Surface fluxes

Surface fluxes are calculated separately for each land surface type (open water, ice, earth and land ice). For each type, a different high resolution PBL calculation is done to extrapolate the first layer atmospheric properties to the surface (defined as 10m above the ground). The diffusion parameters in the PBL layers are functions of the local turbulence closure scheme (Hartke and Rind, 1997; Cheng et al, 2002) and are iterated to get a robust estimate of the surface properties (temperature, humidity, and tracer concentration) and fluxes. Generally, 2 or 4 surface flux time steps are done every hour, depending on the vertical resolution. Between the surface and the middle of the first GCM layer, instead of applying the usual interpolation scheme using the similarity laws, the model integrates closure equations for velocity, potential temperature, humidity and other scalars over the subgrid levels, to find their surface values. This procedure, which is unique among the GCMs, is convenient for adding more physics and allows coarse vertical resolutions near the surface.


Brutsaert, W.H., 1982, Evaporation into the Atmosphere, D. Reidel, Norwell, Mass., 1982.

Cheng, Y., V.M. Canuto, and A.M. Howard, 2002: An improved model for the turbulent PBL. J. Atmos. Sci., 59, 1550-1565.

Emanuel KA and Zivkovic-Rothman M, 1999: Development and evaluation of a convection scheme for use in climate models, J. Atmos. Sci., 56, 1766-1782.

Hartke, G.J., and D. Rind, 1997: Improved surface and boundary layer models for the Goddard Institute for Space Studies general circulation model. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 16407-16442.

Moeng, C.-H., and P. P. Sullivan, 1994: A comparison of shear- and buoyancy-driven planetary boundary layer flows. J. Atmos. Sci., 51, 999-1022.

Nakanishi, M., 2001: Improvement of the Mellor-Yamada turbulence closure model based on large-eddy simulation data. Bound.-Layer Meteor., 99, 349-378.

Redelsperger, J.L., F. Guichard, and S. Mondon, 2000: A parameterization of mesoscale enhancement of surface fluxes for large-scale models. J. Climate, 13, 402-421.

Description of PBL_DRV.f

MODULE PBL_DRV - This module is to compute the turbulent transport of momentum, heat and moisture between the surface and the middle of the first GCM layer to find the values of the various PBL variables at the surface. It contains the subroutine PBL.

SUBROUTINE PBL - contains code common for all surface. It calculates pbl profiles, for each surface type, to find the values of the various PBL variables at the surface, and accumulates diagnostics and output. It is called from within the subroutine SURFCE (for itype=1, 2 and 3, i.e., surface types ocean, seaice and landice respectively, in SURFACE.f), and from within the subroutine earth (for itype=4, i.e., surface type land, in GHY_DRV.f). Dynamic equations for the mean turbulent variables are integrated over npbl(=8) sublayers between the surface (sublayer 1) and the middle of the first GCM layer (sublayer npbl), using tridiagonal method.

PBL_DRV.f also contains the following subroutines:

SUBROUTINE INIT_PBL - sets up the initialization of wind, virtual potential temperature, and specific humidity fields in the boundary layer (between the surface and the middle of the first GCM layer). The initial values of these fields are obtained by solving the static equations for these fields using the turbulence model of Cheng et al. (2002). These initial values are used when starting from a restart file that does not have these data stored. It is called by subroutine INPUT (in MODELE.f).

SUBROUTINE LOADBL - initializes boundary layer calculation each surface time step. It checks to see if ice has melted or frozen out of one grid box (i,j). It is called from subroutine SURFCE (in SURFACE.f).

SUBROUTINE SETBL - initializes variables in the boundary layer for one surface type using values of another surface type, in one grid box (i,j). It is called from subroutine loadbl.

SUBROUTINE GETZTOP - computes the value of ztop, the height in meters of the middle of the first GCM layer. It is called by subroutine init_pbl.

SUBROUTINE CHECKPBL - checks whether PBL data are reasonable (to check if the data contain NaN/INF). It is called by subroutine CHECKT, the latter is called from PROGRAM GISS_modelE (in MODELE.f).

Description of PBL.f

MODULE SOCPBL - This module defines subroutines and variables associated with the boundary layer physics. It sets up npbl(=8) sublayers between the surface (sublayer 1) and the middle of the first GCM layer (sublayer npbl), and integrates, over these sublayers, the dynamic equations for the mean turbulent variables using turbulence models, to find the surface values of these variables and related fluxes. t_pbl_args is a derived type structure which contains all input/output arguments for PBL. SOCPBL contains the following subroutines:


SUBROUTINE ADVANC - time steps the solutions for the boundary layer variables. It is called from within the subroutine pbl (in PBL_DRV.f). All its outputs are contained in the structure pbl_args (an instance of t_pbl_args).

