GISS Model E Source Code Snapshots
The following versions of Model E source code are available for public download
Released versions of Model E code
- modelE2.1.2.tgz - the latest frozen version (E2.1.2) of Model E code
- modelE2.1.1.tgz - the frozen version (E2.1.1) of Model E code
- modelE2.1.tgz - the version E2.1 of Model E code
- modelE2_AR5_v2.tgz - updated and improved E2 version of the code
- modelE2_AR5.tgz - the version E2 of Model E code
- modelE1_patched.tgz - the version E1 of Model E code
- modelE2_planet_1.1.tgz - version 1.1 of ROCKE-3D model
- modelE2_planet_2.0.tgz - version 2.0 of ROCKE-3D model
- modelE2_planet_1.0_patches_2025.03.27_07.50.01.tgz - patched version 1.0 of ROCKE-3D model as it is currently used in our planetary simulations.
- modelE2_dev_2025.03.27_07.50.01.tgz - the latest development version of Model E code (unstable, use at your own risk)