IndexRundeck: P1SoM40Created: Sun Apr 28 03:30:18 EDT 2024

List of Database Variables

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
adiurn_dust : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
flag to switch on/off intra daily diagnostics for dust
Initial Value = 0
aer_rad_forc : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
= 1 for calculation of aerosol radiative forcing
Initial Value = 0
aero_yr : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
obs.year of troposph.Aerosols (if 0: use current yr)
Initial Value = 1951
albsn_yr : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
year of blk carb depos used for snow alb. reduction
Initial Value = 1951
ang_uv : integer
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= 1 to conserve ang mom in UVfilter
Initial Value = 1
autoconv_multiplier : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
autoconversion rate multiplier
Initial Value = 1.d0
c_sdrag : real*8
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
. SDRAG=C_SDRAG (const.) above PTOP
Initial Value = 2.5d-5
calc_wspdf : integer
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
if calc_wspdf==1, calculate mean surface
Initial Value = 0
cc_cdncx : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor relating cld cvr change and CDNC change
Initial Value = .0000d0
cfc11x : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor for CFC11 with respect to value in "GHG" file
Initial Value = 1.
cfc12x : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor for CFC12 with respect to value in "GHG" file
Initial Value = 1.
ch4x : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor for CH4 with respect to value in "GHG" file
Initial Value = 1.
ch4x_radoverchem : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor for chemistry
Initial Value = 1.d0
cld_plow : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
Pressure boundaries for
cld_pmid : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS_COM. File: CLOUDS_COM.F90
Pressure boundaries for
clim_interact_chem : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
=1 for radiatively active chem tracers
Initial Value = 0
cloud_rad_forc : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
= 1 for calculation of cloud + aerosol + O3
Initial Value = 0
co2x : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor for CO2 with respect to value in "GHG" file
Initial Value = 1.
crops_yr : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
obs.year of crops (if 0: time var, -1: default)
Initial Value = -1
dalbsnx : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
global coeff for snow alb change by black carbon depos
Initial Value = 0.
do_blu00 : integer
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
=1 if boundary layer U00 is treated differently
Initial Value = 0
do_ic_fixups : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
: set = 1 if surface IC are to be checked/corrected
Initial Value = 0
do_polefix : integer
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= 1 to correct u,v tendencies near poles
Initial Value = 1
dt : real*8
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= (atmospheric) dynamics time step (s)
Initial Value = 450
dt_xufilter : real*8
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
dU is multiplied by dt/DT_XUfilter in E-W, value of 0 switches off filter
Initial Value = 0
dt_xvfilter : real*8
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
dV is multiplied by dt/DT_XVfilter in E-W
Initial Value = 0
dt_yufilter : real*8
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
dU is multiplied by dt/DT_YUfilter in N-S
Initial Value = 0
dt_yvfilter : real*8
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
dV is multiplied by dt/DT_YVfilter in N-S
Initial Value = 0
dto : real*8
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
timestep for ocean dynamics (s)
Initial Value = 450.
dtsrc : real*8
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
source time step (s) = 1 ITU
Initial Value = 3600.
ent_io_plain_array : integer
Subroutine: io_vegetation. Module: NONE. File: ENT_COM.f
controls format of Ent record in rsf file
Initial Value = 1
entrainment_cont1 : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
constant for entrainment rate, plume 1
Initial Value = .3d0
entrainment_cont2 : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
constant for entrainment rate, plume 2
Initial Value = .6d0
funio_denominator : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
funio denominator
Initial Value = 22.d0
fuse_groups : logical
Subroutine: ij_defs. Module: NONE. File: DEFACC.f
whether to output groups of related
Initial Value = .false.
