsi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_lhsi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

icon_lke : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

icon_lke : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_lke : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

icon_lkm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

icon_lkm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_lkm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

icon_lmsi : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

icon_lmsi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_lmsi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

icon_micb : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

icon_micb : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_micb : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

icon_mli : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

icon_mli : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_mli : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

icon_ms : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

icon_ms : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_ms : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_oam : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

icon_oam : integer
Subroutine: declare_oceanr_consrv. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_oam : used from odiag
Subroutine: diagco. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

icon_oce : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

icon_oce : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

icon_oce : integer
Subroutine: declare_oceanr_consrv. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_oce : used from odiag
Subroutine: diagco. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

icon_ohsi : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

icon_ohsi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: declare_seaice_consrv. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_ohsi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_oke : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

icon_oke : integer
Subroutine: declare_oceanr_consrv. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_oke : used from odiag
Subroutine: diagco. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

icon_oms : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

icon_oms : integer
Subroutine: declare_oceanr_consrv. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_oms : used from odiag
Subroutine: diagco. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

icon_omsi : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

icon_omsi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: declare_seaice_consrv. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_omsi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_osl : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

icon_osl : integer
Subroutine: declare_oceanr_consrv. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_osl : used from odiag
Subroutine: diagco. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

icon_ossi : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

icon_ossi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: declare_seaice_consrv. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_ossi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_tpe : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

icon_tpe : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_tpe : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_wm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

icon_wm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_wm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_wtg : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

icon_wtg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

icon_wtg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

icon_xx :
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
indexes for conservation quantities
icon_xx :
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
indexes for conservation quantities
icsiz : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
liquid,ice particle effective radius weighted by wcmmr,icmmr (conv+strat)
icyc : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

icycf : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

icycle : integer
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

icycs0 : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
solar cycle in yrs used to extend S0 history before 2000
Initial Value = 11
icycs0f : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
solar cycle in yrs used to extend S0 history after 2000
Initial Value = 12
id : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: check1. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

id : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_dir. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

id : integer
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

id : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
loop variables
id : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

id1 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: scale_ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

id2 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: scale_ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

id_as_offset : logical, intent(in), optional
Subroutine: gather. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

id_as_offset : logical, intent(in), optional
Subroutine: scatter. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

id_as_offset_ : logical
Subroutine: gather. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

id_as_offset_ : logical
Subroutine: scatter. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

idacc : integer, dimension(nsampl)
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
(NSAMPL) counters for diagn. accumulations
idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag4a. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag5f. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: reset_mdiag. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idacc : used from model_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

idacc5 : integer
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

idacc5 : integer
Subroutine: diag4a. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

idacc9 : integer
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

idacc9 : integer
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

idayx : integer
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

idayxm : integer
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

idd_absa : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
idd_aot : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
idd_aot2 : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
idd_ccn : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_ccv : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
idd_cdnc : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_ch : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_ch : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_cia : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_cia : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_cl7 : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
idd_cm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_cm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_conc1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_cq : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_cq : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_dbl : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_dbl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_dcf : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_dcf : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_diam : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_dmc : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_e1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_ecnd : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_eds : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_eds : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_emis : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_emis2 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_ev : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_ev : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_galb : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
idd_grav : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_hz0 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_hz0 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_isw : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
idd_km1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_ldc : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_ldc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_lh : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_lh : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_lmon : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_load1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_lwc : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_lwg : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_lwg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_lwp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_mass : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_mcp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_ncl : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_numb : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_p1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_palb : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
idd_phi1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_pr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_pres : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_pt5 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_pt5 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_q5 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_q5 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_qabl1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_qg : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_qg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_qq1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_qs : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_qs : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_ri1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_rifl : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_rig : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_ris : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_sh : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_sh : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_smc : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_so2 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_spr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_spr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_sr1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_ssp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_stress : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_swg : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_swg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_t1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_tabl1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_tau1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_tau_cs1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_tg1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_tg1 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_tr1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_ts : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_ts : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_turb : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_u1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_uabl1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_ug : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_ug : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_us : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_us : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_us3 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_ustar : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_uv1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_uvabl1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_v1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_vabl1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_vg : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_vg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_vs : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_vs : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_w : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_w : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

idd_w1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_wd : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_wet : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_wg : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_wg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_wm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_ws : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_ws : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idd_ws2 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_wsgcm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_wspdf : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_wtke : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_wtrsh : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_xxx :
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
names for diurnal diagnostics
idd_zhat1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idd_zpbl1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

idec : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: ctrend. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

idec : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: strend. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

iden_j : integer, dimension(kaj), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
denominators for zonal J diagnostics
iden_j : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

iden_j : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iden_j : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

iden_reg : integer, dimension(kaj), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

iden_reg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

iden_reg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iden_reg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

idiag : integer, dimension(ndiag)
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = (/112, 103, 131, 79/)
idij : integer, public, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
I index of adjacent U/V points for A grid (func. of lat/lon)
idij : used from geom
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

idij : used from geom
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

idik : integer
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

idik : integer
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

idj : integer, dimension(im)
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

idjj : integer, public, dimension(im, jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
J index of adjacent U/V points for A grid (func. of lat. j)
idjj : used from geom
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

idjj : used from geom
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

idjk : integer
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

idjk : integer
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

idmua : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

idmui_band : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: ig2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

idmva : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

idmvi_band : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: ig2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ido_gwdrag : integer
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
number if AIJ Gravity wave diagnostics
Initial Value = 0
ido_gwdrag : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ido_gwdrag : used from dynamics
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

idrag : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
=1: tides produce bottom drag;
Initial Value = 1
idtype : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idtype : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idum : integer
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

idum : integer
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

idx : logical, intent(in), dimension(nlev)
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

idx : integer, dimension(NLOC_DIU_VAR)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

idx1 : integer, dimension(n_idx1)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

idx1 : integer, dimension(n_idx1)
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idx2 : integer, dimension(n_idx2)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

idx3 : integer, dimension(n_idx3)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

idx6 : integer, dimension(24)
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

idxb : integer, dimension(NLOC_DIU_VARb)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

idxd : integer, dimension(n_idxd)
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ie : integer
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

ie : integer
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

iem : integer
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

iend : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iend : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmgla_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmice_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmlnd_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmocn_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_diag_loc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ent_com. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_gc_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ghy_com. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn_com. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_iceocn_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icestate_type. Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_kpp_com. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ofluxes. Module: NONE. File: OFLUXES.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_pbl_com. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_smomtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: alloc_tracer_adv. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: declare_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: dump_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: gather. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

ier : integer
Subroutine: globalsum_j. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: globalsum_jk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: scatter. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

ier : integer
Subroutine: set_j_budg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: set_wtbudg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ier : integer
Subroutine: sparsecommunicator. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

ierr : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

ierr : integer
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

ierr : integer
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

ierr : integer
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

ierr : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
error codes
ierr : integer
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ierr : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
error codes
ierr : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
error codes
ierr : integer
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ierr : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
error reporting
ierr : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Error reporting flag
ierr : integer
Subroutine: init_wspdf_mod. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

ierr : integer
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ierr : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: limitq. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

ierr : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
error reporting
ierr : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
error reports from advection
ierr : integer
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ierr : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ierr : integer
Subroutine: xstep. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

ierr_loc : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

ierrt : integer
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
error reports from advection
ifile : character(len=*), intent(in)
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

ifile : character(*), intent(in)
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

ifile : character(len=max_len_ifile)
Subroutine: modele_maindriver. Module: NONE. File: MODELE_DRV.f

ifile : character(*), intent(out)
Subroutine: read_options. Module: NONE. File: MODELE_DRV.f
is name of the file containing run configuration data
ifile : character(len=*), intent(in)
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ifile : character(len=*), intent(in)
Subroutine: run_radonly. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ifirst : integer, save
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f
Initial Value = 1
ifirst : integer, save
Subroutine: gmkdif. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f
Initial Value = 1
ifirst : integer*4, save
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = 1
ifirst : integer, save
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = 1
ifirst : integer, save
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1
ifirst : integer, save
Subroutine: setbak. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1
ifirst : integer, save
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1
ifirst : integer, save
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1
ifirst : integer, save
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 1
ifl911 : integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
grid box indexes for emergency downstream direction
ifl911 : used from lakes
Subroutine: alloc_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ifl911 : used from lakes
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

iflag : integer
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
Initial Value = 1
iflow : integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
grid box indexes for downstream direction
iflow : used from lakes
Subroutine: alloc_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

iflow : used from lakes
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ifm : integer
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ifocean : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
Initial Value = >FOCEAN
ifocean : used from icedyn
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
Initial Value = >focean
ifrac : integer
Subroutine: read_landsurf_ic. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

ig : integer
Subroutine: alphagsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

ig : integer
Subroutine: betagsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

ig : integer
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ig : integer
Subroutine: hetgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

ig : integer
Subroutine: sgpgxg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ig : integer
Subroutine: shcgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

ig : integer
Subroutine: temgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

ig : integer
Subroutine: temgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

ig : integer
Subroutine: volgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

ig : integer
Subroutine: volgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

igas : integer
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

igasx : integer, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

igcm : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
host GCM grid indices
igcm : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

igice : type(iceocn_xchng_vars)
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

igice : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn_com. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

igice : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

igice : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

igice : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

igice : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: input_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCN_DRV.f

igice : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: new_io_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

igice : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: ocean_driver. Module: NONE. File: OCN_DRV.f

igla : type(atmgla_xchng_vars), pointer
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

igla : type(atmgla_xchng_vars), pointer
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

igla : type(atmgla_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

iglat_k : real*8
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

iglat_k : real*8
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

igm : integer
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

igrid : integer
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

igrid : integer
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

igrid : integer
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

igrid : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ij. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
= 1 for primary lat-lon grid, 2 for secondary lat-lon grid
igrid_icij : integer, dimension(kicij)
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

igrid_icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

igrid_ij : integer, dimension(kaij), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

igrid_oij : integer, dimension(koij)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

igrid_oijl : integer, dimension(koijl)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

igridc : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 0
igridc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

igride : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
igride : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

igux : integer, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ih : integer
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ih : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ih : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ih : integer
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ih : integer
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ih : integer
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ih : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ih : integer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ih : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ih : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ih : integer
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

ih0 : integer
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ihc : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Height class (for debugging printout)
ihc : integer
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ihc : integer
Subroutine: conserv_mli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ihc : integer
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ihc : integer
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ihc : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

ihc : integer
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ihc : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

ihm : integer
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ihm : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ihm : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ihm : integer
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ihm : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ihm : integer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ihm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ihm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ihm : integer
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

ihmoms : integer, dimension(7), parameter
Global variable . Module: QUSDEF. File: QUSDEF.f
Initial Value = (/MX,MY,MXX,MYY,MXY,MYZ,MZX/)
ihoure : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
start and end of run in hours (from 1/1/IYEAR1 hr 0)
Initial Value = -1
ihoure :
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
start and end of run in hours (from 1/1/IYEAR1 hr 0)
ihoure :
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
start and end of run in hours (from 1/1/IYEAR1 hr 0)
ihri : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
start and end of run in hours (from 1/1/IYEAR1 hr 0)
Initial Value = -1
ihri :
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
start and end of run in hours (from 1/1/IYEAR1 hr 0)
ihri :
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
start and end of run in hours (from 1/1/IYEAR1 hr 0)
ihrx : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

ihrx : integer
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f
a dummy itime read from IC files
ii : integer
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

ii : integer
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

ii : integer
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

ii : integer
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ii : integer
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ii : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ii : integer
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ii : integer
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ii : integer
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ii : integer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ii : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ii : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ii : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ii : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

iii : integer, private
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90

iim : integer
Subroutine: ig2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

iim : integer
Subroutine: og2ig_uvsurf. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ij : integer, dimension(2)
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ij : integer, intent(out), dimension(2)
Subroutine: lonlat_to_ij. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

ij1 : integer, dimension(2)
Subroutine: alloc_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

ij2 : integer, dimension(2)
Subroutine: alloc_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

ij_ :
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
[MHS][UV]SI indices for sea ice mass/heat/salt transport diags
ij_0 : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_0h : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_0s : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_0stg : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_1 : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_1h : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_1s : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_1stg : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_3dlim : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_3dlis : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_3dlwm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_3dlws : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_3dnim : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_3dnis : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_3dnwm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_3dnws : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_3drim : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_3dris : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_3drwm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_3drws : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_aer_diminfo : integer
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

ij_aeruns : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_aeruns : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_aerunu : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_aerunu : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_aflmlt : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_aflmlt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_aintrcp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_aintrcp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_albg : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_albg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_albgv : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_albgv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_albp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_albp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_albv : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_albv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_alpha : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_arunu : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_arunu : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_beta : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_beta : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_bo : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ij_bo : used from odiag
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ij_bosol : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ij_bosol : used from odiag
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ij_bsfr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_bsfr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_btmpw : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_chl : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = -1
ij_clab : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_clab : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_cldcv : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_cldcv1 : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_cldi : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_cldi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ij_cldt1p : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_cldt1t : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_cldtppr : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_cldtpt : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_cldw : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_cldw : used from diag_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ij_clr_srincg : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_clr_srnfg : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_clr_srntp : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_clr_sruptoa : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_clr_trdng : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_clr_trntp : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_clr_truptoa : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_clrsky : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_clrsky : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_cp_diminfo : integer
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

ij_ctog : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_ctpi : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_dcnvfrq : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_debug : integer, dimension(2)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
: if i > 0, print out some extra info on bad ij box
Initial Value = (/ 0 , 1 /)
ij_debug : used from atm_com
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ij_dleaf : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_dleaf : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_dmui : integer
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_dmui : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_dmui : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_dmvi : integer
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_dmvi : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_dmvi : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_dsev : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_dsev : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ij_dskin : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_dskin : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_dskin : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_dskin : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_dtdp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_dtdp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_dtgdts : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_dtgdts : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_dzim : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_dzis : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_dzt1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_dzt1 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_dzwm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_dzws : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_eicb : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_eicb : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ij_eicb : used from odiag
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ij_eicb : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_emtmom : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_ervr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_ervr : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ij_ervr : used from odiag
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ij_ervr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ij_ervro : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_ervro : used from diag_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ij_evap : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_evap : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_evap : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_evap : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_evape : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_evape : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_evapi : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_evapi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_evapli : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_evapli : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_evapo : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_evapo : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_evapsn : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_evapsn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_evhdt : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_evhdt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_f0e : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_f0e : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_f0li : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_f0li : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_f0oc : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_f0oc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ij_f0oc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_f0oi : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_f1li : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_f1li : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_f1li : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag_post_precip_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_fgzu : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_fgzu : used from diag_com
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ij_fgzu : used from diag_com
Subroutine: compute_mass_flux_diags. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ij_fgzv : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_fgzv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ij_fgzv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: compute_mass_flux_diags. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ij_flam : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_fland : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_fland : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_flash : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_fmu : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_fmu : used from diag_com
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ij_fmv : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_fmv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ij_frmp : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_fveg : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_fveg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_fwio : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_fwio : integer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ij_fwio : integer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ij_fwoc : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_fwoc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ij_fwoc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_gasx : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gbetat : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gbetat : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_gbetpen : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gbetpen : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_gbsbet : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gbsbet : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_gbsevp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gbsevp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_gbsif : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gbsif : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_gbssnd : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gbssnd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_gbst : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gbst : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_gbsw : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gbsw : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_gbvswt : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gbvswt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_gconatm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gconatm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_gconcan : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gconcan : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_gdcevp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gdcevp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_gevppen : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gevppen : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_ghy_diminfo : integer
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

ij_gice : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gice : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_gml : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gml : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ij_gmlir : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gmsc : used from odiag
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

ij_gmsc : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ij_gpp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gpp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_grow : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_grow : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_gusti : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gusti : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_gusti : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_gvsif : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gvsif : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_gvssnd : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gvssnd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_gvst : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gvst : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_gvsw : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gvsw : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_gvswet : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gvswet : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_gw1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gw2 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gw3 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gw4 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gw5 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gw6 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gw7 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gw8 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gw9 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gwcevp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gwcevp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_gwtbl : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gwtbl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_gwtr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gwtr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_gwtr1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_gwtr1 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_gwx :
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
names for gravity wave diagnostics
ij_gxx :
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
names for old AIJG arrays
ij_hbl : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ij_hbl : used from odiag
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ij_hblmax : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ij_hblmax : used from odiag
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ij_hcldi : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_hlktogr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_hlktogr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ij_hsnflood : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_htio : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_htsnow : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_htsnow : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_htsoil : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_htsoil : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_husi : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_hvsi : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_hwv : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_hwv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_icecld : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_imphgr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_imphgr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_imphki : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_imphki : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ij_imphli : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_imphli : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_impmgr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_impmgr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_impmki : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_impmki : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ij_impmli : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_impmli : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_ipp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_ipp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_irre : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_irre : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_irrgw : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_irrgwe : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_irrw : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_irrw : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_irrw_tot : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_iwprad : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_jet : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_jet : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_jetdir : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_jetdir : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_kw : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_lai : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_lai : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_lcldi : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_li : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_li : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_lk : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_lk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_lk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ij_lkice : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_lkice : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_lkoff : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_lkoff : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_lkon : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_lkon : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_lwaerabs : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_lwaerabs : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_lwaerabsnt : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_lwaerabsnt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_lwaerrf : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_lwaerrfnt : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_lwaersrf : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_lwaersrfnt : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_lwcrf : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_lwcrf2 : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_lwdcls : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_lwnclt : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_lwprad : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_mccldbs : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_mccldtp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_mccon : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_mccon : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_mccon : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_mccvbs : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_mccvtp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_mcldi : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_mcprec : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_micb : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_micb : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ij_micb : used from odiag
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ij_micb : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_mld : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ij_mld : used from odiag
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ij_mldmax : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ij_mldmax : used from odiag
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ij_mlktogr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_mlktogr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ij_mltp : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_mrvr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_mrvr : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ij_mrvr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ij_mrvr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ij_mrvr : used from odiag
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ij_mrvr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ij_mrvro : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_mrvro : used from diag_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ij_msi : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_msnflood : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_msu2 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_msu2 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_msu3 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_msu3 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_msu4 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_msu4 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_musi : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_mvsi : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_mwl : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_mwl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ij_mwlir : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_neth : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_neth : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_netrdp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_netrdp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_ntdsese : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_ntdsete : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_optdi : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_optdw : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_p1000 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_p1000 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_p4uv : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_p500 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_p500 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_p600 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_p600 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_p700 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_p700 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_p850 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_p850 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_p925 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_p925 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_pb : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ij_pb : used from odiag
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ij_pblht : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_pblht : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_pblht : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_pcldh : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_pcldl : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_pcldm : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_pdcld : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_pevap : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_pevap : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_phi0p03 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_phi0p07 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_phi0p16 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_phi0p7 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_phi10 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_phi100 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_phi1k : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_phi1k : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_phi1k : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_phi1k : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ij_phi30 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_phi300 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_phi3p4 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_phi500 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_phi700 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_phi850 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_pice : integer
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_pice : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_pice : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_pmccld : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_pocean : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_pocean : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_popocn : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_popocn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_popwat : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_popwat : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_prec : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_precgr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_precli : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_precmc : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_precmc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ij_precoo : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_precsi : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_pres : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_pres : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_pres : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_presq : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_presq : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_pscld : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_psoil : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_psoil : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_ptrop : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_ptrop : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ij_puq : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_puq : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ij_pvq : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_pvq : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ij_pvs : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_pvs : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_pwater : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_pwater : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_q100 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_q100 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_q300 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_q300 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_q500 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_q500 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_q700 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_q700 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_q850 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_q850 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_qm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_qm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_qs : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_qs : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_qs : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_qs : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_rauto : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_rauto : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_rh1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_rh1 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_rh100 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_rh100 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_rh300 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_rh300 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_rh500 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_rh500 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_rh700 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_rh700 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_rh850 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_rh850 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_rhs : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_rhs : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_rhs : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_rnfp1 : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_rsi : integer
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_rsi : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_rsi : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_rsit : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_rsit : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_rsit : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_rsit : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_rsnw : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_rsnw : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_rsnw : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_rsoi : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_rsoi : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_rtse : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_rtse : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_rune : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_rune : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_runli : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_runli : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_runli : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag_post_precip_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_rvrflo : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_rvrflo : used from diag_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ij_scldi : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_scldi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ij_scldi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_scnvfrq : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_sf : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ij_sf : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ij_shdt : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_shdt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_shdtli : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_shdtli : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_sibotmlt : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_sigrcg : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_sigrfr : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_sigrlt : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_sihc : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_silwd : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_silwd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_silwd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_silwu : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_silwu : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_silwu : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_sish : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_sish : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_sish : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_sisnd : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_sisnwf : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_siswd : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_siswu : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_sitopmlt : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_slp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_slp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_slp1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_slpq : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_slpq : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_smfx : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_smfx : integer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ij_smtmom : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_snow : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_snow : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_snow : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_sntosi : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_snwf : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_soilcpoolsum : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_soilcpoolsum : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_soilresp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_soilresp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_srdntoa_bnd1 : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f

ij_srhflx : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ij_srhflx : used from odiag
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ij_srhflxi : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ij_srhflxi : used from odiag
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ij_srincg : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_srincp0 : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_srnfg : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_srnfp0 : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_srntp : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_srref : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_srsflxi : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ij_srsflxi : used from odiag
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ij_srtr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_srtr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_sruptoa_bnd1 : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f

ij_srvdir : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_srvis : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_srvissurf : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_srwflx : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ij_srwflx : used from odiag
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ij_srwflxi : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ij_srwflxi : used from odiag
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ij_ssat : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_ssh : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_ssh : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ij_ssh : used from odiag
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ij_ssh : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_ssh : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_ssi1 : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_ssi2 : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_ssprec : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_sss : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_sss : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_sss : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_sstabx : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_stio : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_strngts : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_strngts : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_susi : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_svsi : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_sw_diminfo : integer
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

ij_swaerabs : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_swaerabs : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_swaerabsnt : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_swaerabsnt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_swaerrf : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_swaerrfnt : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_swaersrf : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_swaersrfnt : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_swcrf : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_swcrf2 : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_swdcls : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_swncls : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_swnclt : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_t100 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_t100 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_t300 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_t300 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_t500 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_t500 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_t700 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_t700 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_t850 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_t850 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_tatm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_tatm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_taui : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_taus : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_taus : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_taus : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_tauus : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_tauus : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_tauus : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_tauvs : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_tauvs : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_tauvs : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_tcldi : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_tcldi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ij_tdcomp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_tdcomp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_tdcomp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_tdsl : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_tdsl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_tg1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_tg1 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_tg1 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_tgo : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_tgo : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_tgo : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_tgo2 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_tmaxc : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_tmaxc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_tmaxc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_tmaxe : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_tmaxe : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_tminc : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_tminc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_tmnmx : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_tmnmx : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_toc2 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_topo : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_topo : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_trhdt : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_trhdt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_trnfp0 : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_trntp : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_trsdn : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_trsdn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_trsdn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_trsdn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_trsup : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_trsup : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_trsup : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_trsup : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_truptoa_bnd1 : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f

ij_ts : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_ts : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_ts : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_ts : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_ts1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_tsi : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_tsice : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_tsli : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_tsli : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_tsli : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_tsurfmax : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_tsurfmax : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_tsurfmax : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_tsurfmin : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_tsurfmin : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_tsurfmin : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_ttrop : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_ttrop : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ij_ujet : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_ujet : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_ujet : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_us : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_us : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_us : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_us : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_usi : integer
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_usi : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_usi : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_ustar : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ij_ustar : used from odiag
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ij_vjet : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_vjet : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_vjet : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_vs : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_vs : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_vs : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_vs : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_vsfr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_vsfr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ij_vsi : integer
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_vsi : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_vsi : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ij_wdry : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_wisum : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_wmclwp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_wmctwp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_wmoist : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_wmsum : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_ws : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_ws : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_ws : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_wsdir : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_wsdir : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_wsgcm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_wsmn : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_wsmn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ij_wspdf : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_wspdf : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ij_wtke : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_wtrcld : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ij_xxx :
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
AIJ diagnostic names
ij_xxx :
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
Names for ICIJ diagnostics
ij_xxx :
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Names for OIJmm diagnostics
ij_xxx_diminfo :
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f
indices saved to set dim3info_index
ij_xxxi :
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
names for ISCCP diagnostics
ij_zsnow : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ij_zsnow : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ij_zsnow : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ijdd : integer, dimension(2, ndiupt), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
(i,j)-coord.,names of boxes w/diurnal cycle diag
ijdd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ijdd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ijdd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ijdd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ijdd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ijdd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ijdd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ijdd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ijdd1 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_diurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

ijdd1 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_hdiurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

ijdd2 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_diurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

ijdd2 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_hdiurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

ijdebug : used from sle001
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ijgrid : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ijk. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
= 1 for primary lat-lon grid, 2 for secondary lat-lon grid
ijgrid : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ijl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
= 1 for primary lat-lon grid, 2 for secondary lat-lon grid
ijhc : real*8, dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f
accumulations for glacial ice height-classified diagnostics
ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: new_io_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: reset_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

ijhc_evapli : integer
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ijhc_evapli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_evapli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_evhdt : integer
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ijhc_evhdt : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_evhdt : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_f0li : integer
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ijhc_f0li : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_f0li : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_frac : integer
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ijhc_frac : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_frac : used from landice_com
Subroutine: new_io_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ijhc_frac : used from landice_com
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_imphli : integer
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ijhc_imphli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_imphli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_impmli : integer
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ijhc_impmli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_impmli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_precli : integer
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ijhc_precli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_precli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_runli : integer
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ijhc_runli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_runli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_runli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_shdtli : integer
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ijhc_shdtli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_shdtli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_srfp : integer
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ijhc_srfp : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_srfp : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_trhdt : integer
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ijhc_trhdt : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_trhdt : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_tsli : integer
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ijhc_tsli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_tsli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_tsli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

ijhc_tsurf : integer
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ijhc_tsurf : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

ijhc_tsurf : used from landice_com
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

ijhc_xxx :
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f
indices for accumulations
ijk_barekegen : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

ijk_dp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijk_dp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ijk_dp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ijk_dpb : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

ijk_dpb : used from gcdiag
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ijk_dse : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

ijk_dse : used from gcdiag
Subroutine: calc_derived_aijk. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ijk_pf : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

ijk_phi : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

ijk_phi : used from gcdiag
Subroutine: calc_derived_aijk. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ijk_q : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijk_q : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ijk_q : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ijk_rh : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijk_rh : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ijk_rh : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ijk_tb : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

ijk_tb : used from gcdiag
Subroutine: calc_derived_aijk. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ijk_tt : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

ijk_tx : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijk_tx : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ijk_tx : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ijk_tx : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ijk_ub : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

ijk_uu : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

ijk_uv : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

ijk_vb : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

ijk_vq : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

ijk_vt : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

ijk_vv : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

ijk_w : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

ijk_xxx :
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
AIJL diagnostic indices
ijk_xxx :
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f
AIJK diagnostic names
ijkg : integer
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ijkgridc : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = igridc+jgridc+kgridc
ijkgridc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ijkgridc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ijl2 : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ijl_area : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_area : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_cdim : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_cdis : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_cdtomas : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_cdwm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_cdws : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_cf : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ijl_cfim : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_cfis : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_cfwm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_cfws : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_cldice : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_cldwtr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_cwim : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_cwis : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_cwwm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_cwws : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_dmcdry : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_dp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_dp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ijl_g0m : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_g0m : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_g0m : used from odiag
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ijl_g0m : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_gflx : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_gflx : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_gflx : used from odiag
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ijl_gflx : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_ggmfl : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_ggmfl : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_ggmfl : used from odiag
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ijl_ggmfl : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_gridh : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_gridh : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ijl_husl : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_husl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ijl_isdm : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_isdm : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_kvg : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_kvg : used from odiag
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ijl_kvg : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_kvm : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_kvm : used from odiag
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ijl_kvm : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_ldry : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_llh : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_mc : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_mc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ijl_mcamfx : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_mcdlh : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_mcslh : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_mctlh : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_mfu : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_mfu : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_mfu : used from odiag
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ijl_mfu : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_mfub : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_mfub : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_mfv : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_mfv : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_mfv : used from odiag
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ijl_mfv : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_mfvb : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_mfvb : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_mfvb : used from odiag
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

ijl_mfvb : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_mfw : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_mfw : used from odiag
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ijl_mfw : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_mfw2 : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_mfw2 : used from odiag
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ijl_mfw2 : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_mfwb : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_mfwb : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_mo : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_mo : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_mo : used from odiag
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ijl_mo : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_mou : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_mou : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_mov : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_mov : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_pdm : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_pdm : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_ptm : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_ptm : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_rc : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ijl_rc : used from diag_com_rad
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ijl_reim : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_reis : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_rewm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_rews : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_s0m : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_s0m : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_s0m : used from odiag
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ijl_s0m : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_sflx : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_sflx : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_sflx : used from odiag
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ijl_sflx : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_sgmfl : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_sgmfl : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_sgmfl : used from odiag
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ijl_sgmfl : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_smcdry : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_templ : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_templ : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ijl_tmcdry : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_u : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_u : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ijl_u : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ijl_v : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_v : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ijl_v : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ijl_w : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_w : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ijl_w : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ijl_wgfl : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_wgfl : used from odiag
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ijl_wgfl : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_wsfl : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ijl_wsfl : used from odiag
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ijl_wsfl : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ijl_xxx :
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
AIJL diagnostic indices
ijl_xxx :
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Names for OIJL diagnostics
ijl_zl : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ijl_zl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ijlstr : character(len=20)
Subroutine: def_rsf_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

ijm : integer
Subroutine: ig2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ijm : integer
Subroutine: og2ig_uvsurf. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ijstr : character(len=17)
Subroutine: def_rsf_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

ijstr : character(len=16)
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

ijyear : integer
Subroutine: ctrend. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ijyear : integer
Subroutine: strend. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ik : integer, dimension(2*ned)
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ik : integer, dimension(2*ned)
Subroutine: keyd4. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ikh : integer
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ikliq : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
0,1,-1 initialize kliq as dry,equil,current model state
Initial Value = -1
il : integer
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f
Initial Value = 0
ilev : integer
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

ilev2 : integer
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

ilij_tmp : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ilist : integer, dimension(4)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

ilist : integer, dimension(4)
Subroutine: get_regrid_info_for_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ilon : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
lat,lon index 72x46 lon-lat grid
ilon : integer
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

ilon : integer
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

ilon72 : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = >ILON
ilong : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
longitude identifier
ilong : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: check1. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
longitude identifier
ilong : integer
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
longitude identifier
ilong : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
longitude identifier
ilong : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

iloop_max : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

iloop_max : integer
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

iloop_max : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

iloop_min : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

iloop_min : integer
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

iloop_min : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

im : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

im : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: DIAG_LOC. File: DIAG.f

im : used from diag_com
Global variable . Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

im : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f

im : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

im : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

im : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

im : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

im : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

im : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f

im : integer
Global variable . Module: GISSOUT. File: POUT.f
local dimensions set in open_* routines
im : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

im : integer*4, parameter
Global variable . Module: HORIZONTALRES. File: Atm72x46.F90
= longitudinal and latitudinal number of grid cells
Initial Value = 72
im : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: KPP_COM. File: OCNKPP.f

im : used from oceanres
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
Initial Value = >IMO
im : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: OCEAN_DYN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

im : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

im : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

im : integer
Global variable . Module: QUSCOM. File: QUS_DRV.f

im : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f

im : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

im : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

im : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: SOMTQ_COM. File: QUS_COM.f

im : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

im : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

im : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

im : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

im : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

im : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

im : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

im : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

im : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

im : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

im : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

im : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

im : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

im : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: accumulate_excess_c. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from gm_com
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

im : integer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_drv_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

im : used from oceanres
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f
Initial Value = >IMO
im : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: avg_replicated_duv_to_vgrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_amp. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_derived_aijk. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_kea_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: compute_mass_flux_diags. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: compute_wsave. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

im : used from gm_com
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_am. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_lhsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_lke. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_lkm. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_lmsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_mli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_ms. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_wm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

im : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: diag4a. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: diag5f. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

im : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

im : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

im : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

im : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

im : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

im : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: fft0. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f
size of arrays (must=KM)
im : used from resolution
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: gather_straits_pairs. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

im : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_dir. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

im : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_i1i2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: get_ivjv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: get_nuv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: get_regrid_info_for_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im : integer
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: get_uv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im :
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
3-d grids
im : integer
Subroutine: globalsum_j. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

im : integer
Subroutine: globalsum_jk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

im : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

im : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

im : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

im : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

im : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: isotropslp. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

im : used from diag_com
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: new_io_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: nij_after_i1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: nij_after_j1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oabfilx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvm. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvt2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: obasin. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: ocoast. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : integer*4, intent(in)
Subroutine: offt0. Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: replicate_uv_to_agrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

im : used from diag_com
Subroutine: scale_ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: scatter_straits_pairs. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: set_owtbudg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

im : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

im : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_wtbudg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

im : integer
Subroutine: shap1. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: shap1d. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: store_uv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: strmij. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: strmij_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: update_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

im : used from ocean
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

im : used from quscom
Subroutine: xstep. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

im : used from resolution
Subroutine: zonalmean_ij2ij. Module: ZONALMEAN_MOD. File: ATM_UTILS.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f
loop variables
im1 : integer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variables
im1 : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
loop variables
im1 : integer
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: gmkdif. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

im1 : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im1 : integer*4
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: ocoast. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variab.
im1 : integer
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im1 : integer
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

im1s : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

im_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_qus. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

im_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_ij. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dimensions for ij output
im_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_ijk. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dimensions for ij output
im_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_ijl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dimensions for ij output
im_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dimensions for il output
im_gcm :
Subroutine: open_isccp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dimensions for ij output
im_gcm : integer
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

im_in : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

ima : integer
Global variable . Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

ima : integer
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

imax : integer
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

imax : integer
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

imax : integer
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

imax : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvm. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

imax : integer
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

imax : integer
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

imax : integer
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

imax : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

imax : integer*4
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

imax : integer*4
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

imax : integer*4
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

imax : integer, dimension(20)
Subroutine: tcheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

imax : integer*4
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

imaxj : integer, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
varying number of used longitudes
imaxj : integer, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
varying number of used longitudes
imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: accumulate_excess_c. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: addenergyaslocalheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

imaxj : used from ocean
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

imaxj : used from ocean
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

imaxj : used from ocean
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_lhsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_lke. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_lkm. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_lmsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_mli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_ms. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

imaxj : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oce. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

imaxj : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

imaxj : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oms. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

imaxj : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_osl. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_wm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: diaga0. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

imaxj : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: get_atm_layer1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

imaxj : used from ocean
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

imaxj : used from ocean
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

imaxj : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

imaxj : integer
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: loadbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: nij_after_j1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: nij_before_j0. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

imaxj : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

imaxj : used from ocean
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

imaxj : used from ocean
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

imaxj : used from ocean
Subroutine: set_owtbudg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: set_wtbudg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: surface_diag_post_precip_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

imaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: zonalmean_ij2ij. Module: ZONALMEAN_MOD. File: ATM_UTILS.f

imaxj_thread : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

imb : integer
Subroutine: hntr8p_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

imb : integer
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

imd : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

imd : integer
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

imdi : used from missing_data_mod
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90

imdi : used from missing_data_mod
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90

img : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

img : integer, integer, integer, integer
Subroutine: allocate_me. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

img : integer
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

img : integer
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

img : integer
Subroutine: io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

imh : used from geom
Global variable . Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

imh : used from geom
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

imh : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
half the number of longitudinal boxes
Initial Value = IM/2
imh : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

imh : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

imh : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag5f. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

imh : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

imh : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

imh : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

imicdyn : integer
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

imicdyn : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

imicdyn : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

imicdyn : used from icedyn
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

imicdyn : used from icedyn
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

imin : integer
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

imin : integer
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

imin : integer
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

imin : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

imin : integer, dimension(20)
Subroutine: tcheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

iminm1 : integer*2, save, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

imlon : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f
latlon grid sizes
Initial Value = IM
imlon : used from diag_zonal
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

imlonh : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f
Initial Value = IM/2
imlonh : used from diag_zonal
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

imlt : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

imlt : real*8
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

imo : used from oceanres
Global variable . Module: OCEANR_DIM. File: OCEANR_DIM.f

imo : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >IM
imo : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oce. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >IM
imo : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oke. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >IM
imo : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oms. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >IM
imo : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_osl. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >IM
imo : used from ocean
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >IM
imo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >IM
imo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >IM
imo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >IM
imo : used from ocean
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >im
imo : used from ocean
Subroutine: set_oj_budg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >IM
imon0 : integer, save
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = 0
imonth : integer
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

implh : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
implicit mass,energy flux at bottom of domain
implm : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
implicit mass,energy flux at bottom of domain
ims0x : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

imsi : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

imt : used from ghy_com
Global variable . Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

imt : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f
number of soil textures
Initial Value = 5
imt : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

imt : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

imt : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

imt : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

imt : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

imz2 : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = IM/2
imz2 : integer*4, parameter
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = IM/2
in : integer
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

in : integer
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

in : integer
Subroutine: matop. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

in : integer
Subroutine: perturb_temps. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

in1 : integer
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

inboundsi : logical
Subroutine: getoffset. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

inboundsj : logical
Subroutine: getoffset. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

inc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = >incj
inc : integer, parameter
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = 1+(JM-1)
inc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = >inci
inc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = >inci
inc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = >incj
inc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = >incj
inc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = >incj
inc : real*8
Subroutine: timeout. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f
time since MBEGIN
inc : real*8
Subroutine: timer. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f
time since last call
inch : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

inch : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

inchm : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

inci : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
print increments for i and j, so maps/tables fit on page
Initial Value = (im+35)
inci : used from diag_com
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

incj :
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
print increments for i and j, so maps/tables fit on page
incj : used from diag_com
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

increment : logical
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

increment : logical
Subroutine: set_budg_area. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ind : integer
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ind_x : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: bilin. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

ind_y : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: bilin. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

index : integer*4, save, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

index : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

index : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

index1 : integer, dimension(:), allocatable
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f
index of the first acc element of a group of outputs
indi : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

indi : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

indj : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

indj : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

indm : integer*4, save
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

inds : integer, dimension(20)
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

indx : integer, public, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

indx : integer
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

indx : integer*4
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

indx : integer
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

indx : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

indx : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

indx_fil : integer, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

indx_max : integer
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

indx_min : integer
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

indx_sv : integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

inh : integer
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

inient : logical
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

inient_in : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

inilake : logical
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

inilake : logical, intent(inout)
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

inilake : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

inilake : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_lsm. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

inilake : logical
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

iniocean : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: gissmix_init. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

iniocean : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

iniocean : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

iniocean : logical
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

iniocean : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

iniocean : logical
Subroutine: input_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCN_DRV.f

inipbl : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
whether to init prog vars
inipbl : logical
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

inisnow : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

inisnow : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_lsm. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

inisnow : logical
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

init : logical, save
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = .false.
init : logical, save
Subroutine: alloc_diag_loc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = .false.
init : logical, save
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f
Initial Value = .false.
init : logical, save
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn_com. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
Initial Value = .false.
init : logical, save
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = .false.
init : logical, save
Subroutine: get_cropdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f
Initial Value = .false.
init : logical, save
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f
Initial Value = .false.
init : logical, save
Subroutine: updbcd. Module: NONE. File: READ_AERO.f
Initial Value = .false.
init : logical, save
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = .false.
init : logical, save
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = .false.
init_app : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: initializemodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

init_app : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: run_radonly. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

init_atmdyn : used from atmdyn
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

init_band_pack_type : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

init_band_pack_type : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

init_calendarinfo : used from timestream_mod
Subroutine: initializemodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

init_canopy_physical : used from ent_prescribed_drv
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

init_ent_hdata : used from ent_prescribed_drv
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

init_ent_laidata : used from ent_prescribed_drv
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

init_flake : integer
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
used to make sure FLAKE is properly initialised
Initial Value = 1
init_grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: alloc_drv_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

init_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

init_grid : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_oceanr_grid. Module: OCEANR_DIM. File: OCEANR_DIM.f

init_grid : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: run_radonly. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

init_hntrp_type : used from hntrp_mod
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

init_lsm : used from soil_drv
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

init_module_ent : used from ent_drv
Subroutine: init_veg. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

init_oceanr_grid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

init_planet_alb : used from planet_alb
Subroutine: init_planet_rad. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

init_planet_rad : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

init_solar : used from sw2ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

init_stream : used from timestream_mod
Subroutine: get_cropdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

init_stream : used from timestream_mod
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

init_stream : used from timestream_mod
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

init_stream : used from timestream_mod
Subroutine: updbcd. Module: NONE. File: READ_AERO.f

init_stream : used from timestream_mod
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

init_stream : used from timestream_mod
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

init_subdd : used from subdaily
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

init_topog_related : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
: set = 1 if IC and topography are incompatible
Initial Value = 0
initial_ghg_setup : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

initial_psurf_from_topo : integer
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
Initial Value = 0
initialize : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: initializedefaulttimers. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

initializeconstants : used from constant
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

initialized : logical
Global variable . Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f
Initial Value = .false.
initialized : logical, private
Global variable . Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f
Initial Value = .false.
initializetimerpackage_mod : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: run_radonly. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = >initialize
initialtotalenergy : real*8
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

initialtotalenergy : real*8
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

initmoments : used from moments
Subroutine: alloc_drv_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

inits : used from socpbl
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

inm : integer
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

inm : integer
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

inm : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

input :
Subroutine: fft2. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f
inst_sc : real*8
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

inst_sc : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
scale for instantaneous value
inst_unit : character*16, intent(in)
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
string for unit for instant. values
int_ag2og : used from int_ag2og_mod
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

int_ag2og : used from int_ag2og_mod
Subroutine: ag2og_precip. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

int_aw_pf97 : real*8
Subroutine: get_aw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

int_bbw : real*8
Subroutine: bbw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

int_days_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

int_days_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

int_days_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f

int_days_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

int_days_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

int_days_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

int_days_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

int_days_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

int_dummy : integer
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

int_hours_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

int_hours_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

int_hours_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

int_hours_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

int_hours_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

int_minutes_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: reportprofile. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

int_months_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

int_months_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

int_months_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: aperiod. Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

int_months_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

int_months_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

int_months_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

int_months_per_year : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

int_og2ag : used from int_og2ag_mod
Subroutine: og2ag_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

int_og2ag : used from int_og2ag_mod
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

int_point : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_virtual_index. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

int_seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: makeplanetorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

intdum : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

integer :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
interpolator2d : used from polynomialinterpolator_mod
Global variable . Module: WSPDF_MOD. File: PBL_DRV.f

intmud : real*8, dimension(size_arr), intent(out)
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

invtau : integer, dimension(-20:45000)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
look-up table to convert optical thickness to count value
invtau : used from clouds
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

io_data : integer
Subroutine: init_wspdf_mod. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

ioerr : integer
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ioerr : integer
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

ioerr : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ioerr : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

ioerr : integer, intent(inout)
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f
1 (or -1) if there is (or is not) an error in i/o
ioerr : integer, intent(inout)
Subroutine: io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
1 (or -1) if there is (or is not) an error in i/o
ioerr : integer, intent(inout)
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f
1 (or -1) if there is (or is not) an error in i/o
ioerr : integer, intent(inout)
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f
1 (or -1) if there is (or is not) an error in i/o
ioerr : integer, intent(inout)
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f
(1,0,-1) if there (is, is maybe, is not) an error in i/o
ioerr : integer, intent(inout)
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
1 (or -1) if there is (or is not) an error in i/o
ioerr : integer, intent(inout)
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
1 (or -1) if there is (or is not) an error in i/o
ioerr : integer, intent(inout)
Subroutine: io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f
1 (or -1) if there is (or is not) an error in i/o
ioerr : integer, intent(inout)
Subroutine: io_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f
1 (or -1) if there is (or is not) an error in i/o
ioerr : integer, intent(inout)
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
1 (or -1) if there is (or is not) an error in i/o
ioerr : integer, intent(inout)
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f
1 (or -1) if there is (or is not) an error in i/o
iord : integer, dimension(kaij+10)
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
: Index array, fields are processed in order Iord(k), k=1,2,..
iord : integer, dimension(kaij+10)
Subroutine: set_ijout. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iorder : integer, parameter, dimension(16)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/12,11,10, 9, 6, 5, 4, 3,15,14,13, 8, 7, 2, 1,16/)
ioread : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
Flag used for reading in (composite) restart files
Initial Value = 1
ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_agrice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_bldat. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_earth. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_landice. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_longacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_subdd. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: read_agrice_ic. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: read_landice_ic. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: read_landsurf_ic. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

ioread : used from model_com
Subroutine: read_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

ioread_nodiag : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
Initial Value = 8
ioread_single : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
Initial Value = 2
ioread_single : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ioread_single : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

ioread_single : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

ioreadnt : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
Flag used for reading in restart files (w/o tracers)
Initial Value = 6
iorw : integer
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

iorw : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: new_io_atmvars. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ios : integer
Subroutine: alloc_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

ios : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

iotype : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_j. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

iowrite : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
Flag used for writing normal restart files
Initial Value = -1
iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_agrice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_bldat. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_earth. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_landice. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_longacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_subdd. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

iowrite : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

iowrite_mon : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
Flag used for saving restart part only (no diags)
Initial Value = -3
iowrite_mon : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

iowrite_mon : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

iowrite_mon : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

iowrite_single : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
Flag used for saving diags in single precision
Initial Value = -2
iowrite_single : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

iowrite_single : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

iowrite_single : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

iowrite_single : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

iowrite_single : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

iowrite_single : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ip : integer
Subroutine: ao3abs. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ip : integer
Subroutine: loadbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
loop variable
ip1 : integer
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f
loop variables
ip1 : integer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: compute_mass_flux_diags. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ip1 : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ip1 : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_oke. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variables
ip1 : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ip1 : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ip1 : integer*4
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ip1 : integer*4
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: ocoast. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variab.
ip1 : integer
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ip1 : integer
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ip1e : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ip1s : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ip24c9 : integer, dimension(LX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ip3 : integer
Subroutine: alloc_pbl_com. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

ip_ar : used from gas_list_pcf
Subroutine: set_control_n2_ar. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

ip_cfc11 : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 8
ip_cfc11 : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_cfc11 : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_cfc12 : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 9
ip_cfc12 : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_cfc12 : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_ch4 : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 7
ip_ch4 : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_ch4 : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_co2 : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 2
ip_co2 : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_co2 : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_gas : integer
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ip_gas_loop : integer, dimension(13)
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ip_gas_old : integer
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ip_h2o : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1
ip_h2o : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_h2o : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_map_old : integer, dimension(13)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ip_n2 : used from gas_list_pcf
Subroutine: set_control_n2_ar. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

ip_n2c : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 10
ip_n2c : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_n2c : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_n2o : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 6
ip_n2o : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_n2o : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_no2 : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 5
ip_no2 : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_no2 : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_o2 : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 4
ip_o2 : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_o2 : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_o3 : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 3
ip_o3 : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_o3 : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_sea_ice_alb_hansen : used from planet_alb
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90

ip_so2 : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 13
ip_so2 : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_so2 : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_weight_planck : used from planet_alb
Global variable . Module: NONE. File:

ip_weight_solar : used from planet_alb
Global variable . Module: NONE. File:

ip_weight_uniform : used from planet_alb
Global variable . Module: NONE. File:

ip_xghg : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 11
ip_xghg : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_xghg : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_yghg : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 12
ip_yghg : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ip_yghg : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

iparm : integer, dimension(niparm_max), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
/dparm int/double global parameters written to acc-file
iparm_name : character(len=20), dimension(niparm_max), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ipatch : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

ipatch : integer
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

ipatch : integer
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

ipatch : integer
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

ipatch : integer
Subroutine: new_io_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

ipatch : integer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ipbl : integer, pointer, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
flag for whether pbl properties were found at last timestep
ipf : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ipi0 : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

iplimb : integer
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

iplimt : integer
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ipoint : integer
Subroutine: countindomain. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

ipoint : integer
Subroutine: getoffsets. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

ipole : integer
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

ipole : integer
Subroutine: isotropslp. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ipole : integer
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ipole : integer
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variab.
ipower : integer, dimension(44)
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ipres : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ipres : integer, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

ipress : integer
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iprint : integer, parameter
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 0
iprint : integer, parameter
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
longitude for diagnostics
Initial Value = 0
iptmp : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

iq : integer
Subroutine: docalc. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f
loop variables
iq : integer
Subroutine: ffti. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f
loop variables
iq : integer
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ir : integer
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ir : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ir : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ir1 : integer
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ir_0_1775 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 6
ir_0_18 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 3
ir_0_180 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 24
ir_0_26_150 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 9
ir_0_3550 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 7
ir_0_3_15 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 10
ir_0_4 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 4
ir_0_71 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 5
ir_0_710 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 8
ir_angl : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 2
ir_ij : integer, dimension(kaij), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
range indices for IJ diagnostics
ir_log2 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 25
ir_m1325_475 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 14
ir_m190_530 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 21
ir_m1_3 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 18
ir_m2650_950 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 15
ir_m265_95 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 12
ir_m38_106 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 23
ir_m3975_1425 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 16
ir_m45_130 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 19
ir_m5300_1900 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 17
ir_m530_190 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 13
ir_m80_28 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 11
ir_m95_265 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 20
ir_m9_26 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 22
ir_pct : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
ir_xxxx :
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
names for indices to LEGEND indicating the (rounded) range
irand : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
last seed used by rand.number generator
Initial Value = 123456789
irand : used from model_com
Subroutine: checkpointmodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

irand : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

irand : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_model. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

irand : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

irand : used from model_com
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

irandi : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
random number seed to perturb init.state (if>0)
Initial Value = 0
irandi : integer
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

irange : integer
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

irange : integer
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

irange : integer
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iregf : integer
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iregf : integer
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iregl : integer
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iregl : integer
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

irerun : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
Flag used for reading in restart part to extend OLD run
Initial Value = 3
irerun : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

irerun : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

irerun : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

irerun : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

irerun : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

irerun : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

irerun : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

irerun : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

irerun : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

irhl : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

irm : integer
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

irp : integer
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

irrig : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

irsfic : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
Flag used for reading in restart part to start NEW run
Initial Value = 4
irsfic : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

irsfic : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

irsfic : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

irsfic : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

irsfic : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

irsfic : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

irsfic : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

irsfic : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

irsfic : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

irsficno : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
Flag used for reading restart (w/o ocean) for NEW run
Initial Value = 7
irsficno : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

irsficno : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

irsficno : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

irsficno : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

irsficno : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

irsficno : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

irsficno : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

irsficno : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

irsficnt : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
Flag used for reading restart (w/o tracers) for NEW run
Initial Value = 5
irsficnt : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

irsficnt : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

irsficnt : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

irsi : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

irvrmth : integer, dimension(nrvrmx)
Global variable . Module: LAKES_COM. File: LAKES_COM.f
indexes for named river mouths
irvrmth : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

irvrmth : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

is : integer, dimension(4)
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

is : integer
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

is : integer
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

is_coldstart : logical
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

is_coldstart : logical
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

is_coldstart : logical
Subroutine: input_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCN_DRV.f

is_ic : logical
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

is_set_param : used from dictionary_mod
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

isbeginningaccumperiod : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

isc : integer
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
integer to turn on computation of stratocumulus clouds
Initial Value = 0
isccp_diags : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
: if 1 accumulate ISCCP cloud data (default 0)
Initial Value = 0
isccp_diags : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_acc_atm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

isccp_diags : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

isccp_diags : used from diag_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

isccp_diags : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

isccp_diags : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_diags. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_PRT.f

isccp_diags : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

isccp_lat : real*8, parameter, public, dimension(nisccp)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
midpoint latitudes for each isccp lat category (region)
Initial Value = (/-45.,-22.5,0.,22.5,45./)
isccp_late : real*8, parameter, public, dimension(nisccp+1)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
edge latitudes for each isccp lat category (region)
Initial Value = (/-60,-30,-15,15,30,60/)
isccp_late : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

isccp_late : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

isccp_late : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

isccp_late : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

isccp_press : integer, parameter, public, dimension(npres)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
pressure mid points for isccp histogram
Initial Value = (/ 90, 245, 375, 500, 630, 740, 900 /)
isccp_press : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

isccp_press : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

isccp_press : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

isccp_reg2d : integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
distributed version of ISCCP_REG
isccp_reg2d : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

isccp_tau : real*8, parameter, public, dimension(ntau)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
lower bound of optical depth for each isccp tau category
Initial Value = (/ 0d0,.1d0,1.3d0,3.6d0, 9.4d0,23d0,60d0 /)
isccp_tau : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

isccp_tau : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

isccp_taum : real*8, parameter, public, dimension(ntau-1)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
mid point of optical depth for each isccp tau category
Initial Value = (/ .05d0,0.7d0,2 .95d0,6.5d0,16.2d0,41.5d0 /)
isccp_taum : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

isccp_taumin : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Initial Value = 0.3d0
ishift : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
: When=2, print longitude indices off center (U-grid)
ishift : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
flag for secondary grid
isign : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iskip : integer, optional, intent(in)
Subroutine: globalsum_j. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iskip_ : logical
Subroutine: globalsum_j. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

isr1 : integer, dimension(16)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ist : integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
i,j coordinates of ends of straits
ist : used from straits
Subroutine: conserv_oce. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ist : used from straits
Subroutine: conserv_oms. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ist : used from straits
Subroutine: conserv_osl. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ist : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

ist : used from straits
Subroutine: otj_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ist : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

ist : used from straits
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

ist : used from straits
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

ist : used from straits
Subroutine: strmij_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ist : used from straits
Subroutine: strmjl_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

istag : integer, optional, intent(in)
Subroutine: globalsum_j. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

istag : integer, optional, intent(in)
Subroutine: globalsum_jk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

istag_ : logical
Subroutine: globalsum_j. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

istag_ : logical
Subroutine: globalsum_jk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

istart : integer
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

istart : integer
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

istart : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

istart : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

istart : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

istart : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

istart : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

istart : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_lsm. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

istart : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

istart : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
what kind of (re)start is being done
istart : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

istart : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_veg. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

istart : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
postprocessing(-1)/start(1-8)/restart(>8) option
istart : integer
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
start(1-8)/restart(>8) option
istart : integer
Subroutine: input_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCN_DRV.f
start(1-8)/restart(>8) option
istart_fixup : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

istart_fixup : integer
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

istart_fixup : integer
Subroutine: input_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCN_DRV.f

istep : integer
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

istrat : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = min
istrat : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

istrat : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag4a. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

istrat : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

istrat : used from gc_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

isudec : integer
Subroutine: strend. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

isum : integer
Subroutine: reset_adiag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
if =1 preparation to add up acc-files
isum : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: reset_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

isumg : integer
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

isumg : integer
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
= 1 or 2 if zon,glob sums or means are appropriate
isumz : integer
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

isumz : integer
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
= 1 or 2 if zon,glob sums or means are appropriate
it :
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
preserved from call to call of DIAG5A
it : integer
Subroutine: atm_exports_phasesrf. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

it : integer
Subroutine: atm_phase1_exports. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

it : integer
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

it : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
index for surface types
it : integer
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

it : integer
Subroutine: dcdnc_est. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

it : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

it : integer
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

it : integer
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

it : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: getdte. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

it : integer
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

it : integer
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

it : integer, intent(inout)
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f
hour of model run
it : integer
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

it : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

it : integer
Subroutine: sgpgxg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

it0 : integer
Subroutine: sgpgxg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

itag : integer
Subroutine: ent_read_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

itag : integer
Subroutine: ent_write_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

itau : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

itau : integer
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

itau : integer, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

itea : integer
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

itearth : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 3
itearth : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

itearth : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

itearth : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

itearth : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

itearth : used from diag_com
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

itearth : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

itearth : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

itearth : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

itearth : used from diag_com
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

iter : integer
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
iter : integer
Subroutine: alloc_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

iter : integer
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

iter : integer
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

iter : integer
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
index for iteration
iter : integer
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

iter :
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
iter : integer
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
iter : integer
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
loop variables
iter : integer
Subroutine: mass_flux. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

iter : integer
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
number for iteration
iter : integer
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

iter : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

iter : integer
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

iter : integer
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
iter : integer
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
iterator : integer
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

iterpl : integer
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

itest : integer, parameter
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
/jtest longitude/latitude at which dout may be called
Initial Value = 1
itg : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ithread : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

itime : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

itime : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

itime : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
current time in ITUs (1 ITU = DTsrc sec, currently 1 hour)
itime : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: check_upper_limit. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: checkpointmodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_cal. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: def_acc_meta. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_veg. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: ocean_driver. Module: NONE. File: OCN_DRV.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: print_diags. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_PRT.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: reset_mdiag. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: run_radonly. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: sundial. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

itime : used from model_com
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

itime0 : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

itime0 : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
time at start of current accumulation period
itime0 : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

itime0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: def_acc_meta. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

itime0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

itime0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

itime0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

itime0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

itime0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

itime0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

itime0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

itime0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

itime0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

itime0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

itime0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

itime0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

itime0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

itime0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: reset_mdiag. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

itimee : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
time at start,end of run
itimee : used from model_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

itimee : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

itimee : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

itimee : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

itimee : used from model_com
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

itimee : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

itimee : used from model_com
Subroutine: run_radonly. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

itimei : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

itimei : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
time at start,end of run
itimei : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

itimei : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

itimei : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

itimei : used from model_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

itimei : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

itimei : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

itimei : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_model. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

itimei : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

itimei : used from model_com
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

itimei : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

itimei : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

itimei : used from model_com
Subroutine: print_diags. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_PRT.f

itimei : used from model_com
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

itimei : used from model_com
Subroutine: sundial. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

itimes : integer, dimension(2)
Subroutine: find_later_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

itimex : integer
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

itlake : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 5
itlake : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

itlake : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

itlake : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

itlake : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

itlake : used from diag_com
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

itlake : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

itlake : used from diag_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

itlake : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

itlake : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

itlake : used from diag_com
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

itlandi : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 4
itlandi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

itlandi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

itlandi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

itlandi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

itlandi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag_post_precip_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

itlandi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

itli : integer
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

itlkice : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 6
itlkice : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

itlkice : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

itlkice : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

itlkice : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

itlkice : used from diag_com
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

itlkice : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

itlkice : used from diag_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

itlkice : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

itlkice : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

itlkice : used from diag_com
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

itm : integer
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

itm : integer
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

itm : integer
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

itmax : integer, parameter
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 5
itmax : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
freezing level and maximum iterations
itmax : integer, parameter
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 100
itmax : integer, parameter
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
max iteration indices
Initial Value = 50
itoc : integer
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

itocean : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
itocean : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

itocean : integer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

itocean : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

itocean : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

itocean : integer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

itocean : used from diag_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

itocean : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

itocean : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

itocean : used from diag_com
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

itoi : integer
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

itoice : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 2
itoice : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

itoice : integer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

itoice : integer
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

itoice : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

itoice : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

itoice : integer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

itoice : used from diag_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

itoice : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

itoice : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

itoice : used from diag_com
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

itr : integer, dimension(itrmax)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1
itr : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

itr : integer
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

itrmax : used from radpar
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f

itrmax : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
maximum number of optional tracers
Initial Value = 50
itrop : integer, dimension(1)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

itrop : integer, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

itwrite : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
control rad.debug output (i,j,amount)
Initial Value = 23
itwrite : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

itwrite : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

itwrite : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

itwrite : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
Initial Value = 23
itwrite : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

itwrite : used from diag_com
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

itwrite_sv : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

itwrite_sv : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

itwrite_sv : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

itxx :
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
indices of various types (used only when it matters)
itype :
Global variable . Module: NONE. File:
1, ocean; 2, ocean ice; 3, land ice; 4, land
itype : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
1, ocean; 2, ocean ice; 3, land ice; 4, land
itype : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
index for snow age
itype : integer
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

itype : integer
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

itype : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= integer identifying surface type
itype : integer
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

itype : integer, parameter
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = 4
itype : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_aj. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
is the surface type
itype :
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
surface type
itype : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
surface type
itype : integer
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
convective cloud types
itype : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

itype : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
surface type
itype : integer
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

itype : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

itype : integer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

itype : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

itype : integer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

itype : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

itype : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

itype : integer
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

itype4 : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
which of the 4 main surface types this instance is
Initial Value = 0
itype4 : integer
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

itype4 : integer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

itype_land : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: ITYPE_ENUM. File: FLUXES.f
Initial Value = 4
itype_landice : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: ITYPE_ENUM. File: FLUXES.f
Initial Value = 3
itype_max : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: ITYPE_ENUM. File: FLUXES.f
Initial Value = 4
itype_min : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: ITYPE_ENUM. File: FLUXES.f
Initial Value = 1
itype_new : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: reset_surf_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
indices for the old type turning to new type
itype_ocean : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: ITYPE_ENUM. File: FLUXES.f
Initial Value = 1
itype_oceanice : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: ITYPE_ENUM. File: FLUXES.f
Initial Value = 2
itype_old : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: reset_surf_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
indices for the old type turning to new type
itypeo : integer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

iu : integer
Subroutine: alloc_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

iu : integer
Subroutine: check_upper_limit. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

iu : integer
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

iu : integer
Subroutine: ghghst. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

iu : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
loop variables
iu : integer
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

iu : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

iu2 : integer
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

iu_aic : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
unit numbers for input files
iu_avr : integer*4
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

iu_bio : integer
Subroutine: init. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

iu_chl : integer, save
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = -1
iu_diurn : integer
Global variable . Module: GISSOUT. File: POUT.f
!units for selected
iu_hdiurn : integer
Global variable . Module: GISSOUT. File: POUT.f
!units for selected
iu_ibp : integer
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iu_ibp : integer
Subroutine: initdiagj. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

iu_ifile : integer
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

iu_ifile : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
unit numbers for input files
iu_ifile : integer
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

iu_iij : integer
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iu_iij : integer
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iu_iij : integer
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iu_iij : integer
Subroutine: set_ijout. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iu_ij : integer
Global variable . Module: GISSOUT. File: POUT.f
!units for selected
iu_ijk : integer
Global variable . Module: GISSOUT. File: POUT.f

iu_ijk : integer
Subroutine: jkjl_titlex. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iu_ijl : integer
Global variable . Module: GISSOUT. File: POUT.f

iu_il : integer
Global variable . Module: GISSOUT. File: POUT.f
!units for selected
iu_isccp : integer
Global variable . Module: GISSOUT. File: POUT.f

iu_isccp : integer
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

iu_j : integer
Global variable . Module: GISSOUT. File: POUT.f
!units for selected
iu_jc : integer
Global variable . Module: GISSOUT. File: POUT.f
!units for selected
iu_jl : integer
Global variable . Module: GISSOUT. File: POUT.f
!units for selected
iu_msu : integer
Subroutine: read_msu_wts. Module: MSU_WTS_MOD. File: DIAG.f

iu_odiff : integer
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

iu_oftab : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

iu_otj : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
unit number for ascii output of ocean transports
iu_rad : integer
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f

iu_rad : used from atm_com
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

iu_rad : used from atm_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

iu_reg : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
unit number for regions file
iu_rvr : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
unit number for river direction file
iu_subdd : integer, dimension(kddmax)
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
array of unit numbers for sub-daily diags output
Initial Value = not_open
iu_tides : integer
Subroutine: gissmix_init. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

iu_vflxo : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

iu_vflxo : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

iu_vflxo : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

iu_vflxo : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

iu_warn : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

iu_z4var : integer
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

iui2rho : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

iundef_val : used from constant
Subroutine: alloc_pbl_args. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

iunitj : integer
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iunitw : integer
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iv : integer
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

iv : integer
Subroutine: get_ivjv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

iv : integer
Subroutine: get_regrid_info_for_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

iv : integer
Subroutine: get_uv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

iv : integer
Subroutine: store_uv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ivar : integer
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ivnp : integer*4, parameter
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
Initial Value = IM/4
ivnp : used from ocean
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ivnp : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ivnp : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ivnp : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ivnp : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ivnp : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ivnp : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ivnp : used from ocean
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ivnp : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ivnp : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ivnp : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ivnp : used from ocean
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ivnpo : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >IVNP
ivnpo : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oke. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >IVNP
ivnpo : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f
Initial Value = >IVNP
ivp1 : integer
Subroutine: get_regrid_info_for_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ivsp : integer*4, parameter
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
Initial Value = 3*IM/4
ivsp : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ivsp : used from ocean
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ivsp : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ivsp : used from ocean
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ivspo : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >IVSP
ivspo : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oke. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >IVSP
ivspo : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f
Initial Value = >IVSP
iw : integer
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

iw_all : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
iw_bare : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 6
iw_lake : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 3
iw_land : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 8
iw_land : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iw_lice : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 4
iw_ocn : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 2
iw_soil : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 5
iw_veg : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 7
iw_xxx :
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
index for weight-array
iwide : integer
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

iwidm1 : integer*2, save, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

iwm : integer
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

iwm1 : integer*4
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

iwm2 : integer*4
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

iwmin : integer
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

iword : integer
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iword : integer
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

iwp :
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
ice water path (conv+strat), kg/m2
iwrite : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
control rad.debug output (i,j,amount)
Initial Value = 0
iwrite : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

iwrite : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

iwrite : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

iwrite : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
Initial Value = 0
iwrite : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

iwrite_sv : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

iwrite_sv : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

iwrite_sv : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

iwt : integer
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ix : integer
Subroutine: ao3abs. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ix : integer
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ix : integer
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ix : integer
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ix : integer
Subroutine: sgpgxg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

iy : integer
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

iy : integer
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

iy : integer
Subroutine: gtrend. Module: NONE. File: RADIATION.f

iy : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

iy1s0 : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
first year, max.number of months for S0 history
Initial Value = 1882
iyear : integer
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

iyear : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

iyear1 : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
year 1 of internal clock (Itime=0 to 365*NDAY)
Initial Value = -1
iyear1 : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

iyear1 : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_cal. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

iyear1 : used from model_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

iyear1 : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

iyear1 : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

iyear1 : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

iyear1 : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

iyear1 : used from model_com
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

iyear1 : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

iyear1 : used from model_com
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

iyear1 : used from model_com
Subroutine: reset_mdiag. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

iyear1 : used from model_com
Subroutine: run_radonly. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

iyr : integer
Subroutine: ghghst. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

iyr0 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: getdte. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

iyr1 : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

iz : integer
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

iz : integer
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

iz : integer
Subroutine: wscale. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

iz0 : integer, dimension(2:JM)
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f
: vertical grid index of GW source (function of latitude)
iz0 : used from unrdrag_com
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

iz0 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

izero : integer, parameter
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f
Initial Value = 0
izero : integer, parameter
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = 0
izero : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

izp1 : integer
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

izp1 : integer
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

izp1 : integer
Subroutine: wscale. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

j : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j :
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
-index (latitude) of each grid cell
j : integer
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

j : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

j : integer
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j : integer
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j : integer
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j : integer
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j : integer
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j : integer
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j : integer
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: accsubdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

j : integer
Subroutine: accumulate_excess_c. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: addenergyaslocalheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f
loop variables
j : integer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

j : integer
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j : integer
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

j : integer
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

j : integer
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

j : integer
Subroutine: at_pole. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

j : integer
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: avg_patches_pbl_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j : integer
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j : integer
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports_gla. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j : integer
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfstate_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j : integer
Subroutine: avg_replicated_duv_to_vgrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: boxav. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: calc_amp. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f
loop variables
j : integer
Subroutine: calc_apress. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j : integer
Subroutine: calc_derived_aijk. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j : integer
Subroutine: calc_kea_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

j : integer
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j : integer
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
loop variables
j : integer
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f
loop variables
j : integer
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: compute_mass_flux_diags. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: compute_wsave. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
loop variables
j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_am. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lhsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lke. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lkm. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lmsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_mli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ms. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_oce. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ohsi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_oke. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_oms. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_omsi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_osl. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ossi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_wm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: copy_array_to_ent_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: copy_ent_state_to_array. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: cosz_init. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

j : integer
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

j : integer
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: daily_cosz. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

j : integer
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j : integer
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j : integer
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: dcdnc_est. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

j : integer
Subroutine: de_solver_edge. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
loop variable
j : integer
Subroutine: de_solver_main. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
loop variable
j : integer
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j : integer
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: diag5f. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: diag_isccp_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j : integer
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j : integer
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j : integer
Subroutine: diaga0. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j : integer
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j : integer
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j : integer
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

j : integer
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

j : integer
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

j : integer
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variables
j : integer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
j : integer
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
loop variable
j : integer
Subroutine: e_les. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
j : integer
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: ent_read_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: ent_read_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: ent_write_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: ent_write_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: far_from_pole. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variables
j : integer
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: fix_water_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variables
j : integer
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: form. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: gather. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

j : integer
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
loop variables
j : integer
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j : integer*4
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: get_atm_layer1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_canopy_temperaure. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

j : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_dir. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_fb_fv. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

j : integer
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

j : integer
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: getdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

j : integer
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
loop variable
j : integer
Subroutine: getl1. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

j : integer
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

j : integer
Subroutine: gettotalenergy. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: gissmix_init. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: globalsum_j. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: gmkdif. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j : integer
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: hemisphere. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: icdyn_masks. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_aj. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
are atm grid point values for the accumulation
j : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_ajl. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
atm gridpoint indices for the accumulation
j : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_ajl2. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
atm gridpoint indices for the accumulation
j : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_areg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
are atm grid point values for the accumulation
j : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_asjl. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
atm gridpoint indices for the accumulation
j : integer
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

j : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j : integer
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
loop variables
j : integer
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
loop variable
j : integer
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: init_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

j : integer
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: init_wspdf_mod. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: initmoments. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

j : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

j : integer
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: int_ag2og_3da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

j : integer
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

j : integer
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

j : integer
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

j : integer
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: isotropslp. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
loop variable
j : integer
Subroutine: keyij2. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: kmixinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

j : integer
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

j : integer
Subroutine: l_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
loop variable
j : integer
Subroutine: loadbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
loop variable
j : integer
Subroutine: locatex. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: matop. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

j : integer
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j : integer, integer
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: oabfilx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvm. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: oadvt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: oadvt2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j : integer
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j : integer
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: obasin. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j : integer*4
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer*4
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

j : integer*4
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j : integer
Subroutine: ocoast. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

j : integer*4
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j : integer*4
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j : integer
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer*4
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer*4
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

j : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

j : integer
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j : integer*4
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer*4
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j : integer*4
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer*4
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j : integer*4
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
grid point
j : integer
Subroutine: perturb_temps. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

j : integer
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variab.
j : integer
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: plast. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j : integer
Subroutine: pout_j. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: pout_jc. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: pout_jl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j : integer
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j : integer
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variables
j : integer
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

j : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

j : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: read_landsurf_ic. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

j : integer
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: regrid_to_primary_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: repartint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: replicate_uv_to_agrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: reset_gh_to_defaults. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: reset_gtemp_noice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: reset_surf_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j : integer
Subroutine: run_radonly. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: scale_ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: scatter. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

j : integer
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: seaice_to_atmgrid. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: set_budg_area. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: set_j_budg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
are atm grid point values for the accumulation
j : integer
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: set_noice_defaults. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: set_oj_budg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
are atm grid point values for the accumulation
j : integer
Subroutine: set_owtbudg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: set_wtbudg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: setbak. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

j : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: setbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: setdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

j : integer
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

j : integer
Subroutine: setgts. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

j : integer
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

j : integer
Subroutine: shap1d. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variables
j : integer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

j : integer*4
Subroutine: strmij. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j : integer*4, intent(in)
Subroutine: strmij_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j : integer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag_post_precip_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j : integer
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

j : integer
Subroutine: tq_zmom_init. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: update_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

j : integer
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

j : integer
Subroutine: upddst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

j : integer
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j : integer
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
j : integer
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop variable
j : integer*4
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: vflx_ocean. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j : integer
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

j : integer
Subroutine: wrapadjustfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

j : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

j : integer
Subroutine: zonalmean_ij2ij. Module: ZONALMEAN_MOD. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j : integer
Subroutine: zze. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
loop variable
j0 : integer
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j0 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

j0 : integer
Subroutine: nij_before_j0. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j0 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

j0 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: update_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

j1 : integer
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j1 : integer
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j1 : integer
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

j1 : integer
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j1 : integer
Subroutine: boxav. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

j1 : integer
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

j1 : integer
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j1 : integer
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j1 : integer
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j1 : integer
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j1 : integer
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j1 : integer
Subroutine: horzdist_2pts. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j1 : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1 : integer
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

j1 : integer
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j1 : integer
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j1 : integer
Subroutine: matop. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

j1 : integer
Subroutine: nij_after_j1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j1 : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvm. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1 : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1 : integer*4
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j1 : integer*4
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j1 : integer*4
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j1 : integer*4
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1 : integer*4
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j1 : integer*4
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1 : integer*4, save
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1 : integer
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j1 : integer*4
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1 : integer*4
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1 : integer*4
Subroutine: otj_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j1 : integer*4
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1 : integer
Subroutine: perturb_temps. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

j1 : integer
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j1 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_jl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
minimum j value to output (needed for secondary grid fields)
j1 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_wp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
variables required by pout_jl
j1 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

j1 : integer
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

j1 : integer
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

j1 : integer
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

j1 : integer*4
Subroutine: strmij_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j1 : integer*4
Subroutine: strmjl_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j1 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: update_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

