IndexRundeck: P1SoM40Created: Thu May 9 03:30:17 EDT 2024


File: SEAICE.f
Summary: SEAICE contains all the sea ice related subroutines
Author : Original Development Team

ADDICE adds ice formed in the ocean to ice variables
Calculation of thermal diffusion of ice J/(m*degC*sec) =f(T,S) (based on Pringle et al, 2007)
Calculation of effective specific heat of ice J/(kg degC) =f(T,S)
Calculation of energy of ice (J/kg) as a function of temp and salinity
Calculation of the energy of ice melt (J/kg) as a function of salinity
Calculation of liquid water that can be frozen in ice (kg/m2)
Split thermal layer fields into ice and snow components in each thermal layer: i.e. SNOW in L1/L2, ICE in L1/L2
icelake calculates fluxes at base of lake ice (no salinity)
iceocean calculates fluxes at base of sea ice
Calculation of ice melt (kg/m2) as a function of hsi and salinity
PREC_SI Adds the precipitation to sea/lake ice
relayer lower level ice because of mass flux btw layer 2 and 3 and possible changes in mass in each layer
Relayer upper 2 snow/ice layers if required
SEA_ICE applies surface fluxes to ice covered areas
Collect snow and ice mass layer fields into thermal layers SNOW in L1 and L2, ICE in L1 , ICE in L2
SIMELT melts sea ice laterally and if it is too small Note: all amounts are with respect to the ocean/lake fraction

solar_ice_frac calculates the fraction of solar radiation transmitted through the ice, taking albedo into account, but assuming constant proportions of visible and near-ir. Based on Ebert et al, 1995.
SSIDEC decays salinity in sea ice
tfrez calculates freezing temperature of sea water
Ti calculates sea ice temperature as a function of internal energy and salinity content depending on ice thermo formulation
TICE returns array of ice temperatures from model variables

Global Variables:
lhm : used from constant

rhoi : used from constant

Used by: | :printlk | :seaice_to_atmgrid | :surface | :surface_landice |
byrhoi : used from constant

rhow : used from constant

shi : used from constant

shw : used from constant

byshi : used from constant

bylhm : used from constant

rhows : used from constant

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod

lmi : integer, parameter
number of temperature layers in ice
Initial Value = 4
Used by: | :advsi_diag_ocnml | :altstyle_seaice_ic | :checki | :checkost | :daily_ocnml_offline | :form_si | :ground_si | :melt_si | :precip_si | :read_seaice | :seaice_to_atmgrid | :underice | SEAICE_COM | STRAITS |
xsi : real*8, parameter, dimension(lmi)
fractions of mass layer in each temp. layer
Initial Value = (/0.5d0, 0.5d0, 0.5d0, 0.5d0/)
Used by: | :advsi | :altstyle_seaice_ic | :checki | :checkost | :daily_lake | :form_si | :ground_si | :melt_si | :precip_si | :printlk | :read_seaice | :seaice_to_atmgrid | :set_noice_defaults | :surface | :surface_landice | :underice |
byxsi : real*8, parameter, dimension(lmi)
recipricol of XSI
Initial Value = (/ 1./XSI(1), 1./XSI(2), 1./XSI(3), 1./XSI(4) /)
z1i : real*8, parameter
thickness of first layer ice (m)
Initial Value = .1d0
Used by: | :read_seaice |
ace1i : real*8, parameter
ice mass first layer (kg/m^2)
Initial Value = Z1I*RHOI
Used by: | :advsi | :advsi_diag_ocnml | :altstyle_seaice_ic | :calc_apress | :checki | :conserv_lmsi | :conserv_omsi | :daily_lake | :daily_ocnml_offline | :dynsi | :form_si | :ground_si | :melt_si | :precip_si | :printlk | :read_seaice | :seaice_to_atmgrid | :set_noice_defaults | :si_diags | :surface | :surface_diag1 | :surface_landice |
z2oim : real*8, parameter
min. thickness of 2nd layer ice (m) (if > 0)
Initial Value = .1d0
Used by: | :read_seaice |
ac2oim : real*8, parameter
min. ice mass 2nd layer (kg/m^2) (if > 0)
Initial Value = Z2OIM*RHOI
Used by: | :daily_lake | :read_seaice | :set_noice_defaults | :underice |
alams : real*8, parameter
lambda coefficient for ice/snow J/(m*degC*sec)
Initial Value = 0.35d0
alami0 : real*8, parameter
lambda coefficient for ice/snow J/(m*degC*sec)
Initial Value = 2.11d0
Used by: | :surface | :surface_landice |
alamds : real*8, parameter
salinity/temp coefficient for conductivity (J/(m*s)/psu)
Initial Value = 0.09d0
alamdt : real*8, parameter
temp coefficient for conductivity (J/(m*s)/degC^2)
Initial Value = -0.011d0
rhos : real*8, parameter
density of snow (kg/m^3)
Initial Value = 300.0
Used by: | :ground_li | :ground_si | :seaice_to_atmgrid | :si_diags |
fleadoc : real*8, parameter
lead fraction for ocean ice (%)
Initial Value = 0.06d0
Used by: | :form_si | :read_seaice |
fleadlk : real*8, parameter
lead fraction for lakes (%)
Initial Value = 0.
Used by: | :form_si |
fleadmx : real*8, parameter
maximum thickness for lead fraction (m)
Initial Value = 5.
byrls : real*8, parameter
reciprocal of snow density*lambda
Initial Value = 1./(RHOS*ALAMS)
Used by: | :surface | :surface_landice |
mu : real*8, parameter
coefficient of seawater freezing point w.r.t. salinity
Initial Value = 0.054d0
ssi0 : real*8, parameter
default value for sea ice salinity (kg/kg) (=3.2ppt)
Initial Value = 0.0032d0
Used by: | :read_seaice | :set_noice_defaults |
fsss : real*8, parameter
fraction of ocean salinity found in new-formed ice
Initial Value = 8d0/35d0
Used by: | :ground_oc | :osourc |
qsfix : logical
flag is true if salinity of sea ice is constant
Initial Value = .false.
Used by: | :ground_si |
alpha : real*8, parameter
implicity for heat diffusion in sea ice (1=fully implicit)
Initial Value = 1.0
Used by: | :underice |
oi_ustar0 : real*8
default ice-ocean friction velocity (m/s)
Initial Value = 1d-3
Used by: | :init_oceanice |
silmfac : real*8
factor controlling lateral melt of ocean ice
Initial Value = 1.d-7
Used by: | :init_oceanice |
silmpow : real*8
exponent for temperature dependence of lateral melt
Initial Value = 1.36d0
snow_ice : integer
=1 to allow for snow ice formation (default=1)
Initial Value = 1
Used by: | :ground_si | :init_oceanice |
osurf_tilt : integer
controls calc. of ocean surface tilt for ice dyn:
Initial Value = 1
Used by: | ICEDYN |
ssimin : real*8
critical cutoff for salt amount (kg/kg)
Initial Value = 1d-4
debug : logical
Used by: | :form_si | :ground_si | :melt_si | :precip_si | :underice |
seaice_thermo : character*2
formulation of sea ice thermodynamics (BP or SI)
Initial Value = "SI"
Used by: | :init_oceanice |

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