IndexRundeck: P1SoM40Created: Mon May 20 03:30:15 EDT 2024


File: ent_prescribed_updates.f
Summary: Routines for updating prescribed vegetation. These routines work on entcell level or lower.
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sets prescribed albedo in vegetated patches of the cell (skips bare soil) This subroutine assumes one cohort per patch !!!
sets prescribed albedo in vegetated patches of the cell (skips bare soil) This subroutine assumes one cohort per patch !!! - Calculate vegetation, v, and soil, s, carbon/area, c, for non-crop patches, k. c_v,k + c_s,k where k ranges over non-crop patches. - Calculate vegetation and soil carbon/area for crop patch, cr. c_v,cr + c_s,cr Crops area changes by df_c: (if df_c>0, the crops area increase; if df_c<0, then crops area decreases) - Decrease non-crop patch fractional areas,f_k, proportionally by crop fraction area increase, df_cr. f_k,new = f_k - (f_k/sum_f_k)*df_cr sum_k((f_k/sum_f_k)*df_c) = df_cr - Increase crop area (or if new, insert crop patch). f_c,new = f_c + df_cr - If df_c>0: Update crop soil carbon to be sum of acquired non-crop patch soils: I.e. soil carbon from non-crop patches is merged into the new crop area. (sum each soil carbon pool, p, then divide by new crop area). c_s,c,p,new = { sum_k(c_s,k,p * df_cr*f_k/sum_f_k) + c_s,cr,p*f_c }/f_c,new - If df_c<0: Update non-crop patch soil carbon to merge in crop patch increment soil carbon. (sum each soil carbon pool, p, then divide by new patch area). c_s,k,p,new = { c_s,k,p*f_k + c_s,c,p*f_k/sum_f_k*df_cr }/f_k,new - Net carbon to atmosphere is: C_to_atm = loss from non-crop patch veg - gain from crop patch increment = sum_k( c_v,k * df_cr*f_k/sum_f_k) - c_v,cr*df_cr - Where to put a net loss in biomass carbon (all soil carbon stays in the soil): Option 1: Put it all as litter into the crop patch. This will require partitioning the lost biomass pools into litter pools with relevant ligning content and C:N ratios. Option 2: Put it into a slow-release pool to send it all to the atmosphere over a few months or the next year. Option 1 is more strictly correct, but involves a little more computation of litter pools, and allows also an option to sequester, e.g. wood harvest. - Where to put a net gain in biomass carbon: Option 1: There's only one option: to suck it all from the atmosphere at once. Given the net sum of gains and losses over the entire land surface, hopefully this shouldn't cause a dramatic dent in atmospheric CO2 over one time step.
sets prescribed LAI over the cell
sets prescribed LAI over the cell and update C_fol, C_froot, senescefrac

updates corresponding data on entcell level (and down). DAILY TIME STEP ASSUMED. everything except entcell is optional. coordinate-dependent is given pointer attribute to provide a way to tell the program that an argument is actually optional and missing (see how it is used in ent_prescribe_vegupdate)

pools, litter, senescefrac. - NYK

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