j1 : integer*4
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j1_il : integer, dimension(kailx)
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j1a : integer
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

j1a : integer*4
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j1a : integer*4
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j1b : integer
Subroutine: hntr8p_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

j1b : integer
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

j1h : integer
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

j1h : integer
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j1h : integer
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j1h : integer
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j1h : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1h : integer*4
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j1h : integer*4
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j1h : integer*4
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1h : integer*4
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j1o : integer*4
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

j1o : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

j1o : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1o : used from ocean
Subroutine: oabfilx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1o : used from ocean
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1o : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1o : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j1o : used from ocean
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1o_loc : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1p : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1p : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j1p : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j1p : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j1p : integer
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j1p : integer
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j1p : integer
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j1p : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1p : integer*4
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j1p : integer*4
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1p : integer*4
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j1p : integer*4
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1p : integer*4, save
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1p : integer
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j1p : integer*4
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1p : integer*4
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j1p : integer
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j1u : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
index of southernmost latitude (currently 2, later 1)
Initial Value = 2
j1v : integer
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j1xp : integer
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j2 : integer
Subroutine: boxav. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

j2 : integer
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j2 : integer
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j2 : integer
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j2 : integer
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j2 : integer
Subroutine: horzdist_2pts. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j2 : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j2 : integer
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

j2 : integer*4
Subroutine: otj_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j2 : integer
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

j2 : integer
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

j2 : integer*4
Subroutine: strmij_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j2 : integer*4
Subroutine: strmjl_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j2_il : integer, dimension(kailx)
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j40s : integer*4
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

j45n : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j45n : integer
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j45n : integer
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j45n : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j50n : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
special latitudes
Initial Value = (50.+90.)
j50n : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j50n : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j5n : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
special latitudes
Initial Value = (90.+5.)
j5n : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j5nuv : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
special latitudes
Initial Value = (90.+5.)
j5nuv : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j5s : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
special latitudes
Initial Value = (90.-5.)
j5s : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j5suv : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
special latitudes
Initial Value = (90.-5.)
j5suv : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j60 : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j70n : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
special latitudes
Initial Value = (70.+90.)
j70n : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

j_0 : integer
Global variable . Module: OCEANR_DIM. File: OCEANR_DIM.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: accsubdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: accumulate_excess_c. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: addenergyasdiffuseheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: addenergyaslocalheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ent_com. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icestate_type. Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: calc_amp. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: calc_apress. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: checkpbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: compute_wsave. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_am. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lhsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lke. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lkm. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lmsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_mli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ms. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_0 : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0 : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_oce. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ohsi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_oke. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0 : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_oms. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_omsi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_osl. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ossi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_wm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: copy_array_to_ent_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: copy_ent_state_to_array. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: cosz_init. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: diag_isccp_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: diaga0. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: ent_read_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: ent_write_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: form. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: get_atm_layer1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: gettotalenergy. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: gmkdif. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: icdyn_masks. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_qus. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: loadbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: plast. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: read_landsurf_ic. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: reset_gh_to_defaults. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: reset_gtemp_noice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: seaice_to_atmgrid. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: set_budg_area. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: set_j_budg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: set_noice_defaults. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: set_oj_budg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: set_owtbudg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: set_simple_bounds_type. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: set_wtbudg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: shap1d. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag_post_precip_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: tq_zmom_init. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: vflx_ocean. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

j_0 : integer
Subroutine: wrapadjustfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0b : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
are the min/max zonal budget latitudes for this processor
Initial Value = 1
j_0b : used from diag_com
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_0b : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_j_budg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_0budg : integer
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_0f : integer
Subroutine: oabfilx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0h : integer
Global variable . Module: OCEANR_DIM. File: OCEANR_DIM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmgla_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmice_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmlnd_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmocn_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_pbl_vars. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_xchng_bundles. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_diag_loc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ent_com. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ghy_com. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn_com. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_iceocn_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icestate_type. Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_kpp_com. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

j_0h : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_odiff. Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ofluxes. Module: NONE. File: OFLUXES.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_pbl_com. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_smomtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_tracer_adv. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: cosz_init. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: declare_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: dump_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: ent_read_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: ent_write_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: gmkdif. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: init_qus. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: init_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: new_io_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: new_io_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: oadvt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: oadvt2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: obasin. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: set_j_budg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: set_oj_budg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: set_simple_bounds_type. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0h : integer
Subroutine: updbcd. Module: NONE. File: READ_AERO.f

j_0h_mic : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn_com. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

j_0jk : integer
Subroutine: alloc_gc_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_0p : integer
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: compute_mass_flux_diags. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lke. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lkm. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: cosz_init. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: form. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: gmkdif. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: icdyn_masks. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: isotropslp. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: ocoast. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: plast. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: replicate_uv_to_agrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: shap1d. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: tq_zmom_init. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

j_0s : integer
Subroutine: wrapadjustfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: avg_replicated_duv_to_vgrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: calc_derived_aijk. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: compute_mass_flux_diags. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: diag5f. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: gmkdif. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_0stg : integer
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Global variable . Module: OCEANR_DIM. File: OCEANR_DIM.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: accsubdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: accumulate_excess_c. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: addenergyasdiffuseheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: addenergyaslocalheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ent_com. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icestate_type. Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: calc_amp. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: calc_apress. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: checkpbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: compute_wsave. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_am. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lhsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lke. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lkm. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lmsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_mli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ms. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_1 : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1 : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_oce. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ohsi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_oke. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1 : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_oms. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_omsi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_osl. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ossi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_wm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: copy_array_to_ent_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: copy_ent_state_to_array. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: cosz_init. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: diag_isccp_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: diaga0. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: ent_read_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: ent_write_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: form. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: get_atm_layer1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: gettotalenergy. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: gmkdif. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: icdyn_masks. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_qus. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: loadbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: plast. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: read_landsurf_ic. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: reset_gh_to_defaults. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: reset_gtemp_noice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: seaice_to_atmgrid. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: set_budg_area. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: set_j_budg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: set_noice_defaults. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: set_oj_budg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: set_owtbudg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: set_simple_bounds_type. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: set_wtbudg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: shap1d. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag_post_precip_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: tq_zmom_init. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: vflx_ocean. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

j_1 : integer
Subroutine: wrapadjustfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1b : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
are the min/max zonal budget latitudes for this processor
Initial Value = 1
j_1b : used from diag_com
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_1b : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_j_budg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_1budg : integer
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_1f : integer
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1f : integer
Subroutine: oabfilx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1h : integer
Global variable . Module: OCEANR_DIM. File: OCEANR_DIM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmgla_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmice_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmlnd_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmocn_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_pbl_vars. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_xchng_bundles. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_diag_loc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ent_com. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ghy_com. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn_com. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_iceocn_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icestate_type. Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_kpp_com. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

j_1h : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_odiff. Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ofluxes. Module: NONE. File: OFLUXES.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_pbl_com. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_smomtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: alloc_tracer_adv. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: cosz_init. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: declare_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: dump_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: ent_read_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: ent_write_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: gmkdif. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: init_qus. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: init_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: new_io_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: new_io_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: obasin. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: set_j_budg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: set_oj_budg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: set_simple_bounds_type. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1h : integer
Subroutine: updbcd. Module: NONE. File: READ_AERO.f

j_1h_mic : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn_com. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

j_1hr : integer
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1jk : integer
Subroutine: alloc_gc_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_1p : integer
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: compute_mass_flux_diags. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lke. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: conserv_lkm. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: cosz_init. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: form. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: gmkdif. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: icdyn_masks. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: isotropslp. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: ocoast. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: plast. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: replicate_uv_to_agrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: shap1d. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: tq_zmom_init. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

j_1s : integer
Subroutine: wrapadjustfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: avg_replicated_duv_to_vgrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: calc_derived_aijk. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: compute_mass_flux_diags. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: diag5f. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: gmkdif. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

j_1stg : integer
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

j_ace1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_ace1 : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_ace1 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_ace1 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_ace2 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_ace2 : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_ace2 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_ace2 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_albg : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_albg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_albnir : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_albp0 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_albp0 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_albvis : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_brtemp : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_budg : integer, public, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
a mapping array that takes every grid point to the
j_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: inc_aj. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: inc_ajl. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: inc_ajl2. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: inc_asjl. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_budg_area. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_j_budg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_wtbudg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_clddep : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_clrtoa : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_clrtrp : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_ctopp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_debug : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

j_debug : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

j_diag : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_aj. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
is placing of diagnostic element
j_diag : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_areg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
identifier of diagnostic element
j_dtdgtr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_dtdgtr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_dtdjs : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_dtdjs : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_dtdjt : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_dtdjt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_dtsgst : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_dtsgst : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_earth : used from snow_model
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_eprcp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_eprcp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_erun : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_erun : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_erun : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_erun : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_erun : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_ervr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_ervr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_ervr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_ervr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_evap : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_evap : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_evhdt : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_evhdt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_evhdt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_ftherm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_gam : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_gam : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_gamc : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_gamc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_gamm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_gamm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_h2och4 : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_h2och4 : used from diag_com_rad
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

j_hatm : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_hmelt : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_hmelt : integer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_hsurf : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_hz0 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_hz0 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_hz1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_hz1 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_hz2 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_hz2 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_imelt : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_imelt : integer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_implh : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_implh : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_implh : integer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_implh : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_implh : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_implh : integer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_implh : used from diag_com
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_implh : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_implm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_implm : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_implm : integer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_implm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_implm : integer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_implm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_implm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_irgw : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_irgwe : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_lstr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_lstr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_ltro : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_ltro : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_lwcorr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_lwcorr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_nyp : integer
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

j_oht : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_pcld : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_pcldmc : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_pcldss : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_planir : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_plavis : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_prcp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_prcp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_prcpmc : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_prcpmc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_prcpss : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_prcpss : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_qp : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_qp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_rhdt : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_rhdt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_ricst : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_ricst : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_rictr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_rictr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_rnfp0 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_rnfp0 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_rnfp1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_rnfp1 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_rosst : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_rosst : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_rostr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_rostr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_rsi : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_rsi : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_rsnow : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_rsnow : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_rsnow : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_run : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_run : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_run : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_run : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_run : used from diag_com
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_run : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_run : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag_post_precip_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_rvrd : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_rvrd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_rvrd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_shdt : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_shdt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_shdt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_smelt : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_smelt : integer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

j_snow : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_snow : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

j_snow : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_srabs : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_srabs : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_sranir : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_sravis : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_srincg : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_srincp0 : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_srnfg : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_srnfp0 : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_srnfp1 : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_srrnir : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_srrvis : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_stop_budg : integer, optional, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_alloc_bounds. Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f

j_stop_budg : integer, optional, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_bounds. Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f

j_stop_jk : integer, optional, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_alloc_bounds. Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f

j_stop_jk : integer, optional, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_bounds. Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f

j_strt_budg : integer, optional, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_alloc_bounds. Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f

j_strt_budg : integer, optional, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_bounds. Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f

j_strt_jk : integer, optional, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_alloc_bounds. Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f

j_strt_jk : integer, optional, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_bounds. Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f

j_tg1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_tg1 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_tg1 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_tg2 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_tg2 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_tg2 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_tottrp : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_trhdt : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_trhdt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_trhdt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_trincg : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_trnfp0 : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_trnfp1 : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
j_tsrf : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_tsrf : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_tsrf : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_tx : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_tx : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_tx1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_tx1 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

j_type : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_type : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_type : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_type : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

j_wtr1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_wtr1 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_wtr1 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_wtr2 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

j_wtr2 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

j_wtr2 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

j_xxx :
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
zonal J diagnostic names
ja : integer
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

ja : integer
Subroutine: hntr8_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

ja : integer
Subroutine: hntr8_band_lij. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

ja : integer
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

ja : integer*4
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jalim : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: boxav. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jalim : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: boxav1. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jalim : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: boxav2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jamax : integer
Subroutine: hntr8_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

jamax : integer
Subroutine: hntr8_band_lij. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

jamin : integer
Subroutine: hntr8_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

jamin : integer
Subroutine: hntr8_band_lij. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

jb : integer
Subroutine: hntr8_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

jb : integer
Subroutine: hntr8_band_lij. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

jb : integer
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

jbcdec : integer
Subroutine: ctrend. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jblim : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: boxav. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jblim : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: boxav1. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jblim : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: boxav2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jckerr : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

jcut : integer
Subroutine: isotropslp. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jcut : integer
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jd : integer
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jd : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_dir. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jd : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: getdte. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

jd : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
loop variables
jd : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jd0 : integer
Subroutine: reset_mdiag. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

jdate : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: getdte. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

jdate0 : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jdate0 : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
date-info about Itime0 (beg.of acc.per)
jdate0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: def_acc_meta. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

jdate0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jdate0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jdate0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jdate0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jdate0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jdate0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jdate0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jdate0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jdate0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jdate0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jdate0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jdate0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jdate0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jdate0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

jdate0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jdate0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jdate0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jdate0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: reset_mdiag. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

jdate0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

jday : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
current year, Julian date
Initial Value = 1
jday : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

jday : integer
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

jday : integer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

jday : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

jday : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: update_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

jday0 : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jdayofm : integer
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jdayr : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = >JDAY
jdayr : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = >JDAY
jdayva : integer, intent(in), optional
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jdayva : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: updvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jdec : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: ctrend. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jdec : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: strend. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jdendofm : integer, dimension(0:INT_MONTHS_PER_YEAR)
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
(0:12) last Julian day in month
Initial Value = ( /0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334,365/)
jdendofm : used from model_com
Subroutine: initializemodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

jdendofm_ : integer, dimension(0:months_per_year+1)
Subroutine: initializemodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

jdiag : integer, dimension(ndiag)
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = (/66, 59, 33, 34/)
jdmidofm : integer, dimension(0:INT_MONTHS_PER_YEAR+1)
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
(0:13) middle Julian day in month
Initial Value = ( /-15,16,45,75,106,136,167,197,228,259,289,320,350,381/)
jdmidofm : used from model_com
Subroutine: initializemodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

jdmidofm : used from model_com
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

jdmidofm_ : integer, dimension(0:months_per_year+1)
Subroutine: initializemodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

jdpery :
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
number of days,months per year
jdry : integer
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

je : integer
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jep : integer
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jeq : used from gc_com
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jeq : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
grid box zone around or immediately north of the equator
Initial Value = 1+JM/2
jeq : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

jeq : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jeq : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jeq : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

jeq : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

jeq : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jerr : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

jerr : integer
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

jet : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_LOC. File: DIAG.f
model levels for various pressures
jet : used from diag_loc
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jfft : integer, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f
the nth value of jfft is the j index of the nth fft filter segment
jfil : integer, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f
the nth value of jfil is the j index of the nth MBFS
jfl911 : integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
grid box indexes for emergency downstream direction
jfl911 : used from lakes
Subroutine: alloc_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jfl911 : used from lakes
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jflow : integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
grid box indexes for downstream direction
jflow : used from lakes
Subroutine: alloc_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jflow : used from lakes
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jg : integer
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

jg : integer
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jg : integer
Subroutine: sgpgxg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jg_ke : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
lat. grids on which U-wind and KE are defined
Initial Value = 2
jg_u : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
lat. grids on which U-wind and KE are defined
Initial Value = 2
jgcm : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
host GCM grid indices
jgcm : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

jgp : integer
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jgrid : integer
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jgrid : integer
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jgrid : integer
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jgrid : integer
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

jgrid : integer
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jgrid : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ij. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
= 1 for primary lat-lon grid, 2 for secondary lat-lon grid
jgrid_gc : integer, dimension(kagcx), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
idacc-numbers,gridtypes for GC diagnostics
jgrid_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

jgrid_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jgrid_icij : integer, dimension(kicij)
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

jgrid_icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

jgrid_ij : integer, dimension(kaij), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jgrid_ij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jgrid_ijk : integer, dimension(kaijk), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
1=primary grid 2=secondary grid
jgrid_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

jgrid_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jgrid_ijl : integer, dimension(kaijl), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jgrid_ijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jgrid_jl : integer, dimension(kajl), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
idacc-numbers,gridtypes for JL diagnostics
jgrid_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jgrid_ke : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
latitudes at which U-wind and KE diags are defined
jgrid_oij : integer, dimension(koij)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

jgrid_oijl : integer, dimension(koijl)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

jgrid_ojl : integer, dimension(kojl)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

jgrid_u : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
latitudes at which U-wind and KE diags are defined
jgridc : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 0
jgridc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

jgride : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 2
jgride : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

jh : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

jh : integer
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

jh : integer
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jhemi : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

jhemi : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

jhemi : integer
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jhemi : integer
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jhi : integer
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

jhimax : integer
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jhour : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: getdte. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

jhour0 : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jhour0 : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
date-info about Itime0 (beg.of acc.per)
jhour0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: def_acc_meta. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

jhour0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jhour0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jhour0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jhour0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jhour0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jhour0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jhour0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jhour0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jhour0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jhour0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

jhour0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: reset_mdiag. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

ji : integer
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jinc : integer
Subroutine: isotropslp. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jinc : integer
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jj : integer
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

jj : integer
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

jj : integer
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jj : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jj : integer
Subroutine: setbak. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jj : integer
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jj : integer
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

jj : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jjday : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jjdaya : integer
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jjdaya : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: updateaerosol. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

jjdaya : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f
current day
jjdayd : integer
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jjdayd : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: upddst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jjdaye : integer
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jjdaye : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: updeps. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jjdayg : integer
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jjdayg : integer
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jjdayg : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: setghg. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jjdayg : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: updghg. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jjdayg : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jjdayo : integer
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jjdayo : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jjdayo : integer
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jjdayo : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jjdayr : integer
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jjdayr : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: updsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
julian day (used for seasonality of veg albedo)
jjdays : integer
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jjdays : integer
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jjdayv : integer
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jk : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

jk : integer
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

jk_barekegen : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_cldh2o : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jk_cldh2o : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jk_cldh2o : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jk_cldice : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jk_cldice : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jk_cldice : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jk_cldwtr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jk_cldwtr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jk_cldwtr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jk_del_qgpv : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_dpa : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_dpb : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_dpsqr : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_dpwt : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jk_dpwt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jk_dtdtmadv : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_dtdttem : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_dtempdt_econv : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_dudt_econv : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_dudt_eddycnv : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_dudt_epdiv : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_dudt_epflxdiv : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_dudt_fderr1 : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_dudt_fderr2 : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_dudt_meanadv : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_dudt_sum1 : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_dudt_trnsadv : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_dudtmadv : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_dudttem : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_dyn_conv_dse : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_dyn_conv_eddy_geop : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_eddke : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_eddntgeo : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_eddntlh : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_eddntmom : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_eddntsh : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_eddvtdse : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_eddvtlh : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_eddvtpt : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_epflx_v : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_epflxncp : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_epflxvcp : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_hght : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jk_hght : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jk_hght : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jk_nptsavg : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_nptsavg1 : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_nt_am_stand_eddy : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_nt_dse_e : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_nt_dse_se : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_nt_eqgpv : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_nt_lh_se : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_nt_see : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_nt_sheat_e : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_p2kedpgf : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_potvort : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_psi : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_psi_tem : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_q : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jk_q : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jk_q : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jk_refr_ind_wave1 : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_rh : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jk_rh : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jk_rh : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jk_rhoe : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_seke : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_sheth : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_stdev_dp : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_temp : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_theta : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_tinst : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_tot_nt_se : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_tot_vt_se : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_totdtdt : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_totdudt : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_totke : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_totntdse : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_totntke : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_totntlh : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_totntmom : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_totvtam : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_totvtdse : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_totvtke : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_totvtlh : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_tx : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jk_tx : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jk_tx : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jk_u : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_uinst : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_v : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_vstar : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_vt_se_eddy : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_vtameddy : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_vtgeoeddy : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_vtpv : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_vtpveddy : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_vvel : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_we_flx_div : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_we_flx_nor : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_wstar : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jk_xxx :
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
names for AJL indices
jk_xxx :
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f
names for AGC indices
jl : integer
Subroutine: locatex. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

jl_40 : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jl_47 : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jl_ape : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jl_ape : used from gcdiag
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

jl_cldmc : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_cldss : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_cnumim : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_cnumim : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_cnumis : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_cnumis : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_cnumwm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_cnumwm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_cnumws : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_cnumws : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_csizmc : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_csizmc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_csizss : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_csizss : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_damdc : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_damdc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

jl_damdc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_dammc : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_dammc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_denom : integer
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_dpa : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_dpa : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_dpasrc : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_dpb : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jl_dpsig : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jl_dpsigv : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jl_dtdtsdrg : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_dtdtsdrg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_dtdyn : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_dtdyn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_dtdyn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga0. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_dtdyn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_dudfmdrg : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_dudfmdrg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_dudfmdrg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_dudtsdif : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_dudtsdif : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_dudtsdif : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_dudtsdrg : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_dudtsdrg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_dudtsdrg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jl_dudtvdif : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_dudtvdif : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_dumcdrgm10 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_dumcdrgm10 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_dumcdrgm10 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_dumcdrgm20 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_dumcdrgm20 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_dumcdrgm20 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_dumcdrgm40 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_dumcdrgm40 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_dumcdrgm40 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_dumcdrgp10 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_dumcdrgp10 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_dumcdrgp10 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_dumcdrgp20 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_dumcdrgp20 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_dumcdrgp20 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_dumcdrgp40 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_dumcdrgp40 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_dumcdrgp40 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_dumtndrg : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_dumtndrg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_dumtndrg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_dushrdrg : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_dushrdrg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_dushrdrg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_dwasrc : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_epacwt : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_epacwt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_epflx_div : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jl_epflxn : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jl_epflxv : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jl_gwfirst : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_icld : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
jl_icldwt : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
jl_icod : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
jl_icsiz : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
jl_index : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_ajl. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
index of the diagnostic being accumulated
jl_index : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_ajl2. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
index of the diagnostic being accumulated
jl_index : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_m : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

jl_m : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

jl_mccld : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
jl_mcdeep : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_mcdeep : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_mcdflx : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_mcdflx : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_mcdrgpm10 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_mcdrgpm10 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_mcdrgpm10 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_mcdrgpm20 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_mcdrgpm20 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_mcdrgpm20 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_mcdrgpm40 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_mcdrgpm40 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_mcdrgpm40 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_mcdry : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_mcdry : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_mcdtotw : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_mcheat : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_mcheat : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_mchphas : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_mchr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_mcldht : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_mcldht : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_mcmflx : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_mcmflx : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_mcshlw : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_mcshlw : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_nt_lh_e : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jl_phi_amp_wave1 : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jl_phi_phase_wave1 : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jl_pt : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

jl_pt : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

jl_rad_cool : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_rad_cool : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_rad_cool : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_rhe : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_rhe : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_s : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

jl_s : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

jl_sdifcoef : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_sf : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

jl_sf : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

jl_sfb : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

jl_sfb : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

jl_srhr : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
jl_sscld : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
jl_sshr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_sshr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_sumdrg : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_sumdrg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_sumdrg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_totcld : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
jl_totntlh : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jl_totntlh : used from gcdiag
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jl_totntmom : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jl_totvtlh : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jl_totvtlh : used from gcdiag
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jl_trbdlht : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_trbdlht : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

jl_trbdlht : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_trbhr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_trbhr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

jl_trbhr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_trbke : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_trbke : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

jl_trbke : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_trcr : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
jl_uepac : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_uepac : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_uepac : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_uwpac : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_uwpac : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_uwpac : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_vepac : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_vepac : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_vepac : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_vt_lh_e : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jl_vwpac : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_vwpac : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_vwpac : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_wcld : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
jl_wcldwt : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
jl_wcod : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
jl_wcsiz : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM_RAD. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1
jl_wepac : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_wepac : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_wepac : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_wpacwt : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_wpacwt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_wwpac : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jl_wwpac : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jl_wwpac : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jl_xxx :
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
names for AJL indices
jl_xxx :
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f
names for AGC indices
jl_xxx :
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
indices for qtys in OJL
jl_zmfntlh : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jl_zmfntlh : used from gcdiag
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jl_zmfntmom : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jl_zmfvtlh : integer
Global variable . Module: GCDIAG. File: GCDIAGb.f

jl_zmfvtlh : used from gcdiag
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jlat : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
lat,lon index 72x46 lon-lat grid
jlat : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
latitude identifier
jlat : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: check1. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
latitude identifier
jlat : integer
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

jlat : integer
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
latitude identifier
jlat : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
latitude identifier
jlat : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

jlat : integer
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

jlat46 : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = >JLAT
jlist : integer, dimension(4)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

jlist : integer, dimension(4)
Subroutine: get_regrid_info_for_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jlo : integer
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

jloop_max : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jloop_max : integer
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

jloop_max : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jloop_min : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jloop_min : integer
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

jloop_min : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: DIAG_LOC. File: DIAG.f

jm : used from diag_com
Global variable . Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f

jm : used from diag_com
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

jm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

jm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

jm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

jm : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f

jm : integer
Global variable . Module: GISSOUT. File: POUT.f
local dimensions set in open_* routines
jm : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

jm : integer*4, parameter
Global variable . Module: HORIZONTALRES. File: Atm72x46.F90
= longitudinal and latitudinal number of grid cells
Initial Value = 46
jm : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: KPP_COM. File: OCNKPP.f

jm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

jm : used from oceanres
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
Initial Value = >JMO
jm : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: OCEAN_DYN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

jm : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

jm : integer
Global variable . Module: QUSCOM. File: QUS_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f

jm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

jm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: SOMTQ_COM. File: QUS_COM.f

jm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

jm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

jm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from diag_com
Global variable . Module: WORKJK. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

jm : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

jm : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

jm : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

jm : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

jm : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

jm : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

jm : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

jm : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

jm : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

jm : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

jm : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: accumulate_excess_c. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from gm_com
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

jm : integer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_drv_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

jm : used from oceanres
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f
Initial Value = >JMO
jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: at_pole. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: avg_replicated_duv_to_vgrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_amp. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_kea_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: compute_wsave. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

jm : used from gm_com
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_lhsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_lke. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_lkm. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_lmsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_mli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_ms. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_wm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: cosz_init. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

jm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: diag5f. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

jm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = >jm_budg
jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

jm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = >jm_budg
jm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: far_from_pole. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

jm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_dir. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

jm : integer
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

jm :
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
3-d grids
jm : integer
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

jm : integer
Subroutine: globalsum_j. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jm : integer
Subroutine: globalsum_jk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

jm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: isotropslp. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: keynrl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: keyvsums. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

jm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: new_io_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: nij_after_i1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: nij_after_j1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oabfilx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvm. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvt2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: obasin. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: ocoast. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: otj_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: regrid_to_primary_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: replicate_uv_to_agrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: scale_ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: set_owtbudg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

jm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: shap1d. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: strmij. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: strmij_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: strmjl_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: update_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

jm : used from resolution
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jm : used from ocean
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

jm_budg : used from diag_zonal
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jm_budg : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f
grid size for budget page diags
Initial Value = JM
jm_budg : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

jm_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

jm_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jm_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jm_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jm_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_budg_area. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

jm_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_j_budg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

jm_budg : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: set_oj_budg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

jm_budg : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: set_owtbudg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

jm_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_wtbudg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

jm_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_qus. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

jm_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_ij. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dimensions for ij output
jm_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_ijk. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dimensions for ij output
jm_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_ijl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dimensions for ij output
jm_gcm :
Subroutine: open_isccp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dimensions for ij output
jm_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_j. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dimensions for j output
jm_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_jc. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dimensions for j output
jm_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_jl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dimensions for jl output
jm_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_wp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dimensions for jl output
jm_gcm : integer
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

jm_in : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

jm_loc : integer
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jma : integer
Global variable . Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

jma : integer, parameter
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = 18
jma : integer
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

jma_4interp : integer, optional, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

jmax : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jmax : integer
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

jmax : integer
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

jmax : integer
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

jmax : integer
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jmax : integer
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jmax : integer
Subroutine: ig2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

jmax : integer
Subroutine: int_ag2og_2da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

jmax : integer
Subroutine: int_ag2og_3da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

jmax : integer
Subroutine: int_og2ag_2da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

jmax : integer
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

jmax : integer
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3db_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

jmax : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jmax : integer
Subroutine: og2ig_uvsurf. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

jmax : integer*4, intent(in)
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jmax_fill : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jmax_pack : integer
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

jmax_x : integer
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

jmaxpfu : integer*4
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jmb : integer
Subroutine: hntr8p_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

jmb : integer
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

jmb_4interp : integer, optional, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

jmby2 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jmd : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jmd : integer
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

jmex : integer*4, save
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jmg : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

jmg : integer, integer, integer, integer
Subroutine: allocate_me. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

jmg : integer
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

jmg : integer
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

jmg : integer
Subroutine: io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

jmhalf : integer
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

jmicdyn : integer
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

jmicdyn : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

jmicdyn : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

jmicdyn : used from icedyn
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

jmicdyn : used from icedyn
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

jmin : integer
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

jmin : integer
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

jmin : integer
Subroutine: ig2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

jmin : integer
Subroutine: int_ag2og_2da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

jmin : integer
Subroutine: int_ag2og_3da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

jmin : integer
Subroutine: int_og2ag_2da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

jmin : integer
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

jmin : integer
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3db_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

jmin : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jmin : integer
Subroutine: og2ig_uvsurf. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

jmin : integer*4, intent(in)
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jmin_fill : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jmin_pack : integer
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

jmin_x : integer
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

jminpfu : integer*4
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jmlat : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f
latlon grid sizes
Initial Value = JM
jmlat : used from diag_zonal
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

jmlat : used from gc_com
Subroutine: alloc_gc_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

jmmax : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: GISSOUT. File: POUT.f
maximum conceivable JM
Initial Value = 200
jmn : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: getdte. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

jmo : used from oceanres
Global variable . Module: OCEANR_DIM. File: OCEANR_DIM.f

jmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >JM
jmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oce. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >JM
jmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oke. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >JM
jmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oms. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >JM
jmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_osl. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >JM
jmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >JM
jmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >JM
jmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >JM
jmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >JM
jmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >jm
jmon : integer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

jmon : integer
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

jmon0 : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jmon0 : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
date-info about Itime0 (beg.of acc.per)
jmon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jmon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

jmon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jmon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

jmon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jmon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: reset_mdiag. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

jmon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

jmon0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

jmon1 : integer
Subroutine: aperiod. Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
month,year of beginning of period 1
jmonl : integer
Subroutine: aperiod. Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
middle,last month of period
jmonm : integer
Subroutine: aperiod. Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
middle,last month of period
jmonth : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jmpery :
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
number of days,months per year
jmpf : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f
Initial Value = >J40S
jmpf : used from ocean
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >J40S
jn : integer
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jn : integer
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jn : integer
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

jn : integer
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

jn : integer
Subroutine: matop. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

jn : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvm. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jn : integer
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jn : integer
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

jn : integer
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

jn : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jn : integer*4
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jn : integer*4
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jn : integer*4
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jn : integer*4
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jn : integer*4
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jn : integer*4
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jn : integer*4, save
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jn : integer
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jn : integer*4
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jn : integer*4
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jn : integer*4
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jn : integer
Subroutine: perturb_temps. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

jn : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jn : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jn : integer*4
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

jna : integer
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

jnb : integer
Subroutine: hntr8p_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

jnb : integer
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

jndex : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jndx : integer, public, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

jnh : integer
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jnh : integer
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

jnh : integer
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jnh : integer*4
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jnh : integer*4
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jnh : integer*4
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jnh : integer*4
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jnh : integer*4
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jnh : integer*4
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

jnorth : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
latitude index defining northern hemisphere : jlat>jnorth
Initial Value = MLAT46/2
jnorth : integer
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

jnp : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jnp : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jnp : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

jnp : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

jnp : integer
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jnp : integer
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

jnp : integer
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

jnp : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jnp : integer*4
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jnp : integer*4
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jnp : integer*4
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jnp : integer*4
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jnp : integer*4
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jnp : integer*4, save
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jnp : integer
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jnp : integer*4
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jnp : integer*4
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jnp : integer
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

jnq : integer*4
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jnq : integer*4
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jnq : integer*4
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jnq : integer*4
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jnr : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jnr : integer*4
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jns : integer
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

jnv : integer
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jnxp : integer
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jp : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

jp : integer
Subroutine: isotropslp. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jp : integer
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jp1 : integer
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jpm : integer
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jpo : integer
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

jprint : integer, parameter
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 41
jprint : integer, parameter
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
latitude for diagnostics
Initial Value = 41
jprt : integer
Subroutine: xstep. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

jr : integer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

jr : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
jr : integer
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jr : integer
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

jr : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jr : integer
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jr : integer
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jr : integer
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

jr : integer
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

jr : integer
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

jr : integer
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jr : integer
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jr : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_areg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
is the region
jr : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

jr : integer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

jr : integer
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

jr : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jr : integer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

jr : integer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

jr : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

jr : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

jr : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

jr : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag_post_precip_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

jrange : integer, intent(in), optional, dimension(2)
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

jrange_hemi : integer, public, parameter, dimension(2, 2, 2)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
lowest,highest lat index for SH,NH for A,B grid
Initial Value = reshape( (/1,JM/2, 1+JM/2,JM, J1U,J1U-1+JM/2, J1U-1+JM/2,JM+J1U-2/), (/2,2,2/))
jreg : integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
lat/lon array defining regions for AREG diagnostics
jreg : integer, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
lat/lon array defining regions for modelE AREG diagnostics
jreg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

jreg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jreg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jreg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

jreg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

jreg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jreg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jreg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

jreg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

jreg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jreg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

jreg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

jreg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

jreg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag_post_precip_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

jreg_glob : integer, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jrvrmth : integer, dimension(nrvrmx)
Global variable . Module: LAKES_COM. File: LAKES_COM.f
indexes for named river mouths
jrvrmth : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jrvrmth : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jrxhi : integer
Subroutine: setqva. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jrxlo : integer
Subroutine: setqva. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

js : integer
Subroutine: alphagsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

js : integer
Subroutine: betagsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

js : integer
Subroutine: gfrezs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

js : integer
Subroutine: hetgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

js : integer
Subroutine: shcgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

js : integer
Subroutine: temgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

js : integer
Subroutine: temgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

js : integer
Subroutine: volgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

js : integer
Subroutine: volgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

js0 : integer
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

js0a : integer
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

js1 : integer
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

js1a : integer
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

jst : integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
i,j coordinates of ends of straits
jst : used from straits
Subroutine: conserv_oce. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jst : used from straits
Subroutine: conserv_oms. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jst : used from straits
Subroutine: conserv_osl. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jst : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

jst : used from straits
Subroutine: otj_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

jst : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

jst : used from straits
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

jst : used from straits
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

jst : used from straits
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

jst : used from straits
Subroutine: strmij_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

jst : used from straits
Subroutine: strmjl_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

jstart : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jsudec : integer
Subroutine: strend. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jt : integer
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jt : integer
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

jt : integer
Subroutine: sgpgxg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jtest : integer, parameter
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
Initial Value = 11
jtime : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

jtmp : integer
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

ju : integer
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ju : integer
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
loop variables
ju : integer
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ju : integer
Subroutine: locatex. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

ju : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ju : integer
Subroutine: wscale. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

jup1 : integer
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

jup1 : integer
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

jup1 : integer
Subroutine: wscale. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

jv : integer
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

jv : integer
Subroutine: get_ivjv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jv : integer
Subroutine: get_regrid_info_for_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jv : integer
Subroutine: get_uv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jv : integer
Subroutine: store_uv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

jv1 : integer
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jvm : integer
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jvn : integer
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

jvolye : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jvolyi : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jvpo : integer
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

jvs : integer
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

jwet : integer
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jwm : integer
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

jwrite : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
control rad.debug output (i,j,amount)
Initial Value = 0
jwrite : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

jwrite : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jwrite : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

jwrite : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
Initial Value = 0
jwrite : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

jwrite_sv : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

jwrite_sv : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jwrite_sv : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

jwt : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jwt : integer
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jwt : integer
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jx : integer
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jx : integer
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jx : integer
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jx : integer*4
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

jx : integer
Subroutine: sgpgxg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jxmax : integer
Subroutine: pout_jl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

jy : integer
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jyear : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
current year, Julian date
Initial Value = 1980
jyear : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: ctrend. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jyear : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

jyear : integer
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

jyear : integer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

jyear : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: strend. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jyear : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: update_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jyear0 : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
date-info about Itime0 (beg.of acc.per)
jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: def_acc_meta. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: reset_mdiag. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

jyear0 : used from model_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

jyeara : integer
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jyeara : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: updateaerosol. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

jyeara : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f
current year; negative if the same year is to be repeated
jyeard : integer
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jyeard : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: upddst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jyeare : integer
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jyeare : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: updeps. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jyearg : integer
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jyearg : integer
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jyearg : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: setghg. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jyearg : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: updghg. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jyearg : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jyearo : integer
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jyearo : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jyearr : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = >JYEAR
jyearr : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = >JYEAR
jyearr : integer
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jyearr : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: updsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
radiation year (not used for anything yet)
jyears : integer
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jyears : integer
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jyears : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jyearv : integer
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jyearv : integer, intent(in), optional
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jyearv : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: updvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jyearx : integer
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

jyearx : integer
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jyearx : integer
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

jyr : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: getdte. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

jyr1 : integer
Subroutine: aperiod. Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
month,year of beginning of period 1
jyrnow : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

jyrref : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

k : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

k : integer
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

k : integer
Subroutine: alloc_pbl_com. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

k : integer
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

k : integer
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

k : integer
Subroutine: avg_patches_pbl_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

k : integer
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

k : integer
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports_gla. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

k : integer
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfstate_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

k : integer
Subroutine: avg_replicated_duv_to_vgrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

k : integer
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

k : integer
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

k : integer
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

k : integer
Subroutine: check1. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
loop and dummy variables
k : integer
Subroutine: collect_scalars. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

k : integer
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

k : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
loop variables
k : integer
Subroutine: def_acc. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

k : integer
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

k : integer
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

k : integer
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

k : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

k : integer
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

k : integer
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

k : integer
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

k : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: diffuse_moms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

k : integer
Subroutine: diurn_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

k : integer
Subroutine: find_later_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

k : integer
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

k : integer
Subroutine: fix_water_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

k : integer
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

k : integer
Subroutine: gc_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

k : integer
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
loop variables
k : integer
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

k : integer
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

k : integer
Subroutine: getdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

k : integer
Subroutine: getmie. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

k : integer
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

k : integer
Subroutine: ghghst. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

k : integer
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

k : integer
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

k : integer
Subroutine: gissmix_init. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

k : integer
Subroutine: globalsum_jk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

k : integer
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

k : integer
Subroutine: icdyn_masks. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

k : integer
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

k : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

k : integer
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

k : integer
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: ijl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

k : integer
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

k : integer
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

k : integer
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

k : integer
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
loop variable
k : integer
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

k : integer
Subroutine: init_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

k : integer
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

k : integer
Subroutine: init_wspdf_mod. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

k : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

k : integer
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

k : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: isotropslp. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = 1d3
k : real*8
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

k : integer
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

k : integer
Subroutine: jkjl_titlex. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: jl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

k : integer
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
loop variables
k : integer
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
loop variables
k : integer
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

k : integer
Subroutine: new_io_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

k : integer
Subroutine: obasin. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

k : integer
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: open_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

k : integer*4
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

k : integer
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

k : real*8, dimension(lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: ovdiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

k : real*8, dimension(lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: ovdiffs. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

k : integer
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

k : integer
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

k : integer
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

k : integer
Subroutine: pout_diurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: pout_hdiurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: pout_ijk. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: pout_ijl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: pout_isccp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: pout_j. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: pout_jc. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

k : integer
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

k : integer
Subroutine: rcompx. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

k : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

k : integer
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

k : integer
Subroutine: replicate_uv_to_agrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

k : integer
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

k : integer
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

k : integer
Subroutine: set_ijout. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

k : integer
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

k : integer
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

k : integer
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

k : integer
Subroutine: setbak. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

k : integer
Subroutine: setdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

k : integer
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

k : integer
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

k : integer
Subroutine: setqva. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

k : integer
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

k : integer
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

k : integer
Subroutine: sjl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

k : integer
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

k : integer
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

k : integer
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

k : integer
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

k : integer
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

k : integer
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

k : integer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

k : integer
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

k : integer
Subroutine: swfrac. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
is grid box containing point
k : integer
Subroutine: threeptquadinterpolation. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

k : integer
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

k : integer
Subroutine: tsf_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

k : integer
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

k : integer
Subroutine: upddst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

k : integer
Subroutine: updsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

k : integer, integer
Subroutine: vntrp1. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

k : integer
Subroutine: wave_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

k : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

k : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

k : integer
Subroutine: z121. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

k0 : integer
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k1 : integer
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

k1 : integer, dimension(im-1)
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

k1 : integer
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k1 : integer
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

k1 : integer
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k1 : integer
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k1 : integer
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

k1 : integer*4
Subroutine: otj_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

k1 : integer
Subroutine: pout_jc. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

k1 : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

k1 : integer
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

k1 : integer*4
Subroutine: strmjl_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

k1 : integer, integer
Subroutine: vntrp1. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

k1d : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

k2 : integer
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

k2 : integer, dimension(im-1)
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

k2 : integer
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

k2 : real(r8)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

k2 : integer
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

k2 : integer*4
Subroutine: otj_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

k2 : integer
Subroutine: pout_jc. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

k2 : integer*4
Subroutine: strmjl_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

k_boltzmann : used from constant
Global variable . Module: NONE. File:

k_max : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 500.d0
ka : integer
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ka : integer
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ka : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

kaeros : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

kagc : integer, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of latitude-height General Circulation diags
kagc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: alloc_gc_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

kagc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

kagc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

kagc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

kagcx : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of accumulated+derived GC diagnostics
Initial Value = 82+21+100
kagcx : used from gc_com
Subroutine: jkjl_titlex. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kaij : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of AIJ diagnostics
Initial Value = 415 + 350 + 2*280
kaij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

kaij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

kaij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

kaijk : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of lat/lon constant pressure diagnostics
Initial Value = 15
kaijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

kaijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

kaijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

kaijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kaijl : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of AIJL accumulations
Initial Value = 20
kaijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

kaijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

kaijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kaijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

kaijl : integer
Subroutine: open_ijl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

kaijmm : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
maximum number of AIJ min/max diagnostics
Initial Value = 10
kaijmm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

kailx : integer, parameter
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = 15
kaj : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of accumulated zonal budget diagnostics
Initial Value = 85
kaj : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

kaj : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kaj : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

kaj : used from diag_com
Subroutine: pout_j. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

kajl : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of AJL diagnostics
Initial Value = 77
kajl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

kajl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

kanorm : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
if > 0 renormalize aerosols,cloud albedos
Initial Value = 0
kapa : used from constant
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

kapa : used from constant
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

kapa : used from constant
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

kapa : used from constant
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

kapa : used from constant
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kapa : used from constant
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

kapa : used from constant
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

kapa : used from constant
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

kapa : used from constant
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kapa : used from constant
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

kapa : used from constant
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kapa : used from constant
Subroutine: matop. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

kapa : used from constant
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

kapa : used from constant
Subroutine: set_t_level_giss. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

kapa : used from constant
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

kappa : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
Initial Value = 0.4
kappa : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Von Karman constant
Initial Value = 0.40d0
kappa : used from socpbl
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

kappa : used from socpbl
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

kappa : used from socpbl
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

kappa : used from socpbl
Subroutine: l_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

kappam3d : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

kasjl : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of ASJL diagnostics
Initial Value = 5
kasjl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

kb : integer
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

kb : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

kb : integer
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

kb : integer
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

kb : integer
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

kbasin : integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
integer index of which basin a particular ocean point is in
kbasin : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

kbasin : used from odiag
Subroutine: obasin. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

kbasin : used from odiag
Subroutine: otj_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = >kbasin_glob
kbasin : used from odiag
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

kbasin : used from odiag
Subroutine: strmjl_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = >kbasin_glob
kbasin_glob : integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

kbasin_glob : used from odiag
Subroutine: obasin. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

kbasin_glob : used from odiag
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

kbl : integer
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
index of first grid level below hbl
kbl : integer
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
index of first grid level below hbl
kbl : integer
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

kbl : integer
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

kbyrhoz : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

kc : integer
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

kc : real*8, dimension(0:lmo+1)
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
vertical passive scalar diffusivity (m**2/s)
kc : integer
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

kcforn : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1
kcl : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

kcldem : real*8::ecltra=1.;integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
scales,enables full cloud scattering correction
Initial Value = 1
kcldem : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kcldep : real*8::epscon=0.;integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
KCLDEP=0->CLDEPS=0, 1->=EPSCON, 2->as is, 3,4->isccp
Initial Value = 4
kcldep : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kcmx : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
actual number of conservation diagnostics
Initial Value = 25
kcmx : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kcmx : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

kcnorm : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
if > 0 renormalize aerosols,cloud albedos
Initial Value = 0
kcol : integer
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kcolmn : integer
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kcon : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of conservation diagnostics
Initial Value = 170
kcon : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

kcon : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kcon : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

kcon : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

kcopy : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
: if 1 => acc, if 3 => +od are saved
Initial Value = 1
kcopy : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

kcopy : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_model. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

kcopy : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

kcount : integer
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

kcself : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1
kd : integer
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kd : integer
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kd : real*8, dimension(nlt)
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

kd : integer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

kd : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: scale_ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kd911 : integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
emergency directions for river flow
kd911 : used from lakes
Subroutine: alloc_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

kd911 : used from lakes
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

kdd : integer
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
total number of sub-daily diags
kddmax : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
maximum number of sub-daily diags output files
Initial Value = 55
kddunit : integer
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
total number of sub-daily files
kdeliq : integer, dimension(LX, 4)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Flag for dry(0) or wet(1) air deliquescence
kdeliq : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kdiag : integer, dimension(13), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
array of flags to control diagnostics printout
kdiag : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kdiag : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kdiag : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kdiag : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

kdiag : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kdiag : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kdiag : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kdiag : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

kdiag : used from diag_com
Subroutine: initdiagj. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

kdiag : integer, dimension(13)
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

kdiag : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_diags. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kdiag_sv : integer, dimension(13)
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

kdiag_sv : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

kdiag_sv : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

kdirec : integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
directions for river flow
kdirec : used from lakes
Subroutine: alloc_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

kdirec : used from lakes
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

kdisk : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
next rsf (fort.)1 or 2 to be written to
Initial Value = 1
kdisk : used from model_com
Subroutine: checkpointmodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

kdisk : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: find_later_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

kdisk : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

kdisk : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

kdisk_restart : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

kdisk_restart : integer
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

kdn : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

kdn : integer
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kdread : integer
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

kdread : integer
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ke : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
transport coefficient for the turbulent kinetic energy.
ke : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

ke : real*8, dimension(imh+1, nspher)
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ke : real*8, dimension(imh+1, nspher)
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ke : real*8, dimension(imh+1, nspher)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ke : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
turbulent diffusivity for e
ke : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profile of turbulent diffusion in eqn for e
ke : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(out)
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
turbulent diffusivity for e equation
ke : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ke : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
turbulent diffusivity for e
ke : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ke : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ke_jsum : real*8, dimension(imh+1, nspher)
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ke_jsum : real*8, dimension(imh+1, nspher)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ke_part : real*8, dimension(imh+1, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, nspher)
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ke_part : real*8, dimension(imh+1, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, nspher)
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ke_part : real*8, dimension(imh+1, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, nspher)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

kea : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
KE on the A grid (m^2/s^2)
kea : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

kea : used from atm_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

kea : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: calc_kea_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

kea : used from atm_com
Subroutine: dissip. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

keep10 :
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
if =10 N2 is kept, not repartitioned (only if MRELAY>0)
keepal : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
if 0, SRBALB,SRXALB are computed in SET/GETSUR
Initial Value = 0
keepal : integer
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

keepal : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

keeprh : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
if 0: find RH from SH, 1: find SH from RH, 2: keep both
Initial Value = 2
keij : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: gettotalenergy. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

kej : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

kemin : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 1.5d-5
kep : integer
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of lat/height E-P flux diagnostics
kep : used from gc_com
Subroutine: alloc_gc_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

kep : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

kep : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kep : integer
Subroutine: get_kep. Module: NONE. File: STRAT_DUM.F90

key : logical
Subroutine: bbw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

key : logical
Subroutine: get_aw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

key : logical
Subroutine: kw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

key : logical
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

keyct : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
next index in KEYNR to be used (1->nkeymo)
Initial Value = 1
keyct : used from diag_com
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

keyct : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_longacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

keyct : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

keyct : used from diag_com
Subroutine: keyij2. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

keyct : used from diag_com
Subroutine: new_io_longacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

keyct : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_diags. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_PRT.f

keymax : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

keynr : integer, dimension(nkeynr, nkeymo), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
time-series of key numbers
Initial Value = 0
keynr : used from diag_com
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

keynr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_longacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

keynr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

keynr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: keyij2. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

keynr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: new_io_longacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

keynr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_diags. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kf : integer
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kf : integer
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kg : integer
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

kg2mb : used from constant
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

kg2mb : used from constant
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

kg2mb : used from constant
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

kg2mb : used from constant
Subroutine: matop. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

kggvdf : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
control parameters for vertical GHG profiles
Initial Value = 0
kggvdf : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kghgzd : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1
kghgzd : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kgrid : integer
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

kgridc : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 0
kgridc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

kgride : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 4
kgride : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

kgtaur : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

kgx : integer, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

kgz : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of pressure levels for some diags
Initial Value = 13
kgz : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

kgz : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kgz : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

kgz_max : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
is the actual number of geopotential heights saved
kgz_max : used from diag_com
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

kgz_max : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

kgz_max : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

kgz_max : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kgz_max : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

kgz_max_array : real(kind=8), allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
three-dimensional array for diagnostics on pressure levels
kgz_max_suffixes : character(len=8), allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
array of names for subdd-diagnostic on pressure levels
kh : real(r8), dimension(N_Kh)
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f
: horizontal wave number grid
kh : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
turbulent thermometric conductivity. computed
kh : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

kh : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
turbulent diffusivity for t,q
kh : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profile of turbulent conductivity
kh : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(out)
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
turbulent conductivity for t and q equations
kh : real*8, dimension(0:lmo+1)
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
vertical heat diffusivity (m**2/s)
kh : used from unrdrag_com
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

kh : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

kh : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
turbulent diffusivity for scalars (heat, moisture,...)
kh : real(r8), intent(in)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

kh : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

kh : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

kh : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profile of heat conductivity
kh : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profile of heat conductivity
kh :
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profile of turbulent conductivity
kh :
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profile of turbulent conductivity
khbg : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

khem : integer
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

khi : integer
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

khi : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = 1d7
khimax : integer
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

khl : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

khmin : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 2.5d-5
khmin : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
Initial Value = 2.5d-5
khp : real*8, save, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

khp : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

khp : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

khq :
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= moist transport coefficient at ZGS (m**2/s)
khq :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= moist transport coefficient at ZGS (m**2/s)
khs : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= heat transport coefficient at ZGS (m**2/s)
khs : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

khs :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= heat transport coefficient at ZGS (m**2/s)
khs : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: tfix. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

khsavg : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
vertical diffusivity at "surface" height (m2/s)
khtd : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

khv : real*8, save, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

khv : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

khv : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ki : integer
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ki : integer
Subroutine: ddmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ki : integer
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

kicij : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
Initial Value = 6
kicij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn_com. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

kicij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

kiextnir1 : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: solar_ice_frac. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
ice extinction coeff. for vis and nir (1/m)
Initial Value = 18.d0
kiextvis : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: solar_ice_frac. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
ice extinction coeff. for vis and nir (1/m)
Initial Value = 1.5d0
kijhc : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f
number of ijhc accumulations
Initial Value = 15
kijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

kijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

kim : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: WSPDF_MOD. File: PBL_DRV.f
dimension 1 of lookup table for mean surface wind speed integration
Initial Value = 234
kim : used from wspdf_mod
Subroutine: get_wspdf. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

kindex : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

kjdaya : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
kjdaya : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kjdayd : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
kjdayd : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kjdaye : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
kjdaye : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kjdayg : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
kjdayg : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kjdayg : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kjdayo : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
kjdayo : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kjdayr : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
kjdayr : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kjdays : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
kjdays : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kjdayv : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
kjdayv : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kjdayx :
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
if both are 0 : data are updated to current yr/day
kjm : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: WSPDF_MOD. File: PBL_DRV.f
dimension 2 of lookup table for mean surface wind speed integration
Initial Value = 234
kjm : used from wspdf_mod
Subroutine: get_wspdf. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: diurn_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: gc_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: ijl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: jkjl_titlex. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: jl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: open_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: pout_jc. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: sjl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: wave_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

kk : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

kk_water : integer
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

kki : integer
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

kkzsno : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

kl : integer
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

kl : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

kl : integer
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

klatz0 : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
control parameters for vertical GHG profiles
Initial Value = 1
klatz0 : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

klayer : integer, dimension(lm), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
index for dividing up atmosphere into layers for spec.anal.
klayer : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

klayer : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

klayer : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

klayer : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

klayer : used from gc_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

klen : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

klev : used from resolution
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f
Initial Value = >lm
klimit : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

kliq : integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Flag indicating dry(0)/wet(1) atmosphere (memory feature)
kliq : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

kliq : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kliq_glob : integer, dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

klmax : integer
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

klmax : integer
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

klmax : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
max level to output
klmax : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_jl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
max level to output
klmax : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_wp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
variables required by pout_jl
klo : integer
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

klo : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = 1d3
km : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
length of input array; to change KM => rewrite module !!!
Initial Value = 72
km : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
is max number of KPP layers
Initial Value = LMO
km : integer*4, parameter
Global variable . Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f
length of input array; to change KM => rewrite module !!!
Initial Value = 72
km : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
turbulent momentum tranport coefficient.
km : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

km : integer
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

km : integer, parameter
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f
Initial Value = 6
km : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

km : integer
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

km : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
turbulent viscosity for u and v equations
km : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profile of turbulent viscosity
km : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(out)
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
turbulent viscosity for u and v equations
km : real*8, dimension(0:lmo+1)
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
vertical momentun diffusivity (m**2/s)
km : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

km : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
turbulent diffusivity for momentun
km : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

km : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

km : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

km : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profile of turbulent viscosity
km : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profile of turbulent viscosity
km : integer, integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: vntrp1. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

km : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: z121. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

km_3d : real*8, dimension(lm, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

kmap : integer, dimension(3)
Subroutine: set_ijout. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kmaplets : integer
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kmax : integer
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
index for surrounding velocity
kmax : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
max of diffusivities, (m^2/s)
Initial Value = 100.
kmax : integer
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

kmax : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

kmax : integer
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kmax : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
Initial Value = 600.d0
kmax : integer
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
minimum of LSRPD and kmtj, used in swfrac
kmax : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_j. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

kmax : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_jc. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

kmax : integer
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

kmax : integer
Subroutine: swfrac. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
is the number of grid points that recieve solar radiation
kmax_nonpolar : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

kmaxj : integer, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
varying number of adjacent velocity points
kmaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

kmaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

kmaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

kmaxj : used from geom
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

kmbg : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

kmin : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
min of diffusivities, (m^2/s)
Initial Value = 1d-3
kmin : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

kml : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

kmld : integer
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

kmmin : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 1.5d-5
kmmin : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
Initial Value = 1.5d-5
kmrh : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

kms : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= momentum transport coefficient at ZGS (m**2/s)
kms : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= momentum transport coefficient at ZGS (m**2/s)
kmtd : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

kmtj : integer
Subroutine: ddmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

kmtj : integer
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
number of vertical layers on this row
kmtj : integer
Subroutine: swfrac. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
is number of grid points in column
kmtj : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: z121. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

kmtrop : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

kmuv : integer
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

kmzin : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

kn : integer
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

kn : integer
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kn : integer
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

kn1 : integer
Subroutine: updsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

kn2 : integer, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
: Where kn2>0, the index pair k,n [k=1,2;n=1,nmst] corresponds
kn2 : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

kn2 : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

kn2 : integer
Subroutine: updsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

kndex : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kndiu : integer
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kndiu : integer
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

koa : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of diagnostics needed for ocean heat transp. calcs
Initial Value = 13
koa : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

koa : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

koa : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

koa : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

koa : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

koa : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

kocean : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
: if 0 => specified, if 1 => predicted ocean
Initial Value = 1
kocean : used from model_com
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

kocean : used from model_com
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

kocean : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

kocean : used from model_com
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

kocean : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

kocean : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_model. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

kocean : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

kocean : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

kocean : used from model_com
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

kocean : used from model_com
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

kocean : used from model_com
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

kocean : used from model_com
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

koff : integer
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

koij : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 71
koijl : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 42
koijl : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

koijmm : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 11
kojl : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
(number of qtys having) zonal sums/means over basins
Initial Value = 5*NBAS
kol : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 6
kolnst : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 14
korder : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
controls WRITER-output (Mie-scattering info)
Initial Value = 0
kotj : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 4*4*3
kp : integer
Subroutine: alphagsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

kp : integer
Subroutine: betagsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

kp : integer
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kp : integer
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kp : integer
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

kp : integer
Subroutine: hetgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

kp : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_diurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

kp : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_hdiurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

kp : integer
Subroutine: shcgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

kp : integer
Subroutine: temgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

kp : integer
Subroutine: volgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

kpage : integer
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kpage : integer
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kpage : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

kpfco2 : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
if > 0 scale CO2,O3 to stand. vertical profile
Initial Value = 0
kpfozo : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
if > 0 scale CO2,O3 to stand. vertical profile
Initial Value = 0
kpgrad : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
control parameters for vertical GHG profiles
Initial Value = 1
kpgrad : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kpl : used from kpp_com
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

kpl : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: KPP_COM. File: OCNKPP.f

kpl : integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
level to which mixed layer descends (1)
kpl : used from gm_com
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

kpl : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

kpl : used from gm_com
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

kpl : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

kpl : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

kq : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

kq : integer
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

kq : integer
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

kq : integer
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kq : integer
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kq : integer
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kq : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(out)
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

kq : integer
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

kq : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

kq : integer*4, intent(in)
Subroutine: otj_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

kq : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

kq : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profile of moisture diffusivity
kq : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profile of moisture diffusivity
kq : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

kq : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profile of moisture diffusivity
kq : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profile of specific humidity
kq : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: tr_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profile of moisture diffusivity
kqmax : integer, parameter
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f
Initial Value = 12
kqmin : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 2.5d-5
kqs : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
surface value of kq
kqs : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

kr : integer
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

kr : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
index for regional diagnostics
kr : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

kr : integer
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kr : integer
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kr : integer
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

kr : integer
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

kr : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kr : integer
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

kr : integer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

kr : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

kr : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

kr1 : integer
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kr1 : integer
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kr1 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_diurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

kr1 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_hdiurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

kr2 : integer
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kr2 : integer
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kr2 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_diurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

kr2 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_hdiurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

kradia : integer
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
if -1 save data for, if 1|2 do inst|adj forcing run
Initial Value = 0
kradia : used from atm_com
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

kradia : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kradia : used from atm_com
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

kradia : used from atm_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kradia : used from atm_com
Subroutine: reset_adiag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

krat : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

krhdtk : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
if 1, RHlevel for deliquescence is temperature dependent
Initial Value = 1
krhtra : integer, dimension(ITRMAX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
(ITRMAX) 0/1 to make tracer aerosols rel.humid dependent
Initial Value = 1
krhtra : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

krow : integer
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

krsf : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
: .rsf is written at beginning of every KRSF months
Initial Value = 120
krsf : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

krsf : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_model. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

ks : integer
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

ks : integer
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ks : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ks : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ks : integer
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

ks : real*8, dimension(0:lmo+1)
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
vertical salinity diffusivity (m**2/s)
ks1 : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ks1 : integer
Subroutine: updsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

ks2 : integer
Subroutine: updsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

ksave : integer
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ksave : integer
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ksbg : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

ksextnir1 : real*8
Subroutine: solar_ice_frac. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
snow extinction coeff. for vis and nir (1/m)
ksextvis : real*8
Subroutine: solar_ice_frac. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
snow extinction coeff. for vis and nir (1/m)
ksialb : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
ksialb : integer
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

ksialb : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ksl : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

kslam : integer, parameter, dimension(16)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/1,1,2,2,5,5,5,5,1,1,1,3,4,6,6,1/)
kslamw : integer, parameter, dimension(16)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/ 1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 5, 5, 5, 1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 6, 6, 1/)
ksnorm : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
rescale UV spectral flux distribution
Initial Value = 0
ksolar : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
controls which data are used: <0 Thekaekara, else Lean:
Initial Value = 1
ksolar : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kspeca : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of spectral diagnostics, and harmonics used
Initial Value = 20
kspeca : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

kspeca : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kspher : integer
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kspher : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

kspher : integer
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

kspher : integer
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kspher : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

kstd : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

ksub : integer
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
number, 1/number of subsidence iterations
ksx : integer
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ksx : integer
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kt : integer
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

kt : integer
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

kt : integer
Subroutine: swfrac. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ktable : integer
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ktd : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of diurnal temperature diagnostics
Initial Value = 9
ktd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ktd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

kterpl : integer
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ktpe : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of spectral diagnostics for pot. enthalpy
Initial Value = 8
ktpe : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ktrend : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
if > 0 table GHG concentrations (Trend G) are used for
Initial Value = 1
ktrend : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ktsf : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of freezing temperature diagnostics
Initial Value = 4
ktsf : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ktsf : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ku : integer
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ku : integer
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

kufco2 : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
H2O,CO2 column absorb.scaling
Initial Value = 1
kufh2o : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
H2O,CO2 column absorb.scaling
Initial Value = 1
kunit : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: ent_read_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

kunit : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: ent_read_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

kunit : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: ent_write_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

kunit : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: ent_write_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

kunit : integer
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

kunit : integer
Subroutine: init_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

kunit : integer
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f
unit number of read/write
kunit : integer
Subroutine: io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
unit number of read/write
kunit : integer
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f
unit number of read/write
kunit : integer
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f
unit number of read/write
kunit : integer
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
unit number of read/write
kunit : integer
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
unit number of read/write
kunit : integer
Subroutine: io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f
unit number of read/write
kunit : integer
Subroutine: io_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f
unit number of read/write
kunit : integer
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
unit number of read/write
kunit : integer
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f
unit number of read/write
kunit : integer
Subroutine: open_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

kunit : integer
Subroutine: write_data. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

kup : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

kup : integer
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kuv : integer
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

kuvfac : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
rescale UV spectral flux distribution
Initial Value = 0
kvflxo : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
if 1 => vert.fluxes into ocean are saved daily
Initial Value = 0
kvflxo : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

kvflxo : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

kvflxo : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

kvflxo : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

kvlake : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
lake diffusion constant at mixed layer depth (m^2/s)
Initial Value = 1d-5
kw : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

kw : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

kw_out : real*8, dimension(size_arr), intent(out)
Subroutine: kw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

kw_out : real*8, dimension(nlt)
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

kwp : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of wave power diagnostics
Initial Value = 12
kwp : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

kwru : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

kwru : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

kwskip : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

kwt : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

kwtrab : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
controls WRITER-output (Mie-scattering info)
Initial Value = 0
kwvcon : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
ON/OFF flag for water vapor continuum absorption
Initial Value = 1
kx : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

kx : integer
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

kx : integer
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

kxlb : integer
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kxlb : integer
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

kxpyv : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

kxtrap : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: spline. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

kxtrap : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

kxtrap : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

kxvyp : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ky : integer
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

kyeara : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
kyeara : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kyeard : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
kyeard : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kyeare : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
kyeare : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kyearg : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
kyearg : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kyearg : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kyearo : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
kyearo : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kyearr : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
kyearr : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kyears : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
kyears : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kyearv : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
kyearv : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kyearv : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

kyearx :
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
if both are 0 : data are updated to current yr/day
kypxp : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

kyvxv : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

kz : real*8
Subroutine: e_les. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

kz : real*8
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

kz : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

kz : real*8
Subroutine: l_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

kzsnow : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
=1 for snow/ice albedo zenith angle dependence
Initial Value = 1
kzsnow : integer
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

kzsnow : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l : integer
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

l : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

l : integer
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

l : integer
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

l : integer
Subroutine: aadvqz2_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

l : integer
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

l : integer
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

l : integer
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

l : integer
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

l : integer
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

l : integer
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: addenergyasdiffuseheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

l : integer
Subroutine: addenergyaslocalheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

l : integer
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

l : integer
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

l : integer
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

l : integer
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f
loop variables
l : integer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

l : integer
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

l : integer
Subroutine: alloc_pbl_com. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

l : integer
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

l : integer
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

l : integer
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

l : integer
Subroutine: avg_patches_pbl_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

l : integer
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

l : integer
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports_gla. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

l : integer
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfstate_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

l : integer
Subroutine: avg_replicated_duv_to_vgrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

l : integer
Subroutine: calc_amp. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

l : integer
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f
loop variables
l : integer
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

l : integer
Subroutine: calc_derived_aijk. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

l : integer
Subroutine: calc_kea_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

l : integer
Subroutine: calc_pijl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

l : integer
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

l : integer
Subroutine: calc_vert_amp. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

l : integer
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

l : integer
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: checkost. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

l : integer
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

l : integer
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

l : integer
Subroutine: compute_mass_flux_diags. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: compute_wsave. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

l : integer
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

l : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
loop variables
l : integer
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

l : integer
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

l : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_oke. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

l : integer
Subroutine: conserv_wm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

l : integer
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l : integer
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

l : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

l : integer
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: diag5f. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

l : integer
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

l : integer
Subroutine: diag_msu. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

l : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

l : integer
Subroutine: diaga0. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

l : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

l : integer
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

l : integer
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

l : integer
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

l : integer
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

l : integer
Subroutine: diurn_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

l : integer
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
loop variable
l : integer
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variables
l : integer
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variables
l : integer
Subroutine: find_pbl_top. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

l : integer
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variables
l : integer
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: get_cld_overlap. Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

l : integer
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

l : integer
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

l : integer
Subroutine: get_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

l : integer
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

l : integer
Subroutine: getdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

l : integer
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
loop variable
l : integer
Subroutine: geteps. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

l : integer
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l : integer
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

l : integer
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

l : integer
Subroutine: gissmix_init. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

l : integer
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

l : integer
Subroutine: gmkdif. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

l : integer
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

l : integer
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

l : integer
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

l : integer
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

l : integer
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

l : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_ajl. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
atm gridpoint indices for the accumulation
l : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_ajl2. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
atm gridpoint indices for the accumulation
l : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_asjl. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
atm gridpoint indices for the accumulation
l : integer
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

l : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

l : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l : integer
Subroutine: init_sdrag. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

l : integer
Subroutine: init_solar. Module: SW2OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

l : integer
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

l : integer
Subroutine: init_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

l : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

l : integer
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

l : integer
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

l : integer
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

l : integer
Subroutine: jl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

l : integer
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

l : integer
Subroutine: keyjkj. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

l : integer
Subroutine: keyjls. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

l : integer
Subroutine: keynrl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

l : integer
Subroutine: kmixinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

l : integer
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
loop variables
l : integer
Subroutine: matop. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

l : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
index for layer
l : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_precip_phase. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
index for layer and the convective base layer
l : integer
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

l :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
loop variables
l : integer
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

l : integer
Subroutine: new_io_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

l : integer
Subroutine: new_io_param. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

l : integer
Subroutine: oabfilx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvm. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: oadvt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: oadvt2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

l : integer
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

l : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

l : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

l : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

l : integer
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

l : integer
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

l : integer
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

l : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

l : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

l : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

l : integer
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

l : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer*4
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer*4
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

l : integer*4
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

l : integer
Subroutine: ocoast. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

l : integer*4
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

l : integer*4
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

l : integer
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer*4
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer*4
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

l : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

l : integer
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

l : integer*4
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer*4
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer*4, intent(in)
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

l : integer*4
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer*4
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: ovdiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

l : integer
Subroutine: ovdiffs. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

l : integer*4
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: perturb_temps. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

l : integer
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variab.
l : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

l : integer
Subroutine: pout_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

l : integer
Subroutine: pout_jl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

l : integer
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

l : integer
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variables
l : integer
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

l : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l : integer
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

l : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

l : integer
Subroutine: read_msu_wts. Module: MSU_WTS_MOD. File: DIAG.f

l : integer
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

l : integer
Subroutine: relayer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

l : integer
Subroutine: replicate_uv_to_agrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: run_radonly. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l : integer
Subroutine: scale_ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

l : integer
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
(P)SDRAG lowest level at which SDRAG_lin is applied (near poles)
l : integer
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

l : integer
Subroutine: set_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

l : integer
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

l : integer
Subroutine: setbak. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

l : integer
Subroutine: setdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

l : integer
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

l : integer
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

l : integer
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

l : integer
Subroutine: simelt. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

l : integer
Subroutine: solar_ice_frac. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

l : integer
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

l : integer
Subroutine: stable. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

l : integer
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

l : integer
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

l : integer
Subroutine: stbdra. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

l : integer
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

l : integer
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

l : integer*4
Subroutine: strmij. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

l : integer
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

l : integer*4, intent(in)
Subroutine: strmjl_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

l : integer
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

l : integer
Subroutine: swfrac. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

l : integer
Subroutine: tice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

l : integer
Subroutine: tq_zmom_init. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

l : integer
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

l : integer
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

l : integer
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

l : integer
Subroutine: upddst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

l : integer
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

l : integer
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

l : integer
Subroutine: updsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

l : integer*4
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

l : integer, integer
Subroutine: vntrp1. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

l : integer
Subroutine: wrapadjustfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

l : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

l : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

l : integer
Subroutine: zstep. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

l0 : real*8
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

l0 : real*8
Subroutine: getl1. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

l0 : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
constant length scale within obl
l0 : real*8
Subroutine: l_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

l1 : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
highest and lowest above ground layer
l1 : real*8
Subroutine: getl1. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

l1 : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
length scale before reduced by stable buoyancy
l1 : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l1_rtau : integer
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
lowest layer at which to apply linear_sdrag
l1_rtau : used from dynamics
Subroutine: init_sdrag. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

l1_rtau : used from dynamics
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

l1min : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
minimum of l1 below obl
Initial Value = 3.d0
l2 : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
length scale after reduced by stable buoyancy
l2min : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
minimum of l2
Initial Value = .05d0
l300 : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

l50 : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

l850 : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

l_aerosol_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_aerosol_lw : used from lw_control
Subroutine: init_planet_rad. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

l_aerosol_lw : used from lw_control
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_aerosol_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_aerosol_sw : used from sw_control
Subroutine: init_planet_rad. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

l_aerosol_sw : used from sw_control
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_allow_cont_major : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_major_abs. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

l_cfc11_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_cfc11_lw : used from lw_control
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_cfc11_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .FALSE.
l_cfc11_sw : used from sw_control
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_cfc12_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_cfc12_lw : used from lw_control
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_cfc12_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .FALSE.
l_cfc12_sw : used from sw_control
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_ch4_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_ch4_lw : used from lw_control
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_ch4_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_ch4_sw : used from sw_control
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_clear_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .FALSE.
l_clear_lw : used from lw_control
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_clear_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .FALSE.
l_clear_sw : used from sw_control
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_cloud : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_cloud_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_cloud_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_co2_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_co2_lw : used from lw_control
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_co2_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_co2_sw : used from sw_control
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_cont_gen_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_cont_gen_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_continuum_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_continuum_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_drop_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_drop_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_gas_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_gas_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_global_cloud_top_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .FALSE.
l_global_cloud_top_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .FALSE.
l_ice_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_ice_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_ir_source_quad_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_microphysics_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_microphysics_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_min : integer
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f
l_min : used from unrdrag_com
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

l_n2o_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_n2o_lw : used from lw_control
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_n2o_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_n2o_sw : used from sw_control
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_no2_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .FALSE.
l_no2_lw : used from lw_control
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_no2_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .FALSE.
l_no2_sw : used from sw_control
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_o2_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .FALSE.
l_o2_lw : used from lw_control
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_o2_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_o2_sw : used from sw_control
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_o3_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_o3_lw : used from lw_control
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_o3_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_o3_sw : used from sw_control
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_orog_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .FALSE.
l_rayleigh_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_rescale_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_rescale_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_rho : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

l_rho : used from odiag
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

l_rossby_number : real*8, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
length scale for budget-page Rossby number
Initial Value = 1d6
l_salt : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

l_salt : used from odiag
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

l_so2_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_so2_lw : used from lw_control
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_so2_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_so2_sw : used from sw_control
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

l_solar_tail_flux_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .FALSE.
l_solvar_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .FALSE.
l_temp : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

l_temp : used from odiag
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

l_tile_lw : logical
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_tile_sw : logical
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90
Initial Value = .TRUE.
l_uniform_ghg : logical
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = .FALSE.
l_xxx :
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Names for OL diagnostics
la720 : integer
Global variable . Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f
Initial Value = 3
laidata : real*8, dimension(n_covertypes, i0:i1, j0:j1)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

laidata : real*8, dimension(n_covertypes, i0:i1, j0:j1)
Subroutine: update_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

lake_rise_max : real*8
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
amount of lake rise (m) over sill level before
Initial Value = 1d2
lake_rise_max : used from lakes
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

lakeice : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: conserv_lhsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = >si_atm
lakeice : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: conserv_lmsi. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = >si_atm
lakeice : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = >si_atm
lakeice : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = >si_atm
lakeice : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = >si_atm
lakeice : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = >si_atm
lakeice : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = >si_atm
lakeice : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = >si_atm
lam : integer, dimension(nlt), protected
Global variable . Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

