IndexRundeck: E6TomaF40Created: Fri May 17 03:30:39 EDT 2024


File: SEAICE.f
Summary: SEAICE contains all the sea ice related subroutines
Author : Original Development Team

ADDICE adds ice formed in the ocean to ice variables
Calculation of thermal diffusion of ice J/(m*degC*sec) =f(T,S) (based on Pringle et al, 2007)
Calculation of effective specific heat of ice J/(kg degC) =f(T,S)
Calculation of effective specific heat of ice J/(kg degC) =f(T,S)
Calculation of energy of ice (J/kg) as a function of temp and salinity
Calculation of the energy of ice melt (J/kg) as a function of salinity
Calculation of liquid water that can be frozen in ice (kg/m2)
Split thermal layer fields into ice and snow components in each thermal layer: i.e. SNOW in L1/L2, ICE in L1/L2
icelake calculates fluxes at base of lake ice (no salinity)
iceocean calculates fluxes at base of sea ice
Calculation of ice melt (kg/m2) as a function of hsi and salinity
PREC_SI Adds the precipitation to sea/lake ice
relayer lower level ice because of mass flux btw layer 2 and 3 and possible changes in mass in each layer
Relayer upper 2 snow/ice layers if required
SEA_ICE applies surface fluxes to ice covered areas
Collect snow and ice mass layer fields into thermal layers SNOW in L1 and L2, ICE in L1 , ICE in L2
SIMELT melts sea ice laterally and if it is too small Note: all amounts are with respect to the ocean/lake fraction

solar_ice_frac calculates the fraction of solar radiation transmitted through the ice, taking albedo into account, but assuming constant proportions of visible and near-ir. Based on Ebert et al, 1995.
SSIDEC decays salinity in sea ice
tfrez calculates freezing temperature of sea water
Ti calculates sea ice temperature as a function of internal energy and salinity content depending on ice thermo formulation
Ti2b calculates sea ice temperature as a function of internal energy and salinity content depending on ice thermo formulation when ice and snow are present in the same layer
TICE returns array of ice temperatures from model variables

Global Variables:
lhm : used from constant

rhoi : used from constant

Used by: | :deltasnowt | :printlk | :seaice_to_atmgrid | :surface | :surface_landice |
byrhoi : used from constant

Used by: | :deltasnowt |
rhow : used from constant

shi : used from constant

shw : used from constant

byshi : used from constant

bylhm : used from constant

rhows : used from constant

seconds_per_day : used from timeconstants_mod

dtdp : real*8, parameter
Clausius-Clapeyron Constant (dT/dp of ice) [K Pa-1]
Initial Value = -7.5d-8
lmi : integer, parameter
number of temperature layers in ice
Initial Value = 4
Used by: | :advsi_diag_ocnml | :altstyle_seaice_ic | :checki | :form_si | :ground_si | :melt_si | :precip_si | :read_seaice | :seaice_to_atmgrid | :underice | SEAICE_COM |
ntm : integer

