IndexRundeck: E6TomaF40Created: Fri May 17 03:30:39 EDT 2024


Module: SOCPBL
File: PBL.f
Summary: dflux computes the dimensionless surface fluxes of momentum, heat and moisture (drag coefficient Cm , Stanton number Ch, and Dalton number Cq), with explicit Schmidt number (Sc) and Prandtl number (Pr) dependence and flexibility for water isotopes. It also computes the roughness lengths for momentum, z0m (for itype=1 or 2, i.e., surface type ocean or seaice), for temperature, z0h, and for water vapor, z0q, all in meters (Hartke and Rind, 1997). It is called from within subroutine stars.
Author : Ye Cheng/G. Hartke (mods by G. Schmidt)

lmonin : real*8, intent(in)
= Monin-Obukhov length (m)
ustar : real*8
= friction speed (sqrt of surface momentum flux) (m/sec)
vsurf : real*8, intent(in)
= total surface wind speed, used to limit ustar -> cm
ts : real*8, intent(in)
= surface air temperature (K)
zgs : real*8, intent(in)
= height of the surface layer (m)
itype : integer, intent(in)
= integer identifying surface type
z0m : real*8, intent(inout)
= roughness length for momentum, computed (itype=1,2)
z0m : real*8, intent(inout)
= roughness length for momentum, computed (itype=1,2)
cm : real*8, intent(out)
= drag coefficient for momentum
ch : real*8, intent(out)
= Stanton number
cq : real*8, intent(out)
= Dalton number
z0h : real*8, intent(out)
= roughness length for temperature (m)
z0q : real*8, intent(out)
= roughness length for water vapor (m)
sc : real*8, parameter
= Schmidt (no relation) number (visc_air_kin/diff)
Initial Value = 0.595d0
pr : real*8, parameter
= Prandtl number (visc_air_kin/therm_diff)
Initial Value = 0.71d0
fac_cq_tr :
= ratio of cq for water isotopes = f(Sc_tr)
visc_air_kin : used from constant

ustar0 : real*8, intent(in)

dm : real*8, intent(out)

nu : real*8

num : real*8

nuh : real*8

nuq : real*8

dpsim : real*8

dpsih : real*8

dpsiq : real*8

dum : real*8

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