lam : real*8
Subroutine: daily_orbit. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lam : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: deltasst. Module: NONE. File: PBL.f
coefficient (non-dim)
Initial Value = 2.4d0
lam : real*8, dimension(nlt)
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

lam8 : real*8, dimension(nlt)
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

lambda : integer
Subroutine: init. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

land_co2_bc : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
CO2 concentration (ppm) to be used by Land Surfacw
Initial Value = 280.d0
land_co2_bc_flag : integer
Global variable . Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
type of CO2 BC to be used by Land Surface
Initial Value = 1
last : real*8, save
Subroutine: timer. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f
last CPU time
Initial Value = 0
lastvc : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
if >= 0 picks sample atmosph. and ground data, OFFLINE only
Initial Value = -123456
lat : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
latitude of gridbox (radians)
lat : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
latitude of mid point of primary grid box (radians)
lat : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

lat : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

lat1 : real*8
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

lat1 : real*8
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

lat2d : real*8, public, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

lat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

lat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

lat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

lat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

lat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

lat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

lat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

lat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

lat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

lat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

lat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: update_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

lat2d_dg : real*8, public, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

lat2d_dg : used from geom
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lat2d_dg : used from geom
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

lat2d_dg : used from geom
Subroutine: set_j_budg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

lat_budg : real*8, dimension(jm_budg), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
latitudes of budget grid
lat_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lat_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lat_budg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_wtbudg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

lat_dg : used from geom
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lat_dg : real*8, public, dimension(jm, 2)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
latitude of mid points of primary and sec. grid boxs (deg)
lat_dg : real*8, dimension(jmmax, 2)
Global variable . Module: GISSOUT. File: POUT.f
latitude of mid points of primary and sec. grid boxs (deg)
lat_dg : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

lat_dg : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

lat_dg : used from geom
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lat_dg : used from geom
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lat_dg : used from geom
Subroutine: gc_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

lat_dg : used from geom
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

lat_dg : used from geom
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lat_dg : used from icedyn
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

lat_dg : used from geom
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lat_dg : used from geom
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

lat_dg : used from geom
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lat_dg : used from geom
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lat_dg : used from geom
Subroutine: keyij2. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lat_dg : used from geom
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lat_dg_gcm : real*8, intent(in), dimension(jm_gcm)
Subroutine: open_j. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
latitude of mid points of grid boxs (deg)
lat_dg_gcm : real*8, intent(in), dimension(jm_gcm)
Subroutine: open_jc. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
latitude of mid points of grid boxs (deg)
lat_dg_gcm : real*8, intent(in), dimension(jm_gcm, 2)
Subroutine: open_jl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
latitude of mid points of grid boxs (deg)
lat_dg_gcm : real*8, intent(in), dimension(jm_gcm, 2)
Subroutine: open_wp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
the "horizontal" coordinate for pout_jl
lat_gc : real*8, dimension(jmlat), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
latitudes of the primary grid for GC diagnostics
lat_gc2 : real*8, dimension(jmlat), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

lat_rvr : real*4, dimension(nrvrmx)
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

lat_targ : real*8
Subroutine: geom_1pt. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lat_to_j : integer
Subroutine: lat_to_j. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

latb : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

latb : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

latf : integer
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

latht : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
latent heat flux accumulation (J/m^2)
latitd : character*8, dimension(4)
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = (/ 'SOUTHERN','NORTHERN',' EQUATOR','45 NORTH'/)
latl : integer
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

latn : real*8
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f
LATitude in radians at North edge of primary cell
latr : integer
Subroutine: getveg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lats : real*8
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f
LATitude in radians at South edge of primary cell
latv : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
latitude of southern edge of primary grid box (radians)
lav : integer
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

lav : integer*4
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

lavm : integer*4
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

lb : real*8
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

lbase_max : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

lbase_min : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
/max levels through which to apply turbulence (dummy)
lbot : integer
Subroutine: kmixinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lbotcl : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
bottom and top cloud level (lbot < ltop)
lboundglobal : integer, intent(in), dimension(2)
Subroutine: sparsecommunicator. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

lboundlocal : integer, intent(in), dimension(2)
Subroutine: sparsecommunicator. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

lcp : integer, dimension(lmxmax)
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lcsdrag : integer
Subroutine: init_sdrag. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

lcstr : integer, parameter
Subroutine: new_io_param. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f
Initial Value = 1500
lcyc : integer
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
Initial Value = 1
ld : integer
Subroutine: get_dx_intervals. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ldate : integer
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ldate : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ldbl : integer
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

ldbl : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

ldbl : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: find_pbl_top. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
the (main) layer corresponding to top of pbl
ldbl : integer
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

ldbl : integer
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= layer immediately above dbl
ldbls : integer
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

ldbls : integer
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= layer immediately above dbls
ldd : logical
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
= TRUE for double diffusion
ldd : logical, parameter
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = .false.
ldd : logical, parameter
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = .false.
ldex : integer, dimension(3)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_LOC. File: DIAG.f
model levels for various pressures
ldex : used from diag_loc
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ldmin :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
the lowest layer to which the downdraft descends
ldn : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ldn : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ldn : integer
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ldn : integer, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ldn : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ldna : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_LOC. File: DIAG.f
shorthand for above/below levels
ldna : used from diag_loc
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ldna : used from diag_loc
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ldraft :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
the layer at which the downdraft orginates
ldst : integer, dimension(nmax)
Subroutine: get_dx_intervals. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ldtdz : logical
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

left2 : real*8
Subroutine: icelake_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

left2 : real*8
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

leg : integer
Subroutine: ib_of_legnd. Module: BDIJ. File: DIAG_PRT.f

legend : character(len=40), dimension(25), parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
"contour levels" for ij-maps
Initial Value = (/ '0=0,1=5...9=45,A=50...K=100 ', '0=0...9=90,A=100...I=180...R=270 ', '1=.5...9=4.5,A=5...Z=17.5,+=MORE ', '1=.1...9=.9,A=1...Z=3.5,+=MORE ', '1=2...9=18,A=20...Z=70,+=MORE ', '1=50...9=450,A=500...Z=1750,+=MORE ', '1=100...9=900,A=1000...Z=3500,+=MORE ', '1=20...9=180,A=200...Z=700,+=MORE ', 'A=1...Z=26,3=30...9=90,+=100-150,*=MORE ', '0=0,A=.1...Z=2.6,3=3...9=9,+=10-15 ', '-=LESS,Z=-78...0=0...9=27,+=MORE ', '-=LESS,Z=-260...0=0...9=90,+=MORE ', '-=LESS,Z=-520...0=0...9=180,+=MORE ', '-=LESS,Z=-1300...0=0...9=450,+=MORE ', '-=LESS,Z=-2600...0=0...9=900,+=MORE ', '-=LESS,Z=-3900...0=0...9=1350,+=MORE ', '-=LESS,Z=-5200...0=0...9=1800,+=MORE ', '-=LESS,9=-.9...0=0,A=.1...Z=2.6,+=MORE ', '-=LESS,9=-45...0=0,A=5...I=45...+=MORE ', '-=LESS,9=-90...0=0,A=10...Z=260,+=MORE ', '-=LESS,9=-180...A=20...Z=520,+=MORE ', '-=LESS,9=-9...0=0,A=1...Z=26,+=MORE ', '-=LESS,9=-36...0=0,A=4...Z=104,+=MORE ', '1=5...9=45,A=50...Z=175,+=MORE ', '9=-512...1=-2,0=0,A=2,B=4,C=8...+=MORE '/)
len : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
final length scale
len_month_abbreviation : used from calendarmonth_mod
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

len_month_abbreviation : used from calendarmonth_mod
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

length :
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
of crucial beg of module_headers
lerr : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
error reporting
lerr : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
error reporting
lerr : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
error reports from advection
lerrt :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
error reports from advection
lev : integer, dimension(lm), parameter, private
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
Initial Value = (/ (iii,iii=1,lm) /)
level : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

levmatch : integer, dimension(npoints, ncol)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

lfrc : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lfrz : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
freezing level and maximum iterations
lfrz :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
freezing level
lgrid : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_zstr. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

lgrid : integer
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lgrid_gc : integer, dimension(kagcx), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
idacc-numbers,gridtypes for GC diagnostics
lgrid_ijhc : integer, dimension(kijhc)
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f

lgrid_ijl : integer, dimension(kaijl), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

lgrid_ijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lgrid_ijl : integer, dimension(kaijl)
Subroutine: open_ijl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

lgrid_jl : integer, dimension(kajl), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
idacc-numbers,gridtypes for JL diagnostics
lgrid_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lgrid_oijl : integer, dimension(koijl)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

lgrid_ojl : integer, dimension(kojl)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

lgrid_olnst : integer, dimension(kolnst)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Grid descriptors for OLNST diagnostics
lgs : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

lh : real*8
Subroutine: icelake_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

lh : real*8
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

lh_diags : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
: if 1 accumulate 3D drying & latent heating profiles (default 0)
Initial Value = 0
lh_diags : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lhe : used from constant
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

lhe : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: anvil_optical_thickness. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: gc_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: jl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: mc_precip_phase. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

lhe : used from constant
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

lhead : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
Initial Value = 15
lhead : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

lhead : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

lhead : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

lhead : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

lhead : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

lhead : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

lhead : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

lhead : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

lhead : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

lhead : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

lhi : integer
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
max levels for low, mid and high clouds
lhi : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

lhi : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

lhi : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lhm : used from constant
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

lhm : used from constant
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

lhm : used from constant
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

lhm : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: alami. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: anvil_optical_thickness. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: deidti. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: ei. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: fi. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: heat_to_temperature. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: mc_precip_phase. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: mi. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: temperature_to_heat. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: ti. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

lhm : used from constant
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

lhmv : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: heat_to_temperature. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = lhm*rhow
lhmv : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: temperature_to_heat. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = lhm*rhow
lhp : real*8, dimension(lm+1)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
array of precip phase ! may differ from LHX
lhp : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: mc_precip_phase. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
precip phase
lhp1 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_precip_phase. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction for evaporation, precip phase at L+1
lhs : used from constant
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

lhs : used from constant
Subroutine: anvil_optical_thickness. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

lhs : used from constant
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

lhs : used from constant
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

lhs : used from constant
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lhs : used from constant
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

lhs : used from constant
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

lhs : used from constant
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

lhs : used from constant
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

lhs : used from constant
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lhs : used from constant
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

lhs : used from constant
Subroutine: mc_precip_phase. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

lhs : used from constant
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

lhs : used from constant
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

lhs : used from constant
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lhs : used from constant
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

lhs : used from constant
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

lhs : used from constant
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

lht_ice : real*8
Subroutine: temperature_to_heat. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

lhx : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_dq_cond. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
relevant latent heat
lhx : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_dq_evap. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
relevant latent heat
lhx : real*8
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

lhx : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: moist_adiabat_tq. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
latent heat of phase change
lhx :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
latent heat of evaporation or sublimation (J/Kg)
lhx : real*8
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

lid1 : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

lid1 : integer
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lid2 : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

lid2 : integer
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lijstr : character(len=20)
Subroutine: def_rsf_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

lim_dew : logical
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

lim_dew : logical
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

lim_lake_evap : logical
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

line : character*133, dimension(53)
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
virtual half page (with room for overstrikes)
line : character(len=3), dimension(im)
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

line : character*80
Subroutine: initdiagj. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

line : character*80
Subroutine: jkjl_titlex. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

line : character(len=133), dimension(53)
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

line : character*80
Subroutine: set_ijout. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

linear_sdrag : logical
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
flag whether to use a condition-independent
linear_sdrag : used from dynamics
Subroutine: init_sdrag. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

linear_sdrag : used from dynamics
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

linect : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
= current line on page of print out
linect : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

linect : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

linect : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

linect : used from diag_com
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

linect : used from diag_com
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

linect : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

linect : integer, save
Subroutine: stable. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = 0.
lines : character(len=max_record_length), pointer, dimension(:)
Subroutine: reportprofile. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

linfil : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

lk : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

lke : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: conserv_lke. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

lkm : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: conserv_lkm. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

lkmix : used from lakes
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

lksourc : used from lakes
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ll : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ll : integer
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

ll : integer
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

ll : integer
Subroutine: aadvqz2_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

ll : integer
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

ll : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ll : integer
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ll : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ll : real*8, intent(in), dimension(2)
Subroutine: lonlat_to_ij. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

ll : real*8, intent(in), dimension(2)
Subroutine: lonlat_to_tile. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

ll : integer
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ll1 : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

lldd : real*8, dimension(2, ndiupt), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
(lon,lat)-coords (deg) of boxes w/diurnal cycle diag
lldd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lldimstr : character(len=32)
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

llow : integer
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
max levels for low, mid and high clouds
llow : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

llow : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

llow : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

llow : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f

lm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

lm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

lm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: DIAG_LOC. File: DIAG.f

lm : used from diag_com
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

lm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

lm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

lm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

lm : integer
Global variable . Module: GISSOUT. File: POUT.f
local dimensions set in open_* routines
lm : integer
Global variable . Module: QUSCOM. File: QUS_DRV.f

lm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f

lm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: SOMTQ_COM. File: QUS_COM.f

lm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

lm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

lm : integer*4, parameter
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
= number of dynamical layers
Initial Value = 40
lm : used from diag_com
Global variable . Module: WORKJK. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lm : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

lm : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

lm : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

lm : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

lm : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

lm : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: addenergyasdiffuseheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: addenergyaslocalheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_diag_loc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_drv_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_gc_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_pbl_com. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_smomtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

lm : integer
Subroutine: alloc_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: avg_replicated_duv_to_vgrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_amp. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_derived_aijk. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_kea_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_pijl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_vert_amp. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: compute_mass_flux_diags. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: compute_wsave. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_wm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

lm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: diag5f. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: diag_msu. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: diaga0. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

lm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: get_uv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
3-d grids
lm : integer
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

lm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_atmdyn. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_sdrag. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: matop. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvm. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lm : integer*4
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lm : integer*4
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: perturb_temps. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lm : used from verticalres
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: replicate_uv_to_agrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: scale_ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: store_uv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : integer*4
Subroutine: strmij_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

lm : used from resolution
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

lm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

lm1 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

lm_gcm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90
Initial Value = > lm
lm_gcm : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = >lm
lm_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_qus. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

lm_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_ijk. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dimensions for ij output
lm_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_ijl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dimensions for ij output
lm_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dimensions for il output
lm_gcm :
Subroutine: open_isccp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dimensions for ij output
lm_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_jl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dimensions for jl output
lm_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_wp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dimensions for jl output
lm_req : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
Extra number of radiative equilibrium layers
Initial Value = 3
lm_req : used from atm_com
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

lm_req : integer
Global variable . Module: GISSOUT. File: POUT.f
local dimensions set in open_* routines
lm_req : used from atm_com
Global variable . Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

lm_req : used from atm_com
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f

lm_req : used from atm_com
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

lm_req : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

lm_req : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

lm_req : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

lm_req : used from atm_com
Subroutine: calc_vert_amp. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

lm_req : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lm_req : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lm_req : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lm_req : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lm_req : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lm_req : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lm_req : used from diag_com
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lm_req : used from diag_com
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lm_req : used from atm_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lm_req : used from atm_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lm_req_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dimensions for il output
lm_req_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_jl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dimensions for jl output
lm_req_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_wp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dimensions for jl output
lma : integer
Global variable . Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

lma : integer, parameter
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = 24
lma : used from aerparam_mod
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

lma : integer, integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: vntrp1. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lmax : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lmax : integer
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

lmax : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

lmax : integer
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
minimum of LSRPD and lmij, used in swfrac
lmax : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f
max. level for update
lmax : integer
Subroutine: calc_pijl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

lmax : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: calc_vert_amp. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= max level for calculation
lmax : integer
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmax : integer
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmax : integer
Subroutine: checkost. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

lmax : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_cld_overlap. Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

lmax : integer
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lmax : integer
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lmax : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
convective base and maximum level
lmax :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
the base, top layers of a convective event
lmax : integer
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lmax : integer
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

lmax : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: solar_ice_frac. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
number of ice layers to do calculation for
lmax : integer
Subroutine: stable. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

lmax : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

lmax_dd0 : integer
Subroutine: diurn_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f
Initial Value = 5
lmax_dd2 : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
most upper layer for which multilayer diurnal diagnostics
Initial Value = ls1
lmax_dd2 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lmaxst : integer, parameter
Subroutine: stable. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = 6
lmaxsubdd : integer
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
: the max L when writing "ALL" levels
Initial Value = LM
lmaxsubdd_array : real(kind=8), allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
array for three-dimensional fields for subdd diagnostics
lmaxzij : integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

lmc : integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
max layer of mc convective mass flux.
lmcld : integer
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
max cloud top level
lmcm : integer
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
max level for originating MC plumes
Initial Value = -1
lmcm : used from clouds
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

lmcmax : integer
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
upper-most convective layer
lmcmin : integer
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
lowerest convective layer
lmd : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

lmd : integer
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

lmg : integer
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

lmg : integer
Subroutine: allocate_me. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

lmg : integer
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

lmg : integer
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

lmi : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
number of temperature layers in ice
Initial Value = 4
lmi : used from seaice
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f

lmi : used from seaice
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

lmi : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

lmi : used from seaice
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

lmi : used from seaice
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

lmi : used from seaice
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

lmi : used from seaice
Subroutine: checkost. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

lmi : used from seaice
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

lmi : used from seaice
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

lmi : used from seaice
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

lmi : used from seaice
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

lmi : used from seaice
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

lmi : used from seaice
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

lmi : used from seaice
Subroutine: seaice_to_atmgrid. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

lmi : used from seaice
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

lmid : integer
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
max levels for low, mid and high clouds
lmid : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

lmid : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

lmid : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lmij : integer
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
number of vertical layers on this row
lmij : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmij : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmij : integer
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lmij : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmij : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: ovdiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lmij : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: ovdiffs. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lmij : integer
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lmin : integer
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

lmin : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

lmin : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
convective base and maximum level
lmin : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_precip_phase. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
index for layer and the convective base layer
lmin :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
the base, top layers of a convective event
lmin : integer
Subroutine: ocoast. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lminzij : integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

lmix : integer
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lmm : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

lmm : integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

lmm : used from gm_com
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmm : used from gm_com
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oce. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oms. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_osl. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: ocoast. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

lmm : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

lmm_glob : integer, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmme : integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

lmme : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

lmme : used from straits
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

lmo : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f

lmo : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

lmo : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: KPP_COM. File: OCNKPP.f

lmo : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f

lmo : used from oceanres
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

lmo : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: OCEAN_DYN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

lmo : used from oceanres
Global variable . Module: OCEANR_DIM. File: OCEANR_DIM.f

lmo : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

lmo : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

lmo : used from oceanres
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

lmo : used from gm_com
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmo : used from oceanres
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

lmo : used from kppe
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmo : used from gm_com
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lmo :
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
max. number of vertical layers
lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oabfilx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvm. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvt2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ovdiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ovdiffs. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: stable. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: stbdra. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: strmij. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: strmij_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: strmjl_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

lmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

lmo : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

lmo_min : used from oceanres
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

lmo_min : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmod : integer, dimension(lmxmax)
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lmom : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >LMM
lmom : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oke. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >LMM
lmom : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvm. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >LMM
lmom : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >LMM
lmom : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >LMM
lmom : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f
Initial Value = >LMM
lmom : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f
Initial Value = >LMM
lmom : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >LMM
lmom : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f
Initial Value = >LMM
lmom : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f
Initial Value = >LMM
lmom : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >LMM
lmom : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >LMM
lmom : used from ocean
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >LMM
lmom : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >LMM
lmom : used from ocean
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >LMM
lmom : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >LMM
lmom : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >LMM
lmom : used from ocean
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f
Initial Value = >LMM
lmom : used from ocean
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f
Initial Value = >LMM
lmomax : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
max no. of layers in any ocean
Initial Value = 50
lmonin : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

lmonin : real*8
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

lmonin : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= Monin-Obukhov length (m)
lmonin : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
Monin-Obukov length
lmonin : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: e_les. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

lmonin : real*8
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

lmonin : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: getchq. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

lmonin : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: getcm. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

lmonin : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

lmonin : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

lmonin : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

lmonin : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

lmonin : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

lmonin : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: simil. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Monin-Obukhov length scale (m)
lmonin : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
the Monin-Obukhov length scale
lmonin : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: tfix. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

lmonin : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

lmonin_dry : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

lmonin_dry : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

lmonin_dry : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

lmonin_max : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 1d20
lmonin_max : used from socpbl
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

lmonin_max : used from socpbl
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

lmonin_min : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 1d-20
lmonin_min : used from socpbl
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

lmonin_min : used from socpbl
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

lmonin_pbl : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

lmou : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >LMU
lmou : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >LMU
lmou : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f
Initial Value = >LMU
lmou : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f
Initial Value = >LMU
lmou : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >LMU
lmou : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >LMU
lmou : used from ocean
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >LMU
lmou : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >LMU
lmov : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >LMV
lmov : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f
Initial Value = >LMV
lmov : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f
Initial Value = >LMV
lmov : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >LMV
lmov : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >LMV
lmov : used from ocean
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >LMV
lmov : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >LMV
lmr : integer
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

lmr : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = >NL
lmr : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = >NL
lmst : integer, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
no. of levels in strait
lmst : used from straits
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmst : used from straits
Subroutine: conserv_oce. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmst : used from straits
Subroutine: conserv_oms. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmst : used from straits
Subroutine: conserv_osl. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmst : used from straits
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

lmst : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

lmst : integer, intent(in), dimension(nmst)
Subroutine: stable. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
= number of layers for each strait
lmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

lmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

lmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stbdra. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

lmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

lmst : used from straits
Subroutine: strmij. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

lmst : used from straits
Subroutine: strmij_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

lmst : used from straits
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

lmstmin : integer, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

lmu : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

lmu : integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

lmu : used from gm_com
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

lmu : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

lmu : used from ocean
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

lmu : used from gm_com
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

lmu : used from ocean
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

lmu : used from ocean
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lmu : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmu : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmu : used from ocean
Subroutine: oabfilx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmu : used from ocean
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmu : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmu : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

lmu : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

lmu : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lmu : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmu : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmu : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

lmuv : integer, dimension(IM+2)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lmv : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

lmv : integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

lmv : used from gm_com
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

lmv : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

lmv : used from gm_com
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

lmv : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmv : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmv : used from ocean
Subroutine: oabfilx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmv : used from ocean
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmv : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmv : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

lmv : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

lmv : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lmv : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmv : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lmv : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

lmx : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lmxmax : integer, parameter
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = 2*lm
ln : integer
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
loop variables
ln_gflx : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ln_gflx : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ln_gflx : used from odiag
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

ln_icfl : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ln_kvg : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ln_kvg : used from odiag
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ln_kvm : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ln_kvm : used from odiag
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ln_mflx : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ln_mflx : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ln_mflx : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ln_mflx : used from odiag
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

ln_sflx : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ln_sflx : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ln_sflx : used from odiag
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

ln_wgfl : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ln_wgfl : used from odiag
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ln_wsfl : integer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ln_wsfl : used from odiag
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ln_xxx :
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Names for OLNST diagnostics
lname : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(12)
Global variable . Module: BDWP_MOD. File: DIAG_PRT.f
lname : used from bdwp_mod
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname : character(len=lname_strlen)
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname : character(len=lname_strlen)
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname : character(len=lname_strlen)
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname : character(len=lname_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname : character(len=lname_strlen)
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
string describing output field
lname : character(len=lname_strlen)
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
string describing output field
lname : character(len=lname_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ij. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
long name of field
lname : character(len=lname_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ijk. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
long name of field
lname : character(len=lname_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ijl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
long name of field
lname : character(len=lname_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

lname : character(len=lname_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_isccp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
long name of field
lname : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(kaj), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_j. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dummy strings
lname : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(kmax), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_jc. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dummy strings
lname : character(len=lname_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_jl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
long name of field
lname : character(len=lname_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_wp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
long name of field
lname : character(len=lname_strlen)
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname3 : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(:), allocatable
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f
long names of grouped output variable
lname_consrv : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(kcon), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

lname_consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lname_consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lname_dd : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(ndiuvar), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

lname_dd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_dd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_gc : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(kagcx), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Descriptions/Units of GC diagnostics
lname_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: jkjl_titlex. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_icij : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(kicij)
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
Long names for ICIJ diagnostics
lname_icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

lname_ij : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(kaij), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Long names of lat/lon IJ diagnostics
lname_ijhc : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(kijhc)
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f
descriptions/units of ijhc diagnostics
lname_ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

lname_ijk : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(kaijk), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Descriptions/Units of IJK diagnostics
lname_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

lname_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_ijl : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(kaijl), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Descriptions/Units of IJL diagnostics
lname_ijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_ijl : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(kaijl)
Subroutine: open_ijl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

lname_ijmm : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(kaijmm), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

lname_il : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(kailx)
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_j : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(kaj), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Long names of zonal J diagnostics
lname_j : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_jl : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(kajl), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Descriptions/Units of JL diagnostics
lname_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_oij : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(koij)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Long names for OIJ diagnostics
lname_oijl : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(koijl)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Long names for OIJL diagnostics
lname_oijmm : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(koijmm)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

lname_ojl : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(kojl)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Long names for OJL diagnostics
lname_olnst : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(kolnst)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Long names for OLNST diagnostics
lname_otj : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(kotj)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Long names for OTJ diagnostics
lname_sjl : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(kasjl), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Descriptions/Units of SJL diagnostics
lname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Global variable . Module: BDWP_MOD. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

lname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

lname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Global variable . Module: GISSOUT. File: POUT.f

lname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

lname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f

lname_strlen : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
Initial Value = 80
lname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

lname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

lname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

lname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lname_tsf : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(ktsf), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

lname_wave : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(kwp), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

lnameo : character*16, dimension(ndiuvar)
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lnameo : character*16, dimension(ndiuvar)
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lnameo : character(len=lname_strlen), dimension(kaj)
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lndice : used from landice
Subroutine: conserv_mli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

lndice : used from landice
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

lnlm : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lnm : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lo3 : integer, dimension(36)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

loc : integer
Subroutine: gather. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

loc : integer
Subroutine: scatter. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

loc_chl : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
local chlorophyll value (unit?) for albedo calculation (optional)
loc_chl : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

loc_chl : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

loc_glm : logical*4, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

localarray : real*8, intent(in), dimension(*)
Subroutine: gather. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

localarray : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(*)
Subroutine: scatter. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

localbuffer : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:)
Subroutine: gather. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

localbuffer : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:)
Subroutine: scatter. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

localoffsets : integer, allocatable, dimension(:)
Subroutine: sparsecommunicator. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

loclb : integer, dimension(2)
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

locub : integer, dimension(2)
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

logfit : logical
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

logical :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
lon : real*8, public, dimension(im)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
longitude of mid points of primary grid box (radians)
lon : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

lon : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

lon : used from geom
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

lon2d : real*8, public, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

lon2d : used from geom
Subroutine: horzdist_2pts. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

lon2d : used from geom
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lon2d_dg : real*8, public, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

lon2d_dg : used from geom
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lon2d_dg : used from geom
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lon2d_dg : used from geom
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

lon_dg : real*8, public, dimension(im, 2)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
longitude of mid points of prim. and sec. grid boxes (deg)
lon_dg : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

lon_dg : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

lon_dg : used from geom
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

lon_dg : used from geom
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lon_dg : used from geom
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lon_dg : used from icedyn
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

lon_dg : used from geom
Subroutine: keyij2. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lon_dg : used from geom
Subroutine: pout_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

lon_rvr : real*4, dimension(nrvrmx)
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

lon_targ : real*8
Subroutine: geom_1pt. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lon_to_i : integer
Subroutine: lon_to_i. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

lonb : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

lonb : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

long_name : character(len=lname_strlen+len(kgz_max_suffixes))
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
long name for netcdf output
long_name : character(len=80)
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

longitudeatperiapsis : real*8
Subroutine: makeplanetorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

lonlat_to_ij : used from geom
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lonlat_to_ij : used from geom
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

lonr : integer
Subroutine: getveg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lonv : real*8, public, dimension(im)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
longitude of east edge of primary grid box (radians)
loschmidt_constant : used from constant
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

loschmidt_constant : used from constant
Subroutine: set_atm. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

loschmidt_constant : used from constant
Subroutine: set_gas_mix_ratio. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

low : integer
Subroutine: bilin. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

low : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: interpolate. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

low_i : integer
Subroutine: bilin. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

low_j : integer
Subroutine: bilin. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

lowerbounds : integer, intent(in), dimension(2)
Subroutine: countindomain. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

lowerbounds : integer, intent(in), dimension(2)
Subroutine: getoffset. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

lowerbounds : integer, intent(in), dimension(2)
Subroutine: getoffsets. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

lp600 : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
layer near 600 mb
lp850 : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
layer near 850 mb
lpbl : integer
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

lpbl : integer
Subroutine: setbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
loop variable
lprt : integer
Subroutine: xstep. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

lpsdrag : integer
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
Initial Value = LM
lpsdrag : used from dynamics
Subroutine: init_sdrag. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

lpsdrag : used from dynamics
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

lr : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lr : integer
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lr : integer
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lr : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
length scale reduction factor by stable buoyancy
lr : integer
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lr : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lrunid : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

lrunid : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

lrunid : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lrunid : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lrunid : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lrunid : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lrunid : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lrunid : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lrunid : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lrunid : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lrunid : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lrunid : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

lrunid : used from model_com
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lrunid : used from model_com
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lrunid : used from model_com
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lrunid : used from model_com
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lrunid : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lrunid : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

lrunid : used from model_com
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lrunid : used from model_com
Subroutine: run_radonly. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lrunid : used from model_com
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ls : integer
Subroutine: get_dx_intervals. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ls : real*8
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

ls1 : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

ls1 : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
= lowest layer of strtosphere
Initial Value = wt*ls1_lower + (1-wt)
ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_amp. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_pijl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_vert_amp. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_sdrag. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: perturb_temps. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ls1 : used from resolution
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ls1_loc : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
local tropopause level, used to limit H2O-scaling
ls1_loc : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ls1_loc : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ls1_lower : integer, parameter, private
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
Initial Value = &
ls_nfrac : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f
number of land surface fractions
Initial Value = 3
ls_nfrac : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ls_nfrac : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ls_nfrac : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ls_nfrac : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

lscale : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
turbulence length scale. computed on secondary grid.
lscale : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

lscale : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
turbulent length scale
lscale : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profile of the turbulent dissipation length scale
lscale : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

lscale : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: e_les. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

lscale : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
lscale : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(out)
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profile of the turbulent dissipation length scale
lscale : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(out)
Subroutine: getl1. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

lscale : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

lscale : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
turbulent length scale
lscale : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: l_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
turbulent length scale
lscale : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: level2. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profile of the turbulent dissipation length scale
lscale : real*8, intent(in), dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

lscond : used from clouds
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

lsdrag : integer
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= level above which SDRAG is applied, LPSDRAG = near pole
Initial Value = LM
lsdrag : used from dynamics
Subroutine: init_sdrag. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

lsdrag : used from dynamics
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

lslm : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lsm : integer
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

lsr : integer
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lsrc : integer, dimension(nmax)
Subroutine: get_dx_intervals. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lsrpd : used from sw2ocean
Global variable . Module: KPP_COM. File: OCNKPP.f

lsrpd : used from sw2ocean
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f

lsrpd : used from oceanres
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

lsrpd : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: SW2OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

lsrpd : used from kppe
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lsrpd : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lsrpd : used from sw2ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

lsrpd : used from sw2ocean
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

lst : character*2, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
level strings
lst : character*2, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diurn_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

lstmon : integer
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lstr : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
level of interface between low and mid strat. (approx 10 mb)
Initial Value = LM
lstr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lstr : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

lstride : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: gather. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

lstride : integer
Subroutine: gather_ij. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

lstride : integer
Subroutine: gather_ijx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

lstride : integer
Subroutine: gather_ijxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

lstride : integer
Subroutine: gather_pts. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

lstride : integer
Subroutine: gather_ptsx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

lstride : integer
Subroutine: gather_ptsxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

lstride : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: scatter. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

lstride : integer
Subroutine: scatter_ij. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

lstride : integer
Subroutine: scatter_ijx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

lstride : integer
Subroutine: scatter_ijxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

lstride : integer
Subroutine: scatter_pts. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

lstride : integer
Subroutine: scatter_ptsx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

lstride : integer
Subroutine: scatter_ptsxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

lt1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

lt2 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

ltn : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

ltopcl : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
bottom and top cloud level (lbot < ltop)
ltopcl : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ltropo : integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
Tropopause layer
ltropo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

ltropo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ltropo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ltropo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ltropp : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ltset : integer
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

lup : integer
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f
level corresponding to 1km depth
lup : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

lup : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

lup : integer
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

lup : integer, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lup : used from gm_com
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

lupa : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_LOC. File: DIAG.f
shorthand for above/below levels
lupa : used from diag_loc
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

lupa : used from diag_loc
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

lut : real*8, dimension(10, 6)
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

lutmud : real*8, dimension(60)
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f
Initial Value = (/0.770, 0.769, 0.766, 0.767, 0.767, 0.767, 0.770, 0.769, 0.766, 0.767, 0.767, 0.767, 0.765, 0.770, 0.774, 0.779, 0.782, 0.782, 0.800, 0.797, 0.796, 0.797, 0.799, 0.799, 0.841, 0.824, 0.808, 0.797, 0.791, 0.791, 0.872, 0.855, 0.834, 0.811, 0.796, 0.796, 0.892, 0.879, 0.858, 0.827, 0.795, 0.795, 0.911, 0.908, 0.902, 0.890, 0.871, 0.871, 0.914, 0.912, 0.909, 0.901, 0.890, 0.890, 0.914, 0.912, 0.909, 0.901, 0.890, 0.890/)
luxgas : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

lwdncs : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lwp :
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
liquid water path (conv+strat), kg/m2
lx : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
max.number of vertical layers of the radiation (1D)-model
Initial Value = lm_gcm+lm_req
lx : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

lznbyz1 : real*8
Subroutine: fgrid2. Module: NONE. File: PBL.f

lznbyz1 : real*8
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

m : integer
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

m : real*8
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

m : integer
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

m : real*8
Subroutine: checkflux. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

m : real*8
Subroutine: checkfluxo. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

m : integer
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

m : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
index denoting from where routine is called
m : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: conserv_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
index denoting from where routine is called
m : integer
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

m : integer
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

m : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
index denoting from where DIAGCA is called
m : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
index denoting from where DIAGCD is called
m : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: diagco. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
index denoting from where DIAGCO is called (see DIAGCA)
m : integer
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

m : integer
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

m : integer
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

m : integer
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

m : integer
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

m : integer
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

m : real*8
Subroutine: icelake_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

m : real*8
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
melt rate (negative implies freezing) (kg/m^2/s)
m : integer
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

m : integer
Subroutine: initdiagj. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

m : real*8
Subroutine: matop. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

m : integer
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

m : integer
Subroutine: new_io_param. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

m : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

m : real*8
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

m : integer
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

m : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

m : integer
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

m : integer
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

m : integer
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

m : integer
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

m : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

m : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: xstep. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

m0 : real*8, dimension(nl)
Subroutine: zstep. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

m1 : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

m1t1 : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

m2 : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

m2t2 : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

m5 : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

m5 : integer
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

m_np : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

m_np : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

m_np : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

m_np : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

m_sp : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

m_sp : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

m_sp : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

ma : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
= Air mass per unit area of each layer (kg/m^2)
ma : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(LM, IM, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

ma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

ma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

ma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ma : real*8, intent(out), dimension(LMAX)
Subroutine: calc_vert_amp. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
mass per unit area for each layer (kg/m^2)
ma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

ma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ma : real*8, intent(in), dimension(LM, GRID%I_STRT_HALO:GRID%I_STOP_HALO, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: matop. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

ma : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ma : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvt2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ma : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ma : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ma1 : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ma1 : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f
mass of lowest atmospheric layer (kg/m^2)
ma1 : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

ma1d : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

ma1d : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

ma2d : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

madaer : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
madaer : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

madbak : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
maddst : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
maddst : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

madeps : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
madeps : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

madghg : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1
madghg : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

madluv : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1
madluv : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

mado2a : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1
mado3m : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1
mado3m : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

madsur : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
madsur : integer
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

madvol : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
madvol : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

madxxx :
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Model Add-on Data of Extended Climatology Enable Parameter
mafter : real*8, dimension(LM, IM, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

mafter : real*8, dimension(lm, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mair : used from constant
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

mair : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

mair : used from constant
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

mair : used from constant
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

mair : used from constant
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

mair : used from constant
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

mair : used from constant
Subroutine: set_gas_mix_ratio. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

make_timeaxis : logical, public
Global variable . Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
whether scaled monthly output files should contain
Initial Value = .false.
make_timeaxis : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: gc_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

make_timeaxis : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

make_timeaxis : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

make_timeaxis : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

make_timeaxis : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: ijl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

make_timeaxis : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

make_timeaxis : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: init_model. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

make_timeaxis : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

make_timeaxis : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

make_timeaxis : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: jl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

makeorbit : used from model_com
Subroutine: initializemodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

mam : real*8, dimension(lm, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mamin : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

map_ent2giss : used from ent_drv
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

map_ent2giss : used from ent_drv
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

map_ent2giss : used from ent_drv
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

mape : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

mape : integer
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

mapeof : integer, dimension(ktpe), parameter
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = (/3,8,10,11,13,15,17,20/)
marea : integer, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

mark : character*1
Subroutine: mark. Module: BDIJ. File: DIAG_PRT.f

mask_s : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

mass : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mass : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mass : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mass : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mass : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, 2)
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mass : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, 2)
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mass : real*8, dimension(nl)
Subroutine: aadvqz2_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mass : real*8, dimension(nl)
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mass : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

mass : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

mass : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

mass : real*8, dimension(nx*stride)
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
mass field (kg)
mass : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
mass field (kg)
mass : real*8, dimension(stride, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, nlev)
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
mass field (kg)
mass : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_dq_cond. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
air mass
mass : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_dq_evap. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
air mass
mass : real*8, intent(in), real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: massfraction. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mass : real*8
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

mass_i : real*8, dimension(IM)
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

mass_l : real*8, dimension(LM)
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

master_yr : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
year of simulation. This value will define aero_yr,
Initial Value = 1951
master_yr : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_model. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

master_yr : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

master_yr : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

master_yr : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

master_yr : used from model_com
Subroutine: initializemodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

master_yr : used from model_com
Subroutine: run_radonly. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

masum : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
(kg/m^2) = [column mass per unit area] - MTOP
masum : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(IM, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

masum : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

masum : used from atm_com
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

match : integer, dimension(npoints, nlev-1)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

mauv : real*8
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mavg : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

max : real*8
Subroutine: bbw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

max : real*8
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

max : real*8
Subroutine: get_aw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

max : real*8
Subroutine: get_virtual_index. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

max12hr_sequ : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
lengths of time series for wave powers
Initial Value = 2*31
max12hr_sequ : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

max12hr_sequ : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

max_len_arg : integer, parameter
Subroutine: read_options. Module: NONE. File: MODELE_DRV.f
Initial Value = 80
max_len_ifile : integer, parameter
Subroutine: modele_maindriver. Module: NONE. File: MODELE_DRV.f
Initial Value = 32
max_loc : real*8
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

max_psrat : real*8
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

max_ptrop : real*8
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

max_wl : real*8
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

max_zin : real*8
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

max_zsrf : real*8
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

maxcolmass : real*8
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
minimum/maximum allowed column mass (kg/m2)
maxcolmass : used from dynamics
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

maxctop : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
max cloud top pressure
Initial Value = 50.d0
maxdry : integer
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

maxgl : used from oceanres
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

maxgroundtemperature : used from sle001
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

maxlen_runid : integer, parameter
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
Initial Value = 32
maxlen_runid : integer, parameter
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = 32
maxlvl :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
the lowest, the highest layer of convective events
maxm : real*8
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

maxme : real*8
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

maxntm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

maxntm : used from socpbl
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

maxocc : real*8, dimension(npoints, ncol)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

maxosc : real*8, dimension(npoints, ncol)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

maxrho : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: lkmix. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
freshwater density function approximation
Initial Value = 1d3
maxwet : integer
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

mb : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
Air mass array for tracers (before advection)
mb : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

mb : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

mb : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

mb : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oadvt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >mmi
mb : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oadvt2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >mmi
mb : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f
Initial Value = >mmi
mb : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mb : used from atm_com
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

mb1d : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

mb2d : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

mb2kg : used from constant
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90

mb2kg : used from constant
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

mb2kg : used from constant
Subroutine: addenergyasdiffuseheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

mb2kg : used from constant
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

mb2kg : used from constant
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

mb2kg : used from constant
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

mb2kg : used from constant
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

mb2kg : used from constant
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

mb2kg : used from constant
Subroutine: conserv_ms. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

mb2kg : used from constant
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

mb2kg : used from constant
Subroutine: conserv_wm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

mb2kg : used from constant
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

mbefor : real*8, dimension(LM, IM, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

mbegin :
Subroutine: timeout. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f
CPU time start of section (.01 s)
mc : integer
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

mc1 : logical
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
true for the first convective event
mccont :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
integer to count convective events
mcdnci : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: anvil_optical_thickness. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud droplet for liquid and ice, max ice RCLD
mcdnci :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Menon Stuff
mcdncw : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: anvil_optical_thickness. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud droplet for liquid and ice, max ice RCLD
mcdncw :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Menon Stuff
mcflx :
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
mcfrac :
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
fractional area with moist convection in grid cell
mcfrac : real(kind=8), intent(in)
Subroutine: get_wspdf. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

mcheck : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mcheck : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

mcheck : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

mcloud : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: mc_precip_phase. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
air mass for re-evaporation of precip
mcloud :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
air mass available for re-evaporation of precip (mb)
mcnds : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
mcnds : used from model_com
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

md1850 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

mdcur : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

mdf : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= downdraft mass flux (m/s)
mdf : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= downdraft mass flux (m/s)
mdf : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sig. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
downdraft mass flux from moist convection (m/s)
mdiag : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
mdiag : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

mdiag : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

mdiag : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag5f. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

mdiag : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

mdiag : used from model_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

mdiag : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

mdiag : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

mdiag : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

mdiag : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

mdiag : used from model_com
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

mdiff : integer, parameter
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
number of diffusivities for local arrays
Initial Value = 3
mdn : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

mdpi : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

mdrya : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
= dry atmospheric mass (kg/m^2) = 100*PSF/GRAV
Initial Value = psf*mb2kg
mdrya : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_atmdyn. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mdum : integer
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
Initial Value = 0
mdum : integer
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
Initial Value = 0
mdwnimp : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f
downward implicit ice amount accumulator (kg)
mdwnimp : used from landice_com
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

mdwnimp : used from landice_com
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

mdwnimp : used from landice_com
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

mdwnimp : used from landice_com
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

mdwnimp : used from landice_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

mdwnimp : used from landice_com
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

mdwnimp : used from landice_com
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

mdwnimp : used from landice_com
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

mdwnimp : used from landice_com
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

mdwnimp_nh : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

mdwnimp_nh : real*8
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

mdwnimp_sh : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

mdwnimp_sh : real*8
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

mdyn : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
mdyn : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

mdyn : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag5f. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

mdyn : used from model_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

mdyn : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

mdyn : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

mdyn : used from model_com
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

mdyno : integer
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

mdyno : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mdyno : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

me : real*8, intent(in), dimension(LM, IM, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mean_s : real*8
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

meanalbedocld : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

meandistance : real*8
Subroutine: makeplanetorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

meanptop : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

meantaucld : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

melse : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
melse : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

melse : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

melt12 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

melt12 : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
save surface melt (Used for albedo calc)
melt12 : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
surface melt this time step (kg/m2)
melti : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
mass,energy,salt from simelt into ocn (kg/m^2,J/m^2)
melti : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

melti : real*8
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

melti : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

melti : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

melti : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

melts : real*8
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

melts : real*8
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

melts2 : real*8
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

mesum : real*8, intent(in), dimension(IM, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

meven : real*8, dimension(lm, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mfiltr : integer
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
: if 1 => PSL, if 2 => T, if 3 => PSL&T is filtered
Initial Value = 1
mfiltr : used from dynamics
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

mfiltr : used from dynamics
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

mfiltr : used from dynamics
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mfinal : real*8
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mfix :
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
(L) = fixed mass in each layer (kg/m^2) = 100*[PLBOT(L)-PLBOT(L+1)]/GRAV
mfix : used from resolution
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mfix : used from resolution
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

mfixs : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
= summation of MFIX (kg/m^2) = 100*(PTOP-PMTOP)/GRAV
Initial Value = pstrat*mb2kg
mfixs : used from resolution
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mfixs : used from resolution
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

mfixs : used from resolution
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mfixs : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_atmdyn. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mflux : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

mflux : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: icelake_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
mass and heat fluxes at base of ice
mflux : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
mass, salt and heat fluxes at base of ice
mflux : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
mass, salt and heat flux arising from
mflux : real*8
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

mflx : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: QUSCOM. File: QUS_DRV.f

mflx : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

mflx : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

mfrac :
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
(L) = fraction of variable mass in each layer = DSIG(L)
mfrac : used from resolution
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mfrac : used from resolution
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

mfu : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

mfu : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: strmij. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
= west-east and south-north tracer fluxes (kg/s)
mfu_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

mhour : integer, dimension(hr_in_day+1)
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

mhour : integer, dimension(hr_in_month)
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

mhs : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
mass/heat/salt content of sea ice
mi : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

mi : integer
Subroutine: getdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

mi : integer
Subroutine: setdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

mi : integer
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

mi : integer
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

mi : integer
Subroutine: upddst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

mi : integer
Subroutine: updeps. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

mi : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: xstep. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

micb : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f
implicit mass of iceberg (kg/m^2)
micbimp : real*8, dimension(2)
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f
( ) + Sum[MDWNIMP(over hemisphere)] = instantaneous
micbimp : used from landice
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

micbimp : used from landice
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

micbimp : used from landice
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

mice : real*8, dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

mice : real*8
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

mice : real*8, intent(out), dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: get_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

mice : real*8, dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

mice : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: relayer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

mice : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: relayer_12. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

mice : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

mice : real*8, intent(in), dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: set_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

mice : real*8, dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

mice : real*8, dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

min : real*8
Subroutine: bbw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

min : real*8
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

min : real*8
Subroutine: get_aw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

min : real*8
Subroutine: get_virtual_index. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

min : integer, intent(inout)
Subroutine: timeout. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f
index to be added to
min12hr_sequ : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
lengths of time series for wave powers
Initial Value = 2*28
min12hr_sequ : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

min_per_day : real*8
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

min_wl : real*8
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

mincolmass : real*8
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
minimum/maximum allowed column mass (kg/m2)
mincolmass : used from dynamics
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mindex : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: set_timer. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f
index for that accumulator
mindp : real*8
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

mingroundtemperature : used from sle001
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

minlvl :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
the lowest, the highest layer of convective events
minmld : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
minimum mixed layer depth in lake (m)
Initial Value = 1.
minmld : used from lakes
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

minmld : used from lakes
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

minmld : used from lakes
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

minsnowtemperature : used from snow_model
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

miscellaneous :
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
vertical arrays set in driver
miscellaneous :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
vertical arrays
missing : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = -1d30
mix_ratio_cnv_ice : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

mix_ratio_cnv_ice_l : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

mix_ratio_cnv_water : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

mix_ratio_cnv_water_l : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

mix_ratio_st_ice : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

mix_ratio_st_ice_l : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

mix_ratio_st_water : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

mix_ratio_st_water_l : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

mix_tripled_resolution : logical
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

mj : integer
Subroutine: getdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

mj : integer
Subroutine: setdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

mj : integer
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

mj : integer
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

mj : integer
Subroutine: upddst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

mj : integer
Subroutine: updeps. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

mke : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

mke : integer
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ml : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

ml :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
layer air mass (mb)
ml : real*8, dimension(nl)
Subroutine: zstep. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mlake : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
mass and energy /m^2 for lake model layers
mlake : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(2)
Subroutine: lkmix. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
mass and energy in lake layers (kg,J /m^2)
mlake : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(2)
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
mass and energy in lake layers (kg,J /m^2)
mlat : integer, dimension(jm, kcon)
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

mlat : integer, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

mlat : integer, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

mlat46 : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
horizontal grid dimensions referred to in this model
Initial Value = 46
mlat46 : integer
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

mld : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

mld : real*8
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

mldlk : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
mixed layer depth in lake (m)
mldlk : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: LAKES_COM. File: LAKES_COM.f
mixed layer depth in lake (m)
mldlk : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

mldlk : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

mldlk : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

mldlk : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

mldlk : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

mldlk : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

mldlk : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

mldlk_glob : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

mlhc : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer, real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
ocean mixed layer heat capacity (J/m^2 C)
mlhc : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

mlhc : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

mlk1 : real*8
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

mlm : real*8
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

mlon : integer, dimension(im)
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

mlon72 : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
horizontal grid dimensions referred to in this model
Initial Value = 72
mlsh : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: icelake_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
mixed layer specific heat capactity (J/m^2 C) (UNUSED)
mlsh : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
mixed layer specific heat capactity (J/m^2 C) (UNUSED)
mlsh : real*8
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

mlt : real*8
Subroutine: lkmix. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

mm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

mm : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mm : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mm : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

mm : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

mm : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mm : real*8, intent(out), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mm0 : real*8, intent(in), dimension(IM, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO, LMO)
Subroutine: oadvm. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mm1 : real*8
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

mm1 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

mm2 : real*8, intent(out), dimension(IM, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO, LMO)
Subroutine: oadvm. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mm2 : real*8
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

mm2 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

mma : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
(kg) Air mass array for tracers (updated during advection)
mma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

mma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

mma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

mma : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mma : used from atm_com
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

mmax : integer, parameter
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = 12
mmax : integer
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

mmaxp1 : integer
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

mmaxp1 : integer
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

mmean : real*8, dimension(LM, IM, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

mmi : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN_DYN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
initial mass field (kg)
mmi : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

mmi : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mmi : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mmi : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mmi : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mmid : real*8
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mml : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

mml : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

mml0 : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

mml0 : real*8
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

mmlt : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

mmlt : real*8
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

mmnew : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mmnew : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mmnew : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

mmnew : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

mms : real*8
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mmst : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
mass of water in strait (kg)
mmst : used from straits
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mmst : used from straits
Subroutine: conserv_oms. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mmst : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

mmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

mmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

mmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stbdra. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

mmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

mmuv : real*8, dimension(LM)
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mn : integer, dimension(kspeca)
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

mndi :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Menon Stuff
mndl :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Menon Stuff
mndo :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Menon Stuff
mnew : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mnew : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mnew : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mnew : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mnew : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mnew : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mnew : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz2_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mnew : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mnew : real*8
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

mnew : real*8
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mnew : real*8, intent(out), dimension(LM, IM, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mnew : real*8
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

mnew : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mnew : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

mnew : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

mnew : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mnew : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

mnew : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

mnew : real*8
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mnews : real*8
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mnow : integer
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

mnow : integer
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

mnth : integer
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

mo : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

mo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
mass of ocean (kg/m^2)
mo : used from gm_com
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mo : used from gm_com
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oke. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oms. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

mo : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mo : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mo : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

mo : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

mo : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mo : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mo : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

mo : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

mo : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mo : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mo : used from ocean
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

mo1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: KPP_COM. File: OCNKPP.f

mo1 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mo1 : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

mo1 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mo1 : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

mo2 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

modd1 : real*8, dimension(lm, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

modd3 : real*8, dimension(lm, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

modd5d : integer
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

modd5k : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
: if MODxxx=0 do xxx, else skip xxx
modd5k : used from diag_com
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

modd5k : used from diag_com
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

modd5k : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

modd5k : used from diag_com
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

modd5s : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
: if MODxxx=0 do xxx, else skip xxx
modd5s : integer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

modd5s : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

modd5s : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

modd5s : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

modda : integer
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

moddd : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

moddd : integer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

moddd : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

moddd : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

moddd : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

moddrf : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

moddsf : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

moddsf : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

moddsf : integer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

moddsf : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

modelclock : used from modelclock_mod
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

modelclock : used from modelclock_mod
Subroutine: sundial. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

modeleclock : type(modelclock), public
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
encapsulates current time with reference to a calendar
modeleclock : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_cal. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_orbit. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: def_acc_meta. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagkn. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_veg. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: reset_mdiag. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: run_radonly. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: startnewday. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: sundial. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

modeleclock : used from model_com
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

modeleclocki : type(modelclock), public
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
encapsulates start time of model run
modeleclocki : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

modeletime : type(time)
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

modeletime : type(time)
Subroutine: sundial. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

modeletime0 : type(time)
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

modeletime0 : type(time)
Subroutine: sundial. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

modeletimee : type(time)
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

modeletimei : type(time)
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

modrd : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
: if MODRD=0 do radiation, else skip
modrd : used from rad_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

modrd : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

modrd : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

module_header : character*80
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f
Initial Value = "MODEL01"
module_header : character*80
Subroutine: io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
Initial Value = "CLD01"
module_header : character*80
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f
Initial Value = "LAKE02"
module_header : character*80
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = "RAD05"
module_header : character*80
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
Initial Value = "SNOW01"
module_header : character*80
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
Initial Value = "SOILS03"
module_header : character*80
Subroutine: io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f
Initial Value = "QUS01"
module_header : character*80
Subroutine: io_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f
Initial Value = "OCSTR01"
module_header : character*80
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
Initial Value = "vegetation01"
module_header : character*80
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f
Initial Value = "vegetation02 "
module_header_f : character*80
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = "RADF"
moe : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

moe : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

moe : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

moe : used from straits
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

moff : integer
Subroutine: aperiod. Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
= # of months from beginning of period to JMON1 if months<12
moff : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

mofx : real*8
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

mofx : real*8
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

mofy : real*8
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

mofy : real*8
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

mofz : real*8
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

mofz : real*8
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

moh : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

moi : real*8
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mokgm2 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

mold : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mold : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mold : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mold : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mold : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mold : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mold : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz2_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mold : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mold : real*8, intent(in), dimension(LM, IM, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

moment_enq_order : used from moments
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mon : integer
Subroutine: initializemodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

monacc : integer, dimension(12)
Global variable . Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
(1)=#Januaries, etc
monacc : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

monacc : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

monacc : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

month : character(len=:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

month : integer
Subroutine: daily_cal. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

month : integer
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

month : integer
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

month : integer
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

month : integer
Subroutine: diagkn. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

month : integer
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

month : integer
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

month : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

month : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

month : integer
Subroutine: isbeginningaccumperiod. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

month : integer
Subroutine: startnewday. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

month : integer
Subroutine: write_caldate. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

monthe : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
end of model run
Initial Value = 1
monthe : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

monthe :
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
end of model run
monthi : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
start of model run
Initial Value = 1
monthi : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

monthi :
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
start of model run
monthi : used from model_com
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

monthi : used from model_com
Subroutine: sundial. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

months : integer
Subroutine: aperiod. Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
length of 1 period,number of periods
months : integer
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

months : integer
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

months : integer
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

months : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

months : integer
Subroutine: isbeginningaccumperiod. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

months_per_year : used from abstractcalendar_mod
Subroutine: initializemodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

moo : real*8
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mout : integer, intent(inout)
Subroutine: timeout. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f
index to be taken from
mplum1 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
mass of convective plume (mb)
mplume :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
mass of convective plume (mb)
mpmax :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
mass of convective plume at the detrainment level (mb)
mpol : real*8
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

mpold :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

mq : real*8
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

mr : integer
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

mr : integer
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

mr : integer
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

mrad : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
mrad : used from model_com
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

mrat_limh : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f
Initial Value = 0.25
mrat_limy : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f
Initial Value = 0.20
mrch : integer
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= kind of step: 0 = initial forward, -1 = backward, 2 = even leap-frog, -2 = odd leap-frog
mrch : used from dynamics
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mrch : used from dynamics
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

mrch : used from dynamics
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mrch : used from dynamics
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mrch : used from dynamics
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mrelay :
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
if not 0, gases/aerosols are repartitioned to new layering
ms0x : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
first year, max.number of months for S0 history
Initial Value = 12*(1998-iy1S0+1)
msgso : integer
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

msgso : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

msgso : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

msi :
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f
mass of ice second layer (layer 1=const) (kg/m^2)
msi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

msi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

msi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

msi : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: fi. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

msi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msi : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: mi. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

msi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

msi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

msi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

msi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msi1 : real*8
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

msi1 : real*8
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

msi1 : real*8
Subroutine: get_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

msi1 : real*8
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
first layer ice mass (= SNOW + ACE1I) (kg/m^2)
msi1 : real*8
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
first layer ice mass (= SNOW + ACE1I) (kg/m^2)
msi1 : real*8
Subroutine: seaice_to_atmgrid. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msi1 : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: set_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

msi1 : real*8
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
snow and ice mass in two mass layers (kg/m^2)
msi1 : real*8
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
first mass layer ice thickness (kg/m^2)
msi1 : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

msi1 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: tice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

msi2 : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
second mass layer ice thickness (kg/m^2)
msi2 : real*8
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

msi2 : real*8
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msi2 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

msi2 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msi2 : real*8
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msi2 : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
second layer ice mass (kg/m^2)
msi2 : real*8
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msi2 : real*8
Subroutine: relayer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

msi2 : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
second layer ice mass (kg/m^2)
msi2 : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: set_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

msi2 : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: simelt. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
ice variables (%,kg/m^2,kg/m^2)
msi2 : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
snow and ice mass in two mass layers (kg/m^2)
msi2 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: solar_ice_frac. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
snow and second layer ice amounts (kg/m^2)
msi2 : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
second mass layer ice thickness (kg/m^2)
msi2 : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

msi2 : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

msi2 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: tice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

msicnv : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
heat and fresh water sea ice mass convergence
msinew : real*8
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msinew : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

msinew : real*8
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msinew : real*8
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msiold : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msirat : real*8
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msisave : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

msisave : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msisave : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msisave2 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

msist : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
Mass of ice within strait (kg)
msist : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

msnflood : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

msnflood : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msnflood : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msnow : real*8
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

msnwic : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

msnwic : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
mass, energy and salt flux to ocean (<0)
mstart : integer
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

mstart : integer
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

mstcnv : used from clouds
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

mstj : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

mstrat : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

msum : real*8, intent(out), dimension(IM, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

msum : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

msum : integer, intent(inout)
Subroutine: timer. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f
index for running total
msumodd : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

msurf : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
msurf :
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
= MTOP + MFIXs + MVAR (kg/m^2)
msurf : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

msurf : used from model_com
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

msurf : used from model_com
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mswitch : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

mt : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
dim of ri in table
Initial Value = 2*mt0
mt : real*8, dimension(4)
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

mt0 : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
Initial Value = 107
mtmp : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mtop : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
= mass above dynamical top (kg/m^2) = 100*PMTOP/GRAV
Initial Value = pmtop*mb2kg
mtop : used from resolution
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mtop : used from resolution
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

mtop : used from resolution
Subroutine: matop. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

mtop : used from resolution
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mtpe : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

mtpe : integer
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

mtpeof : integer, dimension(kspeca), parameter
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f
Initial Value = (/0,0,1,0,0,0,0,2,0,3, 4,0,5,0,6,0,7,0,0,8/)
mu : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
(kg/s) = mass fluxes
mu : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN_DYN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
instantaneous mass fluxes
mu : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
coefficient of seawater freezing point w.r.t. salinity
Initial Value = 0.054d0
mu : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f
Initial Value = >MUs
mu : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mu : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mu : used from dynamics
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

mu : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

mu : used from dynamics
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mu : used from dynamics
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

mu : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

mu : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:, :)
Subroutine: compute_mass_flux_diags. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mu : used from dynamics
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mu : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mu : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mu : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

mu : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

mu : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mu : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mu : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mu : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: xstep. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mubyn : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

mud : real*8, dimension(nlt)
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

mudt : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mudt : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

mudt : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

mufac : real*8
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mun : real*8
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mus : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
save PU,PV,SD,P for hourly tracer advection
mus : real*8
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mus : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

mus : used from atm_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

mus : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:, grid%J_STRT_HALO:, :)
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mus : used from atm_com
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mus : used from atm_com
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

musi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

must : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
mass flux of water in strait (kg/s)
must : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

must : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

must : used from straits
Subroutine: stbdra. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

must : used from straits
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

must : used from straits
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

mv : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
(kg/s) = mass fluxes
mv : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN_DYN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
instantaneous mass fluxes
mv : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f
Initial Value = >MVs
mv : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mv : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mv : used from dynamics
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

mv : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

mv : used from dynamics
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mv : used from dynamics
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

mv : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

mv : real*8, dimension(4)
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

mv : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:, :)
Subroutine: compute_mass_flux_diags. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mv : used from dynamics
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mv : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mv : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mv : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

mv : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

mv : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mv : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mv : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mvar :
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
= spatially and temporally varying column mass (kg/m^2)
mvar : real*8
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

mvars : real*8
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mvbyn : real*8
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

mvfac : real*8
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mvj : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mvj : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mvn : real*8
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mvn : real*8
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mvna : real*8, dimension(LM)
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mvs : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
save PU,PV,SD,P for hourly tracer advection
mvs : real*8
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mvs : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

mvs : used from atm_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

mvs : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:, grid%J_STRT_HALO:, :)
Subroutine: compute_dynam_aij_diagnostics. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mvs : used from atm_com
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mvs : real*8
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mvs : used from atm_com
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

mvsa : real*8, dimension(LM)
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mvsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

mw : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
(kg/s) = mass fluxes
mw : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN_DYN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
instantaneous mass fluxes
mw : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f
Initial Value = >MWs
mw : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mw : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mw : real*8, dimension(nl)
Subroutine: aadvqz2_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mw : real*8, dimension(nl)
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mw : used from dynamics
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

mw : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

mw : used from dynamics
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mw : used from dynamics
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mw : used from dynamics
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

mw : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

mw : integer, parameter, dimension(5)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = (/1,2,3,6,9/)
mw : used from dynamics
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mw : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oadvm. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mw : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo-1)
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mw : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mw : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

mw : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

mw : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mw : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mw : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

mw1d : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

mw1d : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

mw_extra : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

mwat : used from constant
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

mwbyn : real*8
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

mwdn : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

mwdn : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mwdn : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mwdn : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz2_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mwdn : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

mwfac : real*8
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mwl : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: LAKES_COM. File: LAKES_COM.f
mass of lake water (kg)
mwl : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

mwl : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: conserv_lke. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

mwl : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: conserv_lkm. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

mwl : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

mwl : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

mwl : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

mwl : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

mwl : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

mwl : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

mwl_glob : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

mwlim : real*8
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

mwlsill : real*8
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

mwlsilld : real*8
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

mws : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
save PU,PV,SD,P for hourly tracer advection
mws : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

mws : used from atm_com
Subroutine: compute_wsave. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

mws : used from atm_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

mws : used from atm_com
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mws : used from atm_com
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

mwsat : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

mwtmp : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

mwtot : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

mwtot1 : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

mx : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: QUSDEF. File: QUSDEF.f
Initial Value = 1
mx : integer
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

mx : integer
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

mx : used from qusdef
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

mxx : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: QUSDEF. File: QUSDEF.f
Initial Value = 4
mxx : integer
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

mxx : integer
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

mxx : used from qusdef
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

mxy : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: QUSDEF. File: QUSDEF.f
Initial Value = 7
mxy : integer
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

mxy : integer
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

my : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: QUSDEF. File: QUSDEF.f
Initial Value = 2
my : integer
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

my : integer
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

my : used from qusdef
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

my_inisnow : logical
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

mysparsecomm_type : type(sparsecommunicator_type), save
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

mysparsecomm_type : used from ocean
Subroutine: gather_straits_pairs. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

mysparsecomm_type : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

mysparsecomm_type : used from ocean
Subroutine: scatter_straits_pairs. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

myy : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: QUSDEF. File: QUSDEF.f
Initial Value = 5
myy : integer
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

myy : integer
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

myy : used from qusdef
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

myz : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: QUSDEF. File: QUSDEF.f
Initial Value = 9
myz : integer
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

myz : integer
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

mz : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: QUSDEF. File: QUSDEF.f
Initial Value = 3
mz : integer
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

mz : integer
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

mz : used from somtq_com
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

mz : used from somtq_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

mz : used from somtq_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

mzsolid : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >HOCEAN
mzsolid : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >HOCEAN
mzx : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: QUSDEF. File: QUSDEF.f
Initial Value = 8
mzx : integer
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

mzx : integer
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

mzz : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: QUSDEF. File: QUSDEF.f
Initial Value = 6
mzz : integer
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

mzz : integer
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

n : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
no of pbl. layers
Initial Value = 8
n : integer
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

n : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

n : integer
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

n : integer
Subroutine: accsubdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

n : integer
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

n :
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
number of the local, vertical grid points
n : integer
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

n : integer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

n : integer
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

n : integer
Subroutine: ag2og_precip. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

n : integer
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

n : integer
Subroutine: alloc_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

n : integer
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

n : integer
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

n : integer
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: check1. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
integer id
n : integer
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

n : integer
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

n : integer
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

n : integer
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

n : integer
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: checkost. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

n : integer
Subroutine: close_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

n : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
loop variables
n : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_oce. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

n : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_oms. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

n : integer*4
Subroutine: conserv_osl. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

n : integer
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

n : integer
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

n : integer
Subroutine: dcdnc_est. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: de_solver_edge. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
number of vertical edge grid
n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: de_solver_main. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
number of main grid
n : integer
Subroutine: def_rsf_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

n : integer
Subroutine: diag4a. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

n : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

n : integer
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

n : integer
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

n : integer
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

n : integer
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

n : integer
Subroutine: diag_isccp_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

n : integer
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

n : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

n : integer
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

n : integer
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

n : integer
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

n : integer
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

n : integer
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

n : integer
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

n : integer
Subroutine: diffuse_moms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

n : integer
Subroutine: docalc. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f
loop variables
n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
number of vertical main layers
n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
array dimension
n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
array dimension
n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: e_les. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
array dimension
n : integer
Subroutine: fft. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f
loop variables
n : integer
Subroutine: fft0. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f
loop variables
n : integer
Subroutine: fft2. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f
loop variable
n : integer
Subroutine: ffte. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f
loop variables
n : integer
Subroutine: ffti. Module: NONE. File: FFT72.f
loop variables
n : integer
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: find_pbl_top. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
number of layers
n : integer
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variables
n : integer
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

n : integer
Subroutine: get_atm_layer1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

n : integer
Subroutine: get_dq_cond. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

n : integer
Subroutine: get_dq_evap. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

n : integer
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

n : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_i1i2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: get_ivjv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: get_regrid_info_for_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_tv. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
array dimension
n : integer
Subroutine: get_uv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: get_vpkey_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: getdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
array dimension
n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
array dimension
n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: getl1. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
array dimension
n : integer
Subroutine: getmie. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n : integer
Subroutine: ghghst. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

n : integer
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
number of vert. layers on this column
n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
array dimension
n : integer
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

n : integer
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: gtrend. Module: NONE. File: RADIATION.f

n : integer
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

n : integer
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

n : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

n : integer
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

n : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

n : integer
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

n : integer
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

n :
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
number of sub-grid levels for the PBL
n : integer
Subroutine: int_ag2og_3da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

n : integer
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

n : integer
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3db_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

n : integer
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
number of layers
n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: l_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
number of layers
n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: level2. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
array dimension
n : integer
Subroutine: locatex. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

n : integer
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
loop variables
n : integer
Subroutine: mark. Module: BDIJ. File: DIAG_PRT.f

n : integer
Subroutine: moist_adiabat_tq. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

n :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
loop variables
n : integer, intent(in), integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: neighborbyflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: new_io_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: new_io_param. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

n : integer
Subroutine: oabfilx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

n : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

n : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

n : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

n : integer
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

n : integer
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

n : integer
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

n : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

n : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

n : integer
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

n : integer
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

n : integer*4
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

n : integer
Subroutine: ocoast. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

n : integer*4
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

n : integer*4
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

n : integer*4
Subroutine: offt. Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

n : integer*4
Subroutine: offt0. Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

n : integer*4
Subroutine: offte. Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

n : integer*4
Subroutine: offti. Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

n : integer*4
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

n : integer
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

n : integer*4
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

n : integer
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

n : integer*4
Subroutine: otj_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

n : integer
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

n : integer
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

n : integer
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

n : integer
Subroutine: pout_diurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

n : integer
Subroutine: pout_hdiurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

n : integer
Subroutine: pout_j. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

n : integer
Subroutine: pout_jc. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

n : integer
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
number of vertical subgrid main layers
n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
number of vertical main subgrid layers
n : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

n : integer
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n : integer
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

n : integer
Subroutine: read_msu_wts. Module: MSU_WTS_MOD. File: DIAG.f

n : integer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

n : integer
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

n : integer
Subroutine: run_radonly. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

n : integer
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

n : integer
Subroutine: set_ijout. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

n : integer
Subroutine: set_timer. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

n : integer
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n : integer
Subroutine: setdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n : integer
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n : integer
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n : integer
Subroutine: setqva. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n : integer
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

n : integer
Subroutine: shap1. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: shap1d. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
loop variables
n : integer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

n : integer
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

n : integer
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

n : integer
Subroutine: stbdra. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

n : integer
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

n : integer
Subroutine: store_uv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

n : integer
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

n : integer*4
Subroutine: strmij_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

n : integer*4
Subroutine: strmjl_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

n : integer
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

n : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

n : integer
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
number of vertical subgrid main layers
n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
number of vertical main subgrid layers
n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: tcheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
array dimension
n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: tfix. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
array dimension
n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: tr_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
number of vertical subgrid main layers
n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
array dimension
n : integer
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

n : integer
Subroutine: upddst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
number of vertical subgrid main layers
n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
number of vertical subgrid main layers
n : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: zze. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
number of layers
n0 : integer
Subroutine: getmie. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n0 : integer
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

n1 : integer
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

n1 : integer
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

n1 : integer
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

n1 : integer
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

n1 : integer
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

n1 : integer
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

n1 : integer, integer
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

n1 : integer
Subroutine: pout_j. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

n1 : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

n1 : integer
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n1 : integer
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

n1 : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n1fft : integer, dimension(lmo)
Global variable . Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f
the lth value of n1fft,n2fft is the first/last segment index for
n1fil : integer, dimension(lmo)
Global variable . Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f
the lth value of n1fil,n2fil is the first/last segment index for
n2 : integer
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

n2 : integer
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

n2 : integer, integer
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

n2 : integer
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n2 : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n2cx : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1.
n2cx : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

n2cx : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

n2fft : integer, dimension(lmo)
Global variable . Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f
the lth value of n1fft,n2fft is the first/last segment index for
n2fil : integer, dimension(lmo)
Global variable . Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f
the lth value of n1fil,n2fil is the first/last segment index for
n2ox : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor for N2O with respect to value in "GHG" file
Initial Value = 1.
n2ox : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

n2ox : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

n2ox : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

n3 : integer
Subroutine: diffuse_moms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

n3 : integer, integer
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

n_aer : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: getdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n_aer : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: rcompx. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n_aer : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_aer. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

n_aer : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n_aer : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n_aer_tracer : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: rcompx. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n_aer_tracer : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n_az : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f
: number of azimuths which is even.
Initial Value = 4
n_az : used from unrdrag_com
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

n_band_alb_lw : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: PLANET_ALB. File: planet_alb.F90
Initial Value = 30
n_band_alb_sw : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: PLANET_ALB. File: planet_alb.F90
Initial Value = 6
n_band_lw : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

n_band_lw : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

n_band_lw : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n_band_sw : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

n_band_sw : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

n_band_sw : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

n_c : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f
: number of C samples in source spectrum
Initial Value = 100
n_c : used from unrdrag_com
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

n_covertypes : used from ent_mod
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

n_covertypes : used from ent_mod
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

n_end : integer, integer
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

n_exception : integer
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

n_exception_all : integer
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

n_idx1 : integer, parameter
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
Initial Value = 5
n_idx1 : integer, parameter
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f
Initial Value = 11
n_idx2 : integer, parameter
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
Initial Value = 3
n_idx3 : integer, parameter
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
Initial Value = 6
n_idxd : integer, parameter
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = 14*lmax_dd2
n_kh : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f
: number of horizontal wavenumbers
Initial Value = 1
n_kh : used from unrdrag_com
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

n_other : used from ent_mod
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

n_out : integer
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

n_rfl : integer, dimension(iz0:LM+1)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

n_roots : integer
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

n_start : integer
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

n_veg : used from planet_alb
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90

n_veg : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: PLANET_ALB. File: planet_alb.F90
Initial Value = 12
n_veg : used from planet_alb
Global variable . Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

na : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: getmie. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

na : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: rhdtna. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

na : integer
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

naer : integer
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

namdd : character*4, dimension(ndiupt), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
(i,j)-coord.,names of boxes w/diurnal cycle diag
namdd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

namdd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

namdd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

namdd : character*4, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_diurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

namdd : character*4, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_hdiurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

name : character(len=20)
Subroutine: alloc_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

name : character(len=sname_strlen)
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

name : character(len=*)
Subroutine: dump_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

name : character(len=sname_strlen)
Subroutine: keydj. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