ghg_day : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f of well-mixed GHgases (if 0: time var)
Initial Value = 182
ghg_yr : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f of well-mixed GHgases (if 0: time var)
Initial Value = 1951
ghy_default_data : integer
Subroutine: init_gh. Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
if == 1 reset all GHY data to defaults
Initial Value = 0
glmelt_fac_nh : real*8
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f
is a factor to multiply glacial melt by in NH
Initial Value = 1.d0
glmelt_fac_sh : real*8
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f
is a factor to multiply glacial melt by in SH
Initial Value = 1.d0
glmelt_on : integer
Global variable . Module: LANDICE. File: LANDICE.f
determines whether glacial melt is used for oceans
Initial Value = 1
h2o_ppm : real*8
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
,... Abundances in PPM for H2O, CO2, CH4
Initial Value = -1d+0
h2obych4 : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
if not 0: add CH4 produced H2O into layers 1->LM
Initial Value = 1.
h2ostratx : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
strat_water_vapor, cloud, Ozone scaling factor
Initial Value = 1.
hrmax : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
maximum distance an air parcel rises from surface
Initial Value = 1000.d0
ijdd : integer, dimension(2, ndiupt), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
(i,j)-coord.,names of boxes w/diurnal cycle diag
ikliq : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
0,1,-1 initialize kliq as dry,equil,current model state
Initial Value = -1
init_flake : integer
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
used to make sure FLAKE is properly initialised
Initial Value = 1
init_topog_related : integer
Subroutine: input. Module: NONE. File: MODELE.f
: set = 1 if IC and topography are incompatible
Initial Value = 0
irand : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
last seed used by rand.number generator
Initial Value = 123456789
isc : integer
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
integer to turn on computation of stratocumulus clouds
Initial Value = 0
isccp_diags : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
: if 1 accumulate ISCCP cloud data (default 0)
Initial Value = 0
kcopy : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
: if 1 => acc, if 3 => +od are saved
Initial Value = 1
kocean : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
: if 0 => specified, if 1 => predicted ocean
Initial Value = 1
kradia : integer
Global variable . Module: ATM_COM. File: ATM_COM.f
if -1 save data for, if 1|2 do inst|adj forcing run
Initial Value = 0
krsf : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
: .rsf is written at beginning of every KRSF months
Initial Value = 120
kvflxo : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
if 1 => vert.fluxes into ocean are saved daily
Initial Value = 0
lake_rise_max : real*8
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
amount of lake rise (m) over sill level before
Initial Value = 1d2
land_co2_bc : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
CO2 concentration (ppm) to be used by Land Surfacw
Initial Value = 280.d0
land_co2_bc_flag : integer
Global variable . Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
type of CO2 BC to be used by Land Surface
Initial Value = 1
lh_diags : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
: if 1 accumulate 3D drying & latent heating profiles (default 0)
Initial Value = 0
lldd : real*8, dimension(2, ndiupt), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
(lon,lat)-coords (deg) of boxes w/diurnal cycle diag
lmaxsubdd : integer
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
: the max L when writing "ALL" levels
Initial Value = LM
lmcm : integer
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
max level for originating MC plumes
Initial Value = -1
make_timeaxis : logical, public
Global variable . Module: MDIAG_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
whether scaled monthly output files should contain
Initial Value = .false.
master_yr : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
year of simulation. This value will define aero_yr,
Initial Value = 1951
maxctop : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
max cloud top pressure
Initial Value = 50.d0
mfiltr : integer
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
: if 1 => PSL, if 2 => T, if 3 => PSL&T is filtered
Initial Value = 1
n2ox : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor for N2O with respect to value in "GHG" file
Initial Value = 1.
