IndexRundeck: E6TomaF40Created: Fri May 17 03:30:39 EDT 2024


Author :

mass2vol : used from oldtracer_mod

trm : used from tracer_com

n_bcii : used from tracer_com

n_bcia : used from tracer_com

n_bcb : used from tracer_com

n_ocii : used from tracer_com

n_ocia : used from tracer_com

n_ocb : used from tracer_com

n_ococean : used from tracer_com

y0_ug : real*8, dimension(ntm)
concentration of species (in molecules/cm3) before chemistry and partitioning
y_ug : real*8, dimension(ntm)
concentration of species (in molecules/cm3) after chemistry and partitioning
y_mw : real*8, dimension(ntm)
bypfactor : real*8, intent(in)

jl : integer
looping index
changel : real*8, intent(inout), dimension(:, :)

iterbackward : logical
logical that imposes the iterative solution direction
iii : integer, intent(in)

jjj : integer, intent(in)

l : integer, intent(in)

aerotot : real*8
the total aerosol concentration, which includes both the semivolatile aerosol phase and
aerotot_gas : real*8
same as AEROtot but for the gas phase (used as a replacement when AEROtot=0.d0)
sigma :
-ij,sigma_ik,sigma_jk used for the activity coefficient calculations
zc : real*8
the activity coefficient BEFORE new condensation and BEFORE the validity check (needed only for diagnistic output)
meanmw : real*8
the mean molecular weight of the total condensation affected aerosol phase, BEFORE new condensation
kmf : integer
indices for the activity coefficient calculation
jmf : integer
indices for the activity coefficient calculation
imf : integer
indices for the activity coefficient calculation
sigma_ij : real*8

sigma_ik : real*8

sigma_kj : real*8

xmf : real*8, dimension(soacomp)
the mole fraction of species in the aerosol phase BEFORE new condensation
zcoef : real*8, dimension(soacomp)
final value of activity coefficient BEFORE new condensation (this is the value that is
kp : real*8, dimension(nsoa)
final value of partitioning coefficient after applying all relevant parameters to the reference case kpart_ref
m0err : real*8, parameter
maximum error requested by the iterative solution. THIS IS COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE DEPENDENT!
Initial Value = 1.d-10
m0 : real*8
the total aerosol concentration. After the end of the iterations, this is the solution.
pcp : real*8
the total aerosol concentration that cannot evaporate. The abbreviation comes from
m0temp : real*8
the M0 before an iterative solution is found
m0a : real*8
lower limit of M0 during iteration
m0b : real*8
upper limit of M0 during iteration
m0err_curr : real*8
the M0 error for the current iteration, based on M0a, M0b, M0err and computer architecture
soamass : real*8, dimension(nsoa)
the total concentration that can partition (ug m-3)
partfact2 : real*8, dimension(nsoa)
help variable for the M0 calculation
partfact1 : real*8, dimension(nsoa)
help variable for the M0 calculation
partfact : real*8, dimension(nsoa)
help variable for the M0 calculation
iternum : integer
counter for the number of iterations per box (not saved)
b : real*8
iteration help parameter
a : real*8
iteration help parameter
y2 : real*8
iteration help parameter
y1 : real*8
iteration help parameter
x2 : real*8
iteration help parameter
x1 : real*8
iteration help parameter
i : integer

so4part : logical, parameter
set to true if partitioning can occur in sulfur-containing aerosols
Initial Value = .false.
nh4part : logical, parameter
set to true if partitioning can occur in nitrogen-containing aerosols
Initial Value = .false.
soaevap : logical, parameter
set to true if SOA can evaporate after condensation
Initial Value = .true.

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