name : character*12
Subroutine: open_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

name : character*16, dimension(ndiuvar)
Subroutine: pout_diurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dummy strings
name : character*16, dimension(ndiuvar)
Subroutine: pout_hdiurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dummy strings
name3 : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(:), allocatable
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f
variable names used for grouped output
name_con : character*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
name of conservation quantity
name_consrv : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(kcon), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 'unused'
name_consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

name_consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

name_consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

name_consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

name_consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

name_dd : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(ndiuvar), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

name_dd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

name_dd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

name_dd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

name_dd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

name_dims : character(len=*)
Subroutine: declare_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

name_ij : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(kaij), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Names/Units of lat/lon IJ diagnostics
name_ij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

name_ij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

name_ijk : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(kaijk), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Names of lon-lat-pressure IJK diagnostics
name_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

name_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

name_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

name_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

name_ijl : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(kaijl), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Names of lon-lat-level IJL diagnostics
name_ijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

name_ijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

name_ijl : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(kaijl)
Subroutine: open_ijl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

name_ijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

name_ijmm : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(kaijmm), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

name_ijmm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

name_ijmm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

name_il : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(kailx)
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

name_j : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(kaj), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Names/Units of zonal J diagnostics
name_j : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

name_j : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

name_j : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

name_reg : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(kaj), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

name_reg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

name_reg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

name_sjl : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(kasjl), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Names of radiative-layer-only SJL diagnostics
name_st : character(len=20), allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
Names of straits
name_st : used from straits
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

name_st : used from straits
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

name_tsf : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(ktsf), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

name_wave : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(kwp), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

namedd : character*10, dimension(kddmax)
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
array of names of sub-daily diags
namervr : character*8, dimension(nrvrmx)
Global variable . Module: LAKES_COM. File: LAKES_COM.f
Named rivers
namervr : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: def_meta_rvracc. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

namervr : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

namervr : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: write_meta_rvracc. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

nameunit : used from filemanager
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

nameunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

namofm : integer, dimension(6)
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = (/2,3,4,5,6,7/)
namreg :
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
title and names of regions for AREG diagnostics
namreg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

namreg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

namreg_1word : character(len=8), dimension(23)
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

nan : used from constant
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

natm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

natm : integer
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

navo : used from constant
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Initial Value = >avog
nb : integer*4
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

nb : integer
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nbad : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

nbad_loc : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

nbas : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
number of ocean basins
Initial Value = 4
nbas : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

nbas : integer
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbas : integer*2, save, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

nbas_fft : integer
Global variable . Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f
number of segments over which to apply fft-based filter
nbas_fil : integer
Global variable . Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f
number of segments over which to apply matrix-based filter
nbasm : integer*4, save
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

nbox : integer, dimension(1)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

nbox : integer, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

nbyz :
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
[muvc]: # of basins at each lat/depth
nbyz : integer, intent(in), dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbyzc : integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

nbyzc : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

nbyzc : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

nbyzc : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbyzm : integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

nbyzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

nbyzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

nbyzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

nbyzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

nbyzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbyzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

nbyzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

nbyzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbyzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

nbyzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

nbyzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbyzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

nbyzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

nbyzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbyzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

nbyzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbyzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbyzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbyzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbyzm : used from ocean
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

nbyzmax : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
Initial Value = 20
nbyzmax : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

nbyzmax : used from ocean
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbyzmax : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

nbyzmax : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbyzu : integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

nbyzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

nbyzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbyzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

nbyzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

nbyzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

nbyzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbyzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

nbyzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

nbyzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbyzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbyzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbyzu : used from ocean
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbyzv : integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

nbyzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

nbyzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

nbyzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

nbyzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

nbyzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbyzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

nbyzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

nbyzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbyzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbyzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nbyzv : used from ocean
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nc : integer
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

nc : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

nc : integer
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

nc : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

nc : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nc : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

nc : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

nc3d : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

ncasa : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_soil_c_total. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

ncirc : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 3
ncmax : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f
Initial Value = 10
ncol : used from clouds_com
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

ncol : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
number of subcolumns
Initial Value = 20
ncol : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

ncols : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: MSU_WTS_MOD. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = 4
ncourant : integer*4
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ncourant : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ncourant : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ncourant : integer
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ncparam : integer
Subroutine: new_io_param. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

ncxy : integer
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

ncxy : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

ncyc : integer
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

ncyc : used from tracer_adv
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ncycxy : integer, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

ncycxy_loc : integer, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

nd : integer
Subroutine: aperiod. Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
Initial Value = 4
nd : integer
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nda4 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
: DT_Diag4 = NDA4 *DTsrc Energy history
Initial Value = 24
nda4 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

nda4 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nda4 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nda5d : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
: DT_Diag5d = NDA5d*DTsrc Consrv SpAnal dyn
Initial Value = 1
nda5d : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

nda5d : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

nda5d : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nda5k : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
: DT_Diag5k = NDA5k*DTsrc + 2*DT(dyn) SpAnal KE
Initial Value = 7
nda5k : used from diag_com
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

nda5k : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nda5s : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
: DT_Diag5s = NDA5s*DTsrc Consrv SpAnal src
Initial Value = 1
nda5s : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

nda5s : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

nda5s : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ndaa : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
: DT_DiagA = NDAA*DTsrc + 2*DT(dyn)
Initial Value = 7
ndaa : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ndaa : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ndaa : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ndaa : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ndaa : used from diag_com
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ndaa : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ndasf : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
: DT_DiagSrfc = NDASf*DTsrc + DTsrc/NIsurf
Initial Value = 1
ndasf : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ndasf : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

nday : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nday : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
number of Internal Time Units per day (1 ITU = DTsrc sec)
nday : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_cal. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: def_acc_meta. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

nday : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: getdte. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_veg. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
=(1 day)/DTsrc : even integer; adjust DTsrc to be commensurate
nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: ocean_driver. Module: NONE. File: OCN_DRV.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: reset_mdiag. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: sundial. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
=(1 day)/DTsrc : even integer; adjust DTsrc to be commensurate
nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

nday : used from model_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

nday_dummy : integer
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

ndays : integer
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ndays : integer
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ndbls : integer
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ndel : integer
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ndiag : integer, parameter
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = 4
ndigits_year : integer
Subroutine: year_to_string. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

ndims : integer
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

ndisk : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
: DT_saversf = Ndisk *DTsrc fort.1/fort.2 saves
Initial Value = 24
ndisk : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

ndisk : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_model. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

ndiupt : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of points where diurnal diagnostics are kept
Initial Value = 4
ndiupt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ndiupt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ndiupt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ndiupt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ndiupt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ndiupt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ndiupt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ndiupt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ndiupt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ndiuvar : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of diurnal diagnostics
Initial Value = 60
ndiuvar : integer
Global variable . Module: GISSOUT. File: POUT.f

ndiuvar : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ndiuvar : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ndiuvar : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ndiuvar : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ndiuvar : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ndiuvar : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ndiuvar : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ndiuvar_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_diurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

ndiuvar_gcm : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_hdiurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

ndparm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 0
ndparm_max : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 100
ndst : integer
Subroutine: get_dx_intervals. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ndt : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ndt : integer
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ndyno : integer
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

ndyno : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ndyno : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ndyno : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ned : used from gc_com
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ned : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of different energy history diagnostics
Initial Value = 10
ned : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ned : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag4a. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

need_eflow_gl : logical
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
Initial Value = .false.
needsid : logical, allocatable, dimension(:)
Subroutine: sparsecommunicator. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

needtemp : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

nehist : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of energy history columns,rows (max)
Initial Value = NED*(2+ISTRAT)
nehist : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nerr : integer
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

nerr : integer
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

nerr : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
error codes
nerr :
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
error codes
nerr :
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
error codes
neven : integer*4
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

new_acc_period : type(accumulationperiod)
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

new_flake : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

new_mld : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

new_tlake : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

newbasetime : used from basetime_mod
Subroutine: calc_zenith_angle. Module: ZENITH_MOD. File: Zenith.F90

newmonth : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

newmonth : logical
Subroutine: startnewday. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

newtime : used from time_mod
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

newtit : character*16
Subroutine: pout_j. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

newtonmethod : used from rootfinding_mod
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

nf : used from filemanager
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nf : used from filemanager
Subroutine: read_aer_opt_prop. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

nfiltr : integer
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= DT_filter / DTsrc
Initial Value = 1
nfiltr : used from dynamics
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

nfiltr : used from dynamics
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

nfiltr : used from dynamics
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nfiltr : used from dynamics
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nfit : integer
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ngas : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nghg : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
nr. of well-mixed GHgases: CO2 N2O CH4 CFC-11 CFC-12 others
Initial Value = 6
nghg : used from radpar
Subroutine: ghghst. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

nghg : used from radpar
Subroutine: gtrend. Module: NONE. File: RADIATION.f

ngiss : integer
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

ngm : used from ghy_com
Global variable . Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

ngm : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f
number of soil layers
Initial Value = 6
ngm : used from ghy_com
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

ngm : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: accumulate_excess_c. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ngm : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ngm : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ngm : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ngm : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ngm : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ngm : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ngm : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ngm : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ngm : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ngm : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: fix_water_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ngm : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ngm : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ngm : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ngm : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ngm : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ngm : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ngm_array : real(kind=8), allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
three-dimensional array for subdd ground diagnostics
ngr : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = >n
ngux : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nh : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nh : real*8
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nh : real*8
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nhc : integer
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f
number of height classes
Initial Value = 1
nhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

nhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

nhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

nhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

nhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

nhc_local : integer
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f
Initial Value = 1
nhead : integer
Subroutine: ghghst. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = 4
nhemi : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 2
nhemi : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ni : integer
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ni : integer
Subroutine: conserv_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ni : integer
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ni : integer
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ni : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ni : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ni_checkfobs_y : integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

ni_checkfobs_z : integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

ni_pack : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

ni_pack_n : integer, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

ni_pack_s : integer, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

ni_unpack : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

nidyn : integer
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= DTsrc / DT
nidyn : used from dynamics
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

nidyn : used from dynamics
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

nidyn : used from dynamics
Subroutine: daily_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

nidyn : used from dynamics
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

nidyn : used from dynamics
Subroutine: jl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

nij_after_i1 : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

nij_after_i1 : integer
Subroutine: nij_after_i1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

nij_after_i1 : integer
Subroutine: perturb_temps. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

nij_after_i1 : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

nij_after_j1 : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

nij_after_j1 : integer
Subroutine: nij_after_j1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

nij_after_j1 : integer
Subroutine: perturb_temps. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

nij_after_j1 : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

nij_before_j0 : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

nij_before_j0 : integer
Subroutine: nij_before_j0. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

nij_before_j0 : integer
Subroutine: perturb_temps. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

nij_before_j0 : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

nino34 : real*8
Subroutine: keyij2. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nint : used from rational_mod
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

nintlimit : integer
Subroutine: nintlimit. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

niparam : integer
Subroutine: new_io_param. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

niparm : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 0
niparm_max : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 100
niprnt : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
number of instantaneous initial printouts
Initial Value = 1
niprnt : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

niprnt : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_model. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

nisccp : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of ISCCP histogram regions
Initial Value = 5
nisccp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nisccp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nisccp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

nisccp : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_isccp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

nisccp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

nisurf : integer
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f
: DT_Surface = DTsrc/NIsurf
Initial Value = 2
nisurf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

nisurf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: diurn_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

nisurf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

nisurf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

nisurf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

nisurf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

nisurf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

nisurf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

nisurf : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

niter : integer, parameter
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
number of iterations
Initial Value = 5
nj : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nj : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nj25 : integer, save
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

njjm : integer, save
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

njm1 : integer
Subroutine: get_ivjv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

njpol : integer
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

njpol : integer
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

njpol : integer
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

njpol : integer
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

njpol : integer
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

njpol : integer
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

njpol : integer
Subroutine: checkpbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

njpol : integer
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

nkband : integer
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
number of K-bands (33)
nkband : used from surf_albedo
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nkeofm : integer, dimension(6)
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = (/14,15,16,17,18,19/)
nkeymo : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of months key diagnostics are saved
Initial Value = 50
nkeynr : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of key number diagnostics
Initial Value = 43
nkeynr : used from diag_com
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nko2 : integer, parameter
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 6
nkslam : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 14
nl : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
highest and lowest above ground layer
nl : integer
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

nl : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

nl : integer
Subroutine: aadvqz2_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

nl : integer
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

nl : integer
Subroutine: gather_straits_pairs. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

nl : integer
Subroutine: init. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

nl : integer
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

nl : integer
Subroutine: scatter_straits_pairs. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

nl : integer
Subroutine: zstep. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

nl0 : integer, save
Subroutine: setbak. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
nl0 : integer, save
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nl0 : integer, save
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nlat : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: boxav. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nlat : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: boxav1. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nlat : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: boxav2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nlay : integer
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nlcf : integer, parameter, private
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 43
nlev : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

nlev : used from resolution
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Initial Value = >lm
nlines : integer
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nlines : integer
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nlo3 : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f
# of layers in ozone data files. Todo: read from datafiles.
Initial Value = 49
nlo3 : used from o3mod
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nlo3 : used from o3mod
Subroutine: rcompx. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nlo3 : used from o3mod
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nloc_diu_var : integer, parameter
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = 8
nloc_diu_varb : integer, parameter
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = 3
nlrec : character
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

nlrec : character
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

nlsn : used from ghy_com
Global variable . Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

nlsn : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f
max number of snow layers
Initial Value = 3
nlsn : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

nlt : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f
Initial Value = 33
nlt : integer
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

nm : integer
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nm : integer
Subroutine: conserv_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

nm : integer
Subroutine: diag4a. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nm : integer
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

nm : integer
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

nm : integer
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nm : integer
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

nm : integer
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nm1 : integer
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

nm1 : integer
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

nm1 : integer
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

nm1 : integer
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nmap : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: scale_ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nmaplets : integer
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nmaplets : integer
Subroutine: set_ijout. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nmaps : integer
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nmaps : integer
Subroutine: set_ijout. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nmatch : integer, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

nmax : integer
Subroutine: checkost. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

nmax : integer
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f
Initial Value = nwav_dag
nmax : integer
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nmax : integer
Subroutine: get_dx_intervals. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nmax : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_i1i2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

nmax : integer
Subroutine: tcheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

nmax : integer, parameter
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = 20
nmdata : real*8, dimension(n_covertypes)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

nmin : integer, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

nmin : integer, allocatable, save, dimension(:)
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

nmin : integer*4, save, dimension(JM)
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

nmin : integer
Subroutine: tcheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

nmol : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nmom : used from qusdef
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

nmom : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: QUSDEF. File: QUSDEF.f
Initial Value = 9
nmom : used from qusdef
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

nmom : used from qusdef
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

nmom : used from qusdef
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

nmom : used from qusdef
Subroutine: alloc_smomtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

nmom : used from qusdef
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

nmonav : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
number of months in a diagnostic accuml. period
Initial Value = 1
nmonav : used from model_com
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nmonav : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

nmonav : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nmonav : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_model. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

nmonav : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

nmond : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nmond : integer
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

nmst : used from straits
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

nmst : integer
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
no. of ocean straits
Initial Value = 0
nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: conserv_oce. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: conserv_oms. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: conserv_osl. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: def_meta_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: def_rsf_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: gather_straits_pairs. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: new_io_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: otj_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: scatter_straits_pairs. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stable. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stbdra. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: strmij. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: strmij_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: strmjl_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

nmst : used from straits
Subroutine: write_meta_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

nmsu : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: MSU_WTS_MOD. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = 200
nmwava : integer, dimension(16)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nmwavb : integer, dimension(16)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nn : integer
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

nn : integer
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

nn : integer
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

nn : integer
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

nn : integer
Subroutine: get_i1i2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

nn : integer
Subroutine: getmie. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nn : integer
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

nn : integer, integer
Subroutine: neighborbyflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

nn : integer
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nn : integer
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nn : integer
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nn : integer
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nn : integer
Subroutine: shap1. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

nn : integer
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

nnb : integer
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nnbr : integer
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

nnbr : integer
Subroutine: get_regrid_info_for_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

nni : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= number of values for zehat in the look up table
Initial Value = 890
nni : used from kppe
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

nnj : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= number of values for ustar in the look up table
Initial Value = 480
nnj : used from kppe
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

no : integer*4
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

no2x : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor for NO2 with respect to value in "GHG" file
Initial Value = 1.
no2x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

no2x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

no3col :
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
if >0 ozone is rescaled before repartitioning if MRELAY>0
no_rzlim : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nocean : used from oceanres
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

noff : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

noff : integer
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

nofm : integer, dimension(npts+1, nquant), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
indices for CONSRV array
nofm : integer, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

nofm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

nofm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nofm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nofm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

noijl : integer
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

noijlgm : integer
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

nolnst : integer
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

norder : integer, dimension(16)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

norder : used from oceanres
Subroutine: oabfilx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

norder : used from oceanres
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

norder : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: shap1d. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
order of shapiro filter (must be even)
norms0 : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
if =1, Incident (TOA) Solar flux is normalized to equal S0
Initial Value = 1
north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: form. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: icdyn_masks. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: plast. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: regrid_to_primary_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

north : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

northsouth : integer
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

not_found : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90
Initial Value = -1
not_open : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = -999
now : real*8
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

now : real*8
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

now : real*8
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

now : real*8
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

now : real*8
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

now : real*8
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

now : real*8
Subroutine: timeout. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f
current CPU time (s)
now : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: timer. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f
current CPU time (seconds)
np : integer
Subroutine: avg_patches_pbl_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

np : integer
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

np : integer
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports_gla. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

np : integer
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfstate_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

np : integer
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

np1 : integer
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

np1 : integer
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

np1 : integer
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

npage : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

npbl : used from socpbl
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >n
npbl : used from socpbl
Global variable . Module: PBLCOM. File: PBL_COM.f
Initial Value = >n
npbl : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = n
npbl : used from socpbl
Global variable . Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = >n
npbl : used from socpbl
Subroutine: diurn_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f
Initial Value = >n
npbl : used from socpbl
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
Initial Value = >n
npbl : used from socpbl
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
Initial Value = >n
npbl : used from pblcom
Subroutine: setbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

npbl : used from socpbl
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f
Initial Value = >n
npd_aer : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_dimen. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

npd_layer : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

npd_layer : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_dimen. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

npd_profile : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_dimen. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

npes : integer
Subroutine: sparsecommunicator. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

nphd : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

npoints : integer, parameter
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Initial Value = 1
npol : integer
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
Initial Value = 1
nppl :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
iteration counter for computing MC area partition
npres : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = 7
npres : used from diag_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

npres : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

npres : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_isccp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

npress :
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of ISCCP optical depth,pressure categories
nptchs : integer
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

npts : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of points at which standard conserv. diags are called
Initial Value = 11
npts : used from diag_com
Subroutine: declare_oceanr_consrv. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

npts : used from diag_com
Subroutine: declare_seaice_consrv. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

npts : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

npts : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

npts : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

npts : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

npts : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

npts : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

npx : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 19
nq : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nq : integer
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

nq : integer, save
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = 2
nqty : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
number of output qtys zonally averaged over basins
Initial Value = 3
nqty : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

nquant : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Number of conserved quantities in conservation diags
Initial Value = 24
nquant : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nr : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

nrad : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
: DT_Rad = NRad*DTsrc
Initial Value = 5
nrad : used from rad_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

nrad : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

nrad : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

nrad_clay : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
index of clay in arrays for optional aerosol interaction
nrad_clay : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

nrad_clay : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

nradfrc : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
sets frequency of inst. rad. forcing calculations
Initial Value = 1
nradfrc : used from rad_com
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

nradfrc : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

nradfrc : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

nrcf : integer, parameter, private
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 3
nreg : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of regions for budget diagnostics
Initial Value = 24
nreg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

nreg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nreg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nreg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nrfu : integer
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nrfun : integer, dimension(14)
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
indices of unit numbers for radiation routines
nrfun : integer, dimension(14)
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nrh : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nrh : integer
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nrhcry : integer, parameter, dimension(4)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = (/38,47,28,38/)
nrhn1 : integer
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nrhnan : integer, dimension(LX, 8)
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nrparam : integer
Subroutine: new_io_param. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

nrtau : integer
Subroutine: init_sdrag. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

nrvr : integer
Global variable . Module: LAKES_COM. File: LAKES_COM.f
actual No. of named rivers
nrvr : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: def_meta_rvracc. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

nrvr : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

nrvr : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

nrvr : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: write_meta_rvracc. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

nrvrmx : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: LAKES_COM. File: LAKES_COM.f
Max No. of named rivers
Initial Value = 42
nrvrmx : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ns : integer
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

ns : integer
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

ns : integer
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

ns : integer
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

ns : integer
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

ns : integer
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ns : integer
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

ns : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ns : integer
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ns : integer
Subroutine: checkost. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

ns : integer
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ns : integer
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ns : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ns : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ns : integer*4
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ns : integer*4, intent(in)
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ns : integer
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ns : integer
Subroutine: stable. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ns : integer
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ns : integer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ns : integer
Subroutine: xstep. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

ns : integer
Subroutine: zstep. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

nsampl : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
number of diagnostic sampling schemes
Initial Value = 12
nsb : integer
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

nsec : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
number of lat/lon sections for diags
Initial Value = 3
nshap : integer, parameter
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = 8
nshap : integer, parameter
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = 8
nsig : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: reduce_fig. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

nsigg : integer
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

nsigg : integer
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

nsigs : integer
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

nsigs : integer
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

nsized : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nsized : integer
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

nsn : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

nsn : integer
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

nsn : integer, intent(out), dimension(:)
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

nsn : integer, intent(out), dimension(:)
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

nsn_ij : integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

nsn_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

nsn_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: conserv_htg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

nsn_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

nsn_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

nsn_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

nsn_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

nsn_ij_glob : integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

nsold : integer
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

nspace : integer
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nspher : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of spectral diagnostics, and harmonics used
Initial Value = 4*(2+ISTRAT)
nspher : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

nspher : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

nspher : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nspher : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

nspher : used from gc_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nsrc : integer
Subroutine: get_dx_intervals. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nssw : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
: DT_checkSsw = Nssw *DTsrc
Initial Value = 1
nssw : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

nssw : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_model. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

nst : integer*4
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

nstep : integer
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= number of DT steps during dynamics
nstep : integer, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

nstep : integer, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

nstep : integer
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

nstep : integer
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

nstep : used from dynamics
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

nstep : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: calc_zenith_angle. Module: ZENITH_MOD. File: Zenith.F90
- number of timesteps over which to average
nstep : used from dynamics
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

nstep : integer, parameter
Subroutine: integrate_sgswind. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
Initial Value = 100
nstep : used from model_com
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >itime
nstep : used from model_com
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f
Initial Value = >itime
nstep : integer
Subroutine: xstep. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

nstep : integer
Subroutine: zstep. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

nstepmax : integer, parameter
Subroutine: xstep. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f
Initial Value = 60
nsteps : integer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

nstepx : integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

nstepx_dum : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

nstepz_dum : integer
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

nstepz_extra : integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

nstype :
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f
number of surface types for radiation purposes
nsub :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
nsubdd : integer
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
: DT_save_SUBDD = Nsubdd*DTsrc sub-daily diag freq.
Initial Value = 0
nsubdd : used from subdaily
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

nsum : integer*4
Subroutine: strmij. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

nsum_con : integer, dimension(kcon), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
indices for summation of conservation diagnostics
nsum_con : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nsum_con : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nsum_con : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nsum_con : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nsv : integer
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

nsw1 : integer, parameter
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 24
nsw2 : integer, parameter
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 32
nsw3 : integer, parameter
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 40
nsw4 : integer, parameter
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 48
nt : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
dim of rr in table
Initial Value = 2*nt0
nt : integer
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nt : integer
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nt : integer
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

nt : integer
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

nt : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: int_ag2og_3da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

nt : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

nt : integer
Subroutine: keyjke. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nt : integer
Subroutine: keyjkn. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nt : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

nt : integer
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nt0 : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
Initial Value = 54
ntalb : integer
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
number of albedo types in AGSIDV (4)
ntalb : used from surf_albedo
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ntau : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of ISCCP optical depth,pressure categories
Initial Value = 7
ntau : used from diag_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ntau : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ntau : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_isccp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

ntau : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ntime_dd : integer
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ntime_hd : integer
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ntimeacc : integer
Global variable . Module: TIMINGS. File: MODEL_COM.f
actual number of time accumulators
Initial Value = 0
ntimeacc : used from timings
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ntimeacc : used from timings
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ntimeacc : used from timings
Subroutine: def_rsf_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

ntimeacc : used from timings
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

ntimeacc : used from timings
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

ntimeacc : used from timings
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

ntimeacc : used from timings
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

ntimemax : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: TIMINGS. File: MODEL_COM.f
maximum number of possible time accumulators
Initial Value = 12
ntimemax : used from timings
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ntimemax : used from timings
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ntimemax : used from timings
Subroutine: def_rsf_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

ntimemax : used from timings
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

ntimemax : used from timings
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

ntimemax : used from timings
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

ntm : integer
Subroutine: alloc_icestate_type. Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f

ntm_atm : integer
Subroutine: io_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

ntrace : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
ntrace : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ntrace : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ntrice : integer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
max. number of tracers to be advected (mass/heat/salt+)
ntrix : integer, dimension(itrmax)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Indexing array for optional aerosol interaction
Initial Value = 0
ntrix : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ntrix : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ntx : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 8
ntype : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of different surface types
Initial Value = 6
ntype : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ntype : used from diag_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ntype : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ntype : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ntype : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ntype : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ntype : used from diag_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ntype_out : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of output budgets pages
Initial Value = NTYPE+3
ntype_out : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ntype_out : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ntype_out : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ntype_out : used from diag_com
Subroutine: initdiagj. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

ntypes : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: open_j. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
number of surface types to be output
nu : real*8
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

nu : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: getzhq. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

nu : integer
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nua : integer
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nua : integer
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nuamax : integer, parameter
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = 120
nuamax : integer
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nub : integer
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nubmax : integer, parameter
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = 15
nubmax : integer
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nucf : integer, parameter, private
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 7
nuh : real*8
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

num : real*8
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

num_smooth : integer, parameter
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
Initial Value = 0
num_v_smooth_ri : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= number of vertical smoothings of Ri
Initial Value = 1
numax : integer
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

number : integer, integer
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

numblks : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: gather. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

numblks : integer
Subroutine: gather_ij. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

numblks : integer
Subroutine: gather_ijx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

numblks : integer
Subroutine: gather_ijxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

numblks : integer
Subroutine: gather_pts. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

numblks : integer
Subroutine: gather_ptsx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

numblks : integer
Subroutine: gather_ptsxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

numblks : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: scatter. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

numblks : integer
Subroutine: scatter_ij. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

numblks : integer
Subroutine: scatter_ijx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

numblks : integer
Subroutine: scatter_ijxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

numblks : integer
Subroutine: scatter_pts. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

numblks : integer
Subroutine: scatter_ptsx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

numblks : integer
Subroutine: scatter_ptsxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

numpointsglobal : integer
Subroutine: sparsecommunicator. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

numpointslocal : integer
Subroutine: sparsecommunicator. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

numthreads : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

nuq : real*8
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

nutm : integer
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nuv : integer
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

nuv : integer
Subroutine: get_nuv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

nux : integer, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nv : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
total number of vegetation types
Initial Value = 12
nv : integer
Subroutine: get_ivjv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

nvec : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nvec : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: threeptquadinterpolation. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nvolmon : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nvsdragl : integer
Subroutine: init_sdrag. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

nw : integer, parameter
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 18
nw : integer
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

nwav_dag : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
number of components in spectral diagnostics
Initial Value = min(9,imlonh)
nwav_dag : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

nwav_dag : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nwav_dag : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

nwts_ij : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
= number of weight-ij-arrays used in IJ-diagnostics
Initial Value = 8
nwts_ij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

nwvcf : integer, parameter, private
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 9
nx : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
length of 1D vector
nx : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
length of 1D vector
nx : integer
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nx : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nx : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nx1 : integer
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
number of grid points in the longitudinal direction
nx1 : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

nx1 : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

nx1 : used from icedyn
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

nx1 : used from icedyn
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

nxb : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: repart. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nxb : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: repartint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nxb : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: reterp. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nxchng : integer
Subroutine: get_dx_intervals. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

nxf : integer
Subroutine: repartint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nxf : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: spline. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nxf : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nxf : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nxlcyc : integer
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

nxlcyc : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

ny : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ny1 : integer
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
number of grid points in the latitudinal direction
ny1 : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

ny1 : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ny1 : used from icedyn
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

nyb : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: repart. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nyb : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: repartint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nyb : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: reterp. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nyg : integer
Subroutine: repartint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

nypole : integer
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

nypole : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

nyrsghg :
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
max.number of years of prescr. greenhouse gas history
nz : integer, parameter
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 11
nz1 : integer
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nz1 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

nz2 : integer
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

nz2 : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

o : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

o : real*8
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

o2fhrb : real*8, dimension(lx)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

o2fhrl : real*8, dimension(lx)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

o2x : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor for O2 with respect to value in "GHG" file
Initial Value = 1.
o2x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

o2x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

o3 : real*8, dimension(49, lx)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

o3_yr : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
obs.year of Ozone (if 0: use current year)
Initial Value = 1951
o3_yr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

o3_yr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

o3abs : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: ao3abs. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

o3arr : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

o3col : real*8, dimension(49)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

o3jday : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

o3jday : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

o3jday : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

o3jref : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

o3jref : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

o3l : real*8, dimension(46, 72)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

o3stream : type(timestream)
Global variable . Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f
interface for reading and time-interpolating O3 files
o3x : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1.
o3x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

o3x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

oa : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
generic diagnostic array for ocean heat transport calculations
oa : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

oa : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

oa : used from diag_com
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

oa : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

oa : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

oa : real*8, dimension(oim, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo), intent(out)
Subroutine: int_ag2og_2da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

oa : real*8, dimension(nt, oim, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo), intent(out)
Subroutine: int_ag2og_3da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

oa : real*8, dimension(oim, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo), intent(in)
Subroutine: int_og2ag_2da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

oa : real*8, dimension(nt, oim, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo), intent(in)
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

oa : real*8, dimension(oim, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, on), intent(in)
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3db_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

oa : used from diag_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

oa : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

oa : used from diag_com
Subroutine: vflx_ocean. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

oa2d : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: int_ag2og_3da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

oa2d : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

oa_band : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: int_og2ag_2da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

oa_band : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

oa_band : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3db_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

oa_glob : real*8, allocatable, public, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

oa_glob : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

oa_glob : used from diag_com
Subroutine: dealloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

oabfux : used from oceanres
Subroutine: oabfilx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

oabfvx : used from oceanres
Subroutine: oabfilx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

oam : real*8, dimension(IMO, oGRID%J_STRT_HALO:oGRID%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

oapress : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

oapress : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

obliq : real*8
Subroutine: makeearthorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

obliquity : real*8
Subroutine: makeplanetorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

obottom_drag : integer*4
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
use ocean bottom drag routine (default=1)
Initial Value = 1
obottom_drag : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

obottom_drag : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

oc_cdncx :
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor relating cld opt depth and CDNC change
oc_mean_salinity :
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
define mean salinity of ocean (if set)
oc_salt_mean : real*8
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
Initial Value = -999.
oc_salt_mean : used from ocean
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

oc_salt_mean : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

oc_tracer_mean :
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
mean tracer ratio of ocean
ocalbedo : used from ocalbedo_mod
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

ocean : logical
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

oceane : real*8, dimension(IMO, oGRID%J_STRT_HALO:oGRID%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: conserv_oce. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ocm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: ao3abs. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ocm : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ocm : real*8
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ocnatm : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

ocnatm : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ocnatm : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ag2og_precip. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ocnatm : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ocnatm : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ocnice : type(iceocn_xchng_vars)
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

ocnice : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ocnice : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ag2og_precip. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ocnice : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ocnice : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ig2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ocnice : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: og2ag_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ocnu_band : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: og2ig_uvsurf. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ocnv_band : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: og2ig_uvsurf. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ocoastal_drag : integer*4
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
use ocean coastal drag routine (default=1)
Initial Value = 1
ocoastal_drag : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ocoastal_drag : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ocosi : used from ocean
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f
Initial Value = >COSIC
ocosi : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f
Initial Value = >COSIC
ocosm : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >COSM
ocosq : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >COSQ
od_cdncx : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = .0000d0
od_cdncx : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

od_cdncx : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

odhsi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

odhsi : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

odlat_dg : real*8
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

odlat_dg : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

odlat_dg : used from ocean
Subroutine: strmij. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

odlatm : used from ocean
Subroutine: ig2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f
Initial Value = >DLATM
odlatm : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >DLATM
odlatm : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ig_uvsurf. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f
Initial Value = >DLATM
odlon_dg : real*8
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

odlon_dg : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

odmsi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

odmsi : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

odmua : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

odmua : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

odmua : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

odmua : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

odmui : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

odmui : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

odmui : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

odmui : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

odmva : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

odmva : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

odmva : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

odmva : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

odmvi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

odmvi : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

odmvi : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

odmvi : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

odssi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

odssi : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

odxyp : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >DXYPO
oe0 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

oe0 : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

oeflowo : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

oeflowo : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

oegmelt : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

oegmelt : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

oemelti : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

oemelti : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

oeprec : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

oeprec : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

oerunosi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

oerunosi : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

oerunpsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

oerunpsi : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

oevapor : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

oevapor : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

off : real*8
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

off_ijk : real*8, dimension(kaijk), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
offset for weighted AIJK diagnostics
off_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

off_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

offia : real*8
Subroutine: hntr80. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

offia : real*8
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

offib : real*8
Subroutine: hntr80. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

offib : real*8
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

offset : real*8, parameter, dimension(2)
Subroutine: dcdnc_est. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f
Initial Value = (/ 273d0, 595d0/)
offsets : integer
Subroutine: countindomain. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

offsets : integer
Subroutine: getoffsets. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

ofjeq : used from ocean
Subroutine: strmij. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = >FJEQ
oflowo : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

oflowo : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ofocean_loc : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ag_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f
Initial Value = >FOCEAN
ofocean_loc : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f
Initial Value = >FOCEAN
og0 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ogeoz : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
ocean geopotential at surface (m^2/s^2)
ogeoz : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

ogeoz : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ogeoz : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ogeoz : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ogeoz : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ogeoz : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ogeoz : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ogeoz_sv : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

ogeoz_sv : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

ogeoz_sv : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ogeoz_sv : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ogeoz_sv : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ogeoza : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer, real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
ocean surface height geopotential (m^2/s^2)
ogmelt : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

ogmelt : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ogrid : type(dist_grid), target
Global variable . Module: OCEANR_DIM. File: OCEANR_DIM.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: conserv_oce. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: conserv_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: conserv_oke. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: conserv_oms. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: conserv_osl. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: diagco. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: gissmix_init. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: ig2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: int_ag2og_2da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: int_ag2og_3da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: int_og2ag_2da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3db_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: og2ag_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: og2ig_uvsurf. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: set_oj_budg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ogrid : used from oceanr_dim
Subroutine: set_owtbudg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

oi : real*8
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

oi_0 : integer
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

oi_0 : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

oi_1 : integer
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

oi_1 : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

oi_ustar0 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
default ice-ocean friction velocity (m/s)
Initial Value = 1d-3
oi_ustar0 : used from seaice
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

oij : used from odiag
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f
Initial Value = >oij_loc
oij :
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
lat-lon ocean diagnostics (on ocean grid)
oij : used from odiag
Subroutine: def_rsf_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >oij_loc
oij : used from odiag
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >oij_loc
oij : used from odiag
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >oij_loc
oij : used from odiag
Subroutine: new_io_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >oij_loc
oij : used from odiag
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >oij_loc
oij : used from odiag
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = >oij_loc
oij : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = >oij_loc
oij_loc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

oij_loc : used from odiag
Subroutine: reset_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

oijl :
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
3-dimensional ocean diagnostics
oijl : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = >oijl_loc
oijl : used from odiag
Subroutine: def_rsf_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >oijl_ioptr
oijl : used from odiag
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f
Initial Value = >oijl_loc
oijl : used from odiag
Subroutine: new_io_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >oijl_ioptr
oijl : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo, 3)
Subroutine: oadvt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

oijl : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo, 3)
Subroutine: oadvt2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

oijl : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo, 3)
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

oijl : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

oijl : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

oijl : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

oijl : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

oijl : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

oijl : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

oijl : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

oijl : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

oijl : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

oijl : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

oijl : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

oijl : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

oijl : used from odiag
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >oijl_loc
oijl : used from odiag
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = >oijl_loc
oijl : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = >oijl_loc
oijl : real*8, intent(in), dimension(IM, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, LMO, 2)
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
= west-east and south-north tracer fluxes (kg/s)
oijl_ioptr : real*8, dimension(:, :, :, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

oijl_loc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

oijl_loc : used from odiag
Subroutine: reset_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

oijl_out : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
like OIJL_loc, but rescaled for postprocessing
oijl_out : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

oijmm : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
lat-lon ocean min/max diagnostics (on ocean grid)
oijmm : used from odiag
Subroutine: def_rsf_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

oijmm : used from odiag
Subroutine: new_io_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

oijmm : used from odiag
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

oijmm : used from odiag
Subroutine: reset_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

oim : used from ocean
Subroutine: ig2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f
Initial Value = >im
oim : used from ocean
Subroutine: int_ag2og_2da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f
Initial Value = >im
oim : used from ocean
Subroutine: int_ag2og_3da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f
Initial Value = >im
oim : used from ocean
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f
Initial Value = >im
oim : used from ocean
Subroutine: int_og2ag_2da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f
Initial Value = >im
oim : used from ocean
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f
Initial Value = >im
oim : used from ocean
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3db_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f
Initial Value = >im
oim : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ag_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f
Initial Value = >IM
oim : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f
Initial Value = >IM
oim : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ig_uvsurf. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f
Initial Value = >im
oimaxj : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f
Initial Value = >IMAXJ
oiphi : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
ice-ocean turning angle (25 degrees)
Initial Value = 25d0*radian
oj : real*8
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

oj_0 : integer
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

oj_0 : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

oj_0 : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

oj_0b : integer
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

oj_0b : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

oj_0b : used from ocean
Subroutine: set_oj_budg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

oj_0h : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

oj_0h : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

oj_0s : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

oj_1 : integer
Subroutine: ag2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

oj_1 : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

oj_1 : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

oj_1b : integer
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

oj_1b : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

oj_1b : used from ocean
Subroutine: set_oj_budg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

oj_1h : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

oj_1h : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

oj_1s : integer
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

oj_budg : integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

oj_budg : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

oj_budg : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

oj_budg : used from ocean
Subroutine: set_oj_budg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

oj_budg : used from ocean
Subroutine: set_owtbudg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ojl : real*8, dimension(jm, lmo, nbas, kojl/nbas)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
(number of qtys having) zonal sums/means over basins
ojl : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ojl_out : real*8, dimension(jm, lmo, kojl)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ojl_out : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ojlx : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo, nbas, 4)
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ojm : used from ocean
Subroutine: ig2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f
Initial Value = >jm
ojm : used from ocean
Subroutine: int_ag2og_2da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f
Initial Value = >jm
ojm : used from ocean
Subroutine: int_ag2og_3da_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f
Initial Value = >jm
ojm : used from ocean
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f
Initial Value = >jm
ojm : used from ocean
Subroutine: int_og2ag_2da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f
Initial Value = >jm
ojm : used from ocean
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f
Initial Value = >jm
ojm : used from ocean
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3db_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f
Initial Value = >jm
ojm : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ag_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f
Initial Value = >JM
ojm : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f
Initial Value = >JM
ojm : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ig_uvsurf. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f
Initial Value = >jm
oke : real*8, dimension(IMO, oGRID%J_STRT_HALO:oGRID%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: conserv_oke. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
zonal ocean kinetic energy (J/m^2)
ol : real*8, dimension(lmo, kol)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
vertical ocean diagnostics
ol : used from odiag
Subroutine: def_rsf_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ol : used from odiag
Subroutine: new_io_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ol : used from odiag
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ol : used from odiag
Subroutine: reset_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

olat2d_dg : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

olat2d_dg : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

olat2d_dg : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

olat2d_dg : used from ocean
Subroutine: set_oj_budg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

olat_dg : real*8, dimension(jm, 2)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
latitude of mid points of primary and sec. grid boxs (deg)
olat_dg : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

olat_dg : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

old_total_water : real*8, save, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

oldlat :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
previous LHX
oldlhx :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
previous LHX
olj : real*8, dimension(3, LMO, grid%J_STRT_HALO:grid%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

olm : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f
Initial Value = >LMO
oln : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

olnst : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
strait diagnostics
olnst : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

olnst : used from odiag
Subroutine: def_rsf_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

olnst : used from odiag
Subroutine: new_io_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

olnst : used from odiag
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

olnst : used from odiag
Subroutine: reset_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

olnst : used from odiag
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

olnst : used from odiag
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

olnst : real*8, intent(in), dimension(lmo, nmst)
Subroutine: strmij. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
= strait mass flux (kg/s)
olnst : real*8, intent(in), dimension(LMO, NMST)
Subroutine: strmij_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

olnst : real*8, intent(in), dimension(lmo, nmst)
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
= strait mass flux (kg/s)
olnst : real*8, intent(in), dimension(LMO, NMST)
Subroutine: strmjl_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

olon_dg : real*8, dimension(im, 2)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
longitude of mid points of prim. and sec. grid boxes (deg)
olon_dg : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

olon_dg : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

oltemp : real*8, dimension(LMO, 3)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

omass : real*8, dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

omass : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

omass : real*8, dimension(IMO, oGRID%J_STRT_HALO:oGRID%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: conserv_oms. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

omega : used from constant
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

omega : used from constant
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f

omega : used from constant
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

omega : used from constant
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

omega : used from constant
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

omega : used from constant
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

omega : used from constant
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

omega : used from constant
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

omega : used from constant
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

omega : used from constant
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

omega : used from constant
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

omega : used from constant
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

omega : used from constant
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

omega : used from constant
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

omega : used from constant
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

omega : used from constant
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

omega : used from constant
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

omega : used from constant
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

omega : used from constant
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

omega : used from constant
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

omega : used from constant
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

omega : used from constant
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

omega2 : used from constant
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

omega2 : used from constant
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

omega2 : used from constant
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

omegt : real*8
Subroutine: makeearthorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

omelti : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

omelti : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

omrr : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

on : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3db_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

on_signal_15_abort_in : integer
Subroutine: sig_stop_model. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
Initial Value = 240
one : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = 1.
one_to_lm : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: jl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

ones : real*8, dimension(NLAT)
Subroutine: boxav1. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ones : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ones : real*8, dimension(jm+lm)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ones_band : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: ig2og_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ones_band : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: og2ig_uvsurf. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

onoff_aer : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

onoff_chem : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

opbot : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
ocean bottom pressure (diagnostic only) (Pa)
opbot : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

opbot : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

opbot : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

opbot : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

opbot : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

opbot : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

opbot1 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

opbot2 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

opboth : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

opco2_loc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

openunit : used from filemanager
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

openunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: alloc_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

openunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: check_upper_limit. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

openunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

openunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

openunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

openunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: init. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

openunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

openunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

openunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

openunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

openunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

openunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

openunit : used from filemanager
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

oper : character(len=*), intent(in)
Subroutine: repartint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

opnocn : real*8
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

opnocn : real*8
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

opnsky : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

oprec : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

oprec : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

oprese : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

oprese : used from straits
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

opress : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
Anomalous pressure at surface of ocean (under ice) (Pa)
opress : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

opress : used from ocean
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

opress : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

opress : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

opress : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

opress : used from ocean
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

optdi : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

optdw : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

orb_par_year_bp : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
= offset from model_year or 1950 (fixed case)
Initial Value = 0
orb_par_year_bp : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_orbit. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

orb_par_year_bp : integer
Subroutine: makeearthorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

orbit : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

orbit : used from model_com
Subroutine: initializemodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

orbit : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

orbitalperiod : real*8
Subroutine: makeplanetorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

order : integer
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

order : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: moment_enq_order. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

orsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

orsi : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

orsi : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

orsi : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

orunosi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

orunosi : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

orunpsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

orunpsi : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

os0 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

osalt : real*8, dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

osalt : real*8, dimension(IMO, oGRID%J_STRT_HALO:oGRID%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: conserv_osl. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
zonal ocean salt per whole latitude band area (kg/m^2)
osini : used from ocean
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f
Initial Value = >SINIC
osini : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f
Initial Value = >SINIC
osmelti : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

osmelti : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

osocb1 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
Initial Value = 21.6
osolari : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

osolari : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

osolari : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

osolarw : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

osolarw : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

osolarw : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

osrunosi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

osrunosi : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

osrunpsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: OFLUXES. File: OFLUXES.f

osrunpsi : used from ofluxes
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

osurf_tilt : used from seaice
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

osurf_tilt : integer
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
controls calc. of ocean surface tilt for ice dyn:
Initial Value = 1
osurf_tilt : used from icedyn
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

otj : real*8, dimension(0:JM, 4, 3)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

otj : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

otj_out : real*8, dimension(JM, kotj)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
reshaped combination of OTJ and OTJCOMP
otj_out : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

otjcomp : real*8, dimension(0:JM, 4, 3, 3)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

otjcomp : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

otke : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
turbulent kinetic energy in ocean (m/s)^2
otke_init_max : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
maximum initial value of otke (m/s)^2
Initial Value = 0.5d0/800.
otot_chlo_loc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

otrac : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ou : real*8, dimension(oim, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo), intent(out)
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

ounp : real*8
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

ouo1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

out_line : character(len=300)
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
local variable to hold mixed-type output for parallel I/O
out_line : character(len=300)
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

out_line : character(len=300)
Subroutine: ghghst. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

out_line : character(len=300)
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
local variable to hold mixed-type output for parallel I/O
out_line : character(len=300)
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
local variable to hold mixed-type output for parallel I/O
out_line : character(len=300)
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

out_line : character(len=300)
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
local variable to hold mixed-type output for parallel I/O
out_line : character(len=300)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

out_line : character(len=300)
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
local variable to hold mixed-type output for parallel I/O
ov : real*8, dimension(oim, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo), intent(out)
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

overlap : integer, parameter
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Initial Value = 3
ovnp : real*8
Subroutine: int_ag2og_vector1_par. Module: INT_AG2OG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

ovo1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

ovrwrt : logical
Subroutine: new_io_param. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

oweight : real*8, dimension(oim, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo), intent(in)
Subroutine: int_og2ag_2da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

oweight : real*8, dimension(oim, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo), intent(in)
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

oweight : real*8, dimension(oim, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo), intent(in)
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3db_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

oweight : real*8, dimension(oim, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: og2ag_oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

oweight : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

oweight_band : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: int_og2ag_2da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

oweight_band : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3da_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

oweight_band : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: int_og2ag_3db_par. Module: INT_OG2AG_MOD. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

owtbudg : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

owtbudg : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

owtbudg : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

owtbudg : used from ocean
Subroutine: set_owtbudg. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

oxyp : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

oxyp : used from ocean
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

oxyp : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

oxyp : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oce. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

oxyp : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oke. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

oxyp : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oms. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

oxyp : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_osl. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

oxyp : used from ocean
Subroutine: def_meta_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

oxyp : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

oxyp : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

oxyp : used from ocean
Subroutine: write_meta_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ozo1 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ozo2 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ozo3 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ozo4 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ozo5 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ozo6 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ozon : real*8, dimension(33, 6)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ozonlj : real*4, dimension(44, 46)
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

p : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
surface pressure (hecto-Pascals - PTOP)
p :
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f
[12]xxx lower and upper bounds for a given surface type in
p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

p : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: alphagsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

p : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: betagsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

p : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: calc_amp. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

p : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: calc_pijl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

p : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_ms. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

p : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
pressure at main grid z
p : real*8
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

p : real*8
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

p : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

p : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: hetgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

p : real*8, dimension(13)
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

p : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

p : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

p : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

p : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

p : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

p : used from atm_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

p : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

p : integer
Subroutine: sparsecommunicator. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

p : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: temgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

p : real*8, dimension(0:KM), real*8, intent(in), dimension(0:KM)
Subroutine: vntrp1. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

p : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: volgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

p0 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: calc_vert_amp. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= surface pressure - PTOP (mb)
p0 : real*8
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

p0 : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1013.25d0
p0 : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1013.25
p00 : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

p00 : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

p0l : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

p1 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

p1 : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: de_solver_edge. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
coeff. of the d.e.
p1 : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: de_solver_main. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
coeff. of the d.e.
p1 : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

p1000 : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = 1000.
p1000k : real*8, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
scaling to change reference pressure from 1mb to 1000mb
p1000k : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

p1000k : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

p12 : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

p1gla : integer
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

p1ice : integer
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

p1k : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

p1lnd : integer
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

p1ocn : integer
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

p2 : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

p25 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 0.25
p25 : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: z121. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 2.5d-1
p2gla : integer
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

p2ice : integer
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

p2lnd : integer
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

p2ocn : integer
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

p3 : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

p3 : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: de_solver_edge. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
coeff. of the d.e.
p36 : real*8, parameter, dimension(36)
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/ 1.2000D+3, .9720D+3, .9445D+3, .9065D+3, .8515D+3, .7645D+3, .6400D+3, .4975D+3, .3695D+3, .2795D+3, .2185D+3, .1710D+3, .1250D+3, .8500D+2, .6000D+2, .4000D+2, .2500D+2, .1500D+2, .7500D+1, .4000D+1, .2500D+1, .1500D+1, .7500D+0, .4000D+0, .2500D+0, .1500D+0, .7810D-1, .4390D-1, .2470D-1, .1390D-1, .7594D-2, .3623D-2, .1529D-2, .7030D-3, .2059D-3, .0D0/)
p3d : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

p3d : used from gm_com
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

p4 : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

p4 : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: de_solver_edge. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
coeff. of the d.e.
p4 : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: de_solver_main. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
coeff. of the d.e.
p4 : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

p4i : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

p5 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 0.5
p5 : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: z121. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 5d-1
p75 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = 0.75
p_acc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
accumulated precip (special for SUBDD)
p_acc : used from diag_com
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

p_acc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

p_acc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_subdd. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

p_acc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: new_io_subdd. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

p_csdrag :
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
pressure level above which const.drag is increased
p_edge : real(r8), dimension(lm+1)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

p_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f
Work array for parallel I/O
p_layer : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_atm. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

p_level : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

p_level : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_atm. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

p_mid : real(r8), dimension(lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

p_sdrag :
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= pressure level above which SDRAG is applied (mb), PP_SDRAG = near poles
pa : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pack_a2i : type(band_pack_type), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
contain info for redistributing data from
pack_a2i : type(band_pack_type), target
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
contain info for redistributing data from
pack_a2i : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

pack_a2i : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

pack_block : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

pack_block : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

pack_block : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

pack_block : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

pack_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ent_write_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

pack_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

pack_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

pack_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

pack_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

pack_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

pack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

pack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: gather_diagnostics. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

pack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: gather_icdiags. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

pack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: gather_odiags. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

pack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

pack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

pack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

pack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

pack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

pack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

pack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: obasin. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

pack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

pack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

pack_dataj : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

pack_dataj : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

pack_i2a : type(band_pack_type), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
contain info for redistributing data from
pack_i2a : type(band_pack_type), target
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
contain info for redistributing data from
pack_i2a : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

pack_i2a : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

pack_i2a : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

pack_lc : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f
Initial Value = >pack_dataj
pack_lc : used from diag_zonal
Subroutine: gather_zonal_diags. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

pai : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pak : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

papm1 : real*8, intent(in), dimension(klev)
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

par : used from constant
Subroutine: set_control_lw. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

par : used from constant
Subroutine: set_control_n2_ar. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

par : used from constant
Subroutine: set_control_sw. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

par : used from constant
Subroutine: set_gas_mix_ratio. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: find_later_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: get_soil_c_total. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: obasin. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: read_agrice_ic. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: read_landice_ic. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: read_landsurf_ic. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: read_ocean_topo. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: read_pbl_tsurf_from_nmcfile. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: read_rad_ic. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: read_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

par_close : used from pario
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

par_enddef : used from pario
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: find_later_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: get_soil_c_total. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: obasin. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: read_agrice_ic. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: read_landice_ic. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: read_landsurf_ic. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: read_ocean_topo. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: read_pbl_tsurf_from_nmcfile. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: read_rad_ic. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: read_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

par_open : used from pario
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

part : real*8
Subroutine: repartint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

part_sum : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

partial : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: print_diags. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_PRT.f
: accum period is complete (if =0) or partial (if =1)
parttg : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

parttr : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

partype : character(len=1)
Subroutine: init_sdrag. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

patches : type(atmsrf_xchng_vars), dimension(:)
Subroutine: avg_patches_pbl_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

patches : type(atmsrf_xchng_vars), dimension(:)
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

patches : type(atmgla_xchng_vars), dimension(:)
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports_gla. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

patches : type(atmsrf_xchng_vars), dimension(:)
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfstate_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

patchy : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

pb : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pb : real*4, dimension(0:lma+1)
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pb : real(r8), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

pb2 : real(r8), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

pbar : real*8
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

pbl : used from pbl_drv
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

pbl : used from pbl_drv
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

pbl : used from pbl_drv
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

pbl_args : type(t_pbl_args), intent(inout)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

pbl_args : type(t_pbl_args), intent(inout)
Subroutine: alloc_pbl_args. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

pbl_args : type(t_pbl_args), intent(inout)
Subroutine: dealloc_pbl_args. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

pbl_args : type(t_pbl_args)
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

pbl_args : type(t_pbl_args)
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

pbl_args : type(t_pbl_args)
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

pbl_args : type(t_pbl_args)
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

pbl_args : type(t_pbl_args)
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

pbl_exports : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
contains the fields declared below
Initial Value = >null()
pblht : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: PBLCOM. File: PBL_COM.f

pblm :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
PBL height (m) and air mass in PBL (mb)
pblptop : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: PBLCOM. File: PBL_COM.f

pbn : real*8
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pbs : real*8
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pc : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pc1bylam : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Planck constant c1 by wavelength (10.5 microns)
Initial Value = 1.439d0/10.5d-4
pcdnc : real*8, parameter, dimension(7)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
pressure,vertical profile for cld.cvr change
Initial Value = (/984.d0, 964.d0, 934.d0, 884.d0, 810.d0, 710.d0, 550.d0/)
pcdnc : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pcldhigh : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pcldlow : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pcldmid : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pcos : real*8
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f
= s[cos(LAT)^2 dLAT] / S[cos(LAT) dLAT]
pd : real*8
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pdif : real*8
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pdiff : real*8, parameter, dimension(lm+1), private
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
Initial Value = 1d6*(plbot-ptop0)
pdn : real*8
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pdn : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pdn : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pdn : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pdn : real*4
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pdn : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

pdn : real*8
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

pdn : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

pdn : real*8
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

pdn : real*8, real*8
Subroutine: vntrp1. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pdsig : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
Surface pressure * DSIG(L) (mb)
pdsig : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

pdsig : used from atm_com
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

pdsig : used from atm_com
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pdsig : real*8, intent(out), dimension(LMAX)
Subroutine: calc_vert_amp. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
pressure interval at each level (mb)
pdsig : used from atm_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

pdsig : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pdsig : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pdsig : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_wm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pdsig : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pdsig : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga0. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pdsig : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pdsig : used from atm_com
Subroutine: matop. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

pdsig : used from atm_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pdsigl : real*8, dimension(lmax)
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pdsigl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pdsigl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pdsigl00 : real*8, dimension(lm+lm_req)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
press (mb), mid-pressure (mb),
pdsigl00 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

pdt4 : real*8
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

pdum : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

pdum2 : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

pe : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pe : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
pressure at secondary grid ze
pe : real*8
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

pe : real*8, dimension(0:lm)
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

pe : real*8
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

pe : real*8
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

pe : real*8, dimension(0:LMA), real*8, intent(in), dimension(0:LMA)
Subroutine: vntrp1. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pearth : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
fraction of land in grid box
pearth : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
fraction of box covered by soil (1)
pearth : real*8
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

pearth : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

pearth : real*8
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

pearth : real*8
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

pearth : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pearth : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

pearth : real*8
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

pecp : real*8, dimension(lm+1)
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pedge : real*8, dimension(lm+1)
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pedn : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
Pressure at lower edge of box (incl. surface) (mb)
pedn : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

pedn : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

pedn : used from atm_com
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pedn : real*8, intent(out), dimension(LMAX+1)
Subroutine: calc_vert_amp. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
edge pressure (top of box) (mb)
pedn : used from atm_com
Subroutine: compute_wsave. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pedn : used from atm_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

pedn : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pedn : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pedn : used from atm_com
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

pedn : used from atm_com
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

pedn : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

pedn : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pedn : used from atm_com
Subroutine: matop. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

pedn : used from atm_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pedn : used from atm_com
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pedn : used from atm_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f
edge pressure (top of box) (mb)
pedn : used from atm_com
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

pedn : real*8, dimension(lm+1, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: tq_zmom_init. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

pednl : real*8, dimension(lmax+1)
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pednl : real*8, dimension(lm+1)
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pednl : real*8, dimension(lm+1)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pednl00 : real*8, dimension(lm+lm_req+1)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
edge pressure for mean profile (mb)
pednl00 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

pednl00 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: getztop. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

pednl00 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

pednl00 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pednl00 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pednl00 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_sdrag. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

peij : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: gettotalenergy. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pej : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pek : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
pek : used from atm_com
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pek : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

pek : used from atm_com
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

pek : used from atm_com
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pek : used from atm_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

pek : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pek : used from atm_com
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

pek : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

pek : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pek : used from atm_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f
pek : used from atm_com
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

pend : real*8, dimension(lmo, 2)
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

percent : real*8, dimension(ntimemax)
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

period_e : real*8, dimension(41, 2)
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pf : real*8
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

pfact : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pfilter_using_slp : logical
Global variable . Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
whether to zonally filter surface pressure using
Initial Value = .true.
pfoftk : real*8
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

pfr :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
pfull : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

pfull : real*8, dimension(npoints, nlev)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

pfw : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

pfwi : real*8
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

pg : integer
Subroutine: sparsecommunicator. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

pgf4pt : real*8
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

pgfac : real*8
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

pgfu : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

pgfu : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pgfub : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
pressure accelaration force
pgfub : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

pgfub : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

pgfv : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

pgfvb : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
pressure accelaration force
pgfvb : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

pgfvb : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

pgfx : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pgfx : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

pgfy : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ph2 : used from constant
Subroutine: set_control_gas. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

ph2 : used from constant
Subroutine: set_gas_mix_ratio. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

phalf : real*8, dimension(lm+1)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

phalf : real*8, dimension(npoints, nlev+1)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

phase : real*8, dimension(jm, kgz+1, 4)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

phase :
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f
indicates from which point this routine was called
phase :
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f
indicates from which point this routine was called
phi : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f

phi : used from atm_com
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

phi : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

phi : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

phi : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

phi : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

phi : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

phi : real(r8)
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

phi : used from atm_com
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

phi : used from atm_com
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

phi : real*8, dimension(lmo, 2)
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

phi_m : real*8
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

phi_req : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

phidn : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

phidp : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

phie : real*8
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

phih : real*8
Subroutine: find_phih. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

phih : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

phim : real*8
Subroutine: cosz_init. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

phim : real*8
Subroutine: e_les. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

phim : real*8
Subroutine: find_phim. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

phim : real*8
Subroutine: find_phim0. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

phim : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

phim2 : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

phim2a : real*8, dimension(mt, nt)
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
2d table for phim2, used for bottom shear
phin : real*8
Subroutine: cosz_init. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

phis : real*8
Subroutine: cosz_init. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

phit : real*8
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

phiu : real*8
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

pi : used from constant
Global variable . Module: NONE. File:

pi : used from constant
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

pi : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

pi : used from constant
Subroutine: anvil_optical_thickness. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

pi : real*8
Subroutine: boxav. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

pi : used from constant
Subroutine: calc_zenith_angle. Module: ZENITH_MOD. File: Zenith.F90

pi : used from constant
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

pi : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_r. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

pi : used from constant
Subroutine: daily_cosz. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

pi : used from constant
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

pi : used from constant
Subroutine: dcdnc_est. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

pi : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

pi : used from constant
Subroutine: geom_1pt. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pi : used from constant
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

pi : real*8
Subroutine: getmie. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

pi : used from constant
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

pi : used from constant
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pi : used from constant
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

pi : used from constant
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

pi : used from constant
Subroutine: mc_precip_phase. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

pi : used from constant
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pi : real*8
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

pi : used from constant
Subroutine: precip_mp. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

pi : used from constant
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pi : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 3.141592653589793D0
pi : used from constant
Subroutine: sgsw. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

pi0max : real*8, dimension(8)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.00/)
pi1 : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

pi1 : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

pi10 : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

pi2 : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

pi2 : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

pi20 : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

pi3 : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

pi3 : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

pi30 : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

pi4 : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

pi4 : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

pi4 : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = 97.40909103400244D0
pi40 : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

pi5 : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

pi5 : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

pi50 : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

pid : integer
Subroutine: dump_call_stack. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

pihjk : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pij : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pij : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

pij50n : real*8
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pijl : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: calc_pijl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pijl : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pisg : real*8
Subroutine: keyij. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pisn : real*8
Subroutine: keyij. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pivmax : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
limits PI0 of volcanic aerosols
Initial Value = 1.0
pizero : real*8, dimension(190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

pj : real*8, dimension(jm, 2)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pj : real*8
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

pk : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: addenergyasdiffuseheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pk : real*8, dimension(lm, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: addenergyaslocalheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: compute_wsave. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga0. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: dissip. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: matop. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: perturb_temps. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pk : used from atm_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f
pk : real*8, intent(in), dimension(klev)
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pkd : real*8
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pkdn : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pkdnl : real*8
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pke : real*8, dimension(LS1:LM+1)
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pke : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pkm : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pkm : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pkpd : real*8
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pkpdn : real*8
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pkppd : real*8
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pkppdn : real*8
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pkppu : real*8
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pkppup : real*8
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pkpu : real*8
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pkpup : real*8
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pku : real*8
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pkup : real*8
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
layer pressure (mb)
pl : real*8, dimension(lm+1)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_LOC. File: DIAG.f
some shorthand pressure level
pl : real*8, dimension(lx)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

pl : real*8, dimension(lmax)
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pl : real*8, intent(out), dimension(LMAX)
Subroutine: calc_vert_amp. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

pl : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
pressure and cumulus updraft speed
pl : real*8
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pl : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pl : used from diag_loc
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pl : real*8
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

pl : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_dq_cond. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
mid point pressure
pl : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_dq_evap. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
mid point pressure
pl : real*8
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

pl : real*8, dimension(lm), intent(in)
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pl : real*8, dimension(:)
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pl : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
temperature and pressure
pl : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: moist_adiabat_tq. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
pl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

pl : real*8
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

pl : integer
Subroutine: sparsecommunicator. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

pl00 : real*8, dimension(lm+lm_req)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
press (mb), mid-pressure (mb),
pl00 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

pl1 : real*8
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

pl1 : real*8
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

pl1e : real*8
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

pla :
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
...,ALB... planetary and surface albedos (1)
place :
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
so its size could be allocated dynamically and still have
plake : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
fraction of box covered by lake (1)
plake : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

plake : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

plake : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

planck : real*8, dimension(1:800, 33)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

planck : real*8, dimension(PLANCK_TMIN:PLANCK_TMAX, NKBAND)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

planck_tmax : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
temperature range for Planck function
Initial Value = 800
planck_tmax : integer
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

planck_tmax : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

planck_tmax : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

planck_tmin : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
temperature range for Planck function
Initial Value = 1
planck_tmin : integer
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

planck_tmin : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

planck_tmin : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pland : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
land fraction
pland : real*8
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pland : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
land fraction and a constant 50.
pland : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: dcdnc_est. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

pland : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: diag_msu. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pland : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

pland : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pland : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

plandi : real*8
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

planet_name : used from constant
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

planet_name : used from constant
Subroutine: init_atmdyn. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

planet_name : used from constant
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

planet_name : used from constant
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

planetaryorbit : used from planetaryorbit_mod
Subroutine: makeplanetorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

planetparams : used from planetparams_mod
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90

planetparams : used from constant
Subroutine: makeearthorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

planetparams : used from constant
Subroutine: makeorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

planetparams : used from constant
Subroutine: makeplanetorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

planir : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

planir : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

plat : real*8, dimension(JM)
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f
= s[LAT cos(LAT) dLAT] / S[cos(LAT) dLAT]
plavis : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

plavis : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

plb : real*8, dimension(lx+1)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
layer pressure (mb) at bottom of layer
plb : real*8, dimension(0:lm+2)
Subroutine: diag_msu. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

plb : real*8, dimension(lm+1)
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

plb : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

plb : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

plb0 : real*8, dimension(lm_req)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
global parts of local arrays (to avoid OMP-copyin)
plb0 : real*8, dimension(LX+1)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

plb0 : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

plb0 : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

plba09 : real*8, parameter, dimension(10)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Vert. Layering for tropospheric aerosols/dust (reference)
Initial Value = (/ 1010.,934.,854.,720.,550.,390.,255.,150., 70., 10./)
plba20 : real*8, parameter, dimension(21)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/ 984.,964.,934.,884.,810.,710.,550.,390.,285.,210., 150.,110., 80., 55., 35., 20., 10., 3., 1.,0.3,0.1/)
plba21 :
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Vert. Layering for tropospheric aerosols (reference)
plbaer : real*8, dimension(:), pointer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = > null()
plbaer : real*8, dimension(:), pointer
Subroutine: updateaerosol. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

plbaer : real*8, dimension(:), pointer
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f
pressures of layer interfaces in aerosol datafiles
plbdust : real*8, dimension(:), pointer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

plbdust : real*8, dimension(:), pointer
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

plbmsu : real*8, dimension(nmsu)
Global variable . Module: MSU_WTS_MOD. File: DIAG.f

plbo3 : real*8, dimension(NLO3+1)
Global variable . Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f
edge pressures in O3 input file. Todo: read from file.
Initial Value = (/ 984d0, 934d0, 854d0, 720d0, 550d0, 390d0, 285d0, 210d0, 150d0, 125d0, 100d0, 80d0, 60d0, 55d0, 50d0, 45d0, 40d0, 35d0, 30d0, 25d0, 20d0, 15d0, 10.d0, 7.d0, 5.d0, 4.d0, 3.d0, 2.d0, 1.5d0, 1.d0, 7d-1, 5d-1, 4d-1, 3d-1, 2d-1, 1.5d-1, 1d-1, 7d-2, 5d-2, 4d-2, 3d-2, 2d-2, 1.5d-2, 1d-2, 7d-3, 5d-3, 4d-3, 3d-3, 1d-3, 1d-7/)
plbo3 : used from o3mod
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

plbo3 : used from o3mod
Subroutine: rcompx. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

plbo3 : used from o3mod
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

plbot :
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
pressure levels at bottom of layers (mb)
plbot : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

plbot : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

plbot : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

plbot : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

plbot : used from resolution
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

plbx : real*8, dimension(LM+1)
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ple : real*8, dimension(lm+1)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
pressure at layer edge
ple : real*8, dimension(lm), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
ref pressures at upper, middle and lower edge
ple : real*8, dimension(lm+1)
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ple : real*8, intent(in), dimension(lm+1)
Subroutine: diag_msu. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ple : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ple : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ple : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ple : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ple : real*8
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

ple : real*8
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ple : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ple : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ple_dn : real*8, dimension(lm), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
ref pressures at upper, middle and lower edge
ple_dn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ple_dn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ple_tmp : real*8
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

plel2 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
pressure at LMIN, L+2 and LMAX+1
plemax : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
pressure at LMIN, L+2 and LMAX+1
plemin : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
pressure at LMIN, L+2 and LMAX+1
plen : integer
Subroutine: new_io_param. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

plev : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

plice : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
fraction of box covered by glacial ice (1)
plice : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

plice : real*8
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

plice : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

plice : real*8
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

plice : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

plice : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

plice : real*8
Subroutine: surface_diag3. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

plice : real*8
Subroutine: surface_diag_post_precip_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

plij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
Surface pressure: P(I,J) or PSF-PTOP (mb)
plij : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

plij : used from atm_com
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

plij : used from atm_com
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

plij : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

plij : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

plk : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
plk : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_dq_cond. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
P**K for mid point
plk : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_dq_evap. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
P**K for mid point
plkic : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

plkice : real*8
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

plkice : real*8
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

plm : real*8, dimension(lm+lm_req), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
ref pressures at upper, middle and lower edge
plm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

plm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

plm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

plm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

plm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

plm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

plm1 : real*8
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

plm1e : real*8
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

plo : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_LOC. File: DIAG.f
some shorthand pressure level
plo : used from diag_loc
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

plt : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

pm : real*8, dimension(lm+1)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_LOC. File: DIAG.f
some shorthand pressure level
pm : used from diag_loc
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pm : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pm : real*8, dimension(lm+lm_req)
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pm : real*8, dimension(lm+lm_req), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
pressure levels (MB)
pm : real*8, dimension(klmax), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_jl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
pressure levels (MB)
pm : real*8, dimension(lm+lm_req), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_wp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
the "vertical" coordinate for pout_jl
pm : real*8, dimension(lm+lm_req)
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pm : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

pm_acc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
accumulated moist convective precip (special for SUBDD)
pm_acc : used from diag_com
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

pm_acc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

pm_acc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_subdd. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

pm_acc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: new_io_subdd. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

pm_ge_ps : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pmb : real*8, dimension(kgz), parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
pressure levels for geopotential heights (extends to strat)
Initial Value = (/1000d0,850d0,700d0,500d0,300d0,100d0,30d0,10d0, 3.4d0,.7d0,.16d0,.07d0,.03d0/)
pmb : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pmb : real*8, dimension(km), parameter
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f
Initial Value = (/922.,700.,500.,300.,100.,10./)
pmb : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pmb : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pmb : used from diag_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

pmb : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pme : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f
Initial Value = >ple_dn
pmi :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
icy precip entering the layer top
pmid : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
Pressure at mid point of box (mb)
pmid : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

pmid : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

pmid : used from atm_com
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pmid : used from atm_com
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pmid : real*8, intent(out), dimension(LMAX)
Subroutine: calc_vert_amp. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
mid-point pressure (mb)
pmid : used from atm_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

pmid : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pmid : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pmid : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pmid : used from atm_com
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

pmid : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

pmid : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

pmid : used from atm_com
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

pmid : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

pmid : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pmid : used from atm_com
Subroutine: matop. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

pmid : used from atm_com
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pmid : used from atm_com
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

pmid : used from atm_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pmid : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

pmid : used from atm_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

pmid : real*8, dimension(lm, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: tq_zmom_init. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

pmidl : real*8, dimension(lmax)
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pmidl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pmidl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pmidl00 : real*8, dimension(lm+lm_req)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
press (mb), mid-pressure (mb),
pmidl00 : used from atm_com
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pmidl00 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

pmidl00 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pmidl00 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pmidl00 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pmidl00 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pmidl00 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_sdrag. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

pmk : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pmk : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pml :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
layer's cloud water devided by GRAV
pmname : character*4, dimension(kgz), parameter, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
strings describing PMB pressure levels
Initial Value = (/ "1000","850 ","700 ","500 ","300 ","100 ","30 ","10 ", "3.4 ","0.7 ",".16 ",".07 ",".03 " /)
pmname : used from diag_com
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

pmo : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_LOC. File: DIAG.f
some shorthand pressure level
pmo : used from diag_loc
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pmtop : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

pmtop :
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
global mean surface, model top pressure (mb)
pmtop : used from resolution
Subroutine: addenergyasdiffuseheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pmtop : used from resolution
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

pmtop : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pmtop : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_vert_amp. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

pmtop : used from resolution
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pmtop : used from resolution
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pmtop : used from resolution
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pmtop : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pmtop : used from resolution
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pn : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
tuning exponential for computing WV
Initial Value = 1.d0
pn2 : used from constant
Subroutine: set_control_lw. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

pn2 : used from constant
Subroutine: set_control_n2_ar. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

pn2 : used from constant
Subroutine: set_control_sw. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

pn2 : used from constant
Subroutine: set_gas_mix_ratio. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

pname : character(len=128)
Subroutine: new_io_param. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

pnorm : real*8
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

pnu : real*8
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pnu : real*8
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

po : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

po : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

po2 : used from constant
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

pocean : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
fraction of box covered by ocean or lake (1)
pocean : real*8
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

pocean : real*8
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

pocean : real*8
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

pocean : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

pocean : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

pocean : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

pocean : real*8
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

pocean : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pocean : real*8
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

pocean : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: simelt. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
ocean fraction (zero if lake)
pocean : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

poice : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
fraction of box covered by ocean/lakeice (1)
poice : real*8
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

poice : real*8
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

poice : real*8
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

poice : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

poice : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

poice : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

poice : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

poice : real*8
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

poice : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

poice : real*8
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

poice : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

point : integer, intent(in), dimension(2)
Subroutine: getoffset. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

points : integer, intent(in), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: countindomain. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

points : integer, intent(in), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: getoffsets. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

points : integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

points : integer, intent(in), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: sparsecommunicator. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

polake : real*8
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

polake : real*8
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

pold : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pole :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= .TRUE. if at the north or south pole, .FALSE. otherwise
polefix : logical
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

