IndexRundeck: P1SoM40Created: Mon May 20 03:30:15 EDT 2024


File: ent_prescribed_updates.f
Summary: sets prescribed albedo in vegetated patches of the cell (skips bare soil) This subroutine assumes one cohort per patch !!! - Calculate vegetation, v, and soil, s, carbon/area, c, for non-crop patches, k. c_v,k + c_s,k where k ranges over non-crop patches. - Calculate vegetation and soil carbon/area for crop patch, cr. c_v,cr + c_s,cr Crops area changes by df_c: (if df_c>0, the crops area increase; if df_c<0, then crops area decreases) - Decrease non-crop patch fractional areas,f_k, proportionally by crop fraction area increase, df_cr. f_k,new = f_k - (f_k/sum_f_k)*df_cr sum_k((f_k/sum_f_k)*df_c) = df_cr - Increase crop area (or if new, insert crop patch). f_c,new = f_c + df_cr - If df_c>0: Update crop soil carbon to be sum of acquired non-crop patch soils: I.e. soil carbon from non-crop patches is merged into the new crop area. (sum each soil carbon pool, p, then divide by new crop area). c_s,c,p,new = { sum_k(c_s,k,p * df_cr*f_k/sum_f_k) + c_s,cr,p*f_c }/f_c,new - If df_c<0: Update non-crop patch soil carbon to merge in crop patch increment soil carbon. (sum each soil carbon pool, p, then divide by new patch area). c_s,k,p,new = { c_s,k,p*f_k + c_s,c,p*f_k/sum_f_k*df_cr }/f_k,new - Net carbon to atmosphere is: C_to_atm = loss from non-crop patch veg - gain from crop patch increment = sum_k( c_v,k * df_cr*f_k/sum_f_k) - c_v,cr*df_cr - Where to put a net loss in biomass carbon (all soil carbon stays in the soil): Option 1: Put it all as litter into the crop patch. This will require partitioning the lost biomass pools into litter pools with relevant ligning content and C:N ratios. Option 2: Put it into a slow-release pool to send it all to the atmosphere over a few months or the next year. Option 1 is more strictly correct, but involves a little more computation of litter pools, and allows also an option to sequester, e.g. wood harvest. - Where to put a net gain in biomass carbon: Option 1: There's only one option: to suck it all from the atmosphere at once. Given the net sum of gains and losses over the entire land surface, hopefully this shouldn't cause a dramatic dent in atmospheric CO2 over one time step.
Author :

entcell_extract_pfts : used from entcells

summarize_entcell : used from entcells

patch_has_pft : used from patches

patch_split : used from patches

patch_merge : used from patches

delete_patch : used from patches

patch_set_pft : used from patches

patch_delete_cohort : used from patches

albedo :
for all PFTs
ecp : type(entcelltype)

cropsdata : real*8, intent(in)

pft_crops : integer, parameter
Initial Value = 8
pp : type(patch), pointer

pp_crops : type(patch), pointer

pp_tmp : type(patch), pointer

pp_end : type(patch), pointer

crops_old : real*8

dcrops : real*8

dfr : real*8

vdata : real*8, dimension(12)

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