 US     = x component of surface wind, positive eastward (m/s)
 VS     = y component of surface wind, positive northward (m/s)
 WSGCM  = magnitude of the GCM surface wind - ocean currents (m/s)
 WSPDF  = mean surface wind calculated from PDF of wind speed (m/s)
 WS     = magn of GCM surf wind - ocean curr + buoyancy + gust (m/s)
 TSV    = virtual potential temperature of the surface (K)
 QS     = surface value of the specific moisture
 DBL    = boundary layer height (m)
 KMS    = momentum transport coefficient at ZGS (m**2/s)
 KHS    = heat transport coefficient at ZGS (m**2/s)
 KHQ    = moist transport coefficient at ZGS (m**2/s)
 PPBL   = pressure at DBL (mb)
 USTAR  = friction speed (square root of momentum flux) (m/s)
 CM     = drag coefficient (dimensionless surface momentum flux)
 CH     = Stanton number   (dimensionless surface heat flux)
 CQ     = Dalton number    (dimensionless surface moisture flux)

SUBROUTINE STARS - computes the friction speed, ustar, the virtual potential temperature scale, tstar, and the specific humidity scale, qstar. Note that

 surface momentum flux = ustar*ustar
 surface heat flux     = ustar*tstar 
 surface moisture flux = ustar*qstar 
It also calculates and outputs the Monin-Obukov length, lmonin, the roughness lengths (z0m,z0h,z0q), the drag coefficient (cm), the Stanton number (ch) and the Dalton number (cq) by calling subroutine dflux.

SUBROUTINE GETL1 - estimates the master length scale, lscale, of the turbulence model on the secondary grid, zhat.

SUBROUTINE GETL- computes the master length scale, lscale, of the turbulence model on the secondary grid, zhat, using the formulas by Nakanishi (2001) from the LES data.

SUBROUTINE DFLUX - computes the dimensionless surface fluxes of momentum, heat and moisture (drag coefficient Cm , Stanton number Ch, and Dalton number Cq), with explicit Schmidt number (Sc) and Prandtl number (Pr) dependence and flexibility for water isotopes. It also computes the roughness lengths for momentum, z0m (for itype=1 or 2, i.e., surface type ocean or seaice), for temperature, z0h, and for water vapor, z0q, all in meters (Hartke and Rind, 1997). It is called from within subroutine stars.

SUBROUTINE GETZHQ - calculates the roughness lengths for heat (z0h) and for humidity (z0q), modified from Eqs 5.24, 5.27 and 5.35 in Brutsaert (1982). It is called from within subroutine dflux.

SUBROUTINE GETCM - calculates the drag coefficient for momentum (cm) (Hartke and Rind, 1997). It is called from within subroutine dflux.

SUBROUTINE GETCHQ - calculates the drag coefficients for heat/water (chq) (Hartke and Rind, 1997). it is called from within subroutine dflux.

SUBROUTINE SIMIL - calculates the similarity solutions for wind speed, virtual potential temperature, and moisture mixing ratio at main grid height z. It is called from within the subroutine out for diagnostic purposes.

SUBROUTINE GRIDDR - computes altitudes on the vertical grid. The xi coordinates are uniformly spaced and are mapped in a log-linear fashion onto the z grid. (The z's are the physical coords.) Also computes the altitudes on the secondary grid, zhat, and the derivatives dxi/dz evaluated at both all z and zhat. z and zhat are staggered: mean quantities are calculated at z, turbulent kinetic energy and fluxes are calculated at zhat.

SUBROUTINE TFIX - linearly interpolates between the ground temperature tgrnd and the virtual potential temperature at the middle of the first GCM layer to reset the T(z) profile. It is called when the T(z) profile becomes irregular.

SUBROUTINE CCOEFF0 - sets/calculates model coefficients for the GISS 2002 turbulence model (Cheng et al., 2002).

SUBROUTINE GET_TV - converts temperature T to virtual temperature Tv.

SUBROUTINE GETK - computes the turbulent diffusivities for momentum, Km, for heat, Kh, for moisture, Kq and for kinetic energy, Ke, at the secondary grids, using the GISS second order closure model (Cheng et al., 2000). u,v,t,q,ke are calculated at the primary grid z, while e,lscale,km,kh,gm,gh are calculated at the secondary grid zhat.

SUBROUTINE E_EQN - integrates differential eqns for the turbulent kinetic energy, e, using tridiagonal method over npbl-1(=7) sublayer edges (i.e., the secondary grids). The boundary condition near the bottom is:

At the top secondary grid, nearest to the middle of the first GCM layer, e is prescribed.

SUBROUTINE E_LES - finds the turbulent kinetic energy, e, at the secondary grids, according to the parameterization of the LES data by Moeng and Sullivan (1994) and the turbulence model of Cheng et al. (2002).