polefix : logical
Subroutine: write_data. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

polwt : real*8, public
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

polwt : used from geom
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

polwt : used from geom
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pond_melt :
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f
amount of melt pond mass (kg/m^2)
pond_melt : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

pond_melt : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

pond_melt : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pond_melt : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

popdata : real*8, dimension(n_covertypes, i0:i1, j0:j1)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

porbit : real*8
Subroutine: makeplanetorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

posadj : real*8
Subroutine: wrapadjustfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

postproc : logical
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

pow10p : integer
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pow10p : integer
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pow_gc : integer, dimension(kagcx), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
printed output scaled by 10**(-pow_gc)
pow_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pow_jl : integer, dimension(kajl), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
printed output scaled by 10**(-pow_jl)
pow_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pow_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

power : real*8, dimension(120)
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

power : real*8, dimension(*)
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

powerx : real*8
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

powstr : character(len=10)
Subroutine: gc_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

powstr : character(len=10)
Subroutine: jl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

powx : real*8
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pp : real*8
Subroutine: alphagsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

pp : real*8
Subroutine: betagsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

pp : real*8
Subroutine: hetgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

pp : real*8
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pp : real*8
Subroutine: shcgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

pp : real*8
Subroutine: temgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

pp : real*8
Subroutine: volgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

ppbl :
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= pressure at DBL (mb)
ppgrad : real*8, dimension(12)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Pole-to-Pole latitud.gradient for GHG (used if KPGRAD > 0)
Initial Value = (/0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0100, 0.0900, 0.0600, 0.0600, 0.0, 0.0600, 0.0600/)
ppmch4 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ppmco2 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ppmf11 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ppmf12 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ppmn2o : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ppmo2 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ppmv80 : real*8, dimension(13)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
reference GHG concentrations (ppm)
Initial Value = (/0d0, 337.90d0, 0d0,pO2*1.d6,0d0, .3012d0, 1.5470d0 ,.1666d-03,.3003d-03, 0d0, .978D-04, .0010D-10, .0420d0/)
ppmv_to_cm_at_stp : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Conversion factor for conversion from PPMV to cm at
Initial Value = 1.0D-05*avog/ (grav*mair*loschmidt_constant)
ppmvdf : real*8, dimension(12)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
frac. value at top of atmosphere (used if KGGVDF > 0)
Initial Value = (/1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.88888, 0.88888, 0.88888, 0.88888, 1.0, 0.88888, 0.88888/)
ppmvk0 : real*8, dimension(12)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
user set GHG concentrations (ppm), used if KTREND=0
Initial Value = (/0d0, 337.90d0, 0d0, 21.d4, 0d0, .3012d0, 1.5470d0 ,.1666d-03, .3003d-03, 0d0, .978D-04, 0.0010D-10/)
ppmy11 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ppmz12 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

pq4i : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pq4k : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pqv4i : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pr : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= Prandtl number (visc_air_kin/therm_diff)
Initial Value = 0.71d0
pr : real*8
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

pr : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

pr : real*8
Subroutine: tfrez. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

prandtl : real*8
Subroutine: ddmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

prat : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

prather_limits : integer
Global variable . Module: QUSDEF. File: QUSDEF.f
forces +ve sub-grid scale profiles (default=0)
Initial Value = 0
prather_limits : used from qusdef
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

prather_limits : used from qusdef
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

pratio : real*8, parameter, private
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
Initial Value = PSF/984d0
pratio :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
pratm :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variabls
prcp : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
prcp : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: mc_precip_phase. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
prcp : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
amount of precip (kg/m^2)
prcp : real*8
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

prcp : real*8
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

prcp : real*8
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

prcp : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: precli. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

prcpmc : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
precip due to moist convection
prcpss : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
precip due to large-scale condensation
prebar : real*8, dimension(lm+1)
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
precip entering layer top for total, snow
prebar1 : real*8, dimension(Lm+1)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
copy of variable prebar
prec : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
precipitation (kg/m^2)
prec : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f
precipitation (kg/m^2)
prec : used from fluxes
Subroutine: atm_phase1_exports. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

prec : used from fluxes
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

prec : used from fluxes
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

prec :
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f
precipitation (kg/m^2)
prec : used from fluxes
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

prec : used from fluxes
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

prec : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

prec : used from fluxes
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

prec : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

prec : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

prec_si : used from seaice
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

precip_mp : real*8
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
mass density of precipitating condensate (kg/m^3)
precip_mp : real*8
Subroutine: precip_mp. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

precli : used from landice
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

precnvl : real*8, dimension(lm+1)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
convective precip entering the layer top
precss : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f
precipitation from super-saturation (kg/m^2)
precss : used from fluxes
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

precss : used from fluxes
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

preice : real*8, dimension(lm+1)
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
precip entering layer top for total, snow
prep :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
precip conversion rate
pres : real*8
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

pres : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

pres : real*8, dimension(33, 6)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

pres : real*8, intent(in), dimension(jm)
Subroutine: pout_isccp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

prescr_calc_shc : used from ent_prescr_veg
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

prescr_calc_shc : used from ent_prescr_veg
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

prescr_calcconst : used from ent_prescr_veg
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

prescr_calcconst : used from ent_prescr_veg
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

prescr_get_carbonplant : used from ent_prescribed_drv
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

prescr_get_cropdata : used from ent_prescribed_drv
Subroutine: update_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

prescr_get_crownrad : used from ent_prescribed_drv
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

prescr_get_ent_plant : used from ent_prescribed_drv
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

prescr_get_hdata : used from ent_prescribed_drv
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

prescr_get_initnm : used from ent_prescribed_drv
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

prescr_get_laidata : used from ent_prescribed_drv
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

prescr_get_laidata : used from ent_prescribed_drv
Subroutine: update_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

prescr_get_pop : used from ent_prescribed_drv
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

prescr_get_rootprof : used from ent_prescribed_drv
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

prescr_get_soil_c_total : used from ent_prescribed_drv
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

prescr_get_soilcolor : used from ent_prescribed_drv
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

prescr_get_soilpools : used from ent_prescribed_drv
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

prescr_get_woodydiameter : used from ent_prescribed_drv
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

prescr_veg_albedodata : used from ent_prescribed_drv
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

prescr_veg_albedodata : used from ent_prescribed_drv
Subroutine: update_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

prescr_vegdata : used from ent_prescribed_drv
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

present_land : logical
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

present_land : logical
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

press : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
ice internal pressure (Pa)
press : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

press : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

press : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

press : real*8, intent(in), optional
Subroutine: tfrez. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
gauge pressure (default=0) (Pa)
prheat : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

prnb : real*8, dimension(6, 4)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

prnb : real*8, dimension(6, 4)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

prnx : real*8, dimension(6, 4)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

prnx : real*8, dimension(6, 4)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

prod : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

prog_veg : logical, intent(in), optional
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

proj_x : real(r8)
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

proj_y : real(r8)
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

protation : real*8
Subroutine: makeplanetorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

prs1 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

prs2 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

prs3 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

prs4 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

prs5 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

prs6 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

prt : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

prt : used from socpbl
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

prt : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

prt : used from socpbl
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

prtfac : real*8
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

prtfac : real*8
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

prtfac : real*8
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ps : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
save PU,PV,SD,P for hourly tracer advection
ps : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

ps : used from atm_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ps : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ps : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ps : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ps : real*8
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ps : real*8
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

ps : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ps : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

ps : used from atm_com
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ps : real*8
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

ps : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ps : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

ps4i : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ps4k : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

psec : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

psf : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
global mean surface, model top pressure (mb)
Initial Value = PlanetParams%psf
psf : used from resolution
Subroutine: addenergyasdiffuseheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

psf : used from resolution
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

psf : used from resolution
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

psf : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_amp. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

psf : used from resolution
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

psf : used from resolution
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

psf : used from resolution
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

psf : used from resolution
Subroutine: getztop. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

psf : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

psf : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

psf : used from resolution
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

psfmpt : used from resolution
Global variable . Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

psfmpt :
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
pressure due to troposhere,stratosphere
psfmpt : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

psfmpt : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

psfmpt : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_pijl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

psfmpt : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_vert_amp. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

psfmpt : used from resolution
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

psfmpt : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

psfmpt : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

psfmpt : used from resolution
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

psfmpt : used from resolution
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

psfmpt : used from resolution
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

psfmpt : used from resolution
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

psfmpt : used from resolution
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

psi : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

psi : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

psi : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

psi : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= angular diff. btw geostrophic and surface winds (rads)
psi0 : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

psi0 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

psi1 : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

psi1 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

psij : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

psij : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

psijk : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

psilim : real*8
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

psip : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

psirot : real*8
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

psisrf : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

psistb : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 15.*radian
psitop : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

psitop : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

psiu : real*8
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

psiuns : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 5.*radian
psiy : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, 0:lmo)
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

psiy : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

psj : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

psj : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

psk : real*8
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

psk : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

psk : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

psk : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

psoil : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

psolar : real*8
Subroutine: makeplanetorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

pspec : real*8, dimension(4), parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
pressure levels at which layers are seperated and defined
Initial Value = (/ 150., 10., 1., 0. /)
pspec : used from gc_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

psrf : used from atm_com
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
Initial Value = >p
pstar : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
maximum sea ice pressure per unit thickness (Pa/m)
Initial Value = 2.75d4
pstrat :
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
pressure due to troposhere,stratosphere
pstrat : used from resolution
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

pstrat : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

pstrat : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_ms. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

pstrat : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_sdrag. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

psum : real*8, real*8
Subroutine: vntrp1. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

psum : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

psumj : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

psumn : real*8
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

psumo : real*8
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

psurf : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
surface pressure
psv4i : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pt : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

pt4i : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pt4k : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ptd : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ptdd : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ptdm : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ptids : integer, allocatable, dimension(:)
Subroutine: sparsecommunicator. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

ptk : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ptliso : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
tlt=tlb=tlm above PTLISO mb independent of TLGRAD
Initial Value = 2.5d0
ptliso : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ptm1 : real*8, intent(in), dimension(klev)
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ptold : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
pressure at beginning of dynamic time step (for clouds)
ptold : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

ptold : used from atm_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ptold : used from atm_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ptop :
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
pressure at interface level sigma/const press coord syst (mb)
ptop : used from resolution
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ptop : used from resolution
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

ptop : used from resolution
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

ptop : used from resolution
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ptop : used from resolution
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ptop : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_amp. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ptop : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ptop : used from resolution
Subroutine: calc_vert_amp. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

ptop : used from resolution
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ptop : used from resolution
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ptop : used from resolution
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ptop : used from resolution
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

ptop : used from resolution
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ptop : used from resolution
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ptop : used from resolution
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ptop : used from resolution
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

ptop : used from resolution
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

ptop : used from resolution
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ptop : used from resolution
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

ptop : used from resolution
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ptop : real*8, dimension(npoints, ncol)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

ptop : used from verticalres
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ptop : used from resolution
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ptop0 : real*8, parameter, private
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
Initial Value = PlanetParams%ptop
ptro : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ptrop : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

ptrop : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ptropo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
Pressure at mid point of tropopause level (mb)
ptropo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

ptropo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ptropo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

ptropo : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ptrs_only : logical
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_xchng_bundles. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ptv4i : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ptype : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ptype : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ptype : character*1
Subroutine: new_io_param. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

ptype : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
percent surface type
ptype : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ptype : real*8
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ptype : real*8
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ptype : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

ptype4 : real*8, dimension(4)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pu : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f
Initial Value = >MUs
pu : used from dynamics
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f
Initial Value = >MU
pu : used from dynamics
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

pu : used from dynamics
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pu : real*8
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pu4i : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pui : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

puk : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pup : real*8
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

pup : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pup : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pup : real*4
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pup : real*8
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

pup : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

pup : real*8
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

pup : real*8, real*8
Subroutine: vntrp1. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

puti : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

puv4i : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

puvi : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pv : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f
Initial Value = >MVs
pv : used from dynamics
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f
Initial Value = >MV
pv : used from dynamics
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

pv : used from dynamics
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

pv2 : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pv2i : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pv4i : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pv_south : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

pvalc : character(len=128), dimension(1000)
Subroutine: new_io_param. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

pvali : integer, dimension(1000)
Subroutine: new_io_param. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

pvalr : real*8, dimension(1000)
Subroutine: new_io_param. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

pvi : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pvk : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pvt : real*8, dimension(12)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
frac. of surf.type (bareWhite+veg*8+bareDark+ocn)(1)
pvt : real*8, dimension(12)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

pvt : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pvt0 : real*8, dimension(N_COVERTYPES)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pvthp : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pvti : real*8
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pvti : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

pwater : real*8
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

pwater : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

pwater : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

pwater : real*8
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

pwater : real*8
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

pwater : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

pwater : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

pwwi : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pwwvi : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

py : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pyear : real*8
Subroutine: daily_orbit. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pyear : real*8
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

pyear : real*8
Subroutine: makeearthorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

pz4i : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pz4k : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

pzv4i : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

q : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
specific humidity (kg water vapor/kg air)
q : real*8
Global variable . Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

q : real*8, dimension(n), intent(inout)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
local specific humidity (a passive scalar)
q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

q : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

q : real*8, dimension(imt, ngm)
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_wm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

q : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_r. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

q : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: diffuse_moms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

q : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
specific humidity
q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

q : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

q : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: fix_water_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_atm_layer1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

q : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

q : logical, dimension(im), intent(in)
Subroutine: get_i1i2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

q : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: get_tv. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

q : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

q : real*8, dimension(imt, ngm)
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

q : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

q : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: moist_adiabat_tq. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
temperature and specific humidity
q : integer*4
Subroutine: offt. Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

q : integer*4
Subroutine: offti. Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

q : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

q : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

q : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of specific humidity
q : real*8, dimension(n), intent(inout)
Subroutine: q_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of specific humidity
q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

q : real*8
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

q : real*8, dimension(imt, ngm)
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

q : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

q : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: simil. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
computed similarity solution for moisture mixing ratio
q : real*8, intent(in), dimension(NI, NJ)
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

q : real*8, intent(in), dimension(NI, NJ)
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

q : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f
specific humidity (kg water vapor/kg air)
q : used from atm_com
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

q : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of specific humidity
q : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of specific humidity
q : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

q : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: tq_zmom_init. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

q : real*8, dimension(imt, ngm)
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

q0 : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

q0 : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of q at previous time step
q1 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
specific humidity of first layer
q1 :
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f
specific humidity of first layer
q1 : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

q1 : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

q1 : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

q3 : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Subroutine: diffuse_moms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

q3d : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

q3mom : used from somtq_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
Initial Value = >qmom
q5 : real*8, dimension(5)
Subroutine: setqva. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

q55 : real*8
Subroutine: getmie. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

q55 : real*8
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

q550 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

q55a11 : real*8, dimension(11)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

q55aer : real*8, dimension(25)
Subroutine: getmie. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

q55b10 : real*8, dimension(10)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

q55c15 : real*8, dimension(15)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

q55d25 : real*8, dimension(25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

q55dry : real*8, dimension(8)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/2.191, 2.499, 3.069, 3.010, 1.560, 1.560, 1.000,1.000/)
q55dry : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

q55h2s : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

q55rh1 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

q55rh2 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

q55rh3 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

q55rh4 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

q55s25 : real*8, dimension(25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

q55u22 : real*8, dimension(120)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

q55u22 : real*8, dimension(110)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

q55v : real*8, dimension( 20)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

q55v20 : real*8, dimension(20, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

q633 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

q633nr : real*8, dimension(890, 31)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

q63dry : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

q880m0 : real*8, dimension(890)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

q880m1 : real*8, dimension(890)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

q880n0 : real*8, dimension(890)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

q880n1 : real*8, dimension(890)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

q_3d : used from atm_com
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
Initial Value = >q
q_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f
Work array for parallel I/O
q_ij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

q_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

q_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

q_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

q_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

q_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

q_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

q_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

q_in : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

qabl : real*8, pointer, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
boundary layer profile for humidity
qabove : logical
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

qbin : logical, dimension(14)
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
true if files for radiation input files are binary
Initial Value = (/.TRUE.,.TRUE.,.FALSE.,.TRUE.,.TRUE.,.TRUE. ,.TRUE.,.TRUE.,.FALSE.,.TRUE.,.TRUE.,.TRUE.,.TRUE.,.TRUE./)
qbp : logical, dimension(NTYPE_OUT+1)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

qbp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

qbp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: initdiagj. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

qcdust : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qcheck : logical
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
TRUE for running diagnostic checks
Initial Value = .FALSE.
qcheck : used from model_com
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

qcheck : used from model_com
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

qcheck : used from model_com
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

qcheck : used from model_com
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

qcheck : used from model_com
Subroutine: checkost. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

qcheck : used from model_com
Subroutine: diurn_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

qcheck : used from model_com
Subroutine: fix_water_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

qcheck : used from model_com
Subroutine: gc_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

qcheck : used from model_com
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

qcheck : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

qcheck : used from model_com
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

qcheck : used from model_com
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

qcheck : used from model_com
Subroutine: jl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

qcheck : used from model_com
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

qcheck : used from model_com
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

qcheck : used from model_com
Subroutine: sjl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

qcheck : used from model_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

qcheck : used from model_com
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

qcheck : used from model_com
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

qcheck : used from model_com
Subroutine: wave_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

qchecki : logical
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
true if errors found in seaice
qcheckl : logical
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

qcheckl : logical
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

qcheckl : logical
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

qchecko : logical
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

qchecko : logical
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

qci : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
cloud ice water amount (kg water/kg air)
qci : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

qci : used from atm_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

qci : used from atm_com
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

qci : used from atm_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

qci : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

qci : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_wm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

qci : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

qci : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

qci : used from atm_com
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

qci : used from atm_com
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

qci_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f
Work array for parallel I/O
qcil : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud ice water mixing ratio (kg/kg)
qcix : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
ice cloud water mixing ratio (kg/kg)
qcl : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
cloud liquid water amount (kg water/kg air)
qcl : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

qcl : used from atm_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

qcl : used from atm_com
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

qcl : used from atm_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

qcl : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

qcl : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_wm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

qcl : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

qcl : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

qcl : used from atm_com
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

qcl : used from atm_com
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

qcl_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f
Work array for parallel I/O
qcll : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud liquid water mixing ratio (kg/kg)
qclnew :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
QCINEW updated cloud water mixing ratio
qclx : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
liquid cloud water mixing ratio (kg/kg) ! WMX
qcon : logical, dimension(NPTS)
Subroutine: declare_oceanr_consrv. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

qcon : logical, dimension(NPTS)
Subroutine: declare_seaice_consrv. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

qcon : logical, dimension(NPTS)
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

qcon : logical, dimension(npts)
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

qcon : logical, dimension(NPTS)
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

qcon : logical, dimension(NPTS)
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

qcon : logical, dimension(NPTS)
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

qcon : logical, intent(in), dimension(npts)
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
logical variable sets where conservation diags are saved
qconv :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
convergence of latent heat
qcrestart : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

qcrestart : logical
Subroutine: modele_maindriver. Module: NONE. File: MODELE_DRV.f
Initial Value = .false.
qcrestart : logical, intent(inout)
Subroutine: read_options. Module: NONE. File: MODELE_DRV.f
true if "-r" is present
qcross : logical
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f
true if cross terms should be calculated
qd1 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

qd2 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

qdiag : logical, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
TRUE for outputting binary diagnostics
Initial Value = .FALSE.
qdiag : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

qdiag : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

qdiag : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

qdiag : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

qdiag : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

qdiag : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

qdiag : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

qdiag : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

qdiag : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

qdiag : used from diag_com
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

qdiag : used from diag_com
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

qdiag : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

qdiag_ratios : logical, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
TRUE for forming ratios if title="q1 x q2"
Initial Value = .TRUE.
qdn :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
qdn1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
downdraft humidity (kg/kg)
qdn1 : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
downdraft humidity in kg/kg, (i,j)
qdns : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
downdraft humidity in kg/kg, (i,j)
qdns : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qdns : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qdp : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

qdp : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

qdst55 : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qedge :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
qenv :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
qeven : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

qeven : logical*4, intent(in)
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

qexist : logical, dimension(im)
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

qexist : logical
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

qf_ij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

qf_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

qf_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

qf_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

qf_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: new_io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

qf_ij_glob : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f
work array for parallel_io
qf_ini : real*8, dimension(i0:i1, j0:j1)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

qfixr : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
true if RSI and MSI2 are fixed (ie. for fixed SST run)
qfixr : logical
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

qflux : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qflux1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f
surface turbulent q-flux (=-<qw>)
qflux1 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

qflux1 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

qflux1 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

qflux1 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

qfluxs : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qfluxs : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

qflx : real*8
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

qflx : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
moisture flux -wq at surface, ze(1)
qflx : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
moisture flux at surface
qflx : real*8
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qfol : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f
Foliage surface mixing ratio (kg/kg)
qfol :
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f
Foliage surface mixing ratio (kg/kg)
qfol : used from ent_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

qfol : used from ent_com
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

qfol : used from ent_com
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

qfol : used from ent_com
Subroutine: new_io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

qfol_glob : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f
work array for parallel_io
qg : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
ground humidity,virt.temperature from pbl
qg : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
rel. humidity at the ground, defined: total_evap = Cq V (qg-qs)
qg : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

qg : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: simil. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
ground moisture mixing ratio
qg : real*8, dimension(49, lx)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qg_ij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

qg_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

qg_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

qg_nsat : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
rel. humidity at non-saturated fraction of soil
qg_sat :
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Saturation vapor mixing ratio (kg vapor / kg air in a given volume)
qg_sat : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

qg_sat : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

qg_sat : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

qgaern : real*8, dimension(25)
Subroutine: getmie. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qgaern : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

qgaerx : real*8
Subroutine: getmie. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qgaerx : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

qgavg : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

qgcol : real*8, dimension(49)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qggl : real*8
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qgnh : real*8
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qgrad : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qgrnd : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qgrnd : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

qgrnd : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
moisture at the ground, at the roughness height
qgrnd : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qgrnd : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
specific humidity at the ground
qgrnd : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
specific humidity at the ground
qgrnd : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qgrnd0 : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
initial moisture at the ground, at the roughness height
qgrnd_sat : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
saturated moisture at the ground, at the roughness height
qgsh : real*8
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qheat :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
change of latent heat
qheatc :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
qheati :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
change of latent heat
qheatl :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
change of latent heat
qi : real*8
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

qibp : logical
Subroutine: initdiagj. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

qiij : logical
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

qijk : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

qijk : logical
Subroutine: jkjl_titlex. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

qimc : real*8, dimension(Lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
convective liquid,ice water (cloud+in-cloud precip) available to radiation (kg/kg)
qimc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
convective liquid, ice water available to radiation (kg/kg)
qimc : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

qinstant : logical
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
flag whether output is instanteneous or accumulated
qiss : real*8, dimension(Lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
stratiform liquid,ice water (cloud+in-cloud precip) available to radiation (kg/kg)
qiss : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
stratiform liquid, ice water available to radiation (kg/kg)
qiss : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

qj : real*8
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

qk : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

qk : logical, dimension(kaij)
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
: if Qk(k)=.true. field k still has to be processed
qk : logical, dimension(kaijk)
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

qk : logical, dimension(KAGCx)
Subroutine: jkjl_titlex. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

qk : logical, dimension(kaij)
Subroutine: set_ijout. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

qk : real*8, dimension(4)
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

qk_ij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

qk_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

qk_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

qki : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

qktmp : logical, dimension(kaij)
Subroutine: set_ijout. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ql : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
temperature, specific humidity of the layer
ql : logical, dimension(KAJL)
Subroutine: jkjl_titlex. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ql0 :
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
global parts of local arrays (to avoid OMP-copyin)
qlh : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

qlimit : logical
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

qlimit : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

qlimit : logical
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

qlimit : logical
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

qlimit : logical
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

qlimit : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
true if negative tracer is to be avoided
qlimit : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
true if negative tracer is to be avoided
qlimit : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
true if negative tracer is to be avoided
qlimit : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: de_solver_main. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
true if tracer must be positive definite
qlimit : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

qlimit : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

qlimit : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvt2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

qlimit : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

qlimit : logical*4, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

qlimit : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

qlimit : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

qlimit : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

qlimit : logical*4, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

qlimit : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

qlimit : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

qlmc : real*8, dimension(Lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
convective liquid,ice water (cloud+in-cloud precip) available to radiation (kg/kg)
qlmc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
convective liquid, ice water available to radiation (kg/kg)
qlmc : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

qls : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
temperature and humidity work arrays
qls :
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
temperature and humidity work arrays
qlss : real*8, dimension(Lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
stratiform liquid,ice water (cloud+in-cloud precip) available to radiation (kg/kg)
qlss : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
stratiform liquid, ice water available to radiation (kg/kg)
qlss : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

qlt1 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
qlt2 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
qm : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Vertical profiles of (T/p**kappa)*AIRM, q*AIRM
qm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_dq_cond. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
heat and water content
qm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_dq_evap. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
heat and water content
qm1 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
qmc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
temperature and humidity work arrays
qmc :
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
temperature and humidity work arrays
qmdn :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
qmin : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
minimum value of specific humidity
Initial Value = 1.d-20
qmin : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f
Initial Value = 1.d-12
qmin : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f
Initial Value = 1.d-12
qmix :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
qmn1 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
qmn1 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
qmn2 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
qmn2 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
qmo1 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
qmo1 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
qmo2 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
qmo2 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
qmold :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
profiles prior to any moist convection
qmom : real*8, dimension(nmom, lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

qmom : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: SOMTQ_COM. File: QUS_COM.f

qmom : used from somtq_com
Subroutine: alloc_smomtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

qmom : used from somtq_com
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

qmom : used from somtq_com
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

qmom : used from somtq_com
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

qmom : used from somtq_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

qmom_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

qmomdn :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

qmomdnl :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

qmommc : real*8, dimension(nmom, lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

qmomold :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

qmomp :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

qmompmax :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

qmp :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
plume's SM, QM
qmpmax :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
values of QMP, SMP in detrained air
qmpt :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
qmt : real*8
Subroutine: get_dq_cond. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

qmt : real*8
Subroutine: get_dq_evap. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

qmt :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
qnet : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qnet : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: deltasst. Module: NONE. File: PBL.f
Net heat flux (not including solar, +ve dwn) (W/m2)
qnew :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
updated specific humidity
qnewu :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
updated specific humidity
qnp : logical
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

qnp : logical
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

qnp : logical
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

qnp : logical
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

qnp : logical
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

qnp : logical
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

qnp : logical
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

qnp : logical
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

qnp : logical
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

qnp : logical*4
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

qnp : logical
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

qnp : logical
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

qnp : logical*4
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

qnp : logical
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

qnp : logical*4
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

qnp : logical*4
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

qnp : logical*4
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

qnp : logical*4
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

qnx : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

qnx :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
qogl : real*8
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qold :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
previous specific humidity
qoldu :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
previous specific humidity
qonh : real*8
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qosh : real*8
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qout : used from atm_com
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
Initial Value = >q
qp : real*8, dimension(49, lx)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qpbl : real*8, dimension(npbl)
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

qpbl : real*8, dimension(npbl)
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

qpcol : real*8, dimension(49)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qpgl : real*8
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qpnh : real*8
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qpole : logical*4
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

qpress : logical
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

qprime : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qprime : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qpsh : real*8
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qq : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

qq : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

qqdmax : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

qqwmax : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

qr : real*8, dimension(LM, grid%I_STRT_HALO:grid%I_STOP_HALO, grid%J_STRT_HALO:grid%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

qratio : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qrh : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

qrh633 : real*8, dimension(190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

qs : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

qs :
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= surface value of the specific moisture
qs : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

qs : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

qs :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= surface value of the specific moisture
qs : real*8, dimension(49, lx)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qsaern : real*8, dimension(25)
Subroutine: getmie. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qsaern : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

qsat : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qsat : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

qsat : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

qsat : real*8, external
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

qsat : real*8, external
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

qsat : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

qsat : real*8
Subroutine: get_dq_cond. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

qsat : real*8
Subroutine: get_dq_evap. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

qsat : real*8
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

qsat : real*8, external
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

qsat : real*8, external
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

qsat : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

qsat : real*8
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

qsat : real*8
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
saturation humidity
qsat : real*8
Subroutine: mass_flux. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

qsat : real*8
Subroutine: moist_adiabat_tq. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

qsat : real*8
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
saturation specific humidity
qsat : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

qsat : real*8
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

qsat : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

qsat : real*8
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

qsat : real*8, external
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

qsat : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

qsat : real*8, external
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

qsatc :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
saturation vapor mixing ratio
qsatc :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
saturation vapor mixing ratio
qsate :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
saturation vapor mixing ratio w.r.t. water
qsatl :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
saturation water vapor mixing ratio
qsatmp : real*8
Subroutine: mass_flux. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

qsatmp :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
plume's saturation vapor mixing ratio
qsave : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qsave : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qsave1 : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qsavg : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
qscol : real*8, dimension(49)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qscqcb : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

qsdust : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qsfix : logical
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
flag is true if salinity of sea ice is constant
Initial Value = .false.
qsfix : used from seaice
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

qsfix : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
true if sea ice salinity is fixed
qsgl : real*8
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qsnh : real*8
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qsol : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qsol : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: deltasst. Module: NONE. File: PBL.f
Solar heat flux (W/m2)
qsol :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= solar heating (W/m2)
qsp : logical
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

qsp : logical
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

qsp : logical
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

qsp : logical
Subroutine: conserv_hicb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

qsp : logical
Subroutine: conserv_micb. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

qsp : logical
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

qsp : logical*4
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

qsp : logical*4
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

qsp : logical*4
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

qsp : logical*4
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

qsp : logical*4
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

qsp : logical*4
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

qsrf : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
surface specific moisture
qsrf : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

qsrf : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

qsrf : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

qss : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

qssh : real*8
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qst : real*8
Subroutine: get_dq_cond. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

qst : real*8
Subroutine: get_dq_evap. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

qst : real*8
Subroutine: moist_adiabat_tq. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

qstar : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qstar : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qstar : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qstar : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: simil. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qstar : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
the moisture scale
qtest : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qtmp : real*8
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

qtold : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
previous potential temperature, humidity
qtold : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

qtold : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

qtold_glob : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

qtop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
moisture at the top of the layer
qtop : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

qtop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
moisture at the top of the layer
qtop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qtop : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

qtop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
specific humidity at the first GCM layer
qtop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
specific humidity at the first GCM layer
qtop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qturb : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

qturb : real*8
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qturb : real*8
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qturb : real*8
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qturb : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
qty : real*8
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

qty_il : integer, dimension(kailx)
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

qtye :
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
workspace holding values of QTY at endpoints of straits
qtyflxunit : character(len=9), dimension(nqty), parameter
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = (/ '10^9 kg/s','10^15 W ','10^6 kg/s' /)
qtyname : character(len=4), dimension(nqty), parameter
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = (/ 'Mass','Heat','Salt' /)
quant : character(len=sname_strlen)
Subroutine: keynrl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
string designating the quantity for which to save keynrs
quant : character(len=sname_strlen)
Subroutine: keyvsums. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
string designating the quantity for which to save keynrs
quantizedplanetaryorbit : used from quantizedplanetaryorbit_mod
Subroutine: makeplanetorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

qup :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
quvfilter : logical
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= True if any of DT_[XY][UV]filter are not 0
quvfilter : used from dynamics
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

qv : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

qv : real*8, dimension(npoints, nlev)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

qv20 : real*8, dimension(20)
Subroutine: setqva. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qvh2s : real*8, dimension(6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qw1 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

qw2 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

qx : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

qx : real*8, dimension(49, lx)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qxaern : real*8, dimension(25)
Subroutine: getmie. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qxaern : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

qxcol : real*8, dimension(49)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qxdust : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qxe : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

qxgl : real*8
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qxnh : real*8
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qxs : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
Initial Value = 0.1d0
qxsh : real*8
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

qy : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

qyn : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

qz : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: diffuse_moms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

qzz : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: diffuse_moms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

r : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_r. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

r : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Subroutine: diffuse_moms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

r : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

r : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvuz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

r : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

r : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: ovdiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

r : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: ovdiffs. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

r : real*8, dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

r : real*8
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

r0q : real*8
Subroutine: getzhq. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

r1 : real*8
Subroutine: bilin. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

r1 : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

r10 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = c1/c10
r100 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = r10/c10
r1000 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = c1/c1000
r10000 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = r10*r1000
r1440 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = c1/c1440
r1no3 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

r2 : real*8
Subroutine: bilin. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

r2 : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

r2 : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

r2 : real*8, dimension(nlt)
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

r2 : real*8
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

r24 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = c1/c24
r2no3 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

r3 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = c1/c3
r4 : logical
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

r4_on_disk : logical
Subroutine: def_acc_all. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f
if true, real*8 stored as real*4
r4_on_disk : logical
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
if true, real*8 stored as real*4
r4_on_disk : logical
Subroutine: def_rsf_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f
if true, real*8 stored as real*4
r4_on_disk : logical
Subroutine: def_rsf_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
if true, real*8 stored as real*4
r4_on_disk : logical
Subroutine: def_rsf_longacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
if true, real*8 stored as real*4
r4_on_disk : logical
Subroutine: def_rsf_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
if true, real*8 stored as real*4
r550nr : real*8, dimension(890)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

r60 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = c1/c60
r633nr : real*8, dimension(890)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

r72x46 : real*4, dimension(72, 46)
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

r8 : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f
: kind parameter of real*8
Initial Value = selected_real_kind(12)
r8 : used from unrdrag_com
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

r8 : used from unrdrag_com
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

r8 : used from unrdrag_com
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

r8arr : real*8, dimension(:, :, :, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

r8dum : real*8
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

r8dum : real*8
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

r8mask : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

r8time : real*8
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

r_edge : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ra : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
ratio of primary grid box to secondary gridbox
ra : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

rad_forc_lev : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
= 0 for TOA, 1 for LTROPO (default=0)
Initial Value = 0
rad_forc_lev : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rad_forc_lev : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rad_interact_aer : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
=1 for radiatively active non-chem tracers
Initial Value = 0
rad_interact_aer : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rad_interact_aer : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rad_scm : logical
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = .false.
rad_scm_int : integer
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rad_to_chem : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
save 3D quantities from radiation code for use in
rad_to_chem : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

rad_to_chem : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rad_to_file : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f

rad_to_file : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

radian : used from constant
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

radian : used from constant
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

radian : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

radian : real*8
Subroutine: boxav. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

radian : used from constant
Subroutine: geom_1pt. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

radian : used from constant
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

radian : used from constant
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

radian : used from constant
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

radian : used from constant
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

radian : used from constant
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

radian : used from constant
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

radiationsetorbit : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

radius : used from constant
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

radius : used from constant
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

radius : used from constant
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

radius : used from constant
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

radius : used from constant
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

radius : used from constant
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

radius : used from constant
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

radius : used from constant
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

radius : used from constant
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

radius : used from constant
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

radius : used from constant
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

radius : used from constant
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

radius : used from constant
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

radius : used from constant
Subroutine: horzdist_2pts. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

radius : used from constant
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

radius : used from constant
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

radius : used from constant
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

radius : used from constant
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

radius : used from constant
Subroutine: jl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

radius : used from constant
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

radiusi_multiplier : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
ice cloud particle radius multiplier
Initial Value = 1.d0
radiusl_multiplier : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
liquid cloud particle radius multiplier
Initial Value = 1.d0
radto3 : real*8, parameter, dimension(2)
Subroutine: dcdnc_est. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f
Initial Value = (/ 614.125d-24, 140.608d-24/)
radx : real*8
Subroutine: setqva. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

rain : real*8
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

rak : real*8
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

rak : real*8
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ramv : real*8, dimension(IM+2)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ramvn : real*8, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

ramvn : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

ramvn : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ramvs : real*8, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

ramvs : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

ramvs : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ran : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

randno :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
random number
randss : real*8, optional, intent(inout), dimension(lmax)
Subroutine: get_cld_overlap. Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

randu : used from random
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

rangeerror : integer
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

rangevec : integer, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

rapj : real*8, public, dimension(im, jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
scaling for B grid -> A grid conversion (1/4,1/im at poles)
rapj : used from geom
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

rapj : used from geom
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

rapvn : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
area scalings for primary and sec. grid
rapvn : used from geom
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

rapvn : used from geom
Subroutine: get_regrid_info_for_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

rapvn : used from geom
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

rapvn : used from geom
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

rapvn : used from geom
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

rapvn : used from geom
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

rapvs : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
area scalings for primary and sec. grid
rapvs : used from geom
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

rapvs : used from geom
Subroutine: get_regrid_info_for_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

rapvs : used from geom
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

rapvs : used from geom
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

rapvs : used from geom
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

rapvs : used from geom
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

rarb : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rarx : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rasb : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rasx : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rat : real*8
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rate : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
rate of river flow downslope (fraction)
rate : used from lakes
Subroutine: alloc_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rate : used from lakes
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rate : real*8
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

ratio : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ratio : real(r8), real(r8)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ratls0 : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1.
ratls0 : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ravj : real*8, public, dimension(im, jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
scaling for A grid U/V to B grid points (func. of lat. j)
ravj : used from geom
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ravm : real*8, dimension(IM+2)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ravpn : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
area scalings for primary and sec. grid
ravpn : used from geom
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

ravpn : used from geom
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ravpo : real*8
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

ravps : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
area scalings for primary and sec. grid
ravps : used from geom
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

ravps : used from geom
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

rb2 : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rb3 : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rbb : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rbb : real*8
Subroutine: setgts. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rbbb : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rbbi : real*8
Subroutine: setgts. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rbbin : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rbbk : real*8, dimension(3)
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rbbout : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rbbout : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rbsn : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rbsno : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
diffuse albedo
rbufn : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

rbufs : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

rbvsqcon : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= 1/BVSQcon
Initial Value = 1./BVSQcon
rcdhdws : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

rcdhdws : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

rcdhws : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

rcdhws : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

rcdhws : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

rcdmws : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

rcdmws : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

rcdmws : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

rcdmws : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

rcdqdws : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

rcdqdws : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

rcdqws : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

rcdqws : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

rcld : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Total cloud optical depth as seen be radiation
rcld : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

rcld : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: anvil_optical_thickness. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud droplet radius and optical thickness
rcld :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud particle's radius, effective radius
rcld :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud particle radius, effective radius (microns)
rcld : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rcld_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

rclde : real*8
Subroutine: anvil_optical_thickness. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
effective cloud droplet radius
rclde :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud particle's radius, effective radius
rclde :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud particle radius, effective radius (microns)
rclde1 : real*8
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

rcldix : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
multipliers for ice particle/droplet radius
rcldix : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: anvil_optical_thickness. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
RCLD multiplier
rcldlx : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
multipliers for ice particle/droplet radius
rcldlx : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: anvil_optical_thickness. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
RCLD multiplier
rcomp1 : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rcompt : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rcompx : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rd : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

rd1 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rd2 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rdeltau :
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= recipricol of delta ustar in table
rdeltau : used from kppe
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

rdeltaz :
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= recipricol of delta zehat in table
rdeltaz : used from kppe
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

rdmc : real*8, dimension(grid%I_STRT_HALO:grid%I_STOP_HALO, grid%J_STRT_HALO:grid%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rdn : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

rdsig : real*8
Subroutine: tq_zmom_init. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

rdss : real*8, dimension(LM, grid%I_STRT_HALO:grid%I_STOP_HALO, grid%J_STRT_HALO:grid%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

re_and_im : integer, parameter, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
complex components of wave power diagnostics
Initial Value = 2
re_and_im : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

read_alloc_dust : used from dustparam_mod
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

read_attr : used from pario
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

read_attr : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

read_attr : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_param. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

read_data : used from pario
Subroutine: find_later_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

read_data : used from pario
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

read_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

read_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

read_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_landice. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

read_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_longacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

read_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

read_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

read_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

read_data : used from pario
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

read_data : used from pario
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

read_data : used from pario
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

read_data : used from pario
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: get_soil_c_total. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_agrice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_bldat. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_earth. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_landice. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_longacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_subdd. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: obasin. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: read_landsurf_ic. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: read_ocean_topo. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: read_pbl_tsurf_from_nmcfile. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: read_rad_ic. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

read_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

read_stream : used from timestream_mod
Subroutine: get_cropdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

read_stream : used from timestream_mod
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

read_stream : used from timestream_mod
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

read_stream : used from timestream_mod
Subroutine: updbcd. Module: NONE. File: READ_AERO.f

read_stream : used from timestream_mod
Subroutine: updo3d. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

read_stream : used from timestream_mod
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

readt_parallel : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

readt_parallel : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: gissmix_init. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

readt_parallel : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

reaero : real*8, dimension(10)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/ 0.1, 0.3, 0.3, 2.0, 0.3, 1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.5/)
real :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
*8 Variables
realk : used from realtype_rd
Global variable . Module: NONE. File:

realk : used from realtype_rd
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90

realk : used from realtype_rd
Global variable . Module: PLANET_ALB. File: planet_alb.F90

realk : used from realtype_rd
Global variable . Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

realk : used from realtype_rd
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90

realk : used from realtype_rd
Subroutine: calc_alb_band_wgt. Module: NONE. File: planet_alb.F90

realk : used from realtype_rd
Subroutine: calc_alb_wgt. Module: NONE. File: planet_alb.F90

realk : used from realtype_rd
Subroutine: get_surf_alb. Module: NONE. File: planet_alb.F90

realk : used from realtype_rd
Subroutine: interp_aer. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

realk : used from realtype_rd
Subroutine: read_solar_spectrum. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

realk : used from realtype_rd
Subroutine: set_aer. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

realk : used from realtype_rd
Subroutine: set_atm. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

realk : used from realtype_rd
Subroutine: set_blue_weight. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

realk : used from realtype_rd
Subroutine: set_cld. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

realk : used from realtype_rd
Subroutine: set_cloud_field. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

realk : used from realtype_rd
Subroutine: set_cloud_parametrization. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

realk : used from realtype_rd
Subroutine: set_control_gas. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

realk : used from realtype_rd
Subroutine: set_control_n2_ar. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

realk : used from realtype_rd
Subroutine: set_gas_mix_ratio. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

realk : used from realtype_rd
Subroutine: set_major_abs. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

realk : used from realtype_rd
Subroutine: set_tiling. Module: NONE. File: planet_alb.F90

realk : used from realtype_rd
Subroutine: upd_surf_alb. Module: NONE. File: planet_alb.F90

recv_from_j : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ent_read_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

recv_from_j : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ent_write_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

redogh : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

redogh : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_lsm. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

redogh : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: init_veg. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

redogh : logical
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

reduc : real*8, dimension(im-1, im-1)
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

reduc : real*8
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

reduc : real*8
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

reduce : real*8
Subroutine: ocoast. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

reduce : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: stbdra. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f
Initial Value = 1./(SECONDS_PER_DAY*20.)
reducn : real*8
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

reduco : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f
is the concatenation of the filtering matrices needed for the local
reduco : real*4, save, allocatable, dimension(:)
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

reduco_glob : real*4, allocatable, dimension(:)
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

redust : real*8, dimension(:), pointer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

redust : real*8, dimension(:), pointer
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

ref_mult : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Initial Value = 1.
ref_mult : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

refa11 : real*8, dimension(11)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

refb10 : real*8, dimension(10)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

refc15 : real*8, dimension(15)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

refd25 : real*8, dimension(25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

refdry : real*8, dimension(8)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/0.150, 1.000, 0.300, 0.200, 0.080, 0.080, 1.000,1.000/)
refdry : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

reff0 : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0.30d0
reff0 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

reff_ice : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

reffi : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

refl : real*8, dimension(nlt)
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

refn : real*8
Subroutine: setqva. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

refs25 : real*8, dimension(25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

refu22 : real*8, dimension(120)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

refu22 : real*8, dimension(110)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

refv : real*8, dimension(20)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

refv20 : real*8, dimension(20, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

reinitialize : logical
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

rel : logical, intent(in), optional
Subroutine: avg_patches_pbl_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

rel : logical, intent(in), optional
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

rel : logical, intent(in), optional
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports_gla. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

rel : logical, intent(in), optional
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfstate_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

rel_ : logical
Subroutine: avg_patches_pbl_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

rel_ : logical
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

rel_ : logical
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfflx_exports_gla. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

rel_ : logical
Subroutine: avg_patches_srfstate_exports. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

rel_humidity : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: interp_aer. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

rel_humidity : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

relate :
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
internal to calendar time
relax : used from icedyn
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

relax_subgrid_zprofile : logical
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

relerr : real*8
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

relerr : real*8
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

relerr : real*8
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

relerr : real*8
Subroutine: checkost. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

relfac : real*8
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

remap_a2o : type(aoremap_type)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
atm->ocn,ocn->atm interpolation info
remap_a2o : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

remap_o2a : type(aoremap_type)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
atm->ocn,ocn->atm interpolation info
remap_o2a : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

rend : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix_init. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

report : type(profilereport_type)
Subroutine: reportprofile. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

req_fac : real*8, parameter, dimension(lm_req-1)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
/REQ_FAC_M factors for REQ layer pressures
Initial Value = (/ .5d0, .2d0 /)
req_fac : used from atm_com
Subroutine: calc_vert_amp. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

req_fac : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

req_fac_d : real*8, parameter, dimension(lm_req)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
Initial Value = (/ .5d0, .3d0, .2d0 /)
req_fac_d : used from atm_com
Subroutine: calc_vert_amp. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

req_fac_d : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

req_fac_d : used from atm_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

req_fac_m : real*8, parameter, dimension(lm_req)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
Initial Value = (/ .75d0, .35d0, .1d0 /)
req_fac_m : used from atm_com
Subroutine: calc_vert_amp. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

req_fac_m : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

req_fac_m : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

res : logical
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

reset_canopy_ic : integer
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = 0
reset_prognostic : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: reset_gh_to_defaults. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

reset_snow_ic : integer
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = 0
reset_stream_properties : used from timestream_mod
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

reset_subdd : used from subdaily
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

retcode : integer
Subroutine: dump_call_stack. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

retcode : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: ent_read_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

retcode : integer
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

rewind_parallel : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rfdux : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

rflx : real*8, dimension(5)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

rfrac : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SW2OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
Initial Value = .62d0
rfrgn : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

rfxt : real*8
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

rfxt : real*8
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

rfyt : real*8
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

rfyt : real*8
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

rfzt : real*8
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

rfzt : real*8
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

rfzt : real*8
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

rgas : used from constant
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

rgas : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: anvil_optical_thickness. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: compute_wsave. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: diurn_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: gc_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: getztop. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: ijl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: jl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: mc_precip_phase. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: set_atm. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

rgas : used from constant
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

rgmi : real*8
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f
ratio of GM (thickness) diffusivity to isoneutral (Redi) diffusivity
rgmi : used from gm_com
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

rgmi_in : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: gmkdif. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

rgs : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: icelake_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
= rhow * g_S turbulent tracer flux (kg/m^2 s)
Initial Value = rhow*3.2d-7
rh : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
relative humidity
rh : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

rh : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

rh : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rh00 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
threshold relative humidity
rh1 :
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
relative humidity to compare with the threshold humidity
rh1 : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

rh20s : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

rh_inst : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
saved instantaneous relative hum (at PMB levels)
rh_inst : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

rh_inst : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

rh_inst : used from diag_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

rhc : real*8, parameter, dimension(4)
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/.38d0,.47d0,.28d0,.38d0/)
rhd : real*8, parameter, dimension(4)
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/.80d0,.75d0,.62d0,.80d0/)
rhdata : real*8, dimension(190, 15)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rhdens : real*8, dimension(190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rhdgm2 : real*8, dimension(190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rhdna : real*8
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

rhdno3 : real*8
Subroutine: rhdtna. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rhdocx : real*8
Subroutine: rhdtna. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rhdp : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

rhdsea : real*8
Subroutine: rhdtna. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rhdso4 : real*8
Subroutine: rhdtna. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rhdtna : real*8
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

rhf :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
environmental relative humidity
rhfix : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
const.rel.humidity passed to radiation for aeros. tests
Initial Value = -1.
rhfix : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rhfix : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rhftau : real*8
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

rhi :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
relative humidity w.r.t. ice
rhi : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rhin : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

rhinfo : real*8, dimension(190, 15, 4)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

rhinfo : real*8, dimension(190, 15)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rhl : real*8, dimension(lx)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
layer specific,relative humidity (1)
rhl : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rhn :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variable
rho : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

rho : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

rho : real*8, dimension(lm, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo), intent(out)
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
air density at the main/edge grids
rho : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
rho :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
air density
rho : real*8
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
air density
rho :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
air density
rho : real(r8), intent(in), dimension(2:lm)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

rho : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

rho : real(r8), dimension(2:lm), intent(in)
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

rho : real*8
Subroutine: precip_mp. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

rho : real*8
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

rho : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

rho : real(r8), dimension(lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

rho0 : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: lkmix. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
freshwater density function approximation
Initial Value = 999.842594d0
rho1 : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

rho1 : real*8
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

rho_3d : real*8, dimension(lm, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

rhoave : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

rhoavg : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

rhobot : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
(:,:) in-situ density at ocean bottom (kg/m^3)
rhobydze : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

rhobydze : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: de_solver_edge. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
(j) rho(j)/dze(j)
rhodz : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rhoe : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

rhoe : real*8, dimension(lm, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo), intent(out)
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
air density at the main/edge grids
rhoe : real(r8), dimension(2:lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

rhoe_3d : real*8, dimension(lm, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

rhoebydz : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

rhoebydz : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: de_solver_main. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
(j) rhoe(j+1)/dz(j)
rhog : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
density of graupel and ice particles
rhog : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
density of graupel and ice particles
Initial Value = 400.
rhoi : used from constant
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

rhoi : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

rhoi : used from constant
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

rhoi : used from seaice
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rhoi : used from constant
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rhoi : used from seaice
Subroutine: seaice_to_atmgrid. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rhoi : used from seaice
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

rhoi : used from seaice
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

rhoi : used from constant
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rhoip : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
density of graupel and ice particles
rhoip : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
density of graupel and ice particles
Initial Value = 100.
rhom : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

rhom : real*8
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

rhomid : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

rhomz : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

rhos : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
density of snow (kg/m^3)
Initial Value = 300.0
rhos : used from seaice
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

rhos : used from seaice
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rhos : used from seaice
Subroutine: seaice_to_atmgrid. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rhos : used from seaice
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rhosrf : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

rhosrf : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

rhosrf : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

rhosrf : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

rhosrf : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

rhosrf : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

rhosrf0 : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
estimated surface air density
rhow : used from constant
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

rhow : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: accumulate_excess_c. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: get_canopy_temperaure. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: heat_to_temperature. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: temperature_to_heat. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rhow : used from constant
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

rhows : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

rhows : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

rhows : used from constant
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rhows : used from constant
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rhows : used from constant
Subroutine: deltasst. Module: NONE. File: PBL.f

rhows : used from constant
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

rhows : used from constant
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

rhows : used from constant
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rhows : used from constant
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rhows : used from constant
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rhows : used from constant
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

rhows : used from constant
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

rhows : used from constant
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

rhows : used from constant
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rhows : used from constant
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

rhows : used from constant
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

rhows : used from constant
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rhox : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

rhoy : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

rhoy_ : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

rhoz1k : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f
density gradient over top 1km
rhoz1k : used from gm_com
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

rhp : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

rhq550 : real*8, dimension(190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rhreff : real*8, dimension(190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rhrhi : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rhrhrh : real*8, dimension(190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rhs : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: de_solver_edge. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

rhs : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: de_solver_main. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

rhs : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

rhs : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

rhs : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: q_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

rhs : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

rhs : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: t_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

rhs : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: tr_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

rhs : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

rhs : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

rhs1 : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

rhs1 : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

rhsav : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
previous relative humidity
rhsav : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

rhsav : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

rhsav : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rhsav : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rht1 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
rhtauf : real*8, dimension(190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rhtgm2 : real*8, dimension(190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rhtrop : real*8
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

rhw :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
rhwgm2 : real*8, dimension(190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rhxmfx : real*8, dimension(190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ri : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

ri : real*8
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

ri : real*8
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ri : real*8
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

ri : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

ri : real*8, dimension(0:lmo+1)
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
local richardson number
ri : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ri : real*8
Subroutine: level2. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ri : real*8
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ri1 : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Richardson numbers
ri2 : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Richardson numbers
ri_aw : integer
Subroutine: get_aw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

ri_sb81 : integer
Subroutine: bbw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

ria : real*8, dimension(mt)
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
ri 1d array of richardson #, for 2d tables
ria : real*8
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

rib : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
bulk Richardson number
rib : real*8
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

rib : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
bulk Richardson number
rib2 : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
temperary bulk Richardson number
rich : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

richn : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ricldx : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
multiplies part.size of ice clouds at 1000mb
Initial Value = 1.d0
ricr : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= critical bulk Richardson Number = 0.3 or 1.
Initial Value = 0.3d0
ricr : used from kppe
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ridx : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_virtual_index. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

rigg : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
local richardson number
riinfty : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= local Richardson Number limit
Initial Value = 0.7d0
rijtpg : real*8, dimension(6, 49, 17, 21)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ril : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

rimax : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
maximum ice cloud size
Initial Value = 100.d0
rimax : real*8
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
max of richardson # ri
rimax : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

rimax : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: anvil_optical_thickness. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud droplet for liquid and ice, max ice RCLD
rimax : used from socpbl
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

rimin : real*8
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
min of richardson # ri
rini : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix_init. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

ris : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Richardson numbers
ritop : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
numerator of bulk Richardson Number (m/s)^2
ritop : real*8, dimension(km)
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
numerator of bulk Richardson Number (m/s)^2
ritop : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ritop : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

river_fac : real*8
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
Factor to multiply runoff by to balance sea level
Initial Value = 1.
river_fac : used from lakes
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rja : real*8
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

rjb : real*8
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

rke : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

rkei : real*8
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

rkeil : real*8
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

rlabel :
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
rlabel :
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
rlam : real*8
Subroutine: init. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

rlat : real*8, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

rlat : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

rlat : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

rlat1 : real*8
Subroutine: boxav. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rlat2 : real*8
Subroutine: boxav. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rlmm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

rlmme : real*8, dimension(2, nmst)
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

rm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

rm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, 2)
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, 2)
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rm : real*8, dimension(nl)
Subroutine: aadvqz2_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rm : real*8, dimension(nl)
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

rm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

rm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

rm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

rm : real*8
Subroutine: checkflux. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

rm : real*8
Subroutine: checkfluxo. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rm : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: ctmix. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
mean and moments of tracer
rm : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

rm : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvt2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

rm : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rm : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

rm : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

rm : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rm : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

rm : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

rm : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rm : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rm : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

rm : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

rm : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rm : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rm : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rm : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(2, nmst, lmo)
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

rm0 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rm0 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rm0 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rm0 : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rm0 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rm0 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rm0 : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rm1d : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

rm_lus : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

rm_np : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rm_np : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rm_np : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

rm_np : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

rm_sp : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rm_sp : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rm_sp : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

rmass : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: conserv_ms. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

rmdi : used from missing_data_mod
Global variable . Module: LW_CONTROL. File: lw_control.F90

rmdi : used from missing_data_mod
Global variable . Module: SW_CONTROL. File: sw_control.F90

rmdi : used from missing_data_mod
Subroutine: compress_spectrum. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

rmin : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

rmom : real*8, dimension(nmom, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

rmom : real*8, dimension(nmom, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rmom : real*8, dimension(nmom, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rmom : real*8, dimension(nmom, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rmom : real*8, dimension(nmom, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rmom : real*8, dimension(nmom, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, 2)
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rmom : real*8, dimension(nmom, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, 2)
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rmom : real*8, dimension(nmom, nl)
Subroutine: aadvqz2_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rmom : real*8, dimension(nmom, nl)
Subroutine: aadvqz_column. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rmom : real*8, dimension(nmom, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

rmom : real*8, dimension(nmom, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

rmom : real*8, dimension(nmom, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

rmom : real*8, dimension(nmom, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

rmom : real*8, dimension(nmom, 2)
Subroutine: ctmix. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

rmom1d : real*8, dimension(nmom, lm)
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

rms : real*8
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

rms0 : real*8
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

rms_part : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

rmst : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

rn : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

rndss : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

rndssl : real*8, dimension(3, LM)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
stored random number sequences
ro3col : integer::mrelay=0, keep10=0, no3col=0;real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
= rescaled column amount of O3 if NO3COL>0 (if MRELAY>0)
Initial Value = 1.
roair : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

rod : real*8, dimension(:), intent(out)
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

rodust : real*8, dimension(:), pointer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

rodust : real*8, dimension(:), pointer
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

rof : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

roice : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

roice : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
ice fraction over open water
roice : real*8
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

roice : real*8
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

roice : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

roice : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

roice : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: lkmix. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
ice fraction
roice : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

roice : real*8
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

roice : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

roice : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
sea ice fraction of open water
roice : real*8
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

roice : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: simelt. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
ice variables (%,kg/m^2,kg/m^2)
roicen : real*8
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

rono3 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

roocx : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

root : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90
Initial Value = 0
root : real*8
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rootprofdata : real*8, dimension(n_covertypes, n_depth)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

ros : real*8, dimension(:), intent(out)
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

rosea : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

roso4 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rospd : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

rosps : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

rossl : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

rossn : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

rot1 : real*8
Subroutine: calc_zenith_angle. Module: ZENITH_MOD. File: Zenith.F90

rot1 : real*8
Subroutine: coszs. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

rot1 : real*8
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

rot2 : real*8
Subroutine: calc_zenith_angle. Module: ZENITH_MOD. File: Zenith.F90

rot2 : real*8
Subroutine: coszs. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

rot2 : real*8
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

rotationperiod : real*8
Subroutine: makeplanetorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

roughl : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: PBLCOM. File: PBL_COM.f
log10(zgs/roughness length), prescribed with zgs=30 m.
roughl : used from pblcom
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

roughl_from_file : integer, save
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
Initial Value = 0
roughl_lice : real*8
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = -1.d30
row : integer
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

rpls : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

rqdmax : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rqt : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Radiative equilibrium temperatures above model top
rqt : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

rqt : used from rad_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

rqt : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rqt : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rqt_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

rqwmax : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rr : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

rr : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

rr : real*8, dimension(0:lmo+1)
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
local alpha*dTdz/(beta*dSdz)
rr0 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rr0rhx : real*8, dimension(190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rra : real*8, dimension(nt)
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
rr 1d array of density ratio,for 2d tables
rrh : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rrho : real*8
Subroutine: ddmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

rrho0 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= limit for double diffusive density ratio
Initial Value = 1.9d0
rriinfty : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= 1/Riinfty
Initial Value = 1./Riinfty
rrl : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

rrmax : real*8
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
max of density ratio rr
rrmin : real*8
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
min of density ratio rr
rrr : real*8, dimension(grid%I_STRT_HALO:grid%I_STOP_HALO, grid%J_STRT_HALO:grid%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

rrr : real*8, dimension(im, grid%J_STRT_HALO:grid%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

rrsea : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rrsy : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

rrt12 : used from constant
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f
Initial Value = >byrt12
rs : real*8
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rsavg : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
rsdist : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
orbit related variables computed once a day
rsdist : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_orbit. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rsdist : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rsf_file_name : character(6), parameter, dimension(2)
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
names of restart files
Initial Value = (/'fort.1','fort.2'/)
rsf_file_name : used from model_com
Subroutine: checkpointmodele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

rsf_file_name : used from model_com
Subroutine: find_later_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

rsf_file_name : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

rsf_file_name : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

rsf_file_name : used from model_com
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

rsg : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: icelake_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
= rhow * shw * g_T turbulent energy flux (J/m^2 K s)
Initial Value = rhow*shw*1.3d-5
rsg : real*8
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

rsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer, real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
fraction of water area covered in ice
rsi :
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f
fraction of water area covered in ice
rsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

rsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

rsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

rsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

rsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

rsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rsi_exists : logical
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f
flag indicating availability of an input file SICE containing
Initial Value = .true.
rsi_exists : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rsi_exists : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rsi_old : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rsib : real*8
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

rsign_aer : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rsign_chem : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

rsimsi : real*8
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rsimsiold : real*8
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rsinew : real*8
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rsinew : real*8
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rsiold : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rsisave :
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f
saved value of sea ice concentration before DYNSI
rsisave : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

rsisave : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

rsist : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
Sea ice fraction in strait
rsist : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

rsistart : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

rsistart : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rsistart : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rsistream : type(timestream)
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f
interfaces for reading and time-interpolating
rsistream : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rsistream : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

rsix :
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f
first order moments of ice concentration (for advection)
rsix : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

rsixst : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
Center of sea ice in strait (m)
rsixst : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

rsiy :
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f
first order moments of ice concentration (for advection)
rsiy : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

rt2 : used from constant
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f

rt3 : used from constant
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f

rtau : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
rayleigh friction timescale (seconds) as a function of layer
rtau : used from dynamics
Subroutine: init_sdrag. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

rtau : used from dynamics
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

rtemp : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

rtemp : real*8
Subroutine: ctmix. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
dummy variable
rtheta : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

rthetar : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

rtinfo : real*8, dimension(190, 15, ITRMAX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ru : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ru3d : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

run :
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
name stored in XLABEL(1:LRUNID)
run : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

run : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
runoff fluxes down of mass,heat,salt (J or kg/m^2)
run0 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

run0 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

run0 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

run0 : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: lndice. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

run0 : real*8
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

run0 : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
runoff from ice (kg/m^2)
run0 : real*8
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

run0 : real*8
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

run0 : real*8
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

run0 : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: precli. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

run0 : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: simelt. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
amount of sea ice melt (kg/m^2)
run4 : real*8
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

run_planet_rad : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: rcompx. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

rune : real*8
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

runi : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

runi : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

runi : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

runli : real*8
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

runo : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
runoff (kg/m^2)
runo : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

runo : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

runo : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

runosi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
run off from sea/lake ice after surface (kg/m^2)
runosi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

runosi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

runosi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

runpsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
run off from sea/lake ice after precip (kg/m^2)
runpsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

runpsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

runpsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

runstr : character*5, dimension(14)
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
names of files for radiation routines
Initial Value = (/"RADN1","RADN2","RADN3", "RADN4","RADN5","RADN6","RADN7","RADN8", "RADN9","RADNA","RADNB","RADNC","RADND", "RADNE"/)
rup : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

rv : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

rv20 : real*8, dimension(20)
Subroutine: setqva. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

rv3d : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

rvap : used from constant
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

rvh20 : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

rvrout : real*8, dimension(nrvrmx)
Global variable . Module: LAKES_COM. File: LAKES_COM.f
Discharges from named rivers
rvrout : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: def_meta_rvracc. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

rvrout : real*8, dimension(NRVR)
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rvrout : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rvrout : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: write_meta_rvracc. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

rvrout_loc : real*8, dimension(nrvrmx)
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rvrout_root : real*8, dimension(NRVR)
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

rw1 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rw2 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rwcldox : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
multiplies part.size of water clouds over ocean
Initial Value = 1.d0
rwmax : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
maximum water cloud size
Initial Value = 20.d0
rx :
Subroutine: ctmix. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
mean and moments of tracer
rx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

rx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvt2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

rx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

rx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

rx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rx : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

rx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

rx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

rx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

rx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rx : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: reduce_fig. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

rx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(2, nmst, lmo)
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

rxlimit : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

rxm : real*8
Subroutine: checkflux. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

rxm : real*8
Subroutine: checkfluxo. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rxocx : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rxold : real*8
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

rxsea : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rxsno : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
direct albedo
rxso4 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

rxst : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

rxx :
Subroutine: ctmix. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
mean and moments of tracer
rxx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rxx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rxx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rxx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rxx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rxx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rxx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rxxm : real*8
Subroutine: checkflux. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

rxxm : real*8
Subroutine: checkfluxo. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rxy :
Subroutine: ctmix. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
mean and moments of tracer
rxy : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rxy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

rxy : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rxy : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rxy : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rxy : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rxy : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

rxy : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rxy : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rxy : real*8
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

ry :
Subroutine: ctmix. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
mean and moments of tracer
ry : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ry : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvt2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ry : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ry : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ry : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ry : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ry : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ry : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ry : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ry : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ry : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ry : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ry : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ry : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ry : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ry : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(2, nmst, lmo)
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

rylimit : real*8
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ryy :
Subroutine: ctmix. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
mean and moments of tracer
ryy : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ryy : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ryy : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ryy : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ryy : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ryy : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ryy : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ryz :
Subroutine: ctmix. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
mean and moments of tracer
ryz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ryz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ryz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ryz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ryz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ryz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

ryz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rz :
Subroutine: ctmix. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
mean and moments of tracer
rz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

rz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvt2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

rz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

rz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

rz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rz : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

rz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

rz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

rz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

rz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(2, nmst, lmo)
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

rzgrad : real*8, dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, 0:lmo)
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rzlim : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

rzm_np : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rzm_np : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rzm_np : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

rzm_np : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

rzm_sp : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rzm_sp : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rzm_sp : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

rzst : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

rzx :
Subroutine: ctmix. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
mean and moments of tracer
rzx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rzx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rzx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rzx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rzx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rzx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rzx : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rzz :
Subroutine: ctmix. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
mean and moments of tracer
rzz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rzz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rzz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rzz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rzz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvty4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rzz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rzz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvtz4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rzz : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: relax_zmoms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

rzzm_np : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rzzm_np : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rzzm_np : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

rzzm_sp : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rzzm_sp : real*8
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

rzzm_sp : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

s : real*8, dimension(0:KM)
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
cos/sin evaluated on grid points
s : real*8
Global variable . Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

s : real*8
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

s : real*8, dimension(nx*stride)
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
mean tracer amount (kg or J)
s : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
mean tracer amount (kg or J)
s : real*8, dimension(stride, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, nlev)
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
mean tracer amount (kg or J)
s : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: alphagsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

s : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: betagsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

s : real*8
Subroutine: get_dx_intervals. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

s : real*8
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

s : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: gfrezs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

s : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: hetgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

s : real*8
Subroutine: makeplanetorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

s : real*8, dimension(1800)
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

s : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

s : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

s : real*8
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

s : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: shcgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

s : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

s : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: temgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

s : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: temgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

s : real*8
Subroutine: tfrezs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

s : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: volgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

s : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: volgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

s0 : used from radpar
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
solar 'constant' needs to be saved between calls to radiation
s0 : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1366.d0
s0 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

s0 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

s0 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

s0 : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

s0 : real*8
Subroutine: updo3d_solar. Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

s00wm2 : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1366.2911d0
s00wm2 : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

s01 : real*8
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

s02 : real*8
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

s0_3 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

s0_agg : real(realk), parameter
Subroutine: set_cloud_field. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90
Initial Value = 0.05_RealK
s0_day : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f of solar constant (if 0: time var)
Initial Value = 182
s0_day : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

s0_tmp : real*8
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

s0_yr : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f of solar constant (if 0: time var)
Initial Value = 1951
s0_yr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

s0cosz : real*8
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

s0l : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

s0m : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
salinity of ocean (+moments) (kg)
s0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

s0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

s0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

s0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_osl. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

s0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

s0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

s0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

s0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

s0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

s0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

s0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

s0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

s0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

s0m : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

s0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: precip_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

s0m : used from ocean
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

s0m0 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

s0m1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: KPP_COM. File: OCNKPP.f

s0m1 : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

s0m1 : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

s0max : real*8
Global variable . Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

s0me : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

s0me : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

s0me : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

s0me : used from straits
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

s0min : real*8
Global variable . Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

s0ml : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

s0ml : real*8, dimension(lmo, 2)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

s0ml0 : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

s0ml0 : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

s0mst : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
salinity of water in strait (+ moments) (kg)
s0mst : used from straits
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

s0mst : used from straits
Subroutine: conserv_osl. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

s0mst : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

s0mst : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

s0mst : used from straits
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

s0x : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
solar constant multiplication factor
Initial Value = 1.
s0x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

s0x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

s1 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

s1 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

s1 : real(r8), real(r8)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

s1_3 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

s1byg1 : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
Initial Value = .57735d0
s2 : real*8
Global variable . Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

s2 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

s2 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

s2 : real(r8), real(r8)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

s20n : real*8
Global variable . Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

s21 : real*8, dimension(0:18)
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
intermediate sums for FFT
s21n : real*8
Global variable . Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

s22 : real*8, dimension(0:18)
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
intermediate sums for FFT
s241 : real*8, dimension(24)
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
intermediate sums for FFT
s24q1 : real*8
Global variable . Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

s2_3 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

s2dawn : real*8
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

s2dusk : real*8
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

s2lt1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

s2lt2 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

s2x0 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

s2x1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

s2x2 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

s2x3 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

s2y0 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

s2y1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

s2y2 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

s2y3 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

s32 : real*8
Subroutine: tfrezs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

s3_3 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

s3d : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

s3d : used from gm_com
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

s4 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

s4 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

s41 : real*8, dimension( 9)
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
intermediate sums for FFT
s42 : real*8, dimension( 9)
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
intermediate sums for FFT
s43 : real*8, dimension( 9)
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
intermediate sums for FFT
s44 : real*8, dimension( 9)
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
intermediate sums for FFT
s4_3 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

s4qn : real*8
Global variable . Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

s5 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

s5 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

s5_3 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

s6 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

s6 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

s6_3 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

s7 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

s7 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

s8 : real*8, dimension(8, 4)
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
intermediate sums for FFT
s8 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

s8 : used from socpbl
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

s8qn : real*8
Global variable . Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f

safv : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

safv : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqx. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

safv : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqx2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

sal : real*8
Subroutine: set_noice_defaults. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

salb : real*8, pointer, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
(1.-broadband surface albedo) - saved in rsf
salb : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

salb : used from rad_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

salb_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

salbtg : real*8, dimension(768, 14)
Global variable . Module: GTAU_STATE_MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

salim : real*8
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

salim : real*8
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

salt : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

salt : real*8, dimension(si_ocn%i_0h:si_ocn%i_1h, si_ocn%j_0h:si_ocn%j_1h)
Subroutine: conserv_ossi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f
total salt in ocean ice (kg/m^2)
salt : real*8
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

salt : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: simelt. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
amount of salt in sea ice melt (kg/m^2)
salti : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
salt in ice formed in ocean for ice covered frac (kg/m^2)
salti : real*8
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

salto : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
salt in ice formed in ocean for open water frac (kg/m^2)
salto : real*8
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

same_cloud : logical
Subroutine: get_cld_overlap. Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

sarea : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = >sarea_reg
sarea_reg : real*8, dimension(nreg), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
areas of the special regions
sarea_reg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

save :
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
{H,M,L}CLDI,saveCTPI,saveTAUI,save{S,T}CLDI: SUBDDiag
save : real*8
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

save3daod : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
flag to calculate ttasv_save in rad code even when
Initial Value = 0
savectpi : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

savectpi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

savectpi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

savehcldi : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

savehcldi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

savehcldi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

savelcldi : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

savelcldi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

savelcldi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

savemccldtp : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
instnt.SUBDD moist convective cloud top pressure
savemccldtp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

savemccldtp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

savemcldi : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

savemcldi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

savemcldi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

saven1 : real*4, dimension(IM, 16, LM)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

savescldi : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

savescldi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

savescldi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

savetaui : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

savetaui : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

savetaui : used from diag_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

savetcldi : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

savetcldi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

savetcldi : used from diag_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

savwcu : real*4, dimension(IM, 16, LM)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

saw : real*8
Subroutine: init. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

sb : real*8
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
final and initial estimate for salinity at interface (psu)
sb0 : real*8
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
final and initial estimate for salinity at interface (psu)
sbeta : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

sbeta : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

sbf : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

sbf : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

sbf : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

sbf : used from tracer_adv
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

sbfv : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

sbfv : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

sbfv : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

sbm : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

sbm : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

sbm : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

sbm : used from tracer_adv
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

sbmn : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sbufn : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

sbufs : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

sbw : real*8
Subroutine: init. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

sc : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= Schmidt (no relation) number (visc_air_kin/diff)
Initial Value = 0.595d0
sc : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

sc : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

sc : real*8
Subroutine: limitq. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

sc : real*8
Subroutine: limitq_lin. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sca : real*8, dimension(mt, nt)
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
2d table for sc=structure fuction for passive scalars
scale : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: otj_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

scale : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: scale_ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scale_con : real*8, dimension(kcon), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
scales for conservation diagnostics
scale_con : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

scale_con : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scale_con : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

scale_con : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

scale_con : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

scale_con : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

scale_dd : real*8, dimension(ndiuvar), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

scale_dd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

scale_dd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scale_dd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scale_dd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

scale_gc : real*8, dimension(kagcx), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
printout scaling factors for GC diagnostics
scale_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

scale_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scale_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

scale_icij : real*8, dimension(kicij)
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
scales for ICIJ diagnostics
scale_icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: def_meta_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

scale_icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

scale_icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: write_meta_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

scale_ij : real*8, dimension(kaij), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
scaling for weighted AIJ diagnostics
scale_ij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

scale_ij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

scale_ijhc : real*8, dimension(kijhc)
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f
scale factor for ijhc diagnostics
scale_ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: def_meta_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

scale_ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

scale_ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: write_meta_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

scale_ijk : real*8, dimension(kaijk), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
scaling for weighted AIJK diagnostics
scale_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

scale_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

scale_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scale_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

scale_ijl : real*8, dimension(kaijl), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
scale factor for AIJL diagnostics
scale_ijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

scale_ijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scale_ijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

scale_ijmm : real*8, dimension(kaijmm), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
scale factor for AIJ min/max diagnostics
scale_ijmm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

scale_ijmm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

scale_il : real*8, dimension(kailx)
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scale_j : real*8, dimension(kaj), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
scale for zonal J diagnostics
scale_j : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

scale_j : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scale_j : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

scale_jl : real*8, dimension(kajl), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
printout scaling factors for JL diagnostics
scale_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

scale_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scale_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scale_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

scale_oij : real*8, dimension(koij)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
scales for OIJ diagnostics
scale_oijl : real*8, dimension(koijl)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
scales for OIJL diagnostics
scale_oijmm : real*8, dimension(koijmm)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

scale_ojl : real*8, dimension(kojl)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
scales for OJL diagnostics
scale_olnst : real*8, dimension(kolnst)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
scales for OLNST diagnostics
scale_otj : real*8, dimension(kotj)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
scales for OTJ diagnostics
scale_sjl : real*8, dimension(kasjl), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
printout scaling factors for SJL diagnostics
scale_sjl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scalej : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scalej : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scalek : real*8
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

scalek : real*8, dimension(4)
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = (/1.,1.,10.,10./)
scalek : real*8
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scalek : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scalel : real*8, dimension(lm), intent(in)
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scalel : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scalem : real*8, dimension(3)
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

scaler : real*8
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scaler : real*8
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scalervr : real*8
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

scalervr : real*8
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

scales : real*8, dimension(3)
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

scales : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scalet : real*8, dimension(ned)
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scalet : real*8, dimension(kspeca)
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scalet : real*8, dimension(12)
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scalet : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scalet : real*8
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scalet : real*8
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scalet : real*8
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scaljr : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scaljr : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scallr : real*8, dimension(lm_req)
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scallr : real*8, dimension(lm_req)
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

scatterpts : used from sparsecommunicator_mod
Subroutine: scatter_straits_pairs. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

scdnci : real*8
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

scdncw : real*8
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

scf : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

scf : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

scf : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

scf : used from tracer_adv
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

scl : real*8, parameter, dimension(2)
Subroutine: dcdnc_est. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f
Initial Value = (/ 162d0, 298d0/)
scm : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

scm : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

scm : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

scm : used from tracer_adv
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

scovi : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

scovi : real*8
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

scovli : real*8
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

scpr : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: getzhq. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sd : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f
Initial Value = >MWs
sd : used from dynamics
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f
Initial Value = >MW
sd : used from dynamics
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

sd : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

sd : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

sd : used from dynamics
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

sd : real*8
Subroutine: limitq. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

sd : real*8
Subroutine: limitq_lin. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sd_clouds : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
vert. integrated horizontal convergence (for clouds)
sd_clouds : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

sd_clouds : used from atm_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

sd_clouds : used from atm_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

sdawn : real*8
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

sddp : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sdk : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

sdl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
vertical velocity in sigma coordinate
sdlb : real*8, parameter, dimension(8)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = (/-6.5d0,0d0,1d0,2.8d0,0d0,-2.8d0,-2d0,0d0/)
sdn : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN_DYN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
salinity at upper,lower part of layer (1)
sdn : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

sdn :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
sdn : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

sdn : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sdn : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sdn : real*8
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

sdn : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

sdrag : used from atmdyn
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

sdragx : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = 1d-1
sdragx : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = 1d-1
sdragx : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: stbdra. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f
Initial Value = 1d-1
sdry : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

sdsig : real*8
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sdsig : real*8
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sdusk : real*8
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

se : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 0.1d0
se :
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
stability constant for e, adjustable
sea_ice : used from seaice
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

seaice_thermo : character*2
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
formulation of sea ice thermodynamics (BP or SI)
Initial Value = "SI"
seaice_thermo : used from seaice
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

seaice_yr : integer
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

seasn1 : real*8
Subroutine: updsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

seasn2 : real*8
Subroutine: updsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

season : real*8, parameter, dimension(4)
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
julian day for start of season (used for veg albedo calc)
Initial Value = (/ 15.00, 105.0, 196.0, 288.0/)
sec_lat : real*8, parameter, dimension(NSEC)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
lat/lon for sectional tracer profiles
Initial Value = (/-64.,0.,48./)
sec_lon : real*8, parameter, dimension(NSEC)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
lat/lon for sectional tracer profiles
Initial Value = (/-165.0,-30.,65./)
secday : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
Initial Value = c1/(c60*c1440)
seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: calc_zenith_angle. Module: ZENITH_MOD. File: Zenith.F90

