instructions to perform the regridding to the cubed sphere: 1) Add new regridding routine for your needs * The regridding routines are in aux/inputLL2CS.f * in the program section of inputLL2CS.f you have to define the resolution of the source grid (e.g. ims_TOPO/jms_TOPO, replace TOPO by something else) the resolution of the target cubed sphere grid is defined in the IM, JM in the resolution file you then create a regridding object (e.g. xll2cs_TOPO) which will contain all coefficient and data to perform the interpolation. You do this using e.g. call init_regrid_root(xll2cs_TOPO,ims_TOPO,jms_TOPO,ntilessource,imt,jmt,ntilestarget) (replace TOPO by something else) * in the am_i_root section just below, add a call to your regridding routine, e.g. call regridTOPO * create a regridding routine. regridTOPO provides a good template the routine contains 3 sections: -reading the input file. It reads all records (in your case all months from january to december) using read(unit=iu_TOPO,END=30) TITLE(irec), tsourc4(:,:,:,irec). You can modify this for your needs. Make sure that the binary input file has been written using big endians. -regridding to the cubed sphere, for every record it calls root_regrid which is defined in an external library. -writing the file on disk. It writes all records using write(unit=iu_TOPO) TITLE(ir), ttargr4(:,:,:,ir). You can modify this for your needs 2) to Compile/Run, * you must use a cubed sphere compatible .modelErc file here is an example of such a file: # This file contains global options for modelE. By default they are # adjusted to the working environment of . ## Directory structure ## # DECKS_REPOSITORY - a directory for permanenet storage of run info. # All rundecks that you create will be copied to this directory. DECKS_REPOSITORY=/discover/nobackup/dgueyffi/decks # CMRUNDIR - directory to which all run directories will be linked. # This directory will be searched by most scripts for locations of # specific runs. CMRUNDIR=/discover/nobackup/projects/giss/prod_runs # GCMSEARCHPATH - directory to search for gcm input files. # All necessary input files should be copied or linked to this directory. GCMSEARCHPATH=/discover/nobackup/projects/giss/prod_input_files # EXECDIR - path to directory with modelE scripts and with some # executables. This directory should contain the scripts from modelE/exec. EXECDIR=/discover/nobackup/projects/giss/exec # NETCDFHOME - path to location of netcdf library. Leave blank if netcdf # is not installed on this computer NETCDFHOME=/usr/local/other_old/netcdf/3.6.1 # SAVEDISK - a directory where all run directories (which will contain # all output files such as rsf, acc etc.) will be created. This should # be big enough to accomodate all model output. SAVEDISK=/discover/nobackup/dgueyffi ## Customizable setings for Makefile ## # MAILTO - email address of the user. When the program ends/crashes # all notifications will be sent to this address. If not specified # `whoami` will be used. MAILTO= # OVERWRITE - can "gmake rundeck" overwrite files already in repository? # (i.e. in the directory DECKS_REPOSITORY) OVERWRITE=NO # OUTPUT_TO_FILES - if set to YES all errors and warnings will be sent # to files with the names .ERR OUTPUT_TO_FILES=YES # VERBOSE_OUTPUT - if set to YES gmake will show compilation commands # and some other information. Otherwise most of the output will be # suppressed VERBOSE_OUTPUT=YES # MP - multiprocessing support. If set to YES gmake will compile the # code with OpenMP instructions. This option has effect only on SGI. MP=NO # ESMF variables ESMF=YES # ESMF_DIR=/discover/nobackup/projects/giss/esmf_2_2_ifort_9.1.042 ESMF_BOPT=O #FV variablesdd following entries to .modelErc: FVCORE_ROOT=/discover/nobackup/projects/map/GEOSGCM FVCUBED_ROOT=/discover/nobackup/projects/map/GEOSagcm-cubed MPPDIR=/discover/nobackup/projects/map/MPP/mpp_intel-9.1.052_scali-5 BASELIBDIR=/usr/local/other/baselibs/ESMF222rp3_NetCDF362b6_9.1.052/Linux QSUB_STRING="qsub -V -l select=2:ncpus=4:scali=true -l walltime=00:05:00 -W block=true -W group_list=a940a" * create rundeck from an existing cubed sphere template rundeck, e.g. gmake rundeck RUNSRC=E1CS32L20 RUN=your_deck * compile using gmake -j aux RUN=your_deck NPES=6 CUBE_GRID=YES FVCUBED=YES * copy inputll2cs in your run directory * copy the input files you want to regrid (fox example vegtype.global4X5.bin, from e.g. /discover/nobackup/projects/giss/prod_input_files/ to your run directory * copy the remap file containing the coefficients for the regridding (e.g. for regridding from 360x160 resolution on latlon grid to CS32 grid) from /discover/nobackup/projects/giss/prod_input_files/ to your run directory * run inputll2cs using PBS script Here is an example of such a pbs script: #!/bin/ksh #PBS -S /bin/ksh #PBS -N tst #PBS -l walltime=00:10:00 #PBS -l select=2:ncpus=4:scali=true #PBS -W group_list=a940a #PBS -W umask=002 #PBS -A "a940a" #PBS -j oe #PBS -o /home/dgueyffi/mE-FVcubed/decks/your_deck/ #PBS -V #ulimit -s unlimited #ulimit -c 0 . /usr/share/modules/init/bash module purge module load comp/intel-9.1.052 module load mpi/scali-5 cd /home/dgueyffi/mE-FVcubed/decks/your_deck/ #echo ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/other/hdf/5-1.8.0_parallel/lib umask 2 mpirun -np 6 -inherit_limits ./inputll2cs > log