namdd : character*4, dimension(ndiupt), public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
(i,j)-coord.,names of boxes w/diurnal cycle diag
nda4 : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
: DT_Diag4 = NDA4 *DTsrc Energy history
Initial Value = 24
nda5d : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
: DT_Diag5d = NDA5d*DTsrc Consrv SpAnal dyn
Initial Value = 1
nda5k : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
: DT_Diag5k = NDA5k*DTsrc + 2*DT(dyn) SpAnal KE
Initial Value = 7
nda5s : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
: DT_Diag5s = NDA5s*DTsrc Consrv SpAnal src
Initial Value = 1
ndaa : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
: DT_DiagA = NDAA*DTsrc + 2*DT(dyn)
Initial Value = 7
ndasf : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
: DT_DiagSrfc = NDASf*DTsrc + DTsrc/NIsurf
Initial Value = 1
ndisk : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
: DT_saversf = Ndisk *DTsrc fort.1/fort.2 saves
Initial Value = 24
nfiltr : integer
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= DT_filter / DTsrc
Initial Value = 1
niprnt : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
number of instantaneous initial printouts
Initial Value = 1
nisurf : integer
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f
: DT_Surface = DTsrc/NIsurf
Initial Value = 2
nmonav : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
number of months in a diagnostic accuml. period
Initial Value = 1
no2x : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor for NO2 with respect to value in "GHG" file
Initial Value = 1.
nrad : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
: DT_Rad = NRad*DTsrc
Initial Value = 5
nradfrc : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
sets frequency of inst. rad. forcing calculations
Initial Value = 1
nssw : integer
Global variable . Module: MODEL_COM. File: MODEL_COM.f
: DT_checkSsw = Nssw *DTsrc
Initial Value = 1
nsubdd : integer
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
: DT_save_SUBDD = Nsubdd*DTsrc sub-daily diag freq.
Initial Value = 0
o2x : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor for O2 with respect to value in "GHG" file
Initial Value = 1.
o3_yr : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
obs.year of Ozone (if 0: use current year)
Initial Value = 1951
obottom_drag : integer*4
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
use ocean bottom drag routine (default=1)
Initial Value = 1
oc_cdncx :
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor relating cld opt depth and CDNC change
oc_mean_salinity :
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
define mean salinity of ocean (if set)
oc_tracer_mean :
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
mean tracer ratio of ocean
ocoastal_drag : integer*4
Global variable . Module: OCEAN. File: OCEAN_COM.f
use ocean coastal drag routine (default=1)
Initial Value = 1
oi_ustar0 : real*8
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
default ice-ocean friction velocity (m/s)
Initial Value = 1d-3
orb_par_year_bp : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
= offset from model_year or 1950 (fixed case)
Initial Value = 0
p_csdrag :
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
pressure level above which const.drag is increased
p_sdrag :
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= pressure level above which SDRAG is applied (mb), PP_SDRAG = near poles
planck_tmax : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
temperature range for Planck function
Initial Value = 800
planck_tmin : integer
Global variable . Module: RADPAR. File: RADIATION.f
temperature range for Planck function
Initial Value = 1
prather_limits : integer
Global variable . Module: QUSDEF. File: QUSDEF.f
forces +ve sub-grid scale profiles (default=0)
Initial Value = 0
rad_forc_lev : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
= 0 for TOA, 1 for LTROPO (default=0)
Initial Value = 0
rad_interact_aer : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
=1 for radiatively active non-chem tracers
Initial Value = 0
radiusi_multiplier : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
ice cloud particle radius multiplier
Initial Value = 1.d0
radiusl_multiplier : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
liquid cloud particle radius multiplier
Initial Value = 1.d0
rhfix : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
const.rel.humidity passed to radiation for aeros. tests
Initial Value = -1.
ricldx : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
multiplies part.size of ice clouds at 1000mb
Initial Value = 1.d0
rimax : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
maximum ice cloud size
Initial Value = 100.d0
river_fac : real*8
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
Factor to multiply runoff by to balance sea level
Initial Value = 1.
rtau : real*8, allocatable, dimension(:)
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
rayleigh friction timescale (seconds) as a function of layer
rwcldox : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
multiplies part.size of water clouds over ocean
Initial Value = 1.d0
rwmax : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
maximum water cloud size
Initial Value = 20.d0
s0_day : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f of solar constant (if 0: time var)
Initial Value = 182
s0_yr : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f of solar constant (if 0: time var)
Initial Value = 1951
s0x : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
solar constant multiplication factor
Initial Value = 1.