Used by: | :advsi | :advsi_diag_ocnml | :alloc_drv_ocean | :form_si | :ground_si | :melt_si | :precip_si | :read_seaice | :si_diags | :underice |
xsi : real*8, parameter, dimension(lmi)
fractions of mass layer in each temp. layer
Initial Value = (/0.5d0, 0.5d0, 0.5d0, 0.5d0/)
Used by: | :advsi | :altstyle_seaice_ic | :checki | :daily_lake | :deltasnowt | :form_si | :ground_si | :init_single_seaice_tracer | :melt_si | :precip_si | :printlk | :read_seaice | :seaice_to_atmgrid | :set_noice_defaults | :surface | :surface_landice | :underice |
byxsi : real*8, parameter, dimension(lmi)
recipricol of XSI
Initial Value = (/ 1./XSI(1), 1./XSI(2), 1./XSI(3), 1./XSI(4) /)
z1i : real*8, parameter
thickness of first layer ice [m]
Initial Value = .1d0
Used by: | :read_seaice |
ace1i : real*8, parameter
ice mass first layer [kg/m^2]
Initial Value = Z1I*RHOI
Used by: | :advsi | :advsi_diag_ocnml | :altstyle_seaice_ic | :calc_apress | :checki | :conserv_lmsi | :conserv_omsi | :daily_lake | :deltasnowt | :dynsi | :form_si | :ground_si | :init_single_seaice_tracer | :melt_si | :precip_si | :printlk | :read_seaice | :seaice_to_atmgrid | :set_noice_defaults | :si_diags | :surface | :surface_diag1 | :surface_landice |
z2oim : real*8, parameter
min. thickness of 2nd layer ice [m] (if > 0)
Initial Value = .1d0
Used by: | :read_seaice |
ac2oim : real*8, parameter
min. ice mass 2nd layer [kg/m^2] (if > 0)
Initial Value = Z2OIM*RHOI
Used by: | :daily_lake | :read_seaice | :set_noice_defaults | :underice |
alami0 : real*8, parameter
lambda coefficient for ice [J m-1 K-1 s-1]
Initial Value = 2.11d0
Used by: | :surface | :surface_landice |
alams : real*8, parameter
lambda coefficient for snow [J m-1 K-1 s-1]
Initial Value = 0.35d0
Used by: | :deltasnowt |
alamds : real*8, parameter
salinity/temp coefficient for conductivity (J/(m*s)/psu)
Initial Value = 0.09d0
alamdt : real*8, parameter
temp coefficient for conductivity (J/(m*s)/degC^2)
Initial Value = -0.011d0
rhos : real*8, parameter
density of snow [kg/m^3]
Initial Value = 300.0
Used by: | :deltasnowt | :ground_li | :ground_si | :seaice_to_atmgrid | :si_diags |
fleadoc : real*8, parameter
lead fraction for ocean ice (1) for mean ice thickness of 1 m
Initial Value = 0.06d0
Used by: | :form_si | :read_seaice |
fleadlk : real*8, parameter
lead fraction for lakes [%]
Initial Value = 0.
Used by: | :form_si |
fleadmx : real*8, parameter
maximum thickness for lead fraction [m]
Initial Value = 5.
byhref : real*8, parameter
(1/m) reciprocal of scale depth for calculating open water
Initial Value = 1.1d0
byrls : real*8, parameter
reciprocal of snow density*lambda
Initial Value = 1./(RHOS*ALAMS)
Used by: | :surface | :surface_landice |
mu : real*8, parameter
coefficient of seawater freezing point w.r.t. salinity
Initial Value = 0.054d0
ssi0 : real*8, parameter
default value for sea ice salinity (=3.2ppt) [kg/kg]
Initial Value = 0.0032d0
Used by: | :read_seaice | :set_noice_defaults | OCNML:osourc | OCNML:run_ocnml |
fsss : real*8, parameter
fraction of ocean salinity found in new-formed ice [1]
Initial Value = 8d0/35d0
qsfix : logical
flag is true if salinity of sea ice is constant
Initial Value = .false.
Used by: | :ground_si | :init_ocean |
alpha : real*8, parameter
implicity for heat diffusion in sea ice (1=fully implicit)
Initial Value = 1.0
Used by: | :underice |
oi_ustar0 : real*8
default ice-ocean friction velocity [m/s]
Initial Value = 1d-3
Used by: | :init_oceanice |
silmfac : real*8
factor controlling lateral melt of ocean ice
Initial Value = 1.d-7
Used by: | :init_oceanice |
silmpow : real*8
exponent for temperature dependence of lateral melt
Initial Value = 1.36d0
snow_ice : integer
=1 to allow for snow ice formation (default=1)
Initial Value = 1
Used by: | :ground_si | :init_oceanice |
osurf_tilt : integer
controls calc. of ocean surface tilt for ice dyn:
Initial Value = 1
Used by: | :init_ocean | ICEDYN |
ssimin : real*8
critical cutoff for salt amount [kg/kg]
Initial Value = 1d-6
debug : logical
Used by: | :form_si | :ground_si | :melt_si | :precip_si | :underice |
seaice_thermo : character*2
formulation of sea ice thermodynamics (BP or SI)
Initial Value = "BP"
Used by: | :init_oceanice |

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