SUBROUTINE T_EQN - integrates differential eqns for the virtual potential temperature, T, using tridiagonal method over npbl(=8) sublayers between the surface (sublayer 1) and the middle of the first GCM layer (sublayer npbl). The boundary condition at the bottom is:

  kh * dt/dz = ch * ( usurf*(t1 - tgrnd)
              +(1+xdelt*q1)*(usurf-usurf0)*tprime )
which includes the effects on the surface flux due to the moist convection wind gustiness and the downdraft temperature perturbation (Redelsperger et al. 2000; Emanuel and Zivkovic 1999), where
t1, q1 are the T and Q at the surface, and tdns is the downdraft temperature in K at (i,j), which is calculated in subroutines CONDSE (in CLOUDS2_DRV.f) and PBL (in PBL_DRV.f). At the top, i.e., the middle of the first GCM layer, T is prescribed.

SUBROUTINE Q_EQN - integrates differential eqns for the specific humidity, Q, using tridiagonal method over npbl(=8) sublayers between the surface (sublayer 1) and the middle of the first GCM layer (sublayer npbl). The boundary condition at the bottom is:

  kq * dq/dz = min ( cq * usurf * (q1 - qgrnd)
             + cq * (usurf-usurf0) * qprime ,
  fr_sat * ( cq * usurf * (q1 - qgrnd)
             + cq * (usurf-usurf0) * qprime )
             - ( 1 - fr_sat ) * flux_max ), 
which includes the effects on the surface flux due to the moist convection wind gustiness and the downdraft specific humidity perturbation (Redelsperger et al. 2000; Emanuel and Zivkovic 1999), where qprime=qdns-q1, q1 is Q at the surface and qdns is the downdraft humidity in kg/kg, (i,j), which is calculated in subroutines CONDSE (in CLOUDS2_DRV.f) and PBL (in PBL_DRV.f). At the top, i.e., the middle of the first GCM layer, Q is prescribed.

SUBROUTINE TR_EQN - integrates differential eqns for the tracers, TR, using tridiagonal method over npbl(=8) sublayers between the surface (sublayer 1) and the middle of the first GCM layer (sublayer npbl). The boundary condition at the bottom is:

 kq * dtr/dz = sfac * trs - constflx,
 i.e. for moisture, sfac=cq*usurf, constflx=cq*usurf*qg,
 to get:  kq * dq/dz = cq * usurf * (qs - qg);
 for new moisture (including downdraft effects),
 sfac=cq*(usurf-dusurf), constflx=cq*(usurf*qg + dusurf*qdns),
 or sfac=cq*usurf0, constflx=cq*(usurf*(qg+qdns)-usurf0*qdns),
 to get:  kq * dq/dz = cq*(usurf*(qs-qg) + dusurf*(qdns-qs)).
This should be flexible enough to deal with most situations. At the top, i.e., the middle of the first GCM layer, TR is prescribed.

SUBROUTINE UV_EQN - integrates differential eqns for mean velocity u and v using tridiagonal method over npbl(=8) sublayers between the surface (sublayer 1) and the middle of the first GCM layer (sublayer npbl). The boundary condition at the bottom is:

  km * du/dz = cm * usurf * u and 
  km * dv/dz = cm * usurf * v.
At the top, i.e., the middle of the first GCM layer, u, v are prescribed.

SUBROUTINE T_EQN_STA - computes the static solutions of the virtual potential temperature, T, between the surface and the first GCM layer. The boundary condition at the bottom is:

 kh * dt/dz = ch * usurf * (t - tg).
At the top, T is prescribed. It is called only at the initialization (from within subroutine inits).

SUBROUTINE Q_EQN_STA - computes the static solutions of the specific humidity, Q, between the surface and the first GCM layer. The boundary condition at the bottom is:

 kq * dq/dz = cq * usurf * (q - qg).
At the top, Q is prescribed. It is called only at the initialization (from within subroutine inits).

SUBROUTINE UV_EQN_STA - computes the static solutions of the wind components, u and v, between the surface and the first GCM layer. The boundary conditions at the bottom are:

 km * du/dz = cm * usurf * u,
 km * dv/dz = cm * usurf * v.
At the top, u and v are prescribed. It is called only at the initialization (from within subroutine inits).

SUBROUTINE LEVEL2 - computes the turbulent kinetic energy e (Cheng et al., 2002).

SUBROUTINE INITS - initializes the winds, virtual potential temperature, and humidity by solving their differential equations for the static solutions, using tridiagonal method over npbl(=8) sublayers between the surface (sublayer 1) and the middle of the first GCM layer (sublayer npbl). (Cheng et a., 2002). It is called by subroutine init_pbl (in PBL_DRV.f), and the latter (init_pbl) is called by subroutine INPUT (in MODELE.f).

SUBROUTINE OUTPUT - produces output for diagnostic purposes.

SUBROUTINE FGRID2 - fgrid2 computes functional relationship of z and xi; it is used in function rtsafe(fgrid2,x1,x2,xacc), the latter is called by subroutine griddr.