save3daod : integer, public
Global variable . Module: DIAG_COM. File: DIAG_COM.f
flag to calculate ttasv_save in rad code even when
Initial Value = 0
silmfac : real*8
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
factor controlling lateral melt of ocean ice
Initial Value = 1.d-7
skin_effect : integer
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
sets whether skin effects are used or not
Initial Value = 1
snoage_def : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
determines how snowage is calculated:
Initial Value = 0
snow_cover_coef : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOIL_DRV. File: GHY_DRV.f
coefficient for topography variance in
Initial Value = .15d0
snow_ice : integer
Global variable . Module: SEAICE. File: SEAICE.f
=1 to allow for snow ice formation (default=1)
Initial Value = 1
so2x : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor for SO2 with respect to value in "GHG" file
Initial Value = 0.
subdd : character*64
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
string contains variables to save for sub-daily diags
Initial Value = "SLP"
subdd1 : character*64
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
additional string of variables for sub-daily diags
Initial Value = " "
subdd2 : character*64
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
additional string of variables for sub-daily diags
Initial Value = " "
subdd3 : character*64
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
additional string of variables for sub-daily diags
Initial Value = " "
subdd4 : character*64
Global variable . Module: SUBDAILY. File: DIAG.f
additional string of variables for sub-daily diags
Initial Value = " "
u00a : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
tuning knob for U00 above 850 mb without moist convection
Initial Value = 0.55d0
u00b : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
tuning knob for U00 below 850 mb and in convective regions
Initial Value = 1.00d0
u00ice : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
critical humidity for ice cloud condensation
Initial Value = .7d0
u00wtrx : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
multiplies U00ice for critical humidity for water clds
Initial Value = 1.0d0
uodrag : integer
Global variable . Module: FLUXES. File: FLUXES.f
parameter that decides whether velocities
Initial Value = 0
use_sol_ox_cycle : integer
Global variable . Module: O3MOD. File: RAD_UTILS.f
if =1, a cycle of ozone is appled to
Initial Value = 0
use_unr_drag : integer
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
: if 1 => SDRAG is turned off and GWD is applied
Initial Value = 0
variable_lk : integer
Global variable . Module: LAKES. File: LAKES.f
1 if lakes are to be variable
Initial Value = 0
variable_orb_par : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
1 if orbital parameters are time dependent
Initial Value = -2
volc_day : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f of Volc.Aerosols (if 0: time var)
Initial Value = 182
volc_yr : integer
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f of Volc.Aerosols (if 0: time var)
Initial Value = 1951
vsdragl :
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= tuning factor for stratospheric drag (not =1 e.g. if used with explicit grav.wave drag scheme)
wc_jdrag :
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= critical velocity for J.Hansen/Judith Perlwitz drag; if 0 no JDRAG feature in SDRAG
wmax :
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
= imposed limit for stratospheric winds (m/s) in SDRAG
wmu_multiplier : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
critical liquid cloud water multiplier
Initial Value = 1.d0
wmui_multiplier : real*8
Global variable . Module: CLOUDS. File: CLOUDS2.F90
critical ice cloud water multiplier
Initial Value = 1.d0
wsn_max : real*8, public
Global variable . Module: GHY_COM. File: GHY_COM.f
snow amount limit (m, water equivalent)
Initial Value = 2.d0
x_sdrag : real*8, dimension(2)
Global variable . Module: DYNAMICS. File: ATMDYN_COM.F90
. SDRAG ~X_SDRAG(1)+X_SDRAG(2)*wind_magnitude
Initial Value = (/2.5d-4,2.5d-5/)
xcdpbl : real*8
Global variable . Module: SOCPBL. File: PBL.f
factor for momentum drag coefficient
Initial Value = 1d0
xghgx : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor for XGHG with respect to value in "GHG" file
Initial Value = 1.
yghgx : real*8
Global variable . Module: RAD_COM. File: RAD_COM.f
scaling factor for YGHG with respect to value in "GHG" file
Initial Value = 2.

Simplex Website Curator: Igor Aleinov — NASA Official: Gavin A. Schmidt

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