IndexRundeck: P1SoM40Created: Thu May 9 03:30:17 EDT 2024


File: PBL_DRV.f
Summary: module PBL_DRV is to compute the turbulent transport of momentum, heat and moisture between the surface and the middle of the first GCM layer to find the values of the various PBL variables at the surface. It contains the subroutine PBL.
Author :

PBL contains code common for all surface. It calculates pbl profiles, for each surface type, to find the values of the various PBL variables at the surface, and accumulates diagnostics and output. It is called from within the subroutine SURFCE (for itype=1, 2 and 3, i.e., surface types ocean, seaice and landice respectively, in SURFACE.f), and from within the subroutine earth (for itype=4, i.e., surface type land, in GHY_DRV.f). Dynamic equations for the mean turbulent variables are integrated over npbl(=8) sublayers between the surface (sublayer 1) and the middle of the first GCM layer (sublayer npbl), using tridiagonal method.

Global Variables:
t_pbl_args : used from socpbl

Used by: | :surface | :surface_landice | SOIL_DRV:earth | SOIL_DRV:ghy_diag |
xdelt : used from socpbl

Used by: | :surface | :surface_landice | SOIL_DRV:earth |
alloc_pbl_args : used from socpbl

Used by: | :surface | :surface_landice | SOIL_DRV:earth |
dealloc_pbl_args : used from socpbl

Used by: | :surface | :surface_landice | SOIL_DRV:earth |
dbls0 : real*8, parameter
Initial Value = 10.d0
Used by: | :get_dbl |
slope0 : real*8, parameter
Initial Value = 0.5d0
Used by: | :get_dbl |
dbl_max_stable : real*8, parameter
Initial Value = dbls0+slope0*500.
Used by: | :get_dbl |

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