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: daily_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: diurn_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: gc_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: ijl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: jl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: ocoast. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: sjl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: stbdra. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

seconds_per_hour : used from timeconstants_mod
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

seconds_per_minute : used from timeconstants_mod
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

secondsperday : type(timeinterval)
Subroutine: makeplanetorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

secondsperyear : type(rational)
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

secondsperyear : type(rational)
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

secondsperyear : type(timeinterval)
Subroutine: makeplanetorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

secsperday : type(timeinterval)
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

secsperday : type(timeinterval)
Subroutine: sundial. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

secz : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

sedge :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
potential temperature at layer edge
sedge :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
seed : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

send_to_j : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ent_read_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

send_to_j : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ent_write_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

sensht : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
sensible heat flux accumulation (J/m^2)
sentdse : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Global variable . Module: BDIJ. File: DIAG_PRT.f
stand.eddy northw. transport of dry static energy * 16
senv :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
series : complex*16, dimension(*)
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

set_aerosols_internally : logical
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = .true.
set_aerosols_internally : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

set_claycalc : logical
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

set_clayilli : logical
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

set_claykaol : logical
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

set_clayquar : logical
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

set_claysmec : logical
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

set_gases_internally : logical
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = .true.
set_gases_internally : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

set_miss : logical
Subroutine: diurn_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

set_miss : logical
Subroutine: gc_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

set_miss : logical
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

set_miss : logical
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

set_miss : logical
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

set_miss : logical
Subroutine: ijl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

set_miss : logical
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

set_miss : logical
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

set_miss : logical
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

set_miss : logical
Subroutine: jl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

set_surf_prop_lw : used from planet_alb
Subroutine: set_bound_lw. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

set_surf_prop_sw : used from planet_alb
Subroutine: set_bound_sw. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

sf : real*8, intent(out), dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: strmij. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
= stream function (kg/s)
sf : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(IM, JM)
Subroutine: strmij_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

sf : real*8, intent(out), dimension(jm, 0:lmo, 4)
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
= stream function (kg/s)
sf : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(JM, 0:LMO, 4)
Subroutine: strmjl_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

sf_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

sf_str : real*8, dimension(JM, 0:LMO, 4)
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

sfac : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: tr_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
factor multiplying surface tracer conc. in b.c.
sfasi : real*8
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

sfbm : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

sfbm : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

sfbm : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

sfbm : used from tracer_adv
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

sfcm : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

sfcm : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqz. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

sfcm : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: aadvqz2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

sfcm : used from tracer_adv
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

sfl0 : real*8, dimension(5)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sflux : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

sflux : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
mass, salt and heat fluxes at base of ice
sflux : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
mass, salt and heat flux arising from
sflux : real*8
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

sflx : real*8, dimension(5)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sfm : real*8, dimension(jm, 0:lmo, 4)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
meridional overturning stream function for each basin
sfm : used from odiag
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

sfmn : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sfmsi : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:)
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

sfnorm : real*8
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sfv : real*8
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

sfwm2 : real*8, parameter, dimension(NW)
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/ 2.196E-3, 0.817E-3, 1.163E-3, 1.331E-3, 1.735E-3, 1.310E-3, 1.311E-3, 2.584E-3, 2.864E-3, 4.162E-3, 5.044E-3, 6.922E-3, 6.906E-3,10.454E-3, 5.710E-3, 6.910E-3,14.130E-3,18.080E-3/)
sfx : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, 0:LMO, 4)
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

sfzn : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sg0 : real*8
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sgmt0 : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

sgn : real(r8)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

sgoldh : real*8, dimension(5)
Subroutine: setbak. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sgsw : real*8
Subroutine: integrate_sgswind. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

sgz : real*8
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sh : real*8, dimension(KM/2-1)
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f
cos/sin evaluated on half points
sh : real*8
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sh : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

sh : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

sh : real*8
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sh : real*8
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sh : real*8
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

sha : used from constant
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

sha : real*8, dimension(mt, nt)
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
2d table for sh=structure fuction for heat
sha : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: addenergyasdiffuseheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: addenergyaslocalheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: anvil_optical_thickness. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: calc_derived_aijk. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: diurn_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: gc_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: ijl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: jl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: mc_precip_phase. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: sjl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

sha : used from constant
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

shc : real*8, dimension(ngm, 2)
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

shc : real*8, dimension(ngm, 2)
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

shc : real*8, dimension(ngm, 2)
Subroutine: fix_water_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

shc : real*8, dimension(ngm, 2)
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

shc : real*8, dimension(ngm, 2)
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

shc_can : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

shc_can : real*8
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

shc_can : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

shc_layer : real*8
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

shc_layer : real*8
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

shc_soil_texture : real*8, parameter, public, dimension(imt)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f
specific heat capacity of soil texture (J/K/M^3)
Initial Value = (/2d6,2d6,2d6,2.5d6,2.4d6/)
shc_soil_texture : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

shc_soil_texture : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

shc_soil_texture : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

shcgs : real*8
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

shcgs : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

shcgs : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

shcgs : real*8
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

shcgs : real*8
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

shdt : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

shdt : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

shdt : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

shdt : real*8
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

shdt : real*8
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

shdt : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

shdt_sv : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

shdt_sv : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

shear : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

shear2 : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sheat : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

sheat : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

sheth : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

sheth : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

shethe : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

shi : used from constant
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

shi : used from constant
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

shi : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

shi : used from constant
Subroutine: alami. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

shi : used from constant
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

shi : used from constant
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

shi : used from constant
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

shi : used from constant
Subroutine: deidti. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

shi : used from constant
Subroutine: ei. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

shi : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
heat capacity of pure ice (J/m^3 C)
Initial Value = shi_kg * rhow
shi : used from constant
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

shi : used from constant
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

shi : used from constant
Subroutine: ti. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

shi : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
heat capacity of pure ice (J/m^3 C)
Initial Value = shi_kg * rhow
shi_kg : used from constant
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = >shi
shi_kg : used from constant
Subroutine: heat_to_temperature. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = >shi
shi_kg : used from constant
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = >shi
shi_kg : used from constant
Subroutine: temperature_to_heat. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = >shi
shi_kg : used from constant
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = >shi
shiv : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: heat_to_temperature. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = shi_kg*rhow
shiv : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: temperature_to_heat. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = shi_kg*rhow
shl : real*8, dimension(lx)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
layer specific,relative humidity (1)
shl : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

shl : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

shl0 : real*8, dimension(lm_req)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f

shl0 : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

shl0 : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

shlb : real*8, parameter, dimension(8)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = (/0d0,11d0,20d0,32d0,47d0,51d0,71d0,84.852d0/)
shnh : real*8, dimension(2, kaij)
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

shnh_loc : real*8, dimension(2, kaij)
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

shsq : real*8, dimension(km)
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
(local velocity shear)^2 (m/s)^2
shsq : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

shsq : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

shv : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

shv : used from constant
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

shv : used from constant
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

shv : used from constant
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

shw : used from constant
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

shw : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

shw : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

shw : used from constant
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

shw : used from constant
Subroutine: alami. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

shw : used from constant
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

shw : used from constant
Subroutine: ei. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

shw : used from constant
Subroutine: em. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

shw : used from constant
Subroutine: fi. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

shw : used from constant
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

shw : used from constant
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

shw : used from constant
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

shw : used from constant
Subroutine: mi. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

shw : used from constant
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

shw : used from constant
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

shw : used from constant
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

shw : used from constant
Subroutine: ti. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

shw : used from constant
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

shw_kg : used from constant
Subroutine: get_canopy_temperaure. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = >shw
shw_kg : used from constant
Subroutine: heat_to_temperature. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = >shw
shw_kg : used from constant
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = >shw
shw_kg : used from constant
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = >shw
shw_kg : used from constant
Subroutine: temperature_to_heat. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = >shw
shw_kg : used from constant
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = >shw
shwv : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: heat_to_temperature. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = shw_kg*rhow
shwv : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: temperature_to_heat. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = shw_kg*rhow
si : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: alami. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

si : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: deidti. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

si : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: ei. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

si : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: em. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

si : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
salinity in lowest ice layer and mixed layer (psu)
si : real*8
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

si : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: ti. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
salinity of sea ice (10-3 kg/kg = ppt)
si : real*8
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

si0 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

si_atm : type(icestate)
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f
is the atmos-grid instance of seaice variables.
si_atm : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: alloc_drv_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCN_DRV.f

si_atm : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

si_atm : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

si_atm : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

si_atm : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

si_atm : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_agrice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

si_atm : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

si_atm : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

si_atm : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

si_atm : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

si_atm : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: new_io_agrice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

si_atm : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

si_atm : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: seaice_to_atmgrid. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

si_atm : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

si_atm : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

si_atm : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: updtype. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

si_atm : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: vflx_ocean. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

si_ocn : type(icestate)
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f
ocean instance of ice variables
si_ocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

si_ocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

si_ocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: alloc_drv_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCN_DRV.f

si_ocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: alloc_seaice_com. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

si_ocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

si_ocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

si_ocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: calc_apress. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

si_ocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: conserv_ohsi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

si_ocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: conserv_omsi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

si_ocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: conserv_ossi. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

si_ocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

si_ocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

si_ocn : type(icestate)
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

si_ocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

si_ocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

si_ocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: new_io_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

si_ocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: ocean_driver. Module: NONE. File: OCN_DRV.f

si_ocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

si_ocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: reset_gtemp_noice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

si_ocn : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: seaice_to_atmgrid. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

si_state : type(icestate)
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

si_state : type(icestate)
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

si_state : type(icestate)
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

si_state : type(icestate)
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

si_state : type(icestate)
Subroutine: set_noice_defaults. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

si_state : type(icestate)
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

si_state : type(icestate)
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

sib : real*8
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
actual temperature/salinity in melting/freezing ice (psu)
sice : real*8, dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

sice : real*8
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

sice : real*8, intent(out), dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: get_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

sice : real*8, dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

sice : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: relayer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

sice : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: relayer_12. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

sice : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

sice : real*8, intent(in), dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: set_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

sice : real*8, dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

sice : real*8, dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

sig :
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
mid point, depth, 1/depth of sigma levels (1)
sig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

sig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

sig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: calc_vert_amp. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

sig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

sig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

sig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

sig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

sig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

sig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

sig : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: integrate_sgswind. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
distribution parameter (m/s)
sig : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

sig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

sig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

sige : real*8, dimension(LM+1)
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
sigma levels at layer interfaces (1)
sige : used from dynamics
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

sige : used from dynamics
Subroutine: calc_vert_amp. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

sige : used from dynamics
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

sige : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

sige : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

sige : used from dynamics
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sige : used from dynamics
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

sige : used from dynamics
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sige : used from dynamics
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

sigk :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
sigma : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 0.95d0
sigma : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
normalized depth (d / hbl)
sigma : real*8
Subroutine: get_wspdf. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
standard deviation of sub grid fluctuations
sigma : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
normalized depth (d / hbl)
sigma : real*8, parameter, dimension(NW, NKO2)
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = RESHAPE( (/ 2.74E-19, 2.74E-19, 2.74E-19, 2.74E-19, 2.74E-19, 2.74E-19, 4.33E-21, 4.89E-21, 6.63E-21, 1.60E-20, 7.20E-20, 1.59E-18, 2.10E-21, 2.32E-21, 3.02E-21, 6.30E-21, 3.46E-20, 7.52E-19, 5.95E-22, 9.72E-22, 2.53E-21, 7.57E-21, 7.38E-20, 7.44E-19, 3.33E-22, 1.02E-22, 4.09E-21, 1.63E-20, 8.79E-20, 3.81E-19, 1.09E-21, 1.16E-21, 1.45E-21, 3.32E-21, 2.00E-20, 4.04E-19, 1.15E-21, 1.30E-21, 1.90E-21, 4.89E-21, 2.62E-20, 4.08E-19, 3.90E-22, 4.90E-22, 9.49E-22, 3.33E-21, 2.14E-20, 2.39E-19, 1.29E-22, 2.18E-22, 8.28E-22, 3.46E-21, 1.94E-20, 1.06E-19, 6.26E-23, 7.80E-23, 2.62E-22, 1.83E-21, 1.25E-20, 3.95E-20, 2.74E-23, 3.58E-23, 8.64E-23, 4.03E-22, 2.13E-21, 1.95E-20, 1.95E-23, 2.44E-23, 4.89E-23, 2.87E-22, 1.95E-21, 1.36E-20, 1.84E-23, 1.96E-23, 2.71E-23, 8.52E-23, 6.48E-22, 3.89E-21, 1.80E-23, 1.81E-23, 1.87E-23, 2.69E-23, 1.34E-22, 1.52E-21, 1.80E-23, 1.80E-23, 1.82E-23, 2.40E-23, 5.71E-23, 5.70E-22, 1.76E-23, 1.76E-23, 1.76E-23, 1.76E-23, 1.76E-23, 3.50E-23, 1.71E-23, 1.71E-23, 1.71E-23, 1.71E-23, 1.71E-23, 2.68E-23, 1.00E-23, 1.00E-23, 1.00E-23, 1.00E-23, 1.00E-23, 1.00E-23/) , (/ NW, NKO2 /) )
sigma : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 5.6697D-08
sigma : real*8
Subroutine: wscale. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

sigma1 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 1.-sigma
sigma2 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 1.+sigma
sign : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sigrid : type(dist_grid), pointer
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f

sigrid : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: alloc_drv_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCN_DRV.f

sigt4 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sihc : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

sihc : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

sihc : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

silmfac : real*8
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
factor controlling lateral melt of ocean ice
Initial Value = 1.d-7
silmfac : used from seaice
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

silmpow : real*8
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
exponent for temperature dependence of lateral melt
Initial Value = 1.36d0
simelt : used from seaice
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

sin : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: tfrezs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

sind : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
orbit related variables computed once a day
sind : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f
sin,cos of solar declination angle
sind : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_orbit. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

sind_in : real*8
Subroutine: daily_cosz. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

sinen : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
sinen : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

sinen : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

sini : real*8, dimension(:), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
sin(lon),cos(lon) for vector regrids
sini : used from geom
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f
Initial Value = >siniv
sini : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f
Initial Value = >SINIC
sini : used from geom
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = >siniv
sini : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >SINIC
sini : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >SINIC
sini : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >SINIC
sini : used from ocean
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >SINIC
sini : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >SINIC
sini : used from ocean
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >SINIC
sinic : real*8, dimension(IM)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

sinic : used from ocean
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

sinic : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

sinic : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sinic : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

sinic : used from ocean
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

sinip : real*8, public, dimension(im)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
longitud. sin,cos for wind,pressure grid
sinip : used from geom
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

sinip : used from geom
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

sinip : used from geom
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

siniu : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

siniu : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

siniu : used from icedyn
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

siniv : real*8, public, dimension(im)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
longitud. sin,cos for wind,pressure grid
siniv : used from geom
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

siniv : used from geom
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

sinj : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f
sines and cosines for zenith angle calculation
sinlat : real*8, save, dimension(46)
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sinlat2d : real*8, public, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

sinlat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

sinlat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

sinlat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: horzdist_2pts. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

sinlat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

sinlat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

sinlat2d : used from geom
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

sinlatv : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
sin(latv), cos(latv)
sinn : real*8
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f
sinp : real*8, public, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
sin of latitude at primary grid points
sinp : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f
Initial Value = >SINPO
sinp : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

sinpo : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

sinpo : real*8, dimension(jm)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

sinpo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

sinpo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

sinpo : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

sinpo : used from ocean
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

sinrmin : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

sinrpls : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

sins : real*8
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f
sintab : real*8, dimension(im-1)
Subroutine: calc_opfil2_coeffs. Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

sintr : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

sinu : real*8, public, dimension(im)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

sinu : real*8, dimension(IM)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

sinu : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

sinu : used from ocean
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

sinu : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sinu : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sinu : used from ocean
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sinu : used from ocean
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sinu : used from ocean
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

sinv : real*8
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

sinv : real*8
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

sinv : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f
Initial Value = >SINVO
sinvm1 : real*8
Subroutine: geom_atm. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

sinvm1 : real*8
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

sinvo : real*8, dimension(0:jm)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

sinvo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

sinvo : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

sinwat : real*8
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
sin and cos of ice-ocean turning angle
sinwat : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

sinxy : real*8, dimension(JM)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

sinxy : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

sinxy : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sioi : real*8
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sioo : real*8
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sitopmlt : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

sitopmlt : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

sitopmlt : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

six0 :
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f
-SIX3,SIY0-SIY3: Slopes calculated from 4 triads of density.
six0 : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

six1 : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

six2 : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

six3 : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

siy0 : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

siy1 : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

siy2 : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

siy3 : real*8
Subroutine: isoslope4. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

siz : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: boxav2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

size_arr : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: bbw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

size_arr : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

size_arr : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: find_max. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

size_arr : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: find_min. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

size_arr : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_aw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

size_arr : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: kw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

sizeic : real*8, dimension(LX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
particle size of water,ice clouds (micron)
sizeic : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

sizewc : real*8, dimension(LX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
particle size of water,ice clouds (micron)
sizewc : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

sizlat : real*8, dimension(49)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sizlat : real*8, dimension(nlat), intent(in)
Subroutine: boxav2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

sizvol : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: getqva. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sizvol : real*8, intent(in), optional
Subroutine: setqva. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sizvol : real*8
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sjl_index : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: inc_asjl. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
index of the diagnostic being accumulated
sjl_index : integer, intent(in), optional
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sjsd : real*8
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

sjsd : real*8
Subroutine: daily_cosz. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

sk :
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
...,SRK... Spectral breakdown of fluxes/heat.rates (W/m2)
sk : real*8
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

skdflb : real*8, dimension(lx+1, 17)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

skei : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

skfhrl : real*8, dimension(lx, 17)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

skin_effect : integer
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
sets whether skin effects are used or not
Initial Value = 1
skin_effect : used from socpbl
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

skip : logical
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

skip : character*6
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

skip_tracers : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: bcast_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

sknflb : real*8, dimension(lx+1, 17)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

skt : real*8, dimension(1)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

skt : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

skuflb : real*8, dimension(lx+1, 17)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sl : real*8
Subroutine: limitq. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

sl : real*8
Subroutine: limitq_lin. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sl_ij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

sl_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

slat : real*8
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

slh : real*8
Subroutine: get_dq_cond. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

slh : real*8
Subroutine: get_dq_evap. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

slh : real*8
Subroutine: moist_adiabat_tq. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

slh :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
slh : real*8
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

slhe : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Initial Value = LHE*BYSHA
slhe : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
Initial Value = LHE*BYSHA
slhs : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Initial Value = LHS*BYSHA
slim : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f
= Upper limit of isopycnal slopes (stability parameter)
Initial Value = 2d-3
slope : real*8
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

slope0 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
Initial Value = 0.5d0
slope0 : used from pbl_drv
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

slope1 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 0.1d0
slopec : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

slopel : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

slopes : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

slp : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

slp : real*8, external
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

slp : real*8
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

slp : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: isotropslp. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

slt1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

slt2 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

sly : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

sm : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Vertical profiles of (T/p**kappa)*AIRM, q*AIRM
sm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_dq_cond. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
heat and water content
sm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_dq_evap. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
heat and water content
sm : real*8
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sm : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

sm : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

sm : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

sm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
salinity in lowest ice layer and mixed layer (psu)
sm : real*8
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sm : real*8
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

sm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
ocean mixed layer salinity (psu)
sm : real*8
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

sm1 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
sma : real*8, dimension(mt, nt)
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
2d table for sm=structure fuction for momentum
small : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

smallmo : integer
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

smallmo_loc : integer
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

smap : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

smap : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

smap : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

smap : real*8, dimension(IM, JM, LM)
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

smap : real*8, dimension(IM, JM, LM)
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

smap : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

smap : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

smap : real*8, intent(out), dimension(im, jm, lm)
Subroutine: scale_ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

smapj : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

smapj : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

smapj : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

smapj : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

smapj : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

smapjk : real*8, dimension(JM, LM)
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

smapjl : real*8, dimension(JM, LM)
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

smapjl : real*8, intent(out), dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: scale_ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

smapk : real*8, dimension(LM)
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

smapl : real*8, dimension(LM)
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

smass : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= local but "SAVE"d array ADVECV in MOMEN2ND made global
smass : real*8, save, dimension(JM)
Global variable . Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

smass : used from dynamics
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

smass : real*8
Subroutine: daily_atmdyn. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

smax : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
limits on drag coeffs.
Initial Value = 0.25d0
smd : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

smdn :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
smdnl :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

smelti : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
mass,energy,salt from simelt into ocn (kg/m^2,J/m^2)
smelti : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

smelti : real*8
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

smelti : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

smelti : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

smin : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
limits on drag coeffs.
Initial Value = 0.005d0
smix :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
smlt : real*8
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

smn1 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
smn1 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
smn12 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
smn2 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
smn2 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
smo1 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
smo1 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
smo12 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
smo2 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
smo2 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
smoi : real*8
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

smold :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
profiles prior to any moist convection
smom : real*8, dimension(nmom, lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

smom : real*8, dimension(nmom, nx*stride)
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
qus tracer moments (kg or J)
smom : real*8, dimension(nmom, stride, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, nlev)
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
qus tracer moments (kg or J)
smomdn :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

smomdnl :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

smommc : real*8, dimension(nmom, lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

smomold :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

smomp :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

smompmax :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

smoo : real*8
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

smooth : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: OPFIL2_COEFFS. File: OCNDYN2.f

smooth : real*8, save, dimension(IMz2, JM)
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

smooth : real*8, dimension(890)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

smp :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
plume's SM, QM
smpmax :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
values of QMP, SMP in detrained air
smpt :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
smt :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
smu : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN_DYN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
integrated mass fluxes
smu : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

smu : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oadvt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

smu : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oadvt2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

smu : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

smu : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

smu : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

smu : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

smv : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN_DYN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
integrated mass fluxes
smv : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

smv : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oadvt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

smv : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oadvt2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

smv : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

smv : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

smv : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

smv : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

smw : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN_DYN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
integrated mass fluxes
smw : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

smw : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oadvt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

smw : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oadvt2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

smw : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oadvt3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

smw : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

smw : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

smw : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

sn : real*8
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

sn : real*8
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

sn : real*8
Subroutine: apply_limiter. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sn : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sn : real*8
Subroutine: limitq. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

sn : real*8
Subroutine: limitq_lin. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

snagfac : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

sname : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(12)
Global variable . Module: BDWP_MOD. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = (/ 'WPU850EQU ','WPV850EQU ','WPU300EQU ','WPV300EQU ', 'WPU50EQU ','WPV50EQU ','WPPHI922_50N','WPPHI700_50N', 'WPPHI500_50N','WPPHI300_50N','WPPHI100_50N','WPPHI10_50N ' /)
sname : used from bdwp_mod
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname : character(len=sname_strlen)
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname : character(len=sname_strlen)
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname : character(len=sname_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname : character(len=30)
Subroutine: j_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

sname : character(len=sname_strlen)
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
string referencing output field
sname : character(len=sname_strlen)
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
string referencing output field
sname : character*16, dimension(ndiuvar)
Subroutine: pout_diurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

sname : character*16, dimension(ndiuvar)
Subroutine: pout_hdiurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

sname : character(len=sname_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ij. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
short name of field
sname : character(len=sname_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ijk. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
short name of field
sname : character(len=sname_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ijl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
short name of field
sname : character(len=sname_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

sname : character(len=sname_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_isccp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
short name of field
sname : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(kaj), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_j. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dummy strings
sname : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(kmax), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_jc. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dummy strings
sname : character(len=sname_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_jl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
short name of field
sname : character(len=sname_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_wp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
short name of field
sname : character(len=sname_strlen)
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname : character*8
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
name of conservation quantity (no spaces)
sname_gc : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(kagcx), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Names of lat-pressure GC diagnostics
sname_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

sname_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: jkjl_titlex. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

sname_icij : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(kicij)
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
Short names for ICIJ diagnostics
sname_icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: def_meta_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

sname_icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

sname_icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: write_meta_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

sname_ijhc : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(kijhc)
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f
short names of ijhc diagnostics
sname_ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: def_meta_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

sname_ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

sname_ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: write_meta_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

sname_jl : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(kajl), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Names of lat-sigma JL diagnostics
sname_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

sname_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

sname_oij : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(koij)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Short names for OIJ diagnostics
sname_oijl : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(koijl)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Short names for OIJL diagnostics
sname_oijmm : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(koijmm)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

sname_ojl : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(kojl)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Short names for OJL diagnostics
sname_olnst : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(kolnst)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Short names for OLNST diagnostics
sname_otj : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(kotj)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
short names for OTJ diagnostics
sname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Global variable . Module: BDWP_MOD. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

sname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

sname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Global variable . Module: GISSOUT. File: POUT.f

sname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

sname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f

sname_strlen : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
Initial Value = 30
sname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

sname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

sname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: keydj. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: keynrl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: keyvsums. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sname_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

snameo : character*16, dimension(ndiuvar)
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

snameo : character*16, dimension(ndiuvar)
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

snameo : character(len=sname_strlen), dimension(kaj)
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

snami : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

snandi : real*8
Subroutine: lndice. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

sndegi : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sndi : real*8
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

sndl : real*8
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

sndo : real*8
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

snelgi : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

snfs : real*8, dimension(4, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

snfsaerrf : real*8, dimension(18, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

snfscrf : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

snfscrf2 : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

snmin : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f
snow minimum used in some tracer calculations (kg/m2)
Initial Value = 1d-5
snmin : used from landice
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

snmin : used from landice
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

snmin : used from landice
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

snmin : used from landice
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

snmin : used from landice
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

snoage : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

snoage : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f

snoage : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

snoage : used from rad_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

snoage : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

snoage : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

snoage : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

snoage : used from rad_com
Subroutine: read_rad_ic. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

snoage_def : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
determines how snowage is calculated:
Initial Value = 0
snoage_def : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

snoage_def : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

snoage_fac_max : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
max snow age reducing-factor for sea ice albedo
Initial Value = .5d0
snoage_fac_max : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

snoage_fac_max : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

snomax : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
maximum allowed snowdepth (1m equivalent) (kg/m^2)
Initial Value = 1d0*RHOS
snotyp : character*3
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

snow : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
snow mass, fraction, depth
snow : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
snow amount on ice (kg/m^2)
snow : real*8
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

snow : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

snow : real*8
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

snow : real*8
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

snow : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

snow : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: lndice. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

snow : real*8
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

snow : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
snow mass (kg/m^2)
snow : real*8
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

snow : real*8
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

snow : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: precli. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

snow : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
snow mass (kg/m^2)
snow : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: set_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

snow : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: simelt. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
ice variables (%,kg/m^2,kg/m^2)
snow : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

snow : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: solar_ice_frac. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
snow and second layer ice amounts (kg/m^2)
snow : real*8
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

snow : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

snow : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

snow_amnt_sea_lake : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_planet_alb_param. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

snow_cover : used from soil_drv
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

snow_cover_coef : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
coefficient for topography variance in
Initial Value = .15d0
snow_cover_coef2 : used from snow_drvm
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = >snow_cover_coef
snow_cover_same_as_rad : used from snow_drvm
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

snow_cover_same_as_rad : used from snow_drvm
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

snow_cover_same_as_rad : used from snow_drvm
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

snow_depth_land_tbl : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_planet_alb_param. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

snow_depth_sea_ice : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_planet_alb_param. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

snow_frac : real*8, dimension(2)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
(2) fraction of snow over bare(1),vegetated(2) soil (1)
snow_frac : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

snow_frac : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

snow_fraction : used from snow_model
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

snow_fraction : used from snow_model
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

snow_fraction : used from snow_model
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

snow_ice : integer
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
=1 to allow for snow ice formation (default=1)
Initial Value = 1
snow_ice : used from seaice
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

snow_ice : used from seaice
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

snow_redistr : used from snow_model
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

snow_redistr : used from snow_model
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

snow_redistr : used from snow_model
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

snow_water : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: snow_cover. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
snow water equivalent (m)
snowbv : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

snowbv : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

snowbv : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

snowbv : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

snowbv : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

snowbv : real*8, dimension(:)
Subroutine: old_gic_2_modele. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

snowbv : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

snowbv_glob : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

snowd : used from sle001
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

snowd : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(:)
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

snowd : real*8, intent(in), dimension(:)
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

snowdp : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
snow mass, fraction, depth
snowdp : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: read_landsurf_ic. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

snowe : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
snow amount seen by radiation
snowe : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
amount of snow (over soil,land ice) (kg/m^2)
snowe : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

snowe : real*8
Subroutine: old_gic_2_modele. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

snowe : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

snowfr : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
snow mass, fraction, depth
snowi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
amount, thickness of snow on sea ice (kg/m^2, m)
snowi :
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f
snow amount on sea ice (kg/m^2)
snowi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

snowi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

snowi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

snowi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

snowi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

snowi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

snowi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

snowi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

snowi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

snowi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

snowi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

snowi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

snowi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

snowi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

snowi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

snowi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

snowice : used from seaice
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

snowl : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

snowl : real*8, intent(out), dimension(2)
Subroutine: get_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

snowl : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

snowl : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(2)
Subroutine: relayer_12. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

snowl : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

snowl : real*8, intent(in), dimension(2)
Subroutine: set_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

snowl : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

snowl : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

snowli :
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
snow mass, fraction, depth
snowli : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f
snow amount on land ice (kg/m^2)
snowli : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
amount of snow (over soil,land ice) (kg/m^2)
snowli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

snowli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

snowli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

snowli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: conserv_mli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

snowli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

snowli : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

snowli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

snowli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

snowli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

snowli : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

snowli : used from landice_com
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

snownew : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

snowoi : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
amount of snow (over ocean/lake ice) (kg/m^2)
snowoi : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

snowoi : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

snowsave : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

snowsave : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

snowsave : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

snowsave2 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

snp : real*8
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

sntosi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

sntosi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

sntosi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

snwf : real*8
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

so1 : real*8
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

so1 : real*8
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

so1 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

so2x : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor for SO2 with respect to value in "GHG" file
Initial Value = 0.
so2x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

so2x : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

soi : real*8
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

soijl : real*8
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

soijlgm : real*8
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

soil_c_total : real*8, dimension(ncasa, grid%I_STRT_HALO:grid%I_STOP_HALO, grid%J_STRT_HALO:grid%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: get_soil_c_total. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

soil_c_total_h : real*8, dimension(N_CASA_LAYERS, grid%I_STRT_HALO:grid%I_STOP_HALO, grid%J_STRT_HALO:grid%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

soil_color : integer, dimension(n_covertypes)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

soil_surf_moist : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f
near surf soil moisture (kg/m^3) for subdd
soil_surf_moist : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

soil_surf_moist : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

soil_texture : real*8, dimension(n_soil_textures, i0:i1, j0:j1)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

soil_wetness : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_planet_alb_param. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sol : type(strsolarspec), intent(in)
Subroutine: calc_alb_wgt. Module: NONE. File: planet_alb.F90

sol : type(strsolarspec), intent(in)
Subroutine: get_surf_alb. Module: NONE. File: planet_alb.F90

solar : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer, real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
solar radiation penetrating the ice absorbed by ocean (J/m^2)
solar : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

solar_constant : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

solar_constant : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

solar_ice_frac : used from seaice
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

solar_io : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

solar_irrad : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

solar_spec : type(strsolarspec)
Global variable . Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

solnst : real*8, dimension(NMST)
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

solnst : real*8, intent(in), dimension(NMST)
Subroutine: otj_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

solz : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

soo : real*8
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sos : real*8
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

sos : real*8
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvqy. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvqy2. Module: NONE. File: QUS3D.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvt. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: avg_replicated_duv_to_vgrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: compute_mass_flux_diags. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: conserv_oke. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: form. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: icdyn_masks. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: matop. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvty. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: plast. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: qdynam. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

south : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

sp : type(strspecdata), intent(in)
Subroutine: calc_alb_wgt. Module: NONE. File: planet_alb.F90

sp : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

sp : type(strspecdata), intent(in)
Subroutine: get_surf_alb. Module: NONE. File: planet_alb.F90

sp2 : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

spa : used from dynamics
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

spa : used from dynamics
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

spa : used from dynamics
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

sparsecomm : type(sparsecommunicator_type)
Subroutine: sparsecommunicator. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

speca : real*8, dimension((imlonh+1), kspeca, nspher), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
spectral diagnostics
speca : used from gc_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

speca : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag4a. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

speca : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

speca : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

speca : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

speca : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

speca : used from gc_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

speed : real*8
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

speed0 : real*8
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

spgsn : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
specific gravity of snow
Initial Value = .1d0
sphere : character*16, dimension(4)
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
sphin : real*8
Subroutine: cosz_init. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

sphis : real*8
Subroutine: cosz_init. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

splb : real*8, parameter, dimension(8)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = (/ 1013.25d0, 226.32d0, 54.748d0 , 8.6801d0, 1.109d0 , .66938d0, .039564d0, 3.7338d-03/)
spmax : real*8
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

spmin : real*8
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

spring : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

spring : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

sq : real*8
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sq :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
ERMAX dummy variables
sqcb : real*8, dimension(6)
Subroutine: getmie. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sqex : real*8, dimension(6)
Subroutine: getmie. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sqm : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sqn : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sqrtdp : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

sqrtm : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
moved from DIAG5A where it was a saved local array to this
sqrtm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

sqrtm : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

sqrtp : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
square root of P (used in diagnostics)
sqrtp : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

sqrtp : used from atm_com
Subroutine: calc_ampk. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

sqrtp : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

sqrtpg : real*8
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

sqsc : real*8, dimension(6)
Subroutine: getmie. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sr :
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
.VIS,SR.NIR SW fluxes in vis,near-IR domain (W/m2)
sr : real*8
Subroutine: limitq. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

sr : real*8
Subroutine: limitq_lin. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sr1 : real*8
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

sr1qcb : real*8, dimension( 6)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

sr1qex : real*8, dimension( 6)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

sr1qsc : real*8, dimension( 6)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

sr2 : real*8
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

sr2qcb : real*8, dimension( 6)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

sr2qex : real*8, dimension( 6)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

sr2qsc : real*8, dimension( 6)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

sr3qcb : real*8, dimension( 6)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

sr3qex : real*8, dimension( 6)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

sr3qsc : real*8, dimension( 6)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

sr4qcb : real*8, dimension( 6)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

sr4qex : real*8, dimension( 6)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

sr4qsc : real*8, dimension( 6)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

srac : real*8, save, dimension(LX, 6, 5)
Subroutine: setbak. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sraext : real*8, dimension(lx, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sraext : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

sraext : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

sragcb : real*8, dimension(lx, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sragcb : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

sragcb : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

sragnl : real*8, dimension(lx)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sragql : real*8
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sralb : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sranir : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sranir : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

sraqcb : real*8, dimension( 6, 11)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sraqex : real*8, dimension( 6, 11)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sraqsc : real*8, dimension( 6, 11)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sras : real*8, save, dimension(LX, 6, 5)
Subroutine: setbak. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srasct : real*8, dimension(lx, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srasct : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srasct : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srasnl : real*8, dimension(lx)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sravis : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sravis : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srax : real*8, save, dimension(LX, 6, 5)
Subroutine: setbak. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sraxnl : real*8, dimension(lx)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srbalb : real*8, dimension(6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
diffuse,direct surface albedo (1); see KEEPAL
srbalb : real*8, dimension(6)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

srbalb : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srbext : real*8, dimension(lx, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srbext : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srbgcb : real*8, dimension(lx, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srbgcb : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srbgql : real*8
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srbqcb : real*8, dimension( 6, 10)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srbqex : real*8, dimension( 6, 10)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srbqsc : real*8, dimension( 6, 10)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srbsct : real*8, dimension(lx, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srbsct : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srcext : real*8, dimension(lx, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srcgcb : real*8, dimension(lx, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srcgsf : real*8, dimension(3)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Scaling Factors for Cloud Asymmetry Parameter for
Initial Value = (/ 1.000, 1.000, 1.000/)
srcpi0 : real*8, dimension(lx, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srcqcb : real*8, dimension( 6, 15)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srcqex : real*8, dimension( 6, 15)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srcqpi : real*8, dimension(6, 15)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srcqsc : real*8, dimension( 6, 15)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srcsct : real*8, dimension(lx, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srdext : real*8, dimension(lx, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srdext : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srdext : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srdflb : real*8, dimension(LX+1)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Solar down,up,net Flux at Layr Bottom (W/m2)
srdflb : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srdflb_clear : real*8, dimension(LX+1)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Clear-sky versions
srdflb_clear : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srdgcb : real*8, dimension(lx, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srdgcb : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srdgcb : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srdgql : real*8
Subroutine: getdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srdgql : real*8
Subroutine: setdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srdgql : real*8
Subroutine: upddst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srdhr : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srdn : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Total incident solar at surface (W/m^2)
srdn : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

srdn : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

srdn : used from rad_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

srdn : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srdn_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

srdnir : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srdnir : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srdntoa : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srdntoa : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srdqcb : real*8, dimension( 6, 25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srdqex : real*8, dimension( 6, 25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srdqsc : real*8, dimension( 6, 25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srdsct : real*8, dimension(lx, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srdsct : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srdsct : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srdvis : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srdvis : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srfflx_exports : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
contains the flux fields declared below
Initial Value = >null()
srfflx_exports_gla : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
Initial Value = >null()
srfhrl : real*8, dimension(LX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
layer LW Cooling Rate,SW Heating Rate (W/m2)
srfhrl : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srfoam : real*8, parameter, dimension(25)
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
look up table for ocean foam as a function of wind speed
Initial Value = (/ 0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.001,0.002,0.003,0.005,0.007,0.010, 0.014,0.019,0.025,0.032,0.041,0.051,0.063,0.077,0.094,0.112, 0.138,0.164,0.191,0.218,0.246/)
srfp : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

srfpk : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

srfstate_exports : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
contains the fields declared below
Initial Value = >null()
srgv : real*8, dimension( 6, 20)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srhdt : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

srhdt : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

srhdt : real*8
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

srhdt_sv : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

srhdt_sv : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

srheat : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

srheat : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

srheat : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

srheat : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

srhqcb : real*8, dimension( 6, 190, 4)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srhqcb : real*8, dimension( 6, 190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

srhqex : real*8, dimension(6, 190, 4)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srhqex : real*8, dimension(6, 190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

srhqsc : real*8, dimension(6, 190, 4)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srhqsc : real*8, dimension(6, 190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

srhr : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
(1->LM) Solar raditive heating rate (W/m^2) (short wave)
srhr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

srhr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

srhr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srhr_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

srhra : real*8, dimension(0:lm+lm_req, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srhrs : real*8, dimension(lm_req, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srinir : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srivis : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srkalb : real*8, dimension(16)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srkgad : real*8, dimension(16, 4)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srkgax : real*8, dimension(16, 4)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srkinc : real*8, dimension(16)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srnflb : real*8, dimension(LX+1)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Solar down,up,net Flux at Layr Bottom (W/m2)
srnflb : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srnflb_clear : real*8, dimension(LX+1)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Clear-sky versions
srnflb_clear : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srnflb_save : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Net solar radiation (W/m^2)
srnflb_save : used from rad_com
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

srnflb_save : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

sronir : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srovis : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srox : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

srox : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

srox : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

srox : real*8, intent(in), dimension(2)
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

srox : real*8, intent(in), dimension(2)
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

srox : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(2)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
solar radiation at top and bottom ice surface (J/m^2)
srqv : real*8, dimension( 6, 20)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srrnir : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srrnir : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srrvis : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srrvis : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srsqcb : real*8, dimension( 6, 25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srsqex : real*8, dimension( 6, 25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srsqsc : real*8, dimension( 6, 25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srsv : real*8, dimension( 6, 20)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srtnir : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srtqcb : real*8, dimension(6, 190, ITRMAX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srtqex : real*8, dimension(6, 190, ITRMAX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srtqsc : real*8, dimension(6, 190, ITRMAX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srtvis : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sruflb : real*8, dimension(LX+1)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Solar down,up,net Flux at Layr Bottom (W/m2)
sruflb : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

sruflb_clear : real*8, dimension(LX+1)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Clear-sky versions
sruflb_clear : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srun : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

srun : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
runoff fluxes down of mass,heat,salt (J or kg/m^2)
srun0 : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
salt in runoff from ice (kg/m^2)
srun0 : real*8
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

sruni : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sruni : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

srunir : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sruno : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sruno : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

srunosi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
salt in run off from sea/lake ice after surface (kg/m^2)
srunosi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

srunosi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

srunpsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
salt in run off from sea/lake ice after precip (kg/m^2)
srunpsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

srunpsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

sruptoa : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sruptoa : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

sruqcb : real*8, dimension( 6, 120)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sruqcb : real*8, dimension( 6, 110)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

sruqex : real*8, dimension( 6, 120)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sruqex : real*8, dimension( 6, 110)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

sruqsc : real*8, dimension( 6, 120)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sruqsc : real*8, dimension( 6, 110)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

sruvis : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srvext : real*8, dimension(lx, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srvext : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srvext : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srvgcb : real*8, dimension(lx, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srvgcb : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srvgcb : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srvissurf : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Incident solar direct+diffuse visible at surface (W/m^2)
srvissurf : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

srvissurf : used from rad_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

srvissurf : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srvissurf_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

srvqcb : real*8, dimension( 6, 20, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srvqex : real*8, dimension( 6, 20, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srvqsc : real*8, dimension( 6, 20, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srvsct : real*8, dimension(lx, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srvsct : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srvsct : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srxalb : real*8, dimension(6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
diffuse,direct surface albedo (1); see KEEPAL
srxalb : real*8, dimension(6)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

srxalb : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srxnir : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srxnir : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

srxvis : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

srxvis : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ss : real*8
Subroutine: alphagsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

ss : real*8
Subroutine: betagsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

ss : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ss : real*8
Subroutine: gfrezs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

ss : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

ss : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

ss : real*8
Subroutine: hetgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

ss : real*8
Subroutine: shcgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

ss : real*8
Subroutine: temgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

ss : real*8
Subroutine: temgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

ss : real*8
Subroutine: volgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

ss : real*8
Subroutine: volgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f

ss0 : real*8
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ssa : real*8, dimension(mt, nt)
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
2d table for ss=structure fuction for salinity
ssave3d : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

sshr : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
height diagnostics of dry and latent heating by MC
ssi :
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f
sea ice salt content (kg/m^2)
ssi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ssi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ssi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ssi : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: fi. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

ssi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ssi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ssi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ssi : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: mi. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

ssi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ssi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ssi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ssi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ssi : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ssi0 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
default value for sea ice salinity (kg/kg) (=3.2ppt)
Initial Value = 0.0032d0
ssi0 : used from seaice
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ssi0 : used from seaice
Subroutine: set_noice_defaults. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ssi1save : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ssi1save : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ssi1save : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ssi2save : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ssi2save : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ssi2save : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ssidec : used from seaice
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ssil : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
salt in ice layers (kg/m^2)
ssil : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ssil : real*8, intent(in), dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: get_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

ssil : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ssil : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ssil : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
salt in ice layers (kg/m^2)
ssil : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ssil : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
salt in ice layers (kg/m^2)
ssil : real*8, intent(out), dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: set_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

ssil : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: simelt. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
ice salt (kg/m^2)
ssil : real*8, dimension(lmi), intent(inout)
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
energy and salt profiles in ice (J, kg)/m^2
ssil : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
salt in ice layers (kg/m^2)
ssil : real*8, dimension(lmi), intent(in)
Subroutine: tice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

ssimin : real*8
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
critical cutoff for salt amount (kg/kg)
Initial Value = 1d-4
ssist : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
Salinity of ice within strait (kg)
ssist : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

ssnwic : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ssnwic : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
mass, energy and salt flux to ocean (<0)
ssp : real*8
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

sss : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
sea surface salinity (ppt)
sss : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

sss : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

sss : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

sss : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

sss : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

sss : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: tfrez. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
sea surface salinity (psu)
sss : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

sss_loc : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
SSS at i,j
sst : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: keyij2. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sstab : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ssz : real*8
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

stable : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
1 in stable forcing; 0 in unstable
stable : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
1 in stable forcing; 0 in unstable
start : real*8
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

start : real*8
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

start : real*8
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

start9 : logical
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

starttimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
Initial Value = > start
starttimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
Initial Value = > start
starttimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
Initial Value = > start
starttimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
Initial Value = > start
starttimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
Initial Value = > start
starttimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f
Initial Value = > start
starttimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = > start
starttimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f
Initial Value = > start
starttimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f
Initial Value = > start
starttimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: ocean_driver. Module: NONE. File: OCN_DRV.f
Initial Value = > start
starttimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = > start
starttimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = >Start
starttimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f
Initial Value = > start
starttimer : used from timerlist_mod
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f
Initial Value = > start
starttimer : used from timerlist_mod
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f
Initial Value = > start
starttimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f
Initial Value = > start
state : type(icestate)
Subroutine: alloc_icestate_type. Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f

status : integer
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

status : integer
Subroutine: year_to_string. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

stb : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

stbo : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

stbo : used from constant
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

stbo : used from constant
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

stbo : used from constant
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

stbo : used from constant
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

stbo : used from constant
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

stbo : used from constant
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

stdhr : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

stfhr : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

stitle_j : character(len=16), dimension(kaj), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
short titles for print out for zonal J diagnostics
stitle_j : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

stjk : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

stlb : real*8, parameter, dimension(8)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = (/288.15d0, 216.65d0, 216.65d0, 228.65d0, 270.65d0, 270.65d0, 214.65d0, 186.87d0/)
stnflb : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

stop_on : logical
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
TRUE stops the model (set with "kill -15 PID)
Initial Value = .FALSE.
stop_on : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

stop_on : used from model_com
Subroutine: sig_stop_model. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

stoptimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
Initial Value = > stop
stoptimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
Initial Value = > stop
stoptimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
Initial Value = > stop
stoptimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
Initial Value = > stop
stoptimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
Initial Value = > stop
stoptimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f
Initial Value = > stop
stoptimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = > stop
stoptimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f
Initial Value = > stop
stoptimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f
Initial Value = > stop
stoptimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: ocean_driver. Module: NONE. File: OCN_DRV.f
Initial Value = > stop
stoptimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = > stop
stoptimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = >Stop
stoptimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f
Initial Value = > stop
stoptimer : used from timerlist_mod
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f
Initial Value = > stop
stoptimer : used from timerlist_mod
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f
Initial Value = > stop
stoptimer : used from timerpackage_mod
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f
Initial Value = > stop
stpmol : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 2.68714D+19
str : character*16
Subroutine: check1. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
output string
str : character*80
Subroutine: dump_call_stack. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

str : character*8
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

str : character*2, intent(in)
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

str : character*12, intent(in)
Subroutine: set_timer. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f
string that describes timing accumulator
straer : used from def_aer
Global variable . Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

straer : used from def_aer
Subroutine: set_aer. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

straerdata : used from def_planetstr
Global variable . Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

straerdata : used from def_planetstr
Subroutine: interp_aer. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

straerdata : used from def_planetstr
Subroutine: read_aer_opt_prop. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

straerdata : used from def_planetstr
Subroutine: set_aer. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strait : integer
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
0: not in strait; 1: in strait
strait : character*20, intent(in), dimension(nmst)
Subroutine: stable. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
= names of straits
stratm : used from def_atm
Global variable . Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

stratm : used from def_atm
Subroutine: set_aer. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

stratm : used from def_atm
Subroutine: set_atm. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

stratm : used from def_atm
Subroutine: set_cld. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

stratm : used from def_atm
Subroutine: set_cloud_field. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

stratm : used from def_atm
Subroutine: set_gas_mix_ratio. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

stratm : used from def_atm
Subroutine: set_major_abs. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

stratmask :
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
zero from layers 1-ls1-1, unity above
stratq : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

strbound : used from def_bound
Global variable . Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

strbound : used from def_bound
Subroutine: set_surf_prop_lw. Module: PLANET_ALB. File: planet_alb.F90

strbound : used from def_bound
Subroutine: set_surf_prop_sw. Module: PLANET_ALB. File: planet_alb.F90

strbound : used from def_bound
Subroutine: set_tiling. Module: NONE. File: planet_alb.F90

strcld : used from def_cld
Global variable . Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

strcld : used from def_cld
Subroutine: set_cld. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strcld : used from def_cld
Subroutine: set_cloud_field. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strcld : used from def_cld
Subroutine: set_cloud_parametrization. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strctrl : used from def_control
Global variable . Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

strctrl : used from def_control
Subroutine: compress_spectrum. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strctrl : used from def_control
Subroutine: set_aer. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strctrl : used from def_control
Subroutine: set_atm. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strctrl : used from def_control
Subroutine: set_cld. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strctrl : used from def_control
Subroutine: set_cloud_field. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strctrl : used from def_control
Subroutine: set_cloud_parametrization. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strctrl : used from def_control
Subroutine: set_control_gas. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strctrl : used from def_control
Subroutine: set_control_n2_ar. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strctrl : used from def_control
Subroutine: set_dimen. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strctrl : used from def_control
Subroutine: set_gas_mix_ratio. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strctrl : used from def_control
Subroutine: set_solver_cloud_scheme. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strdim : used from def_dimen
Global variable . Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

strdim : used from def_dimen
Subroutine: set_aer. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strdim : used from def_dimen
Subroutine: set_atm. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strdim : used from def_dimen
Subroutine: set_cld. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strdim : used from def_dimen
Subroutine: set_cloud_field. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strdim : used from def_dimen
Subroutine: set_cloud_parametrization. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strdim : used from def_dimen
Subroutine: set_dimen. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strdim : used from def_dimen
Subroutine: set_gas_mix_ratio. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strength : real*8
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

stride : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
spacing in s array between elements of relevant 1D array
stride : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f
spacing in s array between elements of relevant 1D array
string :
Global variable . Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
string : character(len=:), allocatable
Subroutine: year_to_string. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

string_go : character*8
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
Initial Value = '___GO___'
strj : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

strlen : integer
Subroutine: new_io_param. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

strnp : real*8
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

strnp : real*8
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

strout : used from def_out
Global variable . Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

strsolarspec : used from def_planetstr
Global variable . Module: NONE. File:

strsolarspec : used from def_planetstr
Global variable . Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

strsolarspec : used from def_planetstr
Subroutine: calc_alb_band_wgt. Module: NONE. File: planet_alb.F90

strsolarspec : used from def_planetstr
Subroutine: calc_alb_wgt. Module: NONE. File: planet_alb.F90

strsolarspec : used from def_planetstr
Subroutine: get_surf_alb. Module: NONE. File: planet_alb.F90

strsolarspec : used from def_planetstr
Subroutine: init_planet_alb. Module: PLANET_ALB. File: planet_alb.F90

strsolarspec : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: read_solar_spectrum. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strsolarspec : used from def_planetstr
Subroutine: set_surf_prop_lw. Module: PLANET_ALB. File: planet_alb.F90

strsp : real*8
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

strspecdata : used from def_spectrum
Global variable . Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

strspecdata : used from def_spectrum
Subroutine: calc_alb_wgt. Module: NONE. File: planet_alb.F90

strspecdata : used from def_spectrum
Subroutine: compress_spectrum. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strspecdata : used from def_spectrum
Subroutine: get_surf_alb. Module: NONE. File: planet_alb.F90

strspecdata : used from def_spectrum
Subroutine: init_planet_alb. Module: PLANET_ALB. File: planet_alb.F90

strspecdata : used from def_spectrum
Subroutine: set_aer. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strspecdata : used from def_spectrum
Subroutine: set_atm. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strspecdata : used from def_spectrum
Subroutine: set_blue_weight. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strspecdata : used from def_spectrum
Subroutine: set_cld. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strspecdata : used from def_spectrum
Subroutine: set_cloud_parametrization. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strspecdata : used from def_spectrum
Subroutine: set_control_n2_ar. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strspecdata : used from def_spectrum
Subroutine: set_dimen. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strspecdata : used from def_spectrum
Subroutine: set_gas_mix_ratio. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strspecdata : used from def_spectrum
Subroutine: set_major_abs. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

strspecdata : used from def_spectrum
Subroutine: set_surf_prop_lw. Module: PLANET_ALB. File: planet_alb.F90

strspecdata : used from def_spectrum
Subroutine: set_surf_prop_sw. Module: PLANET_ALB. File: planet_alb.F90

strspecdata : used from def_spectrum
Subroutine: upd_surf_alb. Module: NONE. File: planet_alb.F90

stype_names : character(len=8), dimension(ntype), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = (/ 'OCEAN ','OCEANICE','EARTH ', 'LANDICE ','LAKE ','LAKEICE ' /)
su : real*8
Subroutine: limitq. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

su : real*8
Subroutine: limitq_lin. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sub : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: de_solver_edge. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

sub : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: de_solver_main. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

sub : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sub : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sub : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: q_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sub : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sub : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: t_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sub : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: tr_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sub : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sub : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

subdd : character*64
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
string contains variables to save for sub-daily diags
Initial Value = "SLP"
subdd1 : character*64
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
additional string of variables for sub-daily diags
Initial Value = " "
subdd2 : character*64
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
additional string of variables for sub-daily diags
Initial Value = " "
subdd3 : character*64
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
additional string of variables for sub-daily diags
Initial Value = " "
subdd4 : character*64
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
additional string of variables for sub-daily diags
Initial Value = " "
subddt : character*320
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
= subdd + subdd1,2,3 = all variables for sub-daily diags
Initial Value = " "
subr : character(*), intent(in)
Subroutine: check_upper_limit. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
Name of subroutine (in)
subr : character*6, intent(in)
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
identifies where check was called from
subr : character*6, intent(in)
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
identifies where CHECK was called from
subr : character*6, intent(in)
Subroutine: checkl. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

subr : character*6, intent(in)
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

subr : character*6, intent(in)
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
identifies where CHECK was called from
subr : character*6, intent(in)
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
identifies where CHECK was called from
subr : character*6, intent(in)
Subroutine: checkost. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f
identifies where CHECK was called from
subr : character*6, intent(in)
Subroutine: checkpbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
identifies where CHECK was called from
subr : character*6, intent(in)
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
identifies where CHECK was called from
subr : character(9)
Subroutine: get_wspdf. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
Initial Value = 'get_wspdf'
sue : real*8, parameter, dimension(3, 41)
Subroutine: strend. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
Initial Value = reshape( (/ 1950.0, 30.46669769, 14.4, 1951.0, 32.38347244, 14.4, 1952.0, 32.18632889, 14.4, 1953.0, 32.83379745, 14.4, 1954.0, 32.79270935, 14.4, 1955.0, 35.79611969, 14.4, 1956.0, 39.93603897, 14.4, 1957.0, 38.68806839, 14.4, 1958.0, 39.35904312, 14.4, 1959.0, 41.06065369, 14.4, 1960.0, 42.67050934, 14.4, 1961.0, 41.32410431, 14.4, 1962.0, 41.80470276, 14.4, 1963.0, 43.26312637, 14.4, 1964.0, 44.68368530, 14.4, 1965.0, 45.81701660, 14.4, 1966.0, 46.61584091, 14.4, 1967.0, 46.42276001, 14.4, 1968.0, 47.77438354, 14.4, 1969.0, 49.30817032, 14.4, 1970.0, 52.81050873, 14.4, 1971.0, 52.95043945, 14.4, 1972.0, 54.10167694, 14.4, 1973.0, 55.93037415, 14.4, 1974.0, 57.31056213, 14.4, 1975.0, 58.52788162, 14.4, 1976.0, 59.71361542, 14.4, 1977.0, 62.59599304, 14.4, 1978.0, 61.98198318, 14.4, 1979.0, 64.71042633, 14.4, 1980.0, 65.28986359, 14.4, 1981.0, 63.23768234, 14.4, 1982.0, 62.88000488, 14.4, 1983.0, 61.45023346, 14.4, 1984.0, 63.85008621, 14.4, 1985.0, 66.47412872, 14.4, 1986.0, 68.00902557, 14.4, 1987.0, 69.87956238, 14.4, 1988.0, 70.52937317, 14.4, 1989.0, 72.06355286, 14.4, 1990.0, 71.29174805, 14.4 /), (/3,41/) )
suffix : character(len=16)
Subroutine: new_io_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

sum : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

sum0 : real*8, dimension(20)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sum1 : real*8
Subroutine: getl1. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sum1 : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

sum1 : real*8, dimension(LX+1)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sum2 : real*8
Subroutine: getl1. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sum2 : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

sum2 : real*8, dimension(LX+1)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sum3 : real*8, dimension(LX+1)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sum_mmuv : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

sum_unit : character*16, intent(in)
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
string for unit for summed changes
sum_water : real*8
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

suma : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sumadj : real*8
Subroutine: wrapadjustfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

sumaj :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
sumb : real*8, dimension(4)
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

sumb : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sumc : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sumcol : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sumd : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sumda : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

sumda_psum : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

sumdp :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
sume : real*8, dimension(2*ned)
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sume : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sumf : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sumfac : real*8
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sumfac : real*8
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sumfac : real*8
Subroutine: keyjkn. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sumfac : real*8
Subroutine: keyvsums. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sumg : real*8
Subroutine: repartint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

sumgl : real*8
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sumh : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

sumi : real*8
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

sumj : real*8
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sumja : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sumk : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sumk1 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sumk2 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

suml : real*8
Subroutine: stable. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

suml : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

summol : real*8
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sumo3 : real*8
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sumormn : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: stable. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
flag for whether sum or mean or neither ar printed
sumormn : integer, dimension(KOLNST)
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

sumpos : real*8
Subroutine: wrapadjustfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

sumsl : real*8
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sumt : real*8
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

sumt : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sumu :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

sumu1 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

sumv :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

sumv : real*8
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sumv1 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

sumw : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

sumxl : real*8
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

sumxpe : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

sumxpe : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: collect_scalars. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

sumxpe : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

sumxpe : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

sumxpe : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diag_isccp_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

sumxpe : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

sumxpe : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diag_river_prep. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

sumxpe : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

sumxpe : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

sumxpe : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: set_budg_area. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

sumy : real*8
Subroutine: repartint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

sunlat : real*8
Subroutine: daily_orbit. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

sunlit : integer
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

sunlit : integer, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

sunlon : real*8
Subroutine: daily_orbit. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

sunset : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Time of sunset for current day (radians from local noon)
sunset : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

sunset : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_orbit. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

sunz : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

sup : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN_DYN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
salinity at upper,lower part of layer (1)
sup : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

sup : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: de_solver_edge. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

sup : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: de_solver_main. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

sup : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sup :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
sup : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

sup : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sup : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sup : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sup : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: q_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sup : real*8
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

sup : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sup : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: t_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sup : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: tr_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sup : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sup : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

sup : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

surf_name : character(len=16)
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
name of surface type
susi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

svdn :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
svedg :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
svflake : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: LAKES_COM. File: LAKES_COM.f
previous lake fraction (1)
svflake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

svflake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

svflake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

svflake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

svh2s : real*8, dimension(6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

svlat : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
previous latent heat of evaporation
svlat : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

svlat : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

svlat : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

svlat : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

svlat : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

svlat1 : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

svlatl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
saved LHX for convective cloud
svlatl : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: anvil_optical_thickness. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
latent heat
svlhx : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
previous latent heat of evaporation
svlhx : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

svlhx : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

svlhx : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

svlhx : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

svlhx : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

svlhx : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

svlhx : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

svlhx : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

svlhxl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
saved LHX for large-scale cloud
svsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

svup :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
svwmxl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
saved detrained convective cloud water
swet : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

swti : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: strend. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

swtj : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: strend. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

swuptoacs : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

swus : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

sx : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
lin tracer moments (kg or J)
sx : real*8
Subroutine: limitq. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

sx : real*8
Subroutine: limitq_lin. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sxm1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: KPP_COM. File: OCNKPP.f

sxm1 : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

sxm1 : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

sxme : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

sxme : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

sxme : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

sxml : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

sxmo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
salinity of ocean (+moments) (kg)
sxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

sxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

sxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

sxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ocoast. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

sxmo0 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

sxmst : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
salinity of water in strait (+ moments) (kg)
sxmst : used from straits
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sxmst : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

sxmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

sxmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stbdra. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

sxmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

sxn : real*8
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

sxn : real*8
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

sxx : real*8
Subroutine: limitq. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

sxxml : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

sxxmo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

sxxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

sxxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sxxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

sxxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

sxxn : real*8
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

sxxn : real*8
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

sxy : real*8
Subroutine: update_tracer_mass. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sxyml : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

sxymo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

sxymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

sxymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sxymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

sxymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

sy : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
lin tracer moments (kg or J)
sym1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: KPP_COM. File: OCNKPP.f

sym1 : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

sym1 : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

syme : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

syme : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

syme : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

syml : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

symo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
salinity of ocean (+moments) (kg)
symo : used from ocean
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

symo : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

symo : used from ocean
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

symo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

symo : used from ocean
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

symo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

symo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ocoast. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

symo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

symo0 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

syn : real*8
Subroutine: apply_limiter. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

sync_param : used from dictionary_mod
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f

sync_param : used from dictionary_mod
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

sync_param : used from dictionary_mod
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

sync_param : used from dictionary_mod
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

sync_param : used from dictionary_mod
Subroutine: aperiod. Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

sync_param : used from dictionary_mod
Subroutine: geom_1pt. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

sync_param : used from dictionary_mod
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

sync_param : used from dictionary_mod
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

sync_param : used from dictionary_mod
Subroutine: init_planet_rad. Module: PLANET_RAD. File: planet_rad.F90

sync_param : used from dictionary_mod
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

syyml : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

syymo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

syymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

syymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

syymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

syymo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

syzmo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

syzmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

syzmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

syzmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

sz : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: advec_lin_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
lin tracer moments (kg or J)
sz : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

sz : real(r8), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

sz1 : real*8
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

sz2 : real*8
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

sz2 : real(r8), dimension(lm, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

szadeg : real*8
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

szm : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >SZMO
szm : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >SZMO
szm : used from ocean
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >SZMO
szm : used from ocean
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f
Initial Value = >SZMO
szme : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

szme : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

szme : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

szme : used from straits
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

szml : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

szml : real*8, dimension(lmo, 2)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

szmo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
salinity of ocean (+moments) (kg)
szmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

szmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

szmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

szmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

szmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

szmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

szmst : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
salinity of water in strait (+ moments) (kg)
szmst : used from straits
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

szmst : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

szmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

szmst : used from straits
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

szndeg : real*8
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

szndeg : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

sznelg : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

szxmo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

szxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

szxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

szxmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

szzml : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

szzmo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

szzmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

szzmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

szzmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

szzmo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

t : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
potential temperature (referenced to 1 mb) (K)
t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: addenergyasdiffuseheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

t : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: addenergyaslocalheat. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

t : real*8, dimension(n), intent(inout)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
local virtual potential temperature
t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

t : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

t : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: compute_wsave. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_ewm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

t : type(basetime)
Subroutine: daily_orbit. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

t : logical
Subroutine: declare_oceanr_consrv. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = .TRUE.
t : logical
Subroutine: declare_seaice_consrv. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = .TRUE.
t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga0. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: dissip. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

t : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
virt. pot. temperature (referenced to 1mb)
t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

t : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of virtual potential temperature
t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_atm_layer1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

t : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: get_tv. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

t : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
t : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of virtual potential temperature
t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

t : logical
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = .TRUE.
t : logical
Subroutine: init_lakeice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = .TRUE.
t : logical
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = .TRUE.
t : logical
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f
Initial Value = .TRUE.
t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

t : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

t : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: level2. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of virtual potential temperature
t : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: moist_adiabat_tq. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
temperature and specific humidity
t : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: perturb_temps. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

t : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

t :
Subroutine: q_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of virtual potential temperature
t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

t : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

t : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: simil. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
computed similarity solution for virtual potential
t : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

t : used from atm_com
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

t : real*8, dimension(n), intent(inout)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of virtual potential temperature ref. to the surface
t : real*8, dimension(n), intent(inout)
Subroutine: t_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of virtual potential temperature
t : real*8, dimension(n), intent(inout)
Subroutine: tcheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
temperature array
t : used from ocfunc
Subroutine: temgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f
Initial Value = >tgsp
t : used from ocfunc
Subroutine: temgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f
Initial Value = >tgsp
t : real*8, dimension(n), intent(inout)
Subroutine: tfix. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

t : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: tq_zmom_init. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

t : real(r8), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

t0 : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

t0 : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
ave temp (K)
Initial Value = 296.
t0 : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of t at previous time step
t0_agg : real(realk), parameter
Subroutine: set_cloud_field. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90
Initial Value = 279.5_RealK
t0bypstd : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
ave temp by sea level press
Initial Value = t0/1.013250d6
t0ijl : real*8
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

t1 : type(time)
Subroutine: calc_zenith_angle. Module: ZENITH_MOD. File: Zenith.F90

t1_after_aturb : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: PBLCOM. File: PBL_COM.f

t1_after_aturb : used from pblcom
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

t2 : type(time)
Subroutine: calc_zenith_angle. Module: ZENITH_MOD. File: Zenith.F90

t2 : real(r8), dimension(lm, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

t2con : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

t2con : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

t2den : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

t2den : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

t2gcm : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: PBLCOM. File: PBL_COM.f
3-d turbulent temperature variance in the whole atmosphere
t2mul : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

t2mul : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

t3mom : used from somtq_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
Initial Value = >tmom
t4 : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

t_3d : used from atm_com
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
Initial Value = >t
t_3d_virtual : real*8, dimension(lm, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

t_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f
Work array for parallel I/O
t_inst : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
saved instantaneous temperature(at PMB levels)
t_inst : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

t_inst : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

t_inst : used from diag_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

t_layer : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

t_layer : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_atm. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

t_level : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_atm. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

t_max : real*8
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = 60.d0
t_min : real*8
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = -80.d0
t_new : real*8
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

t_orig : real*8
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

t_pbl_args : used from socpbl
Global variable . Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

t_pbl_args : used from pbl_drv
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

t_pbl_args : used from pbl_drv
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

t_pbl_args : used from pbl_drv
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

t_pbl_args : used from pbl_drv
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

t_rad_land : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_planet_alb_param. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

t_rad_land_ice : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_planet_alb_param. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

t_rad_sea : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_planet_alb_param. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

t_rad_sea_ice : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_planet_alb_param. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

t_real :
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
t_switch : real(realk), parameter
Subroutine: set_cloud_field. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90
Initial Value = 216.208_RealK
tabl : real*8, pointer, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
boundary layer profile for temperature
table1 : real*8, dimension(kim, kjm)
Global variable . Module: WSPDF_MOD. File: PBL_DRV.f
array for lookup table for calculation of mean surface wind speed
table1 : used from wspdf_mod
Subroutine: get_wspdf. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

tadj :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
adjustment time for stablization of cloud base by cumulus mass flux
taer : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tag : integer
Subroutine: ent_read_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

tag : integer
Subroutine: ent_write_state. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

talpha : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

talpha : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

tanb : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tanlk : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: LAKES_COM. File: LAKES_COM.f
tan(alpha) = slope for conical lake (1)
tanlk : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

tanlk : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

tanp : real*8, save, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

tanp : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

tanp : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

tanp : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

tanrmin : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

tanrpls : real*8
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

tanv : real*8, save, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

tanv : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

tanv : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

tanx : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tanxy : real*8, dimension(JM)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

tanxy : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

tanxy : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

tau : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tau : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: boxav1. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tau : real*8
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
tau : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tau : real*8, dimension(npoints, ncol)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

tau : real*8
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

tau : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tau : real*8
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tau : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sgpgxg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tau55 : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tau_pt : real*8
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

tauavg : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
taubx : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
x component of tau_b, kinematic bottom drag in (m/s)^2
taubx :
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
(IM,J_0H:J_1H) x component of tau_b = kinematic bottom drag (m/s)^2
tauby : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
y component of tau_b, kinematic bottom drag in (m/s)^2
tauby :
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
(IM,J_0H:J_1H) y component of tau_b = kinematic bottom drag (m/s)^2
tauchk : real*8
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

taucl : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

taucon : real*8, dimension(8)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tauda : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tauda_psum : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

taudn : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

taue : real*8
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tauex5 : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tauex6 : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

taug20 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

taug30 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

taugcb : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

taugsa : real*8, dimension(1001, 14)
Global variable . Module: GTAU_STATE_MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tauic : real*8, dimension(LX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
opt.depth of water,ice cloud layer (1)
tauic : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tauic0 : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
lower limits for water/ice cloud opt.depths
Initial Value = 1d-3
tauic0 : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tauin : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tauir : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

taul : real*8
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

taulat : real*8, dimension(49)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

taulat : real*8, dimension(nlat), intent(in)
Subroutine: boxav1. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

taulat : real*8, dimension(nlat), intent(in)
Subroutine: boxav2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

taulim : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

taum : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im)
Subroutine: pout_isccp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

taum2g : real*8, dimension(190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

taumc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
optical depth from moist-convective clouds
taumc : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

taumc : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: anvil_optical_thickness. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud droplet radius and optical thickness
taumc : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

taumc : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

taumc : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

taumc1 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

taumcl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
convective cloud optical thickness
taumcl : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

taumin : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

tauopt : real*8, dimension(1)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

tauout : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tausct : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tausn : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tauss : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
optical depth from super-saturated clouds
tauss : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

tauss : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

tauss : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

tauss : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

taussl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
large-scale cloud optical thickness
taussl : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tausum : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tausumi : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
column-sum water,ice cloud opt. depths (for diags)
tausumi : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

tausumi : used from rad_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

tausumi : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tausumw : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
column-sum water,ice cloud opt. depths (for diags)
tausumw : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

tausumw : used from rad_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

tausumw : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tautab : real*8, dimension(0:255)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
look-up table to convert count value to optical thickness
tautab : used from clouds
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

tautbl : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tautgd : real*8, dimension(122)
Global variable . Module: GTAU_STATE_MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tautgs : real*8, dimension(768)
Global variable . Module: GTAU_STATE_MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tauup : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tauwc : real*8, dimension(LX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
opt.depth of water,ice cloud layer (1)
tauwc : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tauwc0 : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
lower limits for water/ice cloud opt.depths
Initial Value = 1d-3
tauwc0 : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tauwv : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

tauwv0 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tb : real*8
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
temperature at interface (C)
tb : real*8, dimension(npoints, ncol)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

tb2 : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tb3 : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tbar : real*8
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

tbb : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tbcs : used from sle001
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tbcs : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tca : real*8, dimension(npoints, 0:nlev)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

tcan_ini : real*8, dimension(i0:i1, j0:j1)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

tchg : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Total temperature change in adjusted forcing runs
tchg : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

tchg : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tchg_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

tclmin : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tcolx : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tdiurn : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
diurnal range temperature diagnostics
tdiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

tdiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tdiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tdiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tdiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

tdiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

tdiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tdiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

tdiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

tdiurn : used from diag_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

tdiurn_glob : real*8, allocatable, public, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

tdiurn_glob : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

tdiurn_glob : used from diag_com
Subroutine: dealloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

tdn1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
downdraft temperature (K)
tdn1 : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
downdraft temperature in K, (i,j)
tdns : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
downdraft temperature in K, (i,j)
tdns : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tdust : real*4, dimension(:, :, :, :, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tdust : real*4, dimension(:, :, :, :, :), pointer
Subroutine: read_alloc_dust. Module: DUSTPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

tearth : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

tearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tearth : real*8
Subroutine: old_gic_2_modele. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

tedge : real*8
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

teeny : used from constant
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

teeny : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: de_solver_edge. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: l_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: level2. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: snow_cover. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

teeny : used from constant
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

teij : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: gettotalenergy. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

tem : real*8
Subroutine: anvil_optical_thickness. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud cover and dummy variables
tem :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
tem :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

tem1 : real*8
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

temgs : real*8
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

temgs : real*8
Subroutine: checko. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

temgs : real*8
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

temgs : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

temgs : real*8
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

temgs : real*8
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

temgs : real*8, external
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

temgsp : real*8
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

temgsp : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

temgsp : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

temgsp : real*8
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

temp : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_r. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

temp : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

temp : real*8
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

temp : real*8
Subroutine: interpolate. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

temp :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
temp : real*8, dimension(33, 6)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

temp : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: read_landsurf_ic. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

temp0 : real*8
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

temp1 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
pot. temp. of first layer w.r.t. 1 mb (K)
temp1 :
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f
pot. temp. of first layer w.r.t. 1 mb (K)
temp1 : real*8
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

temp1e : real*8
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

temperature_istart1 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
Initial Value = 250.
temperature_istart1 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

temperature_istart1 : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

temwm :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

tentdse : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Global variable . Module: BDIJ. File: DIAG_PRT.f
trans.eddy northw. transport of dry static energy * 16
teq : real*8
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

terrain : character*16, dimension(ntype_out), parameter
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
name of surface type
Initial Value = (/ ' (GLOBAL)','(OPEN OCEAN)',' (OCEAN ICE)',' (OCEAN)', ' (LAND)',' (LAND ICE)',' (OPEN LAKE)',' (LAKE ICE)', ' (LAKES)'/)
terrain : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

terrain : used from diag_com
Subroutine: initdiagj. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

terrain : character*16, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_j. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

test : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

test : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tevap :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
tf : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: alloc_ofluxes. Module: NONE. File: OFLUXES.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: reset_gtemp_noice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: seaice_to_atmgrid. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

tf : real*8
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

tf : used from constant
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

tf0 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

tf_day1 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

tf_day1 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tf_day1 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tf_day1 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tf_day1 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tf_last : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

tf_last : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tf_last : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tf_last : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tf_last : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tf_lkoff : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

tf_lkoff : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tf_lkoff : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tf_lkon : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

tf_lkon : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tf_lkon : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tf_xxx :
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
tsfrez diagnostic names
tfl : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
freezing temperature for lakes (=0 C)
Initial Value = 0.
tflux1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f
surface turbulent t-flux (=-<tw>)
tflux1 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

tflux1 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

tflux1 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

tflux1 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

tfluxs : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tfluxs : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

tflx : real*8
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tfo : real*8
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

tfo : real*8
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tfo : real*8
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tfo : real*8
Subroutine: reset_gtemp_noice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tfo : real*8
Subroutine: set_noice_defaults. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tfo : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: simelt. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
freezing temperature of water (C)
tfoi : real*8
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

tfoo : real*8
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

tfrez : used from seaice
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tfrez : used from seaice
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tfrez : used from seaice
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tfrez : used from seaice
Subroutine: reset_gtemp_noice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tfrez : used from seaice
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

tfrez : real*8
Subroutine: tfrez. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
approx. freezing point of sea water (C)
tfrez : used from seaice
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tfrezs : real*8
Subroutine: ground_oc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

tfrezs : real*8
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

tfs : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tg : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
actual ground temp
tg : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tg :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= bulk ground temperature (K)
tg : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: simil. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
ground temperature (K)
tg : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

tg : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

tg1 : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tg1 : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tg1 : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tg1 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

tg1 : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: lndice. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

tg1 : real*8
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

tg1 : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: precli. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

tg1 : real*8
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

tg1 : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

tg1 : real*8
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

tg1 : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

tg2 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

tg2 : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: lndice. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

tg2 : real*8
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

tg2 : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: precli. Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f

tg2 : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

tg2 : real*8
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

tg2 : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

tg2av : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tg_l : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tgctpg : real*8, dimension(33)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tgdata : real*8, dimension(122, 13)
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
temporary array to read data and pass it to RAD_UTILS
tgdata : real*8, dimension(122, 13)
Subroutine: setgts. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tgdata_in : real*8, intent(in), dimension(122, 13)
Subroutine: setgts. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tge : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
top layer ground temperature (K) soil,seaice,landice
tge : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

tge : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tgl : real*8
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tgli : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
top layer ground temperature (K) soil,seaice,landice
tgli : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

tgli : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tgmean : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tgo : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
top layer water temperature (K) of ocean/lake
tgo : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

tgo : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tgo : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

tgo : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

tgoi : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
top layer ground temperature (K) soil,seaice,landice
tgoi : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

tgoi : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tgoldh : real*8, dimension(5)
Subroutine: setbak. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tgr4 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

tgr4 : real*8, dimension(2, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

tgr4skin : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tgrad : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tgradl : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tgrn2 : real*8, dimension(2, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

tgrnd : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

tgrnd : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tgrnd : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
virtual potential temperature of ground,at roughness height
tgrnd : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tgrnd : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tgrnd : real*8, dimension(2, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

tgrnd : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
virtual potential temperature at the ground
tgrnd : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
virtual potential temperature at the ground
tgrnd : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: tcheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
ground temperature
tgrnd : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: tfix. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tgrnd0 : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
bulk virt. pot. temp. of the ground, at the roughness height
tgrndv : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

tgrndv : real*8
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tgskin : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tgsp : real*8, dimension(-2:40, 0:40, 0:39)
Global variable . Module: OCFUNC. File: OCNFUNTAB.f
potential temperature (C)
tgsp : used from ocfunc
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

tgv : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
ground humidity,virt.temperature from pbl
tgv :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= virtual potential temperature of the ground (K)
tgvavg : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
virtual temperature of the ground (K)
tgvdat : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, 4)
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

tgw : real*8
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

th : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
potential temperature (K)
th1 : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

that : type(atmsrf_xchng_vars), optional
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

thbar : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

thbar : real*8
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

thbar : real*8
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
potential temperature at layer edge
thbar : real*8
Subroutine: mass_flux. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

thbar : real*8
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
virtual temperature at layer edge
the : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_r. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

theta : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

theta : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

theta : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: getztop. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
Initial Value = 269.0727251d0
thetm : real*8, dimension(ngm, 2)
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

thetm : real*8, dimension(ngm, 2)
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

thetm : real*8, dimension(ngm, 2)
Subroutine: fix_water_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

thetm : real*8, dimension(ngm, 2)
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

thetm : real*8, dimension(ngm, 2)
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

thets : real*8, dimension(ngm, 2)
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

thets : used from sle001
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

thets : real*8, dimension(ngm, 2)
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

thets : real*8, dimension(ngm, 2)
Subroutine: fix_water_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

thets : real*8, dimension(ngm, 2)
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

thets : real*8, dimension(ngm, 2)
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

thgm : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

thgm_part : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

this : type(atmgla_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: alloc_atmgla_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

this : type(atmice_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: alloc_atmice_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

this : type(atmlnd_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: alloc_atmlnd_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

this : type(atmocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: alloc_atmocn_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

this : type(atmsrf_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_pbl_vars. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

this : type(atmsrf_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_xchng_bundles. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

this : type(atmsrf_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

this : type(iceocn_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: alloc_iceocn_xchng_vars. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

this : type(sparsecommunicator_type)
Subroutine: amroot. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

this : type(sparsecommunicator_type)
Subroutine: cleansparsecommunicator. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

this : type(sparsecommunicator_type)
Subroutine: gather. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

this : type(sparsecommunicator_type), intent(in)
Subroutine: gather_ij. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

this : type(sparsecommunicator_type), intent(in)
Subroutine: gather_ijx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

this : type(sparsecommunicator_type), intent(in)
Subroutine: gather_ijxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

this : type(sparsecommunicator_type), intent(in)
Subroutine: gather_pts. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

this : type(sparsecommunicator_type), intent(in)
Subroutine: gather_ptsx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

this : type(sparsecommunicator_type), intent(in)
Subroutine: gather_ptsxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

this : type(sparsecommunicator_type)
Subroutine: scatter. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

this : type(sparsecommunicator_type), intent(in)
Subroutine: scatter_ij. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

this : type(sparsecommunicator_type), intent(in)
Subroutine: scatter_ijx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

this : type(sparsecommunicator_type), intent(in)
Subroutine: scatter_ijxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

this : type(sparsecommunicator_type), intent(in)
Subroutine: scatter_pts. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

this : type(sparsecommunicator_type), intent(in)
Subroutine: scatter_ptsx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

this : type(sparsecommunicator_type), intent(in)
Subroutine: scatter_ptsxx. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

this_mem : type(atmsrf_xchng_vars)
Subroutine: alloc_atmsrf_xchng_bundles. Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

thk : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

thki : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

thm : used from sle001
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

thm : used from sle001
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

thm : used from sle001
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

thm : used from sle001
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

thmn : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

thpi : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

threshold : real*8, dimension(npoints, ncol)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

threshold_min : real*8, dimension(npoints, ncol)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

thsec : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

thsv : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
vertual potential temperatures
tht1 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
tht2 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
thv1 : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
vertual potential temperatures
thv1 : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

thv1 : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

thv1 : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

thv2 : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
vertual potential temperatures
ti : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
pure ice limit
Initial Value = 233.16d0
ti : used from seaice
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ti : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: alami. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

ti : used from seaice
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ti : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
convective plume termperature and a constant 233.16
ti : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: deidti. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

ti : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: ei. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

ti : used from seaice
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ti : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ti : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: icelake_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
temperatures in ice and upper lake layer (C)
ti : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
temperatures in ice and mixed layer (C)
ti : used from seaice
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ti : used from seaice
Subroutine: seaice_to_atmgrid. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ti : used from seaice
Subroutine: set_noice_defaults. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ti : real*8
Subroutine: sgpgxg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ti :
Subroutine: ti. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
temperature (deg C)
ti : used from seaice
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ti1 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ti1save : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ti1save : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ti1save : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tib :
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
actual temperature/salinity in melting/freezing ice (psu)
tic : real*8
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tice : real*8
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

tice : real*8
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

ticesave : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

ticesave : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ticesave : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: si_diags. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tig : real*8
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
tig :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

tij : real*8
Subroutine: setgts. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tijk : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tijl : real*8
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

tijl : real*8
Subroutine: perturb_temps. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

tile : integer, intent(out)
Subroutine: lonlat_to_tile. Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

time : real*8
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

time : used from time_mod
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

timee : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
end of model run
Initial Value = -1
timee :
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
end of model run
timee :
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
end of model run
timer_type : used from timer_mod
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

timer_type : used from timer_mod
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

timestr : character*12, dimension(ntimemax)
Global variable . Module: TIMINGS. File: MODEL_COM.f
array that holds timing info description
timestr : used from timings
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

timestr : used from timings
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

timestr : used from timings
Subroutine: def_rsf_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

timestr : used from timings
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

timestr : used from timings
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

timestr : used from timings
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

timestr_pct : character(len=17)
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

timestream : used from timestream_mod
Global variable . Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

timestream : used from timestream_mod
Global variable . Module: CROPDATA_MOD. File: VEG_DRV.f

timestream : used from timestream_mod
Global variable . Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f

timestream : used from timestream_mod
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f

timez : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

timing : real*8, dimension(0:ntimemax)
Global variable . Module: TIMINGS. File: MODEL_COM.f
array that holds timing info
timing : used from timings
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

timing : used from timings
Subroutine: atm_phase2. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

timing : used from timings
Subroutine: def_rsf_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

timing : used from timings
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

timing : used from timings
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

timing : used from timings
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

timing : used from timings
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

timing_glob : real*8, dimension(0:ntimemax)
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

tin : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

tiny : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: calc_zenith_angle. Module: ZENITH_MOD. File: Zenith.F90
Initial Value = 1.d-10
title : character
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

title : character, dimension(12)
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

title : character*80, dimension(nisccp)
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
title : character*100
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

title : character*80
Subroutine: ghghst. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

title : character*48
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

title : character*64
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

title : character
Subroutine: init. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

title : character
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

title : character*80
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

title : character(len=80)
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

title : character(len=64)
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
string, formed as concatentation of lname//units
title : character(len=64)
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
string, formed as concatentation of lname//units
title : character(len=40)
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

title : character*80
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

title : character, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ij. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
80 byte title including description and averaging period
title : character, dimension(lm), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ijk. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
80 byte title including description and averaging period
title : character, dimension(lm), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ijl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
80 byte title including description and averaging period
title : character, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
80 byte title including description and averaging period
title : character, dimension(lm), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_isccp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
80 byte title including description and averaging period
title : character*16, dimension(kaj), intent(inout)
Subroutine: pout_j. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

title : character*38, dimension(kmax), intent(inout)
Subroutine: pout_jc. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

title : character, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_jl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
80 byte title including description and averaging period
title : character, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_wp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
80 byte title including description and averaging period
title : character(len=64)
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

title : character*80
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

title : character*80, intent(in)
Subroutine: stable. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f
= title of run
title : character
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

title_con : character*32, dimension(kcon), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
titles for conservation diagnostics
title_con : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagca. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

title_con : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

title_con : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

title_con : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

title_con : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

titlei : character
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

titlel : character*80, dimension(LM)
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

titlel : character*80, dimension(LM)
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

titleo : character*38, dimension(kcon)
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

titleo : character*16, dimension(kaj)
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

titreg : character*4, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
title and names of regions for AREG diagnostics
titreg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

titrrr : character*80
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

titrrr : character*80
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

titvvv : character*80
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tjk : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

tk : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

tk : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tk : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: rhdtna. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tke : real*8
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

tke : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: lkmix. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
turbulent kinetic energy input at surface of lake (J/m^2)
tke : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sig. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
local turbulent kinetic energy at surface (J/kg)
tkeff : real*8, dimension(3)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tki : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

tkofpf : real*8
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tkpft : real*8, dimension(900)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tkpfw : real*8, dimension(630)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tkv :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= virtual potential temperature of first model layer (K)
tl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
temperature, specific humidity of the layer
tl : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

tl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: calc_trop. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

tl : real*8
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

tl : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
temperature and pressure
tl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

tl : real*8
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

tl1 : real*8
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

tlake : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: LAKES_COM. File: LAKES_COM.f
temperature of lake (C)
tlake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: alloc_lakes_com. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

tlake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

tlake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

tlake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: precip_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

tlake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

tlake : used from lakes_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

tlake_glob : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

tlandi : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f
temperature of each land ice layer (C)
tlandi : used from landice_com
Subroutine: alloc_landice_com. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

tlandi : used from landice_com
Subroutine: checkli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

tlandi : used from landice_com
Subroutine: conserv_hli. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

tlandi : used from landice_com
Subroutine: daily_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

tlandi : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ground_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

tlandi : used from landice_com
Subroutine: init_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

tlandi : used from landice_com
Subroutine: precip_li. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

tlaps : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tlat : real*8
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

tlb : real*8, dimension(lx+1)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
bottom,top layer temperature (K) - derived from TLm
tlb : real*8, dimension(0:lm+2)
Subroutine: diag_msu. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tlb : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tlgrad : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
if >=0 tlt=tlm+dT*TLGRAD, tlb=tlm-dT*TLGRAD where
Initial Value = 1.
tlim : real*8, dimension(2, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tlk1 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

tlk1 : real*8
Subroutine: lkmix. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

tlk2 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_lk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

tlk2 : real*8
Subroutine: lkmix. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

tlk2 : real*8
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

tlk2 : real*8
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

tlm : real*8, dimension(lx)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
mean layer temperature (K)
tlm : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tlm : real*8, intent(in), dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diag_msu. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tlm : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tlm0 : real*8, dimension(LX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tlmin : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
temperature at LMIN and LMIN+1
tlmin1 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
temperature at LMIN and LMIN+1
tlmsu : real*8, dimension(nmsu)
Subroutine: diag_msu. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tloc : real*8
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tlog : real*8
Subroutine: init. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

tloopbegin : real*8
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

tloopend : real*8
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

tls : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
temperature and humidity work arrays
tls :
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
temperature and humidity work arrays
tlt : real*8, dimension(lx)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
bottom,top layer temperature (K) - derived from TLm
tlt1 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
tm : real*8
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: icelake_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
temperatures in ice and upper lake layer (C)
tm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
temperatures in ice and mixed layer (C)
tm : real*8
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tm : real*8
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

tm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: simelt. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
mixed layer ocean temperature (C)
tm : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
ocean mixed layer temperature (C)
tm : real*8
Subroutine: ti. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

tm : real*8
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tmax : real*8
Subroutine: tcheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tmaxrho : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
temperature of maximum density (pure water) (C)
Initial Value = 4.
tmc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
temperature and humidity work arrays
tmc :
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
temperature and humidity work arrays
tmin : real*8
Subroutine: tcheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tmom : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: SOMTQ_COM. File: QUS_COM.f

tmom : used from somtq_com
Subroutine: alloc_smomtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

tmom : used from somtq_com
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

tmom : used from somtq_com
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

tmom : used from somtq_com
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

tmom : used from somtq_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

tmom_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

tmp : real*8
Subroutine: adv1d. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

tmp : real*8
Subroutine: advection_1d_custom. Module: NONE. File: QUSDEF.f

tmp : real*8
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

tmp : real*8, dimension(NDIUVAR)
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tmp : real*8
Subroutine: ccoeff0. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tmp : real*8, dimension(NDIUVAR)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

tmp : real*8
Subroutine: cubic_coeff. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

tmp : real*8
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tmp : real*8
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

tmp : real*8
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

tmp : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

tmp : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

tmp : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

tmp : real*8
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

tmp : real*8
Subroutine: level2. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tmp : real*8
Subroutine: ovdiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

tmp : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

tmp : real*8, dimension(NDIUVAR)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tmp : real*8, dimension(NDIUVAR)
Subroutine: surface_diag0. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

tmp : real*8, dimension(NDIUVAR)
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

tmp : real*8
Subroutine: swap. Module: ZENITH_MOD. File: Zenith.F90

tmp : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: write_meta_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

tmp : real*8
Subroutine: z121. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

tmp0 : real*8
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

tmp1 : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

tmp1 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tmp2 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tmp3 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tmp4 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tmp5 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tmp6 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tmp_after : real*8, dimension(0:ngm)
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

tmp_before : real*8, dimension(0:ngm)
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

tmparr : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:)
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

tmpexp : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

tmpm : real*8, dimension(mt)
Subroutine: gissmix_init. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

tmpn : real*8, dimension(nt)
Subroutine: gissmix_init. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

tmpname : character(len=200)
Subroutine: io_rsf. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

tmps : real*8, dimension(8)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tmpstr : character(len=20)
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

tmpstr : character(len=80)
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

tmpt : real*8, dimension(8)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tmptime : type(time)
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

tmsu : real*8, dimension(ncols)
Subroutine: diag_msu. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tmsu2 : real*8
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tmsu2 : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: diag_msu. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tmsu3 : real*8
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tmsu3 : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: diag_msu. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tmsu4 : real*8
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tmsu4 : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: diag_msu. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tname : character(*)
Subroutine: aadvq. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

tnew :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
updated tempertures
tnewu :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
updated tempertures
tnfs : real*8, dimension(4, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tnfsaerrf : real*8, dimension(18, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tnfscrf : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tnfscrf2 : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tng : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

tng : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

tngt : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

tngt : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

tnor : real*8
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

tnow : real*8
Subroutine: gtrend. Module: NONE. File: RADIATION.f

tnow : real*8
Subroutine: setghg. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tnow : real*8
Subroutine: updghg. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tnx : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

tnx :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

to : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

to : real*8
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

to : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

tofdyx : real*8
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

tol : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 1d-3
tol : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 1d-3
told :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
previous temperatures
told : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_precip_phase. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
old temperature at L and L+1
told :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
old temperatures
told1 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_precip_phase. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
old temperature at L and L+1
told1 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
old temperatures
toldu :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
previous temperatures
toldup :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
previous temperatures
tolz : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 1d-3
top_dev : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: snow_cover. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
standard deviation of the surface elevation
top_dev_ij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

top_dev_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

top_dev_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

top_dev_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

top_height : integer, parameter
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Initial Value = 1
top_index_ij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

top_index_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tot_cloud_cover : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

total : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
amount of conserved quantity at this time
total : real*8, dimension(ogrid%i_strt_halo:ogrid%i_stop_halo, ogrid%j_strt_halo:ogrid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: conserv_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f
amount of conserved quantity at this time
total_flux : real(r8), dimension(iz0:LM+1)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

total_water : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

totalcldarea : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

totalenergy : real*8
Subroutine: gettotalenergy. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

totalj : real*8, dimension(jm_budg)
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

totalj : real*8, dimension(oj_0b:oj_1b)
Subroutine: conserv_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

totalmass : real*8
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

totalsalt : real*8
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

totalt : real*8
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

totalt : real*8
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

totaltime : real*8
Subroutine: reportprofile. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

totcc : real*8
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

totcld : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

totlzf : real*8, dimension(3)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

totlzt : real*8, dimension(3)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tout : used from atm_com
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
Initial Value = >t
tp : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
convective plume termperature and a constant 233.16
tp : used from sle001
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tp : real*8
Subroutine: get_dq_cond. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

tp : real*8
Subroutine: get_dq_evap. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

tp : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tp : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: heat_to_temperature. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

tp : real*8
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

tp :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
plume's temperature (K)
tp : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: temperature_to_heat. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

tpb : real*8
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

tpb : real*8
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

tpbl : real*8, dimension(npbl)
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

tpbl : real*8, dimension(npbl)
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

tpe : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tpe : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

tpe0 : real*8
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

tpe1 : real*8
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

tpe_psum : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

tpe_sum : real*8
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

tpi : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

tpool_ini : real*8, dimension(n_pft, ptrace, npools-nlive, n_casa_layers, i0:i1, j0:j1)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

tprcp : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
temperature of mc. precip (deg. C)
tprime : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tprime : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tpsav :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
array to save plume temperature (set once) (K)
tpv : real*8
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

tpv : real*8
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

tqab : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: getmie. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tqex : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: getmie. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tqsc : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: getmie. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tr :
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
...W,WINDZF fluxes in the window region (W/m2)
tr : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

tr : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: tr_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of tracer concentration
tr0 : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: tr_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of tr at previous time step
tr1qcb : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tr1qex : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tr1qsc : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tr2qcb : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tr2qex : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tr2qsc : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tr3qcb : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tr3qex : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tr3qsc : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tr4 : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tr4 : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

tr4 : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

tr4qcb : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tr4qex : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tr4qsc : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

traalk : real*8, dimension(lx, 33)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

traalk : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

trab : real*8, dimension(33, 20)
Subroutine: setqva. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trabcd : character*3, dimension(5)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tracer : real*8, dimension(LX, ITRMAX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
array to add up to ITRMAX additional aerosol species
tracer : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

traden : real*8, dimension(itrmax)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 1.d0
traden : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

traditional_coldstart_aic : logical
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
Initial Value = .true.
traditional_coldstart_aic : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

traditional_coldstart_aic : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

traditional_coldstart_aic : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

traditional_coldstart_aic : used from atm_com
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

trans_layers_above : real*8, dimension(npoints, ncol)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

trans_layers_above_clrsky : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

transmax : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

transmission_corrections : logical
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
whether to apply correction factors
transmission_corrections : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

trapea : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

trapli : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

trapoc : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

trapoi : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

traqab : real*8, dimension(33, 11)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

traqcb : real*8, dimension(33, 11)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

traqex : real*8, dimension(33, 11)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

traqsc : real*8, dimension(33, 11)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tratio :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

tratio : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

trav : real*8, dimension(33, 20)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trax : real*8, dimension(LX, 33, 5)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

traxsg : character*3, dimension(5)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trbalk : real*8, dimension(lx, 33)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trbalk : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

trbqab : real*8, dimension(33, 10)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trbqcb : real*8, dimension(33, 10)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trbqex : real*8, dimension(33, 10)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trbqsc : real*8, dimension(33, 10)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trcalk : real*8, dimension(lx, 33)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trcqab : real*8, dimension(33, 15)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trcqal : real*8, dimension(33, 15)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trcqcb : real*8, dimension(33, 15)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trcqex : real*8, dimension(33, 15)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trcqpi : real*8, dimension(33, 15)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trcqsc : real*8, dimension(33, 15)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trctca : real*8, dimension(33)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trdalk : real*8, dimension(lx, 33)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trdalk : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

trdcr : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trdfgw : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trdflb : real*8, dimension(LX+1)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Thrml down,up,net Flux at Layr Bottom (W/m2)
trdflb : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

trdflb_clear : real*8, dimension(LX+1)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Clear-sky versions
trdflb_clear : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

trdn : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

trdqab : real*8, dimension(33, 25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trdqal : real*8, dimension(33, 25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trdqcb : real*8, dimension(33, 25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trdqex : real*8, dimension(33, 25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trdqsc : real*8, dimension(33, 25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tref : real*8
Subroutine: setghg. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tref : real*8
Subroutine: updghg. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trfcrl : real*8, dimension(LX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
layer LW Cooling Rate,SW Heating Rate (W/m2)
trfcrl : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

trgalb : real*8, dimension(33)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trgalb : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

trgv : real*8, dimension(33, 20)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trgxlk : real*8, dimension(lx, 33)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trhdt : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

trhdt : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

trhdt : real*8
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

trhdt : real*8
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

trhdt : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

trhdt_sv : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

trhdt_sv : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

trhdt_sv2 : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

trhdt_sv2 : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

trheat : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
net LW flux accumulation (J/m^2)
trheat : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

trheat : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

trheat : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

trheat : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

trhqab : real*8, dimension(33, 190, 4)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trhqab : real*8, dimension(33, 190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

trhqcb : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

trhqex : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

trhqsc : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

trhr : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
(1->LM) Thermal raditive heating rate (W/m^2) (long wave)
trhr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

trhr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1_exports. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

trhr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

trhr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

trhr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

trhr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

trhr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

trhr0 : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
incident long wave radiation
trhr_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

trhra : real*8, dimension(0:lm+lm_req, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

trhrs : real*8, dimension(lm_req, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tri : real*8, dimension(lm_req)
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tridiag : used from tridiag_mod
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tridiag : used from tridiag_mod
Subroutine: de_solver_edge. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

tridiag : used from tridiag_mod
Subroutine: de_solver_main. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

tridiag : used from tridiag_mod
Subroutine: diffuse_moms. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

tridiag : used from tridiag_mod
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

tridiag : used from tridiag_mod
Subroutine: ovdiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

tridiag : used from tridiag_mod
Subroutine: ovdiffs. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

tridiag_cyclic : used from tridiag_mod
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

tridiag_cyclic : used from tridiag_mod
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

tridiag_new : used from tridiag_mod
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

tridiag_new : used from tridiag_mod
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

trincg : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

trm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(inout)
Subroutine: addfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

trm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(inout)
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

trm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(inout)
Subroutine: wrapadjustfluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

trmst :
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
tracer amount in strait (+ moments) (kg)
trnflb : real*8, dimension(LX+1)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Thrml down,up,net Flux at Layr Bottom (W/m2)
trnflb : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

trnflb_clear : real*8, dimension(LX+1)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Clear-sky versions
trnflb_clear : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

trnflb_save : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Net thermal radiation (W/m^2)
trnflb_save : used from rad_com
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

trnflb_save : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

tropomask :
Global variable . Module: VERTICALRES. File: AtmL40p.F90
unity from layers 1-ls1-1, zero above
trpi0k : real*8, dimension(25)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trqv : real*8, dimension(33, 20)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trrdry : real*8, dimension(itrmax)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = .1d0
trrdry : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

trsist :
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
tracer amount in with strait (kg)
trsqal : real*8, dimension(33, 25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trsqcb : real*8, dimension(33, 25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trsqex : real*8, dimension(33, 25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trsqsc : real*8, dimension(33, 25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trsurf : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
upward thermal radiation at the surface from rad step W/m2
trsurf : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

trsurf : used from rad_com
Subroutine: atm_phase1_exports. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

trsurf : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

trsurf : used from rad_com
Subroutine: reset_surf_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

trsurf : used from rad_com
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

trsurf : used from rad_com
Subroutine: surface_diag1a. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

trsurf_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

trsv : real*8, dimension(33, 20)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trtauk : real*8, dimension(lx, 33)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trtop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: tr_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
tracer concentration at the first GCM layer
trtqab : real*8, dimension(33, 190, ITRMAX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trufgw : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

truflb : real*8, dimension(LX+1)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Thrml down,up,net Flux at Layr Bottom (W/m2)
truflb : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

truflb_clear : real*8, dimension(LX+1)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Clear-sky versions
truflb_clear : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

truftw : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trup_in_rad : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

truptoa : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

truptoa : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

truqal : real*8, dimension(33, 120)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

truqcb : real*8, dimension(33, 120)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

truqcb : real*8, dimension(33, 110)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

truqex : real*8, dimension(33, 120)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

truqex : real*8, dimension(33, 110)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

truqsc : real*8, dimension(33, 120)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

truqsc : real*8, dimension(33, 110)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

trvalk : real*8, dimension(lx, 33)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trvalk : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

trvqal : real*8, dimension(33, 20, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trvqcb : real*8, dimension(33, 20, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trvqex : real*8, dimension(33, 20, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

trvqsc : real*8, dimension(33, 20, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ts : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
average surface temperture (C)
ts : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ts : real*8
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ts : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= surface air temperature (K)
ts : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: diag_msu. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ts : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ts : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ts : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ts : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

ts : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ts : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ts : real*8
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ts : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

ts_slp : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tsave : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tsave : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tsave1 : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tsavg : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
tsavg :
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
(i,j) composite surface air temperature (k)
tsavg : real*8
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tsctpg : real*8, dimension(33)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tsfrez : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
freezing temperature diagnostics
tsfrez : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

tsfrez : used from diag_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = >tsfrez_loc
tsfrez : used from diag_com
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = >tsfrez_loc
tsfrez : used from diag_com
Subroutine: dealloc_ijdiag_glob. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

tsfrez : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_longacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >tsfrez_loc
tsfrez : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

tsfrez : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_scatter. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

tsfrez : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = >tsfrez_loc
tsfrez : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = > TSFREZ_loc
tsfrez : used from diag_com
Subroutine: new_io_longacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = >tsfrez_loc
tsfrez_loc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

tsfrez_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

tsfrez_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

tsfrez_loc : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_scatter. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

tsi1 : real, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tsi2 : real, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

tsi_top : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

tsil : real*8, intent(out), dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
temperature of ice layers (C)
tsil : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tsil : real*8, intent(out), dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: get_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

tsil : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tsil : real*8, intent(out), dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
temperature of ice layers (C) (DIAGNOSTIC ONLY)
tsil : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

tsil : real*8, dimension(4)
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

tsil : real*8, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
temperature of ice layers (C)
tsil : real*8, intent(out), dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: simelt. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
ice temperature (C)
tsil : real*8, dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

tsil : real*8, dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

tsil : real*8, dimension(lmi), intent(out)
Subroutine: tice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

tsl : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
surface air temperature (K)
tsl : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

tsn1 : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tsn1 : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tsnow_top : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

tsns : used from sle001
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tsns : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tsns_ij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f
surface temperature corresponding to sensible heat flux (C)
tsns_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tsns_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

tsnw : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

tsnw : real*8, intent(out), dimension(2)
Subroutine: get_snow_ice_layer. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

tsnw : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

tsnw : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

tsnw : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

tsnw : real*8, dimension(LMI)
Subroutine: ssidec. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

tsol : real*8
Subroutine: osourc. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

tsou : real*8
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

tstar : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tstar : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: e_les. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tstar : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tstar : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tstar : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: simil. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tstar : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
the virtual potential temperature scale
tstar : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: tfix. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tstarv : real*8
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tstr : character(len=16)
Subroutine: ijl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

tsum : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: boxav. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tsum : real*8
Subroutine: boxav1. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tsum : real*8
Subroutine: boxav2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

tsum : real*8
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

tsum : real*8
Subroutine: strmij. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

tsv : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= virtual potential temperature of the surface (K)
tsv :
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
virtual surface temperature (K)
tsv : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

tsv :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= virtual potential temperature of the surface (K)
tsv : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sig. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
virtual surface temperature (K)
tt : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ttaulx : real*8, dimension(LX, ITRMAX)
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ttausv : real*8, dimension(LX, ITRMAX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
saves special aerosol optical thickness for diagnostic
ttausv : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ttausv_cs_save : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Tracer optical thickness clear sky
ttausv_cs_save : used from rad_com
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ttausv_cs_save : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

ttausv_save : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
Tracer optical thickness
ttausv_save : used from rad_com
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

ttausv_save : used from rad_com
Subroutine: alloc_rad_com. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

ttest : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ttmp : real*8
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ttold : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
previous potential temperature, humidity
ttold : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

ttold : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ttold_glob : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

ttoldl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
previous potential temperature
ttop : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
virtual potential temperature at the top of the layer
ttop : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

ttop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
virtual potential temperature at the top of the layer
ttop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ttop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
virtual potential temperature at the first GCM layer
ttop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
virtual potential temperature at the first GCM layer
ttop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: tfix. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ttrop : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

tturb :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

tv : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
local virtual potential temperature
tv : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: get_tv. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tv : real*8, dimension(lm, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo), intent(in)
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
virtual potential temp. referenced at 1 mb
tv : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tvflx : real*8
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

tvflx : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
heat flux -wt at surface, ze(1)
tvflx : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

tvflx : real*8
Subroutine: e_les. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tvflx : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
virtual potential temperature flux at surface
tvflx : real*8
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

tvp :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

tvs : real*8
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

tvsurf : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
(i,j) surface virtual temperature
tvsurf : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo), intent(in)
Subroutine: getdz. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
surface virtual temperature
twoby3 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
2/3 constant
Initial Value = 2d0/3d0
twoby3 : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = 2/3d0
twopi : used from constant
Global variable . Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f

twopi : used from constant
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

twopi : used from constant
Global variable . Module: FFT72. File: FFT72.f

twopi : used from constant
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f

twopi : used from constant
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

twopi : used from constant
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: calc_zenith_angle. Module: ZENITH_MOD. File: Zenith.F90

twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: cosz_init. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: diurn_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: gc_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: geom_1pt. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: geomicdyn. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f

twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

twopi : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: init_hntrp_type. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f
Initial Value = 6.283185307179586477d0
twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: init_veg. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: jl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

twopi : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: offt0. Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f
Initial Value = 6.283185307179586477d0
twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

twopi : used from constant
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

tx : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_LOC. File: DIAG.f
vertical velocity and in-situ temperature calculations
tx : used from diag_loc
Subroutine: alloc_diag_loc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tx : used from diag_loc
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tx : used from diag_loc
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

tx : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

tx_strat : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tx_trop : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

txctpg : real*8, dimension(33)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

txdp : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

txm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(inout)
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

txm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(inout)
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

txmst :
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
tracer amount in strait (+ moments) (kg)
txy : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ty : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

tym : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(inout)
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

tym : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(inout)
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

tz : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

tz : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

tzbydp : real*8
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

tzl : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

tzm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(inout)
Subroutine: computefluxes. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

tzm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo), intent(inout)
Subroutine: gmfexp. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

tzmst :
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
tracer amount in strait (+ moments) (kg)
tzt : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

u : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
east-west, and north-south velocities (m/s)
u : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

u : real*8, dimension(n), intent(inout)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
local due east component of wind
u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

u : real*8, dimension(IM, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO, LM)
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

u : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(IM, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO, LM)
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

u : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: avg_replicated_duv_to_vgrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: calc_kea_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_am. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

u : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

u : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
west-east velocity component
u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

u : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of west-east velocity component
u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_uv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

u : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
u : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of west-east velocity component
u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

u : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

u : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

u : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: level2. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of west-east velocity component
u : real(r8), intent(in), dimension(2:lm)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

u : real(r8), dimension(2:lm), intent(in)
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

u : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

u : real*8, dimension(lmo), intent(out)
Subroutine: ovdiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

u : real*8, dimension(lmo), intent(out)
Subroutine: ovdiffs. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

u : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

u : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

u :
Subroutine: q_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of west-east velocity component
u : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
x-component at secondary grids (B_grid)
u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: replicate_uv_to_agrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: reset_adiag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

u : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: simil. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
computed similarity solution for wind speed (m/sec)
u : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

u : used from atm_com
Subroutine: store_uv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

u : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of west-east velocity component
u :
Subroutine: t_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of west-east velocity component
u : real*8, dimension(n), intent(inout)
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

u : real(r8), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

u : real*8, dimension(n), intent(inout)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of west-east velocity component
u : real*8, dimension(n), intent(inout)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of west-east velocity component
u0 : real*8
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

u0 : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

u0 : real(r8)
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

u0 : real*8, dimension(lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: ovdiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

u0 : real*8, dimension(lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: ovdiffs. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

u0 : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of u at previous time step
u00a : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
tuning knob for U00 above 850 mb without moist convection
Initial Value = 0.55d0
u00b : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
tuning knob for U00 below 850 mb and in convective regions
Initial Value = 1.00d0
u00ice : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
critical humidity for ice cloud condensation
Initial Value = .7d0
u00ice : used from clouds
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

u00wtrx : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
multiplies U00ice for critical humidity for water clds
Initial Value = 1.0d0
u00wtrx : used from clouds
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

u0_sq : real(r8)
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

u0gas : real*8, dimension(LX, 13)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
reference gas amounts, 13 types (cm atm) (in setgas)
u0gas : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

u0gas : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

u0gas3 : real*8, dimension(LX)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

u1 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
wind components of first layer (A-grid)
u1 :
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f
wind components of first layer (A-grid)
u1_after_aturb : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: PBLCOM. File: PBL_COM.f

u1_after_aturb : used from pblcom
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

u2 : real*8, dimension(nlt)
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

u2rho : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

u2rho : real*8
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

u3 : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

u3 : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

u3 : real*8
Subroutine: wscale. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

u_0 : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
velocity related variables(UM,VM)=(U,V)*AIRM
u_3d : used from atm_com
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
Initial Value = >u
u_3d_agrid : used from atm_com
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
Initial Value = >ualij
u_a :
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
x-component at primary grids (A_grid)
u_a : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

u_comp : real(r8), dimension(2:lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

u_comp_s : real(r8)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

u_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f
Work array for parallel I/O
u_t : real*8
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

u_tmp : real*8, dimension(2:nx1-1, grid_icdyn%j_strt_halo:grid_icdyn%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

ua : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = >ualij
ua : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
Initial Value = >ualij
ua : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
Initial Value = >ualij
ua : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ua : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ua : used from atm_com
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = >ualij
uabl : real*8, pointer, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
boundary layer profile for zonal wind
ualij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
U,V on the A grid (m/s)
ualij : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

ualij : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

ualij : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_atm_layer1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

ualij : used from atm_com
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

uasmooth : real*8
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

uasv : real*8, dimension(lm, grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

ub : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

uboundglobal : integer, intent(in), dimension(2)
Subroutine: sparsecommunicator. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

uboundlocal : integer, intent(in), dimension(2)
Subroutine: sparsecommunicator. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

uc : real(r8), dimension(lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

udiff : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

udiff : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

udiff : real*8
Subroutine: wscale. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

uduti : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

udx : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

udxn : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

udxs : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ue : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ue : real(r8), dimension(2:lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

uearth : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

uedms : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_amb_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ueq : real*8, dimension(im, lm)
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ueq_loc : real*8, dimension(im, lm)
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ufac36 : real*8, parameter, dimension(36)
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/ 0.800d0,0.800d0,0.800d0,0.750d0,0.750d0,0.750d0,0.700d0, 0.750d0,0.846d0,0.779d0,0.892d0,0.886d0,0.881d0,0.875d0, 0.870d0,0.846d0,0.840d0,0.902d0,0.880d0,0.775d0,0.796d0, 0.842d0,0.866d0,0.861d0,0.821d0,0.903d0,1.264d0,1.732d0, 2.000d0,1.701d0,1.609d0,1.478d0,1.253d0,1.372d0,1.571d0, 1.571d0/)
uflb : real*8, dimension(LX+1, 33)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

uflux : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

uflux1 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

uflux1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f
surface turbulent u-flux (=-<uw>)
uflux1 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

uflux1 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

uflux1 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

uflux1 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ufluxs : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ufluxs : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

uflx : real*8
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

uflx : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
momentun flux -uw at surface, ze(1)
ufrac : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ufrac : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ufrac : real*8
Subroutine: wscale. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ufsl : real*8, dimension(33)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ug : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= eastward component of the geostrophic wind (m/s)
ug : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ug : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

ug : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
passed for scm
ug : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= eastward component of the geostrophic wind (m/s)
ug : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
due east component of the geostrophic wind
ug : real*8
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ugas0 : real*8, dimension(LX)
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ugasr : real*8, dimension(LX)
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ugeo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: PBLCOM. File: PBL_COM.f
components of geostrophic wind at the top of the BL
ugeo : used from pblcom
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ugw_s : real(r8)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ui2rho : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
Ustar*2*rho ice-ocean friction velocity on atmospheric grid
ui2rho : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

uice : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
velocity arrays (m/s)
uice : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

uice : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

uice : real*8, dimension(imicdyn, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

uice : used from icedyn
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

uice : used from icedyn
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

uicec : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
velocity arrays (m/s)
uicec : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

uicec : used from icedyn
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

uin : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

uistr : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

uisurf : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
dynamic ice surface velocity (Atm A grid) (m/s)
ujk : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

uk : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

uk : real*8
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

uki : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ukjm : real*8, dimension(LMO, IM+2)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ukm : real*8, dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
arrays for vertical momentum mixing
ukm : real*8, dimension(lmo, 4, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ukmd : real*8, dimension(lmo, 4, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ukmnp : real*8, dimension(IM, LM)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ukmsp : real*8, dimension(IM, LM)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ul : real*8, dimension(LMO, IM+2)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ul : real*8, dimension(lmo, 2)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ul0 : real*8, dimension(LMO, IM+2)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ul0 : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

uld : real*8, dimension(LMO, IM+2)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

uld0 : real*8, dimension(LMO, IM+2)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ulgas : real*8, dimension(LX, 13)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
current gas amounts, 13 types (cm atm) (in getgas)
ulgas : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

ulgasl : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ulox : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

uls : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
velocity work arrays
um : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
velocity related variables(UM,VM)=(U,V)*AIRM
um : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

um : real*8, intent(out), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

um : real*8, intent(out), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

um0 : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

um1 : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
velocity related variables(UM,VM)=(U,V)*AIRM
um2 : real*8, intent(out), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

umax : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= maximum limit for ustar in table
Initial Value = 4d-2
umc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
velocity work arrays
umdn :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
umdnl : real*8, dimension(kmax, lm)
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

umin : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= minimum limit for ustar in table (m/s)
Initial Value = 0.
umin : used from kppe
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

umlx2 : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

umn : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

umn1 : real*8, dimension(kmax)
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

umn2 : real*8, dimension(kmax)
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

umo1 : real*8, dimension(kmax)
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

umo2 : real*8, dimension(kmax)
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

ump :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
momentum carried by convective plumes
umu : real*8
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

umvc : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

umve : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

umvw : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

undef : used from constant
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

undef : used from constant
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

undef : used from constant
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

undef : used from constant
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

undef : used from constant
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

undef : used from constant
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

undef : used from constant
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

undef : used from constant
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

undef : used from constant
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

undef : used from constant
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

undef : used from constant
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

undef : used from constant
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

undef : used from constant
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

undef : real*8
Subroutine: mark. Module: BDIJ. File: DIAG_PRT.f

undef : used from constant
Subroutine: scale_ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

undef : used from constant
Subroutine: strmjl. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

undef : used from constant
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

undef_val : used from constant
Subroutine: alloc_pbl_args. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

undef_val : used from constant
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

undef_val : used from constant
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

undef_val : used from constant
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

undef_val : used from constant
Subroutine: obasin. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

undef_val : used from constant
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

undef_val : used from constant
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

unit : character(len=units_strlen)
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

unit : character(len=units_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

unit : character(len=units_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

units : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(12)
Global variable . Module: BDWP_MOD. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = (/ 'DAY*(m/s)^2 ','DAY*(m/s)^2 ','10 DAY*(m/s)^2', 'DAY*(m/s)^2 ','10 DAY*(m/s)^2','DAY*(m/s)^2 ', '10**3 DAY*m^2 ','10**3 DAY*m^2 ','10**3 DAY*m^2 ', '10**3 DAY*m^2 ','10**4 DAY*m^2 ','10**4 DAY*m^2 '/)
units : used from bdwp_mod
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units : character(len=units_strlen)
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units : character(len=units_strlen)
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units : character
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

units : character(len=units_strlen)
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
string containing output field units
units : character(len=units_strlen)
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
string containing output field units
units : character*16, dimension(ndiuvar)
Subroutine: pout_diurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dummy strings
units : character*16, dimension(ndiuvar)
Subroutine: pout_hdiurn. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dummy strings
units : character(len=units_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ij. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
units of field
units : character(len=units_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ijk. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
units of field
units : character(len=units_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ijl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
units of field
units : character(len=units_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_isccp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
units of field
units : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(kaj), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_j. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dummy strings
units : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(kmax), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_jc. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
dummy strings
units :
Subroutine: pout_jl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
units of field
units :
Subroutine: pout_wp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
units of field
units : character(len=units_strlen)
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_consrv : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(kcon), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

units_consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

units_consrv : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

units_dd : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(ndiuvar), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

units_dd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_dd : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_gc : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(kagcx), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Descriptions/Units of GC diagnostics
units_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_icij : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(kicij)
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
Units for ICIJ diagnostics
units_icij : used from icedyn_com
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

units_ij : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(kaij), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Names/Units of lat/lon IJ diagnostics
units_ijhc : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(kijhc)
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f
descriptions/units of ijhc diagnostics
units_ijhc : used from landice_com
Subroutine: ijhc_defs. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_DRV.f

units_ijk : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(kaijk), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Descriptions/Units of IJK diagnostics
units_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

units_ijk : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_ijl : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(kaijl), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Descriptions/Units of IJL diagnostics
units_ijl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_ijl : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(kaijl)
Subroutine: open_ijl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

units_ijmm : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(kaijmm), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

units_il : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(kailx)
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_in : character(len=units_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_jl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

units_in : character(len=units_strlen), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_wp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

units_j : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(kaj), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Names/Units of zonal J diagnostics
units_j : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_jl : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(kajl), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Descriptions/Units of JL diagnostics
units_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_of_data : character(len=24)
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
units of data for netcdf output
units_oij : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(koij)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Units for OIJ diagnostics
units_oijl : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(koijl)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Units for OIJL diagnostics
units_oijmm : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(koijmm)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

units_ojl : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(kojl)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Units for OJL diagnostics
units_olnst : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(kolnst)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
Units for OLNST diagnostics
units_otj : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(kotj)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
units for OTJ diagnostics
units_sjl : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(kasjl), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Descriptions/Units of SJL diagnostics
units_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Global variable . Module: BDWP_MOD. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

units_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

units_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Global variable . Module: GISSOUT. File: POUT.f

units_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN_COM. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

units_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f

units_strlen : integer, parameter
Global variable . Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
Initial Value = 30
units_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f

units_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_strlen : used from mdiag_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_tsf : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(ktsf), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

units_wave : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(kwp), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f

units_with_scale : character(len=units_strlen)
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_with_scale : character(len=units_strlen)
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

units_with_scale : character(len=units_strlen)
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

unitso : character*16, dimension(ndiuvar)
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

unitso : character*16, dimension(ndiuvar)
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

unitso : character(len=units_strlen), dimension(kaj)
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

unitstr : character(len=20)
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

unlm : real*8
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

unm : real*8
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

unorth : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

unp : real*8
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

unp : real*8
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

unp : real*8
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

unpack_block : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

unpack_block : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

unpack_block : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

unpack_block : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

unpack_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: ent_read_state_plain. Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f

unpack_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

unpack_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

unpack_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

unpack_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

unpack_column : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

unpack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

unpack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diag_scatter. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

unpack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

unpack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

unpack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

unpack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

unpack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

unpack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

unpack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

unpack_data : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: scatter_odiags. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

unpack_dataj : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diag_scatter. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

unpack_lc : used from domain_decomp_1d
Global variable . Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f
Initial Value = >unpack_dataj
unpack_lc : used from diag_zonal
Subroutine: scatter_zonal_diags. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

unr20 : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

unrdrag_x : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

unrdrag_x : real(r8), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

unrdrag_y : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

unrdrag_y : real(r8), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

unsat : real(r8), real(r8)
Subroutine: nonorographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

uo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
E-W velocity on C-grid (m/s)
uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oam. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oke. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oabfilx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

uo : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ig_uvsurf. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

uo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uo1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: KPP_COM. File: OCNKPP.f

uo1 : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

uo1 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

uo1 : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

uo2 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

uocean : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

uocean : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
Initial Value = 0.
uocean : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

uocean :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
ocean/ice velocities for use in drag calulation
uocean : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

uocean : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

uocean : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

uod : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
E-W velocity on D-grid (m/s)
uod : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

uod : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uod : used from ocean
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

uod : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

uod : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

uod : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

uod : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

uod : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

uod1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: KPP_COM. File: OCNKPP.f

uod1 : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

uod1 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

uod1 : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

uod2 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

uodh : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

uodrag : integer
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f
parameter that decides whether velocities
Initial Value = 0
uodrag : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

uoh : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

uonp : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

uonp : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uosurf : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer, real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
ocean surface velocity (m/s)
uosurf : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

uout : used from atm_com
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
Initial Value = >u
up : real*8, dimension(IM, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO, LM)
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

up : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

upbl : real*8, dimension(npbl)
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

upbl : real*8, dimension(npbl)
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

update_vegetation_data : used from ent_drv
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

update_vegetation_data : used from ent_drv
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

updateaerosol : used from aerparam_mod
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

updateaerosol : used from aerparam_mod
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

updateaerosol2 : used from aerparam_mod
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

updateaerosol2 : used from aerparam_mod
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

updghg : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

updo3d : used from o3mod
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

updo3d : used from o3mod
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

updo3d_solar : used from o3mod
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

updo3d_solar : used from o3mod
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

updsur : used from surf_albedo
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

updsur : used from surf_albedo
Subroutine: rcompt. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

upe : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

upperbounds : integer, intent(in), dimension(2)
Subroutine: countindomain. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

upperbounds : integer, intent(in), dimension(2)
Subroutine: getoffset. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

upperbounds : integer, intent(in), dimension(2)
Subroutine: getoffsets. Module: SPARSECOMMUNICATOR_MOD. File: SparseCommunicator_mod.F90

uq : real*8
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ur : real*8, dimension(k, lm, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: replicate_uv_to_agrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

urate : real*8
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
upstream fractional rate of river flow per time step
Initial Value = 1d-6
uratio : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

urnp : real*8, dimension(im, lm)
Subroutine: replicate_uv_to_agrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ursp : real*8, dimension(im, lm)
Subroutine: replicate_uv_to_agrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

urt : real*8, dimension(nx1)
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

us : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

us : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= x component of surface wind, positive eastward (m/s)
us : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

us :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= x component of surface wind, positive eastward (m/s)
us : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

us : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

usave : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

usave : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

usave : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

usave : real*8, dimension(nx1, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

usave1 : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

usavg : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
use_o3_ref : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = 0
use_o3_ref : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

use_qus : integer
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
Initial Value = 0
use_qus : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

use_qus : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

use_qus : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

use_qus : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

use_sol_ox_cycle : integer
Global variable . Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f
if =1, a cycle of ozone is appled to
Initial Value = 0
use_tracer_chem : integer, dimension(2)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
:set U0GAS(L, )=chem_IN( ,L), L=L1,use_tracer_chem( )
use_tracer_chem : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

use_unr_drag : integer
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
: if 1 => SDRAG is turned off and GWD is applied
Initial Value = 0
use_unr_drag : used from dynamics
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

use_unr_drag : used from dynamics
Subroutine: init_sdrag. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

use_unr_drag : used from dynamics
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

usedhp : integer, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: LANDICE_COM. File: LANDICE_COM.f

useorbit : used from rad_com
Subroutine: calc_zenith_angle. Module: ZENITH_MOD. File: Zenith.F90
Initial Value = > orbit
useorbit : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_orbit. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
Initial Value = > orbit
usi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
ice velocities (m/s)
usi : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

usi : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

usi : used from icedyn
Subroutine: def_rsf_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

usi : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

usi : used from icedyn
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

usi : used from icedyn
Subroutine: new_io_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

usidt : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
sea ice fluxes, saved for advection (m)
usifac : real*8
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
ratio of strait sea ice velocity to current
Initial Value = .1d0
usinyj : real*8, dimension(IM)
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uslm : real*8
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

usm : real*8
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

usmooth : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

usouth : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

usta : real*8
Subroutine: kmixinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ustar : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= friction speed (square root of momentum flux) (m/s)
ustar : real*8
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

ustar : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
surface friction velocity (m/s)
ustar : real*8
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= friction speed (sqrt of surface momentum flux) (m/sec)
ustar : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
friction velocity at the surface
ustar : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

ustar : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: e_les. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ustar : real*8
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

ustar : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ustar : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: getzhq. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ustar : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: iceocean_fluxes. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
friction velocity at ice-ocean interface (m/s)
ustar : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

ustar : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
friction speed
ustar : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
friction velocity
ustar : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
surface friction velocity (m/s)
ustar : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ustar : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ustar : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= friction speed (square root of momentum flux) (m/s)
ustar : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: simil. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
friction speed (m/sec)
ustar : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
the friction speed
ustar : real*8, save
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ustar : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: tfix. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ustar : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ustar : real*8
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

ustar : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
friction velocity at the surface
ustar : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
friction velocity at the surface
ustar : real*8
Subroutine: wscale. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ustar0 : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ustar0 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ustar0 : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ustar2 : real*8
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

ustar2 : real*8
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

ustar3 : real*8
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

ustar3 : real*8
Subroutine: e_les. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ustar_min : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
limit on surface friction speed
Initial Value = 1d-2
ustar_min : used from socpbl
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

ustar_oc : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ustar_oc : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: deltasst. Module: NONE. File: PBL.f
ocean u* (m/s)
ustar_pbl : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
friction velocity (sqrt of srfc mom flux) (m/s)
ustarb2 : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
velocity squared at zg(n)
usurf : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

usurf : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
effective surface velocity
usurf : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
effective surface velocity
usurf : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
effective surface velocity
usurf : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
effective surface velocity
usurf : real*8
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

usurf : real*8
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

usurf0 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: q_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

usurf0 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

usurfh : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

usurfq : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

usv0 : real*8, dimension(IM, 2, LM)
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

usvn : real*8, dimension(IM, LM)
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

usvs : real*8, dimension(IM, LM)
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

ut : real*8, dimension(IM, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO, LM)
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

ut : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ut : real*8
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ut : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ut : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ut : real*8
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ut : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ut2a : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GISSMIX_COM. File: OCNGISSVM.f
unresolved bottom velocity squared (m/s)^2
ut2a :
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
unresolved bottom shear squared (m/s)^2
utanuj : real*8, dimension(IM)
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

utd : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

utest : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

utest : real*8
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

utmp : real*8
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

utop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
x component of wind at the top of the layer
utop : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

utop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
x component of wind at the top of the layer
utop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

utop : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

utop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
due east component of the wind at the first GCM layer
utop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
due east component of the wind at the first GCM layer
utop_old : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
utop after turb. diffusion during previous timestep
utop_old : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
utop after turb. diffusion during previous timestep
utot1 : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

utot2 : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

utotal : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

utotal : real*8
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

uu : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uu3d : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uv : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

uv : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: get_uv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

uv : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uv : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: store_uv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

uv0 : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

uv1d : real*8, dimension(2*im*(1+grid%j_stop_stgr-grid%j_strt_stgr)), intent(out)
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

uv3d : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uva : real*8, dimension(226)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

uvfact : real*8, dimension(3)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
rescale UV spectral flux distribution
Initial Value = (/0.98011d0, 0.99467d0, 0.99795d0/)
uvflux_vgrid : real*8, dimension((1+grid%i_stop_halo-grid%i_strt_halo)*(1+grid%j_stop_halo-grid%j_strt_halo)*2)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

uvice : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

uvice_cs : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

uvjk : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

uvlean : real, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

uvm : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
ice velocity mask (1/0)
uvm : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

uvm : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

uvm : used from icedyn
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

uvwavl : real*8, dimension(3)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
rescale UV spectral flux distribution
Initial Value = (/0.295d0, 0.310d0, 0.366d0/)
uw : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

uw : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
turbulent fluxes
ux : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diag5f. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

ux : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
current velocities
ux : real*8
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

ux : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ux : real*8
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ux : real*8
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ux : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

uxa : real*8, save, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

uxa : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uxa : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uxb : real*8, save, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

uxb : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uxb : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uxc : real*8, save, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

uxc : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uxc : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uxgas : real*8, dimension(LX, 9)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

uy : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

uy : real*8
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uy : real*8
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uya : real*8, save, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

uya : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uya : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uyb : real*8, save, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

uyb : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uyb : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uyc : real*8, save, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

uyc : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uyc : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uypa : real*8, save, dimension(im, lmo)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

uypa : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

uypb : real*8, save, dimension(lmo)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

uypb : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

v : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
east-west, and north-south velocities (m/s)
v : real*8, dimension(n), intent(inout)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
local due north component of wind
v : used from atm_com
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

v : real*8, dimension(IM, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO, LM)
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

v : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(IM, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO, LM)
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

v : used from atm_com
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

v : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

v : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

v : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

v : used from atm_com
Subroutine: avg_replicated_duv_to_vgrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

v : used from atm_com
Subroutine: calc_kea_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

v : used from atm_com
Subroutine: checkt. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

v : used from atm_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

v : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_ke. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

v : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

v : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

v : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

v : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

v : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
south-north velocity component
v : used from atm_com
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

v : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of south-north velocity component
v : used from atm_com
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

v : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

v : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_uv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

v : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: getk. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
v : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of south-north velocity component
v : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

v : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

v : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

v : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: level2. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of south-north velocity component
v : real(r8), dimension(2:lm), intent(in)
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

v : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

v : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

v : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

v :
Subroutine: q_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of south-north velocity component
v : real*8, dimension(:), allocatable
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

v : used from atm_com
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
y-component at secondary grids (B_grid)
v : used from atm_com
Subroutine: replicate_uv_to_agrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

v : used from atm_com
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

v : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

v : used from atm_com
Subroutine: store_uv_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

v : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of south-north velocity component
v :
Subroutine: t_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of south-north velocity component
v : real*8, dimension(n), intent(inout)
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

v : real(r8), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

v : real*8, dimension(n), intent(inout)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of south-north velocity component
v : real*8, dimension(n), intent(inout)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of south-north velocity component
v : used from ocfunc
Subroutine: volgs. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f
Initial Value = >vgsp
v : used from ocfunc
Subroutine: volgsp. Module: NONE. File: OCNFUNTAB.f
Initial Value = >vgsp
v : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(0:km+1)
Subroutine: z121. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

v0 : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

v0 : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
z-profle of v at previous time step
v1 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
wind components of first layer (A-grid)
v1 :
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f
wind components of first layer (A-grid)
v1_after_aturb : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: PBLCOM. File: PBL_COM.f

v1_after_aturb : used from pblcom
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

v4taur : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

v5 : real*8, parameter, dimension(5)
Subroutine: setqva. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/ .1d0, .2d0, .3d0, .4d0, .5d0/)
v_0 : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
velocity related variables(UM,VM)=(U,V)*AIRM
v_3d : used from atm_com
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
Initial Value = >v
v_3d_agrid : used from atm_com
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
Initial Value = >valij
v_a :
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
y-component at primary grids (A_grid)
v_a : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

v_ent : real*8, dimension(:), intent(in)
Subroutine: map_ent2giss. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

v_giss : real*8, dimension(:), intent(out)
Subroutine: map_ent2giss. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

v_glob : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f
Work array for parallel I/O
v_t : real*8
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

va : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = >valij
va : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
Initial Value = >valij
va : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
Initial Value = >valij
va : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: isotropuv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

va : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

va : used from atm_com
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = >valij
vabl : real*8, pointer, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
boundary layer profile for meridional wind
val : real*8
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

val : real*8
Subroutine: mark. Module: BDIJ. File: DIAG_PRT.f

valij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
U,V on the A grid (m/s)
valij : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

valij : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

valij : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_atm_layer1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

valij : used from atm_com
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

value : real*8
Subroutine: hntr8_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

value : real*8
Subroutine: hntr8p_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

value : character(len=max_len_arg)
Subroutine: read_options. Module: NONE. File: MODELE_DRV.f

var : real(kind=8), intent(inout)
Subroutine: check_upper_limit. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
Variable to be checked and set to maximum value if larger (inout)
var : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: compute. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

var : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: compute2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

var : real*8, dimension(imh+1, 4, lm)
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

var : real*8
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

var : real*8
Subroutine: mem. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

var_exp : real*8
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

var_jsum : real*8, dimension(imh+1, 4, lm)
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

var_part : real*8, dimension(imh+1, 4, lm, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

variable_exists : used from pario
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

variable_exists : used from pario
Subroutine: read_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

variable_lk : integer
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
1 if lakes are to be variable
Initial Value = 0
variable_lk : integer
Global variable . Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

variable_lk : used from lakes
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

variable_orb_par : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
1 if orbital parameters are time dependent
Initial Value = -2
variable_orb_par : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_orbit. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

variable_orb_par : integer
Subroutine: makeearthorbit. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

varid : integer
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Dimension and variable ID for reading NetCDF files
varm : real(kind=8), intent(in)
Subroutine: check_upper_limit. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
Maximum value of variable to be checked (in)
varstr : character(len=80)
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

varstrll : character(len=80)
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

vbar : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f
specific volume (ref to mid point pressure)
vbar : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN_DYN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
mean specific volume of each layer
vbar : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

vbar : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

vbar : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

vbar : used from ocean_dyn
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vbar : used from gm_com
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

vc : real(r8), dimension(lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

vcdnc : real*8, parameter, dimension(7)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
pressure,vertical profile for cld.cvr change
Initial Value = (/ .35d0, .20d0, .10d0, .17d0, .10d0, .08d0, 0.d0/)
vcdnc : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

vcolx : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

vd1 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

vd2 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

vdata :
Global variable . Module: ENT_COM. File: ENT_COM.f
(:,:,k) fraction of gridbox of veg.type k=1-12
vdata : real*8, intent(out), dimension(grid%I_STRT_HALO:grid%I_STOP_HALO, grid%J_STRT_HALO:grid%J_STOP_HALO, N_COVERTYPES)
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

vdata_h : real*8, dimension(grid%I_STRT_HALO:grid%I_STOP_HALO, grid%J_STRT_HALO:grid%J_STOP_HALO, N_COVERTYPES)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

vdclim : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= vertical diffusion coefficient limit
Initial Value = 1000d0
vdcric : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= maximum diffusivity due to shear instability (cm**2/s)
Initial Value = 50d0
vdef :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
vdn : real*8
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

vdn : real*8
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vdn : real*8
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

vdn : real*8
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

vdnu : real*8
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

vdvti : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ve : real(r8), dimension(2:lm)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

vefa11 : real*8, dimension( 11)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

vefb10 : real*8, dimension(10)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

vefc15 : real*8, dimension(15)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

vefd25 : real*8, dimension(25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

veff : real*8, intent(in), optional
Subroutine: setqva. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

veff0 : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
effective volc. aerosol size distribution variance
Initial Value = 0.35d0
vefs25 : real*8, dimension(25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

vefu22 : real*8, dimension(120)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

vefv : real*8, dimension(20)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

vefv20 : real*8, dimension(20, 6)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

veg_depth : real(realk), parameter, dimension(n_veg)
Global variable . Module: PLANET_ALB. File: planet_alb.F90
Initial Value =
vegco2x_off : integer
Global variable . Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = 0
vegdata : real*8, dimension(n_covertypes, i0:i1, j0:j1)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

vegnames : character(len=32), dimension(N_COVERTYPES-N_OTHER)
Subroutine: get_vdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

vel1 : real*8
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

veq : real*8, dimension(im, lm)
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

veq_loc : real*8, dimension(im, lm)
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

vflux1 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f

vflux1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f
surface turbulent v-flux (=-<vw>)
vflux1 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

vflux1 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

vflux1 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

vflux1 : used from fluxes
Subroutine: surface_diag1. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

vfluxs : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

vfluxs : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

vflx : real*8
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

vflx : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
momentun flux -vw at surface, ze(1)
vg : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= northward component of the geostrophic wind (m/s)
vg : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

vg : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

vg : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
passed for scm
vg : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= northward component of the geostrophic wind (m/s)
vg : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
due north component of the geostrophic wind
vg : real*8
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

vgeo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: PBLCOM. File: PBL_COM.f
components of geostrophic wind at the top of the BL
vgeo : used from pblcom
Subroutine: surface_diag2. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

vgfrac : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

vgsp : real*8, dimension(-2:40, 0:40, 0:39)
Global variable . Module: OCFUNC. File: OCNFUNTAB.f
specific volume (m^3/kg)
vgsp : used from ocfunc
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vgw_s : real(r8)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

vi : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: interpolate. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

vi_aw : real*8
Subroutine: get_aw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

vi_sb81 : real*8
Subroutine: bbw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

vic : real*8
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

vice : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
velocity arrays (m/s)
vice : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

vice : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

vice : real*8, dimension(imicdyn, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: get_uisurf. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

vice : used from icedyn
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

vice : used from icedyn
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

vicec : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
velocity arrays (m/s)
vicec : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

vicec : used from icedyn
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

vidx : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_virtual_index. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

vil : real*8
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

vin : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

vis_rad : real*8
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

visc : real*8, dimension(0:km+1)
Subroutine: ddmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

visc : real*8, dimension(0:km+1)
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
vertical viscosity coefficient (m^2/s)
visc_air : used from constant
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

visc_air_kin : used from constant
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

visc_wtr_kin : used from constant
Subroutine: deltasst. Module: NONE. File: PBL.f

visch : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

visch : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

viscp : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

viscp : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

vistr : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

visurf : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
dynamic ice surface velocity (Atm A grid) (m/s)
vjk : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

vk : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

vk : real*8
Subroutine: recalc_agrid_uv. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

vkm : real*8, dimension(:, :, :, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
arrays for vertical momentum mixing
vkmnp : real*8, dimension(IM, LM)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

vkmsp : real*8, dimension(IM, LM)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

vlat :
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variable
vlat : real*8
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vlat : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_precip_phase. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
save LHX temporarily, condensate
vlat : real*8
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vls : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
velocity work arrays
vm : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
velocity related variables(UM,VM)=(U,V)*AIRM
vm : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vm : real*8, intent(out), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vm : real*8, intent(out), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vm0 : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vm1 : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
velocity related variables(UM,VM)=(U,V)*AIRM
vm2 : real*8, intent(out), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vmass : real*8
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

vmass : real*8
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

vmc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
velocity work arrays
vmdn :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

vmdnl : real*8, dimension(kmax, lm)
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

vmean_gc : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable, public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
vertical sums of AGC
vmean_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: alloc_gc_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

vmean_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

vmean_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

vmean_gc : used from gc_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

vmean_jl : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
vertical sums of AJL
vmean_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

vmean_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

vmean_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagjl_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

vmean_jl : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

vmn1 : real*8, dimension(kmax)
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

vmn2 : real*8, dimension(kmax)
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

vmo1 : real*8, dimension(kmax)
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

vmo2 : real*8, dimension(kmax)
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

vmp :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
momentum carried by convective plumes
vmuc : real*8
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vmun : real*8
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vmus : real*8
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vmv : real*8
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vname : character(*), intent(in)
Subroutine: check_upper_limit. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
Name of variable (in)
vname : character(len=64)
Subroutine: def_rsf_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

vname : character(len=64)
Subroutine: new_io_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

vname1 : character(5)
Subroutine: get_wspdf. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
Initial Value = 'wsgcm'
vname2 : character(5)
Subroutine: get_wspdf. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
Initial Value = 'sigma'
vnorth : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

vnp : real*8
Subroutine: get_gradients0. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

vnp : real*8
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

vnp : real*8
Subroutine: polevel. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

vo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
N-S velocity on C-grid (m/s)
vo : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

vo : used from ocean
Subroutine: checko_serial. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vo : used from ocean
Subroutine: conserv_oke. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vo : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vo : used from ocean
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

vo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oabfilx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vo : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vo : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

vo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

vo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

vo : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

vo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

vo : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vo : used from ocean
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

vo : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ag_toc2sst. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

vo : used from ocean
Subroutine: og2ig_uvsurf. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Interp.f

vo : used from ocean
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

vo : used from ocean
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vo1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: KPP_COM. File: OCNKPP.f

vo1 : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

vo1 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

vo1 : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

vo2 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

vocean : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

vocean : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
Initial Value = 0.
vocean : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

vocean :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
ocean/ice velocities for use in drag calulation
vocean : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

vocean : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

vocean : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

vod : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
N-S velocity on D-grid (m/s)
vod : used from ocean
Subroutine: alloc_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCEAN_COM.f

vod : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vod : used from ocean
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

vod : used from ocean
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

vod : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

vod : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

vod : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

vod : used from ocean
Subroutine: ostres2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

vod1 : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: KPP_COM. File: OCNKPP.f

vod1 : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: kvinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

vod1 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

vod1 : used from kpp_com
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

vod2 : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

vodh : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

voh : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

volc_day : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f of Volc.Aerosols (if 0: time var)
Initial Value = 182
volc_day : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

volc_yr : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f of Volc.Aerosols (if 0: time var)
Initial Value = 1951
volc_yr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

volc_yr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

volgs : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

volgs : real*8
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

volgsp : real*8, external
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

volgsp : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

volgsp : real*8, external
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

volgsp : real*8
Subroutine: oijl_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

volgsp : real*8, external
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

volgsp : real*8
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

volgsp : real*8
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

volgsp : real*8, external
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

vonk : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= von Karman's constant = 0.4
Initial Value = 0.4d0
vonk : used from kppe
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

vonp : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

vonp : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

vonp : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vonp : used from ocean
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vonp : used from ocean
Subroutine: ovtom. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vort : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

vosurf : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer, real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
ocean surface velocity (m/s)
vosurf : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

vout : used from atm_com
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
Initial Value = >v
vp : real*8, dimension(IM, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO, LM)
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

vpbl : real*8, dimension(npbl)
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

vpbl : real*8, dimension(npbl)
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

vpe : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

vpkey : integer
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

vpkey : integer
Subroutine: get_vpkey_of_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

vpkey_last : integer
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

vq : real*8
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

vr : real*8, dimension(k, lm, im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: replicate_uv_to_agrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

vreff : real*8
Subroutine: getmie. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

vrnp : real*8, dimension(im, lm)
Subroutine: replicate_uv_to_agrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

vrsp : real*8, dimension(im, lm)
Subroutine: replicate_uv_to_agrid. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

vrt : real*8, dimension(2:nx1-1, grid_icdyn%j_strt_halo:grid_icdyn%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

vs : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

vs : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= y component of surface wind, positive northward (m/s)
vs : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

vs :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= y component of surface wind, positive northward (m/s)
vs : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

vs : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

vs2 : real*8, dimension(0:lmo+1)
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
velocity shear squared (1/s**2)
vsave : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

vsave : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

vsave : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

vsave : real*8, dimension(nx1, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: vpicedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

vsave1 : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

vsavg : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
vsdragl :
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= tuning factor for stratospheric drag (not =1 e.g. if used with explicit grav.wave drag scheme)
vsdragl : used from dynamics
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

vsfac : real*8
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

vsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
ice velocities (m/s)
vsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

vsi : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

vsi : used from icedyn
Subroutine: def_rsf_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

vsi : used from icedyn
Subroutine: dynsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

vsi : used from icedyn
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

vsi : used from icedyn
Subroutine: new_io_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

vsidt : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f
sea ice fluxes, saved for advection (m)
vsouth : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: regrid_atov_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

vstar : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

vsubl :
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
downward vertical velocity due to cumulus subsidence (cm/s)
vsumfac : real*8, intent(in), optional
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

vsurf : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= total surface wind speed, used to limit ustar -> cm
vsv0 : real*8, dimension(IM, 2, LM)
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

vsvn : real*8, dimension(IM, LM)
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

vsvs : real*8, dimension(IM, LM)
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

vsword : character(len=4)
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

vt : real*8, dimension(IM, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO, LM)
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

vt : real*8
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
convective updraft speed and precip terminal velocity
vt : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

vt : real*8
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vt :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
precip terminal velocity (m/s)
vt : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vt : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

vt : real*8
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vt : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

vtaur4 : real*4, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

vtc : real*8
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= non-dimensional coefficient for velocity
vtc : used from kppe
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

vtd : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

vtfrac : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

vtmask : real*8, parameter, dimension(NV)
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
vegetation depth mask by type (kg/m^2)
Initial Value = (/ 1d1, 2d1, 2d1, 5d1, 2d2, 5d2, 1d3, 25d2,2d1, 1d1,.001d0,2d1 /)
vtmp : real*8
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

vtop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
y component of wind at the top of the layer
vtop : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

vtop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
y component of wind at the top of the layer
vtop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

vtop : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

vtop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
due north component of the wind at the first GCM layer
vtop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
due north component of the wind at the first GCM layer
vtop_old : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
vtop after turb. diffusion during previous timestep
vtop_old : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
vtop after turb. diffusion during previous timestep
vtsq : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

vtsq : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

vup : real*8
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

vup : real*8
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vup : real*8
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

vup : real*8
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

vupu : real*8
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

vvclim : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= vertical viscosity coefficient limit
Initial Value = 1000d0
vvcric : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= maximum viscosity due to shear instability (cm**2/s)
Initial Value = 50d0
vvel :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
vertical velocity (cm/s)
vvsea : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

vvv : real*8, dimension(im, grid%J_STRT_HALO:grid%J_STOP_HALO, 10)
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

vw : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

vw : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
turbulent fluxes
vw1 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

vw2 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

vx : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diag5f. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

vx : real*8, intent(in), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diagcd. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f
current velocities
vx : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

vx : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: dynam. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

vx : real*8
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vx : real*8
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vxa : real*8, save, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

vxa : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vxa : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vxb : real*8, save, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

vxb : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vxb : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vxc : real*8, save, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

vxc : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vxc : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vy : real*8
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vy : real*8
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vya : real*8, save, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

vya : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vya : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vyb : real*8, save, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

vyb : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vyb : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vyc : real*8, save, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

vyc : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

vyc : used from ocean
Subroutine: odiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

w : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_LOC. File: DIAG.f
vertical velocity and in-situ temperature calculations
w : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = .5d0
w : used from diag_loc
Subroutine: alloc_diag_loc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

w : real*8, dimension(0:ngm, 2)
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

w : used from diag_loc
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

w : used from diag_loc
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

w : used from sle001
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

w : real*8, intent(in), dimension(0:, :)
Subroutine: fix_heat_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

w : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(0:, :)
Subroutine: fix_water_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

w : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: heat_to_temperature. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

w : real*8, dimension(0:ngm, 2)
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

w : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 0.50
w : real*8, dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: old_gic_2_modele. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

w : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

w : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: temperature_to_heat. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

w : real*8, intent(out), dimension(0:, :)
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

w1 : real*8, dimension(nlat), intent(in)
Subroutine: boxav. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

w1 : real*4
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

w1 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

w1lean : real*8, dimension(190)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

w2 : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

w2 : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

w2 : real*4
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

w2 : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
vertical component of 2*e
w2 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

w2_1 : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
the vertical component of 2*e at GCM layer 1
w2_1 : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

w2_3d : used from pblcom
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
Initial Value = >w2gcm
w2_l1 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
vertical component of t.k.e. at gcm layer 1
w2byk : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

w2gcm : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: PBLCOM. File: PBL_COM.f
vertical component of egcm
w2gcm : used from pblcom
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

w2i : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

w2j : real*8
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

w2max : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

w2tem :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

w3 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

w4 : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

w4 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

w4i : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

w_cloud : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: alloc_clouds_com. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

w_cloud : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

w_cloud : used from clouds_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

w_cloud_l : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

w_cloud_l : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_cloud_field. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

w_glob : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Subroutine: io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

w_ij : real*8, allocatable, target, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

w_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: check_ghy_conservation. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

w_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

w_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

w_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

w_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

w_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

w_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

w_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: get_canopy_temperaure. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

w_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

w_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

w_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

w_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

w_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

w_stor : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

w_stor : real*8, dimension(0:ngm)
Subroutine: init_underwater_soil. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

w_stor : real*8, dimension(ngm)
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

w_stor : real*8, dimension(0:ngm)
Subroutine: update_land_fractions. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

w_tot : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: compute_water_deficit. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

wam : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

wam : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

wam : real*8
Subroutine: wscale. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

warmer : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

was : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

was : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

was : real*8
Subroutine: wscale. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

wat : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: fi. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

water : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: conserv_wm. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

water_abs : real*8, dimension(size_arr)
Subroutine: kw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

water_bb : real*8, dimension(size_arr)
Subroutine: kw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

waterg : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo), intent(out)
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f
ground water (kg/m^2)
waterg : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo), intent(out)
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f
ground water (kg/m^2)
wave : real*8, dimension(re_and_im, max12hr_sequ, nwav_dag, kwp), public
Global variable . Module: GC_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
frequency diagnostics (wave power)
wave : used from gc_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

wave : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag7a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

wave : used from gc_com
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

wave : used from gc_com
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

wavelenth : real(r8), parameter, dimension(N_Kh)
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f
: wavelength of included gravity wave
Initial Value = (/100.0_r8/)
wavelenth : used from unrdrag_com
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

wavna : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wavna : real*8
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wavna : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wavnb : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wavnb : real*8
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wavnb : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wbm : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

wbm : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

wbm : real*8
Subroutine: wscale. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

wbs : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

wbs : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

wbs : real*8
Subroutine: wscale. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

wc_jdrag :
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= critical velocity for J.Hansen/Judith Perlwitz drag; if 0 no JDRAG feature in SDRAG
wc_jdrag : used from dynamics
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

wc_nl :
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
non-local part of tracer flux
wcf : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
water,ice cloud fraction (conv+strat)
wcm : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wcm : real*8
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wcmmr : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
liquid,ice water mass mixing ratio (conv+strat)
wconst :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
wconst :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

wcp : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= vertical mass flux in a constant-pressure vertical
wcp : used from dynamics
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

wcp : used from dynamics
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

wcpsig : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
: WCP interpolated to terrain-following coordinate surfaces (sigma levels)
wcpsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: alloc_dynamics. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

wcpsig : used from dynamics
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

wcsiz : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f
liquid,ice particle effective radius weighted by wcmmr,icmmr (conv+strat)
wcu : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
pressure and cumulus updraft speed
wcu : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
convective mass and cumulus updraft speed
wcu :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

wcu2 :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

wcu500 : real*4, dimension(IM, 16)
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

wcufrz : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
increment for WCU and WCU at freezing level
wcumin : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: mc_cloud_fraction. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
wd : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: sig. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

wd1 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wd2 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wdat : real*8, dimension(7)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wearth : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

wearth : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
soil wetness (1)
wearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

wearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

wearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

wearth : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

wearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

wearth : real*8
Subroutine: old_gic_2_modele. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

wearth : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

wearth : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: set_new_ghy_cells_outputs. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

wei : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

weight : real*8
Subroutine: hntr8_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

weight : real*8
Subroutine: hntr8_band_lij. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

weight : real*8
Subroutine: hntr8p_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

weight : real*8, dimension(31)
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f
Initial Value = (/0.0158378,0.0201205,0.0241885,0.0277778, 0.0307124,0.0329082,0.0343586,0.0351143, 0.0352609,0.0349008,0.0341389,0.0330742, 0.0317941,0.0303725,0.0288696,0.0273329, 0.0500921,0.0643897,0.0686573,0.0532013, 0.0416379,0.0330341,0.0265929,0.0217156, 0.0179725,0.0150596,0.0127618,0.0158128, 0.0232875,0.0313132,0.0184843/)
wej : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wetness : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: read_landsurf_ic. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

wetsnow : logical
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

wetsnow : logical, intent(out)
Subroutine: prec_si. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
true if snow is wet (i.e. has been rained on)
wetsnow : logical
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

wetsnow : logical, intent(inout)
Subroutine: sea_ice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
whether snow is wet or not (Used for albedo calc)
wetsnow : logical, intent(in)
Subroutine: solar_ice_frac. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
=true if snow is wet
wetsra : real*8
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
adjustment factors for wet earth albedo calc
Initial Value = 1.0
wetsra : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wetsra_out : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_albedo_data. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

wettra : real*8
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
adjustment factors for wet earth albedo calc
Initial Value = 1.0
wettra : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wettra_out : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_albedo_data. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

wfac : real*8, dimension(nlt), private
Global variable . Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

wfc1 : real*8
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

wfcs : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f
water field capacity of first ground layer (kg/m2)
wfcs : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

wfcs : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

wflb : real*8, dimension(LX, 33)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wfsl : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wg : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

wg :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= magnitude of the geostrophic wind (m/s)
wgi : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wgi : real*8
Subroutine: sgpgxg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wgj : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wgj : real*8
Subroutine: sgpgxg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wi : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

width : real*8
Subroutine: alloc_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

wij : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

wij : real*8
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

wind : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

wind : real(r8), dimension(2:LM)
Subroutine: orographic_drag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

wind_speed_mag : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_planet_alb_param. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

windzf : real*8, dimension(3)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

windzt : real*8, dimension(3)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Brightness temperature in the window region (K)
wint :
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= integrated surface wind speed over sgs wind distribution
wint : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: integrate_sgswind. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

wint :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= integrated surface wind speed over sgs wind distribution
wisccp : real*8, public, dimension(nisccp)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
denominator array for ISCCP histograms
wisccp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

wisccp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

wisccp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

wisccp : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

wisccp_loc : real*8, dimension(nisccp)
Subroutine: diag_isccp_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

wist : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
width, nominal depth of strait (m)
wist : used from straits
Subroutine: adjust_mean_salt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

wist : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

wist : used from straits
Subroutine: stadv. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

wist : used from straits
Subroutine: stbdra. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

wist : used from straits
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

wist : used from straits
Subroutine: stpgf. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

wist : used from straits
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

wisum : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud ice water path (kg/m2)
wjk : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

wk : real*8, dimension(npoints)
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

wk1d1 : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

wk1d2 : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: aadvq0. Module: TRACER_ADV. File: QUS3D.f

wke4i : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

wl : real*8, dimension(wl_size)
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f
Initial Value = (/350.0, 400.0, 412.0, 443.0, 490.0, 510.0, 555.0, 620.0, 670.0, 700.0/)
wl : real*8
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

wl_pf : real*8, dimension(wl_pf_size)
Subroutine: get_aw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

wl_pf_size : integer, parameter
Subroutine: get_aw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f
Initial Value = 153
wl_sb : real*8, dimension(wl_sb_size)
Subroutine: bbw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

wl_sb_size : integer, parameter
Subroutine: bbw. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f
Initial Value = 61
wl_size : integer, parameter
Subroutine: bilin_mud. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f
Initial Value = 10
wl_vis_nir_div : used from planet_rad
Subroutine: set_blue_weight. Module: NONE. File: planet_rad.F90

wm : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
scalar velocity scale
wm : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
scalar velocity scale
wm : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: sig. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

wm : real*8
Subroutine: wscale. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

wmag : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
wind speed (m/s)
wmag : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

wmag : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

wmag1 : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

wmax :
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= imposed limit for stratospheric winds (m/s) in SDRAG
wmax : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
land fraction and a constant 50.
wmax : real*8
Subroutine: fix_water_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

wmax : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: integrate_sgswind. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
min and max wind speed for integral
wmax :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
specified maximum convective updraft speed (m/s)
wmax : used from dynamics
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

wmaxj : real*8
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

wmaxp : real*8
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
=.75*wmax,the imposed limit for stratospheric winds (m/s)
wmdn :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

wmdp : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

wmedg :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

wmerr : real*8
Subroutine: condse. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90
DH12,BYDH12,DH1S,BYDH1S,SSTAB dummy variable
wmerr : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
error reporting
wmfrzdp : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

wmi : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

wmi : real*8
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wmin : real*8
Subroutine: fix_water_ic. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

wmin : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: integrate_sgswind. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
min and max wind speed for integral
wmix :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

wmj : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

wmj : real*8
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wmliqdp : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

wmn1 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
wmn2 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
wmo1 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
wmo2 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
wmsu : real*8, dimension(ncols, nmsu)
Global variable . Module: MSU_WTS_MOD. File: DIAG.f

wmsum : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud liquid water path (kg/m2)
wmt : real*8, dimension(0:nni+1, 0:nnj+1)
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= lookup table for wm, the turbulent velocity scale
wmt : used from kppe
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

wmt1 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
wmt2 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
wmu : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
critical cloud water content for rapid conversion (g m**-3)
Initial Value = .25
wmu_multiplier : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
critical liquid cloud water multiplier
Initial Value = 1.d0
wmui : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
WMU for ice clouds
wmui_multiplier : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
critical ice cloud water multiplier
Initial Value = 1.d0
wmuix : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

wmul : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
WMU over land
Initial Value = .5
wmup :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

wmusi : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
WMU for liquid clouds over sea-ice
wmx1 :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variables
wmxm :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud water mass (mb)
wnp : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

word : character*4, dimension(2), parameter
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f
Initial Value = (/'SUM ','MEAN'/)
word : character*4, dimension(4)
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

word : character*4, dimension(4)
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

work :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
work done on convective plume
work1 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
temporary workspace
work2 : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
temporary workspace
work_wspdf1 : real*8
Subroutine: get_wspdf. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

work_wspdf2 : real*8
Subroutine: get_wspdf. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

wpa2_of_lon : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

wpa2i : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

wppm : real*8, dimension(7)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wpv4i : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

wq : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

wq : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
turbulent fluxes
wq_lcl : real*8
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

wq_nl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

wq_nl : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

wq_nl : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
non-local part of moisture flux wq
wqi : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

wref : real*8, dimension(7)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wri : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

write_attr : used from pario
Subroutine: def_acc_meta. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

write_attr : used from pario
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

write_attr : used from pario
Subroutine: def_meta_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

write_attr : used from pario
Subroutine: def_meta_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

write_attr : used from pario
Subroutine: def_meta_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

write_attr : used from pario
Subroutine: def_meta_rvracc. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

write_attr : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

write_attr : used from pario
Subroutine: def_rsf_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

write_attr : used from pario
Subroutine: io_cputime. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

write_attr : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

write_attr : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_param. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

write_attr : used from pario
Subroutine: write_caldate. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

write_cdl : used from cdl_mod
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

write_cdl : used from cdl_mod
Subroutine: write_meta_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

write_cdl : used from cdl_mod
Subroutine: write_meta_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

write_cdl : used from cdl_mod
Subroutine: write_meta_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

write_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

write_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

write_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_landice. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

write_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_longacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

write_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

write_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

write_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

write_data : used from pario
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

write_data : used from pario
Subroutine: write_meta_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

write_data : used from pario
Subroutine: write_meta_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

write_data : used from pario
Subroutine: write_meta_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

write_data : used from pario
Subroutine: write_meta_rvracc. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: dump_conserv_diags. Module: CONSERV_DIAGS. File: ATM_COM.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_acc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_agrice. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_bldat. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_clouds. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_earth. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_fluxes. Module: NONE. File: FLUXES.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_glaacc. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES_COM.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_landice. Module: NONE. File: LANDICE_COM.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_longacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_COM.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_COM.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_soils. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_somtq. Module: NONE. File: QUS_COM.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_subdd. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_veg_related. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: new_io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: write_meta_icdiag. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

write_dist_data : used from pario
Subroutine: write_meta_ocdiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

write_parallel : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

write_parallel : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

write_parallel : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

write_parallel : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

write_parallel : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: ghghst. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

write_parallel : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

write_parallel : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

write_parallel : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

write_parallel : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: lksourc. Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f

write_parallel : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

write_parallel : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: set_con. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

write_regions : logical, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
whether to write regional diags to acc files
write_regions : used from diag_com
Subroutine: def_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

write_regions : used from diag_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

write_regions : used from diag_com
Subroutine: write_meta_atmacc. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

writei8_parallel : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: atm_phase1. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

writei8_parallel : used from domain_decomp_atm
Subroutine: daily_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

writei_parallel : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: write_data. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

writer : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

writer : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

writet : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

writet : used from radpar
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

writet_parallel : used from domain_decomp_1d
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

wrj : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ws : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= magn of GCM surf wind - ocean curr + buoyancy + gust (m/s)
ws : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
momentum velocity scale
ws : real*8
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ws : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: integrate_sgswind. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
resolved wind speed (m/s)
ws : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
momentum velocity scale
ws :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= magn. of GCM surf wind - ocean curr + buoyancy + gust (m/s)
ws : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sgsw. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

ws : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sig. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
grid box mean wind speed (m/s)
ws : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ws : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

ws : real*8
Subroutine: wscale. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ws0 : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ws0 : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

ws0 : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

ws02 : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

ws11 : real*8
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ws12 : real*8
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ws_can : real*8
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ws_can : real*8
Subroutine: init_land_surface. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

ws_can : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

wsave : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
vertical velocity (m/s)
wsave : used from atm_com
Subroutine: ahourly. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

wsave : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

wsave : used from atm_com
Subroutine: compute_wsave. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

wsave : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

wsavg : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
wsgcm :
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
magnitude of the GCM surface wind - ocean currents [m/s]
wsgcm : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= magnitude of the GCM surface wind - ocean currents (m/s)
wsgcm : real(kind=8), intent(in)
Subroutine: get_wspdf. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
GCM surface wind
wsgcm :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= magnitude of the GCM surface wind - ocean currents (m/s)
wsgcm1 : real*8
Subroutine: get_wspdf. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

wsginterp : type(interpolator2d), save
Global variable . Module: WSPDF_MOD. File: PBL_DRV.f

wsginterp : used from wspdf_mod
Subroutine: get_wspdf. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

wslean : real*8, dimension(190)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wsn : real*8, dimension(3)
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

wsn : real*8, intent(out), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: set_snow1. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

wsn : real*8, intent(out), dimension(:, :)
Subroutine: tp_sat_2_ht_w. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

wsn_ij : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f

wsn_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

wsn_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: conserv_wtg. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

wsn_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: conserv_wtg_1. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

wsn_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

wsn_ij : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

wsn_ij_glob : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :, :)
Subroutine: io_snow. Module: NONE. File: GHY_COM.f

wsn_max : real*8, public
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f
snow amount limit (m, water equivalent)
Initial Value = 2.d0
wsn_max : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

wsn_max : used from ghy_com
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

wsn_tot : real*8
Subroutine: remove_extra_snow_to_ocean. Module: NONE. File: GHY_DRV.f

wsoil : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

wsolar : real*8, dimension(190)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wsp : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

wspdf : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
mean surface wind calculated from PDF of wind speed [m/s]
wspdf :
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
mean surface wind calculated from PDF of wind speed [m/s]
wspdf : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= mean surface wind calculated from PDF of wind speed (m/s)
wspdf : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_wspdf. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
mean surface wind speed from integration over PDF
wspdf :
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= mean surface wind calculated from PDF of wind speed (m/s)
wsq : real*8
Subroutine: obdrag. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

wsq : real*8
Subroutine: obdrag2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

wsrext : real*8, dimension(lx, 6)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wsrgcb : real*8, dimension(lx, 6)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wsrpi0 : real*8, dimension(lx, 6)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wsrsct : real*8, dimension(lx, 6)
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wst : real*8, dimension(0:nni+1, 0:nnj+1)
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= lookup table for ws, the turbulent velocity scale
wst : used from kppe
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

wstar :
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
the convection-induced wind according to
wstar : real*8
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

wstar : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

wstar : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

wstar : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
Deardorff convective velocity scale
wstar2h : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

wstar2h : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

wstar3 : real*8
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

wstar3 : real*8
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

wstar3 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: e_les. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

wstar3 : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

wstar3 : real*8
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

wsubtke :
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
turbulent kinetic energy velocity scale [m/s]
wsubtke : real(kind=8), intent(in)
Subroutine: get_wspdf. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
velocity scale of sub grid scale turbulence
wsubwd :
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
dry convective velocity scale [m/s]
wsubwd : real(kind=8), intent(in)
Subroutine: get_wspdf. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
velocity scale of sub grid scale dry convection
wsubwm :
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
moist convective velocity scale [m/s]
wsubwm : real(kind=8), intent(in)
Subroutine: get_wspdf. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
velocity scale of sub grid scale moist convection
wsum : real*8
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wt : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

wt : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diagj_prep. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f
Initial Value = >wtj_comp
wt : real*8
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

wt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: integrate_sgswind. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
threshold velocity (m/s)
wt : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
turbulent fluxes
wt : real*8
Subroutine: keyij2. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

wt : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sgsw. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

wt1 : real*8
Subroutine: updsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

wt2 : real*8
Subroutine: updsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

wt_ij : real*8, dimension(im, jm, nwts_ij), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
various weight-arrays use in ij-diagnostics
wt_ij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

wt_ij : used from diag_com
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

wt_lcl : real*8
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

wt_nl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

wt_nl : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

wt_nl : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
non-local part of heat flux wt
wta : real*8
Subroutine: getmie. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wta : real*8, dimension(*)
Subroutine: hntr8. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

wta : real*8, dimension(htype%ima, htype%bpack%jband_strt:htype%bpack%jband_stop)
Subroutine: hntr8_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

wta : real*8, dimension(*)
Subroutine: hntr8p. Module: NONE. File: OCN_Int_LATLON.f

wta : real*8, dimension(htype%ima, htype%bpack%jband_strt:htype%bpack%jband_stop)
Subroutine: hntr8p_band. Module: HNTRP_MOD. File: OFLUXES.f

wta : real*8, dimension(jm)
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

wta : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wtbudg : real*8, public, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
area weights for diagnostics on budget grid
wtbudg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: conserv_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

wtbudg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: inc_aj. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

wtbudg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: inc_ajl. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

wtbudg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: inc_asjl. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

wtbudg : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_wtbudg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

wtbudg2 : real*8, public, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
area weights for diagnostics on budget grid
wtbudg2 : used from diag_com
Subroutine: set_wtbudg. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

wtdn : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

wtdn : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtz2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

wtdn : real*8
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

wtea : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

wtem : real*8
Subroutine: anvil_optical_thickness. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud cover and dummy variables
wtem :
Subroutine: lscond. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
cloud water density (g m**-3)
wtem :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

wtg : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wthek : real*8, parameter, dimension(190)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/ .115,.120,.125,.130,.140,.150,.160,.170,.180,.190,.200, .210,.220,.225,.230,.235,.240,.245,.250,.255,.260,.265,.270,.275, .280,.285,.290,.295,.300,.305,.310,.315,.320,.325,.330,.335, .340,.345,.350,.355,.360,.365,.370,.375,.380,.385,.390, .395,.400,.405,.410,.415,.420,.425,.430,.435,.440,.445, .450,.455,.460,.465,.470,.475,.480,.485,.490,.495,.500, .505,.510,.515,.520,.525,.530,.535,.540,.545,.550,.555, .560,.565,.570,.575,.580,.585,.590,.595,.600,.605,.610, .620,.630,.640,.650,.660,.670,.680,.690,.700,.710,.720, .730,.740,.750,.760,.770,.780,.790,.800,.810,.820,.830, .840,.850,.860,.870,.880,.890,.900,.910,.920,.930,.940,.950,.960, 0.97,0.98,0.99,1.00,1.05,1.10,1.15,1.20,1.25,1.30,1.35,1.40,1.45, 1.50,1.55,1.60,1.65,1.70,1.75,1.80,1.85,1.90,1.95,2.00,2.10,2.20, 2.30,2.40,2.50,2.60,2.70,2.80,2.90,3.00,3.10,3.20,3.30,3.40,3.50, 3.60,3.70,3.80,3.90,4.00,4.10,4.20,4.30,4.40,4.50,4.60,4.70,4.80, 4.9, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0,10.0,11.0,12.0,13.0,14.0,15.00/)
wthi : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

wti : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

wti : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wti : real*8
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wti : real*8
Subroutine: sgpgxg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wtij : real*8, dimension(im, jm)
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

wtj : real*8, public, dimension(jm, 2, 2)
Global variable . Module: GEOM. File: GEOM_B.f
area weighting used in JLMAP, JKMAP (for hemispheric means)
wtj : used from geom
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

wtj : real*8, dimension(jm, 2)
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

wtj : used from geom
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

wtj : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wtj : used from geom
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

wtj : used from geom
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

wtj : used from geom
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

wtj : real*8
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wtj : real*8
Subroutine: sgpgxg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wtj_comp : real*8, dimension(ntype_out, ntype), parameter
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
Initial Value = RESHAPE( (/1.,1.,0.,1.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0., 1.,0.,1.,1.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0., 1.,0.,0.,0.,1.,0.,0.,0.,0., 1.,0.,0.,0.,0.,1.,0.,0.,0., 1.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,1.,0.,1., 1.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,1.,1./), (/NTYPE_OUT,NTYPE/) )
wtjhi : real*8
Subroutine: setqva. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wtjk : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

wtjlo : real*8
Subroutine: setqva. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wtke : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: sig. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

wtko2 : real*8, parameter, dimension(NKO2)
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/0.05,0.20,0.25,0.25,0.20,0.05/)
wtl : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

wtli : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

wtlin : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

wtmair : used from constant
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90
Initial Value = >mair
wtmi : real*8
Subroutine: getdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wtmi : real*8
Subroutine: setdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wtmi : real*8
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

wtmi : real*8
Subroutine: upddst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wtmi : real*8
Subroutine: updeps. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wtmj : real*8
Subroutine: getdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wtmj : real*8
Subroutine: setdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wtmj : real*8
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

wtmj : real*8
Subroutine: upddst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wtmj : real*8
Subroutine: updeps. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wtoc : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

wtoi : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

wtr1 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

wtr2 : real*8
Subroutine: ground_e. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

wtr2av : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

wtr_l : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

wtrcld : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

wtrl : real*8
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

wts : real*8
Subroutine: advecv. Module: MOMENTS. File: MOMEN2ND.f

wts : real*8, dimension(4)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

wts : real*8, dimension(4)
Subroutine: get_regrid_info_for_n. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

wts : real*8
Subroutine: getmie. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

wts : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wttr : real*8, dimension(itrmax)
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
weighting array for optional aerosol interaction
Initial Value = 1.
wttr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

wttr : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

wtup : real*8
Subroutine: densgrad. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

wtup : real*8
Subroutine: diaggc_prep. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

wturb :
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
turbulent vertical velocity (m)
wtx : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wty : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wtz : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wu4i : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

wujk : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

wup : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

wv : real*8
Subroutine: convective_microphysics. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
convective updraft speed and precip terminal velocity
wv :
Subroutine: mstcnv. Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
convective updraft speed (m/s)
wvap : real*8, dimension(33, 6)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wvp1 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wvp2 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wvp3 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wvp4 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wvp5 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wvp6 : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ww1 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ww2 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wxi : real*8
Subroutine: sgpgxg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wxj : real*8
Subroutine: sgpgxg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

wzi : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

x : real*8, intent(inout), optional, dimension(IM, grid%J_STRT_HALO:grid%J_STOP_HALO)
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

x : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, 4, 3)
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

x : real*8
Subroutine: checke. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

x : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f
Initial Value = >si_atm
x : real*8, dimension(3)
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

x : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: de_solver_edge. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
the unknown to be solved (at edge drid)
x : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: de_solver_main. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
the unknown to be solved (at main drid)
x : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

x : real*8, dimension(imh+1)
Subroutine: diag5d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

x : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

x : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

x : real*8, intent(in), dimension(NX)
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

x : real*8
Subroutine: find_dpsih. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

x : real*8
Subroutine: find_dpsim. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

x : real*8, dimension(IM)
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

x : real*8, intent(in), dimension(NX)
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x : real*8
Subroutine: getchq. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

x : real*8
Subroutine: getcm. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

x : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

x : real(r8)
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

x : real*8
Subroutine: integrate_sgswind. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

x : real*8
Subroutine: locatex. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

x : real*8
Subroutine: nintlimit. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

x : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oabfilx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

x : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

x : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(IM, GRID%J_STRT_HALO:GRID%J_STOP_HALO, LMO)
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

x : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

x : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(0:JM, 4, 3)
Subroutine: otj_straits. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

x : real*8
Subroutine: perturb_temps. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

x : real*8
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x : real*8
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

x : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

x : real*8, dimension(33)
Subroutine: reflectance. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f
Initial Value = (/0.234333,0.173333,0.15300, 0.13100,0.11748,0.12086,0.10165,0.08287, 0.06579,0.05072,0.04111,0.03400,0.03400, 0.04000,0.04500,0.05200,0.03000, 0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0./)
x : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

x : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

x : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: regrid_to_primary_1d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

x : real*8
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

x : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sgsw. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

x : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: shap1. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

x : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: shap1d. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

x : real*8, intent(in), dimension(NXF)
Subroutine: spline. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x : real*8, intent(in), dimension(NXF)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x : real*8, intent(in), dimension(NXF)
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x : real*8
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

x : real(r8)
Subroutine: unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

x0 : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: de_solver_edge. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
x at previous time step
x0 : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: de_solver_main. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
x at previous time step
x0 : real*8
Subroutine: find_dpsih. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

x0 : real*8
Subroutine: find_dpsim. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

x0 : real*8
Subroutine: getchq. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

x0 : real*8
Subroutine: getcm. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

x0 : real*8
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

x1 : complex*16
Subroutine: cubic_r. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

x1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

x1 : real*8
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x1 : real*8
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

x1 : real*8
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x1 : complex*16
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

x1 : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x1 : real*8
Subroutine: horzdist_2pts. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

x1 : real*8
Subroutine: shap1. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

x1 : real*8
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x1 : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x1 : real*8
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

x11 : real*8, dimension(kim)
Global variable . Module: WSPDF_MOD. File: PBL_DRV.f
index of table1 for GCM surface wind speed from 0 to 50 m/s
x11 : used from wspdf_mod
Subroutine: get_wspdf. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

x1i : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

x1r : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

x1tmp : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

x2 : complex*16
Subroutine: cubic_r. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

x2 : real*8
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x2 : real*8
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x2 : complex*16
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

x2 : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x2 : real*8
Subroutine: horzdist_2pts. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

x2 : real*8
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x2 : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x2 : real*8
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

x21 : real*8, dimension(kjm)
Global variable . Module: WSPDF_MOD. File: PBL_DRV.f
index of table1 for sub grid scale velocity scale (sigma)
x21 : used from wspdf_mod
Subroutine: get_wspdf. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

x21 : real*8
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x21 : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x21 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: threeptquadinterpolation. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x2i : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

x2r : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

x3 : complex*16
Subroutine: cubic_r. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

x3 : complex*16
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

x3 : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x3 : real*8
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x3 : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x31 : real*8
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x31 : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x31 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: threeptquadinterpolation. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x32 : real*8
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x32 : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x32 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: threeptquadinterpolation. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x3d : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, nl)
Subroutine: gather_straits_pairs. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

x3d : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, nl)
Subroutine: scatter_straits_pairs. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

x3i : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

x3r : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

x4 : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x4 : real*8
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x4 : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x42 : real*8
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x42 : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x43 : real*8
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x43 : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

x60 : real*8
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

x_dummy : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

x_pairs : real*8, dimension(2*nmst, nl)
Subroutine: gather_straits_pairs. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

x_pairs : real*8, dimension(2*nmst, nl)
Subroutine: scatter_straits_pairs. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

x_sdrag : real*8, dimension(2)
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
. SDRAG ~X_SDRAG(1)+X_SDRAG(2)*wind_magnitude
Initial Value = (/2.5d-4,2.5d-5/)
x_sdrag : used from dynamics
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

x_size : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: bilin. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

x_surf : real*8
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

x_surf : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: de_solver_edge. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
surface value of x
xa : real*8
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xa : real*8
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xa : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: locatex. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

xa : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

xa : real*8
Subroutine: repartint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xa : real*8
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xanb : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xanx : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xatb : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xavrx : real*8, save
Subroutine: avrx. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

xaya : real*8
Subroutine: repartint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xb : real*8
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xb : real*8
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xb : real*8, dimension(lm)
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

xb : real*8
Subroutine: repartint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xb : real*8
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xba : real*8
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xbc : real*8
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xc : real*8
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xca : real*8
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xcdpbl : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
factor for momentum drag coefficient
Initial Value = 1d0
xcdpbl : used from socpbl
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

xcforn : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
scaling factors for Cont.Broadening (Deflt: Ma 2000)
Initial Value = 1.
xch4 : real*8
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

xcomp : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, 4, 3, 3)
Subroutine: basin_prep. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

xcoor : real*8, dimension(IM)
Subroutine: pout_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

xcoor : real*8, dimension(JM)
Subroutine: pout_jl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

xcosz : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f
zenith angle
xcself : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
scaling factors for Cont.Broadening (Deflt: Ma 2000)
Initial Value = 1.
xdalbs : real*8
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

xdec : real*8
Subroutine: ctrend. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xdec : real*8
Subroutine: strend. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xdelt : used from socpbl
Global variable . Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

xdelt : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
When used in place of deltx in expressions involving
Initial Value = 0d0
xdelt : used from pbl_drv
Subroutine: earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

xdelt : used from socpbl
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

xdelt : used from pbl_drv
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

xdelt : used from pbl_drv
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

xden : real*8, dimension(IM, JM, LM)
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xden : real*8, dimension(im, jm, lm)
Subroutine: scale_ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xdenjl : real*8, dimension(JM, LM)
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xdenjl : real*8, dimension(jm, lm)
Subroutine: scale_ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xdh2o : real*8
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

xdir : integer, dimension(nmom), parameter
Global variable . Module: QUSDEF. File: QUSDEF.f
Initial Value = (/mx,my,mz,mxx,myy,mzz,mxy,myz,mzx/)
xdry : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xe : real*8
Subroutine: compute2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xe : real*8
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xe : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xe : real*8
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xe : real*8
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xe : real*8
Subroutine: threeptquadinterpolation. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xeavn : real*8, dimension(6)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

xedst : real*8, dimension(ndst+1)
Subroutine: get_dx_intervals. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

xesrc : real*8, dimension(nsrc+1)
Subroutine: get_dx_intervals. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

xeven : real*8
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

xexm : real*8
Subroutine: compute. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xexm : real*8
Subroutine: compute2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xexm : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xexm : real*8
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xexm : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xexm : real*8
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xexm : real*8
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xexm : real*8
Subroutine: threeptquadinterpolation. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xf : real*8
Subroutine: compute. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xf : real*8
Subroutine: compute2. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xf : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xf : real*8
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xf : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xf : real*8
Subroutine: spln44. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xf : real*8
Subroutine: splni4. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xf : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: threeptquadinterpolation. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xfdry : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xg : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xg : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xghgx : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor for XGHG with respect to value in "GHG" file
Initial Value = 1.
xghgx : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

xghgx : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

xghgx : used from rad_com
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

xh : real*8
Subroutine: find_dpsih. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

xh : real*8
Subroutine: getchq. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

xhour : real*8, dimension(hr_in_day+1)
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xhour : real*8, dimension(hr_in_month)
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xi : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

xi : real*8
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xi : real*8
Subroutine: fgrid2. Module: NONE. File: PBL.f

xi : real*8
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

xi : real*8
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xi : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
an uniformly spaced coordinate mapped to z
xi : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

xi : real*8
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xi : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xi : real*8
Subroutine: sgpgxg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xi : real*8
Subroutine: shap1. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

xihat : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

xihat : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(out)
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
an uniformly spaced coordinate mapped to zhat
xihat : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

xij : real*8, dimension(im, jm), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ij. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
lat/lon output field
xij : real*8
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

xij : real*8
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

xijk : real*8, dimension(im, jm, lm), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ijk. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
lat/lon/height output field
xijk :
Subroutine: pout_ijl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
lat/lon/height output field
xijk : real*8, dimension(im, jm, lm), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_isccp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
lat/lon/height output field
xijl : real*8, dimension(im, jm, lm), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ijl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

xil : real*8, dimension(im, lm)
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xil : real*8, dimension(IM, LM)
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xil : real*8, dimension(im, lm+lm_req+1), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
output field
xim1 : real*8
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

xim1 : real*8
Subroutine: shap1. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

xim1j : real*8
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_3d. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

xim1j : real*8
Subroutine: regrid_btoa_ext. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

xintj : real*8, dimension(grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

xintsum : real*8
Subroutine: add_am_as_solidbody_rotation. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

xipass : real*8
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

xj : real*8
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xj : real*8
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xj : real*8
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xj : real*8, dimension(jm), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ij. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
lat sum/mean of output field
xjday : real*8
Subroutine: updeps. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

xjday : real*8
Subroutine: updsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

xjk : real*8, dimension(jm, lm), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ijk. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
lat sum/mean of output field
xjk :
Subroutine: pout_ijl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
lat sum/mean of output field
xjl : real*8, dimension(jm+3, lm+lm_req+1)
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xjl : real*8, dimension(jm+3, lm+lm_req+1)
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xjl : real*8, dimension(jm, lm), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ijl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

xjl : real*8, dimension(jm+3, lm+lm_req+1), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_jl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
output field
xjl : real*8, dimension(jm+3, lm+lm_req+1), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_wp. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
output field, dimensioned to accomodate pout_jl expectations
xjl : real*8, dimension(jm+3, lm+lm_req+1)
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xjud : real*8
Subroutine: sdrag. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

xk : real*8, dimension(lm), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ijk. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
global sum/mean of output field
xk :
Subroutine: pout_ijl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
global sum/mean of output field
xkcfc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

xl : real*8, dimension(lm), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ijl. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlabel : character*132
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
=runID+brief description of run
xlabel : used from model_com
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: def_rsf_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: diag_isccp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagil. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: diagjk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: new_io_label. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: run_radonly. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

xlabel : used from model_com
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

xlast : real*8
Subroutine: get_dx_intervals. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

xlat : real*4, dimension(jma)
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

xlb : character
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
label for diagnostic titles
xlb : character
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlb : character
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlb : character
Subroutine: ijkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlb : character
Subroutine: ijlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlb : character
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlb : character
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlb : character
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlb : character
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xlb : real*8, intent(in), dimension(NXB)
Subroutine: repart. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xlb : real*8, intent(in), dimension(nxb)
Subroutine: repartint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xlb : real*8, intent(in), dimension(NXB)
Subroutine: reterp. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xlivn : real*8, dimension(6)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

xm : real*8
Subroutine: find_dpsim. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

xm : real*8
Subroutine: getcm. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

xm : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xm : real*8
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

xmass : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
dummy variable
xmass : used from clouds
Subroutine: init_cld. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

xmax : real*8
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xmax : real*8
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xmi : real*8
Subroutine: getdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

xmi : real*8
Subroutine: setdst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

xmi : real*8
Subroutine: upddst. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

xmin : real*8
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xmin : real*8
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xmo : real*8
Subroutine: updeps. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

xmu : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: sgpgxg. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xn : real*8
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xn0 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xn1 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xn3 : real*8
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xnf : real*8
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xnm : real*8
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xnn : real*8
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xnorm : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xnow : real*8, dimension(nghg+1)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
GHG-mixing ratios in ppm,ppm,ppm,ppb,ppb,ppb
xnow : real*8, dimension(nghg)
Subroutine: gtrend. Module: NONE. File: RADIATION.f

xnr : real*8, dimension(31)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xnrrhx : real*8, dimension(190)
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xnwav : real*8, dimension(nwav_dag)
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xnx : real*8
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xocnir : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

xocvis : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

xocvn : real*8, dimension(6)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

xocvn : real*8, dimension(6), intent(out)
Subroutine: ocalbedo. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

xoivn : real*8, dimension(6)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

xp : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xpower : real*8, dimension(43)
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xr1 : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xrat : real*8, dimension(5)
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

xref : real*8, dimension(nghg+1)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
GHG-mixing ratios in ppm,ppm,ppm,ppb,ppb,ppb
xref : used from radpar
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

xrh : real*8
Subroutine: setaer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

xricld : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

xrsi : real*8
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

xs : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: shap1d. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

xs1 : real*8
Subroutine: shap1d. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

xsi : real*8, parameter, dimension(lmi)
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
fractions of mass layer in each temp. layer
Initial Value = (/0.5d0, 0.5d0, 0.5d0, 0.5d0/)
xsi : used from seaice
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

xsi : used from seaice
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

xsi : used from seaice
Subroutine: checki. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

xsi : used from seaice
Subroutine: checkost. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

xsi : used from seaice
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

xsi : used from seaice
Subroutine: form_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

xsi : used from seaice
Subroutine: ground_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

xsi : used from seaice
Subroutine: melt_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

xsi : used from seaice
Subroutine: precip_si. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

xsi : used from seaice
Subroutine: printlk. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

xsi : used from seaice
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

xsi : used from seaice
Subroutine: seaice_to_atmgrid. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

xsi : used from seaice
Subroutine: set_noice_defaults. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

xsi : real*8
Subroutine: shap1d. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

xsi : used from seaice
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

xsi : used from seaice
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

xsi : used from seaice
Subroutine: underice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

xsim1 : real*8
Subroutine: shap1d. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

xsnvn : real*8, dimension(6)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

xsslt : real*8
Subroutine: updateaerosol2. Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f

xst : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
local coordinates [-1,1] for strait entry/exit points
xst : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

xst : used from straits
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

xstr : character(len=8)
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

xstr : character(len=10)
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

xstr : character(len=10)
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

xstride : integer
Global variable . Module: QUSCOM. File: QUS_DRV.f

xstride : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvtx. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

xsum : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_ij. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
global sum/mean of output field
xtd0 : real*8, dimension(nlcf, nrcf)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

xtfac : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

xtmp : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

xtrd : real*8, dimension(LX, 4)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

xtrdn : real*8, dimension(nlcf, nwvcf, nrcf)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

xtru : real*8, dimension(LX, 4)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

xtrup : real*8, dimension(nlcf, nwvcf, nrcf)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

xtu0 : real*8, dimension(nlcf, nrcf)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

xuby4ton : real*8
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

xvby4ton : real*8
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

xvh2o : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

xvnsur : real*8, dimension(6)
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

xwavo3 : real*8, parameter, dimension(226)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
Initial Value = (/ .2002,.2012,.2022,.2032,.2042,.2052,.2062,.2072,.2082, .2092,.2102,.2112,.2122,.2132,.2142,.2152,.2162,.2172,.2182,.2192, .2202,.2212,.2222,.2232,.2242,.2252,.2262,.2272,.2282,.2292,.2302, .2312,.2322,.2332,.2342,.2352,.2362,.2372,.2382,.2392,.2400,.2402, .2412,.2422,.2432,.2438,.2444,.2452,.2458,.2463,.2472,.2478,.2482, .2490,.2492,.2500,.2508,.2519,.2527,.2539,.2543,.2553,.2562,.2566, .2571,.2575,.2579,.2587,.2597,.2604,.2617,.2624,.2635,.2643,.2650, .2654,.2662,.2669,.2675,.2682,.2692,.2695,.2702,.2712,.2718,.2722, .2732,.2742,.2746,.2752,.2762,.2772,.2782,.2792,.2802,.2812,.2822, .2830,.2842,.2852,.2862,.2872,.2882,.2892,.2902,.2912,.2922,.2932, .2942,.2952,.2962,.2972,.2982,.2992,.2998, .3004,.3016,.3021,.3029,.3036,.3037,.3051,.3053,.3059, .3061,.3066,.3075,.3077,.3083,.3085,.3092,.3098,.3100,.3104,.3106, .3109,.3112,.3130,.3135,.3146,.3148,.3151,.3154,.3167,.3170,.3173, .3176,.3190,.3194,.3199,.3200,.3209,.3210,.3216,.3220,.3223,.3226, .3239,.3242,.3245,.3248,.3253,.3255,.3269,.3272,.3275,.3279,.3292, .3295,.3299,.3303,.3309,.3312,.3328,.3332,.3334,.3338,.3357,.3365, .3369,.3372,.3391,.3395,.3398,.3401,.3417,.3421,.3426,.3430,.3437, .3439,.3451,.3455,.3460,.3463,.3466,.3472,.3481,.3485,.3489,.3493, .3499,.3501,.3506,.3514,.3521,.3523,.3546,.3550,.3554,.3556,.3561, .3567,.3572,.3573,.3588,.3594,.3599,.3600,.3604,.3606,.3639,.3647, .3650,.3654,.3660/)
xwet : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xwon : real*8, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_ZONAL. File: DIAG_ZONAL.f
scale factor for diag. printout needed for Wonderland model
Initial Value = TWOPI/(DLON*REAL(IM,KIND=8))
xwon : used from diag_zonal
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xwon : used from diag_zonal
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xwon : used from diag_zonal
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

xwon : used from diag_zonal
Subroutine: gc_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

xx : real*8
Subroutine: ao3abs. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

xx : real*8
Subroutine: fabint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xx : real*8
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xx : real*8
Subroutine: gissdiffus. Module: GISS_OTURB. File: OCNGISSVM.f

xx : real*8
Subroutine: gtsalb. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xx : real*8
Subroutine: isccp_cloud_types. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2.F90

xx : real*8
Subroutine: pfoftk. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xx : real*8
Subroutine: phatmo. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xx : real*8
Subroutine: setrel. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xx : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: spline. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xx : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: splinevector. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xx : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xx : real*8
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xxg : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xxt : real*8
Subroutine: rxsnow. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xxx_exports :
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
are memory spaces holding selected fields for
xxx_exports_gla :
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
memory spaces holding selected landice-specific fields
xxx_sv :
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f
temporary arrays to store the values of fluxes for
xy : real*8
Subroutine: splinv. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

xy1 : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: alloc_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

xy2 : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: alloc_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f

xyi : real*8
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

xymoms : used from qusdef
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

xymoms : integer, dimension(5), parameter
Global variable . Module: QUSDEF. File: QUSDEF.f
Initial Value = (/MX,MY,MXX,MXY,MYY/)
xyyear : real*8
Subroutine: setvol. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

xyzc : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :)
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
(x,y,z) unit vectors on sphere of primary cell centers
xyzc : used from lakes
Subroutine: alloc_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

xyzstr : character(len=20)
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

y : real*8
Subroutine: daily_lake. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

y : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

y : real*8, intent(in), dimension(NY)
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

y : real*8
Subroutine: nintlimit. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

y : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: oabfilx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

y : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: oabfily. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

y : real*8, dimension(IM*2)
Subroutine: opfil. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

y : real*8, dimension(IM*2)
Subroutine: opfil2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

y : real*8
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

y1 : real*8
Subroutine: horzdist_2pts. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

y1 : real*8
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

y2 : real*8
Subroutine: horzdist_2pts. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

y2 : real*8
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

y55d25 : real*8, dimension(25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

y_size : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: bilin. Module: OCALBEDO_MOD. File: ocalbedo.f

ya : real*8
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ya : real*8
Subroutine: repartint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ya : real*8
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

yb : real*8
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

yb : real*8
Subroutine: repartint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

yb : real*8
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

yba : real*8
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ybc : real*8
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

yc : real*8
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

yca : real*8
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ydir : integer, dimension(nmom), parameter
Global variable . Module: QUSDEF. File: QUSDEF.f
Initial Value = (/my,mx,mz,myy,mxx,mzz,mxy,mzx,myz/)
year : integer
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

year : integer
Subroutine: daily_cal. Module: NONE. File: MODEL_COM.f

year : integer
Subroutine: daily_ch4ox. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

year : integer
Subroutine: daily_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

year : integer
Subroutine: daily_earth. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

year : integer
Subroutine: daily_orbit. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

year : integer
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

year : integer
Subroutine: def_acc_meta. Module: NONE. File: IO_DRV.f

year : integer
Subroutine: diag4. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

year : integer
Subroutine: diag5p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

year : integer
Subroutine: diag7p. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

year : integer
Subroutine: diag_river. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

year : integer
Subroutine: diagcp. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

year : integer
Subroutine: diagdd. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

year : integer
Subroutine: diagdh. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

year : integer
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

year : integer
Subroutine: diagj. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

year : integer
Subroutine: diagkn. Module: DIAGKS. File: DIAG_PRT.f

year : integer
Subroutine: get_chl_from_seawifs. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

year : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: get_cropdata. Module: NONE. File: VEG_DRV.f

year : integer
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

year : real*8
Subroutine: gtrend. Module: NONE. File: RADIATION.f

year : integer
Subroutine: ij_mapk. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

year : integer
Subroutine: ijmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

year : integer
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

year : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

year : integer
Subroutine: init_module_ent. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

year : integer
Subroutine: init_veg. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

year : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

year : integer
Subroutine: isbeginningaccumperiod. Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

year : integer
Subroutine: jkmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

year : integer
Subroutine: jlmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

year : integer
Subroutine: print_generic_jl. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

year : integer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

year : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: set_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

year : integer
Subroutine: startnewday. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

year : integer
Subroutine: update_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f

year : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: updbcd. Module: NONE. File: READ_AERO.f

year : integer, intent(in)
Subroutine: year_to_string. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

year_1 : character(len=:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

year_2 : character(len=:), allocatable
Global variable . Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

year_fmt : character(len=6)
Subroutine: aperiod. Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

year_old : integer, save
Subroutine: update_vegetation_data. Module: ENT_DRV. File: ENT_DRV.f
Initial Value = -1
year_str : character(len=:), allocatable
Subroutine: aperiod. Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f

yeare : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
end of model run
Initial Value = -1
yeare : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

yeare :
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
end of model run
yeari : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
start of model run
Initial Value = -1
yeari : used from model_com
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

yeari :
Subroutine: input_atm. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f
start of model run
yeari : used from model_com
Subroutine: readifile. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

yeari : used from model_com
Subroutine: run_radonly. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

yeari : used from model_com
Subroutine: sundial. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

years : integer
Subroutine: aperiod. Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
length of 1 period,number of periods
years : integer
Subroutine: giss_modele. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f

years : integer
Subroutine: init_diag. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

yghgx : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor for YGHG with respect to value in "GHG" file
Initial Value = 2.
yghgx : used from rad_com
Subroutine: daily_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

yghgx : used from rad_com
Subroutine: init_rad. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

yi : real*8
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

yj : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

yj : real*8
Subroutine: fxgint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

yjm1 : real*8, dimension(im)
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

ylb : real*8, intent(in), dimension(NYB)
Subroutine: repart. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ylb : real*8, intent(in), dimension(nyb)
Subroutine: repartint. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

ylb : real*8, intent(in), dimension(NYB)
Subroutine: reterp. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

yn : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

yqsccb : real*8
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

yr1 : integer
Subroutine: aperiod. Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
(end)year of 1st and last period
yr1s0 : real*4
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

yr2 : integer
Subroutine: aperiod. Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
(end)year of 1st and last period
yr2s0 : real*4
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

yr2s0i : integer
Subroutine: rcomp1. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

yrdqcb : real*8, dimension( 6, 25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

yrdqex : real*8, dimension( 6, 25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

yrdqsc : real*8, dimension( 6, 25)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

yref11 : real*8
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

yrsi : real*8
Subroutine: advsi. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ysi : real*8, parameter, dimension(lmi)
Subroutine: addice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
yst : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
local coordinates [-1,1] for strait entry/exit points
yst : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

yst : used from straits
Subroutine: stadvt. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

ystr : character(len=10)
Subroutine: gc_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ystr : character(len=8)
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

ystr : character(len=10)
Subroutine: init_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN_DRV.f

ystr : character(len=10)
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ystride : integer
Global variable . Module: QUSCOM. File: QUS_DRV.f

ystride : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvty. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

yuby4ton : real*8
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

yv : real*8
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

yv2 : real*8
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

yvby4ton : real*8
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

yvby4ton : real*8
Subroutine: fltry2. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

yvj : real*8
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

yvjm1 : real*8
Subroutine: fltruv. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

yxba : real*8
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

yxca : real*8
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

yy : real*8
Subroutine: tkofpf. Module: NONE. File: RAD_UTILS.f

z : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
altitude of primary vertical grid points
z : real*8
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

z :
Subroutine: e_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
vertical grids (main, meter)
z : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: fgrid2. Module: NONE. File: PBL.f

z : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: getchq. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: getcm. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z :
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
vertical grids (main, meter)
z : real*4, dimension(lma)
Subroutine: getqma. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

z : real*8, dimension(n), intent(out)
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
height of main grids (meter)
z : real*8
Subroutine: init_solar. Module: SW2OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

z : real*8, dimension(n)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z :
Subroutine: level2. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
vertical grids (main, meter)
z : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z : real*8, dimension(lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: ovdiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

z :
Subroutine: q_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
vertical grids (main, meter)
z : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: simil. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
height above ground at which solution is computed (m)
z : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z : real*8
Subroutine: swfrac. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

z : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: t_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
vertical grids (main, meter)
z :
Subroutine: t_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
vertical grids (main, meter)
z : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: tfix. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
vertical height at the main grids (meter)
z0 : real*8, dimension(12)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
scale heights used for vertical profile (km)
Initial Value = (/0.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0, 16., 16., 16., 16., 0.0, 16., 16./)
z0 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: getchq. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z0 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: getcm. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z0 : real*8
Subroutine: snowice. Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f

z0_cover : real*8, parameter, dimension(12)
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
Initial Value = (/0.005d0, 0.015d0, 0.15d0, 0.5d0, 0.7d0, 1.5d0, 1.5d0, 2.d0, 0.2d0, 0.005d0, 0.d0, 0.d0 /)
z0_veg : real*8
Subroutine: set_roughness_length. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

z0h : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= roughness length for temperature (m)
z0h : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= roughness length for temperature (m)
z0h : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z0h : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z0h : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= roughness length for temperature (m)
z0h : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: simil. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
temperature roughness height (m)
z0h : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z0hq : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: getzhq. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z0lat : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

z0m : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= roughness length for momentum,
z0m : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= roughness length for momentum, computed (itype=1,2)
z0m : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: getzhq. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z0m : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z0m : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z0m : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= roughness length for momentum,
z0m : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: simil. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
momentum roughness height (m)
z0m : real*8, intent(inout)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z0m : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z0m : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: uv_eqn. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
roughness height for momentum (if itype=1 or 2)
z0min : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: getzhq. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z0q : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= roughness length for water vapor (m)
z0q : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= roughness length for water vapor (m)
z0q : real*8
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z0q : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z0q : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= roughness length for water vapor (m)
z0q : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: simil. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
moisture roughness height (m)
z0q : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z1 : real*8
Subroutine: fgrid2. Module: NONE. File: PBL.f

z1 : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z1 : real*8
Subroutine: horzdist_2pts. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

z12eh : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: odhorz0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = .28867513d0
z12eh : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = .28867513d0
z12eh : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: opgf0. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = .28867513d0
z12eh : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f
Initial Value = .28867513d0
z12o : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

z12o : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

z1by6l : real*8
Subroutine: surface. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE.f

z1by6l : real*8
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

z1e : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f
first and second layer thicknesses for land ice
Initial Value = .1d0
z1e : used from landice
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

z1i : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
thickness of first layer ice (m)
Initial Value = .1d0
z1i : used from seaice
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

z1libyl : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f
Initial Value = Z1E/ALAMI0
z1o : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

z1o : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

z1omin : real*8
Subroutine: advsi_diag_ocnml. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

z1omin : real*8
Subroutine: daily_ocnml_offline. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

z1pass : real*8
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

z2 : real*8
Subroutine: horzdist_2pts. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

z2li : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f
first and second layer thicknesses for land ice
Initial Value = 2.9d0
z2li : used from landice
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

z2li3l : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: surface_landice. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f
Initial Value = Z2LI/(3.*ALAMI0)
z2oim : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
min. thickness of 2nd layer ice (m) (if > 0)
Initial Value = .1d0
z2oim : used from seaice
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

z4 : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

z4var : real, dimension(IM, 2:JM)
Global variable . Module: UNRDRAG_COM. File: ATMDYN.f
: Subgrid-scale orographic variances multiplied by 4 at uv grids
z4var : used from unrdrag_com
Subroutine: init_unrdrag. Module: NONE. File: ATMDYN.f

z_inst : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :, :), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
saved instantaneous height field (at PMB levels)
z_inst : used from diag_com
Subroutine: alloc_diag_com. Module: NONE. File: DIAG_COM.f

z_inst : used from diag_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

z_inst : used from diag_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

za : real*8, dimension(klev)
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

za720 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: AERPARAM_MOD. File: READ_AERO.f
Initial Value = 2635.
zag : real*8
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

zaquer : real*8
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

zasum : real*8
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

zatmo : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:, :)
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
: surface elevation (m)
zatmo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: advecm. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

zatmo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

zatmo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: aic_part2. Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90

zatmo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: alloc_atm_com. Module: NONE. File: ATM_COM.f

zatmo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: calc_derived_aij. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

zatmo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: compute_gz. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

zatmo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_lke. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

zatmo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: conserv_pe. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

zatmo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diag5a. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

zatmo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diag_gather. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

zatmo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

zatmo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

zatmo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

zatmo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

zatmo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

zatmo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: init_lakes. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

zatmo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

zatmo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: pgrad_pbl. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

zatmo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

zatmo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

zatmo : used from atm_com
Subroutine: riverf. Module: NONE. File: LAKES.f

zatmo_glob : real*8, dimension(IM, JM)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

zb : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

zb : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

zb : real*8, dimension(klev)
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

zbg : real*8
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

zbot : real*8
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

zbyh : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

zcos : real*8
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

zcourant : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

zcourant : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx2. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

zcourant : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx3. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

zcourant : real*8
Subroutine: oadvtx4. Module: NONE. File: OCNQUS.f

zdeltaz : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f
distance to check for lapse rate changes (km)
Initial Value = 2000.0
zdenh : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

zdiff : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

zdiff : real*8
Subroutine: downscale_pressure_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

zdiff : real*8
Subroutine: downscale_temperature_li. Module: NONE. File: SURFACE_LANDICE.f

zdiff : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

zdiff : real*8
Subroutine: wscale. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

zdir : used from qusdef
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

zdir : integer, dimension(nmom), parameter
Global variable . Module: QUSDEF. File: QUSDEF.f
Initial Value = (/mz,my,mx,mzz,myy,mxx,myz,mxy,mzx/)
zdp : real*8
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

zdssra : real*8
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
adjustment factors for
Initial Value = 1.0
zdssra : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

zdssra_out : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_albedo_data. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

zdtdz : real*8, dimension(klev)
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

zdxyp : used from ocean
Subroutine: geomo. Module: NONE. File: OGEOM.f
Initial Value = >BYDXYPO
zdxyp : used from ocean
Subroutine: oadvtx. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >BYDXYPO
zdxyp : used from ocean
Subroutine: omtov. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >BYDXYPO
ze : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: GM_COM. File: OCNGM.f

ze : real*8, dimension(0:lmo)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

ze : used from ocean
Global variable . Module: SW2OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

ze : real*8, dimension(lm+1)
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

ze : real*8, dimension(0:lmo)
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
giss vertical layering (m)
ze : real*8, dimension(n+1), intent(in)
Subroutine: dout. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
hight at edge lyer
ze : real*8, dimension(n+1), intent(in)
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

ze : real*8, dimension(n+1), intent(in)
Subroutine: find_pbl_top. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
height at the edge level (meters)
ze : real*8, dimension(0:lmo)
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
vertical grid-edge depth (m), > 0
ze : used from ocean
Subroutine: glmelt. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ze : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

ze : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

ze : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

ze : real*8, dimension(n+1), intent(in)
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
height (in meters) of layer edges
ze : real*8, dimension(0:LMO)
Subroutine: kmixinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ze : real*8, dimension(0:LMO)
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
GISS vertical layering (m)
ze : real*8, dimension(n+1), intent(in)
Subroutine: l_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
height (meters) of layer edge
ze : used from ocean
Subroutine: oceans. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

ze : used from ocean
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ze : real*8, dimension(lmo), intent(in)
Subroutine: ovdiff. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ze : used from ocean
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ze : used from ocean
Subroutine: strout. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

ze : real*8, dimension(0:LMO)
Subroutine: swfrac. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

ze : used from ocean
Subroutine: vbar_gm0. Module: NONE. File: OCNGM.f

ze : real*8, dimension(n+1), intent(out)
Subroutine: zze. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f
vertical coordinate at edge
zehat : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
= zeta * ustar**3
zehat : real*8
Subroutine: kmixinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

zehat : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
= zeta * ustar**3
zehat : real*8
Subroutine: wscale. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

zero1 : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f
Initial Value = 1.D-2
zero2 : real*8
Subroutine: coszt. Module: RAD_COSZ0. File: GEOM_B.f

zeroone : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: obasin. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_PRT.f

zet : real*8
Subroutine: e_les. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zet : real*8
Subroutine: find_dpsih. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zet : real*8
Subroutine: find_dpsim. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zet : real*8
Subroutine: find_phih. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zet : real*8
Subroutine: find_phim. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zet : real*8
Subroutine: find_phim0. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zet : real*8
Subroutine: getchq. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zet : real*8
Subroutine: getcm. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zet : real*8
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zet : real*8
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zet0 : real*8
Subroutine: find_dpsih. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zet0 : real*8
Subroutine: find_dpsim. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zet0 : real*8
Subroutine: getchq. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zet0 : real*8
Subroutine: getcm. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zet0 : real*8
Subroutine: ucheck. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zet1 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = 0.5d0
zeta : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
zeta : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

zeta : real*8
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

zeta : real*8
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zeta : real*8
Subroutine: kmixinit. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

zeta1 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SW2OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
Initial Value = 1.5d0
zeta2 : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SW2OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
Initial Value = 2d1
zetam : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f

Initial Value = -0.2d0
zetamean : real*8
Subroutine: relax. Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f

zetas : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f

Initial Value = -1d0
zeth : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = -1.072d0
zetm : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
Initial Value = -1.464d0
zfaktor : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f
factor for caluclating height from pressure (-rgas/grav)
Initial Value = -GRAV/RGAS
zfrac : real*8
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

zfrac : real*8
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

zfrac : real*8
Subroutine: wscale. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

zg : real*8, dimension(0:lmo+1)
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f
vertical grid depth (m), < 0
zg : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: odhorz. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f

zg : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lmo)
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

zge : real*8
Subroutine: opgf. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

zgrid : real*8, dimension(0:lmo+1)
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
vertical grid (<= 0) (m)
zgrid : real*8, dimension(0:km+1)
Subroutine: kppmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f
vertical grid (<= 0) (m)
zgrid : real*8, dimension(0:LMO+1)
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

zgrid : real*8, save, dimension(0:LMO+1)
Subroutine: stconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

zgrnd : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

zgrnd : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zgs : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
height of surface layer (m)
Initial Value = 10.
zgs : used from socpbl
Subroutine: atm_diffus. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

zgs : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: dflux. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
= height of the surface layer (m)
zgs : used from socpbl
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

zgs : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: getztop. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
The height of the surface layer.
zgs : used from socpbl
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

zgs : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
height of the surface layer (nominally 10 m)
zgs : used from socpbl
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

zgs : real*8
Subroutine: stars. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zgs : used from socpbl
Subroutine: zze. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

zgwmo : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f
min lapse rate (* -1) needed for trop. defn. (-K/km)
Initial Value = -2d-3
zgwmo2 : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f
GISS failsafe minimum lapse rate (* -1) (-K/km)
Initial Value = -3d-3
zh : real*8, dimension(12)
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
scale heights used for vertical profile (km)
Initial Value = (/8.0, 8.0,8.0, 8.0,8.0, 30., 50., 30., 30., 0.0, 30., 30./)
zhat : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
altitude of secondary vertical grid points
zhat : real*8, dimension(n), intent(in)
Subroutine: e_les. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zhat : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: getl. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
vertical grids (secondary, meter)
zhat : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: getl1. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zhat : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(out)
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
height of secondary grids (meter)
zhat : real*8, dimension(n-1)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zhat : real*8, dimension(n-1), intent(in)
Subroutine: output. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zhat :
Subroutine: uv_eqn_sta. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
vertical height at the secondary grids (meter)
zicsra : real*8
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
adjustment factors for
Initial Value = 1.0
zicsra : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

zicsra_out : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_albedo_data. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

zimax : real*8
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

zimin : real*8
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

zin : real*8, dimension(:, :, :), allocatable
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

zj : real*8
Subroutine: e_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

zj : real*8
Subroutine: e_les. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zk : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

zk : used from constant
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = >byKAPA
zkappa : used from constant
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f
Initial Value = >kapa
zki : real*8
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

zkm : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f
Initial Value = 1d0/KM
zkmh : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: OFFT72. File: OFFT72E.f
Initial Value = 2d0/KM
zkp1 : used from constant
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = >byKAPAp1
zkp2 : used from constant
Subroutine: pgf. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f
Initial Value = >byKAPAp2
zl : real*8
Subroutine: find_pbl_top. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

zl : real*8
Subroutine: gissmix. Module: NONE. File: OCNGISSVM.f

zlake : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
lake depth (m)
zlake : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

zlake : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

zmax : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
max,min values of ZETA
zmax : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= maximum limit for zehat in table
Initial Value = 0.
zmax : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

zmax : used from kppe
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

zmax : real*8
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zmax : real*8
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

zmid : real*8, dimension(lmo)
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f

zmid : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_ocean. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

zmid : used from ocean
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

zmin : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Global variable . Module: ICEDYN. File: ICEDYN.f
max,min values of ZETA
zmin : real*8, parameter
Global variable . Module: KPPE. File: OCNKPP.f
= minimum limit for zehat in table (m3/s3)
Initial Value = -4d-7
zmin : used from icedyn
Subroutine: alloc_icedyn. Module: NONE. File: ICEDYN.f

zmin : used from kppe
Subroutine: bldepth. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

zmin : real*8
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

zmin : real*8
Subroutine: maptxt. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

zmoms : used from qusdef
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90

zmoms : integer, dimension(4), parameter
Global variable . Module: QUSDEF. File: QUSDEF.f
Initial Value = (/MZ,MZZ,MYZ,MZX/)
zmp : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
depth of melt pond (m)
zmp : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

zmp : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

zn : real*8
Subroutine: fgrid2. Module: NONE. File: PBL.f

zn : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

znde16 : real*8
Subroutine: diagij. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

znpass : real*8
Subroutine: griddr. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f

znsxdt : real*8
Subroutine: aflux. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

znsxdto : real*8
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f

znumh : real*8, dimension(2)
Subroutine: ij_avg. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

zoc : real*8, public, dimension(LMOMAX)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
ocean depths for diagnostics (m) (ONLY FOR DEEP OCEAN)
Initial Value = 0.
zoc : real*8, dimension(LMO)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
ocean depths for diagnostics (m)
Initial Value = 0.
zoc1 : real*8, public, dimension(LMOMAX+1)
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
ocean depths for diagnostics (m) (ONLY FOR DEEP OCEAN)
Initial Value = 0.
zoc1 : real*8, dimension(LMO+1)
Global variable . Module: ODIAG. File: ODIAG_COM.f
ocean depths for diagnostics (m)
Initial Value = 0.
zocsra : real*8
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
adjustment factors for
Initial Value = 1.0
zocsra : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

zocsra_out : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_albedo_data. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

zoe : used from ocean
Subroutine: oflux. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN.f
Initial Value = >ZE
zoe : used from ocean
Subroutine: ofluxv. Module: NONE. File: OCNDYN2.f
Initial Value = >ZE
zoice : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
depth of ocean ice (m)
zoice : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

zoice : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

zomoms : integer, dimension(2), parameter
Global variable . Module: QUSDEF. File: QUSDEF.f
Initial Value = (/MZ,MZZ/)
zonal : real*8, dimension(LM)
Subroutine: ilmap. Module: DIAG_SERIAL. File: DIAG_PRT.f

zonal : real*8, dimension(lm+lm_req), intent(in)
Subroutine: pout_il. Module: NONE. File: POUT.f
zonal sum/mean
zp2km : real*8
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

zpbl : real*8
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

zplimb : real*8, parameter
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f
min pressure at which to define tropopause (mb)
Initial Value = 500.
zpm : real*8, dimension(klev)
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

zpmk : real*8, dimension(klev)
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

zptf : real*8
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

zptph : real*8
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

zref12 : real*8
Subroutine: writet. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

zs : real*8
Subroutine: diaga. Module: NONE. File: DIAG.f

zs : real*8
Subroutine: filter. Module: ATMDYN. File: ATMDYN.f

zs : real*8
Subroutine: get_subdd. Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f

zs1 : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f
= height of the first model layer (m)
zscale : real*8
Subroutine: oconv. Module: NONE. File: OCNKPP.f

zsi :
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f
total ice thickness (m)
zsi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

zsi : real*8, dimension(grid%i_strt_halo:grid%i_stop_halo, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo)
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

zsi_exists : logical
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f
flag indicating availability of an input file ZSI containing
Initial Value = .true.
zsi_exists : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

zsi_exists : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

zsistream : type(timestream)
Global variable . Module: SEAICE_COM. File: SEAICE.f
interfaces for reading and time-interpolating
zsistream : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: init_oceanice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

zsistream : used from seaice_com
Subroutine: read_seaice. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE_DRV.f

zsnowi : real*8, dimension(:, :), pointer
Global variable . Module: EXCHANGE_TYPES. File: FLUXES.f
amount, thickness of snow on sea ice (kg/m^2, m)
zsnsra : real*8
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
adjustment factors for
Initial Value = 1.0
zsnsra : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

zsnsra_out : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_albedo_data. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

zsnwoi : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
depth of snow over ocean ice (m)
zsnwoi : real*8
Subroutine: getsur. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

zsnwoi : used from radpar
Subroutine: radia. Module: NONE. File: RAD_DRV.f

zsrf : real*8, dimension(:, :), allocatable
Subroutine: read_aic. Module: NONE. File: ATM_DRV.f

zst : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: STRAITS. File: OSTRAITS_COM.f
width, nominal depth of strait (m)
zst : used from straits
Subroutine: init_straits. Module: NONE. File: OSTRAITS.f

zstr : character(len=10)
Subroutine: gc_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

zstr : character(len=*), intent(out)
Subroutine: get_zstr. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

zstr : character(len=8)
Subroutine: ijk_defs. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

zstr : character(len=16)
Subroutine: ijl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

zstr : character(len=10)
Subroutine: init_odiag. Module: NONE. File: ODIAG_COM.f

zstr : character(len=10)
Subroutine: jl_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f

zstride : integer
Global variable . Module: QUSCOM. File: QUS_DRV.f

zstride : used from quscom
Subroutine: aadvtz. Module: NONE. File: QUS_DRV.f

zsum : real*8
Subroutine: init_wspdf_mod. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

zt : real*8
Subroutine: setgas. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

ztable : real*8, save, dimension(LX+1, 11)
Subroutine: seto2a. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

zthresh : real*8
Subroutine: qmom_topo_adjustments. Module: NONE. File: CLOUDS2_DRV.F90

ztm : real*8, dimension(klev)
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f

ztop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: advanc. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
height of the first model layer, approx 200 m if lm=9
ztop : real*8
Subroutine: altstyle_seaice_ic. Module: NONE. File: SEAICE.f

ztop : real*8
Subroutine: get_dbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

ztop : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: getztop. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f
The height of the top of the BL simulation domain.
ztop : real*8
Subroutine: init_pbl. Module: NONE. File: PBL_DRV.f

ztop : real*8, intent(in)
Subroutine: inits. Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
height of the first model layer, approx 200 m if lm=9
ztop : real*8
Subroutine: pbl. Module: PBL_DRV. File: PBL_DRV.f

zvgsra : real*8
Global variable . Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f
adjustment factors for
Initial Value = 1.0
zvgsra : real*8
Subroutine: writer. Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f

zvgsra_out : real*8, intent(out)
Subroutine: get_albedo_data. Module: SURF_ALBEDO. File: ALBEDO.f

zw : used from sle001
Subroutine: ghy_diag. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f

zx : real*8, dimension(im, grid%j_strt_halo:grid%j_stop_halo, lm)
Subroutine: diagb. Module: NONE. File: GCDIAGb.f

zzi : real*8
Subroutine: k_gcm. Module: NONE. File: ATURB_E1.f

zzkap : used from constant
Subroutine: tropwmo. Module: NONE. File: ATM_UTILS.f
Initial Value = >bykapa

Simplex Website Curator: Igor Aleinov — NASA Official: Gavin A